God’s Curse Upon This Wretched SV (Konosuba)

Are the NPCs with them then, or on another front?

The adventurers have charged out the main gate and some have gone as far as the forest, where Siul and Lili are. Most are in the plains around the town, some might be in the areas past the plains, but expect fewer friendlies patrolling out there.

Hyvelic's and Nerx's posts generally have a lot of quotes from other peoples' posts, and I find them a good way of getting an idea of what each person is doing, if you need clarifications.
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The adventurers have charged out the main gate and some have gone as far as the forest, where Siul and Lili are. Most are in the plains around the town, some might be in the areas past the plains, but expect fewer friendlies patrolling out there.

Hyvelic's and Nerx's posts generally have a lot of quotes from other peoples' posts, and I find them a good way of getting an idea of what each person is doing, if you need clarifications.

True, but a lot of the other players seem to be active when its sleepy time on my end. I'd prefer to do something with the NPCs and the like, just so I don't hold up anyone else.
True, but a lot of the other players seem to be active when its sleepy time on my end. I'd prefer to do something with the NPCs and the like, just so I don't hold up anyone else.

Same thing on my end. :p

I just do my best to simultaneously interact with them and act independently.

Nerx seems to be the most active of us though.
Jeremiah Christopher - Galerius
Player Name: Galerius.
Character Name: Jeremiah Christopher Zimmermann.
Gender: Male.
Species: Homo-sapiens.
Origin: He died quietly in his bed, an empty bottle of sleeping pills on the cupboard, and a bottle of whiskey in his cold hands.
Wish: To Become the Master of Death.

Appearance: He is described tall and lanky, with his blond hair often swept back into a pony-tail. He has problems gaining substantial weight due to a genetic disease that runs in his family. His pale-blue eyes are covered by a frame of glasses due to rather poor eyesight.
Appearance Notes: 6'7 feet tall, with an expression set in an never-ending glare, he would fit in more in a graveyard than a anywhere near living people.
Personality: He was often described as unpleasant, but generally clever. His nose was usually deep in some book, and though he dislikes the noisy nuisance people bring, he does have a friend that is the polar opposite of him.

  • Health: 5
  • Strength: 2
  • Intelligence: 7
  • Endurance: 5
  • Dexterity: 5
  • Agility: 5
  • Magic-power: 11
  • Luck: 5

- Pre-wish


Notes: No clue for now lol.
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Wait. So are the Imps I'm facing dead or not? The latest update doesn't specify. Atma's latest post seems to imply they are, and he's speeding off to another location. But I have nothing else to go on.
I'm sad to say that I'll be leaving this RP because I lack the time to devote myself to keeping up with it anymore. It was fun while it lasted, and I wish you all a great time for the rest of the campaign!
I should also notify everyone that the Same thing has happened with Nihilo, they have left the RP and might have forgot to say so here.


Pm me or DM me with your wish whenever you feel like it, we can work on it and get you into the rp when we finish
Blummenkranz - EXiCUR
Player Name: @EXiCUR
Character Name: Blummenkranz (SI)
Gender: Male
Species: Homo Sapiens Sapiens, at least currently. Post-Isekai, Visored Shinigami
Origin: No matter how good of a driver you are, some drunk idiot on a snowy day will manage to have the last word. Ouch. Forget about truck-kun, an eighteen-wheeler really messes you up. In the game of vehicular rock papers scissors, mack truck beats car beats pedestrian. Don't drink and drive, kids, and remember to use your turn signals, and do try to avoid hitting any disgruntled students on highways at night. American, student, middle-class.
"...well, duty before dishonor - duty beyond death. I'll go. Goddess, please grant me this wish. I wish to become a Visored Shinigami, to wield the blade forged of broken deities, the mask formed of the greater horrors of the dead, to absolve the fallen, to purify the corrupted of their sins. Grant me this wish, so that I may defend the gates of death from the horrors beyond, to strike down with sword and fury those who would destroy the natural order, those who seek to overturn the balance of the universe."
Appearance: Very average looking.
Appearance Notes: 5'10", 170 lbs, 17 years of age. Post-Isekai, he's gotten shorter and smaller. Wears standard shinigami uniform, only with proper boots and gauntlets. Call him a bishie at your own risk.
Personality: A cynical, sarcastic, rather disgruntled fellow. I'm rather lazy (master procrastinator, thank you verily) and quite irritable and very profane when startled, irked, annoyed, bored...you know what, I swear enough to make up for the lack of sailors in this game just in general. Can be polite and nice, but very rarely has cause to do so. Underneath all the sarcasm and bitterness is someone who's still naive and idealistic, but isn't really willing to admit it.

Class: Vanguard
Level: 1
SP: 0

Stats: Current (+upgrades from base)
  • Health: 10 (+6)
  • Strength: 8
  • Intelligence: 7
  • Endurance: 5
  • Dexterity: 7
  • Agility: 7
  • Magic-power: 13 (+6)
  • Luck: 5
All Shinigami are taught the four basic combat arts deemed necessary to carry out their duties, which are:
Hohö - The art of fast movement. By channeling spiritual energy through your body and out through your limbs, you can learn to travel much faster than you otherwise might, often to the point of being able to vanish from sight entirely. Increased skill represents higher speed and greater efficiency, allowing you to travel further for longer without growing tired. Untrained.

Zanjutsu - The art of the sword. All shinigami carry swords, called zanpakutō, which serve as both badges of office and as the source of much of their power. Learning how to wield these blades in combat is a necessary part of any student's training. Higher skill represents greater speed, strength and accuracy in melee combat. Beginner.

Kidō - The art of the demon. By forcing their spiritual energy out of their body and manipulating it with focus and will, a shinigami can produce a wide variety of different effects. Higher skill represents access to spells of more devastating and specialized power, while also making lower ranked spells easier to summon and wield. Beginner.

Hakuda - The art of close combat. A shinigami must be prepared to fight even without access to their sword, and as such the Academy teaches unarmed combat to all students. In addition to standard martial techniques, this skill also allows the practitioner to focus their spiritual energy within their own body, resulting in greatly increased speed, strength and resilience. Beginner.
Shikai: ???
Bankai: ???
Visored Mask: Drawing upon the power of his inner hollow, Blummenkranz dons his Hollow mask, greatly increasing his physical capabilities, enhancing spiritual capabilities, and gaining access to Hollow abilities, such as the Cero. Hollowification, however, is a dangerous game, and without training he is liable to lose control and start undergoing a berserk transformation into a true Hollow.

Fleeting Foot: Increases movement speed. 1 SP.
Spot Danger: Spots dangers to yourself. 2 SP.

Equipment: Zanpakuto: The legendary soul-cutter blade, badge of office and weapon for Soul Reapers, capable of sending departed souls onwards with konsou and cleansing fallen ones as well. ???


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Okay, reminder that I'll be not posting for a few days to study and do work before finals hits me, so you all can take your time responding

After the imp scouting thing is done anyone mind if we take a break for a week more or less?
Okay, reminder that I'll be not posting for a few days to study and do work before finals hits me, so you all can take your time responding

After the imp scouting thing is done anyone mind if we take a break for a week more or less?

After we resolve things with the imps and Demon General or the whole demon army business? The rest of the vanguard hasn't even arrived yet, or do we just have to deal with the imps and Demon General?
Only if you don't want to. We could share control if you're into that.

Might be worth putting up a short character sheet for him? Just so we know what his abilities are.
Nah, I never thought of making Oskar a thing originally, so you can have him if you want.
Character Name: Oskar the Otter
Gender: Male
Species: (Lutra peloso), Otter
Origin: Siulus original body, was created to avoid an awkward situation with the Dark Eldar SI Faridah.
Appearance Notes: Can turn into a Saber-tooth Moose Lion, can also wear hats
Personality: Oskar is a rather lazy and proud creature preferring to lay someplace comfy and not having to much work, he is rather possessive of what he sees as his especially food. His favorite Person in the world being the Cuddle-giver also known as Faridah while his most disliked is the Progenitor since their connection demands of Oskar to obey the Progenitor no matter what, and Oskar's ego will not allow it.
Stats: Otter [Moose]
  • Health: 3 [7]
  • Strength: 3 [10]
  • Intelligence: 8
  • Endurance: 2 [10]
  • Dexterity: 9 [2]
  • Agility: 10 [5]
  • Magic-power: 10
  • Luck: 5
  • Otter biology
  • Saber-Tooth Moose lion Biology.
and that's is his sheet.
Nah, I never thought of making Oskar a thing originally, so you can have him if you want.
Character Name: Oskar the Otter
Gender: Male
Species: (Lutra peloso), Otter
Origin: Siulus original body, was created to avoid an awkward situation with the Dark Eldar SI Faridah.
Appearance Notes: Can turn into a Saber-tooth Moose Lion, can also wear hats
Personality: Oskar is a rather lazy and proud creature preferring to lay someplace comfy and not having to much work, he is rather possessive of what he sees as his especially food. His favorite Person in the world being the Cuddle-giver also known as Faridah while his most disliked is the Progenitor since their connection demands of Oskar to obey the Progenitor no matter what, and Oskar's ego will not allow it.
Stats: Otter [Moose]
  • Health: 3 [7]
  • Strength: 3 [10]
  • Intelligence: 8
  • Endurance: 2 [10]
  • Dexterity: 9 [2]
  • Agility: 10 [5]
  • Magic-power: 10
  • Luck: 5
  • Otter biology
  • Saber-Tooth Moose lion Biology.
and that's is his sheet.
Also pico augged, thats our baby

1. What is the projected update speed looking like?
2. Would too many waifu destroy your laifu?
3. What came first, the chicken or the egg?

  1. where are Megumin and Darkness in the current timeline?
  2. Are there Gods besides the Canon ones?
  3. if there are, what are the names and Domains?
  4. how many licks does it take to reach the center of a tootsie pop?

1. What is the projected update speed looking like?
2. Would too many waifu destroy your laifu?
3. What came first, the chicken or the egg?

  1. where are Megumin and Darkness in the current timeline?
  2. Are there Gods besides the Canon ones?
  3. if there are, what are the names and Domains?
  4. how many licks does it take to reach the center of a tootsie pop?
I'm updating every 1-4 days so that I can get everyone moving along
Yes, in fact if I catch any players trying to get a Harem, I will crush their dreams horrifically... Dig Two graves ye who seek revenge.
The Omelet
They are wandering throughout the country, they were originally headed towards Axel though
Yes, Several Gods of my own creation
Spoilers, but they'd have Domains such as Judgement, Devastation, Bloodshed, Sanctity, Virtue, Shields
A group of engineering students from Purdue University reported that its licking machine, modeled after a human tongue, took an average of 364 licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop. Twenty of the group's volunteers assumed the licking challenge-unassisted by machinery-and averaged 252 licks each to the center.

FOR THE RECORD BECAUSE I FEEL NICE, I AM ANSWERING ANY and ALL Questions directed at me, until depression hits me.