Wretch Like Me (Marvel Mutant quest)

[X] Go to the Daily Bugle and try to sell papers for them.
Kinda scared to ask about the exact details for that under the table cleaning job, so I'm just gonna go with selling papers.
[X] Go to Ed and get that under the table cleaning job.

Given the MC situation, maybe this is what she would rather do. Not too many questions, just do the job and get paid. What could possibli go wrong?
[X] Go to the Daily Bugle and try to sell papers for them.

Working at a newspaper could maybe help us find our sister, or at least stay informed of what's going on.
1.2 The Job
[X] Go to Ed and get that under the table cleaning job.

Evelyn made her way to Ed's usual haunt, a nice street where he panhandled for money. Smiling at her, he waved her over and she ambled over.

"What do you need me for, girl?" he asked, giving her a knowing look.

"Well, I was wondering if that under the table cleaning job was still available?" she asked, hands in jacket pockets.

"Ahhh, that. Yes, it's still available. It's from an old friend who owes me a favor," he explained. Ed stood up and started walking to a nearby payphone. He dialed a number after loading it with coins and waited patiently.

"Hey it's Edward, I'm calling about that job ... She's a good kid, don't worry ... Today? That's good ... Thanks Thomas," He hung up and turned to Evelyn. "Well he needs someone today, great news. It's at Oscorp, he's expecting you in an hour. He'll be in the lounge in a blue suit."

Evelyn calculated how long it'd take to get there and nodded firmly. "Alright, I better get going, thanks Ed!"

She ran off, jogging as she headed to the Oscorp building uptown. The buildings got even taller and the people more elite as she moved, making her uncomfortable, but she managed to get to the building without incident and while the security gave her a hard look, they didn't stop her. A man in a blue suit stood up from the lounge area and strode over to her while scrutinizing her. He had all white hair that was coifed perfectly and grey gloves.

"You're Ed's recommendation?" he asked, primly.

"Yup," she said nervously.

"Well, I'm Thomas Gendry, head of cleaning staff. Come with me, I need to measure you for your uniform and such." He said, turning on a dime and heading to a back door. Evelyn trotted alongside him. As soon as the doors closed behind them, he began talking.

"You'll be paid 60 dollars for six hours of work out of my personal wallet. If I need you for longer, you will be compensated accordingly. There are facilities to shower if you need it. Try to keep your head down and you'll do fine," he said, before taking her to a laundry room and pulling out a measure tape from somewhere. "Hmm, you're a medium. I'll give you three uniforms, please try not to lose them."

The uniforms were a baby blue color that smelled fresh. Evelyn loved them instantly. He looked at her face and sighed.

"Those sunglasses aren't going to work," he searched around the room and found a pair of black goggles. He handed them to Evelyn who took them gratefully.

"Just say you have a light sensitivity if someone bothers you about them," he said dismissively. He checked a clipboard on the wall. "It looks like you're doing the penthouse, floor 16, and the cafeteria floor. Also if you find, god forbid, any blood or worse, do not try to clean it up yourself, fetch me or the floor manager and we'll handle it. Here's your pass and schedule. Don't lose this either."

She nodded and headed into the locker rooms to change. Starting at the cafeteria floor, she found that it wasn't terribly hard job as she had dealt with worse being homeless. Floor 16 was interesting as it was the bio research floor. Mostly very full of plants. The penthouse was where things were interesting.

It was fairly clean already and she was mostly getting rid of dust and vacuuming. Harry Osborn was inside, talking on the phone. He nodded at her as she passed, but continued talking.

"Look, I want it discontinued. What my father was doing was very inappropriate and no longer represents the Oscorp brand ... I don't care, break the contract! ... I'm getting an important call, goodbye," he snapped, hanging up and switching to the other call.

"Cathy, it's so nice to hear you ..." He said, in a sweet tone. Evelyn paused. What a weird coincidence. She kept vacuuming. "You should move out of that apartment and in with me, Hell's Kitchen is no place for you ..."

What? Evelyn paused again. Could this be ... ?

But before she could do anything, a large tall man with red hair came through the door. "Osborn, I need to talk to you."

"Can you hold for me honey?" Harry Osborn said into the phone, before glaring at the man. "Dr. Octavius, I am busy."

"Talking to that girl of yours yes. You have more important responsibilities such as allowing the military to contract my work." Dr. Octavius spat out.

"The military does not need your tentacles to kill more civilians." Harry said, exasperated.

"I need the money to fund my research!" He exclaimed.

"And I told you, you need to diversify." Harry said, growing more heated.

What do you do?

[ ] Ask Harry Osborn if the woman on the phone is Catherine Schwartz.

[ ] Quietly leave. You don't want to get caught up in this.

[ ] Suggest a science project for Doctor Octavius.
-[ ] Write In.

[ ] Write In.
[X] Ask Harry Osborn if the woman on the phone is Catherine Schwartz.

We've been thinking about looking for our sister… Even if the MC is a little shy, she wouldn't waste such an opportunity.

EDIT - Maybe we could combine several options in a "write in"? Or would that be cheating?
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