Lord of the Stars II Quest

i already made my comments earlier.

Your plan looks good, but there's a few things i'm unsure if they'll work or not, like using the general R&D slots to research x-1 applied sciences, my understanding of that was only Chekov had enough skill/understanding to research the various X artifacts. I also don't know if we can apply the VI lab assistant bonus to Chekov, given he's got his own VI assistant already.

I do have one major concern: Are you sure we should leave the ministry of truth un-repaired?
Applied Sciences: Chekov's passing off notes to his assistants which can be used in general slots. However only Chekov can work on X-1 to develop new items of science.

VI Assistants: Only applies to GENERAL R&D slots. Not specialist ones. Nor does it apply to Chekov's X-lab slot.

Mech Production: Acceptable, but going to raise issues. Going to need to pick Behemoths or Hunters, one or the other.
Hunters then, We're not quite ready to be assaulting enemy fortifications and a +15 against enemy mechs is a potent bonus

Applied sciences: That is good news!
[x] Truth's plan

I think next turn we might want to try using two slots of artifact creation to make something that eases zeal. Something that makes gremlins more susceptible to star power perhaps, and then our espionage people could try to activate it in tricorp cities.
I've thought about participating, but all the numbers are a bit intimidating. I'll see if I can chip in something though.
I would drop Hunter mech platoon - after all, part of it's capabilites is derieved from Behemoth and Hunter synergy, so pure Hunter unit is likely to be significaly weaker.

On the other hand, we'll need engine-metal both for industrial sector and energon engines.
Zeitgeist said:
Okay, but you also have a typo in your plan. It's behemoth-Hunter mech platoon. I'd rather not get a weaker unit for the same cost.
Trent said that we don't have enough resources to make Hot Fusion cores for both Behemoths and Hunters.

Perhaps we can swap Grenadier's fusion cores for energon engines and use salvaged materials for Behemoth production?
Energon Engines for Mechs: Its going to up the pricetag a little and lower some of the strength bonuses, but the conversion is possible, even if it will restrict future mech-development due to power scaling issues and need for a fuel supply.

Hot Fusion: + strength, requires rare metamaterials. Risk of overload when shot at. Easy to scale up.
Energon: plentiful, but scaling problems. Dependant on fuel supply.

Chekov reports that in light of metametal shortage he's integrating plans for more economical Hot Fusion Cores into his HFC 2.0 plan as well as more powerful cores.

The Raider is mildly pissed at HFC shortage, she wants to build more Beserkers. The Master at Arms grimly sets about making energon-engine refits to the mech bodies and would like some time to come up with plans for them.

The Baron, Director, and Scout seem to be taking this all in stride and start searching for alternate metametal sources that don't involve going into the Ice Forest sector. And will probably monopolize on the source for themselves.
mc2rpg said:
When I asked earlier Trent said we describe what we want the artifact to do, then the roll determines how successful the thing is at what we wanted.
So. We could say, make a machine that converts normal metal into metametal?
I assume that would take one hell of a roll. I am more interested in making a machine that makes people more susceptible to zeal.
@Trent : Will we get enough cores/metametal if we convert only Grenadiers to energon engines to build full Behemoth/Hunter platoon?
dragonwarz said:
So. We could say, make a machine that converts normal metal into metametal?
Trent01 said:
Good conditions for the stuff to form, as its a type of impurity in engine-metals
Seems to imply, at least to me, that if we were able to make engine-meal, metametal also would have been within our capabilities, and per :
Trent01 said:
Massive scale foundry (0 of 80)
(74, 74 of 80)
This foundary is above and beyond what came before in the area of high-yield smelting, and may even hold the key for Gremlins to refine their own form of engine-metal from base materials.
We may be able to make engine-metal with right tools.
Jexx said:
@Trent : Will we get enough cores/metametal if we convert only Grenadiers to energon engines to build full Behemoth/Hunter platoon?

Seems to imply, at least to me, that if we were able to make engine-meal, metametal also would have been within our capabilities, and per :

We may be able to make engine-metal with right tools.
Barely enough, and going to really cut down on Grenadier preformance and capability. The Master at Arms built those things with HFC's in mind.

On Metametal forging, thats a possibility, with some research.
A Cycle passes.....

Action List #1

* * * * * * *

Star Power (2 slots)
[x] [x] Continue the rebellion in the outer colonies, expand the rebellion in the 2nd tier and core cities. (+10; Factory of Faith)
- Add focus to the core beliefs of our religions, the Star God, and MASSIVE explosions.
(82+64+10= 156, success)

The rebellion continues and swells in Tricorp, forcing them to divert more forces to internal policing and use more heavy-handed methods.

While there is more success in sparking rebellion in the second-tier cities, the core colonites remain immune. And with them, the core of Tricorp's military, economy, industry, and whatever else they have at their capital.

The window of opportunity for sabotage has been increased by two cycles. (Up to four more turns)

* * * * * * *

General R&D (2 slots)
[x] [x] X1 AppSci- Precision Mechanisms "Improve mech legs, artillery, and industry" (-20) (+10; VI Lab Aids)
(82+65-20+10= 137, success)

Chekov's plans for improved precision mechanisms demand a degree of quality control and calibration normally way beyond the usual parameters for Gremlin engineering. While he was able to simplify his work, this is beyond cutting edge stuff.

Besides improvements in mecha repair and maintenance, precision mechanisms allow for bigger guns and more accurate guns for both Mechs and Artillery. Industry also benefits from having better assembly line systems.

However, beyond application of the mechanism, no Gremlin is really attempting to take it any further or improve on Chekov's design at this time.

[+5 base strength to mech battalions]
[+5 base strength to artillery batteries]
[Industrial Sector: +5 -> +10 to one industry-related action per turn]

* * * * * * *

General Actions (9 slots)
[x] [x] Repair Industrial Sector (0 of 100) (+30; Chekov's Reactor)
(32+51+30= 113, 113 of 100. Repairs complete)
Repairs are made promptly and quickly to the Industrial Sector and the facility is online within half the Cycle.

[x] Brew Coffee
(1d3-1= 2)
With time, effort, care, and a lot of grunt work, coffee and sugar and all the little things that go into a good cup of joe are all put together.

[Yield: x2 Coffee]

[x] Counter-Intel Ops (+20; C3^2)
(13+20= 33, failure)
Tracking down Tricorp's saboteur circle in your territory is proving to be difficult to say the least. Even with secure coms, the so-called "Tri-Sec" forces are difficult to track, let alone eliminate.

Projectionists were unable to determine when or where the next bombing attempt would occur, but it will be sooner rather than later.

[x] Finish Armor Battalion (128 of 160)
(77, 205 of 160)
the last of the energon engine conversions are complete and the tank unit is rolling off the assembly lines with ease.

Armored Company (160 points, Strength 16)
Heavy Metal: -2 to strength losses. Slow.
Battle Cannons: +4 combat strength, x2 when using Heavy Munitions
Striker Tanks: +5 combat strength.
Big lasers: +4 combat strength, x2 against armor or heavies.

[x] Finish High-Tech Munitions (28 of 50)
(91, 119 of 50)
Production of the initial line of high-tech munitions is complete, and there was enough enough time and surplus industrial energy to make another.

[Yield: 2x High Tech Munitions.]

[x] Build Hunter Mech Platoon Add-On* (0 of 60) (-20; expensive) (+20; The Armor Bay) (+20; Racial) (+30; Factory of Faith) (+10; Planetary Exploitation)
(33-20+20+20+30+10= 93 of 60)
It takes a ton of effort to build the high-power Hunter mechs with remaining limited resources. Without synergy with Behemoth mechs however, their capabilities are somewhat reduced. The need for some of them to work with oversized Energon engines also complicates the matter.

Once Hot fusion core production resumes, the unit can be refitted to assume maximum possible combat effectiveness.

[Add-on: Hunter mech platoon]
Hunters: +4 combat strength, x2 against mechs.

[x] [x] Bore-hole mining.
(1d6+2= 4)
(1d6+2= 5)

The boreholes churn to full power and prove their worth they they produce massive amounts of engine-metal from the depths of the engine-city. Recycling, reprocessing, reusing. The Baron is very proud, and takes a few choice bits for himself before releasing the rest for govenrment industry use.

[Yield: x9 Engine Metals]

Action List #2

* * * * * * *

Creator R&D
[x] Creator Database Diving 101 - Unguided, lets see what turns up.
(36, failure)
Nothing important comes up. Either they keep running into Firewalls or can't make sense of the data or just keep finding trival stuff. Nothing major to report has been found.

Engineering R&D
[x] Design Miniaturized Energon engines for Power Armor.
(10, major failure)
A test engine ended up cooking the occupant alive in a prototype suit, before blowing up and causing some major damage to the lab. While the damage is contained, it will take some repairs and time to reconstruct the data.

[Engineering Lab offline for one turn]

X-1 R&D
[x] X1 Appsci- Hot Fusion 2.0 "My designs were crude. I see so much better now. I can fix them." (-30) (+25; Chekov/EVE)
(75-30+25= 70, success)
Chekov and EVE have come up with a few new designs for Hot Fusion Cores.

1) The "economical" design. Its bulkier and less refined as its predecessor, but requires less than half the metametals to work and is overall much more simple to produce. It also has a higher chance of overload if damaged, but Chekov calls it an acceptable risk.

2) The "dual stack" design. Chekov is thinking big here. Two large max-power HFC's paired together for incredibly high power. It would be extremely bulky though, and way beyond what our current mechs can even use. Evidently Chekov has other plans for these.

Chekov has also made some minor refinements to the design of the original HFC for more power. Overall, these are less radical innovations and more akin to natural evolutions of the technology. But then again, HFC technology is still beyond common Gremlin understanding, so noone else can develop new methods of plasma containment like Chekov.

Military R&D
[x] Let the Master of Arms have it, ask him for anything to help with the Tricorps invasion.
(32, failure)
The Master at Arms is diverting military R&D resources and manpower into some project of his own he isn't willing to elaborate on just yet. The government and military cut him some slack here after his previous successes and let him be to his work. Can't contain genius, so don't try.

In the meantime the Master at Arms is also at work trying to refine his powered armor designs to little success at the moment. Energon engines simply arn't working out for him right now but he isn't sure what could replace them. He reports he'll require more time or just wait until more metametals are found before pursuing the technology right now.

* * * * * * *

Build Action
[x] Public Schooling System (108 of 250 points)
- Continue to ask for the Director's assistance.
(58, 166 of 250)
(1d20= 2, the Director is not available right now. He's busy with something else)
Classes are going well, and scholarships are beginning to be handed out to worker families to encourage higher education. The system is set and just needs to start graduating classes before results can be calculated.

Economic Action
[x] Continue Industrial DEA (95 of 400)
(65, 160 of 400)
The first of the major forgeworks are going online and on-site worker housing is also available and of reasonable quality, speeding up work. Several production lines are focused on manufacturing rather than general building. This could be of use in various consumable strategic items.

Exploration Action
[x] Scout out probable invasion routes that Tricorps could use to attack us.
- Ask for the Scout's help.
(1d20= 17, Scout helps)

There are three routes to your territory that are reasonably safe, easy for supply trains to work, and allow military forces through.

Route 1) Through the Garden. The jungle and biodome area is good for infantry to fight in, and the defender will have trouble holding onto it due to limited defensibility of the area compared to the abundance of strategic points. Large amounts of vegitation, edible fruits, and arable land make this area extremely valuable. Tricorp is mustering large numbers of light infantry to take the Garden area, led by the "Trench Dog" hero.

Route 2) Through Starport-Beta. A defensible fortress for us and the troops we have there. However with open terrain and easy access routes to the area, Tricorp seem to be moving large numbers of mechs on a direct assault here, despite their internal unrest. Unknown mech classifications spotted, as well as the hero "09". Brace for incoming.

Route 3) Underground. The Scout reveals there are large maintenance shafts and tunnels the Tricorp could use. Despite airlocking several tunnels and collapsing others, The Scout cannot guarantee the security of the underground. However, coordinating units down there will be hazardous and near-impossible to say the least. In addition, the cramped conditions preclude the use of heavy weapons or even guns in areas of gas activity. It will be close-quarters combat, if Tricorp choses to send anyone this way. The Scout has deployed his Rangers to cover this area, just in case.

Espionage Action
[x] Aid the Tricorps rebellion, give supplies, run recon, get intel, sabotage supply lines. (+20; The Spy) (+20; Zeal Rebellion)
(77+20+20= 117, critical success)
The Spy has pulled off a miracle and contacted several resistance cells, supplying them with heavy weapons and extra firepower to cause more havoc. This was waged heavy damage to several Tricorp facilities and infrastructure.

The resistance report however that their efforts are not sustainable. Several Tricorp CEOs have viciously stamped out resistance in the second-tier cities and seems content to let the outer rim colonies rot and let the rebellion burn itself out. This isn't good. In addition, none of the resistance have been able to make a foothold in core cities. Police and security are too strong.

Regardless, at the moment Tricorp can't mobilze forces and they are taking heavy damage from within. Now is the best time to strike.

Critical Tricorp areas in the rim area.
1) Sector 45. A biological weapons factory with attendant secondary systems. Tricorp is brewing some nasty stuff here and should be neutralized.
2) Argo City. A wealthy-ish outer rim colony. Take it, and the Resistance will be able to gather public support while it will also be a base for deeper strikes.
3) The Joran Wells. Massive energon wells being pumped for fuel for the Tricorp war machine. Take out the fuel, we knock out their vehicle power, or cripple it at least.

Once all three are taken, we can then strike at the second-tier cities and then the core cities. This will not be a short war, but with Resistance support we can focus on the key areas while letting them handle secondary targets of opportunity.

* * * * * * * *

Random Actions
[X] The Inventor- NEED. MORE. COFFEE.
(1d3-1= 2 +1 Chekov)
Chekov is....a little addicted to caffeine right now. And just brewed some more coffee to sate his need for science and mental stimulation. He's thrown away most of what he made through, leaving it for other science teams while trying to develop his own personal mix. Who knew he was such a good drink mixer?

EVE reports health issues with Chekov however. Put simply, he's getting old for a Gremlin, and pushing himself too hard to get science done. EVE advises to either make him sit down and rest for a cycle, or find some longevity treatments. Chekov doesn't have forever to live.

[Yield: x3 units of coffee]

[X] The Baron- Vertical Consolidation: Engine Metals(?)
(78+20= 98, critical success)
The Baron is rapidly swallowing up several minor engine-metal industries and developing what amounts to a vertically stacked engine-metal industry. He controls supply, transport, and processing. He has competition, so this isn't a monopoly, but it is a ruthless tactic thats given him a edge against any compeditors. For the moment, he isn't pressing for monopoly however.

What he has done however, is start building a ton of smelters, mines, and processing centers with an evident intent of producing advanced engine-metal composites and other exotic materials. He's up to something and nobody can tell what.

[X] Raider R&D- Project Darkfang

Project Darkfang continues apace. Unusually, the Raider has aquised to government pressure. While she won't be showing what shes up to, she will relinquish the labspace to the government once the project is over. Thats something at least. However when a attempt was made to plant a spy in the lab, he returned with a knife and a note stuck in his back. "Government must know where its power ends and where to respect private interest."

Hidden trucks are leaving the lab, as are mechs with large coverings on them to hide....something. Military officals are guessing she's scared of Tricorp too and is building up in case of invasion. Still a bit of an issue through, considering what she's starting to demand of the military contractors and economic sources she's been given. She's pumping everything she can get up-front and damn the long-term consequences.
Turn 15.

  • 3x Creator shuttles.
    • 1x Creator shuttle on loan to Raider.
    • 1x Creator shuttle is MIA, presumed destroyed.
  • 2x Gremlin shuttles.
  • 1st Armsmen Battalion, strength 19
    EXO support squad, +4 combat strength.
    Support Weapon Brigade: +3 strength, medium.
    Vanguard Brigade: +3 combat strength.
    Hardtrooper Platoon: +4 combat strength
    Light: Lightly equipped with few anti-vehicle weapons or bodyarmor.
  • 2nd Armsmen Battalion, strength 17
    Laser Ersatz-Tanks: +2 combat strength.
    Spiderweave vests: -1 to any strength loss in combat.
    Light: Lightly equipped with few anti-vehicle weapons or bodyarmor.
  • 3rd Armsmen Battalion, strength 17
    Support Weapon Brigade: +3 strength, medium.
    Light: Lightly equipped with few anti-vehicle weapons or bodyarmor.
  • 1st Armored Company, strength 16.
    Heavy Metal: -2 to strength losses. Slow.
    Battle Cannons: +4 combat strength, x2 when using Heavy Munitions
    Striker Tanks: +5 combat strength.
    Big lasers: +4 combat strength, x2 against armor or heavies.
  • "First Ironsides", 1st Mech Battalion, strength 25
    Juggernaut Mechs: -1 to strength loss in battle, +10 combat strength.
    Valiant Mechs: +5 combat strength, x2 against light mechs or infantry.
    Grenadier Mechs: +5 combat strength.
    Attrition Warfare (Grenadier Action): +20 combat strength against fortifications, +3 strength loss in battle.
    Hunter Mechs: +4 combat strength, x2 against mechs.
  • Ironclaw Security Battalion, strength 24/25
    Reserves: -2 to any strength loss.
    Sappers: +5 combat strength, x2 if against improvements, fortifications, or remnant robots.
    EXO shock troopers: +5 to combat strength, x2 if against large enemy units.
    Talon Artillery: + 5 combat strength, x2 with Heavy Munitions.
    Mechanized: Mobile forces with motorbikes, APC's, IFV's, and halftracks. Bonus against slow units.
    Medium: Troops wear bodyarmor, have some heavy weapons on squad level, and are well trained and equipped.
Key Items:
  • Gremlins: +20 to one industry-related action per turn.
  • Creator Software Key: +10 to one Creator-ruin related action per turn. Nullifies low/mid-level locks.
  • Hazard Gear: Reduce damage from science failures.
  • Decent logistics: Maximum of 9 units.
  • C3^2 systems: +20 for all counter-intelligence rolls.
  • VI lab-aides: +10 to all general R&D rolls.
  • Engine-metal x9. Consumable resource used by improvements for bonuses.
  • Creator Curios x0. Consumable, used by certain improvements for bonuses
  • Coffee x5. Consumable, add +20 to one R&D Action per turn.
  • Heavy Munitions x6. Very powerful above the norm explosives. Consumable. Used by military units for bonuses and buffs, or for special actions. Add 1d8 strength damage.
  • High Tech Munitions x2. Advanced type of heavy munition. Consumable.
  • Cold Fusion Cells x1. High-power cold fusion power cells. Irreplaceable, invaluable, priceless for their power and what they hold inside them.
Temporary Bonuses:
  • Tricorp Rebellion: +20 to next four turns for espionage actions in Tricorp area. (Turns 16, 17, 18, 19)
Ship templates:
  • Gremlin shuttle (40 points).
Unit templates:
  • Armsmen Company (50 points, Strength 12)
    Shrinkage 2: additional 2 strength loss per battle
    Light: Lightly equipped with few anti-vehicle weapons or bodyarmor.
  • Armsmen Battalion (75 points, Strength 17)
    Light: Lightly equipped with few anti-vehicle weapons or bodyarmor.
  • Mobile Artillery Battery (100 points, Strength 17)
    Fire-Support: +5 strength in presence of friendly units.
    Unwieldy: -5 strength when operating without support.
  • Armored Company (160 points, Strength 16)
    Heavy Metal: -2 to strength losses. Slow.
    Battle Cannons: +4 combat strength, x2 when using Heavy Munitions
    Striker Tanks: +5 combat strength.
    Big lasers: +4 combat strength, x2 against armor or heavies.
  • Mech Battalion (200 points, Strength 25)
    Juggernaut Mechs: -1 to strength loss in battle, +10 combat strength.
    Valiant Mechs: +5 combat strength, x2 against light mechs or infantry.
    Grenadier Mechs: +5 combat strength.
    Attrition Warfare (Grenadier Action): +20 combat strength against fortifications, +3 strength loss in battle.
Unit Add-ons:
  • EXO Support Squad (30 points)
    Attachment: +4 combat strength.
  • Laser Ersatz-Tanks (25 points)
    Attachment: +2 combat strength.
  • Support Weapon Brigade (40 points)
    Attachment: +3 combat strength.
    Medium: Troops wear bodyarmor and have large amounts of heavy weapons.
  • "Lancer" Helidyne Squadron (50 points)
    Attachment: +4 combat strength.
  • Behemoth-Hunter Mech Platoon (100 points)
    Attachment: +0 combat strength.
    Behemoth: +5 combat strength, x3 against fortifications.
    Hunters: +5 combat strength, x3 against mechs.
    Expensive: -20 to build rolls due to complexity.
  • Vanguard Brigade (50 points)
    Attachment: +3 combat strength.
    Rare: Require Creator Weapons.
  • Hardtrooper Platoon (50 points)
    Attachment: +4 combat strength.
    Rare: Require Creator Cyber-surgical Suite.
    Rare: Require volunteers.
  • Spiderweave vests (35 points)
    Bodyarmor: -1 to any strength loss in combat.
  • Power Armor Platoon (150 points)
    Attachment: +0 combat strength.
    Heavy Armor: -1 to strength losses.
    Power Suits: +10 combat strength, x2 with high-tech munitions.
  • Chekov (The Inventor)
    • Inspired Genius: +1 General R&D slot OR +15 to one Science roll per turn.
    • VI aide "EVE": +10 to one R&D roll per turn.
  • Sokov (The Baron)
    • Financial Smarts: +1 Economy-related action slot OR +20 to one Economy-related action per turn.
  • The Spy
    • Wetwork: +20 to one Espionage-related action per turn.
    • Lucky: Reduces Critical failure damage.
Planetary Improvements:
  • Grand Armory
    • Military Contractor: +20 bonus to Military actions or building military units.
      • Used for Raider's contract.
    • Military Testing Ground: +1 R&D slot to Military R&D ONLY or +20 to one Military R&D project.
    • Training Grounds: +2 strength to all units.
    • Incendiary Munitions Line (0 of 150 points): ??.
    • The Armor Bay: +20 to one Mech production action per turn.
  • The Industrial Sector (upgradeable, 0 of 100 points to level 3)
    • Conveyor: +10 to Industry-related actions.
    • Smelting: +5 bonus when fueled by one unit of Engine-metal, to a max of three.
    • Massive Scale Foundry: +10 to one Industry-related action per turn; upkeep: 1 engine-metal per turn.
    • Molecular Forge (0 of 250 points): +20 to one Industry-related action per turn.
  • Engineering Lab (disabled for turn 16)
    • Engineering Table: +1 Engineering-related R&D slot.
    • Server Farm (0 of 100 points): +10 to one Engineering roll per turn.
  • Creator's Labs
    • High-tech: +1 General Science Slot.
  • Chekov's Reactor
    • Generatorium: +30 to one Power-related action per turn.
  • Builder R&D Lab
    • Reverse-engineering: +1 Creator-related R&D slot.
    • Jury-rigging: +5 bonus per unit of curios to a max of two.
    • Server Farm (0 of 100 points): +10 to one Creator R&D roll per turn.
  • Creator infrastructure
    • Public transit: +1 action slot.
  • Factory of Faith (upgradeable)
    • Industrial Worship: +2 action slot.
    • Zealous Industry: +30 to one Industry-related action per turn.
    • Industrial-Faith Complex: +10 to one Zeal power-action per turn.
  • Convenience Food Factories
    • Infrastructure: ++Growth.
    • Food surplus: +10 to one Economic action per turn.
      • Used for a Raider's contract.
  • Exploration Command Center
    • Frontiersmen: +1 Exploration-only action slot OR +20 to one Exploration-related action per turn.
  • Colony Defense Initiative
    • Defensive Siege Guns: +4 strength to colony defense.
    • Colonial Guard (0 of 250 points): ??.
  • Temple of Faith
    • Temple: +1 Starlord action.
    • Faith: ++Morale.
  • Ministry of Truth(damaged, 0 of 100 repaired)
    • Broadcast: +1 Media action.
      • X-Com show: +10 to one Military action or Military R&D project per turn.
      • Scrapheap Challenge aka Junkyard Wars: -20 to one exploration or scavenging action next turn.
      • Gundam TV: +10 to mech build or R&D next turn.
  • X-1 Lab
    • Totem: +1 X-1 only research slot.
  • Gremlin Intelligence Bureau
    • Shadownet: +1 Espionage-only action slot.
    • Section 06 (0 of 100 points): "The Spy wants to set up a division solely for "probe team" training. Hacking, deep-cover spying, sabotage."
  • Captain's Mechyard (0 of 300 points)
  • Industrial DEA (160 of 400 points)
    • ++++ industry.
  • Science DEA (0 of 400 points)
    • ++++ science.
  • Xeno R&D Lab (0 of 150 points)
  • Energon Power plants (0 of 175 points)
  • Military Command Nexus (0 of 200 points)
  • The Stock Exchange (0 of 250 points)
    • "Turn abstract economic power into tangible benefits"- The Baron
  • Spaceport
  • Spaceport-Beta
  • Vehicle Field Academy
  • Baron's Just-in-time-supplies
  • Titan cyber-surgical suite: ++Medical care, +Cybernetic augmentation.
  • Myco Agriculture Zones: ++Growth.
  • Factory Farm DEA's: +++Growth, +Economics.
  • Myco Processors: ++Growth.
  • Baron's Borehole: Engine-metal mining.
  • Coffee Factory: Coffee production.
  • Raider R&D Lab: Not under our control.
  • Organic Farming (0 of 200 points)
  • Ultralight Composite Fabricators (0 of 150 points)
  • State Hospital (0 of 150 point)
  • Public Schooling System (166 of 250 points)
  • The Civilian Market (0 of 150 points): +++Economics
Planetary Exploitation:
  • Industrial Level 2: +1 action slot, +10 to one Industry-related action.
  • [New R&D Project: Creator Database Diving 101] "Dive in, see what we can dig up"
  • [New R&D Project: X-1 Energy Barriers] (Need large amounts of power) "At last, energy shielding. Or beginnings thereof."- Chekov.
  • [New R&D Project: X1 AppSci- Lasers] "We've been doing it wrong! I can make them better!" (-20)
  • [New R&D Project: X1 AppSci- Mechs] "More mechs! Better mechs! Bigger mechs!" (-30)
  • [New R&D Project: X1 AppSci- Galvanic Tech] "Lightning power! Lethal in metal confines." (-20)
  • [New R&D Project: X1 AppSci- Particle Cannons] "Big energy cannons. Okay, power-hogging, but useful." (-30)
  • [New Action Project: Myco Cultivation] "Begin large-scale attempts to cultivate this stuff."
  • [New Action Project: Access Code Scavenging] "Dig around in the wastes to look for computer codes." (-20 difficulty)
  • [New Action Project: Expedition to the Ice Forest, search for X-2 (Hazardous: -20; Dark Elf class robots. Strength: 30. Combat Strength: ??; Combat in Ice Forest will be at -15 combat strength)]
  • [Build Project: Organic Farming] (0 of 200 points)
  • [Build Project: Ultralight Composite Fabricators] (0 of 150 points)
  • [Build Project: Xeno R&D Lab] (0 of 150 points)
  • [Build Project: Energon Power plants] (0 of 175 points)
  • [Build Project: Colonial Guard] (0 of 250 points)
  • [Build Project: Molecular Forge] (0 of 250 points)
  • [Build Project: Incendiary Munitions Line] (0 of 150 points)
  • [Build Project: State Hospital] (0 of 150 point)
  • [Build Project: Public Schooling System] (166 of 250 points)
  • [Build Project: Captain's Mechyard] (0 of 300 points)
  • [Build Project: Industrial DEA] (160 of 400 points)
  • [Build Project: Science DEA] (0 of 400 points)
  • [Build Project: Section 06] (0 of 100 points)
  • [Build Project: Engineering Lab Server Farm] (0 of 100 points)
  • [Build Project: Builder R&D Lab Server Farm] (0 of 100 points)
  • [Build Project: Military Command Nexus] (0 of 200 points)
  • [Build Project: The Civilian Market] (0 of 150 points)
  • [Build Project: The Stock Exchange] (0 of 250 points)
  • [Manufacturing Project: Produce Heavy Munitions, 25 points each]
  • [Manufacturing Project: Produce High-tech munitions, 50 points each]
  • [Manufacturing Project: Coffee Brewing: Produce 1d3-1 units of coffee]
  • [Manufacturing Project: Borehole Engine-Mining. Produce 1d6+2 engine metals]
  • [Repair Project: Ministry of Truth] (0 of 100 points)
Star Lord Actions:
  • [Star-Lord Action: Zeal- Worship! Religion! All obey the star-lord!] You get a little extra Star Power via worship and Life is more obedient to your wishes as well as to other tasks.
  • [Star-Lord Action: Artificer] You can design and grant gifts of unusual power to your Life. For good, or for ill.
  • [Star-Lord Action: Liberate tutemet ex inferis!] There are some levels of hyperspace best left unknown. You didn't know that. Do you dare breach the highest and lowest boundaries between dimensions?
  • [Star-Lord Action: Tinker with the Q-space tap]
Slot and modifier list for turn 16.

Slots: (Some can be converted into modifiers instead)
  • 2x Star-Power (1 inherent, 1 Temple of Faith)
  • 3x R&D (2 inherent, -1 racial, 1 Creator's Labs, 1 Hero-Chekov)
  • 1x R&D - Military (1 Grand Armory)
  • 1x R&D - Creator (1 Builder R&D Lab)
  • 1x R&D - Engineering (1 Engineering Lab) (disabled for turn 16)
  • 1x R&D - X-Artifact (1 X-1 Lab)
  • 9x Actions (5 inherent, 1 Public Transit, 2 Factory of Faith, 1 Planetary Exploitation)
  • 1x Action - Build (1 racial)
  • 1x Action - Economic (1 Hero-Sokov)
  • 1x Action - Exploration (1 Exploration Command Center)
  • 1x Action - Espionage (1 Shadownet)
  • 1x Action - Media (1 Ministry of Truth) (disabled until repaired)
Modifier list:
  • +15 to one R&D project per turn. (Hero-Chekov slot conversion)
  • +20 to one Military R&D project per turn. (Grand Armory slot conversion)
  • +20 to one Economy-related action per turn. (Hero-Sokov slot conversion)
  • +20 to one Exploration-related action per turn. (Exploration Command Center slot conversion)
  • +20 to one Industry-related action per turn. (Racial)
  • +30 to one Industry-related action per turn. (Factory of Faith)
  • +10 to one Industry-related action per turn. (Planetary Exploitation)
  • +10 to one Industry-related action per turn. (The Industrial Sector)
  • +5 to one Industry-related action when fueled by one unit of Engine-metal, to a max of three per turn. (The Industrial Sector)
  • +10 to one Industry-related action per turn, with upkeep of one unit of Engine-metal (The Industrial Sector)
  • +30 to one Power-related action per turn. (Chekov's Reactor)
  • +10 to one Creator-ruin related action per turn. Nullifies low/mid-level locks. (Creator Software Key)
  • +20 to one Mech production action per turn. (Grand Armory)
  • +5 to one Builder R&D project per unit of curios to a max of two per turn. (Builder R&D Lab)
  • +10 to one R&D roll per turn. (Hero-Chekov)
  • +10 to all General R&D rolls. (VI lab aides)
  • +20 to one R&D roll per item. (5x Item-Coffee)
  • +10 to one Zeal power-action per turn. (Factory of Faith)
  • +20 to one Espionage-related action per turn. (Hero-The Spy)
  • +20 for all Counter-intelligence rolls. (C3^2)
  • +20 to next four turns for all Espionage actions in Tricorp area. (Zeal Rebellion) (turns 16, 17, 18, 19)