There may or may have not been the slightest strengthening of the winds and air currents to a winged one who launched herself out of an arced Imperial Great Cannon, winds tinged with the smells of the harvest and the sounds of stamping feet in the fields in the air.

Or maybe the trajectory and velocity were already enough before the Black Ark reached high enough speeds.


Also, as she may well mention in the next update, elven blood turns out to really be way too sweet compared to the perfection of human blood for vampiric consumption. It's like having to drink nothing but maple syrup for too many weeks. Even if you like it, it's like...that's a whole lot, you know?
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An Elector Count, a princess of Kislev, a Druchii Sorceress, a Bretonnian Questing Knight and a Vampire...

My, is this a tabletop adventure we're having? Where's the Necromancer Halfling and Dwarf Bard to round the party off? :V

Edit: All we need now is for them to walk into Hultressa's built-in bar and we have ourselves a joke. :V
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Oh man, their are literal decades worth of events that Natash is going to have to squeeze into a couple hours of talking, and not days' worth of talking. Johanna is going to have a lot of stuff to go over through when she hears the abbreviated version of events after she left. Especially as things only got more intense and impactful after the Vampire war ended, and the adventures only escalated in intensity and length from there on out.

Besides that, now everyone but Magda are all united together and safe, for the moment of this update at any rate now.
Hey, not to jinx us, but that went about as well as I could hope for, and now we've got yet another hero character to help out.

I'll admit, something about having both Roland and Johanna along for the great escape boosts my confidence.
An Elector Count, a princess of Kislev, a Druchii Sorceress, a Bretonnian Questing Knight and a Vampire...

My, is this a tabletop adventure we're having? Where's the Necromancer Halfling and Dwarf Bard to round the party off? :V

Edit: All we need now is for them to walk into Hultressa's built-in bar and we have ourselves a joke. :V
High Elf Paladin with a tragic backstory and a Wood Elf Assassin.
Also, as she may well mention in the next update, elven blood turns out to really be way too sweet compared to the perfection of human blood for vampiric consumption. It's like having to drink nothing but maple syrup for too many weeks. Even if you like it, it's like...that's a whole lot, you know?

So at this point how many Dark elves are left, I mean I know escape is plan A, but Jo is such fucking bullshit in combat at this point... I have to wonder how many bites does it take to get to the chewy dark elf leadership center of a Black Ark?
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So at this point how many Dark elves are left, I mean I know escape is plan A, but Jo is such fucking bullshit in combat at this point... I have to wonder how many bite does it take to get to the chewy dark elf leadership center of a Black Ark?

Based on the smaller Black Ark having a population of ~250,000 Druchii. With this Ark being larger and incorporating the remainder of the other Arks military forces. Probably 300,000 Druchii. They took 100k losses in the attack, but gained the aforementioned remnants of the other Arks military.

While the raids and the sabotage probably caused hundreds or even low thousands of casualties too, I doubt its been a major issue.
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Based on the smaller Black Ark having a population of ~250,000 Druchii. With this Ark being larger and is incorporating the remainder of the other Arks military forces. Probably 300,000 Druchii. They took 100k losses in the attack, but gained the aforementioned remnants of the other Arks military.

While the raids and the sabotage probably caused hundreds or even low thousands of casualties too, I doubt its been a major issue.
Yeah, at this point they're losing more Druchii from the instability present on the Ark that we have been not only trying to preserve, but even expand to make it even more Chaotic in the future to ramp it up in intensity. Which is honestly our biggest contributor tbh, for however many thousands we've killed from both the farms, the plantation, the Ork Uprising, and Johanna trying to kill as many Druchii as possible while staying hidden, is very insignificant to the continual anarchy we have kept on stroking in the Ark for the last month or so.
An Elector Count, a princess of Kislev, a Druchii Sorceress, a Bretonnian Questing Knight and a Vampire...

My, is this a tabletop adventure we're having? Where's the Necromancer Halfling and Dwarf Bard to round the party off? :V

Edit: All we need now is for them to walk into Hultressa's built-in bar and we have ourselves a joke. :V
It's even crazier that with context it's more insane of a party. Every single one mentioned has their own badass feats and unique story.

Oh also don't forget the literal band of female knights that ride Pegasuses. I'm trying to imagine who else we could meet before we get off the ark, you know that extra insane factor. Can't think of anything, I guess we will have to wait until kislev to grab someone else from that civil war or whatever.

Is that still the plan? It said we might be close enough to the elves, but we still have a better shot at kislev right?
It's even crazier that with context it's more insane of a party. Every single one mentioned has their own badass feats and unique story.

Oh also don't forget the literal band of female knights that ride Pegasuses. I'm trying to imagine who else we could meet before we get off the ark, you know that extra insane factor. Can't think of anything, I guess we will have to wait until kislev to grab someone else from that civil war or whatever.

Is that still the plan? It said we might be close enough to the elves, but we still have a better shot at kislev right?
No, we are by this point so far north, we are past Kislev and instead are on the Northern Coast of Norsca, and frightenly close to the edge of the Polar North Chaos Wastes.

As for anyone else to meet, theirs Magda a currently alive but insane High Priestess of Manaan, and a couple crazy hero's in one of the gladiator arena's that are now closed. But that's more or less it.
With bullshit level vamp can we steal personal daggers/weapons of one faction and use it to kill high level members of other factions? Have the weapons get 'caught' on the bones or something so it's left behind. A civil war can't happen soon enough.
Huh damn Johanna is here probably was going to try and help us given her master is at Karak a Karak and honestly her being here opens up options for us on what sabotage we can do!

Also I would say said sabotage was wildly successful here.
No, we are by this point so far north, we are past Kislev and instead are on the Northern Coast of Norsca, and frightenly close to the edge of the Polar North Chaos Wastes.

As for anyone else to meet, theirs Magda a currently alive but insane High Priestess of Manaan, and a couple crazy hero's in one of the gladiator arena's that are now closed. But that's more or less it.

If the surviving slaves from the captured Ark are any indication, then among the gladiators/slaves we will find an Ogre Warband, Lizardmen, Norse and regular Dawi and Asur that accompanied Eldyra's fleet that was coming to aid us.

So significantly more than just Magda and some oddball heroes.
"We have some time," Hultressa stated, "But not too long. I will have to make myself seen elsewhere after reinforcing the wards here."

"I'll go first, then…you can explain…you," Natasha flapped a hand at Johanna before finally collapsing into a chair.

"Okay…," Johanna said, head still cocking at strange times, sniffing at the air.

"I'll try summarize as best I can, but it's been a hell of a time since you left after the Vampire War…,"

Genuinely fucking amazing.

We have a Sigmarite Imperial Elector Count, a Bretonnian Questing Knight, a Kislevite Princess channeling her ancient goddess, an Isha-influenced Druchii Sorceress, her Khaine touched assassin daughter, a female Pegasus rider Knight who Mulan'd her way into this, a Cathay trained Imperial Vampire.

Also on the Ark is Manaan's Sea Monster Sea Pope, an Asrai Waywatcher out to see the world, an Ind-travelling Asur Handmaiden of the Everqueen, a comatose Asur Princess Squire of fucking Tyrion.

We're also likely to crash the Ark into Norsca, run into the Slann-affiliated Norscans, Kattarin the Bloody and the Norscan Dawi. A shame we couldn't grab a halfling or Urgdug.
An Elector Count, a princess of Kislev, a Druchii Sorceress, a Bretonnian Questing Knight and a Vampire...

My, is this a tabletop adventure we're having? Where's the Necromancer Halfling and Dwarf Bard to round the party off? :V

Edit: All we need now is for them to walk into Hultressa's built-in bar and we have ourselves a joke. :V

High Elf Paladin with a tragic backstory and a Wood Elf Assassin.
A Dragon-Blooded Shunengan and a shadow warrior of Nihppon or whatever not-japan is called.
So, we've destroyed a lot of food production, what was next of our list of things to do?

Infighting, all of this is to push the Dark Elves normal homicidal paranoia over the edge to get them from pointing fingers to pointing swords, into each others guts. We need a mid level Elf dead with evidence that someone from another group killed them. Then we watch the fireworks and clean up the left overs.