The Lonely Lioness - Cersei Lannister Quest

Man, I'm glad the whole Shade of the Evening thing worked out so well. I'm gonna sit down and try and figure out what the dreams all meant - my best guess is that DP's on the mark about it being one of the Targ claimants. Sounds like one of them is getting their mitts involved with magic; ever a sword without hilt.
Cersei is quite clear that she dreamed of two women. At first she thought they were the same, because they were both stark white with red eyes, but corrected herself on closer inspection. The first, flying through the hall, is described as having both her red eyes, using both hands to grasp a cup, and being dressed in a fluttering white robe; the second, seated on a throne of bleeding wood, has only one eye and a flame where the second should be, holds a blade for a royal scepter and a heart for a royal orb, and is clad in dragonglass armor (I don't know what else to make of armor described as "frozen flames" and "glass spun from blood").

The use of red and white as prominent colors puts me in mind of weirwoods, and this connection is only reinforced by the first white woman raising "white pillars" from the ground and her ritual statues' gray, flakey, amateurish vessels transforming into smooth white marble (i.e., the sort of stone weirwoods petrify into), and especially by the second white woman's throne being "bleeding wood."

That the second woman's people are being flayed for her pleasure puts me in mind of Boltons. On the other hand, again, she is clearly dressed in dragonglass armor which points to a Valyrian connection.
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I really like this Quest so far and I really hope it will continue getting updated.

I especially like this Joffrey. I've only seen the show so I don't know how different this one is from book Joffrey, but so far it seems he's improving as a person.
He's already popular in KL and with him riding out to "fight" the Mountain I agine that will further build his image as a young and dashing Warrior King. Joffrey I, the Flower of Westerosi Knighthood.

Also, while it is way in the future, I hope when/if Joffrey has a son he'll name him Sandor.
Back to dream interpretation, one-eyed women seem to be fairly thin on the ground in A Song of Ice and Fire, but the two whom I'm aware of are both seeresses. There's probably something in that.
If you want another shot at deciphering cryptic and threatening visions, you can always have another cup. :V
Hmm, on the one hand we could develop an exciting new chemical dependency. On the other, doing so might further beggar the realm. Decisions, decisions. . .
Hmm, on the one hand we could develop an exciting new chemical dependency. On the other, doing so might further beggar the realm. Decisions, decisions. . .
It's not that expensive by the standards of a Queen Regent. Still the equivalent of eating tyrian purple with a spoon, but unless you start chugging a bottle a day, it won't strain the treasury.
It's not that expensive by the standards of a Queen Regent. Still the equivalent of eating tyrian purple with a spoon, but unless you start chugging a bottle a day, it won't strain the treasury.
I'm pretty sure the Hightowers have a load of Shade of the Evening maybe we can buy from a local friendly source. Or we could have a reason for the Starry Sept to take over because by the Seven the accusations of profane rituals are already entrenched in Oldtown.
So, judging by his letter and a look at the map, 'Caern' Targaryen is planning on trying to exploit the post-Robert instability to make a run on King's Landing. He'll most likely transport his Essosi merc army - quite possibly bolstered by Targ loyalist exiles - over the Narrow Sea onto the Crackclaw point, which is a fairly short jaunt from the Braavosi coast and wouldn't involve having to contest Stannis's fleet in the Blackwater. From there, he'll recruit as many crownlanders as possible while marching on King's Landing.

What his plan is from here is harder to tell. He may just be hoping to seize the city quick enough to present the lords of Westeros a fiat accompli, believing that a Targ restoration would have a lot of support once sitting in KL. But we should also consider other possibilities - namely, that he may have sent out letters beyond the Crownlands. That the Tyrells have been so silent is ominous in retrospect; I wonder how many offers of marriage Margaery has received in the past six months?
With so many Targaryen pretenders, it should be difficult for any of them to muster much of a force. Viserys had a hard enough time finding support in Essos when he was the only candidate, but in half a dozen - all of whom will have to fight each other even if they beat us, Stannis and Renly? If I were a rich Essosi merchant, I'd be hesitant to invest my money in any of these claimants. To my mind, the only serious Targaryen threats are still Young Griff - who we don't know about at this point - and Daenerys (assuming she still has dragons).
With so many Targaryen pretenders, it should be difficult for any of them to muster much of a force. Viserys had a hard enough time finding support in Essos when he was the only candidate, but in half a dozen - all of whom will have to fight each other even if they beat us, Stannis and Renly? If I were a rich Essosi merchant, I'd be hesitant to invest my money in any of these claimants. To my mind, the only serious Targaryen threats are still Young Griff - who we don't know about at this point - and Daenerys (assuming she still has dragons).
Judging by the fact there are a bunch of Essosi pretenders on the status screen along with the major Westerosi houses, your dismissal of then may be premature.
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@Azel what kind and how many advisors can we bring to the Small Council? Like can we have a Master of Food and Trade?
As many as you like, though it is devaluing the prestige of the seat if you add a lot.
With so many Targaryen pretenders, it should be difficult for any of them to muster much of a force. Viserys had a hard enough time finding support in Essos when he was the only candidate, but in half a dozen - all of whom will have to fight each other even if they beat us, Stannis and Renly? If I were a rich Essosi merchant, I'd be hesitant to invest my money in any of these claimants. To my mind, the only serious Targaryen threats are still Young Griff - who we don't know about at this point - and Daenerys (assuming she still has dragons).
As far as anyone is aware, both Rhealla Targaryen and her unborn child died on Dragonstone.
@Azel what kind and how many advisors can we bring to the Small Council? Like can we have a Master of Food and Trade?
As many as you like, though it is devaluing the prestige of the seat if you add a lot.
A title like Master of Food and Trade sounds like it would fit under the purview of the Master of Coin. Perhaps we could create permanent positions beneath each council member, so they could delegate their work? We could put people from the great houses in the prestigious council positions, while appointing competent people from lesser houses to the lower positions, who would be doing most of the actual work.
Doesn't seem as if things will shift much.

Vote closed.

Adhoc vote count started by Azel on Jan 8, 2024 at 10:22 AM, finished with 81 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] Plan: King Joffrey I 'the Valorous!'
    -[X] [Joffrey] Indulge him. As long as there are enough guards, it will be fine. (Write-In guards)
    --[X] Deploy the Kingsguard (barring the absent Jaime) in a grand procession along with whatever court notables wish to accompany their king on his glorious mission. They will link up with Edmure's reforming host and assist in bringing the Mountain to long-delayed justice.
    -[X] Expand the Gold Cloaks. You will need far more than a mere thousand soldiers.
    --[X] Have Varys arrange for Janos Slynt to be disposed of in a suitably deniable fashion, and find someone capable of leading the Gold Cloaks in battle to head the paramilitary, ideally from within its ranks.
    -[X] Organize a shipbuilding effort. You will need a fleet to defend yourself against Stannis.
    --[X] Lord Rykker is naturally appointed to oversee the effort, ensuring that the Crown's limited funds are distributed wisely.
    - [X] Raise the banners of the Crownlander houses. (Free Action)
    -[X] Adjust the Small Council (Free Action)
    --[X] Appoint the High Septon as Advisor to the Small Council, in order to further harmonize the affairs of Faith and Throne.
    -[X] Letter: Write to Riverrun, commanding that Edmure Tully's first job as Hand of the King - should he choose to accept the honor - is to coordinate the defeat of renegade Ser Gregor Clegane with the arriving King Joffrey I and Lord Paramount Tywin Lannister. With the blessing of the Seven, he will first enter King's Landing with the kinslayer's corpse dragged behind his steed.
    -[X] Letter(?): Speak to the High Septon regarding the current succession crisis. Threatened by the Mad King's ilk and untrue uncles, the Seven Kingdoms need reminding about the necessity of uniting behind their true monarch - especially the Reach, whose loyalties lie uncertain and where the Faith's influence is strong. A resounding homily in the Starry Sept ought to make its position on the matter clear to all and sundry, and cause the lords of the Reach to think twice about which king they choose to back.
    [X] Plan: A Mother's Indulgence
    - [X] [Joffrey] Indulge him. As long as there are enough guards, it will be fine.
    - [X] A large guard of 100 men with full regalia and the entire Kingsguard to make a show of Joffrey as a heroic warrior king - though minimal servants and baggage train for speed. Let the Hound take Joffrey through some destroyed villages so he can see the consequences of war and learn that it's not a game. Make it clear to both Joffrey and his bodyguard that the king is there to be seen by the men. Not participate in the battle.
    - [X] Speak with local traders to organise better food supplies for the city.
    - [X] Speak with the Pyromancers. Learn more about the wildfyre found in the sept and see if they can aid you in the battles to come.
    - [X] Raise the banners of the Crownlander houses. (Free Action)
Y'know, I just realized something. Did we send Ice north with Eddard and Sansa? I don't recall the Valaryian steel sword being part of the deal, and holding onto it would be a good bit of leverage with Robb for a post-war settlement.
Y'know, I just realized something. Did we send Ice north with Eddard and Sansa? I don't recall the Valaryian steel sword being part of the deal, and holding onto it would be a good bit of leverage with Robb for a post-war settlement.
I don't believe it's accounted for. Which is a nice opportunity for it to pull an Arya and mysteriously disappear.
Since no one made a point of seizing it, it's been given to Eddard with the unspoken assumption that it would be returned to his son.
Since no one made a point of seizing it, it's been given to Eddard with the unspoken assumption that it would be returned to his son.
Damn, should've brought it up sooner. It would've been an excellent way of making the Starks start paying taxes again once all this mess is over - as it stands, I guess we'll just have to hope it earns us some respectability.
Turn 2 - Holding Court
Adhoc vote count started by Azel on Jan 8, 2024 at 10:22 AM, finished with 81 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] Plan: King Joffrey I 'the Valorous!'
    -[X] [Joffrey] Indulge him. As long as there are enough guards, it will be fine. (Write-In guards)
    --[X] Deploy the Kingsguard (barring the absent Jaime) in a grand procession along with whatever court notables wish to accompany their king on his glorious mission. They will link up with Edmure's reforming host and assist in bringing the Mountain to long-delayed justice.
    -[X] Expand the Gold Cloaks. You will need far more than a mere thousand soldiers.
    --[X] Have Varys arrange for Janos Slynt to be disposed of in a suitably deniable fashion, and find someone capable of leading the Gold Cloaks in battle to head the paramilitary, ideally from within its ranks.
    -[X] Organize a shipbuilding effort. You will need a fleet to defend yourself against Stannis.
    --[X] Lord Rykker is naturally appointed to oversee the effort, ensuring that the Crown's limited funds are distributed wisely.
    - [X] Raise the banners of the Crownlander houses. (Free Action)
    -[X] Adjust the Small Council (Free Action)
    --[X] Appoint the High Septon as Advisor to the Small Council, in order to further harmonize the affairs of Faith and Throne.
    -[X] Letter: Write to Riverrun, commanding that Edmure Tully's first job as Hand of the King - should he choose to accept the honor - is to coordinate the defeat of renegade Ser Gregor Clegane with the arriving King Joffrey I and Lord Paramount Tywin Lannister. With the blessing of the Seven, he will first enter King's Landing with the kinslayer's corpse dragged behind his steed.
    -[X] Letter(?): Speak to the High Septon regarding the current succession crisis. Threatened by the Mad King's ilk and untrue uncles, the Seven Kingdoms need reminding about the necessity of uniting behind their true monarch - especially the Reach, whose loyalties lie uncertain and where the Faith's influence is strong. A resounding homily in the Starry Sept ought to make its position on the matter clear to all and sundry, and cause the lords of the Reach to think twice about which king they choose to back.
    [X] Plan: A Mother's Indulgence
    - [X] [Joffrey] Indulge him. As long as there are enough guards, it will be fine.
    - [X] A large guard of 100 men with full regalia and the entire Kingsguard to make a show of Joffrey as a heroic warrior king - though minimal servants and baggage train for speed. Let the Hound take Joffrey through some destroyed villages so he can see the consequences of war and learn that it's not a game. Make it clear to both Joffrey and his bodyguard that the king is there to be seen by the men. Not participate in the battle.
    - [X] Speak with local traders to organise better food supplies for the city.
    - [X] Speak with the Pyromancers. Learn more about the wildfyre found in the sept and see if they can aid you in the battles to come.
    - [X] Raise the banners of the Crownlander houses. (Free Action)

Turn 2 - Holding Court

She had seen the thing far more often than she had any desire to. Sat in his shadow as the drunkard slurred through another courtly session as fast as possible to get back to his amusements. She had spend a few terrifying moments next to it, as Eddard Stark was threatening to take all she had and trample it under his feet. But now, it was her taking the steps upwards. Dodging blades still sharp after centuries and making sure he skirt caught nowhere. It was almost funny. Her entire life, she had looked at the thing. Had to crane her neck to speak with people sitting on it. And now it would be her turn. She would be one sitting above all others, even if only while her son was away. It should have been a joyous moment, exalting even, and yet it was not. It was a strange feeling.

As a little girl, her father had shown her the throne room while court was not being held. Cersei did not remember what he said that day. Probably something about duty, respect and House Lannister. Her father had little else to say to any of his children. What she did remember though was the throne, high and imposing, flanked by the skulls of dragons. Tapestry and banners adorned the walls and the summer sun was shining through the clear windows. She could still feel the shiver going down her spine as the presence of the room sunk in. How she stood straight as an arrow, heels together, just as her mother and the septa always told her to, but for once without them needing to scold her first. One day, so her father had told her, she would be queen and this would be hers. With good and pretty king sitting on the Iron Throne. She vowed to never forget that feeling of awe she felt on that day.

The next time she came to throne room, it reeked of acrid smoke and burning flesh. Not a a sound could be heard from anyone in the room, even the wildfire itself seeming quiet, as if all made room for the one sound that permeated the entire hall. The Mad King was laughing. A deep, guffawing belly laugh as the green flames consumed whatever poor fool had offended him that day. While all eyes in the room were either morbidly watching the flames or staring at the floor, Cersei looked at him. He was squirming on the throne, his unkempt hair tangling with the blades around him. Like a worm. Or maybe a fish. It was no wonder he constantly cut himself on the throne.

The laughter stopped all of the sudden. "What are you looking at?" The kings eyes had turned from his favorite spectacle and his eyes became transfixed on Cerseis hands as if he was looking for something she was holding. "Don't look at me, girl. Look at the traitor. Look at the power of the Iron Throne. Aegon had his dragons and I have my wildfire. But it's all the same. Traitors get what they deserve and that's what matters." He began to smile, cracked lips pulling back to show yellowed teeth. "I gave you an order, girl. Look at the traitor, or do you want to join him?"

Cersei spent the rest of the day watching. She watched as the meat was falling from the bones. She watched as green flames guttered out and gave way to normal fire. She watched as the king got bored of his entertainment and left the throne room. She was still watching as the servants and a septon came to carry of what was left of the man. Just in case someone was tattling on her. Cerseis father had later said it was important she had learned this lesson about Aerys court early and that she would do well to not forget. And so that was what she remembered from that day forward. Ash and bone. Green flames and the stench of burnt hair. The throne room going dark as a girl was staring at charred stone, her body having forgotten to move.

She could still smell it. Even now. Even as it was her who sat on the throne. It would not go away. Maybe it had sunk into the masonry and no amount of airing would ever truly rid the place of it. There was still a patch of marble on the ground that was slightly brighter than the rest, where the masons had torn out the damaged stone and patched over the past. But she could still see the seams. No matter what anyone did, this was still the throne room of Aerys II, even if Robert had all the banners and dragon skulls thrown out and replaced them with hunting trophies and tapestries. Maybe it was time to bury some more of Roberts legacy and throw out the next set of tapestries. And maybe buy a Myrish carpet to hide the seams in the marble.

It was for another day though as while Cersei was still reminiscing about a girl she had long left behind, the mummery was about to begin. With Joffrey in the Riverlands, someone had to hold court now and then so that the household felt the crowns presence. For the most part, the young king had done a decent enough job of that, hearing concerns of minor nobles and speaking judgments for criminals. While Cersei never found the time to attend the lengthy affairs in person, she had heard that Joffrey was a bit fickle in his acts, either rewarding people very generously or punishing them harshly. She was sure he would find a good balance in time.

Her own session would be much more scripted. It had been a favorite tactic of Jon Arryn to manage Robert. Most things were hashed out in the Small Council chamber and then just repeated in the throne room where the king could publicly look bored and wave the old falcons proposals through. To Cersei, it really highlighted who was the true power behind the crown, though the courtiers never minded. As long as they had some public event to waste some time on and gossip about, they were content with things. Having the Hand and the King put on a show for them still satisfied their self-importance and that was what mattered more than the substance of the things said and done.

The first act doubled as an introduction. Lord Renfred Rykker was not a known quantity at court and since his appointment was a quiet affair, this was the first time he would fill his role of Master of Ships in public. So, they started with the song and dance of thanks and promises getting traded for expectations and orders. Then it went on to the reports, with the court reacting with all the right gasps and shock as Rykker spun a tale of dangerous pirates roaming the Narrow Sea while the Royal Fleet is under the command of a madman and usurper. The topic then went on to how Stannis ships might be countered or their blockade evaded. Unlike Robert, Cersei gave her best to not let shine through that she had heard it all before. The orders, of course, had also been given already.

On what should the fleet building effort be focused?

[] [Fleet] A war fleet for the high seas to counter Stannis.
+ powerful navy
+ new galleasses will improve thrones prestige
- construction will be slow
- expensive

[] [Fleet] River boats for trade and to patrol the waterways.
+ fast to build
+ cheaper
+ can be used to aid food situation
- outmatched in open waters
- might be seen as ceding the seas to Stannis

After that came another new appointment, though the face was already decently well known at court. Ser Jacelyn Bywater had been serving as a captain of the Gold Cloaks for years, though Slynt had been trying to sideline him for a while. Baelish little pet really disliked him for some reason, though Cersei had never found out why before Slynts tragic accident. She had no illusion that Varys had his own reasons to suggest the one-handed knight for the position. So far he had at least done well what was asked of him. The recruitment was in full swing, weapons and armor still plenty in the armories and soon there would be around 5,000 Gold Cloaks patrolling the streets. Rabble still, people picked from Fleabottom for the most part, but if they could carry a spear, they would be useful in the fights to come.

The iteniary grew much less weighty from then on. The High Septon was named an advisor on the Small Council to a few approving murmurs of the court, though the man himself had to excuse himself and one of his underlings received the news in his stead. Something about a festival in Oldtown being organised because of a Septa. It was as good as any excuse to have him travel there to ensure the Most Devout were properly aligned with the throne, even if it meant he had to leave in a hurry. Once the Septon had said his thanks and made his promises, Cersei just halfheartedly gave her expectations and orders in return. It was just even more pointless when you did not even speak to the right person.

Lords and Ladies of the Crownlands were next on the docket, though the worried looks they shot each other as they stepped forth promised nothing good. Gyles Rosby, an old and sickly man, stepped out of the gaggle and before the throne. "Your majesty," he began with a shallow bow. "News from the Pointsmen has reached me. Fishers in the Bay of Crabs saw a Braavosi fleet near the whispers and some riders I've sent to verify the rumors have returned to Rosby and sent message to me. One of the pretenders, the one claiming to be Caern Targaryen, has landed in the Crownlands. The Houses Staunton, Brune and Celtigar have raised their banners along his and he is marching with about 8,000 foot and 2,000 riders towards Rooks Rest."

What now?

[] [War] Do nothing and wait for word from the Riverlands. Hasty action will just worry the smallfolk.

[] [War] Prepare the city for a siege and keep all troops here. This leaves the northern Crownlands and it's vital farmland exposed, but the capital has the best defenses.

[] [War] Send some troops to Duskendale to organize a defense there. The northern Crownlands must remain under your control. (Write-In how many to send)

[] [War] Something else: (Write-In)

Own Troops
- 5x Light Infantry (Gold Cloaks)
- 6x Light Infantry (Levies)
- 2x Archers (Levies)
- 1x Heavy Cavalry (Levies)

Estimated Enemy Troops
- 8x Infantry (unknown types)
- 2x Heavy Cavalry​

AN: The sudden yet inevitable betrayal of the Pointsmen has arrived.
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Looks like I was at least roughly on the mark about Caern's plan, although it remains to be seen if he has any hidden twists.

As for a battle plan, we shouldn't let the Targ pretender build any momentum, as the more it looks like he might win, the more "Targaryen Loyalists" will flip their cloaks and the weaker we'll look. We've put in the works to win over the Crownlander lords, now it's time to cash in our chips and shut this invasion down. Expanding the Goldcloaks happily leaves us with a garrison for King's Landing in the meantime.

As for the fleet, I'm inclined to bite the bullet and start cracking out a Bluewater fleet. It's just something we need, although money is going to be an issue.
As for a battle plan, we shouldn't let the Targ pretender build any momentum, as the more it looks like he might win, the more "Targaryen Loyalists" will flip their cloaks and the weaker we'll look. We've put in the works to win over the Crownlander lords, now it's time to cash in our chips and shut this invasion down. Expanding the Goldcloaks happily leaves us with a garrison for King's Landing in the meantime.
You're thinking the following?

[] [Fleet] A war fleet for the high seas to counter Stannis.
[] [War] Send some troops to Duskendale to organize a defense there. The northern Crownlands must remain under your control. (Write-In how many to send)
-[] 6x Light Infantry (Levies)
-[] 2x Archers (Levies)
-[] 1x Heavy Cavalry (Levies)