Looks at how he and his Bohka traitors teamed up with Chaos and bowed down to worship Skaven and vampires as their new masters.


I think Ivan's going to find that the people of Kislev are going to agree with the Romanovs on this short of thing being necessary.

It's a very common story, a rebellion starts for what where lets be real here, 100% justified reasons, only to be co-opted by the forces of ruin. His mother is bluntly put, a monster who had inflicted horrors upon anyone and everyone who might have opposed her. She was starting to make the proverbial trains run on time, but only by greasing the wheels with blood and atrocity. The way she ruled made rebellion a certainty, a matter of when not if. That dark forces used the rebellion for their own ends does not change the fact that the rebellion was justified.
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"The Claw has always been bound and connected to Ghrond, but the Cult of Khaine has always been the most powerfully represented on it as well. That…may be changing."
Manlathan: "Allow me to to introduce, my most pissed off priestess".
I am smelling a crisis of faith Followed by an devine revelation.
Someone gonna get smiten.

[] Retinue - The more effort and time Hultressa puts into this act, the more assets she can actually bring with her to the Auction as her presumed efforts 'work out' in terms of recruitment. Some effort will already be made, enough to bring Frederick, but any other assets will require some time put towards this. Doing so will allow Hultressa to much more strongly justify bringing in others, arming them even as her guards, and so on. Therefore, once you are at the Temple of Khaine, you will have that many more weapons and bodies at hand to aid you.

[X] Cult Investigations - The Cult of Khaine is acting with greater desperation than even Hultressa expected, and now she is uncertain as to which of the Cults may actually be trying to gain proper ascendance in the coming Auction. It is rare for Khaine to be displaced by another of the Cytharai, but not impossible to happen. After Dreadbringer's death, it may well be that other Cults think that now is their time to rise, and as such, it may do well to account for them more thoroughly for the upcoming Auction.

I want Roland on the outside. with 3 'operatives' on the inside, that's three objectives at once we can address...
While I do hope on the domino effect, I also want to factor in external angle. The Temple is understaffed after all...
It's a very common story, a rebellion starts for what where lets be real here, 100% justified reasons, only to be co-opted by the forces of ruin. His mother is bluntly put, a monster who had inflicted horrors upon anyone and everyone who might have opposed her. She was starting to make the proverbial trains run on time, but only by greasing the wheels with blood and atrocity. The way she ruled mad rebellion a certainty, a matter of if not when. That dark forces used the rebellion for their own ends does not change the fact that the rebellion was justified.

I mean it's essentially reactionary nobles. That is what certianly contributed to the fall of the real world inspiration of Kislev in Russia and to a certain extent Poland. The country was founded on the back of it's Princes, powerful nobles that did what was necessary for the state. Then the State organized, they wanted to improve the lives of their subjects and become more powerful. To do that they needed their people. The freeing of the serfs, they moved away from the "ancient and sacred" rights of the nobility to be the only power in the region. The gods are in the sky and the Tsar is far away. This saying most certainly was said in Russia. So those nobles kill the worst of their own leaders. They fund and supply rebel groups, (a good amount of Bolshevik activity was funded by nobles and the secret police frequently were agitators). Then they are always surprised when that dangerous wolf they kept on a leash, to threaten the intruders on "their" territory, slips their bonds, and always bite them first. The closest symbol of who they blame for their woes, not realizing they are killing the people who inflicted them with the horrors of suppression. Then all of a sudden the two sides that the nobles were playing off each other have no referee, it's a death match. Your calculations, the little slights to both mean your friends to none, and you will be left out in the cold no matter who wins.

[X] Cult investigations
[X] Pyramid - The more bombs, the more confusion amongst the overseers, the more manipulation, the greater the effect when the trigger is finally pulled. The greater the effect, the worse of Alyssa's position on the Ark will be, and the worse the food crisis would become. Hultressa will already be spending time with this, and has done so already, but the more she does, the better the end result - or worse, if you are Alyssa Voidreaper. The kind of destruction that could occur if properly focused upon could be quite effective if triggered at the right time, even if it is just to force Alyssa to send away some of her strength at the Auction to investigate.
[X] Cult Investigations - The Cult of Khaine is acting with greater desperation than even Hultressa expected, and now she is uncertain as to which of the Cults may actually be trying to gain proper ascendance in the coming Auction. It is rare for Khaine to be displaced by another of the Cytharai, but not impossible to happen. After Dreadbringer's death, it may well be that other Cults think that now is their time to rise, and as such, it may do well to account for them more thoroughly for the upcoming Auction.
[X] Cult Investigations - The Cult of Khaine is acting with greater desperation than even Hultressa expected, and now she is uncertain as to which of the Cults may actually be trying to gain proper ascendance in the coming Auction. It is rare for Khaine to be displaced by another of the Cytharai, but not impossible to happen. After Dreadbringer's death, it may well be that other Cults think that now is their time to rise, and as such, it may do well to account for them more thoroughly for the upcoming Auction.

As already said, I want Natasha to have our remaining super unit in Roland at her side and believe Jaqueline is better used together with her pegasus, which rules out retinue for me. And I don't believe that the size of the explosion on the pyramid will have nearly as much impact as the fact that it happened, at least not with how little time is supposed to be between it and us getting the fuck out.
Appear to have partially blown out my right forearm moving a heavy metal ladder around trying to get at some smoke alarms, kinda hurts to move or squeeze or flex or anything. Typing seems to be okay, but there is not so much pain but a new 'awareness' of the problem area. Just a head's up in case it gets worse or something.


at the very least try some wraping of the area and some breaks for towel-up chill packs.
Depending on the reacton might as well recomend an wrist elevation. And take breaks, regardless if you think it's time or not. Things like that have a tendency to hit harder after time.
Might as well try with auto-traction, but only if its not a first for you.

I know people claim that they are 'aware' of thier body, but if it was so easy to interprete there would not be an entire section of Medicine dedicated to such developments. Its OK to take it easy if you worry, a break or two won't hurt.

And check out that Ladder. those are not events that are meant to happen.
and all of that because of the death of one good man.
If Rasputin can see this from Morr's realm, he must me horrified
Especially since from all accounts his death was carefully constructed to happen by some old hags since in their mind the Chosen of the Widow has to be a widow herself, and like the Land/Widow she must be cold, hard, uncompromising, distant, and more.

Kat was dealt a very bad hand to become the symbol her country wanted.

Its partly why she likely ejected the Ice Hags from Kislev city in the first place, also believing they had a hand in her husband's death.
Appear to have partially blown out my right forearm moving a heavy metal ladder around trying to get at some smoke alarms, kinda hurts to move or squeeze or flex or anything. Typing seems to be okay, but there is not so much pain but a new 'awareness' of the problem area. Just a head's up in case it gets worse or something.
Take it easy and hope you feel better soon.
"May the Gods help me, but I cannot recognize my mother any longer. I can only see the monster that has killed so many. Ruined so many. Stolen so much. She breaks the spines of tens of thousands of slaves just to build her temples, her roads, her walls, where once she and my father eagerly discussed shattering the slave markets of Kislev entirely. She molds her niece as an instrument, and they continue to take and take and take. Where just and sound reasoning cannot suffice, they manufacture evidence, or proceed without it. She...hoards...like a dragon does. Power. People. Wealth. Land. All the proud lines of nobility since the time of Miska herself are being shackled, winnowed down, or shut out into the Oblast. Those that defy her die...horribly. Always. Impaled and left to see if they will die of their wounds or from the weather upon the walls. Burned. Tortured. Crushed. Any who do not conform to her desires has their lives and soul forfeit. She thinks to dictate even to the Gods themselves. It cannot stand. My mother guided me to walk the path of Tor, to stand up as the unbroken mountain upon whom the lightning cannot but illuminate. And if I must be the thunder that shatters the monster that wears her face, then so be it."
As stated, his father's death really fucked up their family as whole, and we are seeing the results of that.

Hope Alex can get a break from this and come home for a bit later once things settled, since she needs a positive environment.
You would think that a craftswoman such as herself, and as foul as the craft itself appears to be, would have some kind of outrage if she ever saw her creations being used as such. Like if someone tried to use Ghal Maraz as a mere paperweight or the like.

Meanwhile, back in the Empire, Magnus lets out an awful sneeze, nearly disrupting the lasted form in the unending tide of bureaucracy he's working on before, forced to wipe his nose with a fancy embroidered handkerchief and pulling out yet another form trapped beneath the golden form of Ghal Maraz.
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Its partly why she likely ejected the Ice Hags from Kislev city in the first place, also believing they had a hand in her husband's death.
Imagine if some Lahmians gloating about how they rilled Kislev up against each other, only for one of them to mention that Widowing the Tzarina was the easiest/funniest part. While in the earshot of Katarin...
[X] Cult Investigations - The Cult of Khaine is acting with greater desperation than even Hultressa expected, and now she is uncertain as to which of the Cults may actually be trying to gain proper ascendance in the coming Auction. It is rare for Khaine to be displaced by another of the Cytharai, but not impossible to happen. After Dreadbringer's death, it may well be that other Cults think that now is their time to rise, and as such, it may do well to account for them more thoroughly for the upcoming Auction.
[X] Cult Investigations - The Cult of Khaine is acting with greater desperation than even Hultressa expected, and now she is uncertain as to which of the Cults may actually be trying to gain proper ascendance in the coming Auction. It is rare for Khaine to be displaced by another of the Cytharai, but not impossible to happen. After Dreadbringer's death, it may well be that other Cults think that now is their time to rise, and as such, it may do well to account for them more thoroughly for the upcoming Auction.
[X] Cult Investigations - The Cult of Khaine is acting with greater desperation than even Hultressa expected, and now she is uncertain as to which of the Cults may actually be trying to gain proper ascendance in the coming Auction. It is rare for Khaine to be displaced by another of the Cytharai, but not impossible to happen. After Dreadbringer's death, it may well be that other Cults think that now is their time to rise, and as such, it may do well to account for them more thoroughly for the upcoming Auction.

If we don't keep an eye on the cults then Khaine's crew may be desperate enough to make a play for the Hultressa's daughter to try and buoy their power. We take no chances.
To even suggest that Hultressa would use anything of slave work? Insulting!

This isn't really exactly a reply to your thing, but Hultressa is very much an incredibly wealthy single woman in Druchii society, and it amused me enough to make this image. Because she trucks as much in material wealth as more esoteric things as well. It sort of just comes with being a major sorceress on a major Ghrond-aligned Black Ark.

This isn't really exactly a reply to your thing, but Hultressa is very much an incredibly wealthy single woman in Druchii society, and it amused me enough to make this image. Because she trucks as much in material wealth as more esoteric things as well. It sort of just comes with being a major sorceress on a major Ghrond-aligned Black Ark.
I'm sure that even though she is leaving most of it behind, she plans to build up her wealthy lifestyle wherever she and her daughter end up.
[X] Pyramid - The more bombs, the more confusion amongst the overseers, the more manipulation, the greater the effect when the trigger is finally pulled. The greater the effect, the worse of Alyssa's position on the Ark will be, and the worse the food crisis would become. Hultressa will already be spending time with this, and has done so already, but the more she does, the better the end result - or worse, if you are Alyssa Voidreaper. The kind of destruction that could occur if properly focused upon could be quite effective if triggered at the right time, even if it is just to force Alyssa to send away some of her strength at the Auction to investigate.

We've been making the bombs this whole time. Let's make sure they get planted and actually used to better improve our odds.
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Kislev Xanatos Gambit Pile up. Sheesh.
What a glorious mess it is.

Seriously. When Katarin gets back, she has the perfect excuse to pin things on the skaven and get the Romanovs back in her corner. The fact that she's not a vampire yet makes things possible.

Kislev needs the reforms if its going to be true peer to the empire.
If they simply played around let the influence creep be mutual, then they could have had a much more powerful bargaining position. Instead, the infighting and their cultural stubbornness worked against them.
Such a shame.
"Woven by slaves," she whispers it again while rolling her eyes. "I may aim to make myself a pauper in all accounts to the rest of the Druchii by the end of this, but in the meantime, Princess of Tiranoc, do not dismiss the artisanry of elves, for no matter what else we are between one another we are elves," she finishes with her chin held high.

Eldyra's jaw drops open ever so slightly as she is confronted by the sheer importance that Hultressa holds upon her luxuries.
Hultressa: *Calls Eldyra a poor plebeian with no drip, no swag, and no cash in 200+ different languages*

*Vine boom noises intensifies*

Eldyra: *Bejita kneels for a moment and then proceeds to do the yamcha pose after getting blasted with Hultressa's sheer aura*
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I'm sure that even though she is leaving most of it behind, she plans to build up her wealthy lifestyle wherever she and her daughter end up.
Honestly, Assuming that she manages to get assilum on Ultuwan and set her daughter to have some help... I give her 3 decades (until Gwen be about the age Elydra was when she showed up) before she have a gigantic century long breakdown to start to process all her trauma.

One thing that was telling in this chapter is that the woman is functional on the most technical sense and is nowhere as prepared to exist in actual polite society.
Honestly, Assuming that she manages to get assilum on Ultuwan and set her daughter to have some help... I give her 3 decades (until Gwen be about the age Elydra was when she showed up) before she have a gigantic century long breakdown to start to process all her trauma.

One thing that was telling in this chapter is that the woman is functional on the most technical sense and is nowhere as prepared to exist in actual polite society.
Hultressa could probably find work at the Arcane Fulcrum, where her knowledge of Dhar could help with the Waystone project. As a bonus it allows Gwendolyn to stay in Ostland and potentially become an engineer
like some previously posted.
Hultressa could probably find work at the Arcane Fulcrum, where her knowledge of Dhar could help with the Waystone project. As a bonus it allows Gwendolyn to stay in Ostland and potentially become an engineer
like some previously posted.
That is not an ideal situation for her, she want to be beyond the reach of the Druichi as possible, Ostoland is not really a safe place to be all things considered.
That is not an ideal situation for her, she want to be beyond the reach of the Druichi as possible, Ostoland is not really a safe place to be all things considered.
Hultressa's priority is Gwendolyn. Hultressa has hopefully made that very clear to the casual reader, that if Hultressa dies in support of getting Gwendolyn out of druchii influence, she will do that if she must.

So if Hultressa had to be seperated from Gwendolyn, Hultressa would do that. Such as Gwendolyn must stay near the everqueen forever to stay out of Khaine's influence.