You can offer your dose in next turn plan to him.
Would that work even though his work uses the Administration stat?
I'm thinking of the mats we probably don't need the bezoar, its a well explored material, if a potent one, but unless we have a specific concoction in mind for it its too expensive for a rainy day purchase.
We do have 67 crowns banked, and we only used 20/30 Budget Crowns so far. Buying all 3 would be 15 Crowns, so we'd only be dipping into our personal funds by 5
Ah that makes it more tolerable.

And having a bezoar handy is always useful in a noble court. Supreme against poisons isn't it?
Yes, at least when used in sufficient amounts. I imagine that Leon would have more sophisticated methods than "drop it into your cup and hope" though. Perhaps extracting the Ghyran it generates in a given timeframe to infuse it into his potions?
Yes, at least when used in sufficient amounts. I imagine that Leon would have more sophisticated methods than "drop it into your cup and hope" though. Perhaps extracting the Ghyran it generates in a given timeframe to infuse it into his potions?
Keep in mind, that mixing different things saturated with the Winds is risky enough.

Leonhard will be in time more and more infused with Chamon. With that, there is always the risk of contamination and Dhar may be created inadvertently.
Keep in mind, that mixing different things saturated with the Winds is risky enough.

Leonhard will be in time more and more infused with Chamon. With that, there is always the risk of contamination and Dhar may be created inadvertently.
That doesn't seem to be a problem for senior Gold Wizards though. Their increased control tends to mean such incidents are far less of a risk than for a comparatively new practitioner like Leon.

Even if that is the case however, Leon just proved that there are non-magical means of affecting the Aethyric properties of objects. So even if he's not able to do so via direct application of his arcane powers, he can probably create a mechanical device that will be capable of such a thing.
Does anyone have any Idea for a proposition er could offer in terms of military science?

For example, idk, run a census of the army as a whole or analysis the logistical apparatus that supports the military, to see If we can improve it (aka "unlocks further options")

It probably won't be selected, but i think it would make thematic sense, considering we just got a perk for military science, that we would want to do a bit of work in that direction
Does anyone have any Idea for a proposition er could offer in terms of military science?

For example, idk, run a census of the army as a whole or analysis the logistical apparatus that supports the military, to see If we can improve it (aka "unlocks further options")

It probably won't be selected, but i think it would make thematic sense, considering we just got a perk for military science, that we would want to do a bit of work in that direction
I can try for something like studying up on the Veldt's geography and the history of wars waged across it to develop plans of defense in the region?
No reaction from our fellow heads of state about our huge loan with zero intrest,
That's because we haven't told them the good news yet, I believe. And speaking of...

[] Plan Like Teacher Like Student
-[] – Very strange insects. 3 crowns.
-[] – Bezoar from a cow's stomach. 10 crowns.
-[] – Flowers with an interesting combination of Winds of Magic. 2 crowns.

[] Plan The Noblest Of Metals
-[] We secured a zero-interest loan from the Gold Order whose value is one hundred and fifty thousand crowns, whose repayment may begin after a grace period of two years. The annual payments, once they begin, are always to be ten percent of the loan's value. This transaction is not to involve the direct transport of coinage, but the Chancellor may issue receipts which the College will honor once presented in person.
-[] We secured a loan from the Dwarfs of Karak Kadrin whose value is one hundred thousand crowns, whose repayment is to begin annually with no grace period. The interest rate on the loan is two percent of the remaining amount per year, and the minimum payment is seven percent of the total debt per year. This transaction will be paid out through the transfer of Karak Kadrin gold coinage.
--[] During the negotiations, an offer was made that the loan's value be increased by fifty thousand crowns, to total one hundred and fifty thousand. However, in return, Ostermark would be required to agree to sell ten percent of the Veldt's grain to Karak Kadrin at a locked-in price for twenty years, this price being, as listed here, half its current market value in Ostermark. This agreement, if taken, would also be unable to be renegotiated. In such times as these, it was believed to be wiser to refuse this offer.
-[] Our colleague, the good Chaplain Wolfgang Dirkschneider, suggested that another source of funding could be the Arch-Lector of Talabheim. Given the current situation with the former Emperor Dieter forbidding the man from operating in Talabecland, it is likely that many typical uses for his wealth are presently unavailable, thus leaving more liquid capital to be used in moneylending and the like.
-[] We offered our assistance to Isolde in negotiating with the local aristocracy, using our training in mundane, secular medical practice to provide information and advice that benefitted her and the Cult of Shallya's position as the irreplaceable foremost institution of healing.
-[] Isolde gave her recommendation regarding the present taking out of loans and its relation to the acquisition of serfs to work the Veldt. Simply put, commercial loans would require revealing the region's productive potential as proof that repayment is possible, which would lead to serfs becoming more expensive as their economic value would be higher than is typical. As such, it is best to do business with those who would not make such information known.

[] - You intend to get more possible peasants to cultivate the lands in the province. And you even know where you intend to get them from.
-[] Kislevite peasants, given their Tzardom is currently under the rule of a vampire and is still showing grotesque scars from the devastation of the Great War Against Chaos, will try to seek out new lands to call home, where the undead do not dominate the living, and Ostermark is one such place. Especially useful is that much of Kislev is similar in climate and soil composition to the Veldt.

[] - You intend to study the Veldt's geography and the wars waged in its past to better determine ways of defending it should the settlement plan succeed.

I am of course happy to take further suggestions and ideas for modifications
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[] - You intend to study the Veldt's geography and the wars waged in its past to better determine ways of defending it should the settlement plan succeed.
I actually meant something that would allow us to develop learning projects for the military in general, like improved supply lines or better rations, not just for Veldt, but in general, because i feel like that (the defense of veldt, should be a martial action. Like this:

[] During your time spent with the army you have developed a interest in the matters of the military. You request that you can take [one turn] to further your studies in cooperation with the Army, in the hopes of finding new research projects and avenues of improvent for the military might of the province
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I actually meant something that would allow us to develop learning projects for the military in general, like improved supply lines or better rations, not just Veldt in general, because i feel like that should be a martial action. Like this:

[] During your time spent with the army you have developed a interest in the matters of the military. You request that you can take [one turn] to further your studies in cooperation with the Army, in the hopes of finding new research projects and avenues of improvent for the military might of the province
I think we could do that if we wanted, but I'm not sure if it would work for this vote. This is just telling Ludwig what we think we can or should do, and suggesting that we can find some sort of military improvements if we just take some time to look into it seems like it wouldn't be concrete enough.

To put it a different way, taking some actions to learn ways to improve the army, then going to Ludwig and saying "Hey, here's some points that can be worked on if I'm given the resources" would be the proper course of action, not going to Ludwig first and then figuring out how to make things better.
To put it a different way, taking some actions to learn ways to improve the army, then going to Ludwig and saying "Hey, here's some points that can be worked on if I'm given the resources" would be the proper course of action, not going to Ludwig first and then figuring out how to make things better.
That's the kind of initiative a better Elector Count would deserve, but i dont think we should go out of our way to spent our limited actions Just so that guy gets better proposals, when we could do it as our offical duty

(Yes, I'm still mad about the Witch Hunter thing)
That's the kind of initiative a better Elector Count would deserve, but i dont think we should go out of our way to spent our limited actions Just so that guy gets better proposals, when we could do it as our offical duty

(Yes, I'm still mad about the Witch Hunter thing)
That's fair, but we'd be spending actions either way is the thing. How about if we suggest something that Leon already has some experience with? Our time chatting with the artillery commander during the expedition gave some ideas.

"You intend to develop a means of standardized testing and categorization for gunpowder in Ostermark. The composition of each batch of powder is oftentimes subtly different from one another, and this causes problems for the troops who have to use it, as they lack a consistent guage for how far and how fast their projectiles will fly. Ensuring consistent output will require more work, but allowing the army to know ahead of time what they are working with will still make a great deal of difference."

"You intend to develop a training system for Ostermark artillerymen to ensure a better basic standard of gunners. Many utterly lack the ability to count, let alone calculate trajectory, and must depend upon instinct and personal experience for their work. This hinders the effectiveness of the province's cannons in battle, as they will not fire as one harmonious force."

Or if you're certain about being broad in looking for improvements...

"You intend to investigate the military of Ostermark, on a logistical, doctrinal, and educational level to find ways that it may be improved. As there will soon be a vast new stretch of territory full of people to protect, a more effective fighting force will be all the more crucial."
[X] Plan Like Teacher Like Student
-[X] – Very strange insects. 3 crowns.
-[X] – Bezoar from a cow's stomach. 10 crowns.
-[X] – Flowers with an interesting combination of Winds of Magic. 2 crowns.

[X] Plan The Noblest Of Metals (To tame gunpowder)
-[X] We secured a zero-interest loan from the Gold Order whose value is one hundred and fifty thousand crowns, whose repayment may begin after a grace period of two years. The annual payments, once they begin, are always to be ten percent of the loan's value. This transaction is not to involve the direct transport of coinage, but the Chancellor may issue receipts which the College will honor once presented in person.
-[X] We secured a loan from the Dwarfs of Karak Kadrin whose value is one hundred thousand crowns, whose repayment is to begin annually with no grace period. The interest rate on the loan is two percent of the remaining amount per year, and the minimum payment is seven percent of the total debt per year. This transaction will be paid out through the transfer of Karak Kadrin gold coinage.
--[X] During the negotiations, an offer was made that the loan's value be increased by fifty thousand crowns, to total one hundred and fifty thousand. However, in return, Ostermark would be required to agree to sell ten percent of the Veldt's grain to Karak Kadrin at a locked-in price for twenty years, this price being, as listed here, half its current market value in Ostermark. This agreement, if taken, would also be unable to be renegotiated. In such times as these, it was believed to be wiser to refuse this offer.
-[X] Our colleague, the good Chaplain Wolfgang Dirkschneider, suggested that another source of funding could be the Arch-Lector of Talabheim. Given the current situation with the former Emperor Dieter forbidding the man from operating in Talabecland, it is likely that many typical uses for his wealth are presently unavailable, thus leaving more liquid capital to be used in moneylending and the like.
-[X] We offered our assistance to Isolde in negotiating with the local aristocracy, using our training in mundane, secular medical practice to provide information and advice that benefitted her and the Cult of Shallya's position as the irreplaceable foremost institution of healing.
-[X] Isolde gave her recommendation regarding the present taking out of loans and its relation to the acquisition of serfs to work the Veldt. Simply put, commercial loans would require revealing the region's productive potential as proof that repayment is possible, which would lead to serfs becoming more expensive as their economic value would be higher than is typical. As such, it is best to do business with those who would not make such information known.

[X] - You intend to get more possible peasants to cultivate the lands in the province. And you even know where you intend to get them from.
-[X] Kislevite peasants, given their Tzardom is currently under the rule of a vampire and is still showing grotesque scars from the devastation of the Great War Against Chaos, will try to seek out new lands to call home, where the undead do not dominate the living, and Ostermark is one such place. Especially useful is that much of Kislev is similar in climate and soil composition to the Veldt.

[X] - You intend to develop a means of standardized testing and categorization for gunpowder in Ostermark. The composition of each powder batch is often subtly different from one another, and this causes problems for the troops who have to use it, as they lack a consistent gauge for how far and how fast their projectiles will fly. Ensuring that consistent output would require more work, but allowing the army to know ahead of time what they are working with would still make a great deal of difference.

We need to test the long-term effects of the prolonged use of those potions more, I hope Leon didn't just make magical meth. Also, I'm really interested in those magic flowers, maybe we can find a way to reduce the Dahr concentration of an area using flowers? That'd be revolutionary, a Sylvanian Flanders field.
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[X] Plan Like Teacher Like Student (To tame gunpowder)
-[X] – Very strange insects. 3 crowns.
-[X] – Bezoar from a cow's stomach. 10 crowns.
-[X] – Flowers with an interesting combination of Winds of Magic. 2 crowns.
-[X] We secured a zero-interest loan from the Gold Order whose value is one hundred and fifty thousand crowns, whose repayment may begin after a grace period of two years. The annual payments, once they begin, are always to be ten percent of the loan's value. This transaction is not to involve the direct transport of coinage, but the Chancellor may issue receipts which the College will honor once presented in person.
-[X] We secured a loan from the Dwarfs of Karak Kadrin whose value is one hundred thousand crowns, whose repayment is to begin annually with no grace period. The interest rate on the loan is two percent of the remaining amount per year, and the minimum payment is seven percent of the total debt per year. This transaction will be paid out through the transfer of Karak Kadrin gold coinage.
--[X] During the negotiations, an offer was made that the loan's value be increased by fifty thousand crowns, to total one hundred and fifty thousand. However, in return, Ostermark would be required to agree to sell ten percent of the Veldt's grain to Karak Kadrin at a locked-in price for twenty years, this price being, as listed here, half its current market value in Ostermark. This agreement, if taken, would also be unable to be renegotiated. In such times as these, it was believed to be wiser to refuse this offer.
-[X] Our colleague, the good Chaplain Wolfgang Dirkschneider, suggested that another source of funding could be the Arch-Lector of Talabheim. Given the current situation with the former Emperor Dieter forbidding the man from operating in Talabecland, it is likely that many typical uses for his wealth are presently unavailable, thus leaving more liquid capital to be used in moneylending and the like.
-[X] We offered our assistance to Isolde in negotiating with the local aristocracy, using our training in mundane, secular medical practice to provide information and advice that benefitted her and the Cult of Shallya's position as the irreplaceable foremost institution of healing.
-[X] Isolde gave her recommendation regarding the present taking out of loans and its relation to the acquisition of serfs to work the Veldt. Simply put, commercial loans would require revealing the region's productive potential as proof that repayment is possible, which would lead to serfs becoming more expensive as their economic value would be higher than is typical. As such, it is best to do business with those who would not make such information known.
This is not how the plan is meant to be posted. The plan with the "thesis" actions is its own thing, it cannot be attached to anything else, that's why I made 2 separate plans, one for that and one for the purchase of alchemical ingredients, because they MUST be separate. The QM mentioned "only one plan" as a joke about how typically there are not multiple people who make plans.

Whatever is left over must be approval voted

[X] Plan Like Teacher Like Student
-[X] – Very strange insects. 3 crowns.
-[X] – Bezoar from a cow's stomach. 10 crowns.
-[X] – Flowers with an interesting combination of Winds of Magic. 2 crowns.

[X] Plan The Noblest Of Metals
-[X] We secured a zero-interest loan from the Gold Order whose value is one hundred and fifty thousand crowns, whose repayment may begin after a grace period of two years. The annual payments, once they begin, are always to be ten percent of the loan's value. This transaction is not to involve the direct transport of coinage, but the Chancellor may issue receipts which the College will honor once presented in person.
-[X] We secured a loan from the Dwarfs of Karak Kadrin whose value is one hundred thousand crowns, whose repayment is to begin annually with no grace period. The interest rate on the loan is two percent of the remaining amount per year, and the minimum payment is seven percent of the total debt per year. This transaction will be paid out through the transfer of Karak Kadrin gold coinage.
--[X] During the negotiations, an offer was made that the loan's value be increased by fifty thousand crowns, to total one hundred and fifty thousand. However, in return, Ostermark would be required to agree to sell ten percent of the Veldt's grain to Karak Kadrin at a locked-in price for twenty years, this price being, as listed here, half its current market value in Ostermark. This agreement, if taken, would also be unable to be renegotiated. In such times as these, it was believed to be wiser to refuse this offer.
-[X] Our colleague, the good Chaplain Wolfgang Dirkschneider, suggested that another source of funding could be the Arch-Lector of Talabheim. Given the current situation with the former Emperor Dieter forbidding the man from operating in Talabecland, it is likely that many typical uses for his wealth are presently unavailable, thus leaving more liquid capital to be used in moneylending and the like.
-[X] We offered our assistance to Isolde in negotiating with the local aristocracy, using our training in mundane, secular medical practice to provide information and advice that benefitted her and the Cult of Shallya's position as the irreplaceable foremost institution of healing.
-[X] Isolde gave her recommendation regarding the present taking out of loans and its relation to the acquisition of serfs to work the Veldt. Simply put, commercial loans would require revealing the region's productive potential as proof that repayment is possible, which would lead to serfs becoming more expensive as their economic value would be higher than is typical. As such, it is best to do business with those who would not make such information known.

[X] - You intend to get more possible peasants to cultivate the lands in the province. And you even know where you intend to get them from.
-[X] Kislevite peasants, given their Tzardom is currently under the rule of a vampire and is still showing grotesque scars from the devastation of the Great War Against Chaos, will try to seek out new lands to call home, where the undead do not dominate the living, and Ostermark is one such place. Especially useful is that much of Kislev is similar in climate and soil composition to the Veldt.

[X] You intend to investigate the military of Ostermark, on a logistical, doctrinal, and educational level to find ways that it may be improved. As there will soon be a vast new stretch of territory full of people to protect, a more effective fighting force will be all the more crucial
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I'm kinda confused, what's the difference between serfs and slaves again? I know the Empire doesn't like slavery and all that and I know serfs have rights, but when you can just be bought it's hard to understand what rights are relevant to you that differentiates you from a slave when you're a literal commodity that can be moved to another lords estate without your permission.
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I'm kinda confused, what's the difference between serfs and slaves again? I know the Empire doesn't like slavery and all that and I know serfs have rights, but when you can just be bought it's hard to understand what rights are relevant to you that differentiates you from a slave when you're a literal commodity that can be moved to another lords estate without your permission.
A serf is specifically tied to the land they work, which is what is really owned by the local lord. A serf effectively has a debt or contract with their lord that requires them to pay regular fees for the protection of the area wherein they live and work, as well as providing some of their products or services as a tax and being unable to move elsewhere unless they pay off whatever remains in their balance (thus becoming a freedman). The details can vary based on the exact time and place.

This means serfs also cannot be moved willy nilly or have their property seized without legal cause, compared to a slave who may be 100% at the mercy of their owner when it comes to money and belongings.

In this case, buying serfs would more accurately be considered buying their debt, and even that would need the serf in question to agree to it as otherwise it would be a breach of their lord's side of the deal. That's why usually serfs aren't bought, the land is, and the serfs are included with the land purchase.
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A serf is specifically tied to the land they work, which is what is really owned by the local lord. A serf effectively has a debt or contract with their lord that requires them to pay regular fees for the protection of the area wherein they live and work, as well as providing some of their products or services as a tax and being unable to move elsewhere unless they pay off whatever remains in their balance (thus becoming a freedman). The details can vary based on the exact time and place.

This means serfs also cannot be moved willy nilly or have their property seized without legal cause, compared to a slave who may be 100% at the mercy of their owner when it comes to money and belongings.

In this case, buying serfs would more accurately be considered buying their debt, and even that would need the serf in question to agree to it as otherwise it would be a breach of their lord's side of the deal. That's why usually serfs aren't bought, the land is, and the serfs are included with the land purchase.
So buys serfs is buying the land and workers who are in it, or is it convincing freemen to become serfs?
So buys serfs is buying the land and workers who are in it, or is it convincing freemen to become serfs?
Buying serfs from landowners in this case would be two steps I believe. First is getting the lord in question to agree, then spreading the word to the serfs saying "Hey, new opportunity, who wants to go live and work in the Veldt?" The amount paid would be determined by the number of serfs who choose to participate