Freelancer: Terminus (Freelancer/MassEffect)

Yeah, most of the House organizations are neutral/somewhat friendly to you

Also are we Neutral or well Neutral+ with most Houses / official groups due to our Star award?
And how's our rep with the Blood Dragons, we did help them take out someone they've hated for years. (End of campaign leaves them friendly with you).

The Blood Dragons are also friendly to you but your best contacts died in that last operation and you hadn´t much contact with them since then. Opening contacts with them will be possible but they, like everybody else, will expect a return for their help.
at the OP we are supposed to have friends/contacts among the Corsairs, right? what happened to them?
at the OP we are supposed to have friends/contacts among the Corsairs, right? what happened to them?

Ah, that is a bit incorrect. The first vote didn`t portray all the factions you were on a friendly relationship with but instead the possibility to have that relationship with them - as it stands the Corsairs and you (as well as you organisation) are at best neutral with each other. You will be able to hopefully come to an agreement with them (and develop the relationship further if you choose so) but don`t expect to achieve the same level of support that your current backers offer you.

You could have voted to be friends with the Corsairs/have contacts there - you didn't.
[X] Directorate: The other option would be that your successor is chosen by a meeting of the various departmental directors, this would be a somewhat more democratic process and would likely be viewed favourably by the various factions backing you since most of the directors maintain strong ties to their parent organisations.
-[X] Establish chain of command dictating head of which department will take emergency power in case current leader is killed.

We need to make sure that we are ready for emergencies even if decision will be in hand of our subordinates.

[X] Protection racket:
Paying the Corsairs for ignoring your ships is perhaps the easiest solution and you would be far from the first person to do so. Doing so would stretch your monetary resources somewhat but it should be bearable and the less you have to with them the better.
Result: Pay money to the Corsairs to ignore your ships

This is less suspicious and doesn't truly increase power of Corsairs, we can start to work closer with them in the future once we are stronger
[x] Directorate
[x] Protection racket

Democracy is probably going to be a little iffy, given the rather diverse interests present, but I'm not sure dicatorship would be a good idea. @Erandil, I'd suppose that the current head would still be involved in some way? Nominating potential successors or something?

As for the protection racket, while it costs money, there's two benefits; for one, it doesn't strengthen a bunch of pirates, and for another it's not out of the ordinary, meaning the Corsairs are less likely to spend much more time investigating it.
[x] Directorate
[x] Protection racket

Seems legit; honestly just paying them off for now will be fine.
Turn 2: Exploration
Turn 2: Exploration
Date: 07/811 AS

"I am happy to say that our supply situation is more than satisfactory. The forward base on Freeport 9 has not only significantly improved our logistics system but also means that we can impose a far tighter control over our whole supply chain than we could previously. The agreement with the Corsairs also seems to be working out, we have had no indication of any attacks by them since it went into effect."

"Thank you Mark, if nobody else has something to add I would suggest we get to the next point in the agenda," Trent surveys the group but as he expected since the last six months were largely uneventful nobody takes him up on his offer, " Well then, I would like to start with…"

You have 5 Action Points that you can spend anyway you wish at 1 point per action.
(Survey actions, especially in the Terminus sector will also have a chance of unveiling new Jumphole connections/unlocking new systems)

Sirius Sector:
You may be hundreds of light-years removed from the Sirius sector with the goal of exploring a completely new part of space but that doesn`t mean you can ignore what happens in the Sirius sector.

[] Install satellite network Mk2:
You may have depleted your existing stockpiles when you established the rough satellite network now monitoring the Alpha01 system but your contacts in the BAF mean that you should be able to requisition more of them relatively easily, allowing you to establish a similar network in the Omicron Kappa system.
Result: Satellite network established in Omicron Kappa

[] Explore Omicron Kappa:
The Order only did a minimal survey of the Omicron Kappa system after they found the Alien Jumpgate there but now that you are setting shop here you should probably explore it fully.
Chance of success: 70%, Result: Omicron Kappa surveyed
Bonus: IMG +20

[] Explore Omicron Lambda:
Omicron Lamda is the waypoint between Kappa and Theta and has only been minimally surveyed.
Chance of success: 70%, Result: Omicron Lambda surveyed
Bonus: IMG +20

Terminus Sector:
The new, unexplored frontier.

[] Explore Alpha01:
Your new home has also been only minimally explored, something that you should probably change now that you are here.
Chance of success: 70%, Result: Alpha01 surveyed
Bonus: IMG +20, Homebase +10

[] Explore Alpha02:
The Alpha02 jumphole is located in the same outer asteroid field that also houses your base, though it is quite some distance away. It is so far the only connection you have to other system and links into the Alpha02 system where the Order team found the possible alien, possible human abandoned mining base.
Chance of success: 70% Result: Alpha02 surveyed

[] Defence Platforms:
Henry, the head of your security forces, has suggested that you install a couple of defence platforms around the Jumpgate. While unlikely to deter any serious military force they would probably be enough to deal with light raiding or scouting forces.
Chance of Success: 60, Result: Defence Platforms installed around JumpGate
Bonus: BAF + 15

Please vote in
[] Plan structure

Not the biggest update and not much new stuff but that is because a lot of the new stuff requires previous actions/a bit more progress in the main "plot"
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[x] Plan Kelenas
-[x] Install satellite network Mk2
-[x] Explore Omicron Kappa
-[x] Explore Alpha01
-[x] Explore Alpha02
-[x] Defence Platforms
[x] Plan Snark
-[x] Install satellite network Mk2
-[x] Explore Omicron Kappa
-[x] Explore Omicron Lambda
-[x] Explore Alpha01
-[x] Defence Platforms

I'd prefer knowing more about Omicron Lambda than Alpha02 since it's behind us. Also the Lambda exploration has the shiny bonus.
[x] Plan Kelenas
-[x] Install satellite network Mk2
-[x] Explore Omicron Kappa
-[x] Explore Alpha01
-[x] Explore Alpha02
-[x] Defence Platforms
[x] Plan Kelenas
-[x] Install satellite network Mk2
-[x] Explore Omicron Kappa
-[x] Explore Alpha01
-[x] Explore Alpha02
-[x] Defence Platforms
[x] Plan Kelenas
-[x] Install satellite network Mk2
-[x] Explore Omicron Kappa
-[x] Explore Alpha01
-[x] Explore Alpha02
-[x] Defence Platforms
[x] Plan Kelenas
-[x] Install satellite network Mk2
-[x] Explore Omicron Kappa
-[x] Explore Alpha01
-[x] Explore Alpha02
-[x] Defence Platforms

Oh thank god, more Freelancer/Mass Effect!
[x] Plan Kelenas.
-[x] Install satellite network Mk2.
-[x] Explore Omicron Kappa.
-[x] Explore Alpha01.
-[x] Explore Alpha02.
-[x] Defence Platforms.
[x] Plan Kelenas
-[x] Install satellite network Mk2
-[x] Explore Omicron Kappa
-[x] Explore Alpha01
-[x] Explore Alpha02
-[x] Defence Platforms

Interesting quest so far. Freelancer is probably one of my favourite games ever and I'm glad to play this sequel of sorts :D
Turn 2: Exploration - End
Turn 2: Exploration
Date: 12/811 AS

[] Install satellite network Mk2:
You may have depleted your existing stockpiles when you established the rough satellite network now monitoring the Alpha01 system but your contacts in the BAF mean that you should be able to requisition more of them relatively easily, allowing you to establish a similar network in the Omicron Kappa system.
Result: Satellite network established in Omicron Kappa

The BAF is more than happy to provide you with the satellites your require to ensure you have the ability to monitor most of the Omicron Kappa system. As before you focus on the important parts like the JumpGate as well as the Jumphole first before trying to cover as much of the system as possible.

Result: Satellite network established

[] Explore Omicron Kappa:
The Order only did a minimal survey of the Omicron Kappa system after they found the Alien Jumpgate there but now that you are setting shop here you should probably explore it fully.
Chance of success: 70%, Result: Omicron Kappa surveyed
Bonus: IMG +20

Rolled: 95

The assistance of the IMG, both in the form of experienced crews as well as specialized equipment, proves very helpful in exploring the Omircron Kappa system. With their expert help you are able to map and catalogue most of the system, making several interesting discoveries.

The inner asteroid field is not only rich in valuable ores like Gold, Platinum or Tungsten but your men also discover several deposits of diamonds which seems to be often of a intriguing violet colour.

And while the massive gas planet proves too dangerous for commercial exploitation, a mix of high gravity and and extremely strong storms on its surface, a detailed survey of its moons has shown several deposits of rare earths and minerals that might be worth exploiting provided you are able to construct the necessary infrastructure.

The asteroid fields in the outer system are as expected a good source for water and oxygen and in rare cases other frozen gases. But the true prize is Kappa 4, the ice planet orbited by the Alien JumpGate. Here your explorers discover what they think are several massive alien structures, suspected to be cities, buried beneath the ice. Hastily organised excavations confirm this,the ruins are clearly from the Dom'Kavash civilization with their distinct primitive look, suspected to actually be a design choice rather than a sign of their technological level. Sadly like most other Dom'Kavash discoveries it seems like the ruins are pretty bare when it comes to technological discoveries or in fact anything truly worthwhile though of course a in depth examination will be needed. For now you have declared the planet of limits and had Henry position some of the surplus defence platforms in its orbit to deter any would be scavenger.

Result: Omicron Kappa surveyed

[] Explore Alpha01:
Your new home has also been only minimally explored, something that you should probably change now that you are here.
Chance of success: 70%, Result: Alpha01 surveyed
Bonus: IMG +20, Homebase +10

Rolled: 41

With the startling discoveries in the Omicron Kappa system the exploration of the Alpha01 system suffers a far bit from the lack of oversight and resources committed to it. So far your teams have only managed to map the outer parts of the system.

The asteroid field that houses your base is shown to be rich in many of the more common ores and metals which may not be as high value trade goods as the discoveries in the Kappa system but which should be useful if you ever establish a more extensive industrial base in the system.

The gas giants meanwhile are far calmer than their cousin in the Kappa system and scans have shown large quantities of relatively pure, valuable gases like Hydrogen and helium-3 which are used in the production of H-Fuel. While currently the infrastructure necessary to exploit those planets is beyond your capabilities the presence of a possible new source for fuel has made Davis and Müller quite happy. The moon and asteroid fields meanwhile mostly lack valuable or easily exploitable resources and while mining there might be worthwhile once you have established a serious space presence (or connected with the rest of Sirius) you can probably afford to ignore those resources for now.

Result: Part of Alpha01 surveyed

[] Explore Alpha02:
The Alpha02 jumphole is located in the same outer asteroid field that also houses your base, though it is quite some distance away. It is so far the only connection you have to other system and links into the Alpha02 system where the Order team found the possible alien, possible human abandoned mining base.
Chance of success: 70% Result: Alpha02 surveyed

Rolled: 28

With the discovery on Kappa04 and following excavation drawing most of your reserve forces to the system an unlucky Solar flare that damages several of the ships intended for the exploration of Alpha02 during an exercise is enough for you to delay that mission till the men and women return from Omicron Kappa.
Result: Failed, better luck next time.

[] Defense Platforms:
Henry, the head of your security forces, has suggested that you install a couple of defense platforms around the Jumpgate. While unlikely to deter any serious military force they would probably be enough to deal with light raiding or scouting forces.
Chance of Success: 60, Result: Defense Platforms installed around JumpGate
Bonus: BAF + 15

Rolled: 101

The BAF is more than happy to fulfill your request of Defense Platforms and in the following weeks ship several disassembled defense platforms to your base. In fact they ship significantly more of ehm than you had initially expected allowing you to not only cover both JumpGates but also install several platforms around your main base, camouflaged by your ex-IMG personnel to look like small asteroids. You are now confident in your ability to stop smaller raids before they can come near your base, at least from Sirius forces.

Result. Defences around the JumpGates as well as your base.

Name: Deep Space Exploration (DSX)

Your organization has so far managed to stay secret

Ethos: Lawful
The large presence of highly trained military and industrial personnel means that your people tend to follow the rules and avoid ethically questionable actions.

Supply: Well supplied
The support of Daumann and Zoner's mean that your organisation is well supplied with basic resources and construction materials.

You are reasonably well staffed with many experienced people in non-combat roles, especially space exploration and mining

Level of equipment:
Your military department is well equipped and can maintain several ongoing operations

Military forces:
Your military currently consists of a handful of BAF squads, a single squad from the IMG and two squads of Order heavy fighters.

"Ground" Forces:
A battalion of Royal Marines (BAF)


Alpha Base:
The main base of DSX is located in one of the bigger asteroids, circa ten kilometers in diameter, of the outer asteroid field in the Alpha01 system. The metal heavy composition of the asteroid paired with advanced stealth systems mean that the base is hard to detect for any known sensors.

The base is still undergoing construction but can already house up to five thousand people as well as their associated ships and equipment with the current goal to create enough room to comfortably house ten thousand people.

In regards for active defenses it features numerous military grade point defense turrets as well as a lesser number of anti fighter guns. It is also guarded by several hidden defense platforms with both military garde lasers as well as rocket launchers.

In case you were wondering, the % on the exploration rolls didn`t affect what you found just how much you actually surveyed (exception would have been a natural 95+ in which case I would have had added something interesting).
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Okayish rolls, but nothing overwhelming. At least Omikron Kappa is going to fund our operations.
Yep. It's also going to provide a nice smoke-screen for when the Corsairs or anyone else eventually starts to sniff around about what we're doing out there.