Transhumanity's Fate (Eclipse Phase, Fate RPG System)

Okay, but...why would a pop star join an elite security company? It's like...if I was running a game set in the modern US, about a bunch of people working for blackwater, and you wanted your character to be a former pop singer who fell on hard times. Culture shock is a perfectly fine angle, can do that without the idea being something that falls apart to even casual introspection.
Actually, I think it's doable. Okay, she can't be a pop star on the level of Taylor Swift. But people are going to have different levels of fame in different places. If I say "Justin Bieber and Celine Dion" you probably have a vague idea who I'm talking about, and if they joined Blackwater people would know about it. If, however, I said "Melissa McClelland and Luke Doucet", you're going to be like, "who?"

So, my idea is this, if @Scia is okay with it. I'll admit I never read the William Gibson novel, but the wikipedia suggests an Idoru is manufactured, a Hatsune Miku for the posthuman age. Presumably, Cyrsi was manufactured to be famous and make a ton of money. However, she never gained much fame beyond Venus, or possibly even a cluster of habs there. If you've spent tons of money and effort making an infolife designed to crank out viral megahits and she doesn't do that well and starts whining about "doing it for the art," you might get an idea it's time to pull the plug and start over.

(Note: this also works if she was supposed to be an actor or something)

Obviously Cyrsi wouldn't be agreeable to this, and ran off to a security company. That's the how of how she ended up on the doorstep of the security company, the whys of "why do they keep her around" and "why did she choose this particular security company" are probably best answered in the crossover phase. Maybe someone has a soft spot for AGIs on the team?
Maybe someone has a soft spot for AGIs on the team
I picture Jiran as having this sort of egalitarian assholishness. He might be a jerk, but he's exactly as much of a jerk to AGIs and uplifts as he is to everybody else.

"A mind is simply a self-modifying, self-learning, self-aware program. It can be created by chance, or through artifice; run on biological or digital processes; but at the most basic level, any intelligent mind is the same as any other. We give her the same chance we would give anybody else. If she fails, she fails. If she can handle it, we should not turn away skilled help."
Well Iron Wolfs idea works there and as for why she is still there I assume that her having knowledge abozt living the high socitiy live will be helpfull as one does sometimes also have to have a instinctive grasp of that and most people that do so are usually not found working for a security company. Leading to being opartially the face , or coaching the others about how to interact with such social interactions. Or how to act in a role and being convincing as for example the girl of the week of that one guy, or being the janitor that is overworked.
Obviously Cyrsi wouldn't be agreeable to this, and ran off to a security company. That's the how of how she ended up on the doorstep of the security company, the whys of "why do they keep her around" and "why did she choose this particular security company" are probably best answered in the crossover phase. Maybe someone has a soft spot for AGIs on the team?

That sounds workable. main objection is that my view of the team is being very...tactical operator-y. I'd be worried that a character that didn't fit into that environment and tone. If that's not a problem - either because we don't want that tone, or because we're okay with ignoring/downplaying the "lol idol robot shootin people" part, I'm okay with that, too.

Either way, crossovers are a thing that needs to happen.

Example possible crossovers: maybe Iron Wolf's Darshan Wu tracked Estro's Unamed Lost off of Mars after their first adventure, and caught up with them. Maybe Jiran helped Cyrsi flee their creators. Maybe Alex Brown hunted down one of Jiran's renegade forks from his ego experiments.
That sounds workable. main objection is that my view of the team is being very...tactical operator-y. I'd be worried that a character that didn't fit into that environment and tone. If that's not a problem - either because we don't want that tone, or because we're okay with ignoring/downplaying the "lol idol robot shootin people" part, I'm okay with that, too.

Either way, crossovers are a thing that needs to happen.

Example possible crossovers: maybe Iron Wolf's Darshan Wu tracked Estro's Unamed Lost off of Mars after their first adventure, and caught up with them. Maybe Jiran helped Cyrsi flee their creators. Maybe Alex Brown hunted down one of Jiran's renegade forks from his ego experiments.
Ah, then it explains that further because for me the Espionage & Technothriller package also included moments where one has to trick and infilitrate others.
First Adventure: Darshan has learned to pass off his strange abilities as quirks and a special talent for crime scene investigation. In reality, he can read the thoughts of others and vividly recreate crime scenes in his head. Still, he can't let his talents go to waste when there's bad guys to be caught, including some of his own kin. At the same time, he can't let what those bastards at Cognite did to him go, and if they're continuing to do that to others, they need to be stopped. He remains suspicious of other asyncs, and thinks that maybe one day, they should be registered or contained. This stems from watching the horror of the Lost's escape and the horrors many of them have inflicted -- and a lingering worry that under it all, he might not be so different.
Crossing Paths, Part one:
The girl stopped by the balcony and turned around.

"You know that detectives usually have back up when searching for a murderer? Now, why don't you just go awa.... Hello! Fancy seeing you here, Darshy. Long time since we last saw each other, isn't it? Been having fun.. No, you wouldn't have. You were always boring, weren't you? Never played any of the games, down the corners an in the gaps. Fuck, you were almost as straight laced as Martin."

As Darshan started forwards, the girl brought up her hand, and a short stubby pistol was soon pointing at his chest. A couple of seconds later a long string of digits appeared in his mesh ID.

"That's one of my mesh IDs. Call me, yeah?"

And with that she jumped backwards over the balcony, and started falling towards the red Venusian clouds. ((Spindles are fun, and let you do stuff like diving off aerostats to get away from people))
Well the first adventure of my lost will most likely either involve getting away from cogito, or trying to eek out a living after doing so. So anyone wants to deal with a empath that has the problem that the voices jsut won't shut up?:p

While a escape is also quite likely for my infomorph. Or alternative the first meeting is prior or during my breakout and I used you to get away.
Well the first adventure of my lost will most likely either involve getting away from cogito, or trying to eek out a living after doing so. So anyone wants to deal with a empath that has the problem that the voices jsut won't shut up?:p
Sure. My advice my be a little unsettling however... XD
Okay, my intention was to open the IC thread...a while ago. We're still kind of tottering along. Some of that has been me being busy, but a great deal of our interested players have not posted a character or tried to participate, and it's hard for me to expedite that process outside of forcing you people to be in an IRC channel or something.

(Speaking of: is there a chance I could force some you into an IRC channel or something?)

Like...crossing over isn't super complicated. It's a paragraph, at most.

Example crossover would be: "After Alice the Lost (PC #1) escaped Cognite, she was on Luna with no ID, a malfunctioning muse, and no idea what to do next. Fortunately, she met a Scum tinkerer named Bob (PC #2) who could get her those things - if she'd do some favors with those 'powers' of hers. Favors like 'sabotage cameras to create a skip map' or 'skim passwords out of hyperelite brats'."
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Okay, my intention was to open the IC thread...a while ago. We're still kind of tottering along. Some of that has been me being busy, but a great deal of our interested players have not posted a character or tried to participate, and it's hard for me to expedite that process outside of forcing you people to be in an IRC channel or something.

(Speaking of: is there a chance I could force some you into an IRC channel or something?)

Like...crossing over isn't super complicated. It's a paragraph, at most.

Example crossover would be: "After Alice the Lost (PC #1) escaped Cognite, he was on Luna with no ID, a malfunctioning muse, and no idea what to do next. Fortunately, he met a Scum tinkerer named Bob (PC #2) who could get him those things - if he'd do some favors with those 'powers' of his. Favors like 'sabotage cameras to create a skip map' or 'skim passwords out of hyperelite brats'."

I'd love IRC, honestly I just haven't been quite getting the setting.
I'd love IRC, honestly I just haven't been quite getting the setting.

I'm online on in the SV channel (#svcommand) most days 5-10 EST or so. IronWolf is usually about too, as is Amorous Intent. I'll move discussion to a dedicated channel for it (such as #EclipseFate ) if there's people on and discussion to be had.
I have a hard time getting the IRC to work. (Mainly because I can never get my client to find the friggin server)
Well, I'm not longer on IRC as of now, but I highly recommend Mibbit as a simple, straightforward browser IRC client.
Sorry but the whole family is currently down with either rotavirus or notovirus. Lots of diarrhoea, throwing up and fever.
I am also around on the SV channel most of the time and still deliberating about aspects that are more usefull for the game as I am unsure about mine.
Well, I'm not longer on IRC as of now, but I highly recommend Mibbit as a simple, straightforward browser IRC client.
And mibbit would be great, except I can't get to #svcommand on using mibbit, and I can't find the program I downloaded a couple years ago to do so.

@Scia do we want the meeting to be Jiran and Cyrsi on the run from something, or Jiran convincing the other people in the mercenary gang security consulting firm to let Cyrsi try?
And mibbit would be great, except I can't get to #svcommand on using mibbit, and I can't find the program I downloaded a couple years ago to do so.

Really? Do you know what the problem is? In any case, see if you can get to sorcery; I'm on there too (well, or will be tomorrow), and if you can make it we'll designate #EclipsePhaseFate as the channel.

@Scia do we want the meeting to be Jiran and Cyrsi on the run from something, or Jiran convincing the other people in the mercenary gang security consulting firm to let Cyrsi try?

Either of those sounds good. Remember that this is a good place to introduce setting elements you want.
And mibbit would be great, except I can't get to #svcommand on using mibbit, and I can't find the program I downloaded a couple years ago to do so.

@Scia do we want the meeting to be Jiran and Cyrsi on the run from something, or Jiran convincing the other people in the mercenary gang security consulting firm to let Cyrsi try?
It might also work if Cyrsi is searching him out thanks to the possible presence of impulses that they want removed. And then adventure hits them which might lead to the recomendation for the firm.
I'm currently on IRC on, channel #EclipsePhaseFate , and will be for the rest of today, and from 5-10 PM EST tomorrow.

I'll also be going on vacation starting Saturday, and my posting will be pretty reduced. I'd like to be able to get an IC thread up by Saturday morning - otherwise, this game will probably functionally cease to exist.

If there's anything I can do to help you with getting a character together and building a world, please ask!
Something for Cyrsi

Fall phase
Traumwerke was the corps that created ver to tap into the medial market as a new face that was both acting and singing designed to hit all the right buttons from there target groups.. but somehow that did not work out, maybe it was a monent of uncanny ness, or sabotage in the marketing sector but well, vi was not selling and so to recuperate costs it was decided to add a few new upgrades to open ver up for a more /special/ group of customers. Which was not in Cyrsi interest leading to hightailing it out of there on acount of a wish to preserve themself beingunchanged which frther lead to inreased costs for Traumwerke as they where unable to recuperate the creation and advertising costs there. "Now, well there is a fork of me around based on some old data but , well its not me and I am free now."

First Adventure
Cyrsi was able to showcase vir worth to the organisation by acting as on site infiltrator into the surronding of Margaret Ylymars known dealer in exotic technology, be they from a Gatecrasher expedition, or from somewhat , or even only barely, understood Titan technology. Thanks to a as of yet unidentified device a long range electronic attack was unable to be deployed and so a volounteer was needed to get close enough to her to obtain the information via a physical medium. Cyrsi so assumed the identity of a socialite and slowly drifted into her circle, appearing always at the edge of a group not really looked at but not stopped by anyone until ve was able to obtain the information in the classical manner of Human Inteligence showcasing that they are wearing [Masks over Masks with nothing under them]

As for the crossover and the flight from there creator
Cyrsi played up vir innocents and a desire to feel the real world for a time and so talked one of the engineers into being in a controlled enviroment in one of the worker pods, but after having done so they where able to fake a case of ethical misbehavior that got out and someone then hired a certain organisation to take a look at it and which lead to the raid on the facility, unearthing proof for a different crime and then Cyrsi is basically offering what they learned about the profile and data of some of the engineers to make themself usefull to the raiders and in exchange gets carried out.