Quid Fieri Fato Rotas Considerauerit (30k Primarch Quest)

[X] You will travel to Nathaniel Hodges first, while it would be the furthest away it would also hopefully give you a head start in terms of building up infrastructure, or at the very least it give you a recruitment pool. (Roll 1d5 for number of random events)

Mmm, infrastructure.
[X] You will travel to Nathaniel Hodges first, while it would be the furthest away it would also hopefully give you a head start in terms of building up infrastructure, or at the very least it give you a recruitment pool. (Roll 1d5 for number of random events)
[X] Walter Abrams is the closest of the three, and getting to him would hopefully allow you to gain a greater understanding of how exactly you are expected to create a revolution with just a handful of men. (Roll 1d2 for number of random events)
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[X] Walter Abrams is the closest of the three, and getting to him would hopefully allow you to gain a greater understanding of how exactly you are expected to create a revolution with just a handful of men. (Roll 1d2 for random events)
[X] Walter Abrams is the closest of the three, and getting to him would hopefully allow you to gain a greater understanding of how exactly you are expected to create a revolution with just a handful of men. (Roll 1d2 for random events)

I don't see any reason to not figure out what to do first, then go and do things.
[X] Walter Abrams is the closest of the three, and getting to him would hopefully allow you to gain a greater understanding of how exactly you are expected to create a revolution with just a handful of men. (Roll 1d2 for random events)
[X] Walter Abrams is the closest of the three, and getting to him would hopefully allow you to gain a greater understanding of how exactly you are expected to create a revolution with just a handful of men. (Roll 1d2 for random events)
[X] Walter Abrams is the closest of the three, and getting to him would hopefully allow you to gain a greater understanding of how exactly you are expected to create a revolution with just a handful of men. (Roll 1d2 for number of random events)
[X] Walter Abrams is the closest of the three, and getting to him would hopefully allow you to gain a greater understanding of how exactly you are expected to create a revolution with just a handful of men. (Roll 1d2 for random events)
[X] Walter Abrams is the closest of the three, and getting to him would hopefully allow you to gain a greater understanding of how exactly you are expected to create a revolution with just a handful of men. (Roll 1d2 for random events)
[X] Walter Abrams is the closest of the three, and getting to him would hopefully allow you to gain a greater understanding of how exactly you are expected to create a revolution with just a handful of men. (Roll 1d2 for random events)
Omake: The Fresco of Mars
The Fresco of Mars

On one wall of a small building in the underhive of Mars, there rests a giant fresco. While time has not been kind to it, it stands as a testament to its craftsmanship. Dust and blood cover it, and more than one animal has attempted to dig through it. But yet it is still able to be seen.

At the beginning of the fresco, a large amount of ships are seen landing on Mars. The planet is lifeless, but the colonists do not seem to mind. Just a bit further a large number of boxes are seen being dropped unto the planet. And then something happens, the planet is seen lush with life. Green grass and trees surround a few small settlements.

The next part of the fresco shows a much larger group of ships landing on Mars. These men are well dressed, and do not wear the spacesuits that the original colonists wore. They are well dressed, with suits and top-hats. Some of them look upon the planet with a gleam in their eyes, but others look upon the Earth and Luna with loathing in their eyes. Either way, it would appear that this would not be the first group to come to Mars, and most certainly not the last.

The part of the fresco following the last scene shows towers of steel and glass being constructed. There are even more ships up in the sky, and even more immigrants coming out. New ports are being constructed in the foreground to accommodate it all. Massive monorails are being constructed on top of the few completed buildings. The trees that were previously there are seen being cut down, only to be replaced by even more trees.

A nearby panel lies cast off on the floor, but it was clearly the next panel of the fresco. On it, a group of men are seen convening a meeting in a rather large chamber. The chamber is decorated in fine woods like cherry and mahogany, and a subtle hint of gold is present on the chambers desks. The men there appear to be content, with a few of them even smiling. A few statues stand behind them, the names are blurry and can't be made out however. But in the foreground, a man is seen walking into the chamber. He is dressed differently than them, and wears a massive hat. His clothing is deep red, and he walks around with a sense of purpose. His hat is a tri-cone, and he gives off the aura that he is someone that should be respected.

The panel that follows is still on the wall, and is in much better condition. This time, the chamber is seen in a state of chaos. Men and women are seen running across the chamber, papers are seen flying across the room. The man in the weird clothing is seen shouting, trying to bring about some semblance of order to the chamber. But it would appear that his words are falling upon deaf ears, as the chaos keeps going. In the foreground, the statues are seen crying tears of blood at the pandemonium in the room. A few men appear to be rather serene throughout the whole affair, their eyes betraying no emotion.

The last panel shows the same chamber, but now it is in a state of disrepair. Corpses dot the desks, and broken down husks of machinery dot the area. The statues are now destroyed, and from them comes a tide of blood like oil. The man's hat lies in the center of the room, with the decaying body of its owner strewn just a few inches from it. Men are seen hanging from the rafters, the decomposing state of their bodies indicates that they have been dead for some time.

The Fresco does not continue any further. The walls next to it are blank, almost as if it were inviting someone to continue it's story.
The Fresco of Mars

On one wall of a small building in the underhive of Mars, there rests a giant fresco. While time has not been kind to it, it stands as a testament to its craftsmanship. Dust and blood cover it, and more than one animal has attempted to dig through it. But yet it is still able to be seen.

At the beginning of the fresco, a large amount of ships are seen landing on Mars. The planet is lifeless, but the colonists do not seem to mind. Just a bit further a large number of boxes are seen being dropped unto the planet. And then something happens, the planet is seen lush with life. Green grass and trees surround a few small settlements.

The next part of the fresco shows a much larger group of ships landing on Mars. These men are well dressed, and do not wear the spacesuits that the original colonists wore. They are well dressed, with suits and top-hats. Some of them look upon the planet with a gleam in their eyes, but others look upon the Earth and Luna with loathing in their eyes. Either way, it would appear that this would not be the first group to come to Mars, and most certainly not the last.

The part of the fresco following the last scene shows towers of steel and glass being constructed. There are even more ships up in the sky, and even more immigrants coming out. New ports are being constructed in the foreground to accommodate it all. Massive monorails are being constructed on top of the few completed buildings. The trees that were previously there are seen being cut down, only to be replaced by even more trees.

A nearby panel lies cast off on the floor, but it was clearly the next panel of the fresco. On it, a group of men are seen convening a meeting in a rather large chamber. The chamber is decorated in fine woods like cherry and mahogany, and a subtle hint of gold is present on the chambers desks. The men there appear to be content, with a few of them even smiling. A few statues stand behind them, the names are blurry and can't be made out however. But in the foreground, a man is seen walking into the chamber. He is dressed differently than them, and wears a massive hat. His clothing is deep red, and he walks around with a sense of purpose. His hat is a tri-cone, and he gives off the aura that he is someone that should be respected.

The panel that follows is still on the wall, and is in much better condition. This time, the chamber is seen in a state of chaos. Men and women are seen running across the chamber, papers are seen flying across the room. The man in the weird clothing is seen shouting, trying to bring about some semblance of order to the chamber. But it would appear that his words are falling upon deaf ears, as the chaos keeps going. In the foreground, the statues are seen crying tears of blood at the pandemonium in the room. A few men appear to be rather serene throughout the whole affair, their eyes betraying no emotion.

The last panel shows the same chamber, but now it is in a state of disrepair. Corpses dot the desks, and broken down husks of machinery dot the area. The statues are now destroyed, and from them comes a tide of blood like oil. The man's hat lies in the center of the room, with the decaying body of its owner strewn just a few inches from it. Men are seen hanging from the rafters, the decomposing state of their bodies indicates that they have been dead for some time.

The Fresco does not continue any further. The walls next to it are blank, almost as if it were inviting someone to continue it's story.

+10 to any 1d100 roll of your choice.

Oh, and I'll declare this omake to be semi-canon.
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Alright the vote is closed.

I can see Abrams has won.

Rolling in a moment for your number of events, and than posting the encounter table.

Also, anyone up for being a beta reader?

Edit: Looks like you only have to deal with one encounter.
Eurocorp threw 1 2-faced dice. Reason: Encounter Number Total: 1
1 1
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01-10 You encounter a hostile Assault Drone NO. 27
11-20 You encounter a group of five abominations.
21-30 You are forced to take shelter as a portion of the ceiling collapses. You are also injured before you can find adequate shelter. (Take 5 wounds)
31-40 You are forced to take the long way around due to unforeseen complications. (Reroll)
41-50 Nothing Happens (Continue on as normal.)
51-60 You encounter a group of drones attacking a Mechanicum expedition (You can choose whether to ignore the whole mess, or pick a side. Or just wait until both sides have just killed each other off.)
61-70 You find a small broken down box on the ground. Looking at the thing, you notice that it clearly was an STC fragment. But as for what it's for, you can't tell, their are no corporate markings on it. Which is odd, considering that corporations were known to stamp every last one of the things with their logos.
71-80 You encounter a passive Assault Robot NO. 611
81-90 You encounter an old armory, and you see what may be found inside it. (Roll 1d100 on another table for acquisition.)
91-100 You encounter a group of soldiers, and your father practically shouts in joy as he notices the symbol on their pauldrons. (Another Executive appears.)
I'll roll the dice in a few minutes, and than link it.
what the different a normal STC and a Fragment ?