Freelancer: Terminus (Freelancer/MassEffect)

It would likely be trouble if you were the Liberty government, it could actually be a boon for a more or less clandestine operation acting independently of said government.
Ok, I clarify: this describes said faction as power-hungry and actively working to expand its influence. They are likely to swallow us given enough time, and it is their area of professional expertise to manipulate other people. Also, the wikia states that LSF is not on good terms with their home Navy, meaning less support in relevant situations.
I like Plan solid foundation, but would like to replace either the Miners or the Zoners (probably the Zoners) with one of the big liberty companies. They both serve us in a very similar purpose and one should really be enough. I propose Ageira Technologies, they bring an incredible amount of money, horded technology, research capacity and political backing and could be a real boon for our small organisation. As they don't work in heavy construction there should be no disruptive clash with Daumann either.
This also makes sure that 3 of the 4 big factions have a real interest in our success.
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I can't really favor the whole, working with Bretonnians bit, when we can be working with the LSF. These are the guys who have the most experience when it comes to soft skills, infiltration, espionage, likely theft, dummy corporations, actual corporations, etc. I feel like they're the most versatile of the House factions we could be working with.
Plus, Juni! Fellow vet of the war, and likely real pissed if she weren't invited.
They aren't good at keeping their own organization from being infiltrated and can't be relied to not screw us over. Bretonia is more reliable here, have more reliable support base (close ties with their own industry) and are less likely to have it's government to try and take over. Remember that Liberty see itself as leader of humanity and like to attempt to enforce their position on others, that means they will most likely try to get us to work for them.
It also have least industry, something we will need to establish ourselves.
As for Juni, she is Order operative and I'd much rather have her keeping Libert of our back for time being.

I like Plan solid foundation, but would like to replace either the Miners or the Zoners (probably the Zoners) with one of the big liberty companies. They both serve us in a very similar purpose and one should really be enough. I propose Ageira Technologies, they bring an incredible amount of money, horded technology, research capacity and political backing and could be a real boon for our small organisation. As they don't work in heavy construction there should be no disruptive clash with Daumann either.
This also makes sure that 3 of the 4 big factions have a real interest in our success.
Zoners are here mostly for political benefit with fringe/criminal factions for later use. Besides they do give us plausible deniability, strange people going through Zoners outpost won't draw attention.
Zoners are here mostly for political benefit with fringe/criminal factions for later use. Besides they do give us plausible deniability, strange people going through Zoners outpost won't draw attention.

Wouldn't "political benefit" with the biggest economical and technical powerhouse in the sector be more beneficial than with fringe elements and some criminals. Like you said, Liberty is the biggest player on the board and I fear that, if we ignore them while being partners to their "enemies" (Rhineland) they could cause some real trouble for us, maybe even start their own mission to explore this new space.
I also don't think we need to be too concerned about deniability on the Sirius side of things. We are not planning anything illegal or inappropriate and with so many criminal and separatist movements about, law enforcement has their hands generally full anyway.

They will also be a great boon to any research we might need to do and I believe there will be a lot of research to do, exploring a whole new branch on the tech-tree
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Hm. Changing my vote from modification of Butchock's plan, to [X] Butchock's plan. High-Tech Buccaneers, ho!

Definitely want -someone- from Liberty backing us directly for high-tech assets, which Plan Solid Foundation doesn't have.
Like you said, Liberty is the biggest player on the board and I fear that, if we ignore them while being partners to their "enemies" (Rhineland) they could cause some real trouble for us, maybe even start their own mission to explore this new space.
Liberty is a capitalist state with private police force. They won't start anything that is not immediately profitable and should be relatively easy to buy our way through. I mean, Liberty Police offers the highest price for cardamine, and you really expect this government to do anything right?

We are not planning anything illegal or inappropriate
Or'ly? I mean, do you really expect what is basically a private intelligence agency to not step on some feet ? Zoners are an absolute must have here.
Liberty is a capitalist state with private police force. They won't start anything that is not immediately profitable and should be relatively easy to buy our way through. I mean, Liberty Police offers the highest price for cardamine, and you really expect this government to do anything right?

Or'ly? I mean, do you really expect what is basically a private intelligence agency to not step on some feet ? Zoners are an absolute must have here.
Why would we even want Zoners at all? They're isolationists who's only reason for tolerating criminals aboard is that their total "No one fights aboard" is also for their very own survival.

They'd come, then they'd demand they interact with no one. Zoners make no sense to drag along.
Man, it's been forever sense I played Freelancer. What a fun game. Heh.

Alright, uh hmmm... I recall Reinland being the toughest guys to fight usually, besides some special units LSF guys had. (well outside ZEE ALIENS)

Anyway uh let's see...

[X] Plan LightMage
-[X] Liberty Security Forces
-[X] Rheinland Military
-[X] Independent Miners Guild
-[X] Gas Miners Guild

the LSF for intellegence ops, and Rheinland Military for our main 'strike force' when we need them. And with the IMG and GMG as 'neutral economic groups' who can at the least, appear to provide resources and stuff to all four factions, sort-of equally (or at least, we're gonna ask em nicely to do so) we can probably avoid any major issues cropping up over this.

The KNF + Brits seem to be busier than the others dealing with internal strife still, so I didn't pick them.

Picking The Zoners can result in them 'slipping' over that's knifes edge and causing them to fall under attack finally.

And none of the Criminal Organizations seem useful enough to overcome their disadvantages and the benefits of more official groups.

I'm really late here on the vote, but uh, I just saw this >.> so uh yeah.
Liberty is a capitalist state with private police force. They won't start anything that is not immediately profitable and should be relatively easy to buy our way through.

This sounds reasonable, but then sooner or later they will see how much economic and technological opportunity there is in the Terminus system and as already said:

aja318 said:
Remember that Liberty see itself as leader of humanity and like to attempt to enforce their position on others

Or'ly? I mean, do you really expect what is basically a private intelligence agency to not step on some feet ? Zoners are an absolute must have here.
But we don't plan or want to have any operations in Sirius. Why would we cause trouble by operating in a unknown and distant part of the galaxy and why would isolationists and criminals want to help us out of it, without requiring a steep price, paying wich might cause us more trouble in Sirius seeing as we support dissidents and criminals.

[X] Plan Official Backing
-[X] Cryer Pharmaceuticals
-[X] Bowex
-[X] Kishiro Technologies
-[X] Rheinland Military

Cryer: Political power in Liberty, good at (biological) research

Bowex: Political power in Bretonia. Will serve all our shipping, mining and exploiting needs

Kishiro: Political power in Kusari. More research and money.

Rhineland Military: Well equipped and trained, no big active enemies. Only disadvantage is size, but we don't plan on starting a shooting war.

edit: sorry, misquoted permeakra
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Yeah Rhineland is enough to deal with any pirate forces we run into, or worst comes to worst, a reaper.

Anyway I think Rhineland Military + Two large mining groups + The Order can stay LSF's *LEADER OF HUMANITY* hubris kicking in.

Anyway the current (?) winning vote of Solid Foundations has IMO the Zoner flaw, which is that if we drag them into this, there's a good chance one of the criminal organizations will take a swing at them, AND there's no 'neutrality' going on from the Terminus. And the Company Choices doubles down on Rhineland influence which seems to be a bit too 'favored' which will most likely result in political messes.

Meanwhile the IMS + GMG both have a good degree of political influence, and degrees on operating while in hostile / difficult / unknown space. Thus for any future harvesting / claiming / base building in the Terminus... having these two will result in a much better line of supply set up and turn a reasonable profit off raw materials. Which is what we're most likely going to get from them.
Won't it cause trouble to have two companies that directly compete in their core business sector on board?

Edit: The Gas Miners Guild and Rhineland will also have trouble working together.
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Won't it cause trouble to have two companies that directly compete in their core business sector on board?

Eh, I don't recall them directly competing though. Like IIRC GMG focused on Nebulas + gasses, where-as the IMG does have Nebula + Gas mines, the majority of IMG involves asteroid mining or mineral mining in general. And as the IMG often goes for harder places to harvest from it doesn't usually overlap with GMG.

At least, that's what I'm recalling + getting from the blurbs on the FP.
Why would we even want Zoners at all?
Because this effectively buys us a huge number of home ports and offers a fair advantage in intelligence, which we really need.

This sounds reasonable, but then sooner or later they will see how much economic and technological opportunity there is in the Terminus system and as already said:

There is not that much you may expect. Sirius sector and Terminus systems are based on different tech trees, meaning that most advanced foreign goods would not be so valuable for them. Furthermore, one of the points to keep it secret is to make sure near-sighted corporate entities would not have opportunities to make stupid moves.

But we don't plan or want to have any operations in Sirius.

We do. We are an organisation that, among other things, need to ensure it is the only one dealing with aliens. This means, that we will eventually need an intelligence network through entire Sirius sector. Criminals are naturally the most likely factions to make a contact and keep it private, so close monitoring of criminal factions is also a must.
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Because this effectively buys us a huge number of home ports and offers a fair advantage in intelligence, which we really need.

There is not that much you may expect. Sirius sector and Terminus systems are based on different tech trees, meaning that most advanced foreign goods would not be so valuable for them. Furthermore, one of the points to keep it secret is to make sure near-sighted corporate entities would not have opportunities to make stupid moves.

We do. We are an organisation that, among other things, need to ensure it is the only one dealing with aliens. This means, that we will eventually need an intelligence network through entire Sirius sector. Criminals are naturally the most likely factions to make a contact and keep it private, so close monitoring of criminal factions is also a must.
What? Zoners intelligence?

Zoner intelligence gathering effectively translates to being the Bartender.

LSF intelligence include being the Bartender, the Waiter, the Maid, the guy who just fixed your computer, so on and so forth.
Home bases? Zoners are effectively squatters who take on abandoned stations and live in them at the will of stronger factions, from bounty hunters to pirates.

I see no reason to let Zoners aboard.
Thereis not that much you may expect. Sirius sector and Terminus systems are based on different tech trees, meaning that most advanced foreign goods would not be so valuable for them.
Wouldn't this make them more valuable instead of less. No competitors and never before seen or even imagined products sounds like a very good deal.

Furthermore, one of the points to keep it secret is to make sure near-sighted corporate entities would not have opportunities to make stupid moves.
I doubt we can keep our organisation secret from the major Sirius powers. Not while working with big non-state or even criminal entities. I'm sure someone in the Miner's Guild, for example, will rediscover his Liberty patriotism and sell some secrets; helping both him and his homeland ;)

We do. We are an organisation that, among other things, need to ensure it is the only one dealing with aliens. This means, that we will eventually need an intelligence network through entire Sirius sector.

Isn't cooperating with those other powers more prudent than trying to build our own local intelligence network, that has to compete not only with criminals and terrorist but also with the networks of four super-powers with vastly superior resources and experience?
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Won't it cause trouble to have two companies that directly compete in their core business sector on board?

Edit: The Gas Miners Guild and Rhineland will also have trouble working together.

The GMG and IMG don't really compete with each other - the GMG is focused on gasmining and other related activities in the Crown Nebula while the IMG is mostly focused on Ressource extraction, often in less accessible or explored regions.

And really, in general there is very little problem in allying or more precisely getting the support of rival economic
organization from different Houses, it will undoubtedly cause some tensions but nothing to bad, the only case where it could become a bit more dicey would be if you did something like getting the support of both Samura and Kishito.

Vote will close in 1 hour.


I doubt we can keep our organisation secret from the major Sirius powers. Not while working with big non-state or even criminal entities. I'm sure someone in the Miner's Guild, for example, will rediscover his Liberty patriotism and sell some secrets; helping both him and his homeland ;)

Well there is having suspicions and then there is 100% knowing what you up to. You will have a hard time concealing that you are doing something out there but the precise facts will be a bit harder to come by, even for the major Houses/organizations (who are also generally have other things occupying their attention). Cooperating with one organisation doesn't mean that suddenly a majority of its members will be aware of what you are doing because a lot of that support will be hidden.

That is accidentally the advantage and reason of why there are so many criminal organizations on offer, they would be a good source of manpower (and access to the black market) while keeping the general public in the dark.
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The GMG and IMG don't really compete with each other - the GMG is focused on gasmining and other related activities in the Crown Nebula while the IMG is mostly focused on Ressource extraction, often in less accessible or explored regions.

And really, in general there is very little problem in allying or more precisely getting the support of rival economic
organization from different Houses, it will undoubtedly cause some tensions but nothing to bad, the only case where it could become a bit more dicey would be if you did something like getting the support of both Samura and Kishito.

Vote will close in 1 hour.
Won;t they in classic Kusari fashion, be polite on one hand, stab quietly in the back?
I see no reason to let Zoners aboard.
I see even less reasons to have LSF aboard or even somewhere close, because they are a security risk. LSF is known to creep its way into places it should not be. And you underestimate Zoners, they somehow managed to stay in the picture for a long time while being in a very fragile position. This is worth some respect. They also give us relatively easy access to crimianl market, which is to be monitored anyway.

Wouldn't this make them more valuable instead of less. No competitors and never before seen or even imagined products sounds like a very good deal.
Imagine selling nuclear fission powered car in modern US, or even Australia. Even assuming your customers somehow manage to obtain permission for operation of nuclear fission reactor, a solid infrastructure for refueling and maintanance is required beforehand, and it will take decades to build.

Isn't cooperating with those other powers more prudent than trying to build our own local intelligence network, that has to compete not only with criminals and terrorist but also with the networks of four super-powers with vastly superior resources and experience?
We should seek any ways to increase our intelligence network, and any governmental agency would have our thanks for provided intelligence, but... pursued national interests are in a constant state of flux based on economical and political whims. We cannot expect them to stay constant, nor we can rely on any given security force exclusively.