Do you mean compared to magicless Eva that she is most of the time, partially magical as she is during the full moon/blackouts or when she actually can go all out?
You mean the Akkido grandmaster taught by the martial art's very creator? Also the Doll Master who can puppet your body using nothing but thread? Because Eva is both those things even with her power sealed. Against someone like Sunset who lacks any form of combat training, Eva crushes.

How does sunset scale to Negi at the absolute beginning of the story while he was still comarively weak compared to most of the magic users at Mahora. (Negi was impressive for his age rather than objectively good at the start and didn't become legendary till he got focused combat training. End-Series Yue is probably tougher than beginning Negi.)
Even at the start Negi was a powerful kid.
  • Sagitta Magica
  • Summoning Wind Spirit clones(armed with weapons)
  • Flans Saltatio Pulverea(Causes a powerful wind to blow in the direction cast. First used by Negi to put out the fire spell cast by Chigusa Amagasaki when she kidnapped Konoka Konoe for the first time during the Kyoto Trip Arc. Later, he used it to create a smokescreen of water spray to reach Konoka)
  • Deflexio(is a simple anti-physical protective magic. While its actual defensive capabilities are low compared to Flans Paries Aerialis, it is much more long-lasting and can be maintained indefinitely)
  • Flans Paries Aerialis(is a defensive shield spell which surrounds the mage and can stop a 10-ton truck. Usually, an incantation is required to disable the barrier)
  • Flans Paries Venti Vertentis(is a defensive spell that creates a tornado around the mage, using the intense air currents as a protection against outside threats. This effect can last from two to three minutes)
  • Vente(is a simple training spell that creates a sudden gust of wind. While lacking in force, it can for example reduce momentum while falling and soften landings, making it useful in unexpected situations – suddenly being transported four thousand metres into the air, for instance)
  • Nebula Hypnotica(is a spell which creates a mist capable of making all opponents caught inside it to fall asleep)
  • Flans Exarmatio(is a spell that blows off, with a powerful wind, items attached to the opponent's body. Clothing and other light things are changed into flower petals. The sole purpose is to disarm an opponent of weapons, so no matter how strong the wind is, it will not blow away the opponent herself. When Negi sneezes and blows off the clothes of Asuna and friends, this is the explosion of this magic)
  • Fulguratio Albicans(A powerful blast of electricity from the caster's palm. It is very powerful against living targets, but not as effective against inanimate objects)
  • Iovis Tempestas Fulguriens (This is one of the most powerful long-range magic attacks. The caster combines Wind and Thunder magic and unleashes them at the enemy in a massive storm of destructive energy)
These plus flying on his father's staff are all spells Negi could use before getting trained by Eva. Unless Sunset's been really holding back, even start of series Negi would be to much for her to take in a fight.
Negima is undeniably a powerful setting, especially in terms of speed, admittedly. In fact, that's probably Sunset's biggest disadvantage. She'd get speedblitzed by pretty much anything in Negima.
Negima is undeniably a powerful setting, especially in terms of speed, admittedly. In fact, that's probably Sunset's biggest disadvantage. She'd get speedblitzed by pretty much anything in Negima.

At least until she gets teleportation back, because nothing is faster than instant.
At least until she gets teleportation back, because nothing is faster than instant.
Teleportation allows for instantaneous travel. It does not give you any additional ability to react to high speed punches or to hit someone before they dodge.

Admittedly, there's evidence that unicorns have pretty good reactions already, but it's inconclusive as to whether it would be enough to keep up with the ridiculous speed of Negima characters.
Admittedly, there's evidence that unicorns have pretty good reactions already, but it's inconclusive as to whether it would be enough to keep up with the ridiculous speed of Negima characters.
Negi can transform himself into lightning and move at the speed of a lightning bolt.
And there are honestly a disturbing number of people who can keep up with him. Teleporting is a good trick, but if Sunset wants to be able to use it in combat she needs to be like Minato in Naruto and also have some of the fastest speed in the setting to go along with it.
Negi can transform himself into lightning and move at the speed of a lightning bolt.

And there are honestly a disturbing number of people who can keep up with him. Teleporting is a good trick, but if Sunset wants to be able to use it in combat she needs to be like Minato in Naruto and also have some of the fastest speed in the setting to go along with it.
I know. I'm well aware of how powerful the Negimaverse is. Negi is about mach 6600.

Moving the Sun around the Earth in 24 hours requires moving something at mach 5000 though. Still, I'm not assuming that unicorns have reactions that good. They just might. They can catch Rainbow Dash who can dodge lightning bolts though.
I know. I'm well aware of how powerful the Negimaverse is. Negi is about mach 6600.

Moving the Sun around the Earth in 24 hours requires moving something at mach 5000 though. Still, I'm not assuming that unicorns have reactions that good. They just might. They can catch Rainbow Dash who can dodge lightning bolts though.
And yet, Rainbow Dash breaking the sound barrier is supposed to be some sort of incredible feat. If she's supposed to be fast enough to dodge something that can move at the speed of lightning then why is it that she is the only Pegasus that can break the sound barrier and why is it such a big deal?
And yet, Rainbow Dash breaking the sound barrier is supposed to be some sort of incredible feat. If she's supposed to be fast enough to dodge something that can move at the speed of lightning then why is it that she is the only Pegasus that can break the sound barrier and why is it such a big deal?
No. Canon makes it absolutely clear that breaking the sound barrier is NOT considered considered an impressive feat, but something well established as a normal ability for pegasi. She says that to make a sonic rainboom, being fast enough to break the sound barrier is not good enough. You have to go much, much faster.
No. Canon makes it absolutely clear that breaking the sound barrier is NOT considered considered an impressive feat, but something well established as a normal ability for pegasi. She says that to make a sonic rainboom, being fast enough to break the sound barrier is not good enough. You have to go much, much faster.
Ok, the can you show where she says that? Because while I haven't paid much attention to MLP, I have seen a sonic rainboom before and it looks an awful lot like breaking the sound barrier except for the magical rainbow tail. So can you give proof to the idea that Rainbow Dash is even faster then most people think and is able to dodge lightning by pure speed instead of dodging it like Rakan does here.
Ok, the can you show where she says that? Because while I haven't paid much attention to MLP, I have seen a sonic rainboom before and it looks an awful lot like breaking the sound barrier except for the magical rainbow tail. So can you give proof to the idea that Rainbow Dash is even faster then most people think and is able to dodge lightning by pure speed instead of dodging it like Rakan does here.

Well, that explains it. There are plenty of indications in the show that ponies are stupidly powerful.

Pinkie Pie: You really need to get out more. The sonic rainboom is legendary! When a Pegasus like Rainbow Dash gets going sooo fast... Boom! A sonic boom and a rainbow can happen all at once!

Transcripts/Sonic Rainboom

Pinkie is't corrected on this. The sonic rainboom is legendary. A sonic boom isn't. A sonic boom is something she's aware pegasi can do. She specifies that the difference in technique is that a sonic rainboom is faster. In addition, elsewhere, it is stated that a sonic rainboom is considered impossible, while nothing of the sort is said about a sonic boom. That means that the difference in speed needs to be significant. In addition, when performing the sonic rainboom, and even times when she doesn't perform a sonic rainboom, the mach cone appears, proving that she's already faster than sound and then the mach cone narrows proving that she's speeding up. She speeds up a lot before the sonic rainboom activates.

As for the lightning, she turns, looks at the lightning bolt headed towards her and then dodges. This is clear in frame-by-frame analysis. Frame by frame analysis combined with pixel analysis also measures the exact time length and distance of that movement and while Ican't recall the exact measurement, it was over mach 100.

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Also, guys, STOP with the power level nonsense. This quest is just starting, for god's sake. It's still so bloody early in the game to actually speculate on that.

Sunset has her own advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantages should be clear enough, and I have been dropping hints on the narration.

Thing is, this Sunset is different to Canon Sunset. And that should be clear enough on the Mirror Vote.

I don't want to spoil it, so stop.

Edit: And how the fuck is Sonic Rainboom even got involved with this?
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Also, guys, STOP with the power level nonsense. This quest is just starting, for god's sake. It's still so bloody early in the game to actually speculate on that.

Sunset has her own advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantages should be clear enough, and I have been dropping hints on the narration.

Thing is, this Sunset is different to Canon Sunset. And that should be clear enough on the Mirror Vote.

I don't want to spoil it, so stop.

Edit: And how the fuck is Sonic Rainboom even got involved with this?
Power level arguments, speed blitzing edging into Negi turning into a lightning bolt edging into RD dodging lightning bolts, etc.
Prologue Pt. 5
[] Get Lunch

You immediately notice two things as you step into the school's cafeteria. One, it is considerably large, which you shouldn't be really surprised, considering the size of the student body is. And two, there aren't a lot of students in here. Some that are here are generally huddled together or scattered around, either chatting up in groups or reading a book alone. Regardless, you don't think you know any of them.

Over the left side of the room, you notice four vending machines that are selling various snacks and drinks. On the right side of the room, there's a short line of students. Peering about, you see several sorts of dishes lain about. There are... meat, vegetables, tofus, and the such. Behind the table, an old lady is commandeering the whole thing. Idly, you realize that this is probably what that 'free lunch' within your scholarship probably means. Shrugging your shoulders, you move over to the line.

Five minutes later, you find yourself settling on a lone table with a tray of a glorified salad and a cup of poorly made coffee—you've tasted it. Admittedly, you realize that whilst eating the same diet as you were as a pony is healthy even for a human, you know that eating the same thing over and over wouldn't be exactly good for your health. You know this; the cold pragmatic part of yourself acknowledge it, but it doesn't mean you're going to cross the bridge right away.

Rolling your shoulders, you plunge a fork into a red cherry tomato and pop it into your mouth. At least it tastes better than the store-bought ones. You chew and swallow. Definitely better.

"Hello," you jump a bit at the sudden voice. "Eh, sorry. Mind if I sit here?"

You look at the source of the voice. She's a student like you, black short hair with braided twintails and mini 'buns' atop of them. She smiles at you, and you return a tentative smile back. "Sure," you say.

"Thanks," smoothly, she slides into the table, sitting herself beside you. You note that instead of a tray, she brings her own lunched box. A black square thing with the picture of a panda on top. "I'm Chao Lingshen."

You shrug your shoulders uncomfortably, popping another tomato into your mouth. After a moment, you realize you should actually introduce yourself. "'M Sunset Shimmer."

"I know," she giggles, and you look at her confusedly. "I'm in your class, you know." She points out.

You cough to the side. "O-oh." An embarrased heat enters your cheeks and you do your best effort to flush it away as you focus onto your meal. Itworks, graciously enough. Chao doesn't seem to mind much about you faux-pas as she opens up her own lunchbox, revealing what seems like a chinese set of cuisine. And you're not one to look a gift... horse in the mouth.

"So," she says after a while, blowing away the awkward silence for what it's worth. She looks at you with a curious look, her chopticks sticking on her lips. "Do you have any club in mind that you want to join?"

Though you don't word it, but your confusion must've been visible enough that Chao is giving you a smile that borders on pity. You scowl mentally. Both at your social inability and the pity she's giving you. You suddenly remember why you prefer in the presence of Celestia... not you could ever be in her presence, now. At least, not unless you're behind some extremely magically enchanted prison bars.

"Club is basically an extracurricular group that students usually join. Mostly, it's because the group offers the same interest as you have."

Oh. You know something like that. It's like that magical study group Celestia used to force you to join in. You participated rarely, but always left halfway through when you realized how much of a coward they were. Or how much smarter you are than them. Really, the always shrinked into themselves whenever you suggested to practice spells on the field right away. You don't know when, but you had stopped joining in after the first month, and Celestia never spoke about it again.

"Is it obligatory?" you ask.

She shrugs. "No, but it's still encouraged by the school."

"Oh." You crunch a fresh carrot into your mouth. After a while, you swallow. "What kinds of clubs are there?"

She grins. For some reason, it brings a shiver down to your spine. "Lots." Then, as if she had actually prepared all of this, she slipper a piece of paper to you. "Here's the list."

You blink, and then read the paper.

Yeah, that's a lot.

You frown as a thought suddenly enters your mind. "Why are you doing this? The club thingy, I mean."

Again, she shrugs, giving you a mischievous smile that sometimes reminds you of Celestia. "Why not? You're new, and I hear helping people brings good Karma. And you can't ever have enough good Karma, right?"

You nod. An act more out of idle action than anything else as you consider her answer, and the list of clubs before you. Only a few catches your attention. It may not be worth it, but it may also be worth it...

Join a club?
[] No
[] Yes
-[] Strolling Club
-[] Library Exploration Club
-[] Occult Club
-[] Write-In (Be reasonable. Also subject to GM's approval)
usually in japan you can try out clubs before you official join, it would make more sense to do this then to just straight up join.

[x] Test a few clubs out.

the library would interest her as she could likely sense the magic in it but as noted i feel like she might look around a few first unless she drops by that one first.
[x] Test a few clubs out.
-[X] Ask what "occult" is.

This way we can see if any of the ones that catch our interest are actually worth putting up with others to do, or if it would be pointless like the magic study's group.

Also, since the ponies treat magic as a science, the term "occult" would be kind of meaningless there, as it implies secret knowledge beyond mortal understanding. Since ponies have public libraries with books that explain the mechanics and details of how magic work they do not view magic as secret or a force beyond mortal comprehension but rather as something akin to physics.
[x] Test a few clubs out.
-[x] Occult club
-[x] Divination club
-[x] Scientific research club
-[x] Philosopher's club
-[x] Air club

List's taken from here Mahora Academy School Festival

The reasoning.
Occult - because magic.
Divination - because everyone wants to know what tomorrow brings.
Scientific - because knowledge is power
Philosopher - because it is excellent way to expose character development
Air - because wings are one of Sunset's goals.
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