Lord of the Stars II Quest

Trent01 said:
I'm putting a limit of three dice on a roll, tops. Four or more, and its impossible to fail, plus in-universe you don't have the capabilities to focus that much of your component industries and workforce on single projects just yet.
okay. Will the crew shortage affect it?
Trent01 said:
No. Gonna wrap that up nicely with the freshly graduated crews from the academy. Fits in well really.
cool. My final revision is above.

Hey, you, yeah the guy who's just reading the thread. This is a quest thread, please participate!
Thats it on the voting? Come on people, post! Debate! Discuss write-ins and plans!

Oh well, moving along with mkire's plan.
Trent01 said:
Thats it on the voting? Come on people, post! Debate! Discuss write-ins and plans!

Oh well, moving along with mkire's plan.
yeah, lately I've been kinda disappointed in the amount of participation(and i'm not the one writing it!). Though i will say i'm guilty of simply reading quest threads myself.
TheTruth said:
The reason I have cut back so much is that my company fired 50 people at once at my location and I am the last person on my project. I have been working 60 hours a week minimum to try to get things on schedule. Just 2 Fridays ago I worked a 18 hour day with only 3 hours of sleep before hand since I worked the previous night.

I had to back out of many things because of it and I really wish I could participate more, all I really have time is late Sunday like now.
Ouch. Well good luck to you then. I'll try and keep things interesting so you have nice things to read until your done and ready to jump in again.
TheTruth said:
The reason I have cut back so much is that my company fired 50 people at once at my location and I am the last person on my project. I have been working 60 hours a week minimum to try to get things on schedule. Just 2 Fridays ago I worked a 18 hour day with only 3 hours of sleep before hand since I worked the previous night.

I had to back out of many things because of it and I really wish I could participate more, all I really have time for still like this anymore is late Sunday like now.

I suspect that this shitty world economy is hitting many of our adult posters.
Well let's look on the bright side, at least you kept your job.
TheTruth said:
The reason I have cut back so much is that my company fired 50 people at once at my location and I am the last person on my project. I have been working 60 hours a week minimum to try to get things on schedule. Just 2 Fridays ago I worked a 18 hour day with only 3 hours of sleep before hand since I worked the previous night.

I had to back out of many things because of it and I really wish I could participate more, all I really have time for still like this anymore is late Sunday like now.

I suspect that this shitty world economy is hitting many of our adult posters.
ouch. I hope your work environment improves soon
(x) Mkire's plan

With tricorp coming to attack us do we need to distribute troops? I remember trent mentioning something along those lines. The only unit distribution I remember is we had a force at the starport near Tricorp.
mc2rpg said:
(x) Mkire's plan

With tricorp coming to attack us do we need to distribute troops? I remember trent mentioning something along those lines. The only unit distribution I remember is we had a force at the starport near Tricorp.
if that is true someone besides me will have to do it, i have no eye for tactical combat, and my idea of strategic combat is 'out produce the other bastard and use sheer numbers to win'
Post up your plan regardless Zeist, while I think Mkire's plan is certainly workable alternatives are always nice.
You handle war on a strategic level, not a tactical one at the moment. Picking terrain, unit maneuvers, anything below macro-level activities requires a certain degree of precision focus currently not available to you. At least, not without a military hero you can use as a conduit.
Trent01 said:
You handle war on a strategic level, not a tactical one at the moment. Picking terrain, unit maneuvers, anything below macro-level activities requires a certain degree of precision focus currently not available to you. At least, not without a military hero you can use as a conduit.
Zeitgeist wanted to know if it was too late for him to propose a plan and for people to vote for it?
Fraid so. Already half-done working with your plan mkire.

EDIT: Also, what is your media action? Its not listed here.
Trent01 said:
Fraid so. Already half-done working with your plan mkire.

EDIT: Also, what is your media action? Its not listed here.
i didn't have one, I'll dig up the one i proposed a while ago that didn't get used:

Faith From Afar: a once a week live broadcast of the sunday sermons given at the temple of faith. typical sermons are about how god-star wants his people to glorify him by through labor and study. Following the sermons are classes and other how-tos on various industries. There is a ten-minute period where people can call in and talk to the priest about problems they're having or see happening around them and potential solutions for them
A cycle passes.....

[x][x] Zeal: Spark rebellion among the Tri-Corps (+10; Industrial-Faith complex)

The Insurrection Begins: Gremlin-kind is a scattered and disparate species, shrouded in a time of kin-slayers, but that time has begun it's end. The Star God gazes down upon his beloved people with both pity and disgust. Though they know him not, he has watched them and those who came before with growing love. Hardy, industrious, and ever determined, yet above all know that strength comes in unity. Yet, there are some amongst them committed to the abuse of their brothers and sisters for there own gain. No more. Forget the promises of blinding lights and beguiling haze, for the star god's being exceeds any splendor and there is no greater joy then to works towards a greater purpose of your own design. Forget the lies of the betrayers, for they care for not but themselves. Forget the might of the abusers, for it is naught before the glory of our lord! Know now that this road, is long and hard, but for those who have the strength and will to take it know that a better life for all gremlin-kind is at the end. So, soldier of the faith, GO FORTH AND RESIST! RESIST WITH YOUR VOICE AND PEN, RESIST WITH GUNS AND BOMBS! Sabotage the might of their industry and military, crush what they use to distract the people from there plight, and spread the word that that there is a better way. Rally against them and liberate what you can, but know that even know the fellow disciples of the Star God even now amass there strength, ready to free us from our chains. So,RESIST, and know that in your struggles you are never alone, for the Star God is always with his true believers,

(31+41+10+ 30 Write-in focus= 112, success)

It takes some time for the new wave of zeal to spread across the Tricorp state, but halfway through the cycle scouts and spys report that multiple Tricorp colonies are beginning to rebel against the central government, both subtly and by detonating large amounts of high-tech munitions among their armies and police forces. The situation gets brutal fast, and multiple Tricorp units they were planning to send against your colonies are now tied up in domestic suppression duties. This has opened up a window for black ops and spies to be inserted as well as any supply drops to the resistance groups to spread further havoc on the Tricorp interior.

It should be noted that the New Wave has only effected the outer colonies and a handful of second-tier cities, the inner core cities were entirely immune to the zeal spark and the only rebellion going on there is from outer colony rebels setting up shop there. Even you are baffled at why this isn't working. These guys are really resistant to your influence.

[Damage to Tricorp Units: 1st Battalion, 3rd Battalion, 4th Battalion, Garrison Units]
[+20 to next three turns for espionage actions in Tricorp area]


[x] finish mech battalion 175/200 +20 (Armor bay)
(48+20= 68, 243 of 200)
The first mech battalion is up and operational with a solid core of Juggernaut and Valiant class mechs supported by large numbers of Grenadiers. Rough and ready for action, they march out of the Grand Arsenal tall and proud. The "First Ironsides" are ready to move.

Unit Produced: Mech Battalion "First Ironsides" ( Strength 20)
* Juggernaut Mechs: -1 to strength loss in battle, +10 combat strength
* Valiant Mechs: +5 combat strength, x2 against light mechs or infantry.
* Grenadier Mechs: +5 combat strength
* Attrition Warfare (Grenadier Action): +20 combat strength against fortifications, +3 strength loss in battle.
* ????
* ????

However, the Master at Arms reports a significant issue in Hot Fusion Core production (See Hotspot)

[x] finish Vehicle field academy 246/250
(56, 302 of 250, project complete)
With the first class graduating and even larger classes behind it, the crew shortage problem has now been firmly resolved. At least until the army grows to the point where new training facilities are needed.

[x][x][x] Build Armor Batallion 1/???
(89+26+12= 127, 128 of 160)
The tank group begins to be shaped up rapidly, with a series of tanks and IFV's and APC's drafted and brought online quickly. The assembly lines of the Grand Arsenal work at full speed around the clock to make massive headway in building these mighty vehicles.

[x][x][x]Baron's Just-in-Time Supplies 0/200 +Chekov's Reactor +30, factory of faith +30, +10 planetary exploitation, +5 industrial sector, +20 Racial
(Total bonuses +95, three actions)
(9+96+42 +90= 237, 237 of 200, project complete)
The Baron's plan calls for high-speed, low-bulk rapid military resupply protocols using a carefully categorized and indexed logistical framework. Its easy to implement and adapt, and greatly improves supply protocols above standard convoys and gives a valuable lifeline in times of need.

[Decent Logistics: 9 unit cap]

[x] Build High-tech munitions
(28, 28 of 50)
Production begins apace, but without additional industrial resources committed, the next batch of high-tech munitions is still a work in progress.

[x] public school system 86/250 +the director if he's willing to keep helping us with it.
(2+20= 22, 108 of 250)

The Director throws his weight around again, but at the moment progress is stalled as the system is busy trying to decide on a common grading standard, as every colony has their own ideas on what needs to be taught foremost. The project continues at a steady pace.

[x] Sabotage the enemy supply lines. +the spy (+20) +Gremlin Shuttle for transport.
(87+20= 107)
Tricorp Counter-espionage: (59+10= 69)
(Success by 40 points)

The spy dismisses the use of a shuttle for the operation, favoring a overland stealth infiltration. With the growing tide of rebellion and riots in Tricorp territory, he is able to infiltrate and supposedly cause havoc on his own. For four months, no report.

Then, multiple detonation in Tricorp supply depots. The Spy is using Tricorp's own munitions against their supply chain, blowing several links out of the chain and killing a lot of administrators. The attack on your territory is stalled by a cycle until Tricorp can regroup.

[x] continue industrial DEA 33/400
(62, 95 of 400)
The first of the major energon power-complexes go online without a hitch as the fuel large-scale construction projects on-site. The DEA is going to be site to a colony unto itself as the temporary working population expands like clockwork as the buildings and machinery go up.

[x] Prepare for an expedition to the ice forests (A bonus to the future attempt to retrieve X-2)
(3, crit fail)
A scouting party to the ice forest sector charting the way for the main exploration group run into some of the local inhabitants: remnant robots, Dark Elf class. Coordinated, active, and heavily armed. Worse, the conditions of the Ice Forest sector play into their favor as they are adapted to the cold of the area while Gremlins can barely move, let alone fight there.

There is now a strong unit of robots in the way of obtaining X-2, and without major preparations beforehand any unit sent will be fighting the cold and ice more than the robots.

[Threat Detected: Ice Forest- Dark Elf class robots. Strength: 30. Combat Strength: ??]
[Combat in Ice Forest will be at -15 combat strength]


General slots:
[x][x] C-3 Squared
(45+87= 132, success)
The code is cracked and the C3^2 systems go online. With improved encrypted command capabilities, it will be much harder for Tricorp to attack our supply lines or gain knowledge of our troop movements through datamining. In addition, with these systems, plans are laid down for a larger military command center to take advantage of the system.

[New Item: C3^2 systems. +20 for counter-intel rolls.]
[New Improvement: Military Command Nexus. 200 points]

[x] Civilian Energon engines
(76, success)
The Baron is very happy there are commercial energon engines on the market, and it opens up the civilian markets to new opportunities. In particular a series of civilian-orientated consumerist products, similar to Tricorp. Household appliances, toys, consumer goods, tradeable commodities. All because cheap transport and shipping systems are now possible. Indeed, a stock exchange might be called for to harness this newfound economic power.

[New Improvement Project: The Stock Exchange, 250 points] "Turn abstract economic power into tangible benefits"- The Baron
[New Infrastructure Project: The Civilian Market, 150 points. +++ economics]

creator lab
[x]Creator Database Diving 101: "Dive in, see what we can dig up" +10 Software key
-"Let's see what they knew about Energon."
(10+10= 20, failure)
Crap, not digging up anything here. Basic 101 database diving simply doesn't have the data we seek. Alternative records must be found. Either industrial or scientific. Either way, time to stop digging up trash and find some higher level data.

X-1 lab: x-1 ApSci: VI -20 +15 Chekov, +20 (coffee) +10 lab tech
(44-20+15+20+10= 69, success)
Chekov's Notes on the virtual intelligence program.

The VI cannot, and will not innovate. It is too simple, and unable to grasp such complex concepts. Its main specialty is as a lab aid to scientists. While perhaps dumber than a trained scientist or lab technician, the VI will serve as a needed bridge to combine multiple fields of science together. Our scientists are limited by age, indeed I have already known three to die of old age before they could grasp all the variables needed to bring a project to life.

Put it this way: A Gremlin can master field A and a little of field B in his lifetime. However he is limited by his understanding of fields C, D, G, and H which otherwise slow down his work. The VI is a jack of all trades, master of none. Ergo it can help a scientist understand field G and H without need for extensive training. Cross-speciality limits will force our technology into a plateau as sciences become too complex for any one Gremlin to know and become increasingly harder to communicate to others outside of a specialty.

My test VI, EVE, has already proven her capabilities in attempting to refine upon the Hot Fusion Core design. Heh, for all my abilities, I am no accountant, but EVE did the numbers for me when I asked and helped render the data into a form I could understand enough to make a few adjustments.....and some brutal realizations.

[New Item: VI lab-aides. +10 to all general R&D slots]
[New Hero Trait: Chekov "The Inventor"]
* VI aide "EVE"- +10 to R&D roll

Miltary testing ground: let the Master of Arms have it, along with 1 heavy munitions and the high tech munition that was produced.
(63+ 5 HM +10 HTM= 78, success)
The Master at Arms continues to hammer away at the powered armor problem. Right now, he's sticking to strength and miniaturization, speed is not an issue right now.

Using large power packs derived from Chekov's notes (which he "borrowed"), the Master at Arms managed to make the design usable, if with a short combat life. 2 hours at combat power, which will have to suffice for now. However production costs are still too high to use these as anything more than support brigades.

[New Add-on: Power Armor Platoon, cost 150]
* Heavy Armor: -1 to strength losses
* Power Suits: +10 combat strength, x2 with high-tech munitions.
* ???

Media: Faith From Afar: a once a week live broadcast of the sunday sermons given at the temple of faith. typical sermons are about how god-star wants his people to glorify him by through labor and study. Following the sermons are classes and other how-tos on various industries. There is a ten-minute period where people can call in and talk to the priest about problems they're having or see happening around them and potential solutions for them
The Ministry of Truth has fallen victim to sabotage and is unable to broadcast this program.

Random Actions:
????- Kaboom!
(HIDDEN, successful)
A series of bombs go off in the Industrial Sector and Ministry of Truth, knocking both of them offline with heavy damage. The source of these saboteurs is unknown, but the Shadownet suspects that Tricorp is waging a black ops campaign just like we are. Civilian morale is shaken at the sudden attack on home territory, and questions are raised if more attack are looming.

[Repair Industrial Sector: 100 points]
[Repair Ministry of Truth: 100 points]

The Scout- Headhunting
(98, major success)
The Scout has been busy, and his rangers have been knocking down scattered groups of remnant robots before they can gather to organize and cause harm. For the moment, the situation is well in hand and the threat of the machines has been headed off for now, minus the robots protecting the Ice Forest.

The Scout destroyed two units of robots before they could become a threat.

Raider R&D: Project Darkfang
The Shadownet have managed to slip an agent into the lower-level operations of Project Darkfang. The agent was a temp worker hired on to meet a need for labor on a assembly line for some type of exoskeleton hardsuit. He never saw a complete model, but they were designed to amplify strength and redistribute weight on the wearer, not as much as the powered armor the colonies are developing, but evidently meant for mass production. The only thing missing was the power supply, how were they going to get it powered without a giant battery pack? This technology is beyond normal Gremlin-tech.

Another intercepted transmission, almost as if they wanted the government to know in their own way. Block 1: 50%.

* * * * * * *


The Master at Arms and the Inventor have some bad news. All Hot Fusion Core production will have to end within two weeks. Put simply, the minerals Chekov needs to produce the things are running out, and he can't find more. He thought the vein of minerals he had found would go deeper, but EVE reminded him he wasn't a geologist and did a scan for him. And the results arn't pretty.

We have one Mech battalion, and thats it. The armor battalion will have to switch over to energon engines or fuel cells (no extra cost). We have few spare hot fusion cores and won't be making more for a long time until Chekov can find another supply of Metametal composites. He apologizes for this, and is attempting to locate another source as soon as he can.

The Master at Arms thinks he has an idea where some can be found: the Ice Forest. Good conditions for the stuff to form, as its a type of impurity in engine-metals, but theres the robots and the cold to consider. He doesn't envy the guys that would be working there. Alternatively, Chekov could try making a simpler variant on the HFC that doesn't require metametals to contain the plasma core, even if they would be bulkier and more risky to use.

Regardless, standard hot fusion core production has shut down for want of materials. This is not a shortage, it is a total lack of raw materials needed to make the cores.
Well, repairing the industrial sector should be our first priority, we need the arms the can produce.

Looks like we seriously need to step up our operations in the Ice Forest as well.
right, transition into energon engines, Energy cells have to get recharged.

we'll have to repair both places, The industrial sector because it's got a bunch of useful abilities and the ministry because we need to keep the public calm, and what better way to do that than through TV?

I propose we have shadownet/the spy use guerrilla warfare on the attacking army: Heavy explosive ambushes, provide the freedom fighters with weapons and supplies, that sort of thing.

definitely finish the armor battalion.

---Trent would it be possible for the labs to build upgrades for themselves rather than researching things?
So, let me get this straight.
The X-1 artifact is producing energy, but it's being shunted down to X-2, which is in the so-called "Ice Forest", which is cold as fuck. (Fuck is cold.)
My question is: what is the nature of this "Ice Forest"? Actually, let's split that in two questions.
1) What kind of "forest" is it? Are there normal trees, or something else? Like crystal growth, or metallic stuff (as in "a forest of antennae")? Does it look "natural" or artificial?
2) What kind of "ice" is it? Water ice, or something else? And why is it so cold there? One would think that the energy coming from X-1 would heat the place instead of cooling it, so either it is the local equivalent of polar regions, or something is cooling the place. If it's the latter — can any hypotheses be made about the purpose? Maybe something in the historical records?
We should probably devote a roll to counter espionage.

also recommend we research some form of environmentally sealed armor and generally some form of extreme climate mods for our mechanized forces before we make any return to the forest.
Turn 14.

  • 3x Creator shuttles.
    • 1x Creator shuttle on loan to Raider.
    • 1x Creator shuttle is MIA, presumed destroyed.
  • 2x Gremlin shuttles.
  • 1st Armsmen Battalion, strength 19
    EXO support squad, +4 combat strength.
    Support Weapon Brigade: +3 strength, medium.
    Vanguard Brigade: +3 combat strength.
    Hardtrooper Platoon: +4 combat strength
    Light: Lightly equipped with few anti-vehicle weapons or bodyarmor.
  • 2nd Armsmen Battalion, strength 17
    Laser Ersatz-Tanks: +2 combat strength.
    Spiderweave vests: -1 to any strength loss in combat.
    Light: Lightly equipped with few anti-vehicle weapons or bodyarmor.
  • 3rd Armsmen Battalion, strength 17
    Support Weapon Brigade: +3 strength, medium.
    Light: Lightly equipped with few anti-vehicle weapons or bodyarmor.
  • 1st Armored Company.
    Training, 128 of 160 points.
  • "First Ironsides", 1st Mech Battalion, strength 20
    Juggernaut Mechs: -1 to strength loss in battle, +10 combat strength.
    Valiant Mechs: +5 combat strength, x2 against light mechs or infantry.
    Grenadier Mechs: +5 combat strength.
    Attrition Warfare (Grenadier Action): +20 combat strength against fortifications, +3 strength loss in battle.
  • Ironclaw Security Battalion, strength 24/25
    Reserves: -2 to any strength loss.
    Sappers: +5 combat strength, x2 if against improvements, fortifications, or remnant robots.
    EXO shock troopers: +5 to combat strength, x2 if against large enemy units.
    Talon Artillery: + 5 combat strength, x2 with Heavy Munitions.
    Mechanized: Mobile forces with motorbikes, APC's, IFV's, and halftracks. Bonus against slow units.
    Medium: Troops wear bodyarmor, have some heavy weapons on squad level, and are well trained and equipped.
Key Items:
  • Gremlins: +20 to one industry-related action per turn.
  • Creator Software Key: +10 to one Creator-ruin related action per turn. Nullifies low/mid-level locks.
  • Hazard Gear: Reduce damage from science failures.
  • Decent logistics: Maximum of 9 units.
  • C3^2 systems: +20 for all counter-intelligence rolls.
  • VI lab-aides: +10 to all general R&D rolls.
  • Engine-metal x0. Consumable resource used by improvements for bonuses.
  • Creator Curios x0. Consumable, used by certain improvements for bonuses
  • Coffee x0. Consumable, add +20 to one R&D Action per turn.
  • Heavy Munitions x6. Very powerful above the norm explosives. Consumable. Used by military units for bonuses and buffs, or for special actions. Add 1d8 strength damage.
  • High Tech Munitions x0. Advanced type of heavy munition. Consumable.
  • Cold Fusion Cells x1. High-power cold fusion power cells. Irreplaceable, invaluable, priceless for their power and what they hold inside them.
Temporary Bonuses:
  • Tricorp Rebellion: +20 to next three turns for espionage actions in Tricorp area. (Turns 15, 16, 17)
Ship templates:
  • Gremlin shuttle (40 points).
Unit templates:
  • Armsmen Company (50 points, Strength 12)
    Shrinkage 2: additional 2 strength loss per battle
    Light: Lightly equipped with few anti-vehicle weapons or bodyarmor.
  • Armsmen Battalion (75 points, Strength 17)
    Light: Lightly equipped with few anti-vehicle weapons or bodyarmor.
  • Mobile Artillery Battery (100 points, Strength 12)
    Fire-Support: +5 strength in presence of friendly units.
    Unwieldy: -5 strength when operating without support.
  • Armored Company (160 points, Strength 16)
    Big lasers: +4 combat strength, x2 against armor or heavies.
  • Mech Battalion (200 points, Strength 20)
    Juggernaut Mechs: -1 to strength loss in battle, +10 combat strength.
    Valiant Mechs: +5 combat strength, x2 against light mechs or infantry.
    Grenadier Mechs: +5 combat strength.
    Attrition Warfare (Grenadier Action): +20 combat strength against fortifications, +3 strength loss in battle.
Unit Add-ons:
  • EXO Support Squad (30 points)
    Attachment: +4 combat strength.
  • Laser Ersatz-Tanks (25 points)
    Attachment: +2 combat strength.
  • Support Weapon Brigade (40 points)
    Attachment: +3 combat strength.
    Medium: Troops wear bodyarmor and have large amounts of heavy weapons.
  • "Lancer" Helidyne Squadron (50 points)
    Attachment: +4 combat strength.
  • Behemoth-Hunter Mech Platoon (100 points)
    Attachment: +0 combat strength.
    Behemoth: +5 combat strength, x3 against fortifications.
    Hunters: +5 combat strength, x3 against mechs.
    Expensive: -20 to build rolls due to complexity.
  • Vanguard Brigade (50 points)
    Attachment: +3 combat strength.
    Rare: Require Creator Weapons.
  • Hardtrooper Platoon (50 points)
    Attachment: +4 combat strength.
    Rare: Require Creator Cyber-surgical Suite.
    Rare: Require volunteers.
  • Spiderweave vests (35 points)
    Bodyarmor: -1 to any strength loss in combat.
  • Power Armor Platoon (150 points)
    Attachment: +0 combat strength.
    Heavy Armor: -1 to strength losses.
    Power Suits: +10 combat strength, x2 with high-tech munitions.
  • Chekov (The Inventor)
    • Inspired Genius: +1 General R&D slot OR +15 to one Science roll per turn.
    • VI aide "EVE": +10 to one R&D roll per turn.
  • Sokov (The Baron)
    • Financial Smarts: +1 Economy-related action slot OR +20 to one Economy-related action per turn.
  • The Spy
    • Wetwork: +20 to one Espionage-related action per turn.
    • Lucky: Reduces Critical failure damage.
Planetary Improvements:
  • Grand Armory
    • Military Contractor: +20 bonus to Military actions or building military units.
      • Used for Raider's contract.
    • Military Testing Ground: +1 R&D slot to Military R&D ONLY or +20 to one Military R&D project.
    • Training Grounds: +2 strength to all units.
    • Incendiary Munitions Line (0 of 150 points): ??.
    • The Armor Bay: +20 to one Mech production action per turn.
  • The Industrial Sector (upgradeable, 0 of 100 points to level 3) (damaged, 0 of 100 repaired)
    • Conveyor: +5 to Industry-related actions.
    • Smelting: +5 bonus when fueled by one unit of Engine-metal, to a max of three.
    • Massive Scale Foundry: +10 to one Industry-related action per turn; upkeep: 1 engine-metal per turn.
    • Molecular Forge (0 of 250 points): +20 to one Industry-related action per turn.
  • Engineering Lab
    • Engineering Table: +1 Engineering-related R&D slot.
    • Server Farm (0 of 100 points): +10 to one Engineering roll per turn.
  • Creator's Labs
    • High-tech: +1 General Science Slot.
  • Chekov's Reactor
    • Generatorium: +30 to one Power-related action per turn.
  • Builder R&D Lab
    • Reverse-engineering: +1 Creator-related R&D slot.
    • Jury-rigging: +5 bonus per unit of curios to a max of two.
    • Server Farm (0 of 100 points): +10 to one Creator R&D roll per turn.
  • Creator infrastructure
    • Public transit: +1 action slot.
  • Factory of Faith (upgradeable)
    • Industrial Worship: +2 action slot.
    • Zealous Industry: +30 to one Industry-related action per turn.
    • Industrial-Faith Complex: +10 to one Zeal power-action per turn.
  • Convenience Food Factories
    • Infrastructure: ++Growth.
    • Food surplus: +10 to one Economic action per turn.
      • Used for a Raider's contract.
  • Exploration Command Center
    • Frontiersmen: +1 Exploration-only action slot OR +20 to one Exploration-related action per turn.
  • Colony Defense Initiative
    • Defensive Siege Guns: +4 strength to colony defense.
    • Colonial Guard (0 of 250 points): ??.
  • Temple of Faith
    • Temple: +1 Starlord action.
    • Faith: ++Morale.
  • Ministry of Truth (damaged, 0 of 100 repaired)
    • Broadcast: +1 Media action.
      • X-Com show: +10 to one Military action or Military R&D project per turn.
      • Scrapheap Challenge aka Junkyard Wars: -20 to one exploration or scavenging action next turn.
      • Gundam TV: +10 to mech build or R&D next turn.
  • X-1 Lab
    • Totem: +1 X-1 only research slot.
  • Gremlin Intelligence Bureau
    • Shadownet: +1 Espionage-only action slot.
    • Section 06 (0 of 100 points): "The Spy wants to set up a division solely for "probe team" training. Hacking, deep-cover spying, sabotage."
  • Captain's Mechyard (0 of 300 points)
  • Industrial DEA (95 of 400 points)
    • ++++ industry.
  • Science DEA (0 of 400 points)
    • ++++ science.
  • Xeno R&D Lab (0 of 150 points)
  • Energon Power plants (0 of 175 points)
  • Military Command Nexus (0 of 200 points)
  • The Stock Exchange (0 of 250 points)
    • "Turn abstract economic power into tangible benefits"- The Baron
  • Spaceport
  • Spaceport-Beta
  • Vehicle Field Academy
  • Baron's Just-in-time-supplies
  • Titan cyber-surgical suite: ++Medical care, +Cybernetic augmentation.
  • Myco Agriculture Zones: ++Growth.
  • Factory Farm DEA's: +++Growth, +Economics.
  • Myco Processors: ++Growth.
  • Baron's Borehole: Engine-metal mining.
  • Coffee Factory: Coffee production.
  • Raider R&D Lab: Not under our control.
  • Organic Farming (0 of 200 points)
  • Ultralight Composite Fabricators (0 of 150 points)
  • State Hospital (0 of 150 point)
  • Public Schooling System (108 of 250 points)
  • The Civilian Market (0 of 150 points): +++ economics
Planetary Exploitation:
  • Industrial Level 2: +1 action slot, +10 to one Industry-related action.
  • [New R&D Project: Creator Database Diving 101] "Dive in, see what we can dig up"
  • [New R&D Project: X-1 Energy Barriers] (Need large amounts of power) "At last, energy shielding. Or beginnings thereof."- Chekov.
  • [New R&D Project: X1 Appsci- Hot Fusion 2.0] "My designs were crude. I see so much better now. I can fix them." (-30)
  • [New R&D Project: X1 AppSci- Lasers] "We've been doing it wrong! I can make them better!" (-20)
  • [New R&D Project: X1 AppSci- Mechs] "More mechs! Better mechs! Bigger mechs!" (-30)
  • [New R&D Project: X1 AppSci- Precision Mechanisms] "Improve mech legs, artillery, and industry" (-20)
  • [New R&D Project: X1 AppSci- Galvanic Tech] "Lightning power! Lethal in metal confines." (-20)
  • [New R&D Project: X1 AppSci- Particle Cannons] "Big energy cannons. Okay, power-hogging, but useful." (-30)
  • [New Action Project: Myco Cultivation] "Begin large-scale attempts to cultivate this stuff."
  • [New Action Project: Access Code Scavenging] "Dig around in the wastes to look for computer codes." (-20 difficulty)
  • [New Action Project: Expedition to the Ice Forest, search for X-2 (Hazardous: -20; Dark Elf class robots. Strength: 30. Combat Strength: ??; Combat in Ice Forest will be at -15 combat strength)]
  • [New Action Project: Coffee Brewing: Produce 1d3-1 units of coffee]
  • [New Action Project: Borehole Engine-Mining. Produce 1d6+2 engine metals]
  • [Build Project: Organic Farming] (0 of 200 points)
  • [Build Project: Ultralight Composite Fabricators] (0 of 150 points)
  • [Build Project: Xeno R&D Lab] (0 of 150 points)
  • [Build Project: Energon Power plants] (0 of 175 points)
  • [Build Project: Colonial Guard] (0 of 250 points)
  • [Build Project: Molecular Forge] (0 of 250 points)
  • [Build Project: Incendiary Munitions Line] (0 of 150 points)
  • [Build Project: State Hospital] (0 of 150 point)
  • [Build Project: Public Schooling System] (108 of 250 points)
  • [Build Project: Captain's Mechyard] (0 of 300 points)
  • [Build Project: Industrial DEA] (95 of 400 points)
  • [Build Project: Science DEA] (0 of 400 points)
  • [Build Project: Section 06] (0 of 100 points)
  • [Build Project: Engineering Lab Server Farm] (0 of 100 points)
  • [Build Project: Builder R&D Lab Server Farm] (0 of 100 points)
  • [Build Project: Military Command Nexus] (0 of 200 points)
  • [Build Project: The Civilian Market] (0 of 150 points)
  • [Build Project: The Stock Exchange] (0 of 250 points)
  • [Manufacturing Project: Produce Heavy Munitions, 25 points each]
  • [Manufacturing Project: Produce High-tech munitions, 50 points each]
  • [Repair Project: Industrial Sector] (0 of 100 points)
  • [Repair Project: Ministry of Truth] (0 of 100 points)
Star Lord Actions:
  • [Star-Lord Action: Zeal- Worship! Religion! All obey the star-lord!] You get a little extra Star Power via worship and Life is more obedient to your wishes as well as to other tasks.
  • [Star-Lord Action: Artificer] You can design and grant gifts of unusual power to your Life. For good, or for ill.
  • [Star-Lord Action: Liberate tutemet ex inferis!] There are some levels of hyperspace best left unknown. You didn't know that. Do you dare breach the highest and lowest boundaries between dimensions?
  • [Star-Lord Action: Tinker with the Q-space tap]
Slot and modifier list for turn 15.

Slots: (Some can be converted into modifiers instead)
  • 2x Star-Power (1 inherent, 1 Temple of Faith)
  • 3x R&D (2 inherent, -1 racial, 1 Creator's Labs, 1 Hero-Chekov)
  • 1x R&D - Military (1 Grand Armory)
  • 1x R&D - Creator (1 Builder R&D Lab)
  • 1x R&D - Engineering (1 Engineering Lab)
  • 1x R&D - X-Artifact (1 X-1 Lab)
  • 9x Actions (5 inherent, 1 Public Transit, 2 Factory of Faith, 1 Planetary Exploitation)
  • 1x Action - Build (1 racial)
  • 1x Action - Economic (1 Hero-Sokov)
  • 1x Action - Exploration (1 Exploration Command Center)
  • 1x Action - Espionage (1 Shadownet)
  • 1x Action - Media (1 Ministry of Truth)
Modifier list:
  • +15 to one R&D project per turn. (Hero-Chekov slot conversion)
  • +20 to one Military R&D project per turn. (Grand Armory slot conversion)
  • +20 to one Economy-related action per turn. (Hero-Sokov slot conversion)
  • +20 to one Exploration-related action per turn. (Exploration Command Center slot conversion)
  • +20 to one Industry-related action per turn. (Racial)
  • +30 to one Industry-related action per turn. (Factory of Faith)
  • +10 to one Industry-related action per turn. (Planetary Exploitation)
  • +5 to one Industry-related action per turn. (The Industrial Sector)
  • +5 to one Industry-related action when fueled by one unit of Engine-metal, to a max of three per turn. (The Industrial Sector)
  • +10 to one Industry-related action per turn, with upkeep of one unit of Engine-metal (The Industrial Sector)
  • +30 to one Power-related action per turn. (Chekov's Reactor)
  • +10 to one Creator-ruin related action per turn. Nullifies low/mid-level locks. (Creator Software Key)
  • +20 to one Mech production action per turn. (Grand Armory)
  • +5 to one Builder R&D project per unit of curios to a max of two per turn. (Builder R&D Lab)
  • +10 to one R&D roll per turn. (Hero-Chekov)
  • +10 to all General R&D rolls. (VI lab aides)
  • +10 to one Zeal power-action per turn. (Factory of Faith)
  • +20 to one Espionage-related action per turn. (Hero-The Spy)
  • +20 for all Counter-intelligence rolls. (C3^2)
  • +20 to next three turns for Espionage actions in Tricorp area. (Zeal Rebellion)
I have a feeling that I missed something.
Given relative army sizes and our industrial output, we probably should look into converting our Armsmen Battalions into Mechanized Infantry.

Spiderweave vests is also something that I want to integrate in every unit we have.

Finally, Mobile Artillery Battery probably should be augmented to Battalion and upgraded to munition (Heavy, High-tech and Incendiary) specialist if possible.

@Trent : Can we combine repairing and upgrading of Industrial Sector for small discount? Taking advantage of the fact that we don't have to work around active systems?