Do You Want to be Male or Female?

  • Male

    Votes: 14 37.8%
  • Female

    Votes: 6 16.2%
  • Let the Roll Decide

    Votes: 17 45.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Voting is Now Closed!
If I could tally for me I would very much appreciate it.
Vote Tally : Welcome to Jurassic Park: The Quest | Page 20 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.1.15
[X] Play with Light Blue Gray Brother's Group
No. of Votes: 2
[X] Play with Pebble Sister's Group
No. of Votes: 2

Total No. of Voters: 4
Vote Tally : Welcome to Jurassic Park: The Quest | Page 20 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.1.15
[X] Play with Light Blue Gray Brother's Group
No. of Votes: 2
[X] Play with Pebble Sister's Group
No. of Votes: 2

Total No. of Voters: 4
Alright looks like things are tied up... I'm going to give you guys 5.5 hours, till 11:00pm (EST) to break this tie on your own. Thanks a bunch for doing the Tally RandomLurker. I appreciate you going out of yor way to do this for me. :)
If there is no break in the tie, then I will do a coin flip... 1 will be for Brother and 2 will be for Sister.
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Sorry everyone, I feel asleep before I could roll the tie breaker... Oops. Anyways, here we go!


And off to play with Brother we Go! Next chapter will be out later today or tomorrow.
Chapter 3:1
Chapter Three: Part 1
Eight Days Later

Soundtrack: Morning Over the Serengeti from the Best of African Tribal Orchestra Music
Go Buy It Today!... Well, only if you like this type of music like I do.

You awake to the arrival of the stars in the sky. It has been eight days since Mother revealed her...rivalry? with the Odd known to the pack as Brown Odd. In the days and nights following that incident, she has recovered from the biting/stinging that the Gray Tree and the Gray Vines gave her. The markings that resulted from the contact she made with it are almost gone, and she has regained enough to go on the hunt with Father and the rest of the pack.

Slack-Jaw often over watches you and your siblings when they do go on the hunt through the forests, woods, clearings, and jungles that make up the pack's territory. In the days since the Smell-Beast (car), as you and your trio took to calling whatever that thing was, there have been four hunts. Of those four hunts, only two were successful in ending with a kill that was kept by the pack. The third successful kill, in the sense of success not time, was stolen by a Two-Crested (real life dilo) pack soon after the actual killing. The fourth hunt, and most recent having only occurred the day before, ended in failure when a Two-Claw (Rex) hunting pair overtook the startled herd of Round-Heads (Corythosaurus).

The pack was hungry currently, but that hadn't stopped you from having fun with your siblings. Most of the last eight days had been spent playing games with Light Blue Gray Brother. Games of Chase, Hide and Hunt, Tree Jump, Play Fight were amongst the varieties of games that had been enjoyed by the both of you. You two were both still tied for wins in Play Fights, infuriating enough, and somehow Stone Sister managed to always be nearby when you lost. You really do not like that fact. Still, it was all fun and games for you and the rest of your brood as of late. No further adventures outside the Nesting Clearing, no journeys to the river or kill sites, no nothing.

Well, that was not exactly true. Mother had taken to bringing small groups of three out to the Gray Tree with her when she was not on patrol or hunting. She did so at least once a day, at first, when the incident was still fresh in mind. She told those groups of brothers and sisters of the Two Who Came Before, of Mother Mammal and Alpha Odd, and her...dislike of Brown Odd. By now, all of the brood has been told about the Two Who Came Before and Brown Odd. Brown Odd now was a strong enemy in the games of Pretend that were played.

You quickly shake off the sleepiness and the weird moment of recollection that typically played itself out whenever you awoke, you blame the Gaping-Jaws (deinosuchus) and your recent need of reassurance you gained for these odd moments. Taking in your surroundings, you notice that the first one awake. You can already feel the temptation to wake up everyone in the pack.

What Are You Going To Do? Choose One.

[X] Wake Up a Sibling
-[x] Write-In Who
[X] Explore the Clearing's Trees
[X] Wake Up a Grown
-[x] Write-In Who
[X] Explore the Clearing's Nests
[X] Wake Up some Siblings
-[x] Write-In Who
[X] Explore the Edges of the Clearing
[X] Wake Up some Grown
-[x] Write-In Who
[X] Explore Just Outside the Clearing
[X] Wake Up the Entire Pack

QM Note: Sorry that this chapter is so short. I wanted to advance things further, and Timeskip seemed to be the best option, but I don't really know how to write those really well. Hope you guys think the music fits in the same way I do. Can you guys tell me how I am doing so far in this quest, it is my first time writing a quest and I just want to know how I am doing. If you notice any errors, grammatical or otherwise, just let me know.

Anyways, ignoring my self-doubts as a writer, I have a roll I can already tell you guys I have need for. The roll is a 1d20 and is a random event roll. Don't worry too much about results, random event rolls are just things I put in to create future plot twists/advancements/etc. I decide randomly when I feel like they should occur, so don't worry about them coming up too often. More rolls incoming for the next chapter so expect them to show up sometime Thursday or Friday.

Deadline: Thursday, August 20th, 2015 at 5:00pm (EST).
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[X] Explore the Clearing's Trees

Well, anyone curious to what's going on with the T-Rex pair and why they have moved into our territory?
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The Time for Voting has Ended! Voting is Closed.

6 Votes for [X] Explore the Clearing's Trees
- RandomLurker
- Smugraptor
- Night_Stalker
- veekie
- Mechasaurian
- Lazurman

Edit: If someone could double check the tally for me it would be much appreciated.
Calling for Rolls!

I need a 1d10 roll for &$@&/&. Thanks! If the results turn out just right, I might need another, just letting you guys know now. Remember, one person per roll.

Sorry it is taking me so long to get this part out. I just have not had the best opportunities to get to work on it lately, what with bad WiFi and IRL friend gatherings.
Chapter 3:2
Chapter 3 Part 2
Stargazing 1

Soundtrack: Brand X Music, Heart of Africa

Your mind and eyes linger on the pack huddle, before twitching to the alert sentries at opposing ends of the clearing. Both females, one Scar-Snout and the other Slack-Jaw, take note of your state of awareness and quietly whistle a good moon rise. You whistle them a similar greeting, before turning your attention back to the sleeping pack. It would be so easy to wake up any one of them, Mother, Father, Light Blue Gray Brother, Pebble Sister, anyone of them. It is so tempting to, for various reasons...but you decide not to do so in the end. You feel like it might be more Grown-like not to do something like that, no matter how tempting.

Shaking off the temptation, you turn your gaze to the trees. The shadows they cast darken and block the great majority of what you could see of the Moon and the stars. You dig your claw into the soil and vegetation and search yourself for other things to do while you wait for someone else to wake up. It doesn't take long for you to give up on that and just head to the nearest tree trunk though.

As you clamber up, you reflect on the feeling that you get from watching the stars. The strange sense of smallness that, while present most of the time around the Grown, is only magnified and truly brought to the forefront of your mind when you look up at those that dwell in the sky. The stars just seem to demand this, this sense of respect when you look up at them. They seem to hold stories that you could only imagine slowly circling and traversing the paths up high. You are sure, somehow, that Those That Came Before may have had things they could have told you about the Helpers.

When you speak of this, most times the Grown gain some sort of look in their eyes. Mother is the one who, you have noticed after several occurrences of this phenomenon, to be the most affected by whatever is happening. Still, the Grown are the ones that generally accept this odd fascination the most generously overall. Your siblings cover a wide range of different responses with the oldest two, Silver Sister and Bright Dark Gray Sister, being the most mocking. Light Blue Gray Brother doesn't really understand your fascination with the Helpers either, but accepts it as just part of what makes you, yourself, part of what makes you Pebble Brother.

The only one who truly understands seems to be Gray Sister. During the nights when you are both the only siblings awake, the sentries don't really count since they are so busy, you two will just stare into the ether where the stars tread. Sometimes, she will tell you stories she makes up about the stars. The Lone One, whom nevers moves, is probably your favourite of the stories she has told. She works on them, her stories anyways, often and is what you have figured she spends most of her time on.

You drop the line of thought as you reach the higher branches that still support you. In your early days, you could reach the tops of the trees but not anymore. Your weight and size limit you in where in the trees you can go, but not so much as to eliminate the better spots for Helper watching. Creating a mental path of branches that still support you, you hop and fiddle your way along to your preferred watching spot.

Your favourite star watching spot is a point high in the trees where two thick branches intercept each other. You found that you can more easily lounge onto one of the two branches on your belly and use the other to angle your snout just right for comfortable Helper observation. As you carefully position yourself, just because it is a comfy spot doesn't mean it is easy or the safest spot, you get ready to lose yourself amongst random thoughts and the stars in the sky.

You do lose yourself, quite readily, for a stretch of time you cannot really tell. The stars lazily floated down their set paths, but you are not experienced enough in their ways to tell time by them. You are only brought out of your introspection by a voice chittering below.

What Do You Do?

[X] Write-In Option

QM Note: Alright, I apologize for the lateness of this part. Things happened and it got delayed. Oh well, things happen. Hope that you guys like this filler. The rolls from before will be revealed!...In the next part or parts. I'm not exactly going to reveal the 1d20 because it is a Random Event roll and I like to keep those close to my vest, so to speak. Trollololol.

Anyways, next week is busy for me. Just letting you know. I won't have any electronic access from Thursday to Saturday so don't expect updates then. I will be camping, tents, fires, s'mores, the works. Hopefully, it will inspire me more. Stars, you know. I tried to get what I feel when I stargaze into here FYI, hopefully I did it justice while leaving in enough vagueness for what you guys experience too.

Deadline is Tuesday, August 25, 2015 at 6:00pm (EST).

Edit: Sorry about the shortness of the part and forgetting to put up the deadline....again.
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I'm not exactly going to reveal the 1d20 because it is a Random Event roll and I like to keep those close to my vest, so to speak. Trollololol

Okay I am willing to admit that when I saw the Trollololo bit I thought troodon's did anyone else think that because I couldn't be the only one right.

[X] See what is causing the chatter below. Stay in the trees and observe carefully. Try to not attract attention.
[X] See what is causing the chatter below. Stay in the trees and observe carefully. Try to not attract attention.
[X] See what is causing the chatter below. Stay in the trees and observe carefully. Try to not attract attention.