Quid Fieri Fato Rotas Considerauerit (30k Primarch Quest)

Just a basic pass or fail roll, at 50 and above, it's a success. You can get multiple rolls for a single area, but it will be at random. For example, if taking a personnel action at your father's mansion, there is a chance you will have a roll.

... then lets just make it a 1d2 instead of a 1d100 please. I don't want to look at a natural perfect 100 and realize that we wasted such a crit...
As I've said before, this system is based off of the 40k RPG system. More importantly, do you want to spend 15 rounds of fighting horrors?
I can't speak for everyone, but I am used to that shit. Also 15 rounds is pretty damn short.

I've been in four hour battles. Of course those are with dozens up dozens of enemies, but the idea is still there. It is a little nuts to think that it takes 4-5 hours for a big ass combat session...yet in the games narrative time it's been about 3-4 hectic minutes of intense combat.
Interlude 1: It's A Long Way To Tipperary
"A war must be conducted to it's until it's very end, no matter how high the cost may grow. To give the enemy even an inch is to admit failure. To admit failure is to be found wanting. And those who are found wanting will be dealt with appropriately." – Author Unknown

Your father is waiting for you in the foyer, it would appear that you have kept him waiting for quite some time. He adjusts his hat as you enter the room, and holds onto his cane a bit stronger than before.

"What kept you?" Your father is clearly not amused by your choice to spend time in the Chapel. His eyes harden as he glares at you, he clearly wants an answer.

"I was just doing a little bit of light reading, nothing harmful father." You try to placate him, and it would appear that your words have some success. Or at the very least, he's too tired to care about the time that you spent at the chapel. He pinches his nose and sighs, before turning to glare at you once more.

"Every second wasted is a second that we could be spending on something far more prudent. Time is money after all, and time is a rather finite resource." Your father coolly replies to you, before picking up what appears to be a rather large map.

"What is your plan, father? Surely you don't expect us to go and shake hands with every one of your acquaintances?" You would hope not; you have no idea how many people your father was willing to drag along with him. That gets a reaction out of him, as he soon releases a minor laugh.

"Not at all, I just need you to meet with three of them. Once you meet with those three, the rest of them should hopefully come crawling out from under the woodwork." Your father states, his tone barely rises above that of a whisper.

"That is not the most flattering metaphor that you could have used father. Surely at least some of them are respectable." Your father at times confused you. One moment he could be acting like a cold and somewhat aristocratic figure, and at the next moment he could be making minor jokes. Or at the very least, you assumed that they were supposed to be jokes.

"It is an accurate assumption, many of them are still in hiding. And likewise, many of them are simply biding their time, and communication between us all are few and far between." He looks at his cane for a bit, before continuing. "But, if we were to get in contact with the closest of them, then we could get the message across to the rest of them." He seems to perk up for a bit, and quickly looks back at his map.

"By the way, who exactly are your contacts anyway, father?" Your father has made numerous allusions to them, but he has never actually mentioned them by name. Your father looks up at you, and adopts a thoughtful look.

"From what I remember, the closest three executives in the area would be Walter Abrams, Nathaniel Hodges, and Hubert Keppler. Those are the three executives that I have in mind." His face adopts a look of nostalgia for a moment, before he continues. "Abrams is holed up in the old Sentinel Hotel, or at least what's left of it since it fell down here. He's not the most social of fellows, but if you want something to be organized effectively; than he's your man."

"What about the other two father, what are they like?" You ask your father, who drums his fingers on his cane in response.

"Well Keppler spends most of his time at the base of an old industrial elevator. He concerns himself with keeping the Mechanicus from getting to far down here. While I haven't spoken with him in quite some time, he's most likely going to nitpick everything you do, just as a fair warning. But what makes him invaluable is his access to military hardware, and his tactical acumen." Your father looks around for a bit, before continuing. "And then there's Hodges, he's probably the hardest to find. I know he's made a sizable community around the collapsed M-5 Transit center, but that's about it. I haven't spoken with him in quite some time, so that's all I've got to go on. As for his personality, he's quite prone to sudden changes in temperament."

"And that's all of the ones that you could think of contacting father? Surely there are other's that you could call upon to assist us?" Your father surely had other contacts he could get in contact with, why was he so adamant about you meeting with just these three?

"None that are close by I'm afraid, Hodges and Keppler are key to getting in contact with the rest of them." Your father looks back at his map once again, before handing it over to you. "While this map isn't exactly up to date, it should help us plot a path towards those three."

Looking at the map in front of you, you are quick to note your father's handwriting on the thing. His notes seem to indicate that Hodges's is the furthest away from your father's estate. Keppler isn't too far off, perhaps two-three days' worth of travel at most. Likewise, Abrams is the closest of the three. At most it would probably take one-two days to reach him.

You father clearing his throat brings you back to the matter at hand. He clearly wants you to decide upon your first destination.

(Pick one)

[] You will travel to Nathaniel Hodges first, while it would be the furthest away it would also hopefully give you a head start in terms of building up infrastructure, or at the very least it give you a recruitment pool. (Roll 1d5 for number of random events)

[] Hubert Keppler is likely to be the first man you should consult with. He could also provide you with more military equipment for your expedition. (Roll 1d3 for number of random events.)

[] Walter Abrams is the closest of the three, and getting to him would hopefully allow you to gain a greater understanding of how exactly you are expected to create a revolution with just a handful of men. (Roll 1d2 for number of random events)

Edit: Just in case I haven't been clear. This is only the roll for the number of random events, a 1d100 is going to be used to determine what exactly happens. And I will likely provide a table for reference.
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[X] Walter Abrams is the closest of the three, and getting to him would hopefully allow you to gain a greater understanding of how exactly you are expected to create a revolution with just a handful of men. (Roll 1d2 for random events)
[X] Walter Abrams is the closest of the three, and getting to him would hopefully allow you to gain a greater understanding of how exactly you are expected to create a revolution with just a handful of men. (Roll 1d2 for random events)

He's the closest and it sounds like he's the most pleasant.\

@Eurocorp are we going get a proper update with our gun description?
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[X] Walter Abrams is the closest of the three, and getting to him would hopefully allow you to gain a greater understanding of how exactly you are expected to create a revolution with just a handful of men. (Roll 1d2 for number of random events)
[X] Walter Abrams is the closest of the three, and getting to him would hopefully allow you to gain a greater understanding of how exactly you are expected to create a revolution with just a handful of men. (Roll 1d2 for random events)

He's the closest and it sounds like he's the most pleasant.\

@Eurocorp are we going get a proper update with our gun description?

You've gotten a description in last last update or two. Which means you now have more personnel actions for it, which will be available once this interlude is over.
[X] Walter Abrams is the closest of the three, and getting to him would hopefully allow you to gain a greater understanding of how exactly you are expected to create a revolution with just a handful of men. (Roll 1d2 for number of random events)
[X] Walter Abrams is the closest of the three, and getting to him would hopefully allow you to gain a greater understanding of how exactly you are expected to create a revolution with just a handful of men. (Roll 1d2 for number of random events)
[X] Walter Abrams is the closest of the three, and getting to him would hopefully allow you to gain a greater understanding of how exactly you are expected to create a revolution with just a handful of men. (Roll 1d2 for random events)
[X] Walter Abrams is the closest of the three, and getting to him would hopefully allow you to gain a greater understanding of how exactly you are expected to create a revolution with just a handful of men. (Roll 1d2 for number of random events)

I gotta hear how we are going to go about doing this.
[X] Walter Abrams is the closest of the three, and getting to him would hopefully allow you to gain a greater understanding of how exactly you are expected to create a revolution with just a handful of men. (Roll 1d2 for number of random events)
[X] Walter Abrams is the closest of the three, and getting to him would hopefully allow you to gain a greater understanding of how exactly you are expected to create a revolution with just a handful of men. (Roll 1d2 for number of random events)
[X] Hubert Keppler is likely to be the first man you should consult with. He could also provide you with more military equipment for your expedition. (Roll 1d3 for number of random events.)

He's reasonably close, and I don't feel that safe without some major equipment behind us.
[X] Walter Abrams is the closest of the three, and getting to him would hopefully allow you to gain a greater understanding of how exactly you are expected to create a revolution with just a handful of men. (Roll 1d2 for random events)
[X] You will travel to Nathaniel Hodges first, while it would be the furthest away it would also hopefully give you a head start in terms of building up infrastructure, or at the very least it give you a recruitment pool. (Roll 1d5 for number of random events)
[X] You will travel to Nathaniel Hodges first, while it would be the furthest away it would also hopefully give you a head start in terms of building up infrastructure, or at the very least it give you a recruitment pool. (Roll 1d5 for number of random events)
[X] You will travel to Nathaniel Hodges first, while it would be the furthest away it would also hopefully give you a head start in terms of building up infrastructure, or at the very least it give you a recruitment pool. (Roll 1d5 for number of random events)