Quid Fieri Fato Rotas Considerauerit (30k Primarch Quest)

[X] What are those automata outside?

[X] Do you know of any nearby executives?
-[X] If so, what's your opinion of them?

[X] How exactly are you still alive?

[X] Are you familiar with our Gauss rifle?

[X] What do you think of Mars back in it's Golden Age?

[X] Do you know why our Father has a hatred for the Mechanicus?

[X] Why does my father want to gather up all of the remaining executive?

All of them are usable.
The hallway itself is lined with busts with small plagues with names like Belisarius, Augustus, and Justinian, and the walls are almost completely covered in great works of art. Your father sets off down the hallway while you trail behind; looking at the cultural wealth around you. The endless hallway does eventually end in a pair of heavy set metal doors.

Bolded word should be plaque. Unless this place is blatantly Nurglite, I guess.

You and your father keep walking down the hallway, with you pausing ever so often to look at another one of the busts, or the occasional painting.

Guessing bolded word to be every.

Your father walks over to what appears to be a rather large dining room seat, and he sits down on the nearest chair. You move to sit down right next to him, and pull up the seat to his right.

Guessing bolded word to be set.

[X] Aramus
Alright closing the vote. I can already tell who won, but for the sake IC writing I will probably have to reword it a bit.
Alright, I've got some good news and bad news.

The bad news is that power's been a bit spotty in my area due to a few storms. So the update proper may take a few extra days then intended, if only because I can't stay online for more than thirty minutes without the power going out, and I am not the type of person who would type out a chapter on a phone.

Good news is that I've managed to update the front page with a new Person of interest, and tried to clarify a bit of Pre-Mechanicus Mars.
Hmm...."Martial Council of Firms"? Great Compromiser? Sounds okay...I am worried about Ethereal Presence G-Man though.

On Martian government: so, corporate democracy with predictable gerrymandering and ulterior motives? Eh, it's okay. We will be able to influence next installment if anything needs correcting.

Also, do we have any idea how to learn what hidden traits mean? We don't know what even father's traits do, for Emperor's sake!
Hmm...."Martial Council of Firms"? Great Compromiser? Sounds okay...I am worried about Ethereal Presence G-Man though.

On Martian government: so, corporate democracy with predictable gerrymandering and ulterior motives? Eh, it's okay. We will be able to influence next installment if anything needs correcting.

Also, do we have any idea how to learn what hidden traits mean? We don't know what even father's traits do, for Emperor's sake!

Well meeting with them will usually unlock them, Abrams is up.
Interlude 1: A Dinner With a Executive (Part 1)
"They say that the human race walks a thin line between greatness and madness. Both are necessary in this universe if we as a race wish to survive." – Author Unknown.

"I suppose I ought to ask why you lot are still alive. From what my father has said, a fair number of executives died after they lost control of Mars. Is there any truth to this? You ask him, who simply looks downcast.

"I suppose your father is correct in a way, many executives did die during the breakdown of order on the planet. But many fled down to the deeper levels, and in many cases, they brought down parts of their enterprises. It isn't that hard to stave off aging if you have the right equipment, and most executives have the materials to extend their lifespan. So, while many did die, a fair amount will have survived, provided they can maintain their equipment." Abrams says to you, before gesturing to one of the automaton in the room. Which quickly lays out a small bowl of soup out for you. It is a thin and watery soup, with small cloves of garlic and basil sprinkled in it. You decide to ask him another question, while trying to ignoring the somewhat foul odor coming from your dinner.

"How do you envision us going against the Mechanicum?" Your father held a hatred for them, but he rarely gave any specifics for his future plans.

"Ah, that's going to require a bit of guessing on my part. If I were in your father's shoes, I would try to gather all my forces together and try to orchestrate a decapacitating strike against them. In which case, he would probably try to kill their leader. With their leader dead, logic dictates that they would meet to promote of their own. Although this is guesswork on my part, I don't their inner workings. But if they do get together, then we cut of the hydra's heads, and they would be brought down by infighting. In which case, we would probably wait for a few months, and then strike at their disunited forces." He lets out a small laugh after this.

"But what exactly do you intend to do once the dust has settled?" Abrams seems to be a more subdued man than your father, so perhaps he's humbler?

"I personally see myself raising this hotel back to surface. After that, well I could see myself retiring after all of this is over. I have lived a rather long and stressful life. And for once, I would like to be left alone. I'd probably restart my company for a bit, before giving it to someone who could run it. I have no heirs you see, and anyone I would've transferred ownership over to is long dead."

"Excuse my bluntness Mr. Abrams, but you do not seem like the type of person who would give up something for nothing." Abrams laughs at your statement.

"I admit, that you have a lot of nerve to say that to my face. But in truth, there is little I want. But there is something I do need done if you wish for the optimal outcome." He claps his hands twice, and one of the statues produces a rather long and thick rod and a rather large book. It hands it to him, and he carefully holds it. "This is a power core, although rod is more appropriate in my opinion. This little rod is more than capable of handling our lack of power around here. If you can put it into the local power station, then we can get this section of Mars operational once again." He then hands over the rod and book to you.

The rod is a rather large item, about the same size as your gauss rifle. And with it as thick as your fist, it is a rather unwieldy sort of object. It is kept in a rather sturdy see through container, enough that you can glimpse the source itself. It looks like rainbow colored ice, yet the container is somewhat warm to the touch.

"And where exactly would this power station be located? Please do not tell me that it has been lost to time."

"Trust me, the power station is still operational. This hotel still receives a small amount of power from it, therefore the power lines are still in working order. You just simply should follow the lines, nothing more than that. And once it's connected I can bring a few more key facilities online, such as the medical suite and a few of the assembly lines." You raise your eyebrow at his declaration, for which he appears to ignore it.

"Onto a somewhat more personal matter, do you know why my father hates the Mechanicus with a passion?"

"I'm afraid not, many executives hate the mechanicus for a variety of reasons. Your father, well I have a theory. Your father has always been a rather orderly man. In that regard, never imply that what he is doing is violating the rule of law. He believes that certain things must be followed to the letter, and is rather hard to convince of change. So, when Mars began to suffer problems, he probably did not take it well. But if you want someone who knows him better, try Patrick Erekens. He was probably close to your father, by the sheer virtue that they worked together in the past." He pulls out a piece of paper and writes down something on it. He quickly passes it over to you. On it there is a rather long number on it, with a note saying that it was Erekens landline number.

"Are you still in contact with the man?" You ask Abrams, who simply nods his head in response.

"Yes, this hotel has his contact information stored in it. The landline is reliable, but we rarely talk I'm afraid. Erekens is not the sort of man who enjoys idle chit-chat." He says with a small smile.

Just as you are about to ask another question, your father walks back into the room.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." Your father states, while tipping his hat towards Abrams.

"Not at all, we were just discussing Erekens and Mars." Abrams states, and your father quickly adopts a rather stone faced exterior.

"How about we move on to dinner, we can talk after that." Your father states, as he quickly surveys the table before him. "At least tell me that you've lost the taste for Garlic and Basil soup?"

That prompts a small bout of laughter from Abrams, and even you crack a smile. Ever so slightly of course.

(Interlude of the interlude time: Pick One.)

[] In the vaults of Mars

[] On the shoulders of giants

[] The 27th ​Ghost Division

[] Sol Invictus

[] Whispers in the dark
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Alright, just in case anyone asks about the amount of questions. I'm splitting it into two parts to make the conversation flow better. And, a normal interlude is easier for me to write.