Saving a Nation, By Any Means Necessary (Modern/Sci-Fi meets Fantasy CK2)

Modern weapons are a risky proposition for us. Once captured by the enemy there is a pretty real chance they'll be copied and used against us. Because at least at first we'll only be able to make relatively simple modern weapons... And those can be copied by someone at least moderately competent.

I'd disagree with you here. Modern weapons are both too technically intricate (think of the complex mechanisms required for an assault rifle to fire in fully automatic mode) and require advanced materials (such as smokeless powder, plastics, and carbon fiber) for its construction and operation. That's just a simple firearm. Imagine how complicated a higher-end weapon like a rocket launcher or armed drone would be. I think the more risk-prone proposal would be to give the Leofarinians primitive firearms such as flintlocks that could be built with the metallurgy and crafting technology of our enemies. However, such primitive firearms could also be mass-produced by the Leofarinians, while any users of modern weapons would be dependent on us.
[X] Plan Trade Now, Trade Later

We shouldn't be spreading our forces thin by opening up mines just yet, so this is the only sensible option.
I'd disagree with you here. Modern weapons are both too technically intricate (think of the complex mechanisms required for an assault rifle to fire in fully automatic mode) and require advanced materials (such as smokeless powder, plastics, and carbon fiber) for its construction and operation. That's just a simple firearm. Imagine how complicated a higher-end weapon like a rocket launcher or armed drone would be. I think the more risk-prone proposal would be to give the Leofarinians primitive firearms such as flintlocks that could be built with the metallurgy and crafting technology of our enemies. However, such primitive firearms could also be mass-produced by the Leofarinians, while any users of modern weapons would be dependent on us.

There are modern weapons that are too complicated to copy... But those are also the modern weapons we aren't exactly in a position to build. We can't produce plastics or carbon fiber without a lot of set up either. Which means that the first modern weapons we are likely to make are AK-47 knockoffs. And those have been copied by people with little more than some metal working tools. Granted they would need to figure out to make the propellant for the ammo... But if this world has alchemists or the equivalent that is likely not that far out of reach for them.
There are modern weapons that are too complicated to copy... But those are also the modern weapons we aren't exactly in a position to build. We can't produce plastics or carbon fiber without a lot of set up either. Which means that the first modern weapons we are likely to make are AK-47 knockoffs. And those have been copied by people with little more than some metal working tools. Granted they would need to figure out to make the propellant for the ammo... But if this world has alchemists or the equivalent that is likely not that far out of reach for them.

Smokeless propellant isn't exactly that easy for medieval alchemists to figure out if they haven't even got gunpowder yet.
Wow, lots of discussion here! Let me interject a bit:

The problems I was thinking of were more along the lines of getting arrested or at least getting in trouble due to "accessory to necromancy". After all necromancers aren't particularly well liked most of the time in fantasy and there are a rather limited number of other likely buyers... Well unless they plan to eat the corpses, but that also tends to get frowned upon.
Oh that colud be possible, but unlikey,

I don't think selling dead body is aganist the law, necromancy may be!

But colud be not! For exemple a man who lost an hand colud get a new one from a sheletron or using zombie as horse to farm,

We colud try! And if i'm wrong we were just selling dead bodys!

No spoilers here, but let's just say that more Intrigue, Learning, or Personal actions would be required to see how necromancy and selling dead bodies are viewed in Leofarinia.

I'd disagree with you here. Modern weapons are both too technically intricate (think of the complex mechanisms required for an assault rifle to fire in fully automatic mode) and require advanced materials (such as smokeless powder, plastics, and carbon fiber) for its construction and operation. That's just a simple firearm. Imagine how complicated a higher-end weapon like a rocket launcher or armed drone would be. I think the more risk-prone proposal would be to give the Leofarinians primitive firearms such as flintlocks that could be built with the metallurgy and crafting technology of our enemies. However, such primitive firearms could also be mass-produced by the Leofarinians, while any users of modern weapons would be dependent on us.

The Frank Foundation's HQ comes with a small prototyping and precision manufacturing machine shop equipped with CNC machines, like any good R&D facility. So, in theory, you can reproduce any modern firearm or weapon given enough time. In reality, however, the machine shop's limited abilities and the limited time, material, and labor you have at your disposal means that you will not be able to produce enough firearms and ammo to equip an entire army in a reasonable time frame, even if you stick to relatively simple firearms like AK-47's, Revolvers, or bolt-action rifles. Maybe you could produce enough rifles and ammo to covert a single combat group into a riflemen group in a single turn, but to do anything beyond that would require dedicated factories.

On the topic of enemy's reverse engineering of your technology, they will try to do such a thing if it will help them destroy you, the Foundation, and conquer Leofarinia. It will be up to you all to deal with this problem however you see fit. Most of these actions fall under either Martial or Intrigue, but there will be options for other categories as well.

... Granted they would need to figure out to make the propellant for the ammo... But if this world has alchemists or the equivalent that is likely not that far out of reach for them.
Smokeless propellant isn't exactly that easy for medieval alchemists to figure out if they haven't even got gunpowder yet.
But these are fantasy alchemists, not medieval alchemists. So I'm not sure I like those odds.
Fantasy alchemists work with magic or magical substances. I doubt they are so knowledgeable about nonmagical chemistry.
Maybe, we don't know that. And even if they fail to reproduce the exact stuff we are using they may very well find another substance that is an adequate replacement.

Can enemy/rival alchemists crack the code for firearm propellants and gunpowder? Given enough time, resources, and effort, it will be probable. Like the enemy's reverse engineering problem, it is up to you all to figure out a way to deal with this problem if or when it comes up.
Last edited:
Sunnia's character sheet is added.

Also, do people know that they can spend both stewardship actions on establishing trade routes? Like, you can actually try to establish trade with Gold Meadows Warrens and the Region of Breadshire and use up both actions if you want.

Just making sure people know that.
Last edited:
Sunnia's character sheet is added.

No traits? Also minor spelling error, I assume the elves disdain spying not distain it.

Also, do people know that they can spend both stewardship actions on establishing trade routes? Like, you can actually try to establish trade with Gold Meadows Warrens and the Region of Breadshire and use up both actions if you want.
Just making sure people know that.

I would have assumed we could... But I didn't think of it because I don't think splitting up our forces into more than two pieces right now given our recent losses would be a good call.
All of the bonuses that Sunnia would have gotten from any starting traits is already rolled into her base stats. I prefer traits as additional improvements after their initial recruitment.
Last edited:
How much more time you all need for votes and discussion?

I think we have discussed things a fair bit. But the votes are currently tied if I counted correctly.

All of the bonuses that Sunnia would have gotten from any starting traits is already rolled into her base stats. I prefer traits as additional improvements after their initial recruitment.

Your call if you want to do things that way... But IMO there is something to be gained by using traits to help define the characterization of NPC's.
Just checking on the vote tally, we really do have a tie. Go figure.
Adhoc vote count started by dnzrx on Jul 31, 2018 at 12:11 AM, finished with 288 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Build Up v2
    [X] Plan Trade Now, Trade Later
    [X] Plan Army Hookups
    -[x] Multitasking - Summia (free action): In addition to whatever commerce and logistical duties she is assigned to, she could also take on a task related to your armed forces, although at reduced efficiency...
    -[x] Bandit Bashing Again: It looks like some stupid bandits have taken over another abandoned mine while no one is looking. Since everyone else is so busy, you might as well help clear them out by sending a task force down there…
    --[x] Basic Sunset Phalanx Spears-bunnies
    --[x] Sisters of the Mace
    -[x] Leofarinian Army Request – Border Fortification Building: Captain Raymond says that his fortifications are being constructed at a reasonable pace given his circumstances, although you wonder if they will be done in time for the invasion. As a result, you will send out some additional manpower to help complete their building tasks quicker...
    --[x] Thorn Throwers
    --[x] Basic Mercenary Spearmen
    --[x] Copper Polearm Statues
    -[x] Further contact with the Leofarinian Army: The local army garrison is extremely grateful for your services and assistance and regard you as a friend. Maybe it is time to take this partnership to even greater heights? Who knows what an alliance between the two of you could accomplish.
    -[x] Mining for Wealth: You have couple of mines that are not being used right now, which means that they are not generating you any money nor resources. Why not you hire some workers to work in your mine, extracting various ores, rocks, gemstones, and other substances and treasures for later refinement, selling, or research?
    -[x] Doing the Pharma, Part 1: You have the knowledge and plans to manufacture modern medicines and hygiene items at a larger scale than what you are currently doing in a laboratory, but you lack the infrastructure to do so. While you would love to build up your capacities to the massive standards of the major pharma companies of your world, you realize that you have to start from somewhere. Building a small dedicated facility for these items would be a good start…
    -[x] Scout Out the Village: A rather good way to get information about a place is just to walk around the place, gather information just by observing and maybe small talk. Then, once that is done, you will sort through all the notes and see what kind of picture you can paint of this village…
    -[x] Leofarinian Army Request - Military Research: Captain Raymond of the Leofarinian Army's Greenhill Garrison has requested that you help out with the defence of Leofarinia in his latest letter to you. While you could possibly contribute by sending your armed forces to help out the overburdened garrison, donating your research time into more militant applications is a viable alternative as well. After all, you should have something that he would be impressed by…
    --[x] Better Armor Designs
    -[x] Autopsy Research: You have a large pile of corpses just sitting around and
    -[x] Summoning Ritual Research: During your faith studies last month, you have learned a bit about summoning rituals and how that they can be used to summon various divine creatures for various applications and tasks. You should investigate into how they work and see if the rituals can be fine-tuned a bit…
    --[x] Joan Frank
    -[x] Gordan's Favor – Matters of Faith (free action): Gordan, the adventurer-turned-village head of Greenhill, offered to obtain a certain something for you. You will cash in that favor for him to perform an action requiring faith, either by getting a divine item for you, recruiting divine priests for your cause, or to perform a summoning ritual. What he will for you specifically will be a mystery, however…
    -[x] A Even More In-depth Faith Study, The Temple of the Divine Word: Those Temple of the Divine Word priests and priestess who brought you here, what do they believe in and what are their dogmas? Maybe it is time for a more in-depth look into their belief system?
    -[x] Chatting with people: You should make casual talk with your friends and allies. After all, having a peer to socialize with could be healthy for you…
    --[x] Commanding Officer of the rescued Sunset Phalanx group.
    [X] Plan Trade Now, Trade Later
    [X] More Help Wanted, Quantity over Quality. Cost: 15. Reward: Random amount of fighting hirelings and/or creatures of variable quality, and maybe an advisor (Dice roll to determine what you get).
    -[X] Summia bonus
    -[X] No extra wealth.
    [X] The Mercenary Company is in town. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Established contact with Deathwood Company.
    [X] Doing the Pharma, Part 1. Chance of Success: 70%. Cost: 15. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team. Turns to complete: 2. Upkeep: 10. Reward: Income +15, random stuffs.
    [X] Wandering Merchant Caravan:
    -[X] Gold Meadows Warrens, local population of Bunny-people and good source of labor and recruits. (Chance of Success: 90%. Cost: 5. Required: 1 Tier-1 combat group. Turns to complete: 1. Reward: +8 Income, random stuffs and events.)
    -[X] (1) Sisters of the Mace, (1) Veteran Black Rabbits Swords-bunnies, (1) Veteran Mercenary Spearmen, (3) groups of Basic Agents, (1) group of Veteran Agents, (1) group of Tricksters
    [X] Gordan's Favor – Investments (free action): Gordan, the adventurer-turned-village head of Greenhill, offered to obtain a certain something for you. You will cash in that favor for him to secure a new source of income for you. What he will for you specifically will be a mystery, however…
    [X] Scout Out the Village: A rather good way to get information about a place is just to walk around the place, gather information just by observing and maybe small talk. Then, once that is done, you will sort through all the notes and see what kind of picture you can paint of this village…
    -[X] (7) groups of Basic Agents, (1) group of Veteran Agents, (1) group of Tricksters
    [X] Improved Biology Research. Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 5. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: More Biology Knowledge gained for a particular creature or species.
    -[X] Bunny-people Biology Research
    [X] Chemistry Research. Chance of Success: 80%. Cost: 10. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Knowledge of a field of Chemistry gained, other stuffs.
    -[X] New World Flora Medicines
    -[X] Joan Frank bonus (+21)
    [X] No piety action.
    [X] Chatting with people. Chance of Success: 80%. Reward: Random stuffs.
    -[X] Sunnia of Lightwood Forest, the young Sun Elf logistics officer and your current Stewardship Advisor.
    [X] Plan: Build Up v2
    [X] More Help Wanted, Quantity over Quality. Cost: 15. Reward: Random amount of fighting hirelings and/or creatures of variable quality, and maybe an advisor (Dice roll to determine what you get).
    -[X] Summia bonus
    [X] Gordan's Favor – Reinforcements (free action): Gordan, the adventurer-turned-village head of Greenhill, offered to obtain a certain something for you. You will cash in thatfavor for some more combat personnel. What will he obtain for you specifically will be a mystery, however…
    [X] Property Protection (free action): Some of your valuable properties that you had captured are practically unguarded and vulnerable to attack should the enemy decides to actually attack. You should send some troops and supplies out to your properties and assets to protect them from enemy capture or destruction…
    -[X] Abandoned Mine
    -[X] (1) Basic Mercenary Spearmen, (1) Copper Polearm Statues, (1) Veteran Sunset Phalanx Spears-bunnies
    [X] Further contact with the Village of Greenhill: The local village adores you and consider you as the local hero, but there are still room for improvement before even greater favors could be called in. Maybe you should better the relations between your company and the village a bit further?
    [X] More Farming for Food and Cash: The herbalist's new farm is doing quite well and is turning in a profit already. However, there is definitely room for improvement. Why not give her a bit more money and a bit more land to expand her farm's potential?
    [X] Mining for Wealth: You have couple of mines that are not being used right now, which means that they are not generating you any money nor resources. Why not you hire some workers to work in your mine, extracting various ores, rocks, gemstones, and other substances and treasures for later refinement, selling, or research?
    [X] Scout Out the Village: A rather good way to get information about a place is just to walk around the place, gather information just by observing and maybe small talk. Then, once that is done, you will sort through all the notes and see what kind of picture you can paint of this village…
    -[X] (10) groups of Basic Agents, (2) group of Veteran Agents, (2) group of Tricksters, (2) Red Knives Bunny-Assassins
    [X] Creatures and Monsters Research: You have some specimens of a creature or monster in your possession. Why not you study them to gain knowledge of them for future use? It is just as good as doing an autopsy…
    -[X] Thorn Throwers Research
    --[x] Joan Frank
    [X] Reinvent the Wheel: Your company has been pulled into another world with a much less than ideal technology and infrastructure base. It may be wise for you and your company to focus their efforts into re-research, re-design, and re-develop the various technologies that you all know and love back at home. With many years of built up knowledge in your computers and in your heads, this should be simple… right?
    -[X] Military Tech I: Focus your efforts to redevelop some common and maybe exotic technology for a modern fighting force. (Note: +15% Successes, -5 Cost due to recovered files.)
    [X] A Divine Summoning: With some knowledge of summoning rituals in hand, maybe it is time to try to get some divine help for your organization. Your Sisters Initiates and Sisters of the Mace will perform a ritual to try to summon a divine creature to aid you in whatever you need.
    -[X] Use the Minor Summoning Enhancer Scroll to make the result better.
    [X] Organize Your Computer Even More: Your personal computer is more organized than ever in so many years, but there is a section of your computer that still needs attention. Why not take this time to clean up a bit more?
Votes are closed and it looks like we have a winner.
Adhoc vote count started by dnzrx on Aug 2, 2018 at 7:49 AM, finished with 291 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Build Up v2
    [X] Plan Trade Now, Trade Later
    [X] Plan Trade Now, Trade Later
    [X] More Help Wanted, Quantity over Quality. Cost: 15. Reward: Random amount of fighting hirelings and/or creatures of variable quality, and maybe an advisor (Dice roll to determine what you get).
    -[X] Summia bonus
    -[X] No extra wealth.
    [X] The Mercenary Company is in town. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Established contact with Deathwood Company.
    [X] Doing the Pharma, Part 1. Chance of Success: 70%. Cost: 15. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team. Turns to complete: 2. Upkeep: 10. Reward: Income +15, random stuffs.
    [X] Wandering Merchant Caravan:
    -[X] Gold Meadows Warrens, local population of Bunny-people and good source of labor and recruits. (Chance of Success: 90%. Cost: 5. Required: 1 Tier-1 combat group. Turns to complete: 1. Reward: +8 Income, random stuffs and events.)
    -[X] (1) Sisters of the Mace, (1) Veteran Black Rabbits Swords-bunnies, (1) Veteran Mercenary Spearmen, (3) groups of Basic Agents, (1) group of Veteran Agents, (1) group of Tricksters
    [X] Gordan's Favor – Investments (free action): Gordan, the adventurer-turned-village head of Greenhill, offered to obtain a certain something for you. You will cash in that favor for him to secure a new source of income for you. What he will for you specifically will be a mystery, however…
    [X] Scout Out the Village: A rather good way to get information about a place is just to walk around the place, gather information just by observing and maybe small talk. Then, once that is done, you will sort through all the notes and see what kind of picture you can paint of this village…
    -[X] (7) groups of Basic Agents, (1) group of Veteran Agents, (1) group of Tricksters
    [X] Improved Biology Research. Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 5. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: More Biology Knowledge gained for a particular creature or species.
    -[X] Bunny-people Biology Research
    [X] Chemistry Research. Chance of Success: 80%. Cost: 10. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Knowledge of a field of Chemistry gained, other stuffs.
    -[X] New World Flora Medicines
    -[X] Joan Frank bonus (+21)
    [X] No piety action.
    [X] Chatting with people. Chance of Success: 80%. Reward: Random stuffs.
    -[X] Sunnia of Lightwood Forest, the young Sun Elf logistics officer and your current Stewardship Advisor.
    [X] Plan: Build Up v2
    [X] More Help Wanted, Quantity over Quality. Cost: 15. Reward: Random amount of fighting hirelings and/or creatures of variable quality, and maybe an advisor (Dice roll to determine what you get).
    -[X] Summia bonus
    [X] Gordan's Favor – Reinforcements (free action): Gordan, the adventurer-turned-village head of Greenhill, offered to obtain a certain something for you. You will cash in thatfavor for some more combat personnel. What will he obtain for you specifically will be a mystery, however…
    [X] Property Protection (free action): Some of your valuable properties that you had captured are practically unguarded and vulnerable to attack should the enemy decides to actually attack. You should send some troops and supplies out to your properties and assets to protect them from enemy capture or destruction…
    -[X] Abandoned Mine
    -[X] (1) Basic Mercenary Spearmen, (1) Copper Polearm Statues, (1) Veteran Sunset Phalanx Spears-bunnies
    [X] Further contact with the Village of Greenhill: The local village adores you and consider you as the local hero, but there are still room for improvement before even greater favors could be called in. Maybe you should better the relations between your company and the village a bit further?
    [X] More Farming for Food and Cash: The herbalist's new farm is doing quite well and is turning in a profit already. However, there is definitely room for improvement. Why not give her a bit more money and a bit more land to expand her farm's potential?
    [X] Mining for Wealth: You have couple of mines that are not being used right now, which means that they are not generating you any money nor resources. Why not you hire some workers to work in your mine, extracting various ores, rocks, gemstones, and other substances and treasures for later refinement, selling, or research?
    [X] Scout Out the Village: A rather good way to get information about a place is just to walk around the place, gather information just by observing and maybe small talk. Then, once that is done, you will sort through all the notes and see what kind of picture you can paint of this village…
    -[X] (10) groups of Basic Agents, (2) group of Veteran Agents, (2) group of Tricksters, (2) Red Knives Bunny-Assassins
    [X] Creatures and Monsters Research: You have some specimens of a creature or monster in your possession. Why not you study them to gain knowledge of them for future use? It is just as good as doing an autopsy…
    -[X] Thorn Throwers Research
    --[x] Joan Frank
    [X] Reinvent the Wheel: Your company has been pulled into another world with a much less than ideal technology and infrastructure base. It may be wise for you and your company to focus their efforts into re-research, re-design, and re-develop the various technologies that you all know and love back at home. With many years of built up knowledge in your computers and in your heads, this should be simple… right?
    -[X] Military Tech I: Focus your efforts to redevelop some common and maybe exotic technology for a modern fighting force. (Note: +15% Successes, -5 Cost due to recovered files.)
    [X] A Divine Summoning: With some knowledge of summoning rituals in hand, maybe it is time to try to get some divine help for your organization. Your Sisters Initiates and Sisters of the Mace will perform a ritual to try to summon a divine creature to aid you in whatever you need.
    -[X] Use the Minor Summoning Enhancer Scroll to make the result better.
    [X] Organize Your Computer Even More: Your personal computer is more organized than ever in so many years, but there is a section of your computer that still needs attention. Why not take this time to clean up a bit more?
Sigh.... well now we can just prepare a big offer to the dice god.... guys? Don´t make me run to get you.....
I'm thinking he hopes the enemy doesn't somehow find out a recently abandoned mine is now occupied by us and has only some guards there and launch a full assault on it or something.
Right now, Xelma is too busy recovering from the loss of a scouting company and a potential forward base to deal with just a little mine owned by you. Bethany's elsewhere to scheme new plans to destroy you, and the bandits prefer prey that is not guarded nor owned by someone that's probably friends with the local Leofarinian garrison, which is rapidly increasing in strength thanks to your efforts.

In other words, the mine is safe until something big happens, and that big thing might be Xelma starting her invasion in earnest.
Turn 6 Results
[X] More Help Wanted, Quantity over Quality: You need fighting men and women (and maybe monsters) and you need more of them, especially with war possibly around the corner. You and your company will focus their hiring efforts to expand your fighting forces' numbers very quickly without caring too much about quality.
Cost: 15. Reward: Random amount of fighting hirelings and/or creatures of variable quality, and maybe an advisor (Dice roll to determine what you get).
-[X] Sunnia's bonus (+16)

1D100 => 59+16=75

Your reputation and accomplishments have significantly helped your recruiting efforts as mercenaries of various kinds came rushing in to full your rather empty ranks. Sunnia's efforts to help out with the endeavor has only improved the amount of new mercenaries fighting for your cause, even getting quite a few discounts for their services. In the end, even with a bit of quality control, you still have managed to replenish your numbers.

One pleasant surprise during this entire process of replenishing your numbers is that the monster-tamer that you met during your second month in this world paid a visit again. He formally introduced himself as Yorrik the Catcher and he came to you with various monsters for sale. He is very much impressed at the deeds that you have made during the few months between the two visits. Because of this, he started to offer you some more premium monsters to supplement your forces. In addition to a good number of thorns and wolves that are leftovers from previous sales, you brought a trio of copper Animated Statues, using bows this time, and a rather large and elegant copper animated Animated Statue of a lion. While it is somewhat expensive, Sunnia and you managed to get a rather substantial discount on it. After all, you are saving Yorrik a fortune in having to feed those leftovers that are not selling…

Looking back at this, this recruiting effort is quite successful.

Success: Gained the following combat personnel/assets:
3 groups of Basic Mercenary Spearmen
1 group of Basic Spears-bunnies
2 groups of Basic Mercenary Archers
1 group of Basic Mercenary Swordsmen
3 groups of Thorn Throwers
3 packs of Tamed Lesser Wolves
1 group of Copper Archer Statues
1 Copper Lion Statue

[X] Gordan's Favor – Reinforcements (free action): Gordan, the adventurer-turned-village head of Greenhill, offered to obtain a certain something for you. You will cash in that favor for some more combat personnel. What will he obtain for you specifically will be a mystery, however…
Cost: 0. Reward: Random amount of fighting hirelings and/or creatures of completely random quality, or maybe an advisor (Dice roll to determine what you get).

1D100 => 88

It looks like Gordan came through nicely with that favor. He managed to recruit a group of fearsome berserkers from Aquaguard. Built with a mountain of tough muscle and wielding both large ball-and-chains and wicked looking knives, they look like a force to be reckoned with. The leader of this group, a human woman named Vania the Violent, introduced herself and her group, the Stone-Breaker Berserkers. She also gave the reason why they are here. Apparently, she and her group killed a noble from Aquaguard in self-defense. Because of that, they fled to your employ to escape an unjust execution as well as a chance to make some coin…

Whatever the reasons may be, Vania and her group are welcome in you company. Although you wished she put on some clothes. Her figure makes you look out of shape in comparison…

Success: Gained the following combat personnel/assets:
1 group of Veteran Stone-Breaker Berserkers
-Vania the Violent, the Leader of the Stone-Breaker Berserkers

[X] Property Protection (free action): Some of your valuable properties that you had captured are practically unguarded and vulnerable to attack should the enemy decides to attack. You should send some troops and supplies out to your properties and assets to protect them from enemy capture or destruction…
Required: 1 combat group. Reward: the selected property gains a garrison of troops that will automatically defend the property from any hostile force.
-Select one:
-[X] Abandoned Mine
-[X] (1) Basic Mercenary Spearmen, (1) Copper Polearm Statues, (1) Veteran Sunset Phalanx Spears-bunnies

You realized that some of your valuable properties are a bit vulnerable to attack and decided to fix that. You organized a basic guard force lead by the Sunset Phalanx to secure and protect the abandoned mine that you won during your first month in this world. With the force stationed at the mine, you are confident that it and its workers will be protected from bandit and hostile attack to an extent…

Success: Basic guard force organized and sent to guard the property in question.

[X] Further contact with the Village of Greenhill: The local village adores you and consider you as the local hero, but there are still room for improvement before even greater favors could be called in. Maybe you should better the relations between your company and the village a bit further?
Chance of Success: 75% Reward: Better contact with the surrounding Village of Greenhill

1D100 => 58

You would think that it is impossible for Greenhill to like you further. However, after another inspirational speech emphasizing your accomplishments and announcing the expansion of your forces quickly proved you wrong since, apparently, delaying the enemy's invasion means that they can enjoy the relative peace for a bit longer. While they are not really hailing you as the Savior of Leofarinia or Greenhill right now, they are surely acting like you are one. After all that you did for them, they are ready to do much in return.

(Relationship status with Greenhill improved.)
(New actions unlocked.)

[X] More Farming for Food and Cash: The herbalist's new farm is doing quite well and is turning in a profit already. However, there is definitely room for improvement. Why not give her a bit more money and a bit more land to expand her farm's potential?
Chance of Success: 80%. Cost: 5. Reward: Income +5, random stuffs.

1D100 => 2

It seems that the weather conditions was being most uncooperative this month. The recent severe thunderstorm has devastated both the recent expansion and the original crops. As a result, it seems that this effort to expand the farm is worse than failure for now. Thankfully, the production in the original crops went mostly uninterrupted after the Herbalist quickly replanted them from your own stocks , so there is no permanent loss in income from the farm. Not to mention that the Herbalist is still upbeat at all of this farming work…

Critical Failure: Efforts to expand farm wasted due to recent storm. No increase in income gained. -2 Income for next calculations only.

[X] Mining for Wealth: You have couple of mines that are not being used right now, which means that they are not generating you any money nor resources. Why not you hire some workers to work in your mine, extracting various ores, rocks, gemstones, and other substances and treasures for later refinement, selling, or research?
Chance of Success: 70%. Upkeep: 15. Reward: Income +25, random stuffs.

1D100 => 90

Restarting the mine was a bit more easier than you thought. Apparently, something happened with one of the larger mines that left a lot of experienced miners out of work. It was a simple matter to hire them all to work in your mine and to bring their equipment with them. In no time at all, iron ore and some quartz crystals started to flow out of the mine like an army of ants flowing out of an anthill. In addition, the miners encountered a strange black liquid and brought some to you. After a bit of testing, your scientists quickly identified the liquid to your pleasant surprise.

Oil. Honest to goodness crude oil. The mine is sitting on oil reservoir and you can bet that other mines in the area are also sitting on one. With this discovery, many more opportunities have just opened up to you and many problems will be solved, like the fact you need more gasoline for those vans…

Success: Mine successfully restarted. Iron Ore and Quartz crystals are being mined. Oil reservoir discovered.
(Iron Mine gained: +25 Income, +15 Upkeep)
(New actions unlocked.)

[X] Scout Out the Village: A rather good way to get information about a place is just to walk around the place, gather information just by observing and maybe small talk. Then, once that is done, you will sort through all the notes and see what kind of picture you can paint of this village…
Chance of Success: 65%. Reward: Random Pieces of Information.
-[X] (10) Basic Agents, (2) Veteran Agents, (2) Tricksters, (1) Red Knives Bunny-Assassins

Chance of Success increased to 98% due to number of personnel assigned to the task.

1D100 => 99

You have left no stone unturned as your agents scoured the village of Greenhill for every last scrap of information, useful or otherwise. After returning from the field, they quickly sorted through the gathered notes and information and filter out anything that is false. After that, they quickly compiled everything into a neat and tidy report. Most of the information gathered is rather trivial. But there are a few gems that interests you…

The first gem has to do with the large mine that suddenly closed down that left a large pool of unemployed miners that you were able to hire from. Apparently, while digging a new tunnel to an ore vain, the miners discovered a large cave which leads to an ancient ruin of a lost city. While this impressive by itself, they say that the ruins contain technology and artifacts of… otherworldly origin. This really got the attention of the local Leofarinian noble in Ironhil, who ordered the mine to be shut down pending an investigation and an archeological mission. This might be a good opportunity to sneak some of your agents in do some investigation of your own…

The second gem involves The Deathwood Company. Apparently, the captain of the division that was send to Greenhill has discovered something that his higher-ups wants buried again. The exact nature is unknown, but you can venture a guess that it is a case of crime, corruption, or both. Anyway, thanks to his knowledge, the captain and his division was sent to Greenhill, what should be ground-zero for a massive Xelmian invasion. In short, he is being sent out to die and he knows this.
This makes him awfully bitter about the company itself. Maybe this is a good opportunity to get even more men for your forces and to start investigating the corruption that plagues the kingdom…

The last gem is more urgent and immediate. Apparently, Xelma is trying to build up a forward base again to help with their future invasion. Your agents managed to track the scouts to their new location. This time, in an abandoned mine near the border. Destroying this base would set back the invasion date again, although, judging from the location they selected, the fortifications they have built already, and the amount of troops they have guarding the base, it seems that they kind of expecting another attack and took precautions against such things. Removing them might be more painful than before, but it may become necessary…

You filed the report away as you start to think of ways to act upon the information you have received…

Critical Success: Your agents gathered a lot of information from the Village of Greenhill, including some really secret information…
(New actions unlocked.)

[X] Creatures and Monsters Research: You have some specimens of a creature or monster in your possession. Why not you study them to gain knowledge of them for future use? It is just as good as doing an autopsy…
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 5. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team, 1 group of creatures Reward: Biology Knowledge gained for a particular creature or species.
-[X] Thorn Throwers Research
-[x] Joan Frank's Research (+21)

1D100 => 51+21=72

You have decided to lend a helping hand to unlock the secrets of those plant-like monsters known as the Thorn Thrower. While you have yet to deploy them in battle, you are indeed curious about them and if it is worth it to pursue further research into either growing more of them or to improve them with the power of science.

What you have discovered is quite something to behold. While the Thorn Thrower is indeed a plant in that they are grown like a plant from seeds in fertile soil, it has many characteristics that makes it like an animal or beast as well, like self-locomotion, the ability to perceive the environment, and the ability to be trained to attack threats. Their small rock-hard thorns of about one inch in size can be spitted at an enemy with enough energy and force to embed the thorn about one to two inches in soft pine wood. This makes them able to kill a man like an arrow.

However, while they have been used in combat somewhat commonly, they have some weaknesses. First of all, unlike archers, they need to have a clear line of sight in order to attack. They also fire their thorns pretty slow in comparison to a trained archer, so you would need a bunch of them to do any significant damage with a volley of thorns. The thorns are a little bit useless against well made metal armor. And, obviously, they are a bit vulnerable to fire of any kind, be it by ignited arrows or fire magic.

Another detail that you discovered from your newer employees was that there are different kinds of Thorn Throwers out there like how there are different kinds of dogs. And with different kinds of Thorn Throwers, they all have different properties that makes them more useful than others. The ones at your disposal are the regular, plain kinds that are only good for combat and guard duty. Out there in the world, there are Thorn Throwers that are bigger and stronger than normal and there are Thorn Throwers can produce edible fruit and vegetables that can be harvested for human consumption. And there is the potential for many more kinds to exist out there, waiting for discovery. Unfortunately, the mechanics and science on the how and why these different kinds exist was not very well researched or understood. You reckoned if you can discover how these mutant specimens come about, then it may unlock the door for many opportunities to improve these Thorn Throwers into something useful.

For the time being, however, at least there is one practical application for this knowledge. You figured out where the Thorn Throwers store their seeds and managed to extract a bunch of them for further use, whatever that use may be…

Success: You have gained useful knowledge about the Thorn Throwers.
(Biology Knowledge: Thorn Throwers – Level 1 gained.)
(New research options gained.)
(New actions unlocked.)

[X] Reinvent the Wheel: Your company has been pulled into another world with a much less than ideal technology and infrastructure base. It may be wise for you and your company to focus their efforts into re-research, re-design, and re-develop the various technologies that you all know and love back at home. With many years of built up knowledge in your computers and in your heads, this should be simple… right?
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 20. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Rediscovered knowledge and designs from your home world, random stuffs.
-[X] Military Tech I: Focus your efforts to redevelop some common and maybe exotic technology for a modern fighting force. (Note: +15% Successes, -5 Cost due to recovered files.)

1D100 => 56

Guns have changed the face of war ever since when they are invented. History, science, and literature is filled with examples on how powerful the gun really is, even in their relatively primitive state. If even primitive muskets can do so much to change history, you have to wonder what happen if you introduced modern assault rifles like the AK-47 into what's practically a typical medieval fantasy setting.

Which is kind of what you are doing right now as your scientists and engineers have redeveloped a full line of simple, and a bit outdated by your world's standard, but essential modern firearms, partially thanks to the recovered files from your personal computer. From handguns and submachine guns to assault rifles, sniper rifles, and shotguns, you have a design for the occasion. In fact, they even managed to redevelop the Maxim machine gun, although with many improvements. In addition to the guns, they managed to redevelop the ammo for the guns and the processes to make them.

However, while you now have the designs and blueprints, mass production of these firearms is not possible at the moment since you lack the infrastructure and materials to do so. For now, you will have to content yourself with hand-making small amounts of guns and ammo in the prototyping lab until you can mass produce the weapons and ammo.

Although, you are confident that even a small number of firearms would be a big game-changer in a pitched battle…

Success: A line of modern firearms successfully redeveloped, although production is limited until you build required factories and other infrastructure.
(Military Tech Knowledge: Modern Firearms – Level 1 gained.)
(New research options gained.)
(New actions unlocked.)

[X] A Divine Summoning: With some knowledge of summoning rituals in hand, maybe it is time to try to get some divine help for your organization. Your Sisters Initiates and Sisters of the Mace will perform a ritual to try to summon a divine creature to aid you in whatever you need.
Chance of Success: 64% Cost: 8 Required: 1 Sisters Initiates Team and 1 Sisters of the Mace team. Reward: A random divine creature is summoned and added to your forces list.
-[X] Use the Minor Summoning Enhancer Scroll to make the result better.

1D100 => 42

It seems that the third time is a charm. After about a couple months of failure and another week of preparation and double checking, you commenced with the ritual again., expecting it to be a failure like before.

To your relief and the relief of your coffers, something actually was summoned. Standing before you was a woman that is about your height, looking about your age, and is outfitted with relatively light armor and a large metal shield. She also have pure white bird wings attached to her back and a halo above her head.

You can't believe you have summoned an angel to your cause, even though she does not look strong...

The angel declared herself as a Lesser Shield Angel and her name being something unpronounceable, but since you are her new mistress for the time being, you get to name her. Since you are not really in the mood to come up with something clever or inspiring, you just named her Angelina on the spot.

Angelina took on her new name with pride and pledged herself to your service. She'll do anything that you command of her, be it combat, divine magic studies, or even manual labor with her hands.

While you probably don't have any hard labor tasks for her to do, you get the feeling that you'll have plenty of work for her to do very soon...

Success: Summoning Ritual has successfully summoned something.
Gained the following combat personnel/assets:
1 Lesser Shield Angel

[X] Organize Your Computer Even More: Your personal computer is more organized than ever in so many years, but there is a section of your computer that still needs attention. Why not take this time to clean up a bit more?
Chance of Success: 90% Reward: Your computer is more organized, Random stuffs.

1D100 => 19

The relative lack of time on your hands due to the pending invasion means that you didn't organize your computer to the extent that you wanted to. However, you still managed to get quite a bit done. Aside the pleasant trip down memory lane, you've discovered a few more plans and designs that you and your Foundation could use in the future, including plans for that simple wheeled robotics platform that you have designed back in college…

Success: Your personal computer is more organized and a few designs were found.
(Chances of success for some options increased.)
(New action options available.)


Turn 7 will be up in the morning.
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Oh yesss. Super good turn. A lot of new troops, iron, quartz, oil, firearms, knowledge of possible modern world artefacts/forward base and an angel.

Hope the forward base can wait a turn for us to gather more troops/upgrade our army.

Thorn Throwers, I like them, a lot of potential utility here.
Decent rolls overall, pretty spectacular success on the intel. Pity about the farming since that is going to set us back income wise... We got a lot of recruits, now we need to find a good way to use them.

Hmm, I'm tempted to do some counter raiding to slow down Xelma. I'm not fond of assaulting a fortified fixed position that is pretty much expecting us... But we can probably attack their people when they are moving to and from there and steal any supplies they are moving there. Might be a good way to not take too much risk while still slowing down their plans. @dnzrx Would that be workable?

I also think that investing a significant amount of effort in getting access to those ruins is likely to be worthwhile. We are likely far more capable of using anything found than that noble and I'm not sure he or she is trustworthy in the first place.

In the slightly longer run I also think that retraining some of our troops might be a good idea. Specifically to get some medics so that we take fewer losses for which we already have an option and some combat engineers for which might need more knowledge first. Because we already did a fair bit of work on fortifications so having some people able to build those in other places would be nice. And if we ever don't have a direct need for them they should be able to earn their keep building more useful space since the rent options tell us that is in demand.