Saving a Nation, By Any Means Necessary (Modern/Sci-Fi meets Fantasy CK2)

Just getting a head count...
Adhoc vote count started by dnzrx on May 14, 2019 at 10:02 PM, finished with 727 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X]Plan loot and kill
    [X] plan B
    [X] Northern Front
    -[x] Poison Gas Attack (65% Chance, Cost: 12 Wealth, +0 Leofarinia, -30 Xelma, No Loot)
    --[X] (1) Red Knives Bunny-Assassins, (1) Basic Agents
    [X] Middle Front
    -[x] Bribe Xelmian forces to desert/defect (70% Chance, Cost: 10 Wealth, +8 Leofarinia, -8 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
    --[X] (1) Sniper Agents, (1) Basic Agents
    [X] Southern Front
    -[X] Steal Logistics Animals (60% Chance, Cost: 3 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -10 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
    --[X] (1) Veteran Agents
    [X]Plan loot and kill
    [X] Middle Front
    -[x] Bribe Xelmian forces to desert/defect (70% Chance, Cost: 10 Wealth, +8 Leofarinia, -8 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
    --[X] (1) Red Knives Bunny-Assassins
    -[X] Assassinate Groups of Soldiers (60% Chance, Cost: 3 Wealth, +0 Leofarinia, -6 Xelma, Little Loot)
    --[X] (1) Sniper Agents
    -[X] Steal Logistics Animals (60% Chance, Cost: 3 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -10 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
    --[X] (1) Veteran Agents
    -[x] Destroy Invasion Siege Equipment (70% Chance, Cost: 5 Wealth, +0 Leofarinia, -15 Xelma, No Loot)
    --[X] (1) Basic Agents
    [X] Southern Front
    -[X] Steal Logistics Animals (60% Chance, Cost: 3 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -10 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
    --[X] (1) Basic Agents
    [X] Plan Smash and Grab
    [X] Northern Front
    -[X] Assassinate Invasion Officials (40% Chance, Cost: 10 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -20 Xelma, Little Loot)
    --[X] (1) Sniper Agents; (1) Red Knives Bunny-Assassins
    --[X] 6 Wealth
    [X] Middle Front
    -[X] Steal Logistics Animals (65% Chance, Cost: 3 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -5 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
    --[X] (1) Basic Agents
    -[X] Assassinate Groups of Soldiers (65% Chance, Cost: 3 Wealth, +0 Leofarinia, -6 Xelma, Little Loot)
    [X] Southern Front
    -[X] Steal Logistics Animals (60% Chance, Cost: 3 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -10 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
    --[X] (1) Veteran Agents
    [X] plan B
I now say votes are closed.
Adhoc vote count started by dnzrx on May 15, 2019 at 9:08 PM, finished with 729 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X]Plan loot and kill
    [X] plan B
    [X] Northern Front
    -[x] Poison Gas Attack (65% Chance, Cost: 12 Wealth, +0 Leofarinia, -30 Xelma, No Loot)
    --[X] (1) Red Knives Bunny-Assassins, (1) Basic Agents
    [X] Middle Front
    -[x] Bribe Xelmian forces to desert/defect (70% Chance, Cost: 10 Wealth, +8 Leofarinia, -8 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
    --[X] (1) Sniper Agents, (1) Basic Agents
    [X] Southern Front
    -[X] Steal Logistics Animals (60% Chance, Cost: 3 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -10 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
    --[X] (1) Veteran Agents
    [X]Plan loot and kill
    [X] Middle Front
    -[x] Bribe Xelmian forces to desert/defect (70% Chance, Cost: 10 Wealth, +8 Leofarinia, -8 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
    --[X] (1) Red Knives Bunny-Assassins
    -[X] Assassinate Groups of Soldiers (60% Chance, Cost: 3 Wealth, +0 Leofarinia, -6 Xelma, Little Loot)
    --[X] (1) Sniper Agents
    -[X] Steal Logistics Animals (60% Chance, Cost: 3 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -10 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
    --[X] (1) Veteran Agents
    -[x] Destroy Invasion Siege Equipment (70% Chance, Cost: 5 Wealth, +0 Leofarinia, -15 Xelma, No Loot)
    --[X] (1) Basic Agents
    [X] Southern Front
    -[X] Steal Logistics Animals (60% Chance, Cost: 3 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -10 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
    --[X] (1) Basic Agents
    [X] Plan Smash and Grab
    [X] Northern Front
    -[X] Assassinate Invasion Officials (40% Chance, Cost: 10 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -20 Xelma, Little Loot)
    --[X] (1) Sniper Agents; (1) Red Knives Bunny-Assassins
    --[X] 6 Wealth
    [X] Middle Front
    -[X] Steal Logistics Animals (65% Chance, Cost: 3 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -5 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
    --[X] (1) Basic Agents
    -[X] Assassinate Groups of Soldiers (65% Chance, Cost: 3 Wealth, +0 Leofarinia, -6 Xelma, Little Loot)
    [X] Southern Front
    -[X] Steal Logistics Animals (60% Chance, Cost: 3 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -10 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
    --[X] (1) Veteran Agents
    [X] plan B
The mini turn is being typed up and will be up by the end of the weekend. However, just a reminder that I am still available to answer questions about the setting and lore for worldbuilding purposes.
Interlude: The Defense against the Xelmian Invasion, Part 2
The Defense against the Xelmian Invasion, results:

The Middle Front:

-[X] Assassinate Groups of Soldiers (60% Chance, Cost: 3 Wealth, +0 Leofarinia, -6 Xelma, Little Loot)
--[X] (1) Sniper Agents

(Increased chances to 80%)

1d100 => 69

To say that the Xelmian army stationed at the middle front had a bad month is putting it mildly. In truth, they have a VERY bad month, probably all thanks to you and your Foundation. First, the Xelmians soldiers are being used as live target practice by your newly minted snipers as your snipers constantly ambush and kill off whole patrols and isolated groups of soldiers. From the reports, the soldiers just stood there in shock and confusion about what happened as the snipers picked them off like popped apples, making the task of killing them from a distance that much easier.

While the number of casualties is probably not enough to reduce their size by any meaningful amounts, the morale damage is far more pronounced and visiable, for obvious reasons. From what you have read, nowadays, the Xelmian soldiers are very reluctant to go on patrol duty when they were not complaining before, will only go in very large groups, and they have developed a great fear of loud thunder-like noises and concealing forests. In fact, you think they re-developed their fear of thunder noises during a storm. The lack of morale has done wonders in reducing the enemy army's effectiveness…

Success: Snipers managed to take out whole patrols of soldiers at a frequent pace, inflicting casualties and damaging the rest of the enemy army's morale by a significant amount.

(Strength Change: +0 Leofarinia, -10 Xelma)

Loot Roll:
1d100 => 82

While you did not expect any significant amount of loot from the snipers, that pile of jewelery the snipers have made from what they can gather from the dead Xelmians is a welcome sight…

(Wealth: +5)

-[X] Steal Logistics Animals (60% Chance, Cost: 3 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -10 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
--[X] (1) Veteran Agents

Increased chances to 70%

1d100 => 48

Adding to the problems of the Xelmians is the frequent theft of their various beasts of burden and other important animals. The action wasn't as easy as sniping patrolling soldiers, but your agents managed to steal away many horses, oxen, cows, and other animals important to the operations and logistics. The fact that there were much fewer guards moving about than before due to the sniping ambushes just made this task easier. The Xelmians must be a miserable mess by now, having to move large equipment by manual labor by hand and not even having the benefit of fresh milk as a reward.

You almost feel sorry for them.


Success: A significant amount of logistics animals were stolen from the Xelmian army and transferred over to the Leofarinian army by your agents.

(Strength Change: +6 Leofarinia, -12 Xelma)

Loot Roll:
1d100 => 25

The Leofarinian army has seized most of the stolen animals for the war effort, so you really didn't get too much reward for your trouble. You however, did get horses to use for labor or fighting, so there is a reward at the very least…

(General-Purpose Horses gained!)
(New Actions Unlocked)

-[x] Destroy Invasion Siege Equipment (70% Chance, Cost: 5 Wealth, +0 Leofarinia, -15 Xelma, No Loot)
--[X] (1) Basic Agents

1d100 => 70

The situation with their siege equipment only highlights the completely disastrous present state of the Xelmian army's middle front. Apparently, the siege equipment sent to the middle front was said to be made out of a new kind of wood that is advertised as lighter, stronger, more waterproof and fireproof than the traditional oak and other hardwoods that was used in the past. However, it turns out that if any kind of alcohol chemical was applied to these woods, then their flammability will vastly increase.

How it was discovered? It seems that one of the agents... "persuaded" one of your researchers into developing something that will help out in their mission to sabotage the siege weapons. He responded with instructions on creating the Molotov Cocktail. The agents thanked the researcher by applying this "new" weapon against the siege weapons. The huge fires produced by the siege equipment lit up the night with a nice shade of orange while the pleasant smell of burnt wood can be smelled from your office. From you observations, you can safely estimate that over a third of the enemy siege equipment has been destroyed.

Success: Your agents managed to seriously damage or destroy a significant number of siege engines and equipment through various means, especially fire.

(Strength Change: +0 Leofarinia, -15 Xelma)

-[x] Bribe Xelmian forces to desert/defect (70% Chance, Cost: 10 Wealth, +8 Leofarinia, -8 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
--[X] (1) Red Knives Bunny-Assassins

Increased chances to 85%

1d100 => 83

And to top it all off, many of their forces are now deserting the Xelmian army. Thanks to the efforts of the Red Knives and the impact recent events have on morale, many of foreign mercenary groups and companies are now outright deserting and abandoning the Xelmian army and are taking their belongings with them. Many of them are leaving to greener pastures elsewhere in the world. A large portion of them decided to settle within Leofarinia's borders and signed up to fight against their former Xelmian masters. Possibly questionable loyalties aside, any additional forces for Leofarinia will only improve your chances of victory and survival.

As for native Xelmian forces, as many within your ranks predicted, none of them deserted at all. You guess that the rumors and legends about Xelmian determination and zealotry is true to an extent. How much longer that remains true is yet to be seen...

Success: The Red Knives managed to bribe and persuade several foreign mercenary bands and companies to abandon the Xelmian army, with a good portion of them joined up with the Leofainia.

(Strength Change: +10 Leofarinia, -10 Xelma)

Loot Roll:
1d100 => 96

It also seems that a significant portion of the deserting mercenary groups ended up joining your Foundation's armed forces. From what you have heard, they all have figured you out as the summoned hero and they decided to enter service into your forces, with dreams of gold and glory in mind. A quick trip through Georgia's training program was enough to fix any loyalty issues these newly joined mercenaries might have.

Most of the new groups are nothing extraordinary. The group that was extraordinary is a bit… odd to say the least. The Bunnies, clad in blood-red armor and carrying swords nearly as large as their bodies, hailed from a warren within the Stormy Sands Desert region to Leofarinia's south. The eccentric group called themselves the Blood Dancers and they claim to be called to your side by a vision given to the leader of their warren who is also a the head-priestess of their "religion". You really can't understand their explanation of the vision other than that the warren is convinced that the end of the world as we all know it was coming and that you and your Foundation are keys to surviving the coming trials, somehow. They joined with the Xelmians only as a vehicle to get themselves closer to you to join you and, now that they are here, they swear loyalty to you and your Foundation forever...

You really don't believe this doomsday speak or this vision, but as long as they are loyal, don't cause trouble, and can use those swords well, then Blood Dancers are more than welcome within your Foundation...

The Blood Dancers also brought with them a gift to you: a somewhat large copper animated statue of a creature that has a body of a lion and a head of an eagle. It looks like a griffon without wings, but the Dancers called it a faux-griffon because it looks like a griffon, but it really can't be called one because of the lack of wings. Regardless, their claims that it is just as good as a fighter as a pack animal was verified when they set it lose on a bear they brought in from somewhere as a demonstration. You really do not want to be on the deadly end of those claws and that beak…

With these new groups, you are confident that your chances of victory have increased, but whatever if you will be victorious, or alive, at the end of this is still in question...

Gained the following combat personnel/assets:
7 groups of Basic Foundation Spearmen
7 groups of Basic Foundation Swordsmen
7 groups of Basic Foundation Archers
1 group of Veteran Blood Dancers Bunny-Berserkers
-Victoria, the leader of the group.
1 Copper Faux-Griffon Statue

The Southern Front

-[X] Steal Logistics Animals (60% Chance, Cost: 3 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -10 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
--[X] (1) Basic Agents

1d100 => 36

You can tell that the sabotage mission in the south didn't go so well, judging by the fact that only one agent from the group sent made it back home instead of more. And this agent was the messenger to tell you what happened...

The first part of the mission was successful. The agents managed to sneak into the Xelmian main camps and flee the area with a large amount of animals before the Xelmians noticed at the time. Unfortunately, the agents bit off more than they can chew as the amount of animals they mean to steal and retreat back into Leofarinian territory was too large to be controllable or maneuverable with a group their size.

The Xelmians managed to catch up to the group and surround them by the week's end. Knowing that it was impossible to have the entire group to successfully escape, even if they all abandon the animals right there, they came up with a plan. They selected the messenger agent to escape from the blockade to tell you of the failed mission. The rest of the group prepared to carry out plan B as a distraction and cover for her escape.

Plan B was to butcher and release as many animals as possible to prevent their recapture. They also prepared poison pills to ingest. They intend to commit suicide and avoid disgraceful capture at the hands of the Xelmians, least they will betray your involvement.

The messenger did not know how much damage the rest of the group managed to do before dying, but the other spies and informants that their efforts have inflicted a noticeable delay in the Xelmian's advancement, although it is definitely much less than if the operation was successful. They also confirmed the deaths of the messenger's group, as their rotting corpses were found impaled on spikes around the Xelmian's camp...

The messenger volunteered to continue her service to you, but since she is alone, you had her join one of the other agent groups until a new group can be recruited, to which she will join as its new leader. Hopefully this experience will help her not to repeat this tragic mistake again...

Failure: Your agents failed to successfully escape with the stolen animals, resorting to killing or releasing as many animals as possible when they were found out. All but the messaging agent committed suicide to prevent discovery of your Foundation's involvement in the raid. Damage to the enemy's strength is less than anticipated.

(Units lost: 1 Basic Agents group)
(Strength Change: +0 Leofarinia, -5 Xelma)

As you finished the reports, you noticed it was quite late into the night. You filed the reports away and crawled into bed. However, sleep did not come easily as your mind is still aflamed, thinking about the potential fallout of these actions…


That should be everything. The intelligence/disaster turn will be written up shortly.
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Hmm, pity about losing those agents but I'm afraid I'd be a lot more concerned if it were one of our more valuable groups...

And it seems bribery was fantastically effective. We got a lot of martial troops added right there... @dnzrx Did the defecting troops have useful intel to share? Also I do want to note that we should keep an eye on our new troops, while I hope they are all trustworthy a group that large could have agents hidden in it.

Something we need to keep in mind though is that we need to save up money for our next defense turn, assuming I understand the system we are using correctly.
Hmm, pity about losing those agents but I'm afraid I'd be a lot more concerned if it were one of our more valuable groups...

And it seems bribery was fantastically effective. We got a lot of martial troops added right there... @dnzrx Did the defecting troops have useful intel to share? Also I do want to note that we should keep an eye on our new troops, while I hope they are all trustworthy a group that large could have agents hidden in it.

Something we need to keep in mind though is that we need to save up money for our next defense turn, assuming I understand the system we are using correctly.

In what category? Because there's quite a bit to share.
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In what category? Because there's quite a bit to share.

Well, at least if they have any specifics about what the enemy is/was planning to do. I mean we knew the were planning "besiege and wait" but that still leaves open questions like what they intend to do later or if they have any nasty surprises prepared.

Other than that any information about specific important people, groups or equipment in the enemy forces. If the enemy has any noteworthy elite units knowing about it may be useful. Knowing more about the enemy officer corps might be useful in giving us targets or predicting how the enemy will act. And if the enemy has any secret weapons we'd obviously like to know about them.

Lastly it may be an idea to ask the new troops about things we already know about without letting them know we already know. See if any of them are willing to try and spread misinformation and as such reveal themselves as false defectors.
Well, at least if they have any specifics about what the enemy is/was planning to do. I mean we knew the were planning "besiege and wait" but that still leaves open questions like what they intend to do later or if they have any nasty surprises prepared.

Other than that any information about specific important people, groups or equipment in the enemy forces. If the enemy has any noteworthy elite units knowing about it may be useful. Knowing more about the enemy officer corps might be useful in giving us targets or predicting how the enemy will act. And if the enemy has any secret weapons we'd obviously like to know about them.

Lastly it may be an idea to ask the new troops about things we already know about without letting them know we already know. See if any of them are willing to try and spread misinformation and as such reveal themselves as false defectors.

From what your agents can gather, Asalya is mainly treating the middle front as a source of reserves to draw from to reinforce the other two fronts should something happens, a ever present threat to deter you and the Leofarinian forces present in the middle front from taking any major action (least Xelma will take advantage of the weakened numbers), and another army to use to crush your Foundation in pieces in a future three-pronged attack. But that was then. Nowadays? Who knows, since you have ruined their plans in a big way and Asalya is NOT happy. You don't know what or how, but you get the feeling that something WILL happen in response.

This will need to be typed up at a later date since it is a list I don't really have at the moment and also write down in my notes. Keep in mind that the information is mostly limited to the middle front; other fronts will be left out for the most part except for the most visible assets.

Georgia thinks she has weeded out the fakers enough, but if you still doubt her or you want to be through, the action will be included in turn 11.
Well good rool, i suppose... next time we will use more agents!

And we got a loot more troops! But the battle is yet to start!!!!
From what your agents can gather, Asalya is mainly treating the middle front as a source of reserves to draw from to reinforce the other two fronts should something happens, a ever present threat to deter you and the Leofarinian forces present in the middle front from taking any major action (least Xelma will take advantage of the weakened numbers), and another army to use to crush your Foundation in pieces in a future three-pronged attack. But that was then. Nowadays? Who knows, since you have ruined their plans in a big way and Asalya is NOT happy. You don't know what or how, but you get the feeling that something WILL happen in response.

Yeah, this makes a fair bit of sense. Sending an army group to bottle us up would keep us from deploying any major forces pretty effectively. And if she wins on the other fronts then we end up cut off and isolated letting her pick us off at her leisure...

I guess that means theorizing about what they'll do is a go:

-First thought is that they'll deploy some kind of specialist units to counter our tactics. If they deploy anyone capable of catching our snipers or assassins that could cost us a lot of our advantage.
-Another option would be to simply send generic reinforcements over here. Maintain the old plan by keeping up the army group's morale and numbers. Probably wouldn't do much more than buy them time but time is all they really need.
-An extreme option would be to abandon her original plan and go for the three pronged attack right here and now. Try to crush the threat we represent immediately by acting fast enough that other allied forces couldn't respond effectively in time... But that would be very risky for her forcing her to rush an heavily fortified enemy with at least somewhat unknown capabilities.
-Less extreme would be to only redirect her southern forces. Those are set up for high mobility warfare and are taking a far less critical objective. And the forces they are engaging are not in a great position to actually contest such a move. The downside is that those forces are also not exactly set up for a siege right now I'd expect, you don't use cavalry to storm a fortress.
-Stupid plan would be to just charge rather than let us nibble away at them. They probably wouldn't win but if she is angry enough or simply doesn't care about the lives of her troops enough she could still do it on small odds they'd succeed or at least inflict enough damage to keep us out of things for now.
-One option would be if she has a secret weapon... But well, who knows with that one. But if we are annoying her enough she may deploy something like that that she was keeping in reserve.
-Last option I see would be to try to make us do something stupid. Use terror tactics on surrounding civilians to push us to come out of our fort and attack in the open. Or try some deception to have us believe local forces are retreating and then hit us when we react or something. Something to try and make us abandon our advantages. But I have my doubt they could pull that off right now...

At least the good news is that between our infiltration and these defectors it should be fairly difficult for the Xelmians to pull off most of these without us hearing about it first.

@dnzrx Do we have any intel on how many troops are held in reserve back in Xelma? Or did they deploy all their forces that weren't garrisoning the place?

This will need to be typed up at a later date since it is a list I don't really have at the moment and also write down in my notes. Keep in mind that the information is mostly limited to the middle front; other fronts will be left out for the most part except for the most visible assets.
Georgia thinks she has weeded out the fakers enough, but if you still doubt her or you want to be through, the action will be included in turn 11.

Honestly most of this is likely below the level of abstraction we are using in the quest. But I just feel that it is important to check that this kind of information is asked for and used. Only if there is something genuinely exceptional going on does it need to get to specifics IMO.

Well good rool, i suppose... next time we will use more agents!

Keep in mind that maintaining our intrigue defense is also critical... We really don't want infiltrators right now.
@dnzrx Do we have any intel on how many troops are held in reserve back in Xelma? Or did they deploy all their forces that weren't garrisoning the place?

No, there is still quite a few forces still in reserve in Xelma. However, with two big invasion projects going on, there were fewer troops within Xelma's borders. Minimum estimates puts the numbers at around 90000 Units, with a high likelihood that the reserves would be bigger than that.
No, there is still quite a few forces still in reserve in Xelma. However, with two big invasion projects going on, there were fewer troops within Xelma's borders. Minimum estimates puts the numbers at around 90000 Units, with a high likelihood that the reserves would be bigger than that.

I meant more like reserves dedicated to this operation more than in the whole country. As in how many troops are on standby ready to be pulled in if she calls for them?
I meant more like reserves dedicated to this operation more than in the whole country. As in how many troops are on standby ready to be pulled in if she calls for them?
Within Xelma, ALL of those 90000 units can be potentially tapped for the invasion if necessary. Realistically, however, only 15000 units can be requisitioned before significant resistance in getting more is met.
Turn 10 Intelligence Reports
Turn 10 Intelligence and Recruitment/Training Reports


1D100 => 12

Apparently, Xelma's current misfortunes is not limited with the current invasion within Leofarinia. It seems that the invasion into the Stormy Sands Desert has stalled with significant casualties only after conquering a half-dozen of cities. The reasons for this stalemate can be attributed to the fierce resistance from the hastily assembled alliance lead by the Dust Storm Warrens and Princess Katyra's relative inexperience in leading an invasion. As a result, a large number of troops, supplies, and equipment was sent over from Xelma to her army to help reinforce it and to prevent a total loss.

Which is bad news for the already-frustrated Asalya, since this means that all of her requests for more elite reinforcements to replace her unexpectedly depleted army was denied despite her royal status. Her requests for more regular troops were granted, but there is an unfortunate side effect. There are rumors starting to be spread within the social circles of Xelma's courts wondering why the great and proud Princess Asalya needed reinforcements so soon...

Speaking of the situation within the Leofarinian Invasion, you have gotten some idea of what is Asalya's up to.

Despite her insistence into keeping with the plan, she realizes that you and your foundation are serious threats that needs to be taken seriously. Had her requests for elite forces from Xelma gone through, she would have formed a strong specialized force whose specific mission is to defeat you. However, since her requests are all denied, those plans were put on hold, and not for an insignificant amount of time too.

As for right now, Asalya intends to divert some of the forces from the relatively successful Southern Front to the Center Front to bolster numbers and to potentially commit to raiding action against you. While you are confident that your forces can beat back any attack as long it is not too big, raiding from Xelma is a distraction you do not need at this very moment...


1D100 => 100

It seems that fortune has favored Leofarinia at last. After many denials and delays in getting that army that the Ironhil nobles wanted, they are finally getting what they wanted and much more. It seems that the Xelmian invasion has alarmed the capital region and the royal family enough that a large reserve army from the capital has been mobilized and sent to reinforce Ironhil and surrounding regions. Among their number is an elite division of griffon riding honor guards lead by the renowned Princess Athene the Wise. Apparently, Athene and the nobles at Ironhil are good friends and she personally intervened to help them out in their time of need with her very own personal cadre of griffon riders. In total, a force of 8000 units plus 200 individual honor guards has arrived in Ironhil to assist in any way they can, from raiding to defense to law-enforcement.

While you are certain that it will take more to win this war, you are confident that things are going in the right direction for once...

Old Tower Warren:

1D100 => 72

Surveillance and other intelligence gathering efforts on the warren revealed nothing suspicious that makes you question the honesty and intentions of the Bunnies that lived there. However, they have made significant efforts recently to build up their economy. They are actively sending out their warriors as mercenaries to other parts of Leofarinia to defend against the Xelmian Invasion and are getting quite a bit of money from the fighting. Money that was used to build up and strengthen the Warren in many ways, from buying seeds to plant crops to hiring teachers to educate their young.

While you still have lingering suspicions of the group, they seem to be keeping their word close…


1D100 => 44

While it was not so loud this month, it wasn't that quiet either.

As you expected, the number of incidents involving spies has increased ever since your successful attacks against Xelma. From attempts to steal information to attempts to steal wealth and resources, the Xelmian spy attacks did not stop, keeping your counter-intelligence forces quite busy throughout the month. Thanks to their efforts, you have managed to avoid any leaks of data or knowledge from your Foundation thus far. You want to keep it that way for as long as possible, for the technology advantage is what's keeping you alive at this point…

Strangely enough, Bethany's agents are not among the caught spies. Maybe she is busy elsewhere? You hope that all she is busy with is trying to tie her shoes, because she has been a major pain to your side for as long as you are here in this new world...

(All spies this month were caught and killed before any of them leak the information.)

Recruitment and Training:

1D3 => 3

Georgia is quite busy as a trainer this month. In addition to that group of spearsmen that recently graduated from her recruitment processing program, she took the time to significantly improve some of the oldest combat units in your organization. Specifically, she was referring to the Sisters of the Mace and the Sunset Phalanx.

The Sisters are meant to be the tough, strong, and able vanguard of your forces in any combat scenario imaginable, so Georgia trained them to be the greatest and beefiest front-line healing warrior-priestess as she can possibly make them. With better armor, stronger arms (both definitions apply), and stronger bodies, Georgia assured you that the improved War-Sisters of the Mace will serve you better than before.

Meanwhile, Georgia trained the Sunset Phalanx to be the lethal spear wall that will defend the rest of your forces against enemy horse cavalry charges. This is especially important as your future enemies will likely to use large amounts of cavalry, especially if you are talking about Xelma. In addition, Georgia swapped out the spears of the Sunset Phalanx for longer pikes to even better defend against cavalry at the expense of weakened performance in confined spaces, a purpose which you did not really use them for anyway...

While victory was far from assured, the addition of these improvements will surely help you in the future, whatever it may be…

Gained the following combat personnel/assets:
1 groups of Basic Foundation Spearmen

Units have been upgraded:
(2) Sisters of the Mace (T3) -> (2) War-Sisters of the Mace (T4)
(1) Veteran Sunset Phalanx Spears-bunnies (T3) -> (1) Veteran Sunset Phalanx Pike-bunnies (T4)


You guys got lucky with the rolls, so whatever harsh response Asalya has in mind for you and your foundation was postponed. Don't let it get to your head, for you are not out of the woods yet and things can very well swing back her way. Next turn will be up as soon as possible, along with possible tidbits of world-building information.
I'm waiting for the shoe to drop, our side just got a lot of reinforcements and trained up a good number of troops. I fear our enemies with get inpatient and just start charging