Transhumanity's Fate (Eclipse Phase, Fate RPG System)

It's a thing! I'm here now.

Also, it would be helpful if I had a single reference sheet for you guys, so I know what aspects you've filled in and what you haven't. If you pick a post to be "your" post (maybe your first post in the thread?) I can mark them so I have an easy reference.
Character concept: Lonely lost sweeper/writer.
The idea is a Lost who desperately wants to find someone like her, someone else who knows what life is infected by the W/ML Virus. She escaped onto Mars and found that the skills the project gave her allowed her to become a Sweeper far too easily. In-between jobs she writes books, her wishes made writ.
Background: Lost
Faction: Mercurial, in the way that the first sentence describes it. She has no interest in trying to be "human", the Lost and the Asyncs should go there own path. Lovely parallel with the uplits and AGIs: Made by humanity, in the image of humanity and raised to try and become as human as possible, yet still not of humanity.
Motivations/Memes: Writing the truth, It's a very lonely world, Cognite must know more.
Lost'y part:I was later told that the transition between the Simulspace and reality was to be smooth, planned out as it was. That was, of course, before the whistleblowing and media attention forced the early closure of the project. How it actually happened was something else. Just hanging around with my friends, doing a bit of target practice, and then I was floating in a healing vat, with a Dr. MacLeod pulling me out of the white gel. There were... six or eight of us in his group and I was one of the last ones he took out. The room we were in had... Hundreds, thousands, all lined up and yet he only chose our group. I only recognised two people in there, one guy from my geography class and another who lived maybe six doors down. He talked with amazing confidence, even as we were escaping and guards tried to stop him and us from escaping. He must have been either an Async or a quite able psychosurgeon, as he just told the guards to hand over their weapons and they did. The, with no delay, he shot both of them in the head, calmly ripped out their cortical stacks and proceeded on. Nothing too shocking, I'd seen similar events in the simluspace's alleys and dark corners, but the complete lack of reaction on his part.... It was unfathomable with how our minders always fussed about behaving and kindness and all that... We would be taken to a small shuttle by him, before he grinned at us and said the last sentence before I left Phobos.. I'll never forget it, not willingly at least.
"The technical term for what you can do is the Watts-MacLeod virus, and for that you can thank me."

First Adventure:Mars is not a nice place to live if you're Lost. When the story of the escapees broke, billions of credits were spent on Ego hunters. Evading ego hunters, especially Direct Action hunters, when they have detailed psychoanalysis of you is a rather difficult task. I needed to get off the Red Rock. I gathered a few like minded people, and we went Ego Hunting. Ego Hunting is an odd job. No qualifications are needed, and the right targets were... Well, to use a cliché... No Questions asked. Of course, those people are typically the hardest to kill. So, a plan was made. The target was the leader of a Barsoomian group that opposed the PC, while the contractor failed to identify themselves (OOC: It begins with O and rhymes with Blight). We went in, lightly armed but with extensive usage of what another non Lost Async called "Slights". We came out four fewer, but with a bloody Stack clutched in a victorious fist. Waiting for us were Ego hunters. It was a slaughter, Plasmaburst mines and Assault Rail rounds killing us, the barsoomians, everyone left right and centre. I got out only by the non existent skin of my teeth (bloody stupid phrase) by grabbing a Buggy and getting the fuck out. The Contractor seemed surprised that we managed to get the stack to him, but he paid us anyway. The increased Credits from not having to divide it so many ways has let me buy my way onto a ship bound for Venus instead of Ego Casting. Finally of this fucking dust ball and into somewhere else. Fuck Cognite. Fuck them.

Crossing Paths, Part one:
The girl stopped by the balcony and turned around.

"You know that detectives usually have back up when searching for a murderer? Now, why don't you just go awa.... Hello! Fancy seeing you here, Darshy. Long time since we last saw each other, isn't it? Been having fun.. No, you wouldn't have. You were always boring, weren't you? Never played any of the games, down the corners an in the gaps. Fuck, you were almost as straight laced as Martin."

As Darshan started forwards, the girl brought up her hand, and a short stubby pistol was soon pointing at his chest. A couple of seconds later a long string of digits appeared in his mesh ID.

"That's one of my mesh IDs. Call me, yeah?"

And with that she jumped backwards over the balcony, and started falling towards the red Venusian clouds. ((Spindles are fun, and let you do stuff like diving off aerostats to get away from people))

Crossing Over, Part II: The bar was small, cramped, like most everything else on Luna. Down at one end of the bar was a Corvid, quietly nursing a drink. Sat next to him was a woman, who was currently spinning an ampoule full of white powder in her hands.

"Hey, Skuli. Have you ever been to Venus?"

The corvid turned to look at her, before returning to his drink.

"Who's asking?"

"A ticket on a hypers ship there. You see, you're a very wanted man, Skuli. The bounty on you is almost enough that some talent might be interested. And its getting higher. Thankfully for you, some of their competition would rather you stay alive. It's politics and business, all rolled into one."
The ampoule stopped spinning, and she grinned.
"I'll get paid either way. So, what say you?"

High Concept: Killer for fun and profit
Trouble: My bio starts with Lost.

Shoot (+4), Will (+4), Athletics (+3), Decive (+3), Fight (+2), Cover (+2), Investigate (+2), Infiltrate (+1), Notice (+1), Survival (+1), Provoke (+1), Program (+1).
Just dumped everything in this post, so use this one, okay?
Name: Darshan Wu aka Subject C1970
Character Concept: Async Empath
Background: Lost
Faction: Brinker
Motivation: +Stay Low Profile, +Techno-Progressivism. +Async Registration/Containment
Description: Darshan Wu wants to help people. However, as an Async and member of the Lost, people generally speaking don't want to help him.
Escape Phase: Life in the virtual reality was clear, clean. Life in the real world is blood and murder. Darshan awoke to a full-scale riot, murder writ large. People in white suits slashed up, body parts floating in zero-G. A front-row seat to murder. And worst of all, he could feel what they both were thinking -- the terror of the victim and the joy/satisfaction/cold calculation of their killers. Somehow, he found a shuttle. Somehow, he got away, dropping blood-spattered clothes into space. Somehow, he made himself a new life, even as the visions grew more terrifying. All he knew is he needed to keep people safe from the type of evil he saw during his escape from Cognite -- and maybe, get some answers on how they allowed it to develop.

First Adventure: Darshan has learned to pass off his strange abilities as quirks and a special talent for crime scene investigation. In reality, he can read the thoughts of others and vividly recreate crime scenes in his head. Still, he can't let his talents go to waste when there's bad guys to be caught, including some of his own kin. At the same time, he can't let what those bastards at Cognite did to him go, and if they're continuing to do that to others, they need to be stopped. He remains suspicious of other asyncs, and thinks that maybe one day, they should be registered or contained. This stems from watching the horror of the Lost's escape and the horrors many of them have inflicted -- and a lingering worry that under it all, he might not be so different.

High Concept: Async Psychological Analyst
Aspect: I Need to Keep People Safe From Monsters Like Myself
Crossover Aspect: A Good Async Is Hard to Find
Crossover Aspect: ???

Great (+4) Kinesics Deceive      
Good (+3) Rapport Medicine      
Fair (+2) Will Somatics Investigate    
Average (+1) X-Risks Athletics Infosec Cover Shoot
Ego Stunts
Coming Soon!

Probably an Exalt or something.
Also, got bored, did this. It's that questionaire I did a while back.

And my god, I need a name. The Lady does not work for long.
Oh, and on Lost names: the way I read it, the entire FUTURA project was run as several programs concurrently, so to the extent that you had codenames or product names, it's reasonable to have different patterns or designations; it just means you were built by two or more different subgroups. To the extent that there are 'canon' names, the only Lost name I remember is 'Hera79' - I've used variations on that name a number of times. Like Adonis51, the Lost bioengineer whose idea of 'art' was 'deadly bioweapons'. Or Hera24, the Lost space pirate.
Like so? I imagine any club that someone with Gunaxi rep hangs around in won't be the kind you see advertised.
Also, just looked at the Morph list. Why you give me no Futura? :(
I am trading you mine there for a exalt
You're going cool hunting?

EDIT: That's a Survival overcome action to get some good XP from the Savanna, difficulty 1.
Less cools and more her having (whatever animalk medicine falls under here atm) as the +4 slot and that being now a somewhat rare skill despite the presence of uplifts.
I can change it into cool huntingg if that works better for you, and it would also be easier to make into rep.
A Exalt is a fairly standart, even a bit old morph. Chuck's Eclipse Phase Wiki - Morphs
Aye, but that doesn't stop the fact that in the Transhumanity's Fate, there are no rules for both Exalts and Futuras. Or Rusters, or Dragonflies or any of half a dozen morphs just in the core book.
Huh, I thought there was for some reason. Functionally, I guess they might as well be Flats as far as Fate is concerned.

Probably worthwhile to come up with a custom stunt you could apply to a Flat morph to represent it being a Futura. Any thoughts, @Acatalepsy?
Futuras are an exalt variant, so they would be closer to Splicers.
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Aye, but that doesn't stop the fact that in the Transhumanity's Fate, there are no rules for both Exalts and Futuras. Or Rusters, or Dragonflies or any of half a dozen morphs just in the core book.

Futuras are an exalt variant, so they would be closer to Splicers.
Ahh, I missunderstood you there and thought it was about the problems to get them in the non fate book , as I did not check that detail in the TransFate book.
I think in general that's because EP Fate doesn't model the same level of granularity when it comes to Morphs as EP -- there's nothing in Transhuman Fate that says, for example, a Martian Alpiner gets +1 to Notice while a Ruster gets +1 to SOM.

In this way it's just easier to take a Splicer and add some stunts and aspects to it that make it more like a Ruster. I'd come up with some ideas but I don't have access to the book right now.

EDIT: Or for the Dragonfly example, take one of the Synthmorphs and add the "movement: flight" stunt.
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Please tell me someone gets the reference?