Gundam:??? (NO SV, the Universal Century is Coming to YOU!)

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What Would Happen if?

A Dangerous Question that many don't ask is...

Should we?

The Future of Man has Come to the Past, to where we live and die

The Future of Man has Come to Roost in the Past, and the consequences that come with it.
Intro: Faction and Decade Select
Intro: Faction and Decade Select

They always ask "What would you Do if you had the ability to go back in time and change something?"

THey never think about the consequences of their actions and if they could even go back to their own time at all.

Its always "Let's Kill Hitler." This and " Let's make sure TR wins the election" that.

They never think about how their actions effect THEM!!

Well, let them REAP what they Sow and Deal with their Hubris in their own way.


Choose your Faction:

[]The Earth Federation Remnants: Alright you can't get anything from Jaburo...or Dekar...Shit you can't get anyone all you're getting are Radio signals and a dozen other things. Wait what do you MEAN there's NO ECONOMY! AND WHY ISN'T anyone taking our CALLS!


"WE ARE A PART OF THE EARTH FEDERATION FORCES!! NOT YOURS!": The Earth Federation, the United Armed Forces of Earth and her Space Colonies, is the greatest Military instrument and organization that has ever walked the stars and Earth, with the cutting edge in Weapons development, training and logistical abilities, they can fight anywhere on the Planet within a moments notice.

They will Protect Earth with all they have, and despite everything are better men.

The Heavens is our Sea, The Heavens is Our Shield, We call Her Luna II:You have Luna II, a Massive Artificial Moon, Military Base and Space Station shipyard that is the main power projection force in the Region of Space, Also makes a fine fortress.

Uncertain Times, Certain Actions: The Federation is known for its decisive actions in uncertain times, be it the Earth's environmental crisis, or the Movement of People to Space. In times of Uncertainty, we make our own hero's.


Economic IOU: You are part of an Unwilling experiment, how long will you be able to run a state without a functioning economy? And not die due to the stress of interplanetary trade. Lets Find out!!

Fragmenting: Side 6, Side 3 and the Moon Territories are already declaring independence and going off to do their own thing, the Other Colonies are considering running off, you need to keep them hanging together or they will all hang separately. Its not a good look for a government that can't keep its states in line.

Radicalism and all its Madness: People hae certain ideas on how the world should be run...and what to do with all those Military Stockpiles.

[]The Riah Republic: Side 6 didn't want to abuse the chaos to become a Beacon of Stability, such things were thrust upon them. The people didn't ask to use their semi-surviving economy to get something done...they demanded it. Also being independent means no Federation Taxes so thats a Plus! Wait...WE HAVE TO BE RESPONSIBLE NOW, SHIT!!


Semi-Intact Economy:Side 6's economy had to do mostly with asteroid mining and other things not as dependent on Earth. So when the change came, we were not utterly paralyzed by the lack of economic information.

Neutral: Side 6 wants NOTHING to do with any of the daring do's of earth. They can play and deal with all the mad people themselves.

Sensible Leadership: Side 6 is run by intelligent people, for intelligent people, because they are required to be competent. We have a LAW for that.


Alone in the World: Not everyone has the right idea when it comes to Other people, some want us to join, others want us to submit, Dammit all we want is a quiet peaceful life in space, is that too much to ask!

Militarily Weak:You only have a handful of defense ships and a slightly militarized police force. You can't fight worth for shit!

A Sheep with Wolves: You are a flock of Sheep Surrounded by wolves and Vultures, you must tread carefully, or you will lose your freedom outright.

[]The Republic of Munzo( Only Available 1900-1960): The Ideals of the Spacenoid people, Human being born in space, are ones that the Earth is Sacred, And must be what if you have to drag the rest of Humanity to Space against their will, you don't care what they think.


Make your OWN IDEOLOGY AND YOU!: Side 3 has always been where mad and insane ideas are thought up, talked about and then forgotten, make something with staying power to hold firm with Zeonism and Zabism.

The L3:You are Far away...that makes everything a bitch to get to, but also a sense of security and a sense of otherness compared to the rest of earth.

The Zabi Connection:The Zabi's are rich industrialists, sensible in nature and a astute political ally in this time of uncertainty.


Political Hotbed: Being a Political Hotbed is a curse as much as a blessing. You've got radicals in the streets as well as the bars and alleyways.

Radical Problems Require Radical Solutions: The Ever fickle nature of politics has an unwritten rule. "Radicals bring problems that look like solutions" and that rule applies even now.

The Zabi Connection:The Zabi's want to do what all wealthy individuals with influence want, gain more power for themselves.

[]The Principality of Zeon (Available 1960-1980):Well, This is an interesting opportunity, playing off the Cold War, using the Paranoia of the Past to Secure Zeon's future for the Superior Spacenoid People.


The "Benevolent" Semi-Independent Dictatorship: Looking at Zeon on the Surface, you see a pleasant free, if organized society. Crime is down 40%, Golf Averages are up, and people are allowed to live their lives with a degree of safety and comfort. They just can't complain about the government in public...that's it.

Massive Military Build Up: The Percentage of the Military Budget in Zeon will give a US Army officer a heart attack. With stimulus checks, money and subsidies, they can build and build and build and will not be enough.

"A Duty, A Doctrine, A Creed": Its a Simple idea "People from Space are better then people on Earth" and the "People on Side 3 are better than other Space people'' And One day, we will control the entire Earth Sphere as our Birth Right. Yell that enough times in speeches and people consider that gospel.


The Zabi Cult of Personality: Ever since the Zabi's Seized Power following Zeon Daikun's death they have put in place a Family Wide Cult of Personality (Mostly to the Eldest Son Ghiren, though everyone's in on it at this point) this has given them immense sway over the population, though it is not without its dangers.

Making the State reliant on a handful of individuals is in fact a recipe for disaster

Unstable Economy: For all the Military Stimulus Packages, the Economy is a bit unsustainable, having to balance the Consumer Goods and the Needs of the Military.

Daikunist Remnants: For all of the Zabi's Masterstrokes of gaining power...they still failed to kill off all of Zeon Daikun's supporters, if not handled correctly...may become a problem.

[]The Free City of Grenada and Von Braun: Heh...what do you mean the Governments on Shaky ground! Who will I sell this shit to!! And Jupiter is Dark! SHIT!! Now I have to spend Money and Time checking that! Shit!!


Corporatist Madhouse: Greed is Good, Greed also is a better way to rule the world, greed for more is what people want, they want MORE, and that is why you are united, the desire for MORE. WHO GIVES A SHIT what the City governments think they are our bitch!

"I RULE THE WORLD! WITH GUN-RUNNING AND MONEY!": The Federation's Military-Industrial Complex, Stolen from RIGHT OUT from under their big fat noses. With it, you'll be rolling in cash.

"I AM THE MOON!!":You are on the Moon, any arguments are invalid and dumb.


A Slave to the Almighty Dollar: Being a Profit-Driven are beholden to money. Most people don't like that.

Where in the World is the Jupiter Energy Fleet?!: Seriously where did they go? We kinda need the H3 shipments.

UTTERLY UNSTABLE!: Between the Politician's wanting their authority back. The Profit and the Anger of everyone else, you don't know how long this will last. But with the Right Words its possible.


Choose the Year your dumped:

[]1900: The Dawn of a New Century. Europe has changed much since the Napoleonic Wars. For one, there's now a united Germany. A new and powerful Empire whose meteoric Rise and far-reaching Ambitions have made a lot of People very nervous. With Tensions beginning to simmer in Europe and a new Election in the United States, this is a time of uncertainty...but also one rife with Opportunity...

[]1910: Scratch Tensions simmering in Europe, they are now full-on BURNING. Kaiser Wilhelm II., making no Secret of his Ambition to give his Nation it's 'Place in the Sun' has managed to rile up a good chunk of Europe against him and his Empire. And his few Allies, like Austria-Hungary and Italy, are either dealing with their own Issues or are reconsidering their Allegiances. Europe is preparing for a titanic clash between it's Great Powers like nothing it has seen before...

Over the Atlantic, former President and Trustbuster Theodore Roosevelt grows ever more frustrated with President William Howard Taft's conservative Politics and is considering running once again for Office in the 1912 Election. He stands a good Chance of winning if he does so...were it not for a certain Southern Democrat.

With a terrible War looming on the Horizon and the Future of the USA to be decided soon, how will you factor into this World...?

[]1920: The World is still reeling from the Horrors of the Great War. With nearly 20 Million dead and Peace having come only 2 years ago, the Scars of the War to end all Wars are still fresh upon the World. The Map of Europe has changed dramatically. Germany, much diminished, is especially reeling from it's defeat, it's People torn between exhaustion, frustration and thoughts of revenge. The Russian Empire is no more, replaced by Lenin's Soviet Union...which is now torn apart in a deadly Civil War. Will the Workers triumph or can the Whites somehow beat the Revolution back?

In the USA, Wilson's Presidency has deepened the Rift between Blacks and Whites and the Myth of the Lost Cause has truly entrenched itself the South now, paving the Way for a continuation of Jim Crow. Still, the Economy is starting to boom, so it's not all bad. Now if only that damn Volstead Act hadn't been passed...

The Planet is recovering from the Seminal Catastrophe of the 20th Century. But how long will it last?

[]1930: The Stock Market Crash of 1929 and the following Economic Crisis have thrown the World into Chaos. The United States are sick of Herbert Hoover's mismanagement of the Issue and are looking for a new Leader. Perhaps another Roosevelt might be in Order?

Meanwhile, as all around the Globe Countries are trying to recover from the massive blow to their Economies, whispers begin to arise in many Nations. Whispers of a new, a better way. One to regain the Glory of the Nation and it's People by any means necessary. Already, Italy has walked down the path of Fascism. Who knows how many other Countries will follow the Duce and his Ideology?

The Japanese Empire continues it's ruthless expansion in Asia. Meanwhile, the Frustration and Anger in Germany have reached a boiling Point...and a Man named Adolf Hitler, Leader of the NSDAP, is determined to take Advantage of it and seize control of his Nation. Should he succeed, then Dark Times will be upon Europe...

In the Soviet Union, Lenin is dead, his Rule replaced by that of Joseph Stalin. A brilliant and determined, but also brutal, paranoid and utterly ruthless Leader, he intends to reforge the Soviet Union in his own Image and into a Nation of Steel, able to withstand all outside aggression...and all Traitor's in it's midst, whether real or imagined.

The World is drifting towards a Catastrophe far worse then the Great War ever was. Will you put a stop to it all...or take advantage of it?

[]1940: Despite all attempts to divert it, Hitler's mad Ambitions and ruthless Plans have plunged the Planet int a Second World War. Already, Poland has fallen to the Aggression of Nazi-Germany and Soviet Union alike. While great Horrors are committed against it's People by both sides, the Nazis are already planning to kick their genocidal Agenda into the next Phase. But first, they get ready to smash through the woefully under-prepared Allied Armies to the West, conquer France, knock the UK out of the War and expand North through Scandinavia. Then, and only then, will the Stage be set to accomplish their greatest Goal: Lebensraum im Osten, the complete Annihilation of the Russian People to gain their Land for the Aryan Race. In Asia, Japan continues their War with China, even as it grinds to a Stalemate. And the USA once again finds itself faced with the Question of whether to join in on another global War or not.

As horrible Atrocities are committed across the Planet, with the worst still to come, only one question remains for you in this War to determine the Future of the World:

Which side are You on?

[]1950: The bloodiest War Mankind has seen so far has ended in the complete and utter defeat of the Axis Powers. The Empire of Japan, Mussolini's Italy and the German Reich are no more, their Territories much diminished or divided and the cruel Regimes that led them cast down and destroyed. However, not all is well in this new World. For now that the threat of Fascism is out of the way, the two new Superpowers eye each other with scorn and mistrust across the Iron Curtain they have drawn across Europe, especially after the Failure of the Berlin Blockade. With Eastern Europe and much of Asia firmly in the grip of Communism, the Western World gathers under the Leadership of the United States to oppose the Red Tide that they fear is coming. Strong and capable Leader will be needed to navigate the ever more complex World...and stave of the ever present threat of Nuclear Annihilation.

In Russia, the once indomitable Joseph Stalin's health is declining. Who knows what may become of the Revolution and Lenin's Dream once he meets his demise? Will the Soviet Union arise stronger and better then before...or will it descend down a dark, dark Path if the wrong People manage to take Power?

Things will come to a head in the divided Korea, where the Soviet Regime in the North is preparing to invade the South. The World is on the brink of an Age of Proxy Wars and political Games of Chance.

The Cold War has begun. And just then, You enter the Picture....

[]1960: The Tensions in the World are running higher then ever. Between the Communist Takeover in Cuba, the Euro-Missile Crisis, the ever worsening Relationship between North and South Vietnam, many smaller Proxy Conflicts between Sides supported by Soviet Union and USA and the United States stationing Missiles in Turkey, the Cold War is growing hotter by the day.

In Russia, Nikita Khrushchev is determined to steer the Soviet Union through these Times to Victory. In America, the Election is coming up and the People will have to choose between Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy, both of whom make many promises to bring the Nation forward and face the Threats of Communism. Unrest and small-scale conflicts simmer around the World, adding fuel to the growing fire.

As you join this intricate Game and upset it's balance forever, Minute by Minute, the clock is ticking closer to Midnight…

[]1970:The Seasaw Seventies, an age of Uncertainty and Ill Timed Bullshit. You got Tricky Dick on One Side, Brezchnev on the Other, Post Colonial Wars in Africa and a mess of Madness in the South East, A Oil Crisis brewing in the Middle east and the Space Race going about.

What a Time to be alive.

[]1979: Originally it was January 1st UC 0079..... A half-century has passed since Earth began moving its burgeoning population into gigantic orbiting space colonies. A new home for mankind, where people are born and raised... and die. But by an act of Providence, a miracle for some and a Punishment for Others, Mankind is forced to fight its Greatest War in the Backdrop of the Year 1979.

In 1979 proper, in spite of the Ongoing Oil Crisis, things are in Detente...China and America are entering Diplomatic Relations, Iran is in the Grips of its Revolution and soon Pol Pot will be overthrown by the Vietnamese Government in Ho Chi Min city. In Africa the Ugandan-Tanzinian Bush war is beguinning.

Earth is going through another Year of the Cold War, thinking it is Just another year.

How wrong they are.

[]1980: The Crazy Eighties, filled to the Brim with Reganomics, Gorbachev and a lifetime of Cold War Bullshit finally coming to ahead as It all works to a final crescendo of Diplomatic madness and life on Mars Hoopla. The Cold War Story is going to be over soon, how it ends is up to the Players and Peices.

What can one do when the Future is already written?

[]1990: Ahh the Ninties. The Pax Americana at its most Daring and Brazen, Madness in the Middle East, the Wall is down and The USSR is on its way out. Still, with China on the Rise not everything is as it seems in this so called Perfect World.

For One thing...Sadam is being a dick.

AN: Well, this was Originally going to be the Titan Rising Sequal, but I lost me Notes on it and then decided to Leverage my World History knowledge for fun and profit.

Thank you @Alexander Sturnn for helping write the first turn and giving me...certain ideas.

Enjoy and Plan Format!!
The Earth Federation
The Earth Federation Remnants

Leader: Fai Newman

Powerscale: Hyperpower (You can destroy the entire Earth if you wish.)

Ruling Political Party: The Industrial League Party/ Emergency Coalition

Government: Parliamentary Unitary Federation


"WE ARE A PART OF THE EARTH FEDERATION FORCES!! NOT YOURS!": The Earth Federation, the United Armed Forces of Earth and her Space Colonies, is the greatest Military instrument and organization that has ever walked the stars and Earth, with the cutting edge in Weapons development, training and logistical abilities, they can fight anywhere on the Planet within a moments notice.

They will Protect Earth with all they have, and despite everything are better men.

Solar Wire: The brainchild of Nikola Tesla, and the federation signal corps it is the connection to earth and space…allowing for a greater ease of communication once relations are established.

The Heavens is our Sea, The Heavens is Our Shield, We call Her Luna II:You have Luna II, a Massive Artificial Moon, Military Base and Space Station shipyard that is the main power projection force in the Region of Space, Also makes a fine fortress.

Hades Intelligence Apparatus: The Descendant of Nearly every single Intelligence and Secret Police Organization known to man. It is the Best of the Best, no matter what they are thrown at.

Uncertain Times, Certain Actions: The Federation is known for its decisive actions in uncertain times, be it the Earth's environmental crisis, or the Movement of People to Space. In times of Uncertainty, we make our own hero's.

Fragmenting: Side 6, Side 3 and the Moon Territories are already declaring independence and going off to do their own thing, the Other Colonies are considering running off, you need to keep them hanging together or they will all hang separately. Its not a good look for a government that can't keep its states in line.

Radicalism and all its Madness: People have certain ideas on how the world should be run...and what to do with all those Military Stockpiles.
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Turn 0: Leadership Select
Turn 0: Leadership Select

(Yang POV)

You looked down at earth with a sad and ignoble feeling as you realized the sheer magnitude of this mess.

"So...we are in the past?" You said.

"Yep...and its the start of the 1900s to so we can't even complan about things on the internet." Gopp said.

"So...everything we did was for nothing?" You said.

"Pretty much, all the blood, sweat and tears, it was all for nothing." He said.

"Man this is bullshit…" You said.

"I know its all shit, we have to deal with all the troubles of the middle ages, like monarchists...and worse." He said.

"Yeah, we completely discredited that medieval fantasy with blood." You said. "Those annoying Red coat-loving sociopaths who never worked a day in their lives, they can drown in the blood of all the lives they destroyed."

Gopp sighed. "Dude...I get it, you hate Communism and you spent a great deal of time after the war destroying and discrediting it. You gotta let that hate go and accept reality that its not going to be simple as making everyone see it as most of us see it as."

"I just wish I had the ability to go do from here and Kill every SINGLE COMMUNIST I FIND!! ON EARTH!! Before they spread their poison and murder millions. For the Unborn generations to come." You raged.

Gopp sighed. "Our nation and government is collapsing and you want to go on a Military adventure to destroy the concept of International and Communism. WE had three successions last week and we don't have an economy! I get it you're upset about all of this and want to blame the people you hate instead of getting a solution."

"I'm mad because everything we faught and died for, a united and peaceful earth and all the blood we spilled to get it is all for nothing. Now I feel like everything I did for the federation after I surrendered was for nothing." You said.

"I get it Yang I'm mad too, we were building Jaburo...and now its gone." He said.

"I'm just mad I'm gonna have to do something like the Katanga massacre again." You said. "One more sacrifice on my mind. Do you know how hard it was to round up and kill over two million people and put them all to the sword. All because they didn't like the government policy, they didn't want to care about the environment even after the war nearly destroyed it."

"They chose violence and extremism Yang, we gave them every olive branch, peace conferences, financial and infrastructure aid, and support, and they still hated us...we forced something they didn't like out of necessity, we made that clear. But at least it wasn't as bad as the Damascus or Butan Emergency's?" Gopp said.

"Yeah, like how the hell did they get their hands on Fissile Material, they caused 2.5 million people to die in agony for that." You said. "So why are you bringing that up?"

"You're not a monster Yang, despite what you do for a living...because people are far worse than you. At least you and guys like us use violence to keep the rest of the sheep of humanity from waking up dead because of someone even worse than us." Gopp said.

"Because there will always be someone worse than us. That's the unfortunate truth of life. And someone like us will need to put them down." You said.

"At least we aren't in charge anymore, this is someone else's problem now?" Gopp said.


So...snap elections are coming up Yang. Who are you Voting for?

(Choose your Party)

[]The Social Union Party of Earth: Old Classic Ben Harrington, the architect of the Federation Welfare and Medicare Policy survived the transfer and is working to deal with the crisis of leadership; he's calm and steady, if lacking a spine in backroom politics. Publicly he's perfect, but a man with no stomach for the back room madness is a liability in the long term, but he knows people and is trusted and that trust can go a long way.

[]The Earth Union Party: You knew deep down that Georges Marcenas was to blame for something, he wasn't with his father when he died, despite being attached to the hip beforehand. But despite that, he's a career politician, charismatic, experienced and somewhat funny. He knows the score and will listen when prompted. You just can't shake a feeling about him.

[] The Industrial League Party: Fai Newman, is the archetype for the Federation Dream, became a war hero at 21, billionaire by 25 and is now dealing in high level politics at 30. He can jump start something, and get the sides in line with his so called "Side Trade Clause" but trade cannot heal a nation..can it?

[]The Side Reform League: Opposite Georges on the Aisle is Maylee Soltes, who has the unique pedigree for being the first person born on the moon. She's paralyzed from the waist down because of it, but she lets none of that stop her from being open to reality, Most people live in space, they should be concerned about Space, not adventures on earth, that comes after the mess is sorted out.

All in all, a Colorful cast of characters to run a nation.

God help us all.

AN: Your leadership isn't the Military Junta, they stepped down because they didn't want to deal with people and treated every problem like a nail.

They are self aware enough to see that that is a bad thing, and didn't want to be blamed for things going wrong when they did.

Turn 1 (1900)
Turn 1 (1900)

The Industrial League Party: Fai Newman, is the archetype for the Federation Dream, became a war hero at 21, billionaire by 25 and is now dealing in high level politics at 30. He can jump start something, and get the sides in line with his so called "Side Trade Clause" but trade cannot heal a nation..can it?


The Earth Federation Remnants

Leader: Fai Newman

Powerscale: Hyperpower (You can destroy the entire Earth if you wish.)

Ruling Political Party: The Industrial League Party/ Emergency Coalition

Government: Parliamentary Unitary Federation


"WE ARE A PART OF THE EARTH FEDERATION FORCES!! NOT YOURS!": The Earth Federation, the United Armed Forces of Earth and her Space Colonies, is the greatest Military instrument and organization that has ever walked the stars and Earth, with the cutting edge in Weapons development, training and logistical abilities, they can fight anywhere on the Planet within a moments notice.

They will Protect Earth with all they have, and despite everything are better men.

The Heavens is our Sea, The Heavens is Our Shield, We call Her Luna II:You have Luna II, a Massive Artificial Moon, Military Base and Space Station shipyard that is the main power projection force in the Region of Space, Also makes a fine fortress.

Uncertain Times, Certain Actions: The Federation is known for its decisive actions in uncertain times, be it the Earth's environmental crisis, or the Movement of People to Space. In times of Uncertainty, we make our own hero's.

Economic IOU: You are part of an Unwilling experiment, how long will you be able to run a state without a functioning economy? And not die due to the stress of interplanetary trade. Lets Find out!!

Fragmenting: Side 6, Side 3 and the Moon Territories are already declaring independence and going off to do their own thing, the Other Colonies are considering running off, you need to keep them hanging together or they will all hang separately. Its not a good look for a government that can't keep its states in line.

Radicalism and all its Madness: People have certain ideas on how the world should be run...and what to do with all those Military Stockpiles.


Scrounging up something: D100 => 81

Fai and some of his executives poured together something of a Budget, it won't give much.

You have 4 AP


Diplomacy: The Mother of Earth, Gone, all we have are its Lessons.

[]Reveal yourself to Earth: That's it, you're going to control the Narrative, not the sides, not the Moon, YOU, you will send someone down there to get the story hope this isn't a utter mistake. DC:??? Reward: You send an Official down to Earth and set the record straight...or he gets arrested, you know your not going to lose sleep if that happens. DC:??? Reward: Revea yourself to Earth...and prey nothing bad happens.l

[]Call a Census: If you were going to lose Sides, at least have them go off and file how much your losing when they leave, for history's sake if nothing else. DC:100 Reward: Call a Census and have everyone complain about it.

[]Calm fears of the Sides: The Sides are considering leaving, shit, going to have to do a blanket speech to get them around to at least not leave just yet, at least file things properly if you do. DC:55 Reward:Try to keep the sides from leaving.

[] Backroom Deals of Luna: You know these idiots, Anaheim Electronics, and the rest of their Ilk like Hervik. You at least want to make sure they didn't steal your assets as a private citizen...among other things. GOD damn Vist and his cronies. DC:60 Reward: Get some of your asset back.

[]Playing Favorites: You know deep down you're not a public speaker,and you'll likely piss off the sides all together if you make a blanket best do what you always did with the Markets, play favorites. DC: Auto Success. Reward: You will piss off the others, but at least you got one of them on side.
-[]Write which side to play favorite with.


Martial: Thank God you have General Yang and Men like him.

[]Asset Reports (Fleet): Admiral Wekken, give us a report on our Fleet Status around Earth! NOW! DC:50 Reward:

[]Asset Reports (Ground Pounding): General Yang, get me a report on our Combat Capabilities on the Ground NOW! DC:50 Reward:

[]Asset Report (Bases): Gopp, check our Bases in each of the Sides, I want to know if they've been seized or Looted. DC:50 Reward:

[]Asset Reports (Officers): Check Luna II's Officer Database, we might need them. DC:50 Reward:

[]A Hopeless Search at Home?: Maybe it's a Fool's Hope...but Cheak Earth Proper for any sign of Federation IFFs, signals, or anything solid, even if it's a fool's gambit. DC:??? Reward: Do we dare hope that someone's down there.

[]A Hopeless Search on the Moon?: I forgot we still have training facilities on the moon. Go call them to get them here to report, and apologize on my behalf for the inconvenience. DC:30 Reward:

[]A Hopeless Search Abroad?: We had People in transit to Mars and Jupiter Sites, maybe we can call them and maybe we can find them. DC:??? Reward:

[]Situation Report (External Threats?): "Yang, be honest with me...who's going to try to kill us?" DC:20 Reward:


Stewardship: The Backroom Deal, so simple yet so complex.

[]Stabilize EVERYTHING!!: Stabilize the Markets and Currency, I don't care what Black Magic you use to do it, DO IT! DC:80 Reward: Do Economic Miracle and save your economy or at least start it.

[]Freeze all Outgoing assets: They will hate you for it...and that alone will piss off everyone. Now screw them, FOR THE FEDERATION! This is gonna suck.DC:80 Reward: Seize leaving assets from certain citizens, piss off the sides...roll in last of Tax Money.

[]There was an Idea...a Side Trade Clause Part 1: Your brainchild, your plan, your dream, they have to listen to this, somehow they have to listen. DC:??? Reward: Bask in the Vanity of Your Ambition and play them all like fiddles.


Intrigue: The Security of the State is Paramount to survival, get it done.

[]Situation Report (The Radicals): You know that these fools are gonna try to ruin anything, better see witch ones want to do it.DC:10 Reward: Get a situation report.

[]Establish a Clear Intelligence Apparatus: You lost the Intel guy's and it sucks, well time to pester people to let a few liberties be spied on in the name of state security. That and, have someone else do the Paperwork.DC:50 Reward:Establish Intelligence Agency.

[]Establish Observation Stations (Earth):Its quite easy to spy on just takes a good signal to do it. That or get a subscription to the New York Times. DC:60 Reward:Spy on Earth...somehow.

[]Establish Observation Stations (Moon):All one has to do is tap into their Communications, that's it, that's the Federation comms apparatus, no wonder secession was so easy.DC:100 Reward:Spy on the MOON!!

[]Establish Observation Stations (Sides): Just tap their shit..its that easy, the Internet and shit, things are dumb.DC:50 Reward: Spy on your citizens.

[]KILL THE SMUGGLERS!!:Yeah the Black Market is here...KILL THEM ALL! DC:50 Reward: Gain wealth by killing Criminals.

[]A Crackdown a Day keeps secession away: Now you don't want to use military force to keep the Independence movements unpopular...but Military force is the Only tool the Federation has left. And you know what they say about hammers and nails.DC:??? Reward: A Minor showing of Military Force should piss them off, then you can arrest them all and then fix the welfare system.


Learning: What the Hell, Happened:

[]Deal with Unforeseen Consequences:Let's go to the eggheads and pray they tell us nothing bad has happened to us via our...current situation.DC:??? Reward: Figure out what bad things happened. And how it gets worse.

[]Open the Archives!!:THERE MUST BE SANITY!! THERE MUST BE ANSWERS IN THE FEDERAL ARCHIVEs Restricted SECTION! DC:5 Reward:New Actions available.


AN: Plan Format, Make Omakes from Earth's POV as they figure out whats' going on.

Turn 1 Results
Turn 1 Results

-[X]Asset Reports (Fleet): Admiral Wekken, give us a report on our Fleet Status around Earth! NOW! DC:50 Reward: Fleet Status. Rolled: D100 => 93

"Well we have some good news...we have a fleet, the Whole Fleet is here," Wekken said.

Fai looked up. "How many do we have?"

"500 Light Patrol Shuttles. 1500 Transport and Convoy Ships. 50 Salmis Battleships and a few dozen of those Space Fighters we've been cooking up in the Labs." He said.

"Thats over 2000 Ships." Fai said.

"Yep...and we have enough firepower to tell the rest of them to play ball." He said.

"How so?" Fai said.

"We control almost 95% of all trade and Merchant Marines. So they can't trade even if they don't want to use our money." He said.

"So this is leverage?" Fai said.

"No. This is basically that...sir I was gonna say something cool." He said.

"What happened to the Other 5%?" Fai said.

"I think they are on Side 6 and the Moon, with a few spread out to the rest of the colonies." He said.

"Holy shit we have them by the balls." Fai said.

"That we do sir?" he said

"But there's always a catch isn't there?" Fai said.

"No, most of our shit is intact and loyal." He said.

"How soon can we do anything on Earth?" Fai said.

"Sir, we can't just invade and force Primitives to live like us, we have an Agreement in the FOUNDING CHARTER to be imperialism spamming assholes." He said.

"Why not?" Fai said.

"Because you promised the SIdes not to be an imperialist asshole." He said.

Reward:You have 2000 Ships, most are trade ships but they are YOURS!


-[X]Calm fears of the Sides: The Sides are considering leaving, shit, going to have to do a blanket speech to get them around to at least not leave just yet, at least file things properly if you do. DC:55 Reward:Try to keep the sides from leaving. Rolled: D100 => 65

You looked at the Side Leadership on the Zoom call.

"So...what are your caveats for calming the hell down?" You said.

"We get to print our own currency, backed by the states economy." The Leader of Side 1 said.

"Thats Economic Suicide, the Rate of Exchange will be a nightmare!" You said.

"Listen Fai, you fucked up the Currency, we have to make due with what we have." He said.

"Its not that bad?!" You complained.

"Fai we have Bread Riots because the Federation's currency is utterly worthless." Side 2's mayor said.

"A gross overstatement of the problem." You said.

"Damnit Fai, just shut up and swallow your damn pride and just admit decentralizing and using Local Currency is accepted." He said.

"FINE...but you have to pay a protectionist tariff all of you….even us, now lets now deal with the next problem. Bread Riots how archaic and maddening that we are now, dealing with THIS SHIT!" You said.

Reward: Oh boy, you've kept them around, but your looking less like the EU and More Pre EU Europe...But the Sides that haven't left are happy to stick around, you have all their ships after.

But you have lost a key bit of Leverage keeping them united.


Fragmentation Trait has been Delayed for three Turns.


-[X]Stabilize EVERYTHING!!: Stabilize the Markets and Currency, I don't care what Black Magic you use to do it, DO IT! DC:80 Reward: Do Economic Miracle and save your economy or at least start it. Rolled: D100 => 10

"What has happened to my ECONOMY!! GIVE ME BACK MY GDP!! LUNA GIVE IT BACK!!" You shouted in anger as you cried into the Economic Minister's arms.

"Its that bad sir...its that bad." She said.


"FUCK YOU LUNA FUCK YOU!!" You continued to rage.


The Finance Minister looked at the Economic Minister. "You're sure this is what is going on?"

"Yep...we're no longer the reserve currency and the Financial Capital of the Earth Sphere." She said.

"And the Inflation Rate?" The FM said calmly.

".99 Trillion Percent." The EM said.

"Fuck, we have no liquid assets." The FM said.

"Not even the Paper and Plastic its printed on is wanted its that distrusted." The EM said. "NO ONE wants to use our currency."

"Even the Stock Exchange?!" The FM said.

"THOSE FUCKS Jumped ship to Luna and Took most of our Gold Reserve!" The EM said.

"What about Silver?" The FM said.

"NO ONE Trusts Silver, not after the Delos Scandal! NO ONE WILL EVEN TOUCH THAT WORTHLESS ROCK!" The EM said.

"So...our Debt is worthless." The FM said.

"No one wants to buy anything we sell." The EM said. "Thats the Problem."

"So...we use all of our Economic might to save the earth, build colonies and then move billions of people into space, where they live comfortable and productive live and one disruption to our economy is enough for them to distrust the very money that built their homes, so they can use their own local money and get rich off of our suffering?" The FM said.

"Thats what they did." The EM said.

"Ungrateful Bastards!" The FM said.

Reward: No one will use you as an economic base...they won't even try to trade with you, you are considered economic poison to the Ecosystem of trade, were it not for you holding the fleet, you'd be embargoed for economic incompetence because they want to get rid of your economy.

Economic IOU has mutated into!!

Economic Freefall: Your Currency is worthless, your economy Impotent, the Inflation rate is worse then Pre Unification War South America. Your Assets Trash. Your People mistrust you.

Your Government in Panic.

Adam Smith and GOD help you all.


-[X]Establish a Clear Intelligence Apparatus: You lost the Intel guy's and it sucks, well time to pester people to let a few liberties be spied on in the name of state security. That and, have someone else do the Paperwork.DC:50 Reward:Establish Intelligence Agency.
Rolled: D100 => 92

Fai looked at his service pistol and thought about his failures in economics.

He'd built himself out of a smoldering ruin, it had been hard, but it was still possible.

This was a situation that even he could not predict or overcome.

He needed a more active hand...he needed something that could get him something.

Information was more important than money at this point.

Information was WORTH money.

He had a new plan, if Economics would not save the Federation...then you have to use the untasteful methods of the past.

Spy Rings, Information Brokers, and Double of Poor and questionable Character that would work not only for patriotism but the allure of influence and power.

They would be the key to the New Federation's plans.

If we could not Conquer them via economic might, we will do so through subterfuge and information.

It's how you got your start as a Businessman, you did insider trading and other White Collar Crime to get the capital to investors to see you were legit.

Well, that and your side job as a High Stakes Information Broker for five Different Countries but that's beside the point.

You had options now. And they would see to it.

Reward: Gain National Spirt:

Hades Intelligence Apparatus: The Descendant of Nearly every single Intelligence and Secret Police Organization known to man. It is the Best of the Best, no matter what they are thrown at.

Rumor Mill unlocked and will be Viewable on Turn 2.


Reaction Rolls:

Side 1: D100 => 54

SIde 1 is still on Side with you, though with considerable independence and power.

Reward: They are with you still.

Side 2: D100 => 79

Side 2 has ran to you and offered to pay the soldiers and dock part of your Fleet for Free.

They...didn't care if you were were still people.

It also helped that they were also very nice.

Reward: Be like Side 2.

Side 3/Munzo Republic: D100 => 13

Like you, Side 3 has...been suffering Economic Woes, though they are slightly better at hiding it.

But only Slightly…

Reward: Side 3 is filled with Woes.

Side 4: D100 => 43

Side 4 is still technically in with you but went off to Support Side 3 economically.

This has caused them to Struggle a fair bit.
Reward: Yeah...Something is going wrong.

Side 5: D100 => 68

Still with the Federation...and still struggling along economically.

Reward: Struggling along and Still Loyal.

The Riah Republic: D100 => 88

They left...and are having an economic boom.


Reward: They are Fine...doing better then fine actually.

Side 7: D100 => 98

So you paid your soldiers in Side 7s Future Property, even if its still under construction and very much not in livable condition.

As it turns out...they really wanted that...and are actually building it via their own resources.

Yang said it was to keep them from getting bored.

And then...something magical happened.

Your GDP and Side 7's newly established Currency "The Noa" replaced a fair chunk of your Federal Credits.

It wouldn't be enough to get you out of the Hole you seemed to have dug yourself in...but it gives you a chance to...get yourselves the tools to do it.

Reward: You paid the vets in Side 7's non-existent future Property.

They responded by giving you a temporary Bail out.

Granada City: D100 => 99

They have become the Finance Capital of Earth Sphere.

Reward: Its the Tin.

Von Braun City: D100 => 22

Being an Economic Patsy to Granada, they focus on Manufacturing...with Mixed Results.

Reward: No Products.

Earth: D100 => 92

Institutions of the World Gather In Vienna To Discuss new Stars and Small Moon.

By scientific Curiosity and Reason, thousands upon thousands of the Brightest Astronomers, Physicists, Doctors and other Learned Professionals have gathered in Vianna to discuss the Strange new Phenomena that is slowly unfolding in front of our Eyes.

(More on Page 2 and 3)

Reward: Earth is acting in a Sane and Rational Manner, gathering the Best and Brightest to see what is going on.

Missing Assets??: D100 => 92

"FED COM this is...Station NORAD...I can't Get Jaburo or Dekar or anyone on nearly any frequency Send Traffic? We've uh..shit how do we describe it. We're Sending this with NIKOLA TESLA...I can't describe it he's been asking Questions for weeks, I can't even beguin to describe what's going on"

Reward: Well, something else did come through. And they had to get creative to call you. New Action Avalible

The Jupiter Energy Fleet: D100 => 12

Luna's Office sent a Probe.

It hasn't sent a signal back since it passed the Belt.


AN: Well, this is a odd way to start, enjoy.
Turn 2 (1901)
Turn 2 (1901)

Scrounging up Resources: D100 => 77+5 (Fleet)+20 (Bailout)-30 (Freefall economy)=72

You have 5 Free AP


Diplomacy: The Mother of Earth, Gone, all we have are its Lessons.

[]Reveal yourself to Earth: That's it, you're going to control the Narrative, not the sides, not the Moon, YOU, you will send someone down there to get the story hope this isn't an utter mistake. DC:??? Reward: You send an Official down to Earth and set the record straight...or he gets arrested, you know your not going to lose sleep if that happens. DC:??? Reward: Revea yourself to Earth...and prey nothing bad happens.l

[]Call a Census: If you were going to lose Sides, at least have them go off and file how much your losing when they leave, for history's sake if nothing else. DC:100 Reward: Call a Census and have everyone complain about it.

[] Backroom Deals of Luna: You know these idiots, Anaheim Electronics, and the rest of their Ilk like Hervik. You at least want to make sure they didn't steal your assets as a private citizen...among other things. GOD damn Vist and his cronies. DC:60 Reward: Get some of your assets back.

[]Tracking Santa, and Other Signs of Civility: Huh, NORAD made it, well better get those Jokers up and back in the Chain of Command before they do anything else. What the...IS that NIKOLA TESLA! DC:50 Reward: Go pick up those slackers and yell at them, Secure NORAD assets, Say Hi to Nikola Tesla and talk about Space.


Martial: Thank God you have General Yang and Men like him.

[]Asset Reports (Ground Pounding): General Yang, get me a report on our Combat Capabilities on the Ground NOW! DC:50 Reward:

[]Asset Report (Bases): Gopp, check our Bases in each of the Sides, I want to know if they've been seized or Looted. DC:50 Reward:

[]Asset Reports (Officers): Check Luna II's Officer Database, we might need them. DC:50 Reward:

[]A Hopeless Search at Home?: Maybe it's a Fool's Hope...but Cheak Earth Proper for any sign of Federation IFFs, signals, or anything solid, even if it's a fool's gambit. DC:??? Reward: Do we dare hope that someone's down there.

[]A Hopeless Search on the Moon?: I forgot we still have training facilities on the moon. Go call them to get them here to report, and apologize on my behalf for the inconvenience. DC:30 Reward:

[]A Hopeless Search Abroad?: We had People in transit to Mars and Jupiter Sites, maybe we can call them and maybe we can find them. DC:??? Reward:

[]Situation Report (External Threats?): "Yang, be honest with me...who's going to try to kill us?" DC:20 Reward:


Stewardship: The Backroom Deal, so simple yet so complex.

[]Freeze all Outgoing assets: They will hate you for it...and that alone will piss off everyone. Now screw them, FOR THE FEDERATION! This is gonna suck.DC:80 Reward: Seize leaving assets from certain citizens, piss off the sides...roll in last of Tax Money.

[]There was an Idea...a Side Trade Clause Part 1: Your brainchild, your plan, your dream, they have to listen to this, somehow they have to listen. DC:??? Reward: Bask in the Vanity of Your Ambition and play them all like fiddles.

[]Leverage the Fleet:You have a FLeet, you HAVE THE FLEET, time to make that use of Taxpayers money actually work. DC:35, Reward: Use your Fleet for Monetary Gain, and other Signs of Capitalism.

[]Complete Side 7 Part 1 of 7: Side 7 was only a Theoretical operation, and then Yang and his men started building it. Hell it worked out, better give them more Funding. DC:??, Reward: Progress on Side 7's construction.


Intrigue: The Security of the State is Paramount to survival, get it done.

[]Situation Report (The Radicals): You know that these fools are gonna try to ruin anything, better see witch ones want to do it.DC:0 Reward: Get a situation report.

[]Establish Observation Stations (Earth):It's quite easy to spy on just takes a good signal to do it. That or get a subscription to the New York Times. DC:50 Reward:Spy on Earth...somehow.

[]Establish Observation Stations (Moon):All one has to do is tap into their Communications, that's it, that's the Federation comms apparatus, no wonder secession was so easy.DC:90 Reward:Spy on the MOON!!

[]Establish Observation Stations (Sides): Just tap their shit..its that easy, the Internet and shit, things are dumb.DC:40 Reward: Spy on your citizens.

[]KILL THE SMUGGLERS!!:Yeah the Black Market is here...KILL THEM ALL! DC:40 Reward: Gain wealth by killing Criminals.

[]A Crackdown a Day keeps secession away: Now you don't want to use military force to keep the Independence movements unpopular...but Military force is the Only tool the Federation has left. And you know what they say about hammers and nails.DC:??? Reward: A Minor showing of Military Force should piss them off, then you can arrest them all and then fix the welfare system.


Learning: What the Hell, Happened:

[]Deal with Unforeseen Consequences:Let's go to the eggheads and pray they tell us nothing bad has happened to us via our...current situation.DC:??? Reward: Figure out what bad things happened. And how it gets worse.

[]Open the Archives!!:THERE MUST BE SANITY!! THERE MUST BE ANSWERS IN THE FEDERAL ARCHIVEs Restricted SECTION! DC:5 Reward:New Actions available.


AN: Lets Go.
Omake Technical Difficulties by RandyTrevelyan
Omake Technical Difficulties

Reed Mathers still didn't know if Fai and his Industrial League would save the earth federation. He was a logistics officer, not some damn politician. Still, that didn't mean he couldn't do his part, and if doing his part meant getting some contruction supplies released to the soldiers trying to make Side 7 into something worth his Commision, well, that was just proof he was in the right.

Now if only everyone understood that. "I've told you already. It doesn't matter if the materials in this hanger bay were intended for contruction on Side 7. In light of recent events, every non essential hanger bays in Luna II is on lockdown. Short of a direct order from president Fai himself, those doors aren't even opening, let alone docking with transport shuttles." Proclaimed the Tool in a Luna II uniform that he somehow managed to whear incorrectly.

He had a name but no one who actually knew him used it. "Tool" was an infamous toady of Luna II's nominal authority, and universally hated by everyone but his higher up of choice. He was an absolute pain to deal with. "That lockdown is 3 days past the regulation limit for what can be enacted in non-combat situations."

"Lockdown lift requires Luna II hanger bay undergo examination by a certified Technician."

"Which Should have been arranged days ago."

"All Technicians must acquire persmission to enter any hanger bay in lockdown from a supervisor of appropriate rank."

"A rank you hold."

"The validity of a hanger bay examination is subject to discretion of it's senior supervisor." He answered with a smug grin.

Whether or not Reed Mathers would have succumb to his urge to throttle Tool would forever remain a mystery, because at that point a third voice spoke out. "Oh Reeeeeedy! Is it my turn yet?" A feminine voice queried cheerfully. The asshole in front of Reed paled considerably, as he should. Mateline Vortimer was no woman to triffle with.

Were Reed in a more charitable mood, he might have hesitated to throw even a basterd of Tool's quality to Lady Vortimer. Alas, Reed was feeling anything but charitable. "He's all yours" Reed grumbled loudly before marching out of Tools office. Vortimer skipped in past him with all the joy of a schoolgirl and the creepy cheer of a serial killer.

"Don't worry Monsieur! I'm sure little Olliver will see the error of his ways shortly♡!" Was the last thing Reed heard before the door closed. Continuing down the hall, Reed activated his comlink and instructed his shuttles to make for hanger bay entrance. It wouldn't take Vortimer long at all to make Tool squeal.

This was inspired by a mix of my vote, some wiki information I found looking up luna II, which was apparently moved to side 7 specifically to help in it's construction, and a long ago Idea for a fanfic featuring Cruella Deville in a disney villains parody of inglorious basterds.
Last edited:
Turn 2 Results
Turn 2 Results

-[X]Complete Side 7 Part 1 of 7: Side 7 was only a Theoretical operation, and then Yang and his men started building it. Hell it worked out, better give them more Funding. DC:??, Reward: Progress on Side 7's construction.
Rolled: D100 => 69+10=79

We made grand and Significant Progress on Side 7, and the other projects. And in doing so you are going to get more and more out of the Local Asteroid mining that is slowly cropping up to build it.

That Green on the national Portfolio was something BOLD AND DEARING!

And it made you Very Proud.

Reward: Success One of Seven completed.

-[X]Leverage the Fleet:You have a FLeet, you HAVE THE FLEET, time to make that use of Taxpayers money actually work. DC:35, Reward: Use your Fleet for Monetary Gain, and other Signs of Capitalism. Rolled: D100 + 10 => 88

"Fai, did we just park our fleet outside of their Borders, and tell them to go to the Meeting or ELSE?" Yang said.

"It's the only way they can do inter-side trade! THEY ARE GOING TO LISTEN!" You said.

"Are you sure that will likely antagonize them?" Yang said.

"What are they going to do, we have the fleet and officers that know what they are doing." You said.

"Yes...but forcing them to go to a meeting at gunpoint isn't...sane diplomacy when your trying to KEEP them from leaving." He said.

"Well, if they wanted to do trade, at least we can standardize it so Luna doesn't take over everything they hold dear."You said.

"Point. What Luna did, remarkably...was piss them all off." Yang said.

"Economic Opportunists the Lot of them...we shall make them suffer at the Clause Negotiation table." You said.

"That we will sir." He said.

Reward: You came with the Fleet as a Show of Power, there will be a bonus to Negotiations at the end of the Third Part of the Side Claus.

-[X]Asset Reports (Officers): Check Luna II's Officer Database, we might need them. DC:50
Rolled: D100 + 10 => 73

A Majority of your Officers were still here, none of them were anything to Write Home About.

Except Captain Revil.

He had a spine when it came to political dealings and Military Discipline.

Reward: The Officers are noted and put into organization and sent off to work.

-[X]KILL THE SMUGGLERS!!:Yeah the Black Market is here...KILL THEM ALL! DC:40 Reward: Gain wealth by killing Criminals.
Rolled: D100 + 10 => 95

The Smugglers were smart, but lacked the CRITICAL MANPOWER!!

So you killed them all and took everything.

It also gave your economy a Boost.

Reward: +3 AP Next turn.

Economic IOU has been restored as you've stabilized and taken control of the Black Markets and put it back under government Oversight.

-[X]There was an Idea...a Side Trade Clause Part 1: Your brainchild, your plan, your dream, they have to listen to this, somehow they have to listen. DC:??? Reward: Bask in the Vanity of Your Ambition and play them all like fiddles.
Rolled: D100 + 10 => 99

One has to Appreciate the Vanity of your Ambition.

Because what you did destroyed any attempt by Luna to direct the Pace of the Negotiations.

It was your Domain, and with it, it was your GOD!

And you used all of your Backroom power and social skills to make it sing.

Reward: You have leveraged your Crippled Economy and have taken command of the Future Trade Power of Earth.

Success one of Three completed.

Economic IOU has Normalized into a Stable Economy due to a combination of Stealing the Black Market, Gunboat Diplomacy and the Power of Fai's economic Prowess.

Lose Trait Economic IOU.

AN: Enjoy and I'm gonna enjoy the madness of the Rumor Mill.
Turn 2 Rumor Mill
Turn 2 Rumor Mill

The Earth Federation: D100 => 38

You arn't able to get a report on what they are going to do next boss.

Not seeing what you're doing for you.

Side 1: D100 => 91

[X]Prepare diplomatic training: Earth is a far different Beast then the one we knew about in the future, time to train for things in the past. DC: 35, Rolled: D100 => 43

You had the Diplomats prepare and train in fine dining, you didn't know what else to do.

Reward: You prepare for Diplomacy

Side 2: D100 => 57

[X] Prepare care package (Norad): So they are sending some Luxury Goods to the Boys ala the Red Cross and get them some honest to god 21st Century FOOD. Rolled: D100 => 87

The Care Packages are sent and strong and ready.

Reward: They are nice and hot, reminds you of home.

Side 3/Munzo Republic: D100 => 17

We can't see what they are even doing.

No Spies for you.

Side 4: D100 => 3

Same with Side 4 what is going on.

Side 5: D100 => 53

[X] Buy Weapons Licences from Luna:Your going to need to get a new avenue of manufacturing, why not make guns. DC: 40 Rolled: D100 => 84

You got the Licences now you can make things.

Reward: Prepare for more guns.

The Riah Republic: D100 => 86

Well this is interesting…

[X] Attempt to Open Negotiations (Europe): You're going to send a Delegation into the Concert of Europe, and prey that they recognize your Sovregnity as a nation, and keep the Federation off your Back. DC:95 Rolled: D100 => 2

"NO…Do not try again." You said firmly. "You will bring ruination upon the stop."

Critical Failure...Action locked.

Side 7: D100 => 52

Time to see what the Kids are doing…

[]Yang Wei Shen and the HOUSE OF THE UNDEFEATED OF THE EAST!: Yang is boredom incarnate sometimes, have him kick ass and open that Martial Arts school he says he wants to do. DC:???
Rolled: D100 => 10

Yang got lazy and built a house thats it.


Granada City: D100 => 50

[]Send Expedition to Mars: You are going to take advantage of the distraction on earth and go see if Mars can be claimed by you...for future uses. DC: ??? Rolled: D100 => 54

Trying to Steal Mars for itself.

Those Utter incompetence they don't even KNOW what's out there.

Reward: Lets check back in Later...shall we.

Von Braun City: D100 => 18

Von Braun is quiet...ominous.

Earth: d100 => 84

Leon Czolgosz

[]Assassinate WIlliam Mckinly: The President has stood in the way of Mother Anarchy and her sons for too long you'll show them, YOU'll show them all!! DC:??? Rolled: D100 => 84

FLASH: William Mckinley Shot dead by Anarchist.

Reward: You've Killed William Mckinly and now That Damned Cowboy is the President!!

Also you failed to escape...bummer.

NORAD UNIT: d100 => 72

[]Experiment with TESLA: Yeah lets see what he can do with Modern Technology and the Finest work of the Universal Century. DC: lets See what happens Rolled: D100 => 96
Critical: D100 => 99


This was Nikola Tesla's Finest hour...and yet it was just the Start of this great and terrible masterpiece.

The Colonel could only watch in Awe as Tesla, with no prior computer experience...did all of this.

Math and engineering were terrifying.

(Continued In Power and Prosperity)

SPY ON Nation Randomized: Colombia

South America


[X]Investigate Rumors of Strange Men: Strange Men with Autoguns and Mobile Artillery has been going up and down the Continent for well over a Year at this point, with the Civil War Winding Down things are going to go our way, so maybe we can afford an eye on it. DC:??? Reward: What Odd Rumors could these be...they better not be Americans.
Rolled: D100 => 83

Well, this is Interesting...and peculiar.

"EXCUSE ME!! GOVERNMENT OF COLOMBIA!!" A Man with a microphone and large speakers shouted. "MAY WE USE YOUR COMMUNICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE TO MAKE A PHONE CALL or its Current Equivalent."

<"What the Hell is that Gringo doing?"> Your Secretary asked.

<"I think he's asking to use the Telegram Station."> You said.

< "Well what do we do?"> Your secretary said starting to panic.

< "Now is not the Time to Panic… Invite them in, let them use the Telegram and tell them to leave as soon as possible." > You ordered.

Hmm, they had the Flag of some nation you didn't recognize?

For now let us be smart, and maybe invest, something good may come of this.

Reward: The Situation is playing in your Favor, as you find the odd group of men and women who had spent the better part of a year marching through South America.

Colombia Meet the Earth Federation South American Garrison B Company.

AN: Well shit...Tesla's having fun with all our Tech!

Power and Prosperity
Power and Prosperity

(Colonel Issac Federov pov)

It was one thing to let the man in,it was another to help him with his exparaments and give Data and information to help him.

It was another thing entirely to simply let him use a computer and then have him drag the entire engineering team together to help him with his…

"What in the hell is he working on?" You asked

Tesla looked out from the room with a dozen computer screens and a couple technical experts with him. "My friend I am working to prove that I may have been the cause of your presence."

He then ducked back into the room and then put out a slip.

Bring More coffee.

This was what you get for indulging the scientists and the engineers among the staff, and it took all of your willpower to keep the armature astronomy soldiers from running off to find Edwin Hubble or George Hale and spoil all the joy of their discoveries.

Shot that one down faster then the American army's response to finding you.

They thought you were a well organized socialist uprising supported by Brazil of all things, witch given the flag wasn't a bad guess.

Now you had told them you were the Global world government and to call you a socialist was an insult to you and your men.

You fought in China against the PRC thank you very much…

Speaking of witch, "Captain is General Miles and the US Army causing any more trouble?"

Captain Carter nodded no, "They've just been shadowing us when we go out on the trucks…gave them a show every time, I still don't trust the canned food we have to buy from the general stores."

They think they're going to be able to assult our position once they have enough men.

Not knowing the Terror of the Machine Gun and battle rifle…poor bastard.

I miss federation rations, at least those would not get you sick.

"Welcome to the pre FDA approved world Bill, at least Roosevelt is president I liked reading about him growing up…one of the better leaders of the Pre-Federation era." You said.

"I still can't believe that you told us to hunker down." He said. "We could be out there doing something good with what we got."

"Good intentions and overwhelming power is a recipe for madness, you know what Garrison B did to Colombia, stoped their civil war just by showing up." You said.

A Sargent then walked in. "Colonel Tesla's finished."

Ohh, this is going to be fun, or kill them all you just couldn't know these days.


This was Nikola Tesla's Finest hour...and yet it was just the Start of this great and terrible masterpiece.

The Colonel could only watch in Awe as Tesla, with no prior computer experience...did all of this.

Math and engineering were terrifying.

"What in gods name is this?" You asked feeling the chill of what madness was in front of you.

" I have absolutely no idea…but the computers helped me in ways I could never have imagined in my time. Flip the switch." Tesla said

A switch was flipped and a lifetime of work was primed, aimed and fired.


Universal Century…0002?

It appears that giving Tesla access to computers, a mass satellite array and modern global communications infrastructure has led to essentially a man doing magic.

I will never understand what he did and yet he can hear everything in space…from the comfort of an armchair.

He has internet access the space broadband and well, let's just say he wants revenge on Edison among other things.

We can get as far as Mars now…connection wise.

I will never speak shit on the technical specialists ever again.

"High Comm this is NORAD…you out there?" You spoke into the text to speech machine and waited.

And waited…

You are late in check in NORAD…what took you so long?

Tesla looked up as he saw the message on the screen in awe.

"Congrats Niki…you just talked to Space men." You said as NORAD erupted into cheers.

"Alright everyone settle down , we have a Grocery list to get done, now let's get this sorted." You said over the crowd.

"Let's send Tesla to Space!" A techie shouted as you smiled.

"One thing at a time people…we are not eating beans and rice from god knows where!"

NORAD was cheering.


Beep…you've regained on the ground contact with Earth at NORAD and Federation Garrison A, Signal Company.

Nikola Tesla has invented the Solar Wire, a wireless network connecting earth to the Spaceborn Servers in space connecting the Federation Internet to the Downtimer Earth.

Gain National Spirit:

Solar Wire: The brainchild of Nikola Tesla, and the federation signal corps it is the connection to earth and space…allowing for a greater ease of communication once relations are established.

New actions available.

AN: Hello I'm back…and oh boy is it good to see my Gundam quest back up after…

Oh god over two years of Writers block!?

We've got to get back in the swing of things quick we have so much fun to have.

Enjoy and welcome back.