Do You Want to be Male or Female?

  • Male

    Votes: 14 37.8%
  • Female

    Votes: 6 16.2%
  • Let the Roll Decide

    Votes: 17 45.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Voting is Now Closed!
If I could get someone to tally, I would very much appreciate it. :D
I think it is kind of obvious who won...
Voting is Now Closed!
If I could get someone to tally, I would very much appreciate it. :D
I think it is kind of obvious who won...
Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] Call for a team-up with someone to swarm the kill for extra food. And then we retreat to the outskirts.
No. of votes: 1

---[x] Light Blue Gray Brother
No. of votes: 1

[X] Tell Mother of the incoming Growling
No. of votes: 7

-[X] Don't Exaggerate
No. of votes: 7
Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] Call for a team-up with someone to swarm the kill for extra food. And then we retreat to the outskirts.
No. of votes: 1

---[x] Light Blue Gray Brother
No. of votes: 1

[X] Tell Mother of the incoming Growling
No. of votes: 7

-[X] Don't Exaggerate
No. of votes: 7
Okay, looks like we got our next course of action. I will do my best to get the next bit out by tomorrow night. Thanks Night Stalker for the tally, I appreciate you taking the time to do so.
Chapter 2:10
Chapter Two: Part 10

Soundtrack: Drums of Thunder (Native American Music)

You place your gaze to the eye ridges that shadow Mother's eyes and twitter, "Mother, we three," you gesture with your head to Pebble Sister and Light Blue Gray Brother, "heard an oncoming Growling thing out by the Gray Tree." Mother's eyes seem to penetrate your being, looking into your inner thoughts, secrets, and personal being. "It was out by this strange rock formation, if that helps," Pebble Sister remarks. Mother snaps her gaze to her and squawks, "Oh! So it is, is it?" She slowly turns to your brother after and does the same penetrating stare into their essence of self to them. She contemplates something for a moment, then barks softly to your trio, "Come along, my young. There is something I want to show you."

You follow after your Mother as she makes her way through the vegetation your little trio had hurried through, Mother chirping to Father, "You are in charge while I am gone." As you vanish into the brush after her, you can hear Father cawing, "See you soon. Tell HER I send my greetings." You wonder what Father meant as you follow after Mother, her long, slow stride easy enough to keep up with and you end up accidentally starting a small game of Chase with your brother and sister while following her.

Mother stops you from getting to into your game by arriving at the site closer to the strange, rock formation soon after the game begins. Vaguely you note that the origin of the growling sound is a lot closer now. Looking around you, you notice that Mother is moving herself to be so close to the rock formation that she could rub itchy scales against it if she were inclined to do so.

You move to ask Mother a question, walking behind the flat face of the rock formation and hidden from the odd clearing, when she cuts you off with a click of her jaws. Mother signals something through the silent talk. You know enough silent talk to interpret that she has commanded you and your siblings to hide in the trees. You scurry to the base and scramble up to the densest collection of leaves you can. Your sister manages to do so in a higher up portion of the tree, while your brother hides in a cluster not to far from you.

Mother hisses impatiently at the oncoming, foul smelling thing, the being's nostril-choking scent strangling most other scents out of the wind. Mother scrutinizes the darkened mud coloured right pupil of the strange beast closely than the sand coloured left pupil. She call-coughs to the thing, breaking the silence as the oddity draws ever closer. It's resonating growl slowly turning into something akin to a purr. The response gets Mother to give a series of call-coughs again. In your stunned silence, you read her posture as almost hopeful of something.

Quietly, almost unnoticeably, you hear Light Blue Gray Brother ask Pebble Sister, "Why is she calling to the Smell-Beast? Do you know why she is treating it as if it was a lost pack member?" You can hear your sister respond, hissing harshly but breathlessly, "I don't know! Shut up so I can hear." "I don't know either," you find yourself chittering. You are about to go on and say more, but fall into silence as Mother barks, "OddFather! Alpha Odd! Are you there?!" Much more quietly, almost beyond your ability to make out, you can hear Mother trill, "Have you returned again..."

The Smell-Beast, as your brother called it, continues to make it's way down the path, though much more slowly than before. Mother call-coughs at it one more time before fixating her gaze at a strange, almost buried sand coloured pupil in the clear eye? on the beast's side. "YOU! You Diarrhetic Scum of the Eldest Tree-Beasts (sauropods)!" She squalls violently at the pupil, rattling the Gray Tree with a sudden lunge. Shiny lights fly as she leaps back from it, gaining some sort of response from the strange beast as the third pupil jostles in its socket.

"I know you had something to do with Alpha Odd's disappearance! I know it," she growls menacing, setting your scales to feeling like parasites crawl beneath them, at the retreating beast as it picks up speed. She races after it, jumping onto the rock formation and launching herself off it to almost getting over the top of the Gray Tree's highest branches and vines and just clinging to the top branch for a moment. "I know your scent, Brown Odd, we know your scent! The pack does not forget! Never forgets! Never forgives!"

Mother lets herself fall, landing crouched with teeth bared. She snarls at the absent Smell-Beast, before shaking off her frustration, anger, rage at it. She inhales through her nostrils and huffs the air back out shakily. She licks at the parts of her that made contact with the Gray Tree, before laying down. She seems to be containing herself, her body shivering from something. She call-coughs for you and your two siblings.

Choose Your Response

[X] Come down, warily.
[X] Come down. confidently.
[X] Call down to Mother, ask her what is going on.
-[X] Write-In What You Ask
[X] Write-In Response/Action

QM Note: Finally got this one out. I tried to get something interesting out here, but the story got away from me and I ended up introducing something else first. Oh well, what can you do. Muses do what muses will do. Hope that this intrigues you guys. Have fun speculating. :evil: Sorry if you guys don't think the music really fits. I have spent two hours looking for something that fits exactly. This is the closest I got without stealing songs I want to use in the relatively closing coming parts. Expect explanations soon.

Deadline is Thursday, August 13, 2015 at 6:00pm (EST).
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[X] Call down to Mother, ask her what is going on.
-[X] Who or what the hell are these "odd" things she is talking about?
Voting is Over! If somebody could rally for me, I would appreciate it very much. :)
Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] Tell Mother of the incoming Growling
No. of votes: 1

-[X] Don't Exaggerate
No. of votes: 1

[X] Come down, warily.
No. of votes: 3

-[X] Ask Mother what was that?
No. of votes: 1

[X] Call down to Mother, ask her what is going on.
No. of votes: 2

-[X] Who is Brown Odd?
No. of votes: 1

-[X] Who or what the hell are these odd things she is talking about?
No. of votes: 1
Looks like you guys are coming down warily. I do have a roll, a 1d15. First come, first served.

Thanks Night-Stalker for the tally, I seriously appreciate the fact that you take time to do this for me.
Chapter 2:11
Chapter Two: Part 11
That Day

Soundtrack: Under the Stars from The Lion King

Warily watching Mother as she gathered herself, you climb down the tree first. Embracing the tree, you constantly have to watch over your shoulder as you clamber down the main body of the tree to lookout for any signs of danger. You chitter to yourself that everything was going to be just fine, that Mother probably just burst out in a fit of anger at the Smell-Beast because it's scent offended her or something. You purposely put out Mother's ramblings about a 'Brown Odd' because the pack always mentioned the Odd as being something beyond relative comprehension.

Most beings and creatures that the pack had encountered had some pattern, some understandable motive for the things they did. The Bulge-Crests (parasaurolophus), for example prefer to wander the clearings in the forest by the Tree Beasts (sauropods) for the greater range of sight and forewarning it gives them along with the room it grants them. The pack always warned you about how the Odd weren't that way though. The Odd would do something like take care of offspring not even their own kind, let alone their own kin, for little payback. The Odd were just that, odd.

Getting within a sibling's height of the ground, you unlatch yourself from the tree and leap down to the grass and ground below. Constantly twisting and turning your line of sight around, you cautiously meander over to Mother. Now that you are closer, it seems that she is embracing herself with shaking forelimbs while licking the bad-scented parts of her claws that grabbed the Gray Tree's limbs. The calls and songs of the birds and other animals once again fill the area with their cacophony while you can just barely make out the slow breathing of your siblings as they watch you get in the last Grown's length of Mother.

Letting go of caution, you cuddle up to Mother and peep in a tiny, too tiny for your liking, voice "Mother, are you alright?" Her softening eyes, so much better to look at now than the hardened things they were before while glaring at the Smell-Beast, rest on you and drink you in. "Yes, youngling, I am alright. I am fine," Mother twitters, before noticing your accusing gaze, "Truthfully, I am okay. I just did not expect to have to face that Odd again." Your siblings, now huddling alongside other parts of Mother as she looks up to the sky up above. Her gaze settles on a point behind the limbs and shadows of the trees and below the falling Sun. It is in the beginning the end of it's flight, you can tell from the colouring of the sky into colours beyond the blue of day and the black of night.

"Long before the pack took up their current self-words, long before the first hunt, and longer before the Miracle, the pack were hatchlings. As hatchlings, the pack were alone, not even a pack. We were just a clutch, a brood of sisters. We had no Mother, no Father, no Grown to watch over us and teach us our ways. Rather," Mother pauses for a moment and huffs, "rather than those things, we had Mother Mammal and Alpha Odd." Her arm twitches, and you push yourself beneath her to get into a comfortable spot to clean her wound. She purrs to you, content in being cared for by one of her own.

"Mother Mammal was the one to teach the brood, the pack that was not yet pack, Mother Mammal taught us much; the value of connectedness, the value of pack. She taught us the importance of hunting wisely, and loving, caring, for those belonging to you that are younger, weaker, more hurt than you. Mother Mammal was wise...for a mammal. Her mud brown eyes always warm," Mother's eyes glazed in remembrance of her caretaker from so long ago, "loving, and her tongue always ready to bath you even in the most dirty of states. Her fur, soft and warm, was curly in the way that mosses are after a steady rain and was useful for play. She was the friendliest creature the pack has ever known, she would have loved you three so much, my smart, playful hatchlings."

"OddFather, Alpha Odd, was Mother Mammal's opposite. He was stern, withdrawn, distant. He was the provider, and protector. Alpha Odd taught the pack how to hunt, kill, and how to be wise. He was wise beyond any other that I have ever known," Mother's purr deepened as your siblings' joined in on cleaning Mother's wounds. She smothered you for a moment in a lick of her own before continuing her tale, "He knew things we could not comprehend. OddFather knew the bad plants and not-fleshs (fruits/mushrooms) from the ones that were good to eat. He knew the rising and lowerings of the tides and planned out traps for the swimmers during the ocean's high tides. OddFather knew how to create the Killing-Light (fire) and how to pacify it's rage and eternal hunger."

"Together they raised us for the first months of the pack's lives. In those days, we wanted for nothing and feared nothing. We hunted because hunting was fun, not necessary for feeding. We played, fought, and were loved by our caretakers. Mother Mammal cleaned us daily, if not more, and played with us, while Alpha Odd brought us good food and taught us things that we would need to survive the years ahead," she paused in her memories and hissed softly, almost unnoticeably, at a remembered offender, offence...or at an agitated wound. It was hard to tell.

"The one blight of our lives back then was Brown Odd. He was an outsider to the pack, a cowardly, fear-scented being. He watched us often, and always at the most unwanted times. He and Odd Alpha argued plenty. They screeched and screamed and roared at one another at the worst of times. Brown Odd, was odd even by the accounts of other Odd the pack had seen and been around at the time," Mother chuffed at some remembered thing. You gave her a questioning look, as did your siblings. "You had to be there to understand," Mother explained, mostly to herself, "Brown Odd was always in white, while other odd Odd changed their loose-furs daily. Brown Odd also constantly prodded with his not-claws and pricked the pack with Thin-Claws (needles). He was an annoyance up until the seventh month of the pack's life."

Her eyes narrowed suddenly and hardened harshly, "Then came that day, so long ago. OddFather came to us, scenting of sadness. Mother Mammal was as confused as we were about why. She constantly nuzzled and prodded him questioningly that day in-between caring for us. At the time we were nearing Grown size, but she still took the time to play with us and bathe us despite her small stature and size in comparison to our own. She never cared about that, only about our well-being. Alpha Odd even joined in our play that day, which he did ever so rarely that it stunned us at first. Still, we enjoyed it. At the end of the day, OddFather let loose a salty scented drop of water from one of his eyes and ran a limb over each of our heads before leaving. That was the last we ever saw of him. He never came back to us again," Mother whined for a moment, her sadness taking over control for a moment.

"We scent him at times on the wind during patrol. The scent is never fresh though. The freshest scent was actually here, three years ago. The Odd erected the rock formation here at the time, and Father Alpha's scent was prominent at the time. So was Mother Mammal' be honest it still is. The pack found Mother Mammal's remains underneath all the stones, so her bones lay there even now," casting a look to said formation Mother chirruped at it, "First Male, who you knew as Seventh Sister, greets you Mother Mammal. He, who you knew as once she, takes the blame for not being present recently. He, who you knew as she, told me he would visit soon to pay respects to you and your guidance. Thank you."

Turning her gaze back to you, Mother finishes her rebelling of history, "Brown Odd was there that day, and he is to blame for everything. Brown Odd scented of happiness that day so long ago when OddFather left. Brown Odd, prodded us, and pricked us more and more often after he left, whistling a haunting song to us as he did. Then he started to slash us with a not-claw (knife) and take our blood. Brown Odd was not right, he was not natural. He was there the day our first siblings died of sickness in the place where we were once cared for. He moved us to the White Caves (labs), where everything was scentless and harsh. Then he released us to the unforgiving predators and Hunters of the forests and jungles. He chuffed and laughed as he watched us run from him," suddenly Mother chuffed loudly, "I gave him something to remember us by though, you can believe me on that. Brown Odd will pay, I will make sure of it."

Then Mother turned to us, to you, and asked, "Pebble-Male-Hatchling, Pebble-Female-Hatchling, Light Blue Gray-Male-Hatchling, would you go over and jostle free some of the rocks at the foot of the flat rock?" You wriggle yourself free and join your siblings in moving some of the lighter rocks away from the flat rock. Underneath some, you notice white stones. Small, oddly shaped from rock, they vary in size with some the size of your eye and other the size of your body. "We have done as you asked Mother," called Pebble Sister. Light Blue Gray Brother beat you to chirping, "There are only white rocks, stones, and pebbles here." Mother chuffed to herself before cawing, "Those are not stones, my young. Those are bones! Bones that the Odd did not place there. Since the pack found this place, we have tasked ourselves with taking parts of our dead here. Just as the pack are one in life, we hope that by bringing our dead together that we may be together in death."

You sniff at the bones, and distantly scent those pack members who have gone before you and whistle softly to them, "I will remember you. You will not be forgotten in my time, even if I never knew you." You can hear your two siblings make similar promises, having been impacted by the pack's teachings just as much as you have. You three say your good-byes to your forerunners and join Mother once more as she begins the journey back to the kill clearing and from there home. It does not take long to get there. When the pack saw her wounds they fussed over her and questioned her and she tells them what had happened. On the way back to the Nesting Clearing, you hear the hoot-calls of the Two-Crested (real life dilos). They seem close, but not anywhere close enough to threaten the safety of the pack. You fall asleep under the watchful gaze of the pack sentries and the rising of the star as they pop into the sky above.

Choose What to Do

[X] Play with Pebble Sister's Group
[X] Play with Light Blue Gray Brother's Group
[X] Write-In Option

QM Note: Long chapter done. Hope this makes up for the shortness of the recent parts. Yay Backstory! Talk about what confuses you and what you like. Hope I rattled a few cages out there. ;) More for you guys to explore when the hurricane hits... Oh and Side Quest unlocked: Hunt Brown Odd! Just letting you know. If you guys find errors of any kind, just let me know. I appreciate anything you guys give me. :)

Smugraptor rolled a 12 - Event Encounter (Dilophosaurus)

Deadline: Saturday August 15, 2015 at 4:00pm (EST).
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...It's raining. Why is it raining?

[X] Play with Light Blue Gray Brother's Group
Wait, if our group was raised by what I believe to be a dog, then does that mean that the other raptor packs original members in the other areas were also raised by dogs or were they raised by another mammalian species that is willing to adopt anthers child...

I mean I know that dogs and cats are often used to raise orphan endangered creatures, but are there any others that I am currently forgetting about.
4.5 Hours till End of Vote! Get them in Now if You haven't Already!

I would answer both your questions, Smugraptor and McBobbish, but those will be answered in the story...eventually...when I feel like it...