Warrior from Afar: A Warhammer Fantasy Quest (Warhammer/Megaverse Crossover)

[X] Toward the Northeast and a familiar feeling. You thought for a moment you heard a familiar sound, you're not sure what exactly it was but whatever it is it has your dragon sense on edge.
[X] Toward the Northwest and the glow of power. Your not sure what it is but something is glowing like a spotlight to your mystical sense, at least when it's not being blocked by an inky shadow...
[X] Toward the Northwest and the glow of power. Your not sure what it is but something is glowing like a spotlight to your mystical sense, at least when it's not being blocked by an inky shadow...
[X] Toward the southwest and the sound of music: you have a feeling it would normally be something quite beautiful however something seems off...
We have anti-Daemon options, but not anti-undead. Shouldn't we discover the gloriou- I mean, evilness of Slaanesh sooner than later?
[X] Toward the southwest and the sound of music: you have a feeling it would normally be something quite beautiful however something seems off...
[X] Toward the southwest and the sound of music: you have a feeling it would normally be something quite beautiful however something seems off...
Current tally:

Btw if you have time and spare money you might wanna chip in for an updated savage games version of The rifts rpg, just a few hours left in the kickstarter

Adhoc vote count started by Zrayz10 on May 6, 2019 at 12:25 PM, finished with 14 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Toward the southwest and the sound of music: you have a feeling it would normally be something quite beautiful however something seems off...
    [X] Toward the Northwest and the glow of power. Your not sure what it is but something is glowing like a spotlight to your mystical sense, at least when it's not being blocked by an inky shadow...
    [X] Toward the Northeast and a familiar feeling. You thought for a moment you heard a familiar sound, you're not sure what exactly it was but whatever it is it has your dragon sense on edge.
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Out with the old, in with the new: chapter 3
[] Toward the southwest and the sound of music: you have a feeling it would normally be something quite beautiful however something seems off...

Carefully you weigh your options. As a being of magic part of you feels drawn to the glow to the northwest yet at the same time it's intensity makes you hesitate, after all, you don't want to go and bite off more than you can handle. Another part of you feels drawn toward the Northeast for a reason as you swore you heard a familiar cry of some sort, however as you strain to try and hear it another sound emerges which drowns it out.

One far closer...

One far sweeter...

In fact, now that you are really listening it might just be too sweet. Something you only notice when a several pained shouts echo out and interrupt it. A combination which reminds you of something unpleasant.

Disturbed at the possibility you decide to check things out. For if it is what you think it might be then innocent lives could be at risk. So with but a thought, you order your automaton to gallop in the direction of the noise till you reach the edge of a cliff. You channel your magic into the iron beast and in combination with the inordinate amount of magic that seems to fill this land it launches into the air and begins to float through the misty sky. One minute passes, then two, till at last, you breach the cloud bank to reveal your worst fear come true...

"Oh for fucks sake again with this demonic nonsense!" you curse to yourself. Seriously you had just come from a battle with some of them and your running into them again?!


You're not exactly sure from where or what kind of demons they are but they look vaguely like the succubi you've fought before so probably a bunch of dicks with emotional manipulation abilities and whatnot.

Now, who exactly are they fighting? A touch of magic and your naturally advanced dragon vision reveals that they are fighting...

Elves? Huh, it's a small mega-verse after all. You'd run across a few elves back home, heck there was a decent number back at Tolkeen either in the form of former residents or as adventurers who took up the call to arms like you.

Why are they out here though? As far as you can tell the island they are fighting on doesn't seem to be particularly noteworthy...


Is that a temple of some kind?

Yes now that you look at it there looks to be a temple or shrine of some sort. It appears to be an oddly shaped stone thing, sometimes dancing with the colors of the rainbow and other times filled with flickering shadows and optical illusions. One thing, however, remains constant though, a banner with a mark of some sort on it.

"Eyes of Thoth" you mutter to yourself. You feel the power flow to your eyes and at once the meaning of the symbol of the writing becomes clear.

The symbol means many things it seems. Trickery, deception, shadows...and a name. "Loec"

"Must be one of the Elves' gods" you mutter to yourself.

Alright judging by the abundance of spikes and demons on one side and not the other standard good versus evil nonsense. How are you going to handle this?

[] Death from above! Rain fire and judgment down on these fuckers!
[] Not one step backward! Find the part of the elven line that's weakest and jump straight into the melee!
[] Break their wills! There appears to be a demonic champion these beasts are rallying around. Slay it and strike terror in them!
[] Strike from behind! Sneak up from behind and raise havoc behind the lines!

Also, how do you want to approach this?

[] Adopt a slightly human-er elven looking form and just act like a normal albeit really strong sorcerer.
[] Tell your mount to hide and unleash the Dragon!
[X] Break their wills! There appears to be a demonic champion these beasts are rallying around. Slay it and strike terror in them!
[X] Adopt a slightly human-er elven looking form and just act like a normal albeit really strong sorcerer.
[X] Break their wills! There appears to be a demonic champion these beasts are rallying around. Slay it and strike terror in them!
[X] Adopt a slightly human-er elven looking form and just act like a normal albeit really strong sorcerer.
[X] Break their wills! There appears to be a demonic champion these beasts are rallying around. Slay it and strike terror in them!
[x] Tell your mount to hide and unleash the Dragon!
[X] Break their wills! There appears to be a demonic champion these beasts are rallying around. Slay it and strike terror in them!
Slay the greater daemon/champion first every time, don't want to give up the element of surprise to kill some mooks.

[X] Tell your mount to hide and unleash the Dragon!
Ulthuan has a very intricate and advanced culture, plus at this time there are no other Elven splinter factions so there is literally no way we can pass as one of them and they don't like humans (plus no human is anywhere near as powerful as we are) so it is way easier to just show what we are and then go from there (plus this way we avoid any accusations of trickery or secret Daemon-hood what with the shape shifting and such).
[X] Break their wills! There appears to be a demonic champion these beasts are rallying around. Slay it and strike terror in them!
[x] Tell your mount to hide and unleash the Dragon!
[X] Break their wills! There appears to be a demonic champion these beasts are rallying around. Slay it and strike terror in them!
[x] Tell your mount to hide and unleash the Dragon!
[X] Break their wills! There appears to be a demonic champion these beasts are rallying around. Slay it and strike terror in them!
[x] Tell your mount to hide and unleash the Dragon!
You guys got till tomorrow at 6pm EST to vote.

Also weird fact, did you know gnomes existed in Warhammer fantasy? At least they exist in the rpg based off it. They were originally conceived as an offshoot of the dwarfs who could use shadow magic but then they realized that with dwarfs natural magic resistance that made no sense so the latest 4ed version of them has no connection to the dwarfs.
[X] Break their wills! There appears to be a demonic champion these beasts are rallying around. Slay it and strike terror in them!
[x] Tell your mount to hide and unleash the Dragon!
[X] Break their wills! There appears to be a demonic champion these beasts are rallying around. Slay it and strike terror in them!
[x] Tell your mount to hide and unleash the Dragon!
[X] Break their wills! There appears to be a demonic champion these beasts are rallying around. Slay it and strike terror in them!
[X] Adopt a slightly human-er elven looking form and just act like a normal albeit really strong sorcerer.

Sorry for the delay. I'm going out of town for the weekend to visit the family. I'll update when I can. In the meantime, the vote is closed. Here is the final tally. Break their wills and going full dragon wins!
Adhoc vote count started by Zrayz10 on May 10, 2019 at 6:41 PM, finished with 12 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Break their wills! There appears to be a demonic champion these beasts are rallying around. Slay it and strike terror in them!
    [x] Tell your mount to hide and unleash the Dragon!
    [X] Break their wills! There appears to be a demonic champion these beasts are rallying around. Slay it and strike terror in them!
    [X] Adopt a slightly human-er elven looking form and just act like a normal albeit really strong sorcerer.
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My sincerest apologies for the long delay. I am sad to say this past week has been filled with one unfortunate incident after another. I hope to update either this weekend or Monday night.
Out with the old, in with the new: chapter 4
[] Break their wills! There appears to be a demonic champion these beasts are rallying around. Slay it and strike terror in them!
[] Tell your mount to hide and unleash the Dragon!

You mull your options for a moment trying to figure which would be best suited for the circumstances. Ultimately though you settle on dealing with the champion. It's the biggest threat at the moment and attacking it would serve multiple purposes.

1). It's presence at the center of the horde means its defeat will be seen by all its followers and serve to demoralize the enemy.
2). An attack on the center of the horde will force those at the front to turn to face the threat allowing a distraction for the elves.
3). Again it is the biggest threat and deserves the most attention.

So with that settled you mentally give an order to your mount to hide and without a moment's hesitation, you leap from your saddle...

If one was capable of looking into the minds of those present on the battlefields of Ulthuan one would find vastly different thoughts depending on where they originated from:

On the offensive side Naimoz Heartrider, Keeper of Secrets, and greater daemon of the Prince(ss) of Excess Slaanesh thoughts echoed feelings of ecstasy and jubilation as the various sounds, smells and sights of the battlefield reached it and it thought of how it would be rewarded by its liege for completing the task given to it. For too long the symphony of destruction chaos had attempted to write upon this world was disrupted by the distractions and UGLY sounds the servants of Loec and his temple dared to assault the air with till at last Slaanesh could stand it no longer! Soon though it would be all over and then onwards to the rest of Ulthuan!

On the defensive side, by contrast, were feelings of panic and desperation despite all their attempts the daemons had managed to see their way past the shifting wards around the shrine and divine its true location. Human chaos warriors broke holes in their ranks allowing Daemonettes to dance or ride in amongst their numbers on the backs of Slaaneshi fiends and scythe them down. As the battle wore on Bel-Odyes of the Silver Helms was starting to feel that his title of "the Clever" granted to him by his fellow knights was perhaps given in haste, as he sure as hell didn't feel clever now...though he would never admit it aloud.

Two very conflicting sets of thoughts from two very different sources...

Yet in an instant, both suddenly shifted abruptly to a singular identical one as they both happened to glance up.

...what the hell is that shadow and why is it growing...?

Roll: 43 + 10 (surprise attack) +15 (what the hell is that!?) - 12 (the blessings of excess) = 56, success!

A moment after it realized something big was incoming and heading right towards it the Daemon attempted to dodge using every ounce of power gifted to it by its dark patron.

It was a moment too late for as it attempted to leap out of the way of the opponent's descending bulk a mystically summoned set of fireballs rained down just where it was about to land, the shock of impact knocking it off balance...

Enemy Recovery Roll: 52 -5 (off balance) -5 (injured) +12 (the blessings of excess) = 54 success

Only for the beast to turn a disorganized tumble into a graceful pirouette and bring itself about to face its opponent.

It faced a long slender reptilian beast which hovered just where it had once stood.

"Ooh" the daemon purred "What luck! I was just in the mood for a new outfit and scales would add quite the touch!"

"Please...with that mug of yours I think a paper bag would go much better." a voice thundered back...and in the dark tongue no less!

"You speak our tongue?" It gazed back in confusion before its supernatural senses drew it to some sort of glowing marking on the beast's wrist.

Ah magic! That explains...wait a minute...

"Did you just call me UGLY?!"
"I call it as I see it."
"I'm going to kill you, you miserable iguana!"

Enemy attack Roll: 41 + 12 (the blessings of excess) - 8 (RAGE CLOUDED MIND ) - 5 (injury) = 40, failure!

Were you an ordinary challenger than even with its injury and the rage clouding its mind you have no doubt Naimoz could easily have cut down its opponent with its charging slash.

You, however, were no ordinary challenger and as the daemon brought its blade down it found only air while the hand that held it found itself being lopped off by the edge of a totally different and very much anti-magical blade held in your hand.

Enemy Recovery Roll: 39 + 12 (blessings of excess) - 10 (really injured now) = 41, failure!

You expected a lot of things as you brought your blade around to rend yet more of the limbs from this abomination before you...it moaning in apparent ecstacy though...well that was new even to you.

Yah this is too fucking weird, magical particle beam to the face time!


Thank you.

Now that you got that settled you can move on to the next issue...

Roll: 89+15 (killed the daemonic champ) = 104, critical success!

Namely the utter horde of daemons running...right past you.

Huh, seems your little plan worked better than you thought because the daemons are running scared and in their wake are a bunch of very wrathful elves coming to get their revenge.

Well good on them...

Your response is to:

[] Join up with the elves chasing the daemons
-[] In your true Form
-[] Summon your mount and turn into an elf
[] Try and cut the daemons off
-[] In your true Form
-[] Summon your mount and turn into an elf
[] Actually, you think you're going to go head towards the shrine
-[] In your true form
-[] After summoning your mount and transforming into an elf
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