Warrior from Afar: A Warhammer Fantasy Quest (Warhammer/Megaverse Crossover)

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They say that life here is a never-ending struggle.

They say this place you've found yourself...
Character Creation Part 1
They say that life here is a never-ending struggle.

They say this place you've found yourself in hellish.

They have no clue what hell is.

They've never been to that world.

The world you came from.

That world has never been the same since that day.

On that day when two nations in their short sided petty squabble over nothing unleashed forces that none could control.

That day when life as humanity knew it on Earth ended.

That day when the Rifts came.

Devastating was the effects and calamities that were unleashed across the world with the reemergence of magic.

Such as was the case with:

[X] North America

Coalition States (anti-mutant, anti-magic (officially), advanced tech, genetic engineering)
Free Quebec (even more advanced tech, no genetic engineering even more bigoted)
Tundra Rangers of Canada ( mounties whose base was rocketed 250 years into the future)
Lazlo (multiracial ultra-tolerant magic using city)
The (Destroyed) Kingdom of Tolkein ( magic using kingdom wiped out by coalition turned to dark magic to try and survive)
Federation of Magic (magic supremacist faction)
Psyscape ( a hidden conclave of super psychics)
Native Americans ( sub-factions: techno-magic renegades, Luddite highly magical traditionalists and anti-magic modern Natives)
Sorcerers forge: (secret batch of techno-magic users)
Cyber-Knights (psychic Knights of North America)
Cowboys of the New West
Ley Line Wizards
and more...

[] South America

Nazca Line mages (unparalleled Ley line using humans)
Republic of Columbia (human technologist and dwarves rune mages allied against the Vampire Kingdom of Haktla)
Amazon kingdom ( genetically engineered descendants of Atlantis)
Biomancers (think human and wood elf life manipulating magic users)
Voodoo kingdom of Bahia
Ultra-crazies (insane techno-magic enhanced psionic users)
Omagua (city of genetically engineered cat humanoids, were-cats and human allies)
Empire of the Sun (resurrected Incan empire armed with divine magic and advanced weapons)
Achilles Republic (Kingdom of mutants including unmatched Psychic Neo-Humans)
New Babylon (the most advanced kingdom in South America, armed with psychic weapons)
Silver Republics (human supremacist tech users of South America)

[] Europe

New Camelot Empire (magic knights in the future)
Temporal wizards and raiders
Star and Earth Children (people who can channel Ley line energy to transform themselves into energy or into goliaths of stone)
Warlords of Russia (cyborg warlords of Eastern Europe)
Sovietski (future Soviets of human and inhuman origin armed with advanced cyborg tech)
New German Republic (arguably the most advanced human Kingdom)
Living Fire mages
Mystic Blacksmiths
Old Believers and mages of the old gods
Serpent Slayers (dragon slayers)
Magic and psychic Gypsies
New Oslo (advanced Scandinavian countries fighting against werewolves)
Tarnow (techno-magic kingdom fueled by the slowly corrupting power of the philosopher stone)

[] Asia

Geofront (Advanced tech and magic users of China)
Demon hunters of China and Japan
Enlightened Demons (demons who have gained a conscience and are slowly becoming human)
Mystic and Tech ninjas and Samurais
Heroes of the Celestial Court (divine kung fu users and servants of the celestial bureaucracy)
Republic of Japan (ultra advanced tech users whose people are the longest-lived non-magic users)
Green Scarf Taoists (Demon Binders)
Spirit Hosts (channelers of Benevolent spirits)
Blind Mystic
Mystic Kung-fu Users
Chi Gung users (think dbz type energy attack users)
Chi mages
Crazies of the Geofront (kung-fu users who use cybernetics to unlock psychic powers at the cost of sanity)

[] Australia

Aerojock (pilot), power armor pilot, technologist, soldier, phreaker (mutant) grunt, sailor, cop, special ops, cyborg, and psionically augmented (crazies), Bushman (wilderness explorers and survivalists), Jack/Jillaroo (Aussie cowboys), Wilderness guides, trader, Road sentinel driver, road ganger criminal, Raider (folks who steal tech from cities), sham-man (white mystic), song juicer (folks who tap into the songlines to supercharge their physical abilities), outbacker cyborg, Phreaker outbacker
Reef guardian, totem warrior, Dreamtime delver, songline walker, mabarn (aboriginal sorcerer), corroboree player (aboriginal summoner), mystic hunter, fetish warrior, life-tree guardian, ancestral medium, divine painter, opal slayer

[] The Seas

Lemurian gene-mages
Lemurian stone magic users
Lemurian (Bio Armor users)
Escaped Slaves of Atlantis (magic tattooed warriors, techno-magic users)
Sea Titans of the New Navy (seeming Immortal humans enhanced by unknown energy)
Sea Inquisitors (people who resisted the call of an eldritch abomination and gained powers
Sea Druids
Soakers (super hydrokinetic users)
Whale Singers (magic users forged from the fusion of human souls and those of whales/dolphins)
Cargo magic users

[] Antarctica -the author has realized he could get in legal trouble if he allows this

[] Africa, unfortunately, does not really have any character classes other than Witchdoctor and Rainmaker

I have an advanced copy of the Antarctica book but part of the purchasing agreement includes a non-disclosure agreement.

QM note: Welcome to the first ever Warhammer/Palladium Megaverse crossover quest! How will you carve out your destiny on the world of Mallus which you've found yourself transported to? Shall you change the course of history and bring about a golden age? Or shall you bring about a new era of darkness? Only time and your choices will tell. I plan on updating this quest whenever I'm not working, writing my other two quests or spending time with my significant others. Anyway enough jibber jabber its time to get on with the smiting! :D
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[X] Australia

Well the place is already trying to kill us off over here and there's not much that could make it worse, not even the return of the creatures of the dreaming.
[X] Asia

edit: changed to Asia as I recall that that also has a nice mix of both magic and high-tech as the other places.
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Because of the importance of this vote and because I have plans with my girl tomorrow i'm giving you an extra day to vote. You guys have till Thursday at 6pm to vote or convince others.
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