Lords of the Lost World: A Jurassic Park dinosaur Quest

[X] Patrol Territory - Your territory needs to be defend it and the best way to do that is to patrol it in search of potential intruders.
-[X] The center
[X] Long rest within your territory - You need as much rest as you can get and there is no need to play it safe within your own territory.
-[X] Rest in the heart of your territory.
[X] Search for Species - There are a myriad of species living in your territory but it isn't like you know where exactly they all are. It might be good to try and find the spots they frequent for future reference.
-[X] Maiasaura
January, 1994 - Week 2.2
[X] Patrol Territory - Your territory needs to be defend it and the best way to do that is to patrol it in search of potential intruders.
-[X] The center
[X] Long rest within your territory - You need as much rest as you can get and there is no need to play it safe within your own territory.
-[X] Rest in the heart of your territory.
[X] Search for Species - There are a myriad of species living in your territory but it isn't like you know where exactly they all are. It might be good to try and find the spots they frequent for future reference.
-[X] Maiasaura
Patrol the Center

After the events of last week you take to patrolling the interior of your territory, being on the lookout for any signs of last week's invaders have returned. However, after so much time their scent has pretty much faded or been covered up by the scent of other creatures, like your sisters or one of the other dinosaur species who call your territory home. You do manage to get a vague idea where the Deinonychus might have come from as the sent leads east before becoming to faded to properly follow. Seems like they haven't returned after last week's battle, probably terrified of the apex predator that stalks these jungles they intruded into.

However... You do detect an unfamiliar scent. You snort the air, the scent of an unknown creature filling your lungs, looking around to see if you can see anything out of the ordinary. Once you got the direction of the scent pinned down you began to track it to its source, your thunderous footsteps shaking the earth as you navigated through the thick jungles of your territory to find the intruder.

Up ahead as the scent gets thicker you spot something moving past the trees. You slow your movement so your footfalls wouldn't give you away as you approach. As you near the edge of the treeline you see what you have been tracking: a herd of eight four legged medium-sized dinosaurs, greenish brown in color with white stripes along its tail and possessing a bulbous nose all huddled together, getting ready to sleep. You eyed these new creatures curiously, below slowly slinking back intl the jungle. You found the intruders, but you don't think they'll be any threat to you... yet.

You gain +5 Health
You lose -10 Stamina
You lose -10 Satiety
For the next turn the chance of a carnivore patrol events are lowered.
Rolls for rest in the heart of your territory for this turn and the next are rolled with advantage.
Muttaburrasaurus added to Southern Highland Bestiary.

Long rest within the heart of your territory

After making sure the area was secure, you feel less weary about resting within your territory. With no sign of any potential threats to your person sighted — especially that pack of Deinonychus — you can rest in peace. You lay upon the ground, that unfortunately smelled of that new herd of Muttaburrasaurus that walked through the area, and soon you drifted to sleep.

Time past as you slumbered, dreaming a pleasant dream of running carefree through an open field and hunting the goats your creators use to feed you, but soon you reawaken from your rest. Your eyes crack open and your massive maw open to inhale the warm jungle air with a mighty yawn. It has gotten considerably darker out, the sky that you could see through the dense forest canopy having began the process of turning a light blue to the warm hue of orange. Your primitive mind has no idea how much has pasted but that doesn't matter, you are awake now and fully energized.

You pull yourself up from the ground, shaking the dust and dirt off your body as you righted yourself, and began to trudge off into the woods.

You gain +30 Health
You gain +65 Stamina
You lose -30 Satiety

Search for Maiasaura

You don't know where the Maiasaura had ran off to after your startled them away last week but you felt the need to try and find them. Something that proves harder to do this time around than last time. You tried going back to the clearing you had tracked them to before, hoping to pick up the scent to locate them. Unfortunately the scent has become rather faded in the time since you were last here. You try to follow the faded scent but it proves to be a very difficult to do so, especially as you lose it multiple times before finding it again. After a while it becomes far too faded and you lose it completely around your territory's border with the Deep Channel completely just as the daylight begins to truly die.

You grumble in defeat and turn around to march back into the jungles of your territory. You snort the cooling air in frustration, find it just oddly harder to breathe than usual.

You gain +5 Health
You lose -10 Stamina
You lose -10 Satiety

You've contracted the Avian Pox disease!

Avian Pox
Avian pox is a viral infection adapted to birds that can affect dinosaur health. It typically attacks respiratory system, because its ability to survive dry, dusty environments means that it often attacks the mucous membranes. You will suffer an additional -10 to Stamina from actions and gain less Satiety from Satiety actions until the disease has passed.

Patrol Results = 74
Patrol Event = 100
Patrol Event Selected: Medium Herbivore expands into territory.
Species Selected: Muttaburrasaurus

Long Rest Uninterrupted = 72, 20

Search For Maiasaura = 45

Disease Resistance = 31, 14
Disease Selected: Avian Pox

Euryale Disease Resistance = 75, 62

Stheno Disease Resistance = 28, 55
So half and half I guess.

We're finally rested up and we've even found new prey species.

But we're sick and the other big prey species we need to pin down is nowhere in sight.
I'm thinking of Searching for the Muttaburrasaurus since the Maiasaura aren't cooperating, and Hunting them. And we can probably afford to try Socializing again, maybe even with an Advantage if we have a kill to attract our sisters' attention and share.
Not a bad idea. Shouldn't put this off too long.

OOC I hope we don't accidentally transmit our illness to whoever but it doesn't seem to be a particularly bad illness yet.

Do we get a separate convelecence roll or do we just treat our next disease roll as us fighting off our current illness?
Avian Pox
Avian pox is a viral infection adapted to birds that can affect dinosaur health. It typically attacks respiratory system, because its ability to survive dry, dusty environments means that it often attacks the mucous membranes. You will suffer an additional -10 to Stamina from actions and gain less Satiety from Satiety actions until the disease has passed.
Bird Flu truly is insidious
So when the Muttaburrasaurus was originally found it was classified as a iguanadontid. But nowadays it is considered to be part of the more basal Rhabdodontid group on the ornithopod family tree. What this means is that Muttaburrasaurus was probably entirely bipedal in life instead of shifting between a quadrupedal and bipedal stance depending on the circumstance.

Iguanadontids and the later hadrosaurids had distinct specializations in their hands for a predominately quadrapedal lifestyle. We know that while both of these families of animals ran bipedally, during typical day to day activity they moved around quadrupedally. We have plenty of fossil footprints that support this dual mode of life.

Iguanadontid hands had five fingers. The middle three fingers were very thick and heavy with blunt claws modified into hoof like structures. These three fingers had severely limited mobility in relation to each other as well as the rest of the hand and were also heavily reinforced with tendon. These were weight bearing structures for supporting the heavy, bulky body. Iguanadontids also had a short and immobile thumb that ends in a "thumb spike" modified claw and a long, independently mobile "pinky" finger that could actually be used to hook and grasp things. We're not entirely sure what the thumb spike was used for. Protective weaponry against predators, weapon used for territorial and mating battles, tools for digging or stripping bark and branches from trees were all suggested. Probably some combination of all of them, although the stripping bark idea is probably a wash considering what we think iguanadotid diet consisted of. The later hadrosaurids lost the thumbs (and thumb spikes) and the length/mobility of their pinkies. Their three "walking" fingers became even more immobile and reinforced which is not surprising considering just how big and heavy some of them got. In fact some rare fossilized skin impressions shows that those fingers were likely partially covered in a skin "sheath", further stiffening them and reinforcing their weight bearing capabilities.

More basal ornithopods, including the rhabdodontids (Muttaburrasaurs), had weak and small five fingered hands without any of the weight bearing adaptations of the iguanadontids and hadrosaurids. They also lacked the extra long and beefy arms of the iguanodontids or the special curve in the spines and shoulders of hadrodaurids that allowed them to actually adopt a comfortable quadrupedal posture. They were obligate bipeds. On the other hand most of them were also fairly small, light, and quick animals. So such bipedalism was easy to maintain. Muttaburrasaurus was actually on the very upper extreme of the size range at 8 meters and ~3 tons for basal ornithopods. Most other members ranged from under a meter to ~4 meters long. This large size and the lack of preserved arms probably contributed to their initial erroneous classification. A lot of earlier restoration gave them beefy iguanadon arms, including the characteristic thumb spikes. Those most probably didn't exist.

Incidentally the other group of advanced ornithopods, the ceratopsians, also had notable features in their forelimbs. Or it's more accurate to say that they had a lack of proper adaptations in their forelimbs. Ceratopsians evolved over a very short period of evolutionary time from small obligate bipedal ancestors to (at least with some members) large or very large obligate quadrupedal descendants. Their forelimbs were not fully adapted to supporting their bodies, instead they were still in a transitional stage. If you look at a properly restored skeleton of a large neoceratopsian like a triceratops, you'll see that their forelimbs are slightly splayed like that of a lizard. They angle diagonally outwards from the shoulder, bend inward again at the elbow, and their forefeet were pointed partially inward. On the other hand their hind legs were properly columnar and vertical. This awkward build meant that quadrupedal neoceratopsians were anything but good runners. However, their forward center of mass (and their forelimbs) meant they were able to turn very quickly and were adept at throwing their weight to either side.
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January, 1994 - Week 3
Isla Sorna Weather Report: Fog
Effect: All dinosaurs roll advantage on Stealth rolls and disadvantage on Perception rolls.

Fog blankets the ancient forest canopy of Isla Sorna, the rays of sunlight barely filtering through the dense of fog. You wander through the dense fortress of trees that make your territory, your massive frame casting a shadow upon the gray wall of clouds that filters through the trees. An ancient ghost stalking the modern beauty of Isla Sorna's environment. The frighting image is of course somewhat dampened by the sniffling and sneezing you are doing as your mucus builds up and makes it difficult to breathe at times from the sickness that ravages your respiratory system. Why this happens to you is completely unknown to your prehistoric mind, in fact it doesn't matter. All you know is it hurts to breathe and you got weird painful bumps over your snout. Doing anything will be uncomfortable for a while...

Choose three actions:

[ ] Stamina:
No creature can go without rest, not even one as mighty as you. It is good every now and then to stop and take a breather.

[ ] Satiety: Hunger is the most primal of needs. Whether you gain your food by scavenging it or hunting it, the end result is the same: a full belly.

[ ] Social: You are not the only one living here, there are other members of your species you can interact with, whether positively or not! No creature is an island, after all.

[ ] Territory: You have your kingdom and as its ruler you have to maintain it, expand it, and defend it.

There will be a FOUR HOUR moratorium on voting to allow discussion.

Our Health and Stamina are nearly full. But we are nearing only half Satiety. We should take care of that.

Can we hunt off of our memory of where we last saw the Muttaburrasaurus herd or do we need another perception roll?

If not we'll definite want to take advantage of the stealth bonus while the fog is here.
We can do a Territory action to locate the Muttaburrasaurus followed by Hunting them. Doing a Social increases the chance of the sister we interact with catching our Pox if they fail their regular Disease roll, but it doesn't say anything about it affecting the initial Resistance roll itself, and the Pox isn't the worst disease they could get if they fail their roll, so I'm not too dissuaded from it.
We can do a Territory action to locate the Muttaburrasaurus followed by Hunting them. Doing a Social increases the chance of the sister we interact with catching our Pox if they fail their regular Disease roll, but it doesn't say anything about it affecting the initial Resistance roll itself, and the Pox isn't the worst disease they could get if they fail their roll, so I'm not too dissuaded from it.

The fog is a double edge sword. It helps hide Medusa but it also hides her prey from her. This is why I want to know if Medusa has some idea of where the Muttabburasaurs are. A search action here might be plain fruitless or worse stampede them out of bounds like it happened with the Maiasaura. Maybe just do 2 hunting actions instead? We can double up on 1 action type.
[X] Satiety x2: Hunger is the most primal of needs. Whether you gain your food by scavenging it or hunting it, the end result is the same: a full belly.

[X] Social: You are not the only one living here, there are other members of your species you can interact with, whether positively or not! No creature is an island, after all.

[X] Satiety x2:
Hunger is the most primal of needs. Whether you gain your food by scavenging it or hunting it, the end result is the same: a full belly.

[X] Social: You are not the only one living here, there are other members of your species you can interact with, whether positively or not! No creature is an island, after all.

Our Health and Stamina are nearly full. But we are nearing only half Satiety. We should take care of that.

Can we hunt off of our memory of where we last saw the Muttaburrasaurus herd or do we need another perception roll?

If not we'll definite want to take advantage of the stealth bonus while the fog is here.
Nah, you need to roll for hunting. Animals don't stay in place after all.
We can do a Territory action to locate the Muttaburrasaurus followed by Hunting them. Doing a Social increases the chance of the sister we interact with catching our Pox if they fail their regular Disease roll, but it doesn't say anything about it affecting the initial Resistance roll itself, and the Pox isn't the worst disease they could get if they fail their roll, so I'm not too dissuaded from it.
I suppose you could. Although hunting them in the same turn will negate the bonus you get from a successful search.
[X] Satiety x2: Hunger is the most primal of needs. Whether you gain your food by scavenging it or hunting it, the end result is the same: a full belly.
[X] Social: You are not the only one living here, there are other members of your species you can interact with, whether positively or not! No creature is an island, after all.
[X] Satiety x2: Hunger is the most primal of needs. Whether you gain your food by scavenging it or hunting it, the end result is the same: a full belly.
[X] Social: You are not the only one living here, there are other members of your species you can interact with, whether positively or not! No creature is an island, after all.
[X] Satiety x2:
Hunger is the most primal of needs. Whether you gain your food by scavenging it or hunting it, the end result is the same: a full belly.

[X] Social:
You are not the only one living here, there are other members of your species you can interact with, whether positively or not! No creature is an island, after all.
[X] Satiety x2: Hunger is the most primal of needs. Whether you gain your food by scavenging it or hunting it, the end result is the same: a full belly.
[X] Social: You are not the only one living here, there are other members of your species you can interact with, whether positively or not! No creature is an island, after all.
January, 1994 - Week 3.1
[X] Satiety x2: Hunger is the most primal of needs. Whether you gain your food by scavenging it or hunting it, the end result is the same: a full belly.

[X] Social: You are not the only one living here, there are other members of your species you can interact with, whether positively or not! No creature is an island, after all.

You've ignored the pangs of hunger affecting you for some time and you can't ignore your primal instincts to feed any longer. Within this lost world the predator-prey dynamic remains as strong within this island as any natural ecosystem outside the Muertes Archipelago. As a mighty apex predator you require more to fill your belly than most creatures. However, hunting down the other dinosaurs, finding carrion in which to feast upon, and just finding water do not come without their own risks, and competition for these resources will be fierce.

Select two:
[ ] Scavenge in territory
- No need to exhaust yourself searching and then bringing down another dinosaur, simply find one pre-killed! Of course, finding such remains means that the one that took it down will surely still be around and they might not be too pleased with you trying to steal their meal...

[ ] Scavenge outside of territory - No need to exhaust yourself searching and then bringing down another dinosaur, simply find one pre-killed! And certainly there must be plenty outside your own territory, but to do so would be entering another predator's territory and they will not take kindly to your intrusion.
-[ ] Southern Highlands
-[ ] West Delta
-[ ] Deep Channel

[ ] Hunt in territory - There are plenty of creatures roaming within your territory, any of them could potentially make an easy meal for yourself. Of course, finding them and bringing them down are two different things.
-[ ] Select one species from any unlocked bestiary. (Optional)

[ ] Hunt outside of territory - There are a great many other dinosaurs living outside the borders of your little slice of Sorna, and they are all just as much a meal as any you can find within your territory. However, you are do not know just what lurks outside your borders.
-[ ] Southern Highlands
-[ ] West Delta
-[ ] Deep Channel

[ ] Find water in territory - Besides food, you need to stay hydrated to stay active. Especially on a hot day. It is best if you try and find a waterhole within your borders and refresh.

[ ] Find water outside of territory - Besides food, you need to stay hydrated to stay active. Especially on a hot day. It is best if you try and find a waterhole somewhere on the island and refresh.
-[ ] Southern Highlands
-[ ] West Delta
-[ ] Deep Channel


It has been some time since you and your sisters laid claim to this section of the island, but you all have down your own thing. You younger siblings have been content to spend less time with you and wander about the expanse of your section of Isla Sorna, hunting, patrolling, etc. Perhaps it is about time you try and socialize with your family again. After all, you all share this territory together, so it is best that you all interaction with one another every now and then.

Select one:
[ ] Socialize with Euryale
- Getting some social interaction with your younger sister might do some good! Letting the two of you become closer as a group.

[ ] Assert dominance over Euryale - This is your territory and Euryale has been allowed to do her own thing for too long! You need to establish a hierarchy to let her know her place under you if she will continue to live here!

[ ] Force Euryale out of your territory - This territory isn't bigger enough for the two of you. It is high time Euryale be made to leave.

[ ] Socialize with Stheno - Getting some social interaction with your younger sister might do some good! Letting the two of you become closer as a group.

[ ] Assert dominance over Stheno - This is your territory and Stheno has been allowed to do her own thing for too long! You need to establish a hierarchy to let her know her place under you if she will continue to live here!

[ ] Force Stheno out of your territory - This territory isn't bigger enough for the two of you. It is high time Stheno be made to leave.

There will be a FOUR HOUR moratorium on voting to allow discussion.
[ ] Hunt in territory - There are plenty of creatures roaming within your territory, any of them could potentially make an easy meal for yourself. Of course, finding them and bringing them down are two different things.

[ ] Find water in territory - Besides food, you need to stay hydrated to stay active. Especially on a hot day. It is best if you try and find a waterhole within your borders and refresh.

[ ] Socialize with Euryale - Getting some social interaction with your younger sister might do some good! Letting the two of you become closer as a group.
[ ] Hunt in territory - There are plenty of creatures roaming within your territory, any of them could potentially make an easy meal for yourself. Of course, finding them and bringing them down are two different things.

[ ] Find water in territory - Besides food, you need to stay hydrated to stay active. Especially on a hot day. It is best if you try and find a waterhole within your borders and refresh.

[ ] Socialize with Euryale - Getting some social interaction with your younger sister might do some good! Letting the two of you become closer as a group.
You're gonna need to put a little X in those boxes if you want to vote for them.