Warrior from Afar: A Warhammer Fantasy Quest (Warhammer/Megaverse Crossover)

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They say that life here is a never-ending struggle.

They say this place you've found yourself...
Character Creation Part 1
They say that life here is a never-ending struggle.

They say this place you've found yourself in hellish.

They have no clue what hell is.

They've never been to that world.

The world you came from.

That world has never been the same since that day.

On that day when two nations in their short sided petty squabble over nothing unleashed forces that none could control.

That day when life as humanity knew it on Earth ended.

That day when the Rifts came.

Devastating was the effects and calamities that were unleashed across the world with the reemergence of magic.

Such as was the case with:

[X] North America

Coalition States (anti-mutant, anti-magic (officially), advanced tech, genetic engineering)
Free Quebec (even more advanced tech, no genetic engineering even more bigoted)
Tundra Rangers of Canada ( mounties whose base was rocketed 250 years into the future)
Lazlo (multiracial ultra-tolerant magic using city)
The (Destroyed) Kingdom of Tolkein ( magic using kingdom wiped out by coalition turned to dark magic to try and survive)
Federation of Magic (magic supremacist faction)
Psyscape ( a hidden conclave of super psychics)
Native Americans ( sub-factions: techno-magic renegades, Luddite highly magical traditionalists and anti-magic modern Natives)
Sorcerers forge: (secret batch of techno-magic users)
Cyber-Knights (psychic Knights of North America)
Cowboys of the New West
Ley Line Wizards
and more...

[] South America

Nazca Line mages (unparalleled Ley line using humans)
Republic of Columbia (human technologist and dwarves rune mages allied against the Vampire Kingdom of Haktla)
Amazon kingdom ( genetically engineered descendants of Atlantis)
Biomancers (think human and wood elf life manipulating magic users)
Voodoo kingdom of Bahia
Ultra-crazies (insane techno-magic enhanced psionic users)
Omagua (city of genetically engineered cat humanoids, were-cats and human allies)
Empire of the Sun (resurrected Incan empire armed with divine magic and advanced weapons)
Achilles Republic (Kingdom of mutants including unmatched Psychic Neo-Humans)
New Babylon (the most advanced kingdom in South America, armed with psychic weapons)
Silver Republics (human supremacist tech users of South America)

[] Europe

New Camelot Empire (magic knights in the future)
Temporal wizards and raiders
Star and Earth Children (people who can channel Ley line energy to transform themselves into energy or into goliaths of stone)
Warlords of Russia (cyborg warlords of Eastern Europe)
Sovietski (future Soviets of human and inhuman origin armed with advanced cyborg tech)
New German Republic (arguably the most advanced human Kingdom)
Living Fire mages
Mystic Blacksmiths
Old Believers and mages of the old gods
Serpent Slayers (dragon slayers)
Magic and psychic Gypsies
New Oslo (advanced Scandinavian countries fighting against werewolves)
Tarnow (techno-magic kingdom fueled by the slowly corrupting power of the philosopher stone)

[] Asia

Geofront (Advanced tech and magic users of China)
Demon hunters of China and Japan
Enlightened Demons (demons who have gained a conscience and are slowly becoming human)
Mystic and Tech ninjas and Samurais
Heroes of the Celestial Court (divine kung fu users and servants of the celestial bureaucracy)
Republic of Japan (ultra advanced tech users whose people are the longest-lived non-magic users)
Green Scarf Taoists (Demon Binders)
Spirit Hosts (channelers of Benevolent spirits)
Blind Mystic
Mystic Kung-fu Users
Chi Gung users (think dbz type energy attack users)
Chi mages
Crazies of the Geofront (kung-fu users who use cybernetics to unlock psychic powers at the cost of sanity)

[] Australia

Aerojock (pilot), power armor pilot, technologist, soldier, phreaker (mutant) grunt, sailor, cop, special ops, cyborg, and psionically augmented (crazies), Bushman (wilderness explorers and survivalists), Jack/Jillaroo (Aussie cowboys), Wilderness guides, trader, Road sentinel driver, road ganger criminal, Raider (folks who steal tech from cities), sham-man (white mystic), song juicer (folks who tap into the songlines to supercharge their physical abilities), outbacker cyborg, Phreaker outbacker
Reef guardian, totem warrior, Dreamtime delver, songline walker, mabarn (aboriginal sorcerer), corroboree player (aboriginal summoner), mystic hunter, fetish warrior, life-tree guardian, ancestral medium, divine painter, opal slayer

[] The Seas

Lemurian gene-mages
Lemurian stone magic users
Lemurian (Bio Armor users)
Escaped Slaves of Atlantis (magic tattooed warriors, techno-magic users)
Sea Titans of the New Navy (seeming Immortal humans enhanced by unknown energy)
Sea Inquisitors (people who resisted the call of an eldritch abomination and gained powers
Sea Druids
Soakers (super hydrokinetic users)
Whale Singers (magic users forged from the fusion of human souls and those of whales/dolphins)
Cargo magic users

[] Antarctica -the author has realized he could get in legal trouble if he allows this

[] Africa, unfortunately, does not really have any character classes other than Witchdoctor and Rainmaker

I have an advanced copy of the Antarctica book but part of the purchasing agreement includes a non-disclosure agreement.

QM note: Welcome to the first ever Warhammer/Palladium Megaverse crossover quest! How will you carve out your destiny on the world of Mallus which you've found yourself transported to? Shall you change the course of history and bring about a golden age? Or shall you bring about a new era of darkness? Only time and your choices will tell. I plan on updating this quest whenever I'm not working, writing my other two quests or spending time with my significant others. Anyway enough jibber jabber its time to get on with the smiting! :D
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Character Creation: Part 2

It has been many years since the world that mankind knew ended in nuclear Armageddon. Many years since said event also birth the return of magic. In that time much has changed...

Before it became a place of near constant wars North America was a place brimming with new ideas and technology, much like the rest of the world. The tumultuous early years of the 21st century gave way to a new scientific golden age. Diseases that once ravaged mankind were being cured left and right, the lifespan of humanity began to encroach upon the two century mark, while the dawn of fusion power allowed for great advancements in the fields of transportation and robotics.

And then one day some idiot decided to open their mouth and wonder aloud who all this tech was for and why they were building it all.

In that brief instance, mankind finally took stock of all it had developed and so birthed dreams of conquest and nightmares of being subjugated by the tech of others.

Thus the second cold war began.

In response to this, the nations of North America created NEMA or the North Eagle Military Alliance or as one person put it "basically NAFTA on steroids mixed with a touch of NATO" to guard and police everything between Southern Mexico and Northern Canada.

Other than the military tension though everything seemed fine and looked to the upcoming year of 2099 with great hope in their hearts...

And then some idiots decided to fire off some nukes.

Nobody is sure who fired the first shot but a great many strongly suspect it was one of several nations in South America or Central America that NEMA had foolishly given military aid to in the past.

Whoever it was who did it the result of that explosion in 2098 was catastrophic.

For unknown to those involved in the conflict at the same instance that a city was wiped out in the southern hemisphere a rare cosmic alignment just so happened to be occurring.

These circumstances combined unleashed a massive surge of mystical energy, which coursed through the fabric of reality.

Seas surged, volcanoes erupted, storms of an unheard of force raged...

And then freaking ATLANTIS of all things decided to reappear from the parallel dimension it had apparently been imprisoned in since a botched magical experiment thousands of years prior.

Unfortunately, this was only the first of many rifts in the fabric of reality which were to open, and as they did so creatures both prehistoric, hellish, and/or otherworldly were set loose to ravage the world, and the once golden age of technological progress was swallowed up in a new dark age...

This is the mess you were born into.


[] Boy

[] Girl

Going by the name of:

[] Write-in:


[] Just as the shit hit the fan: born right around the dawn of the dimensional rifts, magic and psychic powers are more powerful but less understood (power option)

[] Just in time for a new mess to ravage the land: born just as a war between hell dimensions spilled onto earth. Techno-wizardry and more hybrid kinds of magic both good and ill have been created. (variety option)

In the:

[] Frozen North: Tundra Rangers (future mounties), Sasquatch, Inuit shamans, techno-magic headhunters

[] The Burning south: Vampire hunters, necromancers, were-beasts, dark soul magic, genetically engineered creatures

[] The Primeval East beyond the Mississippi: Eco Wizardry, mutants, Atlantean magic, voodoo, unique techno-wizardry

[] The Wild New West: the heart of Techno-wizardry, cyborg cowboys, the magic slaying mutants known as psi-stalkers.
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Character Creation: Part 3
[] Just in time for a new mess to ravage the land: born just as a war between hell dimensions spilled onto earth. Techno-wizardry and more hybrid kinds of magic both good and ill have been created. (variety option)
[] Boy
[] John Fitzroy
[] The Wild New West

OHHHHH! Give me a home where the dinosaurs roam! Where there's a demon and vamp to slay! Where seldom is heard a discouraging word and the rad counters crackle all day! - Jack "Black Jack" Davis, Cyborg Mercenary from Arzno circa 98 P.A (Post Apocalypse)

Ah, the West...whether it's old or new it's always bound to be wild! That's something everyone has come to understand and appreciate since the shit hit the fan 300 years ago. It was into this mess that you were born. Your name is John Fitzroy and you've roamed these parts from as far north and east as what used to be the magical Kingdom of Tolkeen in Minnesota to as far south and west as the battered ruins of Pheonix.

Yes, this is quite a big place and a man can either find great riches or a swift death if he doesn't know what he's doing. After all, there are quite a few things that can kill you here. The demons, the mutants, the dragons, the vampires, the flipping temporally shifted dinos and those damnable bug men known Xiticx and their hives up in North Dakota!

Across these lands, many peoples roam. From the Native Americans who have roamed the land for over a thousand years to the newly arrived Dimensional beings (D-bees for short) who arrived willingly or not during the calamity that reshaped the world 300 years ago, to the Psi-Stalker mutants who evolved in the wake of the disaster, and everybody in-between.

As for you, you can trace your origins back to:

[] Another world: In truth, John Fitzroy is just a humanized name you took for yourself. You were sick of people mispronouncing your real one (D-Bee background, more choices next turn)
[] The clans of the were-jaguars: Your people have only recently returned to this world and it's a good thing that you did what with all these damned blood-sucking vamps down south and all those magic-hating dipshits from the Coalition States out East. (Were-beast background)
[] From one of the resurgent tribes: As a toddler, your parents were killed leaving you to be adopted by a traveling shopkeeper who found you and named you. It was only later when a chance run-in with a member of your parent's tribe and the return to your true home in...
-[] A tribe which had no use for the superstitions of the past (Modern Native: embraces tech, shuns the old ways)
-[] A tribe which greatly admired magic but did not worship it (Renegade Native: Ok with both Tech and Magic, loves to combine them! No help from the spirits)
-[] A tribe which respected magic and the spirits but did not fully give themselves to them (Cautiously Renegade Natives: wields Techno-wizardry and modern weapons to a degree but respects the old ways enough for the spirits to give them minor gifts)
-[] A tribe which has fully embraced its traditional roots (Traditional Native: Modern tech is bad the spirits and magic are all you need.)
[] A good old red-blooded descendant of the old American empire (generic non-Native American background)
-[] write in what you look like (just cause you got an Anglo-Norman sounding name doesn't necessarily mean you're necessarily a white guy :p)
[] One of the Psi-stalker tribes: you like all in your tribe are mutants specifically evolved to hunt the supernatural. You hunt supernatural beings like bloodhounds after a fox, have psychic powers, barely need any solid food or water and when fighting supernaturally tough foes become supernaturally tough yourself. Except for the need to feed on magical beings every three weeks and the lack of body hair you could easily pass for human.
[] The dragons: No seriously you're a dragon, you just shapeshift and take a human name to avoid freaking people out...or conversely having to deal with their worship.
[] Atlantean refugees: you are incredibly long-lived, magically and or psionically powerful and can never be shapeshifted against your will. Other than your inability to breed with them you could easily pass for a human. To avoid tipping people off you have adopted a human name.
[] The keepers of the desert: those people from the Old American city of Salt Lake who were driven out after mutating. Some of your people look almost normal while others are horribly mutated but bear great power. Either way, all of you have night vision, have a natural resistance to being possessed, can sense buried water emit low levels of radiation so to avoid hurting people and to avoid being hurt yourselves your people wander the deserts.
-[] you look normal but are unnaturally tough
-[] are mutated looking
--[] immune to magic
--[] immune to illusions and psychics
--[] can emit energy
--[] ridiculously strong and tough
--[] are a beacon of holy energy
--[] control animals
--[] psychic
--[] supernaturally fast
--[] magical
--[] teleporter
--[] natural hunter (magic powers devoted to hunting)
--[] fire bug (fireproof and are pyrokinetic)
--[] illusion powers and escape artistry
--[] a master of hexing and nullifying magic
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Character Creation: Part 4
[] The dragons.

Dragons, reptilian beings of such immense power that in many places they were worshipped as actual deities.

As for where your kind came from nobody was quite sure. Some said you were beings which evolved in another dimension; others said that you were beings of pure magic given form; meanwhile, other people thought you were some sort of evolutionary offshoot of the ancient dinosaurs. Whatever the truth of the matter one fact was true, when it came to power you dragons were some of the strongest beings around no matter the breed and there were many breeds. In your case you were:

[] The Cat's-Eye Dragon has definite feline overtones, while remaining a dragon in every way, with massive wings and powerful limbs. Yet the dragon has retractable claws and golden, almond-shaped eyes like those of a cat, even the muzzle of the dragon is more blunt and feline in shape with enormous canine teeth, as opposed to the more traditional reptilian dragon jaws. Its scales come in tones of tan, gold, tawny yel low, muted orange with red flecks, to deep crimson and blood red. Tufts of darker fur crown the end of the dragon's prehensile tail and a mane of matching fur often surrounds its head and neck.

Natural Abilities: Incredible cat-like (its eyes glow in reflected light) night vision 6,000 feet ( 830 m), see the invisible, turn invisible at will, resistant to fire and cold (does half damage, including magical fire and magic cold), prehensile tail and can bio-regenerate, flight.

Metamorphosis: A natural ability common to most dragons enabling the character to completely alter his physical shape, transforming himself to look like any living animal, from a human being to a cat. There are some limitations. The dragon cannot metamorphosize into inanimate objects or insects. The minimum size is about the size of a cat and the maximum size cannot exceed the dragon's own. The transformation can last two hours per level of experience. If on or near a ley line or nexus point (within two miles/3.2 km), the time is tripled. Note: Regardless of his shape, a dragon is a dragon, with all its natural powers and abilities. So a Hatchling metamorphed to look like a bunny rabbit can still talk, cast spells, and kick with the strength of a dragon. The metamorphosis does not instill any of the abilities of the animal, only its appearance.

Teleport: Teleportation is a special power common to most dragons. The character can teleport, at will, up to five miles (8 km) away. At the Hatchling stage (age less than 600 years), you can only teleport yourself and only on a leyline or a nexus formed by two other ley-lines. 28% +2% per character level

Cat Eye Gaze: Those caught in the transfixing gaze of the Cat's-Eye Dragon are likely to fall under the beast's mystic charm. A charm that allows the dragon to influence, command and control his enthralled victim(s). The victim must look directly in the eye, or eyes of the dragon for this power to take effect. This power does not affect characters piloting robot vehicles and seeing through the eyes of a video monitor. However, most types of power armor and all body armor offer no protection at all; gaze into the dragon's eyes and you may be under his control if that is what the dragon desires. The victim may make a save vs mind control to resist the dragon's influence. The Cat's-Eye's Gaze enables the dragon to control any individual as long as the command is not morally out of character or repugnant. The Cat's-Eye may issue any commands he feels appropriate to his charmed victim and instinctively knows the charm's limits and its best applications. Max 3 people.

Fire Breath: A six-foot-wide and 60 foot long blast of fire.

Minor psychic (powers levels go lesser, minor, major, master)

Magic: All dragons have an instinctive understanding of magic however with rare exception (see below) that doesn't mean they instinctively can wield magic without training.
[] Flame Wind Dragon Hatchling: Flame Wind Dragons can appear in various shades of red, from scarlet to alizarin, and have long, slinky bodies, thin but powerful limbs, and massive wings. Their name is derived from their innate ability to cause their own scales to burst into flames. The spectacle created when the dragon flames on while soaring through the air is amazing and has caused many opponents (and spectators) to flee at such a display of power. They can be found living anywhere, but prefer warm climates,
jungles, and mountain valleys. It should also be noted that the Flame Wind Dragon loves the taste of burnt flesh

Natural Abilities: Nightvision 100 feet (30.5 m), thermal vision (al lowing it to see the heat within an object and gauge the object's temperature: 45% +5% per level of experience) 300 feet (91.5 m), tum invisible at will, impervious to all fire, prehensile tail and can bio-regenerate

Metamorphosis (same as cats-eye)

Teleport: same terms as cats-eye. 22% +2% per character level

Flaming Scales: The Flame Wind Dragon can seemingly cause himself to burst into flames. The scales are actually burning, even though this does no damage to the Flame Wind(this is just a natural part of the dragon's metabolism). Because the Flame Wind is actually on fire, anything he is carrying is damaged by his own raging flames and he will ig nite anything he touches, such as carpeting, drapes, paper, wood, dry grass, etc. The flames can be maintained for one minute per level of experience before the dragon Hatchling must rest for at least ten minutes to regenerate his flaming scales (duration is l Ox longer for adults).

Improved flame breath

Lesser psychic

Magic: All dragons have an instinctive understanding of magic however with rare exception (see below) that doesn't mean they instinctively can wield magic without training.

[] Forest Runner Dragon Hatchling: The Forest Runner is among the smallest of the true dragons, standing just half as tall as the other Hatchlings and only one quarter their weight, with attractive frilled wings. The wings are perfect for gliding on the wind and fluttering around like a giant butterfly, but not for great speed. This has led the Forest Runner to take to the forest, woods, and jungles of the world for shelter and safety. When the dragon needs speed, it folds its wings close to its body and runs. As a species they have even developed a chameleon skin like scales that shift color, pattern, and texture to allow them to better blend into their forest home, making hiding from other creatures far easier. Still, they are preyed upon by other larger dragons both for their meat and magic.

Natural Abilities: Nightvision 600 feet ( 183 m), hawk-like vision (can see a rabbit clearly or read a sign at up to two miles/3.2 km away), see the invisible, able to hear a whisper at up to 300 feet (91.5 m) away, resistant to fire and cold (does half damage, including magic fire and plasma energy), can bio-regenerate, weak flyer.

Metamorphosis: May transform for three hours per level of experience. Same as the Cat's-Eye Dragon.

Teleport: Same terms as the Cat's-Eye Dragon. 26% +2% per character level

Chameleon Scales: The color, pattern, and texture of the scales can be changed to adapt to any situation, so that the Hatchling's skin can look like rippling water, moving or stationary leaves, green grass and scrub, sand, dirt and rocks, brick wall/concrete, tree bark, and similar "natural earth" colors, shading, and environments with exactly the right shades and reflections. This ability is so lightning fast that the dragon' s skin can take on the appearance of a brick wall, and the lines of the bricks will move across the body as fast as the character can run. The fact that the dragon's texture also changes means that those casually bumping into him while the dragon remains motionless are likely not to notice. Unfortunately, the dragon cannot do bright colors (red, pink, bright blue, iridescent, or neon), only earth colors. Note: Any clothing or jewelry that is worn remains unchanged and stands out on the otherwise concealed dragon, as do any weapons or gear that may be carried by the dragon. Thus, most Forest Runners do not wear any type of ornamentation and use little if any equipment or weapons.

Poison Breath: The Forest Runner can emit a 10-foot wide gaseous vapor up to 40 feet from his mouth that has toxic properties. Unless the intended victim(s) is using an independent oxygen supply and goggles, or a gas mask, or wearing environmental armor and complete eye protection, the vapor will function like tear gas, causing the victim to choke and experience temporary blindness. If they succeed on a resist roll they are immune for 24 hours

Major psychic

Magic: All dragons have an instinctive understanding of magic however with rare exception (see below) that doesn't mean they instinctively can wield magic without training.

[] Royal Frilled Dragon Hatchling: The Royal Frilled Dragon is among the most feared and powerful of all dragons, blessed with Master level psychic powers even at the Hatchling stage. Its coloration varies widely, from light blue or green to golden orange and red. Around the head/neck of the dragon and along the sides of the body and limbs are frills that can be extended when the dragon is angry or wishes to intimidate someone. The frills are generally royal blue, violet or purple in color, hence the name "Royal" Frilled Dragon. Its claws are also impressively large and hooked, able to slash and gut even other dragons with ease. They enjoy the company of humans and humanoids and commonly walk among them in human guise through metamorphosis, manipulating them with their psychic powers. To facilitate such behavior, the Frilled Dragon is able to maintain its metamorphosis for twice as long as most other dragons, even at the Hatchling stage. They also are known for their prolific study and use of the mystical arts.

Natural Abilities: Nightvision 200 feet (61 m), see the invisible, Shadow Meld at will (as per the spell and for 20 minutes at a time), resistant to fire and cold (even magic fire and plasma do half damage), impervious to all forms of paralysis and can bio-regenerate, flight.

Metamorphosis: May transform for four hours per level of experience. Same basics as the Cat's-Eye Dragon.

Teleport: same terms as cats-eye. 34% +2% per character level

Poison Breath: The Royal Frilled Dragon can breathe out a purple mist that lingers and causes paralysis in all who breathe it in. Unless the intended victim(s) have an independent oxygen supply (air filters are not good enough), the vapor will paralyze them. If they succeed on a resist roll they are immune for 24 hours.

Stronger magic: comes with a few additional spells at the start.

Master level psychic

[] Snow Lizard Dragon Hatchling: In the deep snows of the far north is a new type of wingless dragon, the Snow Lizard. The dragon appears to be made for the chilly climate; totally immune to cold, this great serpent stalks the ice flows and snowy wilds of Canada and Alaska. The Snow Lizard delights in its winter wonderland, a creature in its own element. Snow Lizards are nearly always pure white in coloration, with a small percentage (12%) being light grey, icy blue or snowy white with black highlights. The dragon's powers and instincts complement its chosen surroundings perfectly, as does the serpent's size, endurance and ability to move over snow and ice unimpeded. Snow Lizards dislike warm climates and avoid deserts like the plague.

Natural Abilities: Nightvision 200 feet (61 m), see the invisible, tum invisible at will, impervious to all sources of cold, and can bio-regenerate

Metamorphosis: May transform for two hours per level of experience. Same as the Cat's-Eye Dragon.

Teleport: 20% +2% per character level

Snowstorm Transformation: In times of danger the Snow Lizard has the ability to transform into a blizzard of blowing snow. In this form, no physical or energy attack can harm him; with the exception of fire, which does double damage. No locked door can bar his way and the dragon can slip through the tiniest crack or keyhole. Although the Snow Lizard Hatchling cannot physically attack, communicate, cast magic, manipulate anything around him or even use his psychic powers as a snowstorm, the dragon can hear and see events around him as if he was still in his normal form. Of course, the dragon can reform with a thought (each transformation requires only one melee action). As the blowing snow, the Hatchling moves at a maximum speed of just 20 mph (32 km) and the sound of the blowing snow makes prowling impossible unless out in a real storm. Using the Snowstorm as an attack, everyone caught in the storm (roughly a 20 footl6. 1 m radius) feel cold and visibility is reduced by half and the victims in the mini-storm

Frost Breath: a 100-foot long and four-foot wide blast of cold and ice

Minor psychic

[] Whip-Tailed Dragon Hatchling: The Whip-Tailed Dragon resembles an enormous sea snake in its general appearance, but with three sets of small legs running down its length and fins running down its dorsal crest and along all six of its legs. The mouth of the Whip-Tail has only a set of large fangs for bit ing and the serpent has a formidable set of claws. The dragon Hatch ling's tail is something to behold, measuring over twice the length of the rest of the serpent's body. The tail is equipped with a huge, wicked, slashing saber blade on the tip of the tail for combat and a rudder of fins for swimming with. The scales of the Whip Tail can vary in color from aquamarine to light green, emerald, sea blue or a dark green-blue which is almost black in color.
This unusual dragon is at home in just about any environment and can be found living in the deepest seas, shallow swamps, open grass lands, highest peaks, etc., provided there is a body of water (river, lake, sea, ocean) that is more than a stream, within 200 miles (320 km), where it sleeps and hides from humanoids.

Natural Abilities: Nightvision 500 feet ( 152 m), hawk-like vision (can see a rabbit clearly at up to two miles (3.2 km) away and can see in murky or dark water), see the invisible, tum invisible underwater or in the rain at will, resistant to fire and cold. Prehensile tail, can bio-regenerate, cannot fly without magic. Natural born swimmers (98%; swims like an eel) able to breathe both air and water, and can live underwater or on dry land indefinitely. Maximum depth tolerance is 2 miles (3.2 km). Knows the time of day and direction by scanning the heavens and tides. Can sense the direction and speed of water currents and tides, changes in the currents and tides, weather pat terns and dramatic underwater disturbances within 10 miles

Metamorphosis: May transform for two hours per level of experience. Same terms as the Cat's-Eye Dragon.

Teleport: same terms as cats-eye. 24% +2% per character level

Fire Breath: a 3-foot wide 100-foot blast of fire. Can be used even underwater though does less damage.

Major psychic

[] Chiang-Ku: The Chiang-Ku dragon is an extremely rare species and considered the wisest dragons and masters of magic. Earthlings will recognize it as a Chinese dragon with a long serpentine body with triangular shaped, emerald green scales, two short forearms and one to two pairs of short legs; the feet have three toes. The head is slender and angular, and can look reptilian/dragon-like or a bit more lion-like; all have whisk ers on their chin and a mouth filled with sharp teeth. The tail has no special feature or abilities. They are also said to be the most experienced dimensional travelers and are constantly exploring other worlds and investigating (and often helping) alien people. All Chiang-Ku have high regard for life and have always been fond of human beings. In many respects, the Chiang-Ku can be considered the Paladin or missionary of Dragonkind. They are famous for protecting people of all races against supernatural evil and help ing people to learn and stand on their own. To this end, the dragon is usually happy to teach people scholarly skills (languages, literacy, lore, etc.), as well as offer hints and suggestions on how to do things more efficiently. The Chiang-Ku's helpful nature and affections for lesser beings, particularly humans, makes them the most knowledgeable of and comfortable among human civilization. A Chiang-Ku metamorphed into human guise can easily pass as the genuine article. Their favorite disguises when impersonating humans is that of a scholar, monk or priest. This disguise enables them to help humans in subtle ways from behind the scenes and without revealing their inhuman nature. They like to aid others by helping them help themselves. According to legend, a great purge conducted by the forces of darkness slew tens of thousands of these noble creatures. Exactly how many survived is unknown even to the dragons themselves.

Natural Abilities: Impervious to poison, toxins, drugs, and gases, night vision 90 ft (27.4 m), see the invisible, fire and cold resistant (does half damage), dimensional teleport 90%, instinctive dimensional magic, and can bio-regenerate. Cannot fly without magic, their knowledge of dimensional magic allows them to travel between worlds but cannot be used in battle to move around the battlefield. No natural breath weapon! Instinctive knowledge of tattoo magic and alchemy!

Exceptional Metamorphosis (special): The power of metamorphosis is a natural power common to most dragons, but no other dragon possesses the degree of control and duration as the Chiang-Ku. Even as a hatchling, the dragon is a shapechanger supreme, able to completely alter its physical shape to look like any living animal, from human being to raven, and can even turn into mist (same as the spell). The transformation lasts indefinitely (mist has the same limits as the spell) - weeks, months, or years! Even when rendered unconscious or sleeping, the Chiang-Ku retains its false shape. Only coma or death will transform the dragon into its true serpentine body. The dragon's shape-changing prowess is so great that it can try to copy/imitate a particular person or specific animal at a skill proficiency of 10% +5% per level of experience.

Magic Knowledge: The Chiang-Ku are born with a full under standing of magic, the complete knowledge of tattoo magic, and the creation of the Elixir of Power and Deceit. However, the Chiang-Ku know no spell magic unless they study the arts of wizardry.

Tattoo Magic: All Chiang-Ku can create magic tattoos on humans, elves, ogres, themselves and fellow Chiang-Ku. Tattoo magic is not known to work on any other life forms. The gift of magic tattoos is something they give away very sparingly and always with great care and secrecy (many are so secretive that they pretend to be somebody else by assuming the shape/ identity of an alter-ego who bestows the tattoos). Only the most deserving receive such a gift, whether that individual is a human ally, slave or servant; evil Chiang-Ku often creates two to six powerful protectors or servants to help them. Tattoos can have a variety of magic effects from summoning beings, to weapons, to the ability to cast a variety of spells. All Chiang-ku are BORN with two tattoos to start (summon an enchanted magic sword and a tattoo that grants knowledge of all languages). Chiang-ku can theoretically have an unlimited number of magic tattoos and still wield other kinds of magic but other beings can only have six, more than that and not only do they lose their ability to cast magic normally but they will transform into a supernaturally tough being. Furthermore, other beings who are given the tattoos run the risk of a variety of mental effects, including insanity if they are unable to endure the agony of the process! Furthermore, elves tend not to go for these as not only do they cost twice as magic for them to use but the side-effects are even worse with scarring and accelerated aging being a well-known side-effect for them.

The Elixir of Power and Deceit: The Chiang-Ku dragons hold the secret to the creation of a powerful magic potion known as the Elixir of Power and Deceit. The sole purpose of the elixir is to dominate and enslave others. Thus, only dragons of an anarchist or evil alignment ever use this dark, controlling magic and it is never taught to any other race. The elixir can be prepared as a tea or similar beverage. It gives great power to those who drink the potion as well as an emotional high and feeling of ecstasy. Having superhuman power is a perfect lure for those who are greedy, power-hungry, selfish or vengeful. Unfortunately, the power is very limited and fleeting, lasting only two weeks. Often the thrill of the power and the intoxicating sense of excitement and ecstasy that accompanies the power sends the user begging for another elixir and a new super ability. This is exactly what the foul-hearted dragon wants because, with each potion, the drinker falls more and more under the control of the brew maker! With time, the drinker becomes the pawn or complete slave of the elixir maker.

Major psychic

[] Fire Dragons: Fire Dragons appear as massive, reptilian creatures with powerful limbs, a vaguely humanoid shape, large bat-like wings, and a long tail. Fin-like structures of varying size run along the spine from the back of the head to mid-way down the tail. The head is reptilian, with large eyes and ears and sharp, crooked teeth. The body is covered in fine, red scales that vary from shades of crimson to alizarin. Fire dragons are among the most prolific in the study and use of magic - many are Wizards or worse. They are also the most likely to use human technology and like to wear jewelry and other "human" equipment. In fact, most find the "machines of men" interesting and useful. However, even high tech gadgets are not considered worthy of the dragon's primary treasure hoard.

Natural Abilities: Nightvision 100 ft (30.5 m), excellent color vision, see the invisible, tum invisible at will, bio-regeneration, immune to all fire.

Metamorphosis at will (duration 4 hours per level of experience)

Fire Breath (Special): Range: 200 feet (61 m), 10 feet wide

Fiery Blood (Special): The fresh blood of a fire dragon while still warm burns living flesh like acid. Furthermore, it is even more effective on inorganic and metallic objects so weapons that draw its blood tend to melt after a time!

Teleport self: 88%

Minor psychic

Natural ally: Amazingly tolerant of other dragon races, has an affinity for the giant races, including Ogres and Trolls.

[] Ice Dragon: The majestic ice dragon can be any shade of blue, from light to dark with white highlights. They are considered the more evolved cousin to the snow lizard and can still fly, unlike their cousins. Making them even more dangerous is that they are immune to both ice and fire!

Natural Abilities: Nightvision 100 ft (30.5 m), excellent color vision, see the invisible, tum invisible at will, bio-regeneration, immune to both ice and fire!

Metamorphosis at will (duration 4 hours per level of experience; 2 hours for hatchlings) teleport self 66%, dimensional teleport 24% +4% per level of experience

Ice breath: 200 foot long 6-foot wide blast of ice.

Anti-Freeze Blood (Special): The blood of an Ice Dragon is basically a natural anti-freeze liquid, poisonous if drunk.

Minor psychic.

[] Kukulcan: The Kukulcan, also known as the Serpent Bird, is the symbol of light and healing. They are usually gentle, peaceful creatures of the wind who protect the weak and innocent. This is a small, elegant dragon who appears as a beautiful, nine foot (2.7 m) long ser pent with thin arms, bird-like head and legs and brightly colored plumage of gold, silver, and bright blue with white highlights. The Kukulcan are particularly fond of both Elves and humans and often take on their guise to walk among them. They will aid or protect any good creatures from evil or injustice, especially against evil supernatural beings, but rarely show their true dragon form. The Kukulcan look to evil and manipulative dragons with great disappointment and often find themselves locked in battle against them. The Feathered Serpents are attracted to heroes and Champions of Light from all walks of life. Natural Abilities: Nightvision 100 ft (30.5 m), keen hawk-like color vision, see the invisible, tum invisible at will, bio-re generation. Resistant to both fire and cold (takes 50% damage)

metamorphosis at will (duration 6 hours per level of experience for adults; 3 hours for hatchlings)
teleport self 88%, dimensional teleport 20%+6% per level of experience

Poisonous Breath (Special): Range: 100 feet (30.5 m), six feet wide (1.8 m) unlike the others listed above this one just inflicts damage, no stat effects.

Major Psychic

[] Thunder Lizards: Thunder lizards are large wingless, emerald green and gold reptilian dragons known as multi-dimensional adventurers and avid practitioners of magic. Most thunder lizards are of good alignment and are protectors of the innocent and downtrod den. According to legend, to see one is considered a sign of good luck. To honestly befriend one is to have earned a friend for life. Thunder lizards adore Elves (have been allies for eons) and also like humans, but they respect all creatures who strive to be the best they can be. Thunder lizards put a great deal of stock into the virtues of truthfulness, compassion, honor, nobility, and mercy. They are the most human-like in regard to emotions and behavior, and the most down to earth and friendly of all the dragons, at least when it comes to dealing with ordinary mortals.

Natural Abilities: Nightvision 100 ft (30.5 m), excellent color vision, see the invisible, tum invisible at will, prehensile tail, bio-regeneration, take half damage from fire and cold. Teleport self 88%, dimensional teleport 26% +4% per level of experience.

Green Fire Breath (Special): Range: 100 feet (30.5 m), six feet wide ( 1.8 m). A blast of poisonous vapors that look like a green flame, and inflicts both damage and paralysis, unlike other gas weapons which normally only inflict status effects. For an unknown reason, the attack is even more effective on supernatural beings and other dragons!

Metamorphosis at will (duration 6 hours per level of experience; 4 hours for hatchlings) Major psychic

QM note: this list was getting way too long so I'm cutting it off there also the other dragon types were exclusively evil and/or unable to transform.
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Character Creation: Part 5
[] Chiang-Ku

To many of the beings out there you are a myth, a being of a bygone age. Once your kind was spread far and wide throughout the many worlds and dimensions of the so-called megaverse. Where your kind went wisdom and mystical knowledge spread and your kind became revered as sages and mystics. In this task of spreading mystic and mundane knowledge, you had an ally in the ancient Atlanteans. Their knowledge in the fields of sacred geometry and the manipulation of stone to form pyramids to focus dimensional energies helped you immensely. It was only natural therefore for many of your kind to make their homes on the island continent to be closer to their allies...

It was a costly mistake.

Thousands of years ago the Atlanteans foolishly attempted to create a sort of mega-rift in the fabric of reality, to better facilitate transport to and from their off-world colonies. Unfortunately, something went terribly wrong. The rift became unstable, millions were transported to far off worlds or killed, Atlantis itself was shunted off the earth and trapped in a pocket dimension where it was discovered and swiftly conquered by the Splurgoth, a race of interdimensional warlords and merchants princes, and your kind...

Well frankly nobody really knows what happened to your kind, not even you, but in your case its to be excused as your only 250 after all. Heck, technically you won't even be considered more than a hatchling until your 600th year. The only reason you even know as much as you do is because of your mother, and she, unfortunately, is long gone.

All you know is that most of the rest of your kind is dead or is hiding so well that most people are convinced your kind are extinct, though if what you'd gathered from people who know the wandering writer Erin Tarn is to be believed there's at least one other of your kind currently active in the form of some wannabe Pharoah running an empire in what used to be Africa.

But enough about world history, this is about you.

Your draconic birth name was J'onn Fi'ro but you currently go by John Fitzroy. You were born in a town in Wyoming called Moorcroft which by the grace of being in the middle of bumfuck nowhere managed to avoid most of the mayhem that was unleashed by the Apocalypse. An old town it was apparently built back in 1800s (if you're going by the non-Coalition state's calendar) and is host to people who were unusually friendly towards magic users and for good reason. Unknown to most outsiders the town was built on an unusually subtle nexus point between two leylines. Usually, ley lines and nexuses not controlled by a magic pyramid tend to glow an unmistakable bright blue which can be seen for miles but for some reason, the nexus the town was unknowingly built on is practically invisible. Only the magically attuned can even sense it and even then it's only if they are within 100 feet of the place. A perfect place for a member of a near extinct race of dragons to hide out and give birth to a kid or so your mom's logic went.

Her plan worked for a while...until some stupidly powerful gods damned demon snake killed her!

Supposedly the dream snake was supposed to have the power to grant ANY wish and your mom and a group of adventurers tried to track it down. Upon reaching the lair of the beast the group engaged the beast in a lengthy argument to try and convince it to fix the world during which time your mother realized the demon was a charlatan. At that moment the beast attacked and your mother was slain in the melee. Only 1 member of the team, a full conversion cyborg who the snake had assumed was dead after part of the cave collapsed on him survived to escape and tell the tale.

That was 70 years ago and since then you have wandered about traveling throughout the New west trying to find your place in this world, a task which was aided by your people's legacy magic tattoos:

[] Magic tattoos (can only have one of each kind excluding upgrade ones) you have 12 points to spend unless you decide you ONLY want tattoo magic and no other kind of magic in which case it goes up to 20:
-[] Link tattoo for an extra point you can link two tattoos together to combine their effects (for instance firey aura and resurrection, or shining armor and a monster or animal tattoo)
-[] animal summoning (write in what animal can be prehistoric as well as modern, upgrades add 1 point in cost)
--[] Add fire, lightning or ice breathing
--[] Increase speed
--[] boost damage of fangs, claws, teeth etc.
--[] add barding for armor
--[] add saddle for you to ride on
-[] monster summoning
--[] Add fire, lightning or ice breathing
--[] Increase speed
--[] boost damage of fangs, claws, teeth etc.
--[] add barding for armor (only works with appropriate creatures)
--[] add saddle for you to ride on (only works with appropriate creatures)
--[] Acid lizard: small, harmless-looking, green lizards with black and red patches of color behind their head. They are not aggressive and, in the wild, usually, try to run away from predators or humanoid captors. However, acid lizards will fiercely defend their nests and attack when they feel cornered or threatened. Have an acidic bite.
--[] Black Jelly: This stuff isn't a living creature. At some point in the distant past, an alchemist created the original Black Jelly as a safeguard against thieves and intruders; which it's used for to this day.
In its inert state, the magical substance appears as a shiny, black, crystalline powder - looking for all the world like black salt. It is when the stuff gets wet that you have to watch out. Wet crystals tum into some sort of living or quasi-living "thing" sen sitive to movement. The jelly-like, black blob is attracted to any thing that moves or makes vibrations (even small sounds). At five feet ( 1 .5 m) it will even detect breathing or a heartbeat. The powder will absorb any liquid, even moisture in the air. If it is placed against flesh it will feed on the living matter and grow. For every pound of flesh it absorbs it will grow another pound of powder or another gallon of its semi-liquid, jelly form.
--[] Catoblepa: This fearsome plains beast is a thick, scaly skinned, buffalo type animal. It is said that the beast is so mean that it will gnaw on its own forelegs during a bloodlust rage. When angry, there is no stopping the monster without killing it, for a Catoblepa knows no fear and will fight till its death regardless of the danger or number of opponents.
--[] Chimera: non-winged variety
--[] Devil Digger: a fearsome burrowing animal. The creature vaguely resembles a hyena, wild bear, and mole all crammed into one. Its ferocity, bony head plates and tiny horns have given it the name of devil. They are very tough and tenacious beasts who often adopt ancient ruins and subterranean dwellings abandoned by dwarves, koboIds, and troglodytes as lairs. Feeds on carrion and rats.
--[] Dragondactyls: demonic fireproof versions of the pegasus with large leather wings, a serpent's tail, and clawed feet.
--[] Eye Killers: ugly creatures with the body of a serpent, dog-like front legs, and an owl-like head with large black eyes. It is from the eyes that these terrible creatures kill. Although more intelligent than an animal, it is low compared to humans. The creature is an animal predator that feeds on other, smaller animals and (for reasons unknown) regards humanoids, from goblin to elf, as their natural enemies. As such, the Eye Killer al ways attacks them whenever they are encountered, with or with out provocation. The beast's main weapon is its psionic powers. The monster will usually kill or incapacitate its foe with psionics and then rip out its throat or stomach. The serpentine creatures often ally themselves with inhuman forces of evil.
--[] Grimbor: an ancient race of 10 foot tall horned apes known for their combination of ferocious strength, and usage of crude stone age tools.
--[] Gruunor: 6 foot long segmented insect that lives in dark, subterranean dwellings such as caves, ruins, and abandoned tunnels. They have two heads, one real and one false one in the rear, so predators and prey can't tell which end is which. The real front head can deal a vicious bite, while the false head in the tail has a retractable stinger. The Grunnor is an aggressive predator that will attack any mammal, including humanoids. They are also quite stupid and will attack without regard to the size, power or number of its prey. If the prey proves too difficult or dangerous, the monster will curl up into a ball, its natural body protecting it against most attacks. Its soft underbelly which is only visible when it rears up to bite is the bug's most vulnerable location
--[] Gryphon
--[] Hoppers: little nocturnal gerbil-type creatures with large, sensitive ears. Unlike cute gerbils, hoppers are sinister harbin gers of death. A handful of these fanged furies have been known to slay even the great plains bison by clinging to its fur and bit ing and tearing at its throat and underbelly.
--[] land squid: In actuality, they are not sea creatures at all, but rather a small (8 in) type of slug that resembles a squid. Like most slugs, they live mainly in the soil and never ap pear in full daylight, making feeding excursions during the morning and evening. Unlike a normal slug which feeds on vegetation, the Land Squid is a parasite that feeds on the blood of living creatures. This is done by climbing into a tree and drop ping onto its prey from low hanging branches. Land Squids can also attack from the ground or shrubs, attaching themselves to the feet and legs. Once attached to bare flesh, it will penetrate the skin with a needle-like pincer which draws the blood. They can sense body heat and can release acid at will.
--[] Owl-Things: strange 3-foot tall creatures that resemble long legged owls with large, rolling, yellow-green eyes and tendrils around their mouth. More intelligent than true owls, they are far from man's equal. However, Owl-Things do possess a rudimentary intelligence and possess limited psionic abilities
--[] Pegasus: a mildly psionic flying horse
--[] Peryton: a carnivorous winged deer like creature
--[] Rock Crawler: a 6-foot long subterranean blind insect
--[] Scorpion devil: a vicious 2-foot long hideous creature with a bat-like face and a poisonous stinger.
--[] Sea serpent: an enormous aquatic beast resistant to heat and cold and with minor psychic abilities
--[] Sucker: large bat-like creatures with adhesive suction fingers and toes, and a large mouth. The suction parts are especially effective in clinging to smooth surfaces, such as flesh and metal. The fingers and toes also have retractable claws, specifically for imbedding into materials for a firmer grip. The claws are not used for slashing or attacks.Exceptionally stupid creatures, Suckers tend to attach them selves to anything that moves, incapacitating it, and then at tempting to suck its blood.
--[] Thorny sun devil: 6-foot long spine covered desert dwelling reptile
--[] Timrek: giant man eating humanoid toad monster
--[] Tusker: 6 and a half feet of mean muscle. Resemble huge, hairless boars, or tapirs with great tusks and large, sharp teeth. Their strength and savagery are legendary and it is said that a half dozen Tuskers can kill the most primitive of dragons! Tuskers are extremely hostile, aggressive predators who exhibit no fear toward any creature; not man nor dragon.
--[] The Worms of Taut are considered to be demons from the deepest pits of hell, but in actuality, they are supernatural monsters from another dimension.
---[] Blow worms are 200 foot worm that can unleash a smothering glob of mucus at a target
---[] Fire worm: a 3 foot long worm that shoots fire
---[] Nipper: 10 foot long fast moving worm that can strangle its opponents with its prehensile tail
---[] Serpent beast: 30 foot long worm with a human like head and a poisonous bite
---[] Tri-fang: 20 foot long 3 headed beast whose center head can spit acid
---[] Tomb worm: vicious 2 foot long worm with teeth that can shred bones
--[] Yema: a giant flying reptilian beast that can only be harmed by magic or silver weapons
---[] Add fire, lightning or ice breathing for an extra point
-[] Basic shield (has strength of non-enchanted shield)
--[] Magic shield (indestructible but costs way more energy than basic)
-[] Basic weapon (can be any medieval weapon acts like a non-enchanted weapon upgrades for 1 extra point each)
--[] two weapons crossed (grants you bonus when dual wielding with a weapon of the same type)
--[] Add ability to be thrown and automatically return to wielder
--[] Dripping blood: acts like a masterfully crafted weapon increasing damage output

-[] Magic sword upgrades can take one from each upgrade level above lv 1. Can take all lv 1 upgrades.
Lv. 1 upgrades
--[] Add ability to be thrown and automatically return to wielder
--[] two weapons crossed (grants you bonus when dual wielding with a weapon of the same type)
Lv. 2
--[] Modify magic sword to do extra damage against dragons
--[] Modify magic sword to do extra damage against demons
--[] Modify magic sword to be anti-magic
--[] Modify magic sword to be leach psychic power
Lv 3.
---[] Have it also do electrical damage
---[] poison ability
---[] flame blast ability
--[] Add another magic weapon (cannot be sword or bow, see magic sword list for possible upgrades)

-[] Power Tattoos
--[] Air Elemental Powers (cloud wrapped in chains)
--[] Animate & Control Dead ( skull & bat wings)
--[] Armor ( figure of a knight in armor)
--[] Blind Others ( eye with a dagger in it)
--[] Breathe Without Air (shark or dolphin)
--[] Death Touch ( skull & thorns bypasses armor to deal direct damage to target)
--[] Empathy ( eye with tears)
--[] Empathic Transmission ( limited - eye with tears)
--[] Fire Powers (skull in flames)
--[] Fly (heart with large wings)
--[] Healing: Basic (rose and stem dripping blood)
--[] Healing: Super (far more power intensive, Phoenix rising from the flames)
--[] Healing: Resurrection (the most costly, permanently sacrifice some of your magic )
--[] Ice control (snowflake tattoo)
--[] Temporary Invulnerability (heart in chains)
--[] Light powers (blazing sun)
--[] Lightning Bolt Powers (three lightning bolts)
--[] Protection from Psionics ( skull in chains)
--[] Protection from Poison ( ball of thorns)
--[] Protection from Vampires ( heart impaled by wooden stake keeps vampires from mind fucking you or making you a vampire)
--[] Run/Superhuman Speed heart with tiny wings)
--[] Supernatural Strength (broken chain)
--[] Supernatural Vision ( three eyes gives perfect night vision, see the invisible and see auras)
--[] Swim as a Fish (shark or dolphin)
--[] Tum Dead ( cross)
--[] Beautiful Dancer (Hypnotic Gaze)
--[] Black Sun (Darkness Powers)
--[] Broken skull (mental attack)
--[] Bleeding heart (power enhanced punch)
--[]Flaming Eye(Fire Projection and Thermo-Imaging)
--[] Heart in Two Pieces (Touch based Strength Drain)
--[] Heart of Steel (Courage)
--[] Heart Wrapped in Thorns (Poison Touch)
--[] Skeleton in Chains (Constrain a single Undead)
--[] Wolf's Head with Glowing Eyes (Hunting Prowess)
--[] Psionic booster tattoo
--[] Psionic resistance
--[] Energy resistance
--[] fire resistance
--[] ice resistance
--[] particle beam blast
--[] dispel magic barriers
--[] negate magic attacks against you
--[] sense evil
--[] gas mask (resistance to vacuum, poison and airborn disease)
--[] blindness tattoo
--[] air powers
--[] water powers
--[] earth powers
--[] communicate with plants
--[] summon a wall of thorns
--[] pocket dimension (allows you to store extra stuff)
--[] shining aura (blinds opponents and makes you immune to light-based attacks)
--[] fiery aura (surrounds your body with a flaming armor)
--[] Mystic Portal (allows users to move 12 feet through solid objects and teleport to known locations both are one way actions)
--[] Close Rift in reality
--[] Sustain (allows user to survive without food or water for 24 hours)
--[] Desiccate the supernatural (any supernatural being in its range gets all the fluid in their body forcibly evaporated)
-[] Runic flux tattoo in emergencies this acts like a magic battery effectively doubling your total magic (6 point)
--[] Omni-sight tattoo lets you astrally project yourself giving you 360 vision and ability to see invisible and magic in that form
-[] Somehow you've acquired the hitherto secret of the Splurgoth for creating arrow tattoos that let spells reach an extra long range (2 points to unlock plus must take the bow basic weapon tattoo plus 1 point for each type of arrow)
--[] Alarm Arrow
--[] Death touch arrow
--[] Fire Arrow
--[] Energy Disruption
--[] Blunt force arrow
--[] Lightning arrow
--[] Psi arrow (gives target debilitating migraine)
--[] Shadow arrow (extra damage against shadow demons)
--[] Sight stealing arrows
--[] Anti-vampire arrows (extra damage to vamps and acts like a stake with a heart shot)
--[] Water bomb arrows
---[] Add wings to power arrows for auto return and longer range of 2,000 feet

[] No other magic. Points to spend goes up to 20 instead of 12. You still pick psionics and/or techno wizard devices.

QM: this shit was getting way too long so next chapter is your psionic power and magic stuff. Please keep this in mind when selecting your tats. I will fix formatting later.
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Character Creation: Part 6
[] Plan Veekie
[] Magic tattoos (can only have one of each kind excluding upgrade ones) you have 12 points to spend unless you decide you ONLY want tattoo magic and no other kind of magic in which case it goes up to 20:
-[] Basic shield (has the strength of non-enchanted shield)
--[] Magic shield (indestructible but costs way more energy than basic)
-[] Basic weapon (can be any medieval weapon acts like a non-enchanted weapon, upgrade for 1 extra point each) (axe)
--[] Add ability to be thrown and automatically return to wielder
--[] Modify magic sword to be anti-magic
---[] Have it also do electrical damage
-[] Power Tattoos
--[] Armor (figure of a knight in armor)
--[] Breathe Without Air (shark or dolphin)
--[] Run/Superhuman Speed heart with tiny wings)
--[] Supernatural Strength (broken chain)
--[] Supernatural Vision (three eyes, gives perfect night vision, see the invisible and see auras)
-[] Psionic booster tattoo

Perhaps it is your draconic pride which influences your decision but when it came time to choose your tattoos you found yourself drawn most strongly to those which enhanced your already formidable natural abilities as a Chiang-Ku rather than anything flashy. Your only concessions are a few weapon tattoos with modifications and a single tattoo to allow you to survive without air. You have a lot of fun with that last one, more than once have you tricked your opponents into chasing after you through a rift only for them to be forced to flee or suffocate on some airless space rock thus allowing you to escape through another rift.

All these things would be formidable enough on their own but in the chaotic mess that is Earth following the apocalypse even this might not be enough, fortunately, you have other skills to fall back on both mentally and mystically:

Pick 10 Psychic powers:
[] Enhance your Bio-Regeneration
[] Deaden Pain
[] Detect Psionics (max 30 feet)
[] Exorcism (any living being within 8 feet)
[] Healing Touch (physical wounds only)
[] Increased healing (give others temporary resistance to disease and faster recovery)
[] Induce Sleep
[] Meditation
[] Psychic Diagnosis
[] Psychic Purification (purge disease or poisons)
[] Psychic Surgery
[] Resist Fatigue
[] Convert Psionic energy to magical energy
[] Stop Bleeding (yourself or others by touch)
[] Suppress Fear (yourself or others by touch)
[] Alter Aura
[] Deaden Senses of enemies (range 160 feet)
[] Death Trance
[] Ectoplasm (can slip through tiny openings as an invisible gas, can also be solidified as a limb that can be used in combat or lifting up to 40 pounds)
[] Impervious to Cold (total)
[] Impervious to Fire (total)
[] Levitation (yourself or an object up to 60 feet away, maximum default weight is 20 lbs up to 6 feet off the ground unless you pump extra power into it)
[] Mind Block (further protects against psychic attacks)
[] Resist Fatigue
[] Resist Hunger
[] Resist Thirst
[] Summon Inner Strength (character gets a second wind in combat)
[] Telekinesis (to launch objects or use weapons telekinetically)
[] Telekinetic boosted Leap
[] Telekinetic Lift (uses TK to augment your own strength to physically lift things)
[] Telekinetic Punch (slap someone across a room)
[] Telekinetic Push (force shove)
[] Astral Projection
[] Clairvoyance
[] Commune with Spirits
[] Empathy (bonus to diplomacy rolls)
[] Intuitive Combat (put yourself in zen-like combat state for a bonus in combat, can't use other psychic powers while active)
[] Mask psionics
[] Mask magical powers
[] Object Read (think like that show the dead zone)
[] Presence Sense
[] Read Dimensional Portal
[] Remote Viewing
[] Sense Dimensional Anomaly
[] Sense Evil
[] Sense Magic
[] Sense Time (useful if you get lost in a place like the warp where time is fluid)
[] Sixth Sense (danger sense)
[] Speed Reading
[] Telepathy
[] Total Recall

Pick your magic class:

[] Cloud Magic of the sky knights (a mysterious form of magic brought to earth by the avian Lyn-Srial people, users can create burning clouds, clouds of poison, weapons and magical armor of solidified clouds and electricity, clouds for transportation or clouds for emotionally manipulating others for peaceful or malicious reasons)
[] Conjuring Magic: literally create any non-magical object up to 60 pounds in weight up to simple black powder weapons so long as you have an understanding of how they work, can create normal non-magical creatures up to 1,000 pounds as long as they've been seen first hand (no microscopic creatures though)
[] Elemental Warlock: you made a pact with one of the 4 elemental planes of existence (grants spells of the appropriate element and allows summoning of elementals)
-[] Fire
-[] Water
-[] Earth
-[] Air
[] Invocations (standard jack of all trades wizard spells)
[] Necromancy
[] Techno-wizardry: create techno-magical weapons, armor, automatons, and devices with a variety of magical effects
-[] Standard
-[] Necro-tech: a controversial hybrid of necromancy and tech wizardry, can make cyborg monsters, prosthetics that don't interfere with magic casting as well as necromantic versions of normal tech wizard weapons (you use parts from dead animals and beings instead of precious jewels)
-[] Tech Slinger (Texas Slinger) a kind of techno-wizard with knowledge of making quickdraw TW weapons and targeting gear
-[] Techno-shifter: a person specializing in creating magical devices to summon beings and bind them to weapons
-[] TW Vampire Hunter: knowledge of specialized anti-vamp weapons and armor
[] Ley line walker: a specialist in manipulating and using ley lines, can teleport along ley lines, gain knowledge of what lies along lines, unleash energy blasts, create forcefields, and heal faster when on a ley line
-[] Ley line Rifter: similar power to ley line walker but sacrifices force fields for the ability to hijack and hitch a ride with interdimensional travelers
[] Shifter: a person who summons and makes other dimensional beings subservient via pure magic
[] Mystic: specialist in sensory magic and psionics
[] Pact Witch: you've made a pact with a being from another dimension in exchange for more power
[] Blood Mage
[] Diabolist: you specialize in deciphering magic runes, magic symbols, and wards.


[] Sacrifice Magic class and unlock Cyber-Knight class: gain psychic blade (powered by your soul and has zero energy cost), dual wield, psychic shield, special cyber-knight martial art with focus on riding and dealing with multiple opponents, precognitive visions and knowledge on how to have bio-mechanical armor infused onto any knights you train (as a dragon you can't attach this armor to yourself due to your regenerative powers rejecting it as a foreign substance but normal humans can)

QM note: next chapter is the big finale! You select any additional TW tools and select when it is in the Warhammer timeline you emerge.
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Character creation: Final
[] Plan Veekie
[] Enhance your Bio-Regeneration
[] Exorcism (any living being within 8 feet)
[] Healing Touch (physical wounds only)
[] Telekinesis (to launch objects or use weapons telekinetically)
[] Commune with Spirits
[] Intuitive Combat (put yourself in zen-like combat state for a bonus in combat, can't use other psychic powers while active)
[] Mask psionics
[] Mask magical powers
[] Sixth Sense (danger sense)
[] Telepathy
[] Invocations (standard jack of all trades wizard spells)

Wizard level: 1d6 (5) + 1 (dragon) + 1 (Chiang-ku) + 1 (older than any human) = 8 out of 15 spells are listed in seperate post

For the longest time after your mother's death, you wandered the wastelands of the New West trying to figure out your place in it and trying to gain the strength to hopefully one day be strong enough to deal with that snake bastard if you ever got your hands on him; and gain strength you did. You refined the control of your tattoos so you no longer needed to touch them directly to activate them until you could activate them by thought alone, and you studied at the feet of various mystical masters versed in the arts of invocation. During this time you also gathered weapons and tools just to be on the safe side.

roll 1d6 = 2

Pick 2 tools/weapons:

[] ice shard pistol
[] shard rifle
[] shock pistol
[] storm rifle
[] fireball pistol
[] fireball rifle
[] Starfire energy bolt pistol
[] Starfire energy bolt rifle
[] Tk force pistol
[] Tk force rifle
[] iron bolt pistol: magically creates an iron needle and then telekinetically launches it, good against demons but reeks of supernatural evil
[] iron bolt rifle
[] Heavy force cannon
[] fire burst rifle (multiple mini-fireballs)
[] hellfire shotgun
[] Nova rifle (swirling red energy blast of death)
[] snare rifle
[] magic draining pistol
[] magic draining rifle
[] windblast rifle
[] sonic rifle
[] magic plasma rifle
[] Dragonfire flamethrower
[] Firedemon flamethrower (note not actually a demon weapon just makes the fire form into a demonic shape when launched to scare enemies)
[] TK wood firing rail gun (magically forms a wooden stake and propels it via telekinesis to stake vamps at a distance)
[] TW silverplated chainsaw w/integrated cross light and grenade launcher (note grenades are limited in quantity)
[] TW silencer
[] TW shadow cloak
[] TW theives gauntlets (grant magic concealment, effortless palming of small objects, and magic escape)
[] "Psi-Bloodhound" Psi-Tracker TW scanner device (tracks psychic energy)
[] Psi-Blocker Helmet.
[] Ironwood armor: magically enchanted wooden armor, does not inhibit magic casting, is as hard as steel, damages vamps with each blow and is fireproofed
-[] mage armor
-[] vamp killer armor (heavier but comes with retractable blades)

Pick 1 mount or alternatively sacrifice to pick one extra device above:

[] TW hover cycle 60 mph, 120 on ley lines
[] TW jet pack 90 mph, 180 on leyline
[] psi-pony (Considered major psionic in strength with the intelligence of a small human child and the following abilities: Starts with empathy, bio-regeneration (self), mind block, sixth sense, and telepathy between their own race only. in addition:
-[] Females also have the powers of healing touch, psychic purification, and telekinetic force field plus two healing psychic or sensing abilities which I will pick for you
-[] Males have the power of Psi-sword which appears as a long unicorn-like energy blade on the top of their head plus two physical psychic abilities which I will pick for you
[] TW glitter mount model mechanical horse: Good speed and leaping capabilities; never tires. When on a ley line, the TW horse can run in the air along the ley line up to 1000 feet (305 high) and at double its normal speed! Leaps are also double when on a ley line. limited magical abilities: Globe of daylight blinding flash, tum dead and levitation of itself and rider. Magically repairs itself.
[] Hangdog Daemonix mount: during the war between the Colation states and the magic users of Tolkeen the Tolkenites search for allies caused them to free a species of beings called the Daemonix from slavery. They are not true demons but are basically the physical cousins of demons, they never die of old age or disease but can be slain and leave a body behind when they die (unlike daemons from Warhammer who fade back to their home dimension and reform). They possess immense magical power but lack the ability to tap into them unless a TW weapon is grafted to them (your mount will come with two). They bear a violent hatred towards true demons due to years of slavery and are 100% loyal to those who fought at Tolkeen but are cruel to their enemies and grumpy to everyone else. A giant 20 foot long murder machine and digging beast with horns and claws. Can fight for days on end. (must take background Tolkeen bonus to get)
[] Eeracrech Riding Lizard: a horned reptilian beast with the ability to magically cloak itself and its rider and with the ability to climb sheer surfaces.
[] Sacrifice your chance at a mount for an additional tool.

Your studies in magic, however, would be interrupted by a major event:

[] The siege at Tolkeen: you fought to help defend the magic kingdom of Tolkeen against the technological Coalition states and their Emperor's anti-magic agenda. When the kingdom fell you were there helping the survivors escape and were at ground zero when the demons invaded. Bonus to fighting demons
[] You were at Arzno when the vampires attempted to conquer the merc city. Later after winning the battle you went out tried to track them down and instead discovered a death cult that had allied itself with none other than the only surviving horseman of the apocalypse death! Bonus to fighting necromancers and the undead

QM note: correction, next post will be the arrival in the Warhammer world.
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