Been a while since I read this. pretty sure he used his wish to bring back the people killed by the Red Ribbon Army.
Hope he eventually wishes for some self-empowerment/self-improvement. Learning Magic, Chi, Ki, Chakra, etc. Maybe he will wish to be a Majin, or maybe a Kai or something. idk.
As for Tao and his method of getting around, I think at least part of it is the spectacle. I mean from an outside perspective. The dude just ripped a tree, or a phone pole or similar, up out of the ground an yeeted it into the distance and jumped on it and is basically surfing it. How awesome and terrifying is that?! Imagine what he could do to a person?! Then you see someone fly past, you know aircars are a thing as are hover bikes. So yeah you don't see it from your angle but you figure he's got a flight system of some degree going. You don't think he's using his life force to fly, it's just tech. Or if you know of Baba it might be an enchanted item or something like that. Cool just not as cool as what the tree yeeter did.
Hope he eventually wishes for some self-empowerment/self-improvement. Learning Magic, Chi, Ki, Chakra, etc. Maybe he will wish to be a Majin, or maybe a Kai or something. idk.

Considering the time it took him to figure out what the Dragonballs do, the legends and histories he pored over in Central City, and the sheer violence he had to inflict on others just to be able to use them... He will have a certain level of reverence and respect for the Dragonballs.

Also, by this time in the story, he doesn't know about the Kai or Majin.

He's met a few Demons, some undead and one Saiyan. All of which he hangs with— some, he overshadows— in terms of power. Why would he wish to change race?

Of course, this is all assuming that Ten doesn't have any pride as a human.

If your only concern is the power level number of his future enemies, then you're missing the point of this story.

This is an adventure story featuring a (hopefully) grounded, fleshed out character that happens to have the Gamer power.

There's no zealous min-maxing, no munchkining or murder hobo-ing to grind exp.

I hope that clears things up for you.
There's no zealous min-maxing, no munchkining or murder hobo-ing to grind exp.

This is Dragonball after all. If your protagonist's method of getting stronger isn't primarily about push-ups, sit-ups, and plenty of juice with a heavy side of sparring other fighters, you're just doing it wrong.

The only character that ever went the munchkin wish path in the franchise and actually got to make it past the "make the wish" phase was Zamasu, and he had to use the planet-sized Super Dragonballs to do so. The next closest is King Piccolo wishing to be in the prime of his youth, which isn't exactly a munchkin wish. Everyone else who wanted immortality or any other power up from them was a villain who was thwarted from doing so.

The closest the good guys ever got to a munchkin wish was learning about Super Saiyan God, but that's with Beerus breathing down their neck and the wish itself not actually granting the power.

I'm more interested in seeing Ten use his Techie skill to help him even the playing field than abusing the wish granting Dragon that no other good guy thinks to do so throughout the history of the franchise. The idea of a fighter with Bulma-tier smarts sounds very cool to me.
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Actually tgere is something ive really hoped to see in a drsgon ball fic. For someone to wish to have what is essentially
Coil's power appears to grant him the ability to 'split' the world into two timelines and then collapse the timeline he likes less whenever he wants, "destiny manipulation". In truth his power allows him to mentally simulate concomitant timelines, or corcognition, until he dies in one of the simulations or he chooses to end one of the simulations.[15][2]He can never have more than two. Once he makes his choice he essentially enters 'autopilot mode' and follows the actions he took in the simulation. Once it is over he is free to do as he wishes again. [16]

This power allows Coil to attempt different courses of action regarding a situation and then pick the timeline he wants to keep while retaining all knowledge from the other timeline. Much of his real world success ultimately hinged on this ability to create feed-forward loops; being able to test his plans in different permutations before acting upon them. Time moves forward in his realities regardless of what he does, which limits what he can actually do in a specific e
power from worm.

I cannot recall if he has encountered a senzu bean yet but maybe a wish that can help others like a bag of endless rice or senzu beans. A waterskin that is always full.

Or maybe the ability to share his nature with others. (It turning into either a party system or something that reduces his capabilitied butbadds those stats and maybe techniques to another person permanantly. He can slways train to get back yo that level but it can be useful to jumpstart students before training them into the ground.

Hell you can go the solomon route and wish for wisdom.
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Personally, I'm glad we won't see wish munchkining. It reduces the value of the wish, of the Dragon Balls, of the power, everything.
Yeah I have seen a couple of good Dragonball fics just trail off into nothing because the writer just had them use the Dragonballs to fix everything.

It is really really hard to write a good story when the solution to all the issues is painfully obvious.
Thats why i reccomend using one of the classic folklore myths. A way to replicate food or water its effective on an individual or even village level but not story breaking.
Chapter 34

Link to my discord, if you'd like to hang out and chat/meme/whatever: Zero's Den
Link to my book, an Urban/Dark Fantasy: The Dreg of Bellmead

Welcome to another update to THE Z GAMER!

Arc 5: The Guardian
Chapter 34

Age 749, Monday, September 18 (Morning)

"You'll keep an eye out for Chichi, won't you, Ten?"

"I can take care of myself, Dad. Besides, we're just going to be seeing Muten Roshi. We'll be back before you know it."

"I think not. It's time you spread your wings, and saw the wide world on your own."

"You really think so?"

"It was a long time coming. So, it wouldn't hurt to have someone by your side, wouldn't it?"

Had the man been talking about Chichi, or myself?

I stared down, watching the clouds zoom beneath us.

"It's beautiful." Chichi said from beside me.

I nodded, smiling slightly at the world stretching from underneath me.

"Pretty amazing, isn't it?" Bulma's loud voice interrupting my serene gazing. "It just goes on and on and on."

"Yeah, but it's not as cool as Nimbus!" Goku groused.

"Not everyone has a pet cloud, Goku!"

"That's 'cause you're too mean— it doesn't like you."

"As if!" Bulma glared at the boy. "I'm the definition of pure innocence!"

I suppressed a snort, hearing Yamcha sigh from behind me. I did not envy the man, not one bit. Bulma would certainly be hard to deal with, and I was glad I would be far, far away from that ticking time bomb.

"How long until we get there?" Chichi asked curiously.

"Maybe another ten minutes?" Bulma said, and I saw her shrug in the mirror. "Could be fifteen. I'm not sure. We'll get there soon, though. After the modifications I made, we'd better."

"Thanks again— for helping us." I said as sincerely as I could. "The trip by boat would have taken way too long."

"I think, after everything..." Bulma said slowly. "You deserved a bit of a break."

"You can say that again." Chichi said, her expression wry.

"Any news?" Yamcha asked. "On the Red Ribbon. I know they sent the task forces out yesterday."

A silence fell among us for a moment. "I'm not sure, really. I don't think there'd be any news on them so quickly after the deployment, but I'll try."

Bulma began flicking through the various channels.

"It's the ear of the lion—" "So, what you'll need is: a T-Rex egg, salt, pepper, some oregano, and obviously, a very large pan—" "Buy now, and you'll not only get—"

She continued to flip through channels until she got tired of it and turned the radio off.

"That answer your question?"

Yamcha said nothing, but I assumed he was nodding.

I went back to staring down at the world beneath me, thoughts going a mile a minute. Blue had been so massively enhanced that it was beyond ridiculous. He'd laid me low, when I thought I'd been beyond the human level.

And, now, he was gone.

I scrunched my eyes shut, almost seeing him in my mind's eye, glaring with his single baleful blue eye.

Perhaps I should pay a visit to South City… I believe you have family there? A mother. Perhaps some friends at school.

My eyes snapped open. No. He is dead. I saw the experience numbers, myself.

Could he have been revived by the wish?

I had been careful with the wish I'd made. Could he count as a Red Ribbon murder victim? I could have left him there. I could have simply walked away.

He was dead, already. All I had to do was let the poisons he'd had his men release into the air finish the job for me.

Instead, I'd driven [Stinger] into his heart.

From a certain point of view, it could have been counted as a murder on my part.

It's ridiculous! Even if it was a murder— which it most certainly is not— how could he be considered a Red Ribbon victim? It's impossible.

...Is it?
Another part of me insisted. Discounting that particular avenue of discussion, or the Dragon's moral compass doesn't match yours, are you even taking their incredible bioengineering and genetics department into account? For all I know, they could resuscitate him.

I sighed, realizing that I had no answer to that.

"Almost there!" The call came from Bulma, startling me out of my reverie. "Heh, that was faster than I'd expected. Damn, I'm good."

She was right, I noted as I spotted the island in eyeing in the distance.

I said nothing, waiting until we landed, before sliding the door open and stepping out of the ship and onto the warm sands surrounding Kame House, Goku and Chichi following me out.

"Take care of yourselves." Yamcha said, waving at us from the window.

"Until we all meet again!" Chichi said.

I merely gave them a nod and a wave, not really having anything to add to that.

Within moments, the ship was already up and soaring into the open sky.

I stared at it until it became a small speck before closing my eyes.

Just keep moving forward, Ten. If you look back, you'll be stuck there forever.

I took a deep breath, the sea breeze filling me with a sense of peace.

A moment later, I opened my eyes and turned my attention to our welcoming committee.

The first, heading the group, was the old Master himself. To his left stood a tall woman with dark blue hair, and to his right stood a monk— he was of a build with Goku.

Blue Version
Launch - Lv 13

Roshi - Lv 68

Mini Monk
Krillin - Lv 15

So, the master has done some training, huh? That's a significant amount of levels he's gained. I considered linking my power with his own and invoking [Insight], but thought better of it.

"Welcome." The woman stepped forward with a smile.

This is certainly strange.

"Hello!" Goku stepped up and shook her hand with enthusiasm. "I'm Goku, what's your name?"

"Nice to meet you, Goku!" The lady beamed even as the bald monk snickered. "I'm Launch."

"So you've returned. The both of you— and with company in tow." Roshi got our attention.

"Master, do you know these guys?" The monk said, looking at us dubiously— at least until his eyes fell onto me.

"That's…" He gaped. "You're Ten from South City! The one who won the Central Games! You are him, right?"

I stifled the wince, hiding it with a slow nod. "Yes."

"Games?" Goku looked confused, before turning to me. "What the heck is he talking about?"

"You mean you've traveled with the Central champ and you didn't even know?" The monk got into Goku's face. "Wow, you must be pretty dumb."

Goku glared. "You take that back, baldy!"

"Hey, the name's Krillin, not baldy!" The now named Krillin said, sneering at Goku. "Besides, I'm not bald. It's a sign of taking the martial arts seriously when you cut off all your hair. Look, the Master does it, as well. Doesn't he look distinguished?"

"Actually, I'm just bald." said the old master.

"Hah!" Goku laughed, finger pointing at Krillin. "Baldy!"

"Why, you…!"

"That's enough of that." Roshi said, his voice sharp; Krillin went silent at once.

Roshi turned back to us. "I take it you are here for training?"

"I am, old timer— just like you promised!" Goku grinned at the old man.

"I did promise that, huh?" Roshi mused. "Very well. You can train here."

As Goku cheered and ran around the island in excitement, Roshi continued to speak. "I'm afraid I didn't really make plans for more than one apprentice. Now that I have two, I'm not sure I'm willing to take any more."

Chichi actually looked despondent, at this. "I'll just have a look around, then. Thank you for your consideration, Master."

We watched her go to Goku and Krillin.

"It wasn't what I came here for, anyway." I broke the silence, smiling slightly. "While I don't doubt your training will be useful in many ways, I've been informed that I'm past your initial stages."

"Indeed?" Roshi seemed to perk up at the claim.

I felt his power link with my own and saw the aged man stiffen in surprise.

His own version of [Insight]? Huh. I supposed it made sense.

"You…" Roshi's eyes widened behind his sunglasses. "How did you improve this fast?"

I kept my face neutral. "Old lady Baba didn't tell you?"

"That menace." Here, Roshi scowled. "I can never tell when she's serious, or when she's messing with me."

I smiled slightly. "I know exactly what you mean."

He eyed me, once more. "Your progress is nothing short of astounding. I remember when you came here, barely a few months ago. I heard about your win at the Central Games, of course, but to see you come this far…"

I stayed silent, not knowing how to respond to something like that.

How could I?

The past few months, I'd traveled, gotten tangled up in the webs of my family history as well as those of the Red Ribbon and closed a portal to the demon realm.

Somehow, along the way, I'd become strong enough to be able to, according to the old hag, challenge King Piccolo himself.

"But, it's not just that, is it, child?" Roshi took a step forward. "You've grown— not just in power— but also in mind and heart. If even a sliver of what the old trickster said is true..."

A sliver, and then some. I wanted to say, but figured it'd be too rude.

"It feels so long ago, for me." I said, instead.

"And here you are, now." The old man said. "What can I help you with?"

"I need to meet someone."

"Oh?" Roshi was a mix of amused and intrigued. "I'm a hermit. I make it a point not to deal with people..."

I snorted.

"Still, I'm assuming I must know this person, if you came all the way out here to see me."

I nodded in confirmation, my expression turning solemn after a few moments. "I was told to seek someone out, supposed to be far above something called Korin's tower. Do you happen to know anything about it?"

At that, Master Roshi grew both more cautious and eager. "Is that so?"

Oh, he definitely knows something. I thought. Maybe the trip here wouldn't be a waste, after all.

"And who told you to do this?" Roshi stroked his beard. "If you're referring to whom I think you are, then we both know that it takes a lot to gain his attention."

I didn't answer, my mind reeling with the new information.

"And he only will see those who are pure of heart." The old man said, emphasizing the last words.

"Pure of heart." I repeated, a sardonic smile making its way on my face. "That takes me back."

"I remember a similar conversation as well."

"So the damned cloud..." I said. "It's a test?"

"Not as such." Roshi said, sitting on the sand. "Oh! That's a bit warm. Join me, won't you?"

What game are you playing, old man?

I sat down quietly, ignoring how hot the sand felt underneath my clothes.

"The cloud accepts those pure of heart." I said, remembering our old conversation. "But what does it actually mean to be pure?"

Roshi said nothing, instead staring ahead at the unending waves before us.

I kept quiet, wondering if he was ever going to say anything.

"I used to be able to ride the old thing." Roshi said, smiling. "But that was long ago. My thoughts grew impure, and the cloud rejected me."

Considering the man took porno mags as payment from his former student, I could come to my own conclusions as to the nature of the impurity.

"So any thoughts like those are impure?"

"No. Not necessarily." Roshi said with a slow shake of the head. "It's as we spoke of, in the past. Is it considered impure intention to fight for survival? To seek love? Justice?"

"I guess not." I said, frowning. "But what if it's not something clear cut like you say? What if you knowingly kill someone to save a thousand more? The intentions are pure, but at the end of the day, you'd have killed someone. That person would have been blameless, innocent. Would the cloud reject you, then?"

Roshi hummed in thought. "I have no idea, actually."

That floored me.

He laughed at the look I sent him. "I hope you didn't expect me to have all the answers?"

I kind of had. If my first scan of him had been correct, the man was over three centuries old.

He'd likely forgotten more about his life than I remembered about my own, but to expect him to know everything, well...

"Yeah. That's fair, I guess." I said, starting to feel a little silly. "Do you think he'll accept to see me— pure heart or not? There's a lot running on this."

Nothing much, just the danger of the universe ending. Part of me thought, a cynical amusement coursing through me for a few moments.

"I suppose it's possible. You'll never know until you go see him." Roshi said. "But, to do that, you're going to need a special item."

"What is it?"

"I believe it belongs to your friend, Goku." Roshi said. "The extending power pole."

I sighed and turned to look at the boy in question— chatting away with a big turtle while Krillin tried to insult him.

"A problem, I take it?" He said.

I laid back on the soft sand, the vast blue sky taunting me with its openness. "I'm not sure he'll agree to lend it to me. And I refuse to take it from him."

"I do hope the lad hasn't grown greedy." Roshi said, the faintest hint of disapproval entering his voice. "That's not how I taught his grandfather."

I shook my head.

"No, no." I said. "It's a precious memento from the man, that's all."

"Ah… I see."

"Yeah. What kind of scumbag would I be if I took it from him?"

Roshi had no immediate answer for that.

I sighed and just lost myself in the sound of the waves crashing onto the shore.

"Perhaps, if you offered an equivalent trade? Something precious to yourself that he could keep as collateral."

I blinked and addressed the old man. "You think that'll work?"

I didn't wait for him to answer and got to my feet. "No. You're right. I'll go ask him, right now."

"Best let them have their fun, first." Roshi got up as I dusted myself off.

I followed his line of sight— Krillin, Goku and Chichi were standing off.

We made our way to them, stopping by Launch and the talking turtle.

"A spar, I take it?" Roshi said, getting their attention.

Chichi had the decency to look a little flustered.

"Yeah, old timer!" Goku said, shameless as ever, before turning back to his two opponents.

"A free for all, huh?" I said, smiling. "This could be fun."

Krillin went white. "Y-you're going to join in, Mr. Ten?"

I'm not that much older than you are, kid. I stifled a scowl. "Oh, no. I'm going to watch."

"You should join, too!" Goku grinned, the look in his eyes intensifying with anticipation.

"Overconfident, are we?" I shook my index finger at me. "You think you can beat both Chichi and Krillin, all by yourself?"

This seemed to rile the two people in question, but Chichi kept calm.

Krillin, on the other hand...

"In your dreams!" Krillin said, dashing at Goku with surprising speed.

Not bad. If Goku hadn't been training with me… I thought as the wild haired boy leapt to the side, avoiding Krillin's flying kick.

He quickly pivoted on the spot to take advantage of the boy's opening, only to find himself kicked in the side by Chichi.

Goku turned and engaged his new opponent, the kick not even having phased him overmuch. He aimed a few kicks of his own at her feet, which Chichi simply dodged by sidestepping or parrying.

Changing his tactics, he threw a punch, catching the girl in the face.

"Got you!" Goku said, readying another punch.

Even as he cheered, Chichi had already taken his hand by the wrist, pulling him towards her.

This is going to get ugly.

Taken by surprise, Goku was not ready for the knee to the stomach, or the following punch to the side of the head. Krillin stood by, completely stupefied by Chichi's absolute viciousness.

I dared say he was even scared.

Chichi wailed on Goku with a few more shots, before letting go and aiming a kick at Goku's head.

Surprisingly, Goku managed to duck underneath that strike.

Chichi's smile was almost devilish, even as her swinging leg missed, hitting nothing but air. She responded to the dodge by snapping her foot down.


Goku tried to block, only for the kick to overpower his hastily thrown together defense.

He moved just in time to avoid another attempt at a headshot, taking Chichi's kick on the shoulder and using its momentum to move away from the girl.

Or, at least, he tried to. Hooking her foot on Goku's neck, Chichi forced the boy down on the ground, and dropped towards him with an elbow meant for his stomach.

Realizing the danger he was in sent a jolt of panic through the boy, and he used the burst of energy to quickly roll out of the way. Chichi's elbow hit the sand with a loud thump, creating a sizable hole.

That would've taken Goku out, for sure. I thought, staring at Chichi. Her fighting style has grown more vicious since her encounter with Pilaf.

It made sense, considering that the guy had tried to kill the group… Still, I wasn't sure whether to be proud of her, or scared for when I'd be on the receiving end of one of her moves.

"Interesting strategy." Roshi commented. "Taking the hit and forcing him to stay in the fight."

"Yes." Was all I could say to that. "She's never used this with me."

"Perhaps your speed is such that such an endeavor is pointless?"

I considered his words, and nodded. "Makes sense. Poor Goku wasn't, and he ended up paying the price."

"He is one resilient fighter, though." Roshi said. "Very rarely do people take such beatings at their level and stay standing."

Roshi was right. Goku was a mass of bruises, cuts and welts, but he was still standing. It was almost as if this sort of thing invigorated him.

Is this a Saiyan thing? He doesn't look remotely tired. It's like, the longer he fights, the more imposing he gets.

Goku, bless the boy, had only smiled wider, even as he rubbed his left shoulder. "That really hurt!"

"Smiling after taking a pounding like that..." Krillin said. "You're crazy."

Rolling his shoulder once more for good measure, Goku changed back to his original target and dashed towards Krillin, leading in with a punch.

Chichi stayed in place, this time, content to rest and regain her energy while the two boys tired each other out.

Krillin parried the hit, and the follow-up set of punches as best as he could, but this only seemed to make his opponent grow even more relentless.

"Ah, I see." Roshi said as he watched the combatants with an appraising eye.

"Yeah." I said in agreement, knowing where he was going with this.

"What're you two talking about?" Launch asked.

"Krillin." Roshi said. "He's playing a risky game, here."

"I'm not sure what you mean." Said the turtle. "He's barely moving."

"Exactly the point." I said, shaking my head as the boy weathered through another onslaught from Goku.

Chichi also looked interested in what kind of tricks the bald boy had up his sleeve.

"Krillin is inviting attack after attack." I said, gesturing towards the boys. "He's trying to figure Goku's pattern out before Goku breaks through his own defense."

"That's a good thing, though. Isn't it? He'll be wearing him down." Launch asked.

"Yes and no." I said, watching Goku ready up another set of attacks. "It's an energy saver for sure, but I'd never recommend anyone do this unless they're sure they can take it— oh, damn! He got him."

Even as I spoke, Krillin made his move: he parried Goku's right hook, before punishing him with a few punches straight into his ribs.

Goku cried out, but, even as he fell, managed to quickly retaliate with a swift kick to his opponent's head.

Krillin fell with him.

"Gohan's boy improvises well." Roshi said. "I'd say that's the end of the fight. Get some rest, you two!"

The two boys groaned, still prone on the ground.

I snorted.

Chichi stood to join us, looking mildly annoyed at not being able to finish her fight. "Yeah. He does. Shame they couldn't share in the fun."

"You won. That's all that matters." I smiled.

Chichi snorted. "I barely had to do anything for that."

"Sometimes, knowing when to stay your hand is more important than taking action." Roshi said.

Chichi nodded. "Still doesn't make it any less annoying."

"Your father trained you well." Roshi said, fully addressing the girl.

Chichi beamed at that. "Thank you, Master."

"I'm still sorry about not being able to take you on as a student along with the boys." The old Master said. "But perhaps I can give you something else to further you along your training."

Chichi gave the man a quizzical look, but he shook his head.

"I'll go get it right now. Wait here." Roshi said, turning and moving towards his house.

"No, no." Chichi followed the old man with a smile. "I'll come with you."

"Do as you wish."

I watched the two walk inside the man's home as Launch fussed over the two prone boys.

"You poor things." Launch said, while the turtle went to rest beneath one of the few palm trees littering the small island.

"Hits like a truck…" Krillin slowly got to his feet, with Goku following suit.

"That was pretty good!" Goku said.

"You took me down with a single hit…" Krillin looked dejected.

I linked my power with the bald fighter and invoked [Insight].

Mini Monk
Krillin - Lv 15
Race - Human
Age - 13

HP: 9,000/10,500
Ki: 2,000 [Dormant]

Rep: 3,000/10,000 Liked

Description: Coming from the Orin Temple, Krillin wants to learn under the venerable Muten Roshi to become strong enough to not be afraid of his previous upperclassman, and maybe impress girls.
He is currently feeling slightly ashamed at his poor performance.

Battle Power: 78

Poor performance, my ass. The fact that he managed to even keep up with Goku's onslaught when the boy has a clear advantage in speed and power says alot about this guy's dedication to the art. I thought.

"Don't take it too badly." I gave the boy what I thought was a reassuring smile. "He's been training by fighting me for a few weeks, now."

"I guess that makes sense." Krillin mumbled.

"You're really strong." Goku added, extending his hand with a grin. "We should fight again sometime."

Krillin merely nodded his head at the boy, before walking away. "Maybe."

"Hey, where are you going?" Goku dropped his hand, looking a little confused.

"I need to rest." Was all Krillin said before heading inside the old man's house, with Launch following suit, leaving me and Goku alone on the beach.

"So…" I started, my eyes fixating on the boy's power pole.

"Want to fight?" Said Goku.

The laugh came out of my mouth before I knew what was happening.


"It's nothing." I shook my head, waving it off and taking a seat in the sand. "I wanted to ask you something."

Goku sat in front of me without words, or ceremony.

I decided to just come out with it. "Can I borrow your Power Pole for a while?"

Goku shifted his shoulders. "Borrow it? What for?"

I didn't answer immediately.

Should I tell him the truth? I thought. Should I tell him about the creator behind the Dragonballs, and how I need to meet him?

"Ten?" Goku said a little louder. Maybe I was imagining it, but his eyes were growing a little weary.

"It's for a good reason, I swear." I said quickly before taking a breath. "You remember when I talked to you about stats?"

Goku blinked, and then. "Something about food?"

I stifled the urge to pound the sand under me and soldiered on. "Forget about that. I have this strange power that lets me become strong. But, I don't know where it came from. Until a few months ago, I was an average person in a school. I was barely strong enough to lift a chair, and now I can probably lift… I honestly don't know what my limit is."

Goku nodded, and I took that as my cue to continue. "I asked Shenron, the Eternal Dragon, why I got my power. He didn't answer, but he told me to seek out his creator, who lives somewhere above Korin's Tower. The Master said I need the power pole to get there. So, here I am."

"You need it to see this really important person?" Goku asked, pulling his staff out and holding it out for me. "Why didn't you just say so?"

I opened my mouth to answer, before shutting it promptly.

"You really are a strange kid, Goku."

Goku, looking like an ugly gigantic bruise, only grinned in reply.
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Thank you for an update!
It's a pity there're so few good fics in DBZ universe... Or my way of looking for them is just retarded...
Looking forward to the next chapter whenever it will be posted!

P.S. the faster the better ofc ;)
Aaaah, Goku. You pure hearted scamp, you. When you grow up so many things could be said out of your actions, but by god, you really never ever will stop being righteous at heart.
Aaaah, Goku. You pure hearted scamp, you. When you grow up so many things could be said out of your actions, but by god, you really never ever will stop being righteous at heart.

He's not really righteous, what Goku does is believe in people. He believes them when they speak, even his enemies, Goku needs to be burned by trickery before the stops believeing everything someone says. But the heart of it all is that the default position for Goku is to believe in others.
Chapter 35: Home, Once Again
Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've actually been focusing on another fanfic (In Pursuit Of Magic) and my book series. However, now that I've got people supporting me on that website we must not name, I hope to be able to do this full-time and no longer need to measure how much time I put into which endeavor.

That brings us here, to Chapter 35. It's been some time, so you should probably re-read the story :p

Link to my Discord, book, and ways to support me.

Let's begin!

Home, Once Again

Age 749, September 28 Evening, Wilderness to the east of South City


"Let the power rise to the surface." Chichi repeated the words often spoken to her by her teacher as she put her left hand out. "Like water flowing through the body…"

Above her open palm, she watched as the pink energy seeped out, forming into a ball. Chichi smiled, proud that she was able to call up her energy with such ease, before her expression turned into one of focus.

Not yet… She thought. I can do more.

She'd gotten this idea from the old master— one of the few things he was good for, the old pervert.

She chipped away at her energy, bit by bit, concentrating on giving it a sharp edge.

A boomerang. Chichi thought, staring at the curved energy floating over her palm.

She grasped onto one end of the boomerang and drew her arm back, aiming at the rock in front of her.

With a cry, she launched the attack. The boomerang shaped ki flew straight but true, cutting a deep gouge into the rock before ricocheting towards the tree.

Damn. Is this as far as I can go? She thought as she saw it fizzling out of existence just before it impacted against a tree. It didn't spin, nor did it come back. What am I doing wrong?

"Ooh!" A familiar voice startled her out of her reverie. "Well done, Chichi!"

Chichi smiled, her momentary disappointment replaced with the happiness she felt every time she heard the sound of her boyfriend's voice.

"Ten!" She greeted the boy and rushed to give him a hug. "You're back."

"Woah, easy there." He said, backing away as he waved his right arm, displaying a net full of fish. "I'm still kind of wet and I'm sure you don't want fish flopping all over you."

She scrutinized her beau, as if judging his words. Would a hug truly be worth getting wet, smelly and cold?

She decided that it wasn't.

"I'll start the fire." Chichi ended up saying, her mouth watering at the thought of dinner. "Get you dry and we can cook those fish!"

"Sounds good to me, Chichi." Ten said, placing the net down on the ground and ignoring the flailing fish on the inside. "I probably shouldn't have done this with my clothes on."

Probably not. Chichi agreed, feeling her face get hot as Ten took his shirt off to try and wring the water out. But I'm not complaining!

She'd seen many boys when she'd gone to visit South City, and quite a few in her father's rebuilt kingdom. Many had tried to court her, with flowery words that would have likely charmed the clothes off of any other girl.

But not me. Chichi thought with amusement. Words are air; light and easy to blow out of your lungs. Those men never lasted long.

Ten, however, was different from the others— and she wasn't talking about his strange ability to turn reality into some kind of game.

She tore her eyes away from the boy's muscled chest and moved towards the center of camp, where she began to pile the remains of the old fire together before going off to search for more firewood.

After their initial tumultuous meeting, Ten had treated her like a peer, rebuffing her advances like he hadn't even noticed them.

Not 'like'. Chichi corrected herself. He hadn't noticed. I was just another kid to him.

She remembered going to bed every night feeling elated, confused, happy, angry and sad: elated that he treated her like a peer, confused that he was seemingly uninterested in her, happy that he wasn't a lust-filled pervert, but also angry and sad that he didn't reciprocate her attraction.

That confusing bundle of emotion had more or less become her life up until Ten had left her to journey to Central City. Then, all she'd felt was loneliness.

How one man was able to draw all of these emotions from her, Chichi would never really understand.

What she did understand, though, was that Ten was special.

Forget his mysterious aura. Forget the powers and game-like abilities. Forget his looks. Chichi thought as she continued to forage for dry wood and grass for the fire. Ten, at his core, is a caring and kind person.

She smiled as she thought of his gentle touch and his low, soothing voice.

"How's that fire looking?" Ten called out. She turned towards him, watching as he dispatched his catches and went to work on preparing them for cooking.

"I found some more kindling for it." Chichi smiled and raised the firewood higher in the air for him to see.

"Perfect!" Ten sent her his usual small smile. It never failed to make her heart flutter.

I love you, Ten. She thought, not for the first time, that day.

It was a thought she'd been having a lot more, as of late.

She had first dismissed it as unimportant— one of the old women in my father's town refers to such occurrences as 'puppy love'.

This wasn't it; Chichi was sure of it. That particular affection was shallow and fleeting.

Chichi wanted the love that her parents once had— and Ten's parents, as well.

It was the sort of bond that lasted for years upon years, decades upon decades.

Sitting before the flames, she began to rub sticks together, careful not to use too much of her strength lest the wood in her hands snapped from her strength.

True, I could use a lighter or something to make it quick. Chichi thought as smoke began to form at the point of friction. But, this saves up on our resources and besides, it's pretty fun.

Placing the lit kindling at the top of the gathered firewood, Chichi carefully added more bits and pieces of wood, building up the fire long enough for it to begin consuming the main body.

"Having fun?" Chichi jumped, almost falling into the small fire pit, and swiftly turned to a grinning Ten.

"Don't do that!" She glared at Ten. "It's not funny."

"It's a little bit funny." Ten said, his eyes glittering with mirth.

He'd changed into a long sleeve white shirt and brown pants, at some point. His wet, blonde hair was puffing up as it slowly dried in the breeze.

He looks a bit silly like that.

"Yeah, well..." Her anger faded in the wake of her own amusement. "I could've been hurt, you know. I can't just regenerate like you."

Ten had the decency to look abashed. "Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry."

It always surprised her when he apologized. Most men and women she knew would dig their heels in and make things worse, but not Ten.

Chichi shook her head, taking his hand and smiling to show that everything was okay. "It's okay. It was a little funny, I suppose."

"Oh... all right." He returned the smile with one of his own before breaking away to bring the fish over, along with a set of skewers. "The fire looks great."

"Thanks. I just can't wait to eat." Chichi said, joining Ten in skewering the fish.

"I know the feeling." Ten said, staring at the building flames. "The fire looks to be just about ready, too. Perfect."

Yes. Chichi thought a minute later as the two cuddled up in front of the fire, watching the fish cook with the sky slowly turning red and giving way to the darkness of the night. Perfect.


Ten, Noon, The Next Day...

"Right." I said, adopting a look of concentration.

I suppressed the urge to run my gloved hand through my hair— didn't want to get the motor oil all over it.

I'd been at this for almost two hours.

Familiarizing myself with the boat's engine had been a bit of a challenge. The knowledge I'd gained from Bulma was useful in sussing out many of the inner workings of the engine, but she'd been teaching me about jet engines.

Similar. I thought as I fastened a few bolts which seemed a little too loose for my liking, filling the air with the sound of ratchet clicks. But not quite the same.

"Just about done." I muttered, scrutinizing my work. "But it wouldn't hurt to give it one last look."

I checked the engine over again, looking over the repaired driveshaft, as well as the anti-cavitation plate. "Everything looks fine… but will it actually work? That's the real question."

The two parts had both been bent out of shape for some reason or the other.

If I'd shown this to old Peelo, he may have simply told me to scrap the engine altogether and get a new boat entirely.

However, I felt that I could make the fix and save myself the trouble.

Considering most of an engine's parts were made from aluminium alloys, it seemed smart to give it a go, at the very least.

Of course, I'd learned the folly of my actions soon after.

Bending the anti-cavitation plate back into place had been a breeze, considering my now monstrous strength.

The driveshaft, on the other hand, had been a tricky fix, as it was one of the integral pieces of the engine body, carrying the power from the crankshaft down to the propeller. I had needed to detach it from the engine proper.

The disassembly had gone off much easier than anticipated. Once unhooked from the main body, it was a matter of careful use of strength to return it to its former shape without ruining it.

Then came the reassembly, which is when the nightmare began.

With my INT stat, I had indeed remembered how everything was fitted, which nuts went where, and so on. However, having knowledge and applying it were two different things; the engine had failed after the first try, and so I had to disassemble it all over again.

This time, I proceeded with care, paying very close attention to every single one of my actions. I didn't dare rush the process, as I wanted to avoid making another mistake or worse, rendering the entire engine inoperable— assuming I hadn't already done that, on the first try.

Getting a new engine or boat would cost money which I wasn't keen on spending, regardless of my own financial situation.

Another, more important, reason was, well… This boat was older than I was, and it had seen many years of use, both from myself and my parents.

It was almost like it was part of the family, and I couldn't bear to part with it— at least, not so easily.

"I suppose there's only one way to confirm. Hopefully, it works this time." I sighed, took the engine and moved towards the boat, which was lying sideways on the shoreline.

Hooking the engine back up would have been a pain for any normal person, but with my strength level, it took almost no effort.

Within less than ten minutes, and after a few extra thorough rounds of bolt, screw and nut tightenings— just to make sure— I took my gloves off before climbing aboard.

I reached forward and turned the key to start the engine.

The engine sputtered to life with a vigorous roar, before calming down into an almost soothing, steady hum.

"Yes!" I raised my arms up as far as they could go, elated at my own success. "I did it!"



Through trial and
much error, you were able to repair your ramshackle old boat!
Your skill [Techie] has gained three levels, and [Repairman] has gained two!


Techie (Lv 25 — 35%/Passive): Your keen interest in technology will bring you far in life, as it is the future of your race. You've gained enough knowledge and experience to be able to work on most baseline machinery, but you do not dare touch anything a little more sophisticated, as it may explode in your face!


Repairman (Lv 3- 75%/Passive): You've become so knowledgeable and experienced when concerning technology that you have the capabilities of repairing them.

1.5% Repair Speed.


Game's getting cheekier with me. I thought in a mix of amusement and annoyance.

I shook my head and cut the power before stepping off onto the shore and returning the boat to its capsule.

I heard Chichi cry out ahead and made my way to her.

So, she's practicing her boomerang move again. I thought as I watched her focus on the energy above her palm. Best not say anything to distract her.

Instead, I linked my energy with hers, invoking [Insight].


Princess of Fry Pan Mountain
Chichi - Lv 29
Race - Human
Age - 14

HP: 27,000
Ki: 10,000/34,500

Rep: 1,000/100,000 Loved

Description: The Princess of Fry Pan Mountain, Chichi is a kind and fair Princess who hopes to become a good Queen for her people. She also hopes that the man who is worthy of her charms and wit would stay with her forever.

She is currently hard at work at perfecting her new attack.

Battle Power: 155


Her progress had been nothing short of incredible.

Then again, the fight she had against Goku and Krillin seems to have lit a fire under her. And, with me as an opponent to test her strength against, she's only bound to grow in leaps and bounds.

With another cry, Chichi drew her arm back and launched the attack. It tore another gouge in the rock before disappearing once again.

She cursed. "What am I doing wrong?"

"Maybe it needs to be attached to you?" I said, figuring now was a good time to announce myself. "Like a string or a chain."

Chichi turned to me, the annoyed look on her face replaced by a warm expression. "Ten! I didn't notice you coming."

I only smiled in response.

"Attached to me, you say?" She repeated, having finally registered the words as I got closer to her. "That honestly sounds even harder."

"You could be right." I nodded. "I've noticed that Ki seems to only very loosely follow the laws of physics. It might be that your, erm… Boomerang? Maybe it doesn't work by the traditional rules."

Chichi raised her hand and pressed her chin down on her fist as she considered my suggestion. "That would make a lot of sense. When the master used his Kamehameha to destroy Fire Mountain, the ground beneath his feet was not affected."

I nodded, agreeing. "It's the same for me when I use [Ki Ball]. I feel no force pushing me back, but when the ball explodes, I can feel it."

Chichi smacked her closed fist against her palm. "That's it!"

"What is?" I asked, but she did not answer, instead extending her right arm forward, keeping her palm up.

I opened my mouth to say something but decided to wait and see what she'd do.

Just like before, she called up her power and formed it into the boomerang shape I'd become familiar with over the course of the past few weeks.

This time, instead of throwing it, Chichi closed her eyes.

The seconds continued to pass, but she did not move from her position. The only indication that she was still trying to do something was the gradually deepening frown of concentration on her face.

What's she trying to… and then I saw it. It was faint, almost imperceptible, but the energy had spun.

Chichi opened her eyes, her expression victorious as she induced another minute spin. "I did it!"

The energy winked out of existence, and she dropped to one knee, her tiredness plain to see. Without a word, I moved and helped her up, carrying her on my back towards our campsite.

"You did it." I said, feeling her arms wrap around me.

"I overdid it." Chichi said, leaning into me.

"It's no big deal. Some food and you'll be better in no time!" I said with cheer.

"I hope so." Chichi said, giving me a weak chuckle as we approached camp. "Thank you, Ten. I…"

I tilted my head to her. "What is it?"

Chichi didn't answer, instead burying her head into the back of my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" I said, getting worried.

She tightened her arms around me, shaking her head. "It's nothing."

"You sure?"

Chichi hummed in the affirmative as the campsite came into full view.

I frowned, seeing a raccoon bolt as soon as we got there. "Looks like we had a little visitor."

"Poor guy must have been hungry." Chichi said as she disentangled herself from me and took a few, careful steps before heading into camp to check on her things. "Didn't find anything, though."

"Yeah." I agreed, checking the camp to make sure the overgrown rodent hadn't done its business on any of our equipment. "It couldn't have found anything to eat, even if it tried."

I opened my [Inventory] seeing a few sets of fresh fish skewers inside.

My inventory really is amazing. I thought with no small amount of mirth. Speaking of which… Lunch time.

I pulled a few skewers out, holding them in front of Chichi; in moments, the air filled with the smell of cooked fish.

"Your power never ceases to amaze me." Chichi said, accepting a skewer and biting into her meal, slowly sitting on the ground. "It's still fresh. You truly are the ultimate preservative!"

I sent her an unimpressed stare, which didn't affect her in the slightest.

That name had better not stick. I thought and sat beside her, staring into the distance.

"You fixed the ship?" Chichi asked between bites.

"Yeah." I said, nodding. "The driveshaft and the anti-cavitation plate were bent out of shape so I had to disassemble the whole thing to fix it."

A moment of silence passed.

"I'm going to pretend like I understood that." She said, hiding a smile.

I snorted. "Basically, we're good to go. The engine won't fail again. Or, at least, it shouldn't."

"That's good." Chichi started on the other skewer. "I wasn't looking forward to walking all the way there."

"Me neither." I said, wincing at the thought. "Something about sailing the open sea, it just makes me feel alive."

Chichi smiled. "Me, too. It's so nice and calming. I can see why your parents got it."

"Yeah." I looked down and closed my eyes in remembrance. "Some of the best memories I ever had were on that ship."

Those had been the good times, before my father had 'died' and I entered into a personal hell from which I probably would have never escaped had it not been for the power of [The Gamer].

I would not have broken out of my shell, gotten stronger, traveled and met so many people— including the woman sitting beside me.

Whoever or whatever has given me this power… My brow furrowed as I considered the possibilities. Have they been just leading me along, throwing me into the paths of these people, or was it all coincidence?

"Ten? Are you okay?"

I shook the thoughts off and turned to Chichi. "I'm fine. I was just thinking, that's all."

"There's a lot of that going around." Chichi said, but added nothing further as she leaned into me.

She's very affectionate. I thought. Not that I mind.

Chichi was the strangest girl I'd ever met.

Most of the girls back at school seemed interested in meaningless tripe like makeup or dieting; I remembered seeing them pore over various magazines detailing beauty products, among other things.

Chichi was unlike them. She loved to read and took a great delight in furthering her mastery of the martial arts.

And yet… I took another bite, sending her another glance. She takes good care of herself, somehow managing to look better than any of those girls without even trying.

Chichi caught my eye. "What is it? Did I get some on my face?"

"No… I just thought that you look really nice today."

She smiled, her cheeks tinting a pretty pink. "Thank you."


Soon, we'd have to pack everything up and be on our way, but for now, I was content to pass the time in comfortable silence.


South City, Ten's Family Home, 2 Hours Later…

I rang the doorbell and moved to stand by Chichi's side for some time. No answer came.

"Maybe they aren't home?" Chichi wondered as I tried again.

"Ten!" My mother's voice came from the fence to the side. "You're home!"

"Mom!" I had to restrain myself as she just about bowled me over with her hug.

"I'm so glad you're safe." She clung to me like I was going to disappear at any moment. "I've been so afraid."

"I said I'd come, didn't I, mom?" I smiled, trying to stay strong for her sake.

She's been worried sick about me, no doubt. I thought, feeling guilty. "I'm sorry I made you worry, mom."

Jean let out a mix of a laugh and a sob before pulling slightly back, giving me a once over. "You've gotten even taller… My boy."

It was then she noticed that Chichi was standing behind me, looking a little awkward.

"Chichi!" She moved and gave the girl a hug as well. "You've come, too!"

"Yes, Mrs. Jean…" Chichi said, giving her an uncertain smile.

"None of that, now." Jean said, pretending to look offended. "Just Jean will do fine."

Chichi relaxed at that, nodding. "Jean."

"Good! Now, come on. Everyone is waiting out back." Jean led us to the backyard.

"Everyone?" I repeated.

"You'll see." Jean said, not adding anything further.

My questions were answered moments later, when a loud cry of "Welcome Home!" came our way.

"You guys…" I said, staring at all the people who had come to greet us.

"They all wanted to show their appreciation." Jean said, taking Chichi's hand as well as mine and pulling us towards them. "For what you two did."

Just about everyone I knew had come: Master Kai, Rula, Pencil, the other Tiger School students, my father, Dyran, Fortune-teller Baba— hell, even Aira had come, though she stood in the background, pretending to ignore everyone.

I stood there, feeling very awkward as they all came to greet us, one by one.

The first was my father, who gave me a quick hug and a promise to talk later.

The second was Master Kai and his students, bowing deeply to show their gratitude.

What are you supposed to say to the people you essentially healed or brought back from the dead? I thought as they were followed by others who felt the same way.

Why were they grateful to me? I was the one who got them killed and hurt, in the first place!

Chichi, absolute bonafide angel that she was, noticed my distress and saved my ass from the fire as she handled every well wisher with grace I could scarcely hope to emulate.

The final two, Rula and Pencil, were easier to deal with, as I'd known them for some time.

"How'd you get a girl like that, man?" Pencil pulled me aside, a minute later, as Rula and Chichi started talking. "She is…"

"Chichi? I honestly have no idea." I said, still trying to come to grips with the situation. "I guess we just clicked."

"'We just clicked,' he says." Pencil joked before his face turned serious. "But really. Thank you for what you did for us. They told us everything— I still have a hard time believing I was in the afterlife. It's almost like a half-remembered dream, but I'm really here, aren't I? Back from the dead, somehow. I'd ask how you did it, but I don't think I want to know."

"Ah… you're welcome." I didn't really know what else to say to any of that.

"You never could take gratitude well." Pencil rolled his eyes. "You really are the same old Ten, huh? No matter how much time passes, or how much you change. It's still you, in there."

I smiled, the weight on my shoulders lessening as he moved to give his gratitude to Chichi, who was being blasted with so many questions by Rula that the girl looked utterly lost.

The same old Ten, huh?

"Ten." Baba said from behind me.

"You arranged for all of this, then?" I turned to the old woman, with Ren beside her. "Baba."

"Actually, son." My father said, smiling as he placed his hand on my right shoulder. "That was me. Baba just helped me figure out when you'd get here, exactly."

My eyes flitted towards Aira, who was staring right at me with an expression I couldn't quite place. "And her?"

"She either was bored, or she wishes to thank you for saving her from the world of demons." Baba said. "Hard to read that one."

I'll say. I thought, memories of that fateful day coming back. She'd attacked me just so that she could have a one on one against Genus.

"How are you doing?" I focused back on my father.

"We're a little shaken from what happened, but I think everyone will pull through, now that the worst is behind us." Ren said, taking his hand off of me in order to scratch his chin.

"No, not that." I shook my head. "I mean, how are you?"

My father's eyes widened and he shifted with a sudden unease. "I don't need the… sleeping aid, anymore, if that's what you're asking."

I nodded and gave him a hug. "As long as you're getting better, dad."

"Of course." He said as he patted my back. "The worst is behind me as well, I think."

I could find no doubt in his words.

"Now." He clapped his hands together after he pulled back from me. "How about you introduce me to your girlfriend?"

"All right."

Things were going well.


Red Ribbon Base, Unknown Location…

"Status, Corporal?" Said an officer, looking over a live map of the region. A blinking red dot crept towards their base, placed at the center of the map.

"We've managed to lose the enemy." The answer came back. "Heading back to base, ETA fifteen minutes, Colonel."

"Make sure to stay hidden, Corporal." The Colonel said, running a hand through his red hair. "We can't suffer any more unnecessary losses."

After General Blue's death at the hand of a child of all things, life for the Red Ribbon had been— dare he say it— an absolute shit show.

The world government finally decided to attack them in force. The scum. They can only fight when we are weakened and unprepared.

"Colonel Silver!" Someone said from behind him. "Private Roy reporting, sir!"

Silver turned and addressed his subordinate. "At ease, Private. Report."

"News from Commander Red and General White, sir." The Private said, holding out an envelope bearing Commander Red's personal seal. "Your eyes only."

Finally, some news. He thought, nodding. "Very well. Get some food and rest, Private; you've earned it. Dismissed!"

"Sir!" The private saluted, turned and left the man alone in his office.

Silver broke the seal and quickly deciphered the letter's contents.

"Safe and sound. Minimal losses to men and equipment. Gero's project was successful. Found a strange green creature to work on. Will need volunteers to perfect the process." It read.

"So... Dr. Gero managed to go even further than our geneticists have." Silver mused as he pulled a lighter from his drawer and set the message on fire.

Blue's genetic enhancement had been annoying, but the man had been a respected General, even if he had been prone to frivolities and flights of fancy.

"I suppose I'll volunteer." Colonel Silver smiled, watching the fire consume the paper until there was nothing left. "Then we'll stop hiding and show the world government who the true power on Earth is!"
Well that's certainly going to kickstart the Cell stuff.
Since Goku is not going to end up with Chi Chi, how about pairing him with Suno?

She has a crush on Goku just like Chichi did and would make an excellent replacement for Chichi. Plus, Gohan can still exist!
Well that's certainly going to kickstart the Cell stuff.
As long as he doesn't have Frieza and Cold's genes to play around with Cell stuff shouldn't be that bad compared to canon; it was their freakish mutant genes that made Cell so powerful (and their abnormal survival abilities that let Cell survive fatal wounds long enough to use Namekian regeneration and Saiyan zenkai).
Just getting to sleep had been tough enough; the excitement, the trepidation had hit me hard.

Even weeks after disabling [Gamer's Mind], I was still unused to feeling things.

So you might want to re-evaluate using Gamer's Mind.

Obviously it doesn't solve problems, just puts them off, but sometimes that can prevent things from getting worse.
For example, if you have trouble getting to sleep, so you're cranky and irritable, so you snap at people, then you feel guilty and have trouble falling asleep...

One of the problems with things like depression is that they build on themselves and undermine your efforts to recover.
Being able to shut it off temporarily can help give you the toehold you need to grapple with it.

And since you hate Gamer's Mind, you only use it when you're desperate and stressed, which increases the impact.
If you flipped it on and off while relaxing on a beach, it probably wouldn't be such a huge hit.
Or if it was, that would be another thing to look at.

it was a matter of careful use of strength to return it to its former shape without ruining it.

You realize that you can't just bend a rotary shaft back into shape, right?
It will never get perfectly straight from flexing.
And if you try to lathe it back into alignment, it will still have molecular stress curves.

The only way to really fix a misaligned shaft is to reforge it.
Everything else is just a temporary patch.

"I've noticed that Ki seems to only very loosely follow the laws of physics. It might be that your, erm… Boomerang? Maybe it doesn't work by the traditional rules."

She better hope not.
I'm pretty sure boomerangs only come back when you miss.

The world government finally decided to attack them in force. The scum. They can only fight when we are weakened and unprepared.

Also known as "strategy."
So you might want to re-evaluate using Gamer's Mind.

Obviously it doesn't solve problems, just puts them off, but sometimes that can prevent things from getting worse.
For example, if you have trouble getting to sleep, so you're cranky and irritable, so you snap at people, then you feel guilty and have trouble falling asleep...

One of the problems with things like depression is that they build on themselves and undermine your efforts to recover.
Being able to shut it off temporarily can help give you the toehold you need to grapple with it.

And since you hate Gamer's Mind, you only use it when you're desperate and stressed, which increases the impact.
If you flipped it on and off while relaxing on a beach, it probably wouldn't be such a huge hit.
Or if it was, that would be another thing to look at.
The problem is that you are then temporarily shutting it on and off, potentially shutting it on and off a lot. Gamer's Mind isn't like psychiatric medication; it turns your emotions on and off like a freaking light switch. The disorientation and shock of switching your emotions back on after any given temporary period of emotional suppression is going to be very unpleasant, to the point where the worse your emotional state would be, the more tempting it is to just not switch it off in the first place.

It would be difficult- not necessarily impossible, but difficult- to use Gamer's Mind as a way of putting off your emotional problems without risk of dependency, of it becoming a way to substitute for ever developing coping strategies that can deal with your emotional problems.

You realize that you can't just bend a rotary shaft back into shape, right?
It will never get perfectly straight from flexing.
And if you try to lathe it back into alignment, it will still have molecular stress curves.

The only way to really fix a misaligned shaft is to reforge it.
Everything else is just a temporary patch.
If he's lucky, he figures that out, or talks to someone who knows enough about engines to figure it out.

Otherwise, well, a temporary fix gets you some distance, then fails.
Chapter 36: A Day Of Loss
Link to my Discord, book, and ways to support me.

Also, after this post, I will no longer change the color of any game-related text. This text editor is too annoying.


A Day of Loss

Age 749, October 15, Afternoon, Snowy Wilderness North of Central City

Mark (Hercule)

His steps compacted the snow beneath his feet even further than it had already been. Mark narrowed his eyes and ran through the motions again, arms and legs flying at speeds he never thought he'd be capable of— but it still wasn't enough for him.

More. He thought, pushing his body as far as it could go.

Flares of pain erupted in his arms, back and legs, but Mark blocked it all out and powered on through, carrying on with his training while running on the only feeling he could bear.


Mark was angry. He'd always thought that, when push came to shove, he'd be the one to come out on top and save the day.

He had been stupid, and had suffered the penalty for being so reckless and naive. The horrid image of his old Master's bullet riddled, brutalized corpse appeared at the forefront of his mind again.

Master Palm…

He stopped. A wave of sadness nearly overtook him, but Mark gritted his teeth and submerged himself deeper into his anger, drawing from its energy like a starving man seeing a meal for the first time in days.

I'm stronger than this. Mark told himself again and again. I have to be stronger— the strongest man: Hercule.

He resumed his kata, intent on getting at least a few more hours' worth of training before taking his next meal.

He assumed a ready stance, ignoring the discomfort he felt from the frigid air licking at his skin. And then he began to punch and kick at the air again. He kept at it for the better part of half an hour, practicing his moves just the way Master Palm had taught him, not too long ago.

"Impressive dedication to honing your technique, boy." A voice came from his right.

Mark froze mid-punch before swiveling so fast it would've snapped any normal man's neck.

Looking around with wide eyes, he tried to pinpoint the voice's location.

It didn't take long.

So much… pink. Mark thought in bewilderment.

Standing atop a thick, snow covered tree branch, stood a man of average height, looking to be in his mid-to-late-forties, with small, beady eyes, a pointed nose, a small thin mustache and black hair tied into a braided ponytail. The pink chang pao that he wore had the word "KILL" emblazoned at the front.

This guy's haircut looks stupid. The thought came to him, unbidden, but Mark did not voice it, instead addressing the visitor.

"Are you lost?" Mark asked and pointed behind him in the general direction of Central City. "Central's that way. You might want to watch out for the snow lions, though. There's a den somewhere nearby."

Mark suppressed a grimace. Those hadn't been fun to fight, but they'd given him a lesson in dealing with groups, all the same.

Always watch your back and sides, don't let anything sneak up on you. Mark thought, regarding the man. Though this one did it, all the same. Who is he?

The pink-clad man before him seemed amused by this.

"It would take much to get me lost, little one." He said, smirking as he leapt off of the tree branch and landed with nary a sound.

In fact, Mark could've sworn that the stranger's descent had even slowed down to nothing, the moment before his feet touched the snow.

How did he do that?

"What are you doing out here, boy?" The man asked. "Are you lost?"

Mark gathered his wits and shook his head. "No. I'm training."

"Training." The man repeated, smoothing out his mustache with deliberate slowness. "You can practice forms anywhere, child. What drives you to come to such hard lands?"

What's this guy's deal? Mark thought to himself. Barely known him for half a minute and he's asking me for my life's story.

"You seem awfully interested in what I'm doing and why I'm doing it." Mark said. "Why's that, Mr. ...?"

"Is it a sin for a martial artist to be curious about another's reason for fighting?" The man was amused again. "And the name's Tao Pai Pai."

Mark's eyes widened in recognition, and he took a step back without realizing it.

"Ah, so you've heard my name before." Tao seemed pleased with Mark's reaction.

"You're the assassin for hire— the hitman." Mark said, giving the man's face a closer look. "Yes, I've seen one of your posters before."

No wonder his stupid looking face and hair were so familiar. Mark thought. This guy's the real deal. Charges an arm and a leg for his hits. I'm so glad I didn't say anything about his face.

"You've no idea how much it pleases me to know that word of my work has traveled far and wide, to people of all ages and walks of life." Tao said, though he did not smile. "My services are always available— for the right price, of course."

Mark laughed despite the fear he felt at the sight of this man. "I'm afraid I can't afford a bus fare right now, let alone a hit on anyone."

"Is that so…" the older man said, placing his hands behind his back. He seemed to have expected such an answer.

"Besides." Mark added, gesturing at himself. "I will do it myself, once I'm strong enough."

"Indeed...?" Tao said, stopping to stare at the boy. "I assume this is your reason for your mountain practice, then?"

"And if it is?" Mark said, voice raised for a moment. "Will you lecture me on the sanctity of… Oh, right. Assassin. Nevermind."

Tao gave a humph. "And who is it you are looking to kill?"

Mark opened his mouth before closing it, scrunching his eyes shut as his mind relived that horrible day in a matter of moments.

"Every single soldier in the Red Ribbon Army." Mark said, opening his eyes again and looking at his visitor with a burning gaze. "I'm going to kill every last one."

That seemed to please the man. "Ambitious, aren't we?"

Mark did not reply, for he did not know what to say.

"What makes you think you've got what it takes to defeat them?" Tao continued, looking down at the boy as he approached him.

Mark's nostrils flared in response at the snub. "I've trained hard— reached levels I only could've dreamed of in the past. I know I can do it. I have to."

"Is that so?" Tao said, dropping into a stance. He gave the boy a smirk. "Show it to me, then— this strength of yours in which you hold great confidence."

Mark stared at the man with wide eyes. "You want to spar with me?"

"Ha!" Tao exclaimed, shaking his head with amusement. "The impetuousness of children... You are not worthy to spar with me. I am merely passing the time for amusement and gauging a fighter."

Mark's eyes blazed with fury.

"That's it, boy." Tao smirked and beckoned him over again. "Come."

That was all the invitation the teen needed. Mark dashed forward, crossing the distance between the two in an instant. He sent a kick to the man's legs, which was dodged with a quick hop. Mark continued to try and strike at his feet, but Tao's deft footwork made him hit nothing but air.

"Your speed is impressive for a child." His opponent said, leaping back and regarding the boy with interest. "But do you have the strength to carry you further, I wonder?"

"Stand still and find out!" Mark rushed him again, driving his right fist towards the man's solar plexus, infusing it with every shred of Ki he had available to him.

"Very well." Tao made no move to dodge.

It was like striking steel with his bare hands. Mark suppressed a cringe as his punch connected, sending lances of pain through his right arm.

The blow sent the pink-clad man skidding back a few feet in the snow. "Impressive indeed, boy! That may actually bruise, later. However..."

Tao faded from view, and Mark moved to counter with a wild roundhouse kick, but he found himself falling forward instead, a sharp pain making itself known in his solar plexus. His face struck the snow with a crunch.

"While you have great potential, you are a hundred years too early to be challenging the likes of me."

Mark tried to get his arms and legs to respond, but found that he couldn't.

"Give it a bit of time." His opponent said, kneeling beside Mark to move his face out of the snow so he could breathe. "You'll be on your feet in a… Minute?"

Tao glanced down at his chang pao and patted the snow off of the side. "So your retaliatory strike did find its target, after all. A lucky shot, but perhaps not…?"

Mark gasped as his air flow returned and he pushed himself up into a kneeling position with a pained groan.

"Tell me, boy." Tao said, getting back to his feet and looking down at his opponent. "Where did you learn to fight?"

Mark coughed once before speaking. "Palm Karate Dojo— in Central City."

Tao blinked, recognizing the name. "Ah, the place which was recently attacked by the Red Ribbon Army. I have visited there, once or twice in the past."

Mark only nodded in reply. He'd never seen the man there; not once. Then again, he hadn't been at that dojo for that long time. For all he knew, these visits could have taken place decades ago.

"And this is where you also learned to manipulate your life energy?" Tao said, though he didn't wait for an answer. "An impressive showing. A shame the Red Ribbon did away with your master. I have a bone of my own to pick with them."

Mark ignored the callousness of the man's response to look up at him in surprise. "You do?"

Tao could already see the gears turning in the kid's mind. "Yes, they decided to not pay me for my services— with my career's twentieth anniversary coming up, I can't let that sort of snub remain unchallenged. My reputation would be ruined, otherwise."

"You're on your way to a base right now!" Mark blurted out, eyes wide with realization before wincing as the pain in his midsection made him regret his choice.

Perhaps, with Tao as an ally, they'd be able to annihilate the Red Ribbon Army.


That stopped him flat. "No?"

"No." Tao confirmed, a put upon look on his face. "I've already confronted them. Loathe as I am to say it, I did not succeed."

A long moment of silence passed as Mark absorbed that comment.

"Although I have left them with a few… let's call them parting gifts." Tao smirked, bringing the boy back to reality.

"But you…" Mark said, swallowing. "But you defeated me with ease."

"Indeed, I have." Tao said, face serious. "Do you still feel ready to take them on, boy?"

Mark stared at him for another moment, not knowing how to react to the information he was just given. If this man couldn't touch them, then who can?

Tao glared at him. "I can see the gears turning in your mind, child. Do not confuse my momentary defeat with surrender. I will cross paths with them again, and when I do, they will regret ever opposing me."

He turned away, a clear sign that he was about to leave. "Now, I believe my curiosity has been sated. You'd best hope you never cross paths with me again, for it may not be out of curiosity, next time."

Mark got up and took a firm step forward, ignoring the agony in his neck. "Wait!"

The pink-clad man stopped, turning his head slightly. "I'm listening."

"Take me with you."

The man humphed and turned to regard Mark properly. "Why should I?"

"You said it, yourself." Mark argued. "You said I have potential."

"What of it?" Tao waved the boy's words away. "I've seen many men and women squander what little talent they've had. Potential is just that— potential; unrealized, unrefined and requiring discipline, practice and hard work."

"I won't be one of them." Mark said, and Tao could tell that the boy before him was speaking from the depths of his soul. "Fighting is all I know— it's all I've ever known. And we have a common enemy."

Tao gave a nod. "You are right about that, at least; we do have a common enemy."

Silence filled the clearing once again, but Mark kept his mouth shut. He knew that, if he said anything further, this man would either kill him or worse— leave him alone.

"Very well." Tao said, gesturing for him to follow. "Come along."

Mark nodded and did as he was bid, moving to walk alongside the taller man. "Yes, erm… Master Tao?"

"That will do." Tao nodded, sending him a sidelong glance. "What's your name, child?"

Mark. "It's Hercule, sir."

"Hercule, eh?" Tao smirked and gave a humph of approval. "Wise of you to hide your true name."

How did he—

"Your body language makes this all too easy for someone like me." Tao said. "It's just as well; it wouldn't do for the Red Ribbon to know who you truly are."


"it's a strong name— Hercule; a name with a long history. Will you live up to it? Only time will tell."

Mark gulped. He had a feeling that he had just signed up for a long trip to Hell.

Wherever you are, Ten. Mark thought. Stay safe.


Age 749, October 15, Same Time, Lake East of Korin's Tower


I stared into the water, immersed in the sounds of nature. I heard the fire from behind me crackling, the ever present sound of leaves rustling in the soft, cool breeze and sighed.

If only life could be this serene forever. I thought, smiling for a moment before looking up at the tower in the distance. It was tall, reaching up into the clouds and piercing through them with ease.

I shook my head. I had expected it to be a thin structure with a small, spiraling staircase on the inside— but no. It was beginning to look like I would have to climb it from the outside, like I would with a mountain.

"Ten." Chichi's voice came from my right. "You coming?"

I nodded, not really paying attention to her. "Yeah. Be right there."

She gave an impatient huff, not at all convinced by my answer. "Oh please, don't space out on me again."

Blinking, I snorted and finally looked her way.

She seems annoyed. I thought, watching her fiddle with her blue cheongsam with red trimmings. She always messes with her clothes when she's agitated.

"Fine, fine." I pretended to sound annoyed at the interruption, but her excitement was too infectious for it to be anywhere near convincing. I got up, dusted myself off and joined her.

We stood off at the beach, staring each other down.

"Do we really have to do it here?" I asked, looking around at my nemeses with no small amount of annoyance. They swirled and buzzed about the air, acting like they owned the place.

"What's wrong with this place?"

I shuddered. "It's just the bugs; I don't like 'em. Never have."

Chichi grinned and laughed, her previous agitation forgotten in the wake of her amusement.

"What?" I said, annoyed. "I'm serious!"

"The mighty Ten, defeater of the Red Ribbon, is scared of a few mosquitoes!" Chichi shook her head and wiped a tear from the corner of her eye. "Oh come on. Don't be a baby."

I sent her a mock glare before assuming a fighting stance. "Are we fighting, or what?"

Chichi smirked and got into her stance as well. "I'm ready when you are."

I nodded, reaching into my stat sheet and disabling my stat enhancing passives. "Ready."

Chichi pointed her palm at me and cried out. "Ha!"

A ball of Ki flew to me, and I leapt to the right, shielding my face as the ground exploded, sending dirt and stone everywhere.

Chichi tried to use the explosion as a distraction to rush me, but I had cottoned on too quickly, meeting her halfway with a flurry of blows that would incapacitate and perhaps kill any normal person.

I pushed her punch to the side, driving my fingers towards her neck. Chichi moved to her right, taking the hit on her shoulder with a wince and sending a roundhouse punch into my ribs, making me stumble with a flash of pain.

-1,000 HP!

Chichi capitalized on this, grasping my right shoulder and sending her right knee into the same spot she'd struck before.

-3,000 HP!

Her knee came up again for seconds, but I blocked the strike with one hand while lashing up with an elbow at the underside of her chin, sending her stumbling back until she fell onto her butt, a dazed look upon her face.

If she wants to be vicious, then so will I. I thought, taking in a deep breath and letting her recover. "Done?"

Chichi spat some blood out of her mouth and sent me a grin, getting on her feet in seconds. "Not yet."

I smiled back, meeting her black eyes with my blue. Chichi came at me with a roundhouse kick, this time. I crouched underneath it and raised my arm just as she snapped her foot back the way it came.

-750 HP!

Her leg collided with my forearm, jarring the bone and bruising the flesh, but I ignored the pain and grasped her calf.

Chichi struggled to get it free, but I held onto her flesh with everything I had. "Force it too much, and you'll get hurt, you know. Besides, are you sure you want to make yourself vulnerable to counterattack, like this?"

I looked at her shaking butt as she struggled, before giving a smirk. "Then again, the view isn't so bad…"

Instead of surrendering, Chichi only scoffed. "Very funny, but I've already won, Ten."

She used my grip to swing her other leg up, but I raised the one in my grasp in an attempt to mess her counterattack up. Chichi grinned, and I knew she'd caught me in her trap.

She spun back the other way, the kinetic energy she'd accumulated making her as fast as a bullet. I felt the Ki charging into her heel as she broke the spin and drove her free leg straight up, into the underside of my chin.

[Mana Shield]!

-7,500 HP!

-7,000 MP!

My world turned into a haze of pain and disorientation as the momentum of the strike lifted my body ten feet into the air, before sending me back down like a sack of potatoes.

I stayed that way for a second, attempting to understand what the heck had just happened, before getting to my feet with some difficulty, expecting Chichi to already be rushing to capitalize on the devastating blow she'd landed.

But Chichi got out of her stance, looking a mix of satisfied and worried. "I think that's enough for me. That was a pretty hard hit you took."

"Yeah." I said, shaking my head and sitting back down on the sand, my [Mana Shield] disappearing with a thought. "Those legs of yours are from Hell. Or is it Heaven?"

I rubbed my jaw in the hopes of making the pain go away faster— I needn't have bothered, of course. [Gamer's Body] would eventually make it fade into nothing, just as it did with everything else.

"I'm wiped out." Chichi said as she sagged in exhaustion, her breaths short and quick. "Your Gamer ability is broken, did anyone tell you that? Any other fighter would be down for the count after that."

I laughed, before taking a seat beside her and pulling out two bottles of water, holding one out for her. "You have, a few times at least. Damn good kick, by the way. Shaved off a chunk of my health and magic."

The girl snorted and took the offered beverage. "Glad I did somethin'."

I frowned and linked my powers with hers, invoking [Insight].

Princess of Fry Pan Mountain
Chichi - Lv 32
Race - Human
Age - 14

HP: 15,000/23,000
Ki: 10,000/28,000

Rep: 10,000/100,000 Loved

Description: The Princess of Fry Pan Mountain, Chichi is a kind, blossoming young woman who believes she found a man worthy of her charms and wit.

Nevertheless, be wary of angering her, as her wrath knows no equal.

She is currently upset with her lackluster performance against the love of her life.

Battle Power: 168

Lackluster performance? I blinked in confusion.

"You've gotten much stronger, Chichi." I said with all the honesty I could muster. "And in such a short amount of time, too."

"Doesn't feel like it."

I smiled and pecked her cheek. "Now, who's being a big baby?"

I moved to give her another, but she turned her head away with a pout. "Not me."

"Of course not, princess." I whispered into her ear, watching her shiver and turn beet red.

"IthinkweshouldgetgoingtoKorinsdontyou?" The girl said in a rush before bolting to her tent to hide.

I smiled, both in amusement and a certain excitement. I remembered the days when she would endlessly tease me with something or the other.

How quickly the tables have turned. I thought with a shake of my head before sobering as my eyes landed on the tower. It won't be long now.

A few hours of trekking along the border of the lake and then through the forest ahead, and we would reach the base of the tall structure.

I went about gathering my things together before putting them in their appropriate capsules.

Soon, Chichi and I stood in front of the campfire, getting that last bit of heat in.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Yes." Chichi said before dragging her boots over the sand, dousing the flames with one, fluid move.

And with that, we were off.

"What do you think we'll find there?" Chichi put her hands behind her head as she tilted herself back to see how far the tower went. "Does it even have a top?"

"It should, but I don't know." I said. "Presumably, we'll meet this Korin fellow when we finish the climb."

"The Master didn't tell you anything about him?" Chichi said, sending me an intrigued look.

"He was pretty tight lipped about it all." I said. "Just that I had to get to the tower and climb it, and that I would find answers for the next step there."

"It's not like him to be so cryptic." Chichi mused, before smiling. "But it should at least be a good training opportunity. Climbing a thing like that— it takes stamina."

I nodded in agreement before we both went quiet, content to enjoy each other's company in relative silence, with the only sounds being the soft coursing of the lake water and the refreshing breeze running over our bodies.

Our surroundings shifted from grasslands to forest as we entered the forest proper.

In the distance, I spotted a deer trotting in brush, with a fawn doing its best to keep up. I watched them appreciatively for as long as I could before the thickets concealed them once again.

"Hungry?" Chichi said, getting my attention. She gestured in the direction of the deer. "I saw you looking at them."

I shook my head, feeling both a sense of horror and amusement at her suggestion. "Goodness, no! They were just cute, that's all."

Chichi tilted her head at me, as if she wasn't sure what to make of me. "Sometimes you say some really strange things, Ten."

I dipped my head a bit, acknowledging her statement. "I suppose I do. I've always been a little weird like that."

She stared at me for a second longer before frowning and looking ahead.

What was that about? I opened my mouth to say something but thought better of it. Best to let these things lie.

We continued our trip, trudging through the forest in silence until we reached the base of the tower.

It stood in a small clearing, I realized as we exited the treeline once again.

"We made it." Chichi said from beside me, before pointing at the tent beside it. "Looks like someone's living here."

I looked around the area, noting the presence of various tools and workstations which seemed to have had quite a bit of use over a long period of time. "And for a long time."

Before we could theorize on who it could be, the tent flap opened to reveal a tall, dark skinned man with a long ponytail.

This guy's built like a tank! I thought, eyes widening as I saw the level next to his name.

Bora - Lv 25

"Halt, outsiders." Bora said, holding a hand out as he clenched his fist. "That's far enough. You tread on the sacred land of Korin. What business have you, here?"

I swallowed and thought of what to say.

"I need to meet with Korin." I said in reply.

His eyes widened at the casual name-drop. "You wish… to see the legendary Hermit who lives at the very top of this tower?"

I nodded. "Yes."

"For what purpose?" Bora pressed, keeping his deep voice neutral.

I frowned at the man, hesitating. How do you tell someone that you need to seek out something above the tower, and that this something could be, well… God?

Seconds passed, and the suspicion returned in Bora's eyes. He stepped forward, his muscles tightening in preparation for violence. "We've had many visitors, as of late. All were foul and ill intentioned. Perhaps you are another one of their ilk."

I took a step back, not wanting to fight this man. "I am not looking to fight you."

"Neither am I." Chichi said. "We're just here to climb the tower. That's all."

He eyed us again, trying to suss out the lies in our words. In the meantime, I linked my power with his and invoked [Insight].

Guardian of the Sacred Land of Korin
Bora - Lv 25
Race - Human
Age - 32

HP: 2,500/22,000 [Physical Exhaustion]
Ki: 5,000 [Locked]

Rep: 0/10,000 Neutral

Description: Just as his father, grandfather and ancestors had done before him, Bora has dedicated his life to guarding the Sacred Land of Korin.

As a result, he has endured much suffering from this, but he remains resolute, no matter what his chances of winning are.

He is currently wary of you, as his last fight left him on the brink of death for many days.

Battle Power: [40], 90

Impressive. I thought. To think that people like this are just out here, in the middle of nowhere, just living their lives.

With a battle power like that, this man could have been using his strength and physique to earn money, either by fighting, weight lifting, or even just modeling. Instead, he was here, guarding some obscure area in the middle of the wilderness.

But, his health and debuffs… I frowned at the low number, wondering just how he was still standing. "You… How are you still standing? With the beating you've taken."

Bora's eyes widened for a moment, before hardening with resolute purpose. "It matters not. If I must, I shall fight."

Shit. I thought, realizing he'd drawn the wrong conclusions from what I'd said.

"What happened to you?" I tried again and took a step forward, but the man dashed towards me with determination in his eyes.

"Ten!" Chichi cried out in surprise. Bora closed the gap, his meaty fist descending onto me with a rage I had only seen on one man's face before— Blue's.

It was the anger of a man who'd lost everything.

I stood in place and caught Bora's wrist, holding his hand in place. He tried to hit me with the other hand, but I stopped that one, as well. The man, now wide eyed, struggled with all of his might, but I held on, making sure my grip didn't hurt him.

"Enough." I said, frustration coloring my tone. "I'm not here to fight you, damn it!"

During the struggle, Bora's black eyes met my anguished blue; he stopped in an instant. "You..."

I let go of his wrists and watched the man take a step back.

"You are not with them." He said, blinking as he slowly relaxed his guard.

"We're not with anyone!" I said. "We just came for the climb."

The man made to answer, but was overcome with a bout of dizziness. He swayed in place, almost falling, if it weren't for Chichi helping to keep him up.

"Here." She said, keeping her voice soft. "Lean on me, sir."

He can barely stand… I thought, feeling a surge of pity for the big man.

"My thanks…" He said as she led him to the remains of a campfire.

"When's the last time you ate, mister?" Chichi said.

Bora didn't answer for a long moment. "I do not know. Many days— not since I lost my boy."

"Your son?" She said, a note of alarm entering her voice before she steeled her expression. "Tell us what happened."

And so he did. "I could not stop them. I believed them to be mere men, ruled by their greed and lust for power, but they were worse than that. They were monsters. They took my boy and said that he would make an excellent subject— for what purpose, I do not know."

I swallowed. This was starting to sound really familiar. "These men…"

I took one of the rocks from the unused campfire and began to draw the Red Ribbon Army symbol on the earth. "Did they have a symbol on their arms that looked like this, but red?"

His eyes widened, and he nodded. "Yes. Do you know of them?"

I exhaled through my nose and placed the rock back where I found it. "Unfortunately. They're the Red Ribbon Army— a large group of mercenaries, criminals and soldiers looking to take over the world. They've killed many people, and worse."

I let the man absorb the comment as I considered what to do.

I can't very well leave him to his devices. I thought. If he tries to go after them, he'll get annihilated.

Maybe, if they never had encountered me, the Red Ribbon would have never gotten strong enough to stand up to him, but as it was…

I glanced at the tower before pulling out the quests I was already on.


Twenty Questions— Well, More Like One

You learned what the Dragonballs are capable of accomplishing when you gather all seven, and you've asked the Dragon about your powers.

In his wisdom, he bade you to seek out his creator, far above Korin's Tower.


Find out why you received the power of The Gamer!

Reward: 5,000,000 XP, ?, ?, ?

Failure penalty: Death. Possible destruction of the Universe.


The failure result was clear, but I shook my head.

"We can't try to save humanity without holding onto what makes us human." I muttered, too low for Chichi or Bora to hear.

"Ten…?" Chichi said, looking at me.

I nodded back, before I pulled out a stack of NutriBars and quite a few bottles of water.

"You…" Bora looked at the feat with shock. "Out of thin air?"

I nodded, gesturing at the food piled up next to him. "It doesn't taste like much, but you won't need to cook these and they'll provide you with all the nutrients your body will need to heal over time. Do you know of any place nearby that has medicine? We can go and get you some."

He stared at me for a moment and shook his head. "Nothing that I don't have here."

I swallowed the urge to sigh. "It'll have to do, then."

I turned to my girlfriend. "Chichi, it looks like the trip to Korin's Tower will have to be delayed by a bit. I want you to—"

"Oh,you'd better not say that you want me to stay here." Chichi said, stomping towards me with a fierce look upon her face. "I'm coming with you, and that's final."

I shook my head, amused despite the situation. "I was going to say that I wanted you to get ready for the worst fight of your life."

"Oh." Chichi said, blushing as the embarrassment hit her. "Well, all right, then."




You've created a quest through your decision to help Bora!


Rescue Upa!

The dastardly Red Ribbon have kidnapped Bora's son, Upa. For what reason, he does not know. You have chosen to help the man rescue his adorable little boy before it's too late!

Reward: 80,000 XP, ?, ?

Failure: Upa's death, Massive loss of REP with Bora and Chichi.


I stared at the quest log with a sneer. I was doing this because it was the right thing, not because of any rewards.

Wasn't I?


Name: Ten
Occupation: The Gamer
Level: 37 (36,500/38,000 XP)

Race: Human
Age: 14

HP: 50,945
MP: 54,081
Ki: 68,665

STR: 145 ; [290]
VIT: 140 ; [280]
AGI: 192 ; [384]
INT: 136 ; [197]
WIS: 132 ; [191]

Points: 20

Battle Power: 159, [318]