Homebrew space opera RP IC

"What about on top of the plateau?" I suggest, looking at the rockface.
"I think Kades has the right of it" I say.

"Besides, If you were going to land a ship out here, would you do it on the rocky, not very flat ground, or the flat plateau? Of course, ROB could just magick up a flat spot at another point, if he wanted."
"I say head for the next one. If it's that important we turn over every rock ROB has hinted at in search of loot we can do it when we aren't quite so limited in supplies."
" I think we need to use or find something like sensor to find the hidden part of the ship,maybe they cloak form our normal eye or under ground"
Enigmatic Magus said:
"Do you think," I started slowly, looking around at the alien desert with more than a little distaste, "that our ROB is able to see in time? Knowing the order we take to ensure that our ultimate goal is always at the last point we go to?"
"Maybe, but either way, I think we should head towards point 6." I suggest after poking at the dirt for a little while longer.
"Unless we want to do some mountain climbing?" I suggest, looking up once more, trying to see if there was a path to actually get up to the top of the plateau.
KadeS said:
"Unless we want to do some mountain climbing?" I suggest, looking up once more, trying to see if there was a path to actually get up to the top of the plateau.
No path, the area looks totally deserted.

You continue your travels, this time towards point 6, and upon entering the valley you actualy start to see some sparse life.
You are pretty sure you have even spotted a large, pretty much cow sized lizard like creature. Continue?
"We should turn back, most likely, and go further in as a last resort. Larger reptiles, especially on earth, start to get fairly hard to kill with guns..."
Alanek2002 said:
"We should turn back, most likely, and go further in as a last resort. Larger reptiles, especially on earth, start to get fairly hard to kill with guns..."
"Dude, we have weapons designed to take out lightly armored vehicles. I think we're good."
Dreamyr said:
"Dude, we have weapons designed to take out lightly armored vehicles. I think we're good."
"It depends entirely on whether or not those scales qualify it for the heavily armored vehicles category. I'm not an expert in xenobiology, and reasonably sure that no-one else is."
"I think we should keep rolling, though those on ATVs should be a little more careful since they're more exposed." I look up at the sides of the walls, "wonder what else is here.."
Taugundrone said:
"It depends entirely on whether or not those scales qualify it for the heavily armored vehicles category. I'm not an expert in xenobiology, and reasonably sure that no-one else is."
"yeah, well I find it highly unlikely that evolutionary pressure opted to give something 100cm thick scales that can absorb rail gun fire. For one, it would keep them way too hot on what is apparently a desert planet."
Dreamyr said:
"Dude, we have weapons designed to take out lightly armored vehicles. I think we're good."
"Regardless, It's better to not to have to use them if we can avoid it, right? We have food, water and fuel for a few days yet... but If you want, after we get the vehicles turned around, you can try to shoot one from next to your door. That way, we can see if our weapons work well, and flee if they don't. My big fear isn't the guns not working, its things hiding below the sand jumping the vehicles. The hummer might not be in much danger, but the ATVs? They'd get toppled easily."

Edit:"And the railgun is on a tripod, we can't set it up as easily, and is more useful for base defense than while moving."
Alanek2002 said:
"And the railgun is on a tripod, we can't set it up as easily, and is more useful for base defense than while moving."
"we could just prop it on a window." I look at the valley. "Best we keep moving; there's few creatures that can keep up with a motorized vehicle at full speed."
You drive further, noting the differences in terrain from the earlier travels. The desert in the canyon is more sandy, and there is some more visible life around here.
About an hour later (night is coming soon) you near the map point. From far away, you spot few tents. Considering how they are standing and aren't covered by a metric fuckton of sand, they most likely aren't abandoned.
Marduk said:
You drive further, noting the differences in terrain from the earlier travels. The desert in the canyon is more sandy, and there is some more visible life around here.
About an hour later (night is coming soon) you near the map point. From far away, you spot few tents. Considering how they are standing and aren't covered by a metric fuckton of sand, they most likely aren't abandoned.
"Maybe we should've gone up the side of the valley." I say, looking forward towards the tents. "They've probably seen us by now. Anyone wanna bet they're the crash survivors?"

I grab one of the binoculars and zoom in on the tents, switching modes to get a clear picture.
KadeS said:
"Maybe we should've gone up the side of the valley." I say, looking forward towards the tents. "They've probably seen us by now. Anyone wanna bet they're the crash survivors?"

I grab one of the binoculars and zoom in on the tents, switching modes to get a clear picture.
You spot someone walking between the tents, with some sort of a long gun. Wears desert appropriate clothing, though not a survival suit like yours.
"We don't really have a safe way to meet with them, if they turn out to be hostile." I say. "Unless one of you thinks you can aim well enough to snipe them from here with ease, and they don't shoot on sight... Which they probably won't; But I don't want to be the one to stick my head out all the same."
"I say go around and leave them be. Right now we don't have the supplies or transport capacity for more people than we already have."
"So should we head over to points two and three then come back later?" I suggest.
"I'd like to go around, unless they are on top of the point." I say as I check my map. "Because I didn't do the math on the fuel, but I don't think going back and forth to this point will be good for our supplies. But if they are on top the point, I'd prefer if the people with the Railgun and las-gun stay here and provide overwatch, if they can..."
Alanek2002 said:
"I'd like to go around, unless they are on top of the point." I say as I check my map. "Because I didn't do the math on the fuel"
"What are the fuel levels at now? And what's the charge on the ATV?" I ask

"Last time I checked, we wouldn't have enough range for the ATVs, but we have more than enough range to cover every one of the points from the Humvee."