Lords of the Lost World: A Jurassic Park dinosaur Quest

[X] Stamina: No creature can go without rest, not even one as mighty as you. It is good every now and then to stop and take a breather.
[X] Social: You are not the only one living here, there are other members of your species you can interact with, whether positively or not! No creature is an island, after all.
[X] Territory: You have your kingdom and as its ruler you have to maintain it, expand it, and defend it.

[X] Stamina: No creature can go without rest, not even one as mighty as you. It is good every now and then to stop and take a breather.
[X] Social: You are not the only one living here, there are other members of your species you can interact with, whether positively or not! No creature is an island, after all.
[X] Territory: You have your kingdom and as its ruler you have to maintain it, expand it, and defend it.
Maiasaura make fine prey for the Gorgons. They are large animals (although shorter than the Gorgons they were quite bulky), very meaty, and don't have any armor protection.

One of the characteristics of Hadrosaurs that don't get portrayed very well in media, including in that picture in the profile, is just how massive their tails were. They were not necessarily very long (still longer than in the picture) but they were very deep, especially near the hips. They were massive enough that Hadrosaurs would have been capable of effortless bipedal running. Although they would be quadrupedal while normally puttering around and feeding.
I'm talking about the Quest mechanics. The Maiasaura are classified as a Medium Class, whereas our Sauropod Slayer species trait only applies to Giant Class targets. Admittedly, the likely greater stats of the Giant herbivores probably outstrip that bonus, so it's not necessarily something we want to jump for, I was just commenting on the fact that our specialty doesn't apply to any of our starting prey species.
In the 2000s there was a theory, based on the presence of vertical grooves found in the upper mandible of the related Gallimimus and Ornithomimus that's similar to the groove found in the bills of dabbling ducks, as well as the fact that Ornithomimidae (the group that includes Struthiomimus) were much more common in environments with decent amount of surface water rather than arid environment, that the ornithomimids actually fed in water, straining pond scum and tiny fish/crustaceans from the water's surface or just below like ducks or flamingos.

This hypothesis was largely rejected for a few reasons. The most damning is probably that after calculating energy intake vs expenditures for such a diet it was found that there was no way for something like a Struthiomimus/Ornithomimus, which were 4+ meters long and 300+ lbs in mass, to have gotten enough calories this way to survive. The Gallimimus was even bigger at 6 meters and 970 lb. Another reason is that vertical grooves also exists in the jaws of herbivorous turtles as well as hadrosaurs which were also "strictly' herbivorous (there's evidence they might have seasonally crunched on small crabs but that's probably more for calcium and other minerals in order to lay healthy eggs rather than for calories similar to how deer actually hunt for and eat baby birds in spring and summer for the purpose of growing antlers). A final reason is that this wading and dabbling lifestyle ignores the fact ornithomimid legs and feet were clearly designed to run over solid ground instead.

Before this there was a proposed theory that ornithomimids dug for small burrowing animals using their long, well developed forelimbs. This was also unlikely since again a predominate diet of small burrowing animals and insects couldn't sustain a animal the size of Struthiomimus or larger. Also the hand claws of ornithomimids were really poorly shaped for digging (being large blunt hooks) and their arms and shoulders had very limited mobility. While they could reach out and grasp in a wide arc in front of them at chest level, they couldn't really reach downward or upwards at all. In any case as theropods, ornithomimids most likely dug with their hind feet like birds anyways.

The general body plan of ornithomimids supports a precision herbivorous diet. They used their long arms and and blunt hook claws to draw the branches of small trees and tall brush towards them (they were quite tall for their weight class) then used their long, flexible necks and straight precise beaks to nip off the tender, nutritious, easy to digest buds and shoots at the tips of those branches. Their long legs and great mobility let them travel efficiently between areas of rich new growth since they could only eat a much more limited selection of plants compared to the larger hadrosaurs and ceratopsians which had the teeth and cheeks to actually chew up tougher, courser plants.

We know that ornithomimids swallowed numerous small stones to help them digest their food. Although carnivorous animals (like crocodiles and some fishing birds) can also make use of gastroliths, those gastroliths tends to be larger and fewer in number. They're only there to crush and soften up the meat a bit whereas herbivorous gastroliths actually needs to grind up and pulp plant matter in lieu of chewing. The gastrolith evidence we have for ornithomimids strongly hints to herbivory.

Ornithomimids were the most numerous Cretaceous North American small/mid size dinosaurs. Usually in a habitat the herbivores far outnumber the carnivores/omnivores (trophic levels at work). They also didn't go through much form plasticity as they grew, unlike most other theropods so their diet and ecological niches apparently didn't change much between young and adult animals. While this isn't strong evidence for herbivory it at least points in that direction.

This is all not to say that Struthiomimus couldn't have eaten small animals, just that it predominantly ate greens. Like the ratite birds it resembled it probably snatched up the odd insect, lizard, or small mammal while browsing. It just wasn't likely to have actively went out of its way to do so and it lacked any adaptation to scavenge large carcasses.

But again Ingen will always be Ingen and who know what animals they actually stuffed into their "Struthiomimus" genome...
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January, 1994 - Week 1.1
[X] Stamina: No creature can go without rest, not even one as mighty as you. It is good every now and then to stop and take a breather.
[X] Social: You are not the only one living here, there are other members of your species you can interact with, whether positively or not! No creature is an island, after all.
[X] Territory: You have your kingdom and as its ruler you have to maintain it, expand it, and defend it.

As powerful and imposing as you are, you still need to rest from time after the day's activities. Although within this reborn prehistoric ecosystem, not even sleep can be safe if one isn't careful. While few creatures could actually harm you, in sleep you are at your most vulnerable to those that threaten you, especially now with the rain driving creatures to make shelter beneath the forest canopy to avoid the weather. These things are unavoidable but that doesn't mean you should fear your daily rest!

Select one:
[ ] Short rest within territory - No need to spend the whole day sleeping, you have so much to do! A brief rest within your territory and you'll be good for the rest of the day.
-[ ] Rest in the heart of your territory.
-[ ] Rest near the border of the West Delta.
-[ ] Rest near the border of the Deep Channel.
-[ ] Rest near the border of the Southern Highlands.

[ ] Long rest within your territory
- You need as much rest as you can get and there is no need to play it safe within your own territory.
-[ ] Rest in the heart of your territory.
-[ ] Rest near the border of the West Delta.
-[ ] Rest near the border of the Deep Channel.
-[ ] Rest near the border of the Southern Highlands.

[ ] Short rest outside your territory
- There is a lot of activity within your territory so it may be for the best to rest outside it for a while. Being outside your territory comes with some risks, so no need to linger too long with your rest.
-[ ] Rest in the West Delta.
-[ ] Rest in the Deep Channel.
-[ ] Rest in the Southern Highlands.

[ ] Long rest outside your territory
- There is a lot of activity within your territory so it may be for the best to rest outside it for a while. You have no fear of what might be lurking within the wilderness of the island and will take your time with you slumber!
-[ ] Rest in the West Delta.
-[ ] Rest in the Deep Channel.
-[ ] Rest in the Southern Highlands.


You can't forget that your sharing your territory with your younger sisters. The three of you are no longer hatchlings being cared for by your creators within the safe confines of a lab, you're all adult specimens of your species trying to survive this island. It wouldn't hurt to better your relations with Euryale and Stheno if you're all going to stay together in one area. Of course, having more than one of your kind in one area can cause some problems, especially where food is concerned...

Select one:
[ ] Socialize with Euryale - Getting some social interaction with your younger sister might do some good! Letting the two of you become closer as a group.

[ ] Assert dominance over Euryale - This is your territory and Euryale has been allowed to do her own thing for too long! You need to establish a hierarchy to let her know her place under you if she will continue to live here!

[ ] Force Euryale out of your territory - This territory isn't bigger enough for the two of you. It is high time Euryale be made to leave.

[ ] Socialize with Stheno - Getting some social interaction with your younger sister might do some good! Letting the two of you become closer as a group.

[ ] Assert dominance over Stheno - This is your territory and Stheno has been allowed to do her own thing for too long! You need to establish a hierarchy to let her know her place under you if she will continue to live here!

[ ] Force Stheno out of your territory - This territory isn't bigger enough for the two of you. It is high time Stheno be made to leave.


Your territory is vast and will need to be defended and expanded as time goes by. You control a significant portion of the Southern Highlands with the only real competition within you borders being your own siblings. While you aren't worried about Euryale and Stheno (yet), other predators no doubt live on this island. As the ruler of your little slice of this island you need to be ready.

Select one:
[ ] Patrol Territory - Your territory needs to be defend it and the best way to do that is to patrol it in search of potential intruders.
-[ ] The center
-[ ] Southern Highlands border
-[ ] West Delta border
-[ ] Deep Channel border

[ ] Expand Territory into the Southern Highlands
- Your territory needs to grow, and the rest of the Southern Highlands seems like a good place to start.

[ ] Expand Territory into the West Delta - Your territory needs to grow, and the West Delta seems like a good place to start.

[ ] Expand Territory into the Deep Channel - Your territory needs to grow, and the Deep Channel seems like a good place to start.

[ ] Search for Species - There are a myriad of species living in your territory but it isn't like you know where exactly they all are. It might be good to try and find the spots they frequent for future reference.
-[ ] Select one species from any unlocked Bestiary.

There will be a FOUR HOUR moratorium on voting to allow discussion.
-[ ] Rest near the border of the Southern Highlands.

-[ ] Rest in the Southern Highlands.

Is this suppose to be the Southern Jungle? Since we're already in the Southern Highlands.

Personally I would do short or long rest in the heart of our territory. But if we really want to explore the other territories I would go for the Southern Jungle.

I also feel there's no real reason to try assert dominance over or drive off our sisters yet. So some friendly socialization to either one is good for now. Is Euryale or Stheno the youngest again?

I would like to find where all the Maiasaura are at. For hunting future purposes.
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We probably want to rest in the heart of our territory, but do we want to do a long or short one?

Seems we can only interact with one sister per action, got to keep that in mind. How do we want to start things off, do we want to go slow and friendly, or should we establish the hierarchy first and socialize afterwards? I'm leaning towards the second, we're aggressive animals after all, and I don't want our younger sisters think they can boss us around.

Do we want to locate one of our already known species for hunting later like the Maiasaura, or should we expand territory until we find a more suitable prey species? I think we can afford to put off defense for the first turn at least.

Is this suppose to be the Southern Jungle? Since we're already in the Southern Highlands.
We only control 20% of the Highlands, so presumably that's our border with the remaining 80%.
So @TheLordofAwesome are we picking 1 from each category?
Is this suppose to be the Southern Jungle? Since we're already in the Southern Highlands.
We only control 20% of the Highlands, so presumably that's our border with the remaining 80%.
Naan is correct. Right now your territory is located on the western side of the Southern Highlands. Originally I wanted to edited the map to show just where exactly your territory is in the Southern Highlands, but my skills in my paint program are terribad.
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Oh right, we can vote now.

[X] Long rest within your territory - You need as much rest as you can get and there is no need to play it safe within your own territory.
-[X] Rest in the heart of your territory.

[X] Socialize with Euryale -
Getting some social interaction with your younger sister might do some good! Letting the two of you become closer as a group.

[X] Search for Species
- There are a myriad of species living in your territory but it isn't like you know where exactly they all are. It might be good to try and find the spots they frequent for future reference.
-[X] Maiasaura

While establishing the pecking order right away is probably the smarter long term move, I can't bring myself to bully our siblings right after our world got turned upside down. I guess we'll play nice as long as they don't get uppity and give us reason not to. Stupid human social reflexes...
Seems we can only interact with one sister per action, got to keep that in mind. How do we want to start things off, do we want to go slow and friendly, or should we establish the hierarchy first and socialize afterwards? I'm leaning towards the second, we're aggressive animals after all, and I don't want our younger sisters think they can boss us around.

Do we want to locate one of our already known species for hunting later like the Maiasaura, or should we expand territory until we find a more suitable prey species? I think we can afford to put off defense for the first turn at least.

I don't think there's any particular reason to establish an hierarchy yet. Maybe if we decide to not expand our territory or run into something that's preventing us from doing so...

I think as long as we maintain a big enough territory/hunting ground we can keep things civil and loose.

Since we're not dedicating any effort toward food this round we might as well get ready for doing so next turn. Maybe if we establish known prey herds or trails it'll make hunting easier for when we need to.
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[X] Long rest within your territory - You need as much rest as you can get and there is no need to play it safe within your own territory.
-[X] Rest in the heart of your territory.

[X] Socialize with Euryale -
Getting some social interaction with your younger sister might do some good! Letting the two of you become closer as a group.

[X] Search for Species
- There are a myriad of species living in your territory but it isn't like you know where exactly they all are. It might be good to try and find the spots they frequent for future reference.
-[X] Maiasaura

I mean it's probably mostly safe to relax unless our sisters decide to take a bite out of us? It'll be odd if some other big predator decide to invade so soon after the exodus...
Okay, so I managed to over come my terribad art skills I'm currently in the process of creating a map that shows you guys what your territory is. Unfortunately I'm really bad at gauging percentiles.
[X] Long rest within your territory - You need as much rest as you can get and there is no need to play it safe within your own territory.
-[X] Rest in the heart of your territory.

[X] Socialize with Euryale -
Getting some social interaction with your younger sister might do some good! Letting the two of you become closer as a group.

[X] Expand Territory into the West Delta - Your territory needs to grow, and the West Delta seems like a good place to start.
[X] Long rest within your territory - You need as much rest as you can get and there is no need to play it safe within your own territory.
-[X] Rest in the heart of your territory.

[X] Socialize with Euryale -
Getting some social interaction with your younger sister might do some good! Letting the two of you become closer as a group.

[X] Expand Territory into the West Delta - Your territory needs to grow, and the West Delta seems like a good place to start.
[X] Long rest within your territory - You need as much rest as you can get and there is no need to play it safe within your own territory.
-[X] Rest in the heart of your territory.

[X] Socialize with Euryale -
Getting some social interaction with your younger sister might do some good! Letting the two of you become closer as a group.

[X] Search for Species
- There are a myriad of species living in your territory but it isn't like you know where exactly they all are. It might be good to try and find the spots they frequent for future reference.
-[X] Maiasaura
[X] Long rest within your territory - You need as much rest as you can get and there is no need to play it safe within your own territory.
-[X] Rest in the heart of your territory.

[X] Socialize with Euryale -
Getting some social interaction with your younger sister might do some good! Letting the two of you become closer as a group.

[X] Search for Species
- There are a myriad of species living in your territory but it isn't like you know where exactly they all are. It might be good to try and find the spots they frequent for future reference.
-[X] Maiasaura
So for everyone's convenience I have created a map that shows you were your territory is and how big it is on Sorna. Now I'm not great at judging percentiles so you guys tell me if the area that is your territory is more or less than 20% so I can adjust it accordingly. You'll find the map in the Territory informational threadmark.
[X] Long rest within your territory
- You need as much rest as you can get and there is no need to play it safe within your own territory.
-[X] Rest in the heart of your territory.

[X] Socialize with Euryale -
Getting some social interaction with your younger sister might do some good! Letting the two of you become closer as a group.

[X] Expand Territory into the West Delta
- Your territory needs to grow, and the West Delta seems like a good place to start
[X] Long rest within your territory - You need as much rest as you can get and there is no need to play it safe within your own territory.
-[X] Rest in the heart of your territory.

[X] Socialize with Euryale -
Getting some social interaction with your younger sister might do some good! Letting the two of you become closer as a group.

[X] Search for Species
- There are a myriad of species living in your territory but it isn't like you know where exactly they all are. It might be good to try and find the spots they frequent for future reference.
-[X] Maiasaura
January, 1994 - Week 1.2
[X] Long rest within your territory - You need as much rest as you can get and there is no need to play it safe within your own territory.
-[X] Rest in the heart of your territory.

[X] Socialize with Euryale -
Getting some social interaction with your younger sister might do some good! Letting the two of you become closer as a group.

[X] Search for Species - There are a myriad of species living in your territory but it isn't like you know where exactly they all are. It might be good to try and find the spots they frequent for future reference.
-[X] Maiasaura
Socialize with Euryale

Your sister's location was relatively easy to find as you track her scent across your territory. Not even half an hour passes before you are able to stumble upon her resting near the more tropical end of your territory, a sprinkling of rain filtering through the trees and falling upon her sleeping form. For a moment you watch as her body rises up and down from her rhythmic breathing before you give out a weak call towards her. She doesn't respond, let alone stir from her slumber. You call again and her breathing halts for a moment as her eyes flutter open a little.

Once more you call out to her and Euryale lifts her head from her sleeping position. She blinks a few times, looking around her surrounds as she opens her maw to yawn. Eventually she turns her attention to you with a somewhat tired gaze.

She blinks once, then twice, before she bellows out to you softly but tiredly.

You bellow in response to her before walking up to her. You lower your head towards her, your snouts touching one another as you warble to her. Euryale merely grumbles in response, more annoyed at you at you awakening her from her slumber. You continue to try and interact with you younger sister but after a few moments she does her best to ignore you and return to her sleep. You warble and bellow at her, but she lays her head back to the ground. You nudge her a little with you snout but that just causes her to growl in frustration.

Eventually you take the hint and stop bugging her, turning around and trudging off back into the forest.

You lose -10 Stamina
You lose -10 Satiety

Search for Maiasaura

Your search for the Maiasaura inhabiting your territory proves to be an even more simpler task as the scent of the local herd is all over your territory. You eventually come across the herd - no more than 12 individuals strong - grazing within a clearing. You aren't there to hunt them, rather you are here to locate them and to know the areas they frequent within your territory. You have no reason to startle them so you hide well within the dark treeline which only became darker today as the dark clouds above hid the sun.

...Unfortunately that doesn't really help you.

One of the Maiasaura was acting as a look out and despite your best efforts, manages to spot you. Maybe it was your sheer size being difficult to hide or the lookout having keener vision, but regardless the lookout turns and runs, making panic calls to its herdmates warning them of the predator lurking within the woods. The rest of the stops what they were doing, looking to the lookout and then turn to flee within the same direction. Soon the 12 hadrosaurs flee into the brush of your territory.

You are left standing there, watching your potential future prey flee from you.

One thing is for sure, the herd is likely not to frequent this area for a while...

You lose -10 Stamina
You lose -10 Satiety
For the next turn, when you hunt Maiasaura you do so with Disadvantage.

Locate Euryale = 85
Euryale Action Selected: Stamina (Short Rest near West Delta Border)
Socialize With Euryale = 47

Search for Maiasaura = 92
Medusa Stealth Check = 12
Maiasaura Lookout Perception Check = 28

Disease Resistance = 72, 85

Euryale Disease Resistance = 71, 75

Stheno Disease Resistance = 70, 97

Author Note: I was going to include the rest option within this post, but then I did the rolls for it and... well, something happened to you guys. Stay tuned to find out.
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