Holding out for Hope (No SV, Hold Out until the Hero Actually Shows Up)

Great idea, let's show the Reds whatsfor by turning the entire place red! The civilians are a necessary sacrifice, no? :coolbeans:

NO!! I refuse to allow that!!
Hold on,..special police department? I don't get how that's a problem.
No I mean SPD as in people who have simmiler ideas to the Social Democratic Party of Germany.

Remember I'm basing the quest on the themes of the quest including 19th and early 20th century political movements.
The Halcyon Holdings Political Reconciliation Board
The Halcyon Holdings Political Reconciliation Board

At the End of the Ninth Corporate War, thousands of POW's political prisoners, rebels, and traitors were all given amnesty by the Earth Directorate as part of the General Amnesty and Work Relief Act. These survivors that were scattered across the Deep Periphery were filled with Milions of ideas on how Mankind should rule the stars.

Each is more different then the last...and some are More insane then others.


The Left Wing of Halcyon: The Political left, those who focus on primarily Egalitarian Principels , Workers Rights and the Seizure and Allotment of Workers Rights and Principles. The More Radical ones prefer...hostile takeover and state-sponsored violence against their political enamies because they think anything Right of them will curb them and get rid of them.

And as Cain can tell you...he doesn't like a lot of them.

The Alliance for The Communist Periphery: Formed by breaking off of the Wider Communist Movement from the Dumas System in the Periphery led by Duncan Lucas, second in command to th Dumas Communist parties former leader Desmond Rory. They are Firm Believers in the Eternal Revolution of the Stars and bringing communism at gunpoint as the Board will never let them take power without a Fight.

They will have their way...or die trying to make it a reality.

The Communist Party of Halcyon: On the Otherside of the Communist Table, is Yuri Fenton, the Iron Bull of Dumas, a man of focus, dedicated to the Cause of Communism and has the blood of nearly 15 million people on his hands and most of them were the Ukrainians trying to get away from the OTHER communist Mass Murderer in the Douglas System.

The reason they didn't kill him and sent him to Halcyon? It was because the other Systems in the Periphery didn't want to deal with him and Halcyon is the only one with the Arrorgence to think they can stop him from fermenting another war.

Oh, Those Poor Poor Corporatists. The Problem is...well, he's lost track of most of his officers.

The Anarchist Freehold of Halcyon: The Anarchist Freehold of Douglas was an anomaly...they had planned a free state, one without government or a state.

They got as far as one Nation before being orbitally bombarded from orbit, and well they were dragged kicking and screaming to Halcyon, where the Anarchist dream lives on and the death of Statists and the idea of a free and just society will be created.

Just don't ask about the time they nuked themselves with a 30 nuke clusterbomb...it was ONE time and they really really don't like it being brought up.

The Iconoclasts: Graham Bryant's Anti Board left-wing religious organization, formed and based on Philosiphist Ideology of Free Will and determination to bring a fair and just society to Halcyon...in theory. In practice its a man hiding behind religion and social reforms to get people involved. Its a hodgepodge of War Communism and the religious Fervor of a crusading army.

It was made to fight and overthrow the board...and nothing else.

But unlike a vast majority of the Left Wing forces in Halcyon...they can be reasonable and won't rob you for supplies.

The Social Democratic League of Halcyon: The SDL takes its legacy of Center-Left Ideals from the SPD Party under the famed German Reformer Willy Brandt and the ideals of Government control and outreach. These include the Muzzling of Corperation and forcing them to pay taxes for the public good, Healthcare and greater government transparency.

As you can see the Board has worked very hard to try to eliminate them from the wider ecosystem of Halcyon to various degrees of success. Though while Party Leader Helmut Magnusson lies in Political exile upon the Groundbreaker, his firebrand words and planning skills have given hope that a fair democracy can be achieved. Though many of his followers are of the Brandtite section it clashes with the more radical and further-reaching Harrington section of the party.

Though they are inactive in grand wars of conquest, they have influence within the wider system, and that makes them dangerous.


The Center Row: Not everyone who had been sent to Halcyon was rebels, terrorists and or political radicals, no some of them were unfortunate enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, Some were reformers that were considered threats to Special Interest Groups hold on government and others were odd.

The Halcyon Democratic Reform Group: Officially the Party of Minister Aloysius Clarke and his government, who believe in a gradual restraining of the Boards grasp on power into a more responsible and varied form of government that will transfer into a Member world in the Earth Directorate.

Officially they are the Ruling Party of Halcyon...with a majority of the Colony assets under their stewardship.

Unofficial, however… the Board has indoctrinated a lot of people (Most of the Colony actually) into thinking that they don't have or deserve any political rights and privileges as per the Earth Constitution.

But the HDRG is here to educate and inform the Population of their rights and responsibilities as citizens of Humanity.

Witch is why the Survivors of Byzantium's Purge are arming for war.

The Alliance for Free Halcyon: When one looks at the Board, they see everything wrong with the Earth Directorate and wish to tear it down for something better to replace it. That is the Dream of the Alliance, to form a Free and Independent Halcyon, with a Government that works for the common good and defense of the people and citizens, that can tell the corporations to pay income taxes, provide food that isn't laced with chemical pesticides that haven't been cleared out, give water that isn't filled with poison to give them hope for a life worth living.

That is Carlile's dream, a place without the Mistakes of Earth...a better place to live.

The MSI Reformers: Sanjar Nadi is an intelligent man, his workers are his customer base and his responsibility, something that his compatriots have forgotten so high and far away in Byzantium. He believes that they have a right to organize, a sense of happiness, and a future...even if the end result is more profit for MSI.

He wants to be apart of the Board, so he can break it apart with blackmail from within.


The Right/Corporatist Ideologies: The Nuts who won in this mad world, who control the ships, the banks, and the worthwhile parts of the Solar System.

Classical Corporatism: A Majority of Halcyon's Elite believe in the Power of the Corperation, that it knows how to run and control a society given that they are providers of goods and services and have gotten wealthy off of them. This is less a political Party and more a way of life to these people.

The Board Controlled Autocracy: Commonly called the Board, they are the Ruling Body of the Halcyon System, subservient to the Earth Directorate and its principles. In reality they rule as a council of Intrest Groups trying to gain as much power and influence as possible over the other, in a difficult balancing act of ten corporations ruling a Solar System. They have Sham Democracies, but that's just for the Tourists.

Corporate Feudalism: Corporate Autocracy's Final form, with the CEO of the Company Ruling as a King, demanding Tithes for protection and profit control...this is something that all wish to avoid...for he who is king cannot be stopped.

AN: The Trouble makers and Parties of Halcyon have fun!!
What...Putting THousands of People into a Slowly Collapsing Society, each with their own ideas on how to fix everything and the only way to bring peace is kill all the people the different groups consider radical...

Its going wrong as we speak.
Okay okay, so maybe the place isn't in the best situation right now, or the most stable. But it could be worse right?
At the very least the board hasn't managed to exterminate them all.
Okay okay, so maybe the place isn't in the best situation right now, or the most stable. But it could be worse right?
We are heading towards a slow death via Malnutrition due to the soil in Halcyon not giving the Nutriants the human body needs.

Its pretty bad.
At the very least the board hasn't managed to exterminate them all.
The Board doesn't have to...they're relying on the fact many of them are incompatible with each other's beliefs to kill themselves off for them.

And it might be working.
We are heading towards a slow death via Malnutrition due to the soil in Halcyon not giving the Nutriants the human body needs.

Its pretty bad.
Okay okay, so what can be done to fix that? A little terraforming here, a little terra forming there. Maybe some raiding of corporate ships, allyin against planets that support the Reds (or are the reds), surely people can set aside their differences for a little while?

And it might be working.
So what you're saying is that they all need to find a common enemy to work against, that is the board. Well surely they all feel some mutual hate towards them in some way or another, since it's their fault they're in this mess. They can form a coalition of warlords like back in ancient China, to overthrow the Emperor Shogunate Union Board.
Okay okay, so what can be done to fix that? A little terraforming here, a little terra forming there
Uhh, the Board used up all of the Colony Terraformers and it was botched for the ones that did take.

They weren't very good at it...but the situation is...all of the Smart people are not here and the only ones here are Corporate leaders and others...while there is overlap, most of the people aren't what we call, intelligent.

Malnutrition isn't helping with that even if they have a good deal of sense.
Maybe some raiding of corporate ships, allyin against planets that support the Reds (or are the reds), surely people can set aside their differences for a little while?
Let me laugh at you for that.


These People have fought WARS against each other for extremely biased and often petty reasons, they hate people based on Ideology and consider those that don't fall in line to be traitors, monsters or worse revisionists.

The point is...The More radical Political Groups want to be the ones that Save Halcyon...no they want to be the ONLY political group in Halcyon, and that requires getting rid of their rival factions via base violence.

Most of the Radicals DON't care about saving Halcyon, they care about being on top and riding the vortex to oblivion.

Its something I want to hammer in, the Radicals don't want to save anyone, they just want to be incharge.
So what you're saying is that they all need to find a common enemy to work against, that is the board.
While Correct in every way, some of them actually think cooperating with the Board is a nesssity because they have the means and power to retain control over the colony that some political groups need...and despite that hatred, the Board is useful as a means to an end to certain groups.
Well surely they all feel some mutual hate towards them in some way or another, since it's their fault they're in this mess.
Actually most of the Political groups don't blame the board, they Blame the Earth Directorate, and the Colonies they came from. Some of these groups actually see the Board as a more legitimate governing body than the actual governor of the system. Because at least they have the means of Holding the System under their rule...

And many people find that attractive, as even during the wars, NO major political group was able to hold a whole solar system under their thumb to the extent the Board did.
They can form a coalition of warlords like back in ancient China, to overthrow the Emperor Shogunate Union Board.

That would destroy any chance at peace, hope and stability the Halcyon system has. Not to mention they'd be fighting over craters and ruins by the time its all over.

So actually keeping this alliance from happening is a quest goal. As a alliance united by hatred will just get us all killed.
Dang it, so essentially there's no hope to get one over he board whatsoever because people are too stupid and petty to come up with their own infrastructure to help themselves survive nad stop all their bickering to face a more important common enemy who's eager to see their destruction?

Tsk, reminds me of osmething.
Dang it, so essentially there's no hope to get one over he board whatsoever because people are too stupid and petty to come up with their own infrastructure to help themselves survive nad stop all their bickering to face a more important common enemy who's eager to see their destruction?
See this like the Russian Civil war, except instead of Commies, its Corpratists.

At least the Rebels have competent leadership.
Turn 4 Results
Turn 4 Results

(Cain POV)

"So we can leave at any time?" You said looking at the ship.

"Yeah. It'll be a tight squeeze but I think we can fully enjoy the fruits of traveling around anymore." Adam said.

"Alright, we're packed up. We'll be leaving on your word, you've saved us for debt slavery. Sure we'll be wanted men, but I'm sure that it's better than wasting your life in a Cannery." Ben said looking at the Dawn Runner.

"Is that thing safe?" Jen said as she looked at all the patchworks on it that was needed just to make it work.

"Well, she's been hit by Pirate Guns and is still flying...so yeah, I can safely say that its safe." Adam said. "Mostly."


-[x]Leave Edgewater: You want to leave this terrible illiterate Place!! Go where sense is most reasonable. Cost: 0 Reward: You leave this place.
--[x]The Groundbreaker: A Space Station that was the former colony ship of the Halcyon Corp. And also one of the Only places that is independent of the Board.

(Cain POV)

You felt a Bump on the Ship as it rose above the clouds. "What was that?"

Adam sighed. "Its nothing...just needs a little love tap thats all."

He then hit the ship once and then the bumps stopped.

"We'll be there in three days...get these JOKERS off the damn counter...This ship isn't big enough for all of you!!" He then ran off as the ADA computer started the journey to the Groundbreaker.

Reward: Welcome to the Groundbreaker.

-[X]Recruiting the Populace (The Communists): The Commies have taken a beating,from a bunch of incompitent idiots from Spacer's Choice that's got to have made some of them disillusioned from the Revolution. Some nudging is needed. Cost: 300 Reward: You recruit Followers to your cause. Rolled: D100 => 91
Education: D6 => 5 (Stewardship Education)
Education Quality: D100 => 51

You saw your old friend long before Jen did. "Frank?"

"Cain?" He said sizing you up and then giving you a damned hug.

"I though you were dead...or at least transferred to Shadow or the Zagryus System?" You said returning the gesture while smiling at the fact you had more of your friends in this damned Colony.

"Apparently not...I'm useful it seems, and well you know." He then motioned to the rest of the Warband. "I've fallen in with a bad crowd at gunpoint once again."

"Let me guess you want a way out?" You said.

"Oh me and about nine other men...this commander is insane, and not in the Pirete kind, this madwoman thought she could take a city with 30 men...no that's not how it works." He said.

"Done...I've got a ship too, it will get us out of here and far away from this." You said.

"I'll glad for the change of scenery. Cain...so I was on Eradonos as a bottle counter and money handler...met the commie as a way out, and helped take the ship." He said.

"I guess it was quite the adventure." You said.

"Indeed." He said.

Reward: Gain Laffite Franklin and 9 men.

Name: Laffite Franklin
Age: 25

Diplomacy: D10 => 5+4=9

Martial: D10 => 8

Stewardship: D10 => 10+2=12

Intrigue: D10 => 2+2=

Learning: D10 => 8


Semi-competent Bureaucrat: You are trained in the Bureaucracy of a Company. (+4 Stewardship, +2 Intrigue, +1 Diplomacy)

Musician: You are a classically trained Pianist and musician. Quite a rarity in this part of the Periphery.(+3 Diplomacy, +2 Stewardship)

-[X]Work (Mechanics): Ahh you remember the College Shop and Mechanics class, good elective.
Cost:0 Reward: Work on what keeps the world running, machines. 190 Bits. Rolled: D100 => 65

Well its not much but its honest work.

Reward: 190 bits.

-[X]Speak to the Manager: That's it...you're going up the ladder to complain to someone of decent authority, your skills are being wasted at least up the pay a bit.
Cost:0, Reward: Go to the Boss and file a complaint or at least talk to him. Rolled: D100 => 65

You looked at Tobbson and sighed. "You're not going to like me aren't you?"

"I'd say you were one of the worse temporary workers I've ever had...but no you'd be worse. Now get out." he said.

"How so?"

"Your a wanted man, I put that fact aside because we were in a manpower shortage. And we still are, now I'm asking you to leave before my better judgment makes me turn you in." He said.

"Alright...I'll see you in hell." You said.

Reward: You and Reed reach an understanding.

-[X]Speak to the Constable: This Constable Reyes is a Bureaucrat in a suit of Armor, which means she's a sight more intelligent then a few of these people. Cost:0, Reward: Go to the Constable
for work. Rolled: D100 => 90

Reyes looked at you with a hint of disgust. "What do you want Holmstock I've got paperwork to file?"

Oh she didn't want to be here...and that was fair.

"I'm looking for information involving the most wanted men and women in Halcyon. And I'm wondering if I can get it?" You said.

"Going after the bounty?" She said.

"I'm looking for it...yes." You said firmly.

"Well, the Largest One is Vice Admiral Carlile, at 50 million for open rebellion against the board and the government. Second Largest is Dr. Phinias Wells." She said.

"I know what the Admiral did, but what did he do?"

"Illegal Human experimentation and theft of property from the Board, as well as grand theft starship and unpaid board membership dues. A Real scum of the earth if I could say so myself." She said.

You shrugged. Sounds like the only one here with any level of sense.

"Thank you for the information Officer. But normally we have a top three bounty's who's the third most wanted?" You said.

"Third most wanted is a Colonel Jiang Anders, an Anti-Board Rebel operating on Monarch wishing to establish some sort of Democracy...one without special interest groups or lobbyist. He wants to put the board on trial for "Neglect of Society" could you belive that some people think corporations neglect sociery?"

Ahh, so Jen's Uncle WAS still alive...good to know.

"I wouldn't know?" You said before leaving.

Reward: New Actions available.

Search for Dr Phinas Wells

Search for Admiral Carlile

Search for Jiang Anders

-[x]Communing with Communists: Now they all hate you and want to kill you for what you did on Pegasus, but they COULD...be reasonable. DC: 25% Reward: No hard feelings? Please, put the gun down. Don't shoot me. Rolled: D100 => 18

The Granade flashed and pushed you away as they attacked. Ben and the others drove them away with fire and bullets.

You were dragged away with only some scrapes and a bruise...everything hurt for a bit, but you wern't dead.

Typical commies, attack after a truce has ended….bastards.


Disaster Roll: D100 => 92

"Cain...they've raised our Bounty." Jen said.

"To what?" You asked.

"5.3 Million."

"Oh...Oh shit."

Reward: They've raised your Bounty, prospective Bounty Hunters may be searching for you and your crew.

AN: Give Feedback and Enjoy.

Also ask question.
That wasn't too bad. New crewmate, 9 more men for our security force, new info.

For the disaster rolls is higher or lower better for us?
Wow.....things went way better with the constable than I thought it would have. We're okay! Though I've got to say visiting the communists was a dumb idea. Why would they ever decide to help us, except in the wake of their own imminent destruction that could be prevented by working together.

Hi Frank. Nice to meetcha.
For the disaster rolls is higher or lower better for us?
The higher it is, the worse it is for us. Last time we got something in the 90's for disaster, our nemises L.Wett or something got awarded with a ship, crewmates, and the finest equipment money could buy. And I'm pretty sure a bounty of 5.3 million puts Jain and Cen in at least the top 100 bounties
And I'm pretty sure a bounty of 5.3 million puts Jain and Cen in at least the top 100 bounties
Your the Fifth Most Wanted Person in Halcyon.

The Forth is a Pirate Lord who more or less Runs the Pirate Den.

The THird is Graham Bryant and Sanjar Nadi.

Second is Phineas Wells

First is Carlile.

Edit: Three of these men are leaders of Rebellions.
Why would they ever decide to help us, except in the wake of their own imminent destruction that could be prevented by working together.
The Commies are either going to Go Full Murauder by getting High on Adrena time...or if they last that long join the Edgewater Deserters to keep from starving to death.

Also Attrition has not been Kind to the Commies.
Hi Frank. Nice to meetcha.
He's another one of our Freinds from College and unlike you actually went out and did some fighting.
our nemises L.Wett or something got awarded with a ship, crewmates, and the finest equipment money could buy
He Also helped the Board get rid of most of the Earth Directorate Legislature that was in charge of keeping the Board on a Leash...and they took Clarke Hostage.
Last edited:
He Also helped the Board get rid of most of the Earth Directorate Legislature that was in charge of keeping the Board on a Leash...and they took Clarke Hostage.
There's disasters, and then there's no-hope-whatsoever-death-everywhere-canon-breaking events. This is one of them.

Hey hey, it's not Cain's fault he didn't fight! He was made to do science stuff and research...
not kill (with his hands) and pilot suicide missions like some sort of hero!

Your the Fifth Most Wanted Person in Halcyon.
.....Bruh it ain't even that seriouuus. Like don't the board got something better to do? All we did is run away from having to die, and they practically sent anyone who they didn't care about out here.

Also Attrition has not been Kind to the Commies.
I didn't expect it to. That last battle they had was pathetic, and even though they lost by 1, all the rolls were below the high thirties. They'll probably die out soon enough.
There's disasters, and then there's no-hope-whatsoever-death-everywhere-canon-breaking events. This is one of them.
No...In Canon the Board don't have any oversight and made CLarke a Hostage to keep him from actually doing anything.

A real Canon Breaking Event is them capturing Wells before getting the Unplanned Variable awake, then we'd really be screwed.

Because Remember "Halcyon is the only colony owned and Operated by the Corporations" Did you ever ask yourself HOW they made that a reality when the government is more or less wanting to make sure they pay their corporate income taxes.
Like don't the board got something better to do? All we did is run away from having to die, and they practically sent anyone who they didn't care about out here.
Technically yes they have better things to do but you did your resignation from Byzantium, their capital.

They are only after you as a matter of Principle and nothing else, give them a year and they'll likely recind the bounty and use Lett to deal with their other problems.
I didn't expect it to. That last battle they had was pathetic, and even though they lost by 1, all the rolls were below the high thirties. They'll probably die out soon enough.
I don't know they might do something rational.

But then again I haven't done the Rumor mill yet.