Wretch Like Me (Marvel Mutant quest)

[x] Investigate the strange happenings with the abandoned warehouse. [UNLOCK 'THE LAST UNICORN' STORYLINE]
[X] Go to Hell's Kitchen and ask around for her sister. (DC: 10. I Roll 1d20)

Find sister.
[X] Go to Hell's Kitchen and ask around for her sister.

Well our character might become a Simurgh-Expy later on so I'm aboard this train. Also, I know that we might get fucked hard by choosing this one, but we need information at least.
[X] Go to Hell's Kitchen and ask around for her sister. (DC: 10. I Roll 1d20)

Nope no magic unicorn bullshit time to find our sis
[X] Investigate the strange happenings with the abandoned warehouse. [UNLOCK 'THE LAST UNICORN' STORYLINE]

Immensely suspicious, either literal magic stuff or an encounter with another Mutant.
[x] Investigate the strange happenings with the abandoned warehouse. [UNLOCK 'THE LAST UNICORN' STORYLINE]

This seems fun
I have become curious what plot line popped out our beloved QM's mind, so lets poke it and find out.
[x] Investigate the strange happenings with the abandoned warehouse. [UNLOCK 'THE LAST UNICORN' STORYLINE]
[X] Investigate the strange happenings with the abandoned warehouse. [UNLOCK 'THE LAST UNICORN' STORYLINE]

"I should be looking for my sister… Oooh, shiny. What's that? A sidequest!"

Hopefully our weak telepathy and telekinesis will protect us from the Unicorn.
Eventually were going to pass her on the street and subsequently ignore her doing something new like getting pics of spidey or spying on some villains getting all their juicy secret's
[X] Investigate the strange happenings with the abandoned warehouse. [UNLOCK 'THE LAST UNICORN' STORYLINE]
1.9 The Last of Their Kind
[X] Investigate the strange happenings with the abandoned warehouse. [UNLOCK 'THE LAST UNICORN' STORYLINE]

Evelyn decided to investigate the abandoned warehouse, out of curiosity. It'd certainly be harder to do during the winter. She took a bus there and then started walking towards it. She felt a strong sense of unease as she approached the warehouse, feeling like she had to turn back. In fact, the further on she went towards it, the more unbearable the feeling got until finally she had to stop moving. This wasn't natural, she thought, as she stood in front of the building. With an enormous force of will, she grabbed the door of the building and opened it. The feeling vanished and she staggered inside, feeling strangely lightened by the lack of burden upon her. Then the lights flickered on.

Evelyn came face to face with an enormous wolf. It was a thin lean silver wolf that dwarfed her by being twice her size and it's all yellow eyes seemed to follow Evelyn as she shrieked and landed on her ass.

"Yes ... you'll do," it spoke with a low guttural voice, before it closed the door behind her with it's snout.

"For dinner?!" she said without thinking.

"No," it said curtly. "You are to find me the last Unicorn."

"Unicorns don't exist," she said, eyes wide.

"In my world they used to. They served as prey for my kind until we foolishly overhunted them, until I, the last Wolf, and the last Unicorn were left," it mused. "Then the last Unicorn escaped my world to another and another. Until finally, I pursued it to this world. To this city."

"That um, sounds like a nice story, but I should go now," Evelyn said, standing up. It bared its teeth at her.

"You will do this task for me or my last act shall be crushing your bones between my teeth," it promised. Evelyn shrank back and nodded. It relaxed and eyed her calculatingly.

"The Unicorn is somewhere in the district known as Hell's Kitchen. You have until sunrise to find it," It spat out a tooth suddenly. "Crack this tooth to summon me. If you succeed, I shall reward you with power."

"Um .. Okay!" She said, taking the large tooth that was the size of her palm and ran out. Running until she was gasping for breath, she leaned over and thought 'Fuck!'


She was in Hell's Kitchen in the evening, not exactly the best time for it. But she couldn't help but remember the wolf's very very large teeth. She turned on her telepathy, hoping she could detect the unicorn's thoughts.




She paused, seeing a young black girl run past her and into an alleyway. Evelyn turned to follow her in and followed her quietly to ... a golden unicorn. It had a golden coat of gold, a cloud like mane of emerald greens and sea blues, and a fucking horn. The girl had a small succulent in its hands and presented it to the unicorn. It was smaller than what Evelyn expected, as the wolf was enormous and the unicorn was simply horse sized.

"I brought it just like you said!" She said excitedly.

"Someone followed you dear," it said, tired. The girl gasped and turned around.

"Go away! She's tired!" she yelled at her.

"It's okay, I'm okay with whatever happens next," it assured her, staggering to its feet. It eyed her. "You're from the Wolf, aren't you?"

"Uhhhh ... " Evelyn said trailing off.

"I can help you destroy the wolf. All you must do is crack the tooth at Dr. Strange's house," it urged.

What do you do?

[ ] Summon the Wolf by cracking the tooth.

[ ] Pet the Unicorn. You can't kill this poor thing!

[ ] Write In.
Well, now even the sidequest is telling us to look for our sister in Hell's Kitchen. Wink wink nudge nudge.

"Crack this tooth to summon me. If you succeed, I shall reward you with power."

Yes, yes… Power is goood. And surely we will get to keep our soul and everything! We just have to murder that Unicorn.

[X] Summon the Wolf by cracking the tooth.
Worth noting, if the Wolves managed to hunt down the Unicorns, and expects to win here, then they and thus whatever gifts we get from them will probably be stronger.

On the other hand, the Unicorn is far more likely to be a long term ally, and probably will have a friendlier power. I would not at all be surprised if the power we get from the Wolf is that Fear Aura trick it pulled, which has issues like being obvious as fuck and lacking friendly fire.

Alrighty then, next up, which side deserves support. Wolf is hunting the Unicorn down out of pride if I'm not mistaken, and seems rather callous in general. It did threaten us into going along after all. Meanwhile, the Unicorn seems accepting of its fate whatever that may be, and it isn't hostile/seems kind. Still cunning and ruthless if pushed, it is intending to drop the Sorcerer Supreme on the Wolf.

Whichever we choose, commit. Do not hesitate. Don not look back and wonder "what if." Just do it and push onwards.
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[X] Pet the Unicorn. You can't kill this poor thing!
-[X] Agree to help them defeat the Wolf.

Yeah, let's not help the wolf monster whose people hunted down the unicorns. Evelyn is a Mutant and would be hunted down as a point of pride, so... kind of hypocritical to help the wolf.