God’s Curse Upon This Wretched SV (Konosuba)

Tobi - Tobi
Player Name: @Tobi

Character Name: Tobi
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Origin: Was an international student in Australia who died at a cosplay convention when the roof fell on him. He was cosplaying as Tobi.
Wish: To be Tobi from Naruto and have fun watching things that happen in Konosuba.. and maybe try to rule the world by making a magical tree that will cast an illusion to mind control the world

Appearance: He has a general Asian complexion, pale skin and black hair.

Height: 5' 10
Personality: He is amazed by the world and is happy just exploring it as it is a dream come through. The more he sees of the world a desire starts to build in him to conquer it, he now wants to beat the demon king so he can stay there permanently and has plans to start an organization and legitimate business to generate money to fund his plans to rule the world. He enjoys cooking as a means to pass the time as well as farming.

He may also experiment with his powers specifically mind control monsters to be his workers. For his farms or eventual business.

Health: 8
Strength: 5
Intelligence: 5
Endurance: 5
Dexterity: 7
Agility: 5
Magic-power: 10
Luck: 5

Skills: As he was given Tobi's powers he inherited Tobi's skills as a ninja and his body. Giving him access to the Sharringan and Wood release however as it is taking time for him to fully gain all of the real Tobi's abilities so it is a gradual process. He has access to Kamui which he makes use of in fights and making his way around the world, teleporting and phasing through objects and surroundings. Using the ability to store weapons and has access to ninjutsu. He mainly uses Fire and earth release. Fire to make fire balls and earth to move under ground and dig holes.

Most of the Techniques are unavailable to him and will take time to learn.
Chakra tree climbing and water walking
Chakra Transfer Technique
Demonic Statue Chains
Earth Release: Hiding Like a Mole Technique
Eight Trigrams Sealing Style
Explosive Landmines
Fire Release: Blast Wave Wild Dance
Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique
Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique
Genjutsu: Sharingan
Regeneration Ability
Sealing Technique: Phantom Dragons Nine Consuming Seals
Telescope Technique
Uchiha Flame Formation
Uchiha Return
Whac-A-Mole Technique
Wood Release: Cutting Technique
Wood Release: Great Spear Tree
Wood Release: Underground Roots Technique
Wood Release: Wood Dragon Technique
Water Release and Lighting Release techniques are in the works, they were never used by Tobi in the series so they will be experimented on and learned.


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Huh? Why are there Rinnegan and Ten-Tails techniques? The sheet says you have the Sharingan and the Wood Release, not the Rinnegan nor the Ten-Tails.
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Just to notify anyone it may concern, I'm dropping out of this RP. I'm just too busy right now. I wish you all the best, however.

@Nihilo, you may pilot my character as an NPC, if you like.
Ryo - LackOfUpdates

GMs: Hyvelic of Londor, Stomper, Jaedin, TheProcrastinatingMage

This is an OC/SI, you can choose to be yourself, or someone else, you have a choice.
  1. Bully/Con Worst Goddess. Excessively.
  2. Wishes are to be made In Character
  3. This is going to be a purely Narrative RP, The only numbers, however, will be from SP you get from actions IC that you can use.
  4. Yes. You can con her. I will veto any super crazy cons.
  5. This will have AU elements. Enjoy.
  6. Player Limit set to 15 people total.
  7. I can assist with wording of wishes if you want.

As for the Character Creation simply what you need is this.

Player Name: @LackOfUpdates
Character Name: Ryo
Gender: Male
Species: Probably Human.
Origin: Slipped on a Banana in the Banana Factory. It was messy. There were many casualties...
Wish: "I died? Huh. For my wish I want to be a Hero of Worlds, give me power enough to do what I need and want. I want to have the powers of Heroes from Parallel Worlds. (Kaleidostick comes flying through the window)...This looks like a one of those Marathon Batons. "

Appearance Notes: 185 cm
Personality: Cunning? Always running out of Hot Sauce? Not Evil.

Stats: Limit of 10 points to add to your stats which all start at 5, you can lower it for more points to place, but you cannot hit 0.

  • Health: 1
  • Strength: 2
  • Intelligence: 8
  • Endurance: 1
  • Dexterity: 3
  • Agility: 7
  • Magic-power: 16
  • Luck: 12
+6 From Ice Cream to all stats
?? From Demi-servant to all stat due to wish (once only ?? to Hp, Str, MgcPr, and Luck)
HS tend to stupid powerful but I think I managed to tone it down enough.

Level: 1 | 9
Pts To Use: 24
  • Health: 1 | 5 |
  • Strength: 2 | 5 |
  • Intelligence: 8 | 14|
  • Endurance: 1 | 7 |
  • Dexterity: 3 | 10 |
  • Agility: 7 | 10 |
  • Magic: 16 | 23 |
  • Luck: 12 | 24 |

Wyvern - Lvl:9 24 pts| 4 Imps - Lvl 13

Kaleidostick. Kek.

Demi-Servant: Muramasa

Class Card HS:
battle Scáthach to a standstil
Altera's Noble Phantasm is Photon Ray, the Sword of the War God. Even when summoned as a Servant of Earth, Altera is capable of unleashing the Noble Phantasm's full power, Teardrop Photon Ray. Civilization Erosion (文明浸食, Bunmei Shinshoku?) is the subconsciously active Skill of the Heroic Spirit Altera. Anything in Altera's grasp is transformed into its best form currently most suited for herself. This is based on Altera's own perspective, not necessarily reflecting the object at its greatest or most excellent.[1] In this case, anything within Altera's grasp is transformed into the Photon Ray sword. Star Emblem (星の紋章, Hoshi no Monshō?) is the unique pattern imprinted on Altera's body, a strange design that does not belong to the Huns but resulted from some advanced ritual. The higher the rank, the higher one's attack power is increased. By expending mana through it, Altera can temporarily enhance the performance of any desired part of the body. An efficient Skill that costs little mana but lacks the explosiveness of Skills like Mana Burst. In addition, this unique Skill also has the effects of the Instinct Skill - since it felt like it was missing a little something.[1]

Altera attained Divinity at Rank B. Altera is not related to a Divine Spirit by blood; however, Europe was overrun on what was considered to be the Authority of God. The target of this fear was given the name, "Scourge of God." Because of this, Altera, who became a Heroic Spirit on Earth, has a high ranking Divine Spirit aptitude.[1] Having possession of a perfect body as a living being since birth, Altera has the Natural Body Skill. She can temporarily rank up her STR. Furthermore, no matter how many calories she ingests, her body shape will not change.[1]

Archer wields a crimson longbow and arrows made by himself via his Bow and Arrow Creation (弓矢作成, Yumiya Sakusei?) Skill. The goddess Armaiti gave him the wisdom but the designer and the creator of the bow was Arash. As long as he has the materials, he can instantly make a bow and arrows. A bow needs physical materials; however, arrows can be made by using his magical energy. Because of this, Arash can intermittently fire a countless number of arrows.[1]

Archer can shoot salvos of up to twenty arrows at the same time and each of these has enough power to easily shatter boulders. However, between each of these barrages, a very small pause occurs. He is also seen to launch a much greater barrage if he makes a more extended pause.

Archer has a special move from when he was alive which he would be able to momentarily invoke by effectively using his Bow and Arrow Creation Skill without preparing a large quantity of arrows beforehand. He can release 10,000 arrows which could fill even the sky, and it would be expected that he could've killed all of the people who remained in night-time Akihabara with these hands. Even the structures in the middle of Akihabara would be destroyed from the barrage if Arash does not make any adjustments in his aiming.[5]

[This last part 1000 arrows]

[Look at the range and damage man]

For Arash, who has an A Rank Clairvoyance Skill, one type of future sight (predicting the future) and even mind reading is possible.[1] Robust Health ( 頑強頑健など , GankyōGanken Nado ?) is a Skill that are made up of anecdotes of "not receiving a wound on the battlefield" and "never becoming sick even once since birth".[1] It is also a composite Skill and includes Poison Resistance and a boosts in stamina.[2][1] Arash who is strongly endowed with the vestiges of the Age of Gods was born with an especially robust health. END parameter is ranked up and attacks received have their damage reduced.[1]

[He knows where to shoot due to clairvoyance]

[And due to robust health he can heal]


Edward D Teach from Assassin's Creed because FGO Teach is ****
Rider (Fate/Grand Order - Edward Teach)




He crazy fool. Lancelot Berserker.
Berserker (Fate/Zero)

Attracts Plot and Trouble like flies to honey

Notes: IC notes or character notes that you want to make note of, like kills, quests, or major plot points.

Notes 2: Have memories of another time and place and of meeting different people. There is a strangeness to the body where it does things automatically at times.
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This is an official notice, players are makinf changes to their posts, please modify your own posts as well just Incase one of the modified posts relates to yours

Starting with Amodii,s Earthquake post
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This is an official notice, players are making changes to their posts, please modify your own posts as well just in case one of the modified posts relates to yours.

Starting with Amodii's Earthquake post

The post is here, on page 98. We kinda got carried away, after Amodii's post, so let's fix that, shall we?

Apparently the scouts are several hours away in the woods, and are NOT an army. Heh heh. :oops:
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Depression is a fuck. Dealing with some IRL shit atm. Probably not gonna post today. Sorry members of 'the team'. I'm positioned to provide sniper support, ask Nerx for details and I don't mind if you use my character for fire support. Feel free.
My phone took a shit, and now I can't access the other half of my keyboard.

RIP in kill. ;_;
Wait wait wait. Whats going on and where are all of you?

The vanguard's main force has arrived, adventurers are charging out to meet them.

Our little group is in the woods, so we're already engaged, with what is possibly the bulk of the enemy's forces.

Adrien is covering me as I fall back, and you, Lili, and Siul are fighting.
Its still Scouts still at this time, they are spread throughout the region in groups. The Vanguard is still hours out, the goal is to kill the Scouts before any can report back, or they complete any other missions they were assigned, such as assassination or sabotage.