Freelancer: Terminus (Freelancer/MassEffect)

Ouch. The Corsair leadership action failing hurt.
Losing 5 rep with everyone is pretty annoying.

My initial notes were actually quite a bit more drastic for that action and had something in regards to nomad infiltrators but not only did I forgot just exactly where I wanted to go with that but I also thought it a bit to much for this one failure (plus you got rather lucky with the other Corsair action) so I went with this option.
For our edification, would the penalties have been lessened if this was only a slight failure compared to the almost botch?
Two quests I followed/participated in coming back online in one day? But it's neither christmas nor my birthday... :confused:

Yeah, Corsair leadership action hurt. Unfortunately, not even the focus point could've saved that.

Gonna have to wait and see what the crisis options will be. Having the rank-and-file Corsairs on the streets on our side, though, ought to be extremely helpful, hopefully.
nice to know your going on with this one.
welcome back by the way

nice chapter, to bad about the don`s
other then that looking forward to the next chapter
For our edification, would the penalties have been lessened if this was only a slight failure compared to the almost botch?

Yeah, of course. For example a slightly better roll would have meant I would have rolled for which factions got a penalty instead of assigning a collective one (though I think I once did that in an action that would have granted you a boni and all four failed the 1d2 roll...)
On a different note, we need to make it a priority to suck up to Kusari. Our relationship with them is 35, the lowest, with the next being Rheinland at 60. If this keeps going I'm going to start worrying about them withdrawing support.

Why should we suck up to those corrupt SOBs? Support the Blood Dragons!
Why should we suck up to those corrupt SOBs? Support the Blood Dragons!
Because we're a respectable government agency, and openly supporting a group of literal terrorists -- no matter how righteous their cause -- is the sort of thing that gets our charter revoked. If we're going to do that we need to be really subtle about it, and the best way to avoid notice for such clandestine actions is to make Kusari like us so much they don't feel any need to investigate us.
Because we're a respectable government agency, and openly supporting a group of literal terrorists -- no matter how righteous their cause -- is the sort of thing that gets our charter revoked. If we're going to do that we need to be really subtle about it, and the best way to avoid notice for such clandestine actions is to make Kusari like us so much they don't feel any need to investigate us.

True enough. Bah, if it weren't for the damned Reapers on the horizon I'd say to hell with it, but...
Yeah, you more or less lost the opportunity to meddle in internal Sirius politics (and especially for things like trying to support a violent overthrow of an existing government) when you decided to opt for the official agency option over staying a private organization. While you as a person might still retain some ties, contacts and even sympathies to organizations like the Blood Dragons the UTA as a whole is a very different matter and has cut nearly all ties with such organizations.

For the most part that stuff will now happen in the background without your input with the only something like an open civil war or perhaps the founding of a separatist Blood Dragon (or other major separatist movement) state being events that might require your input and even then you are probably well advised to follow the example of the other major factions.

If you want to meddle in politics/wish to overthrow an existing government you are probably better off looking towards the Terminus region and its many factions.
Yup. As annoying as it is and as good of a ally the Blood Dragons have been to Trent during and after the Nomad war they still remain a illegitimate organization in Kusari. While they are a honorable faction we cant overlook the fact that to basically everyone the Shogunate is the legitimate government of Kusari.

I'm pretty sure the Order will be clandestinely supporting the Blood Dragons anyways. If only to have a allied force at hand in Kusari space that can be relied upon should the Kusar8 government become compromised again.
Saying we can't meddle in Sirius affairs is... kind of a gross over-exaggeration, in my opinion.
We lost some means of intervening in Sirius affairs, true; we can't just tell our security forces to go and smash up those pirates at XYZ anymore, or act as middlemen between groups like the Corsairs, IMG, Blood Dragons, and Zoners.

But on the other hand, we now have the incredibly big stick of being able to decide who gets what planet/system to colonize or develop, and so on. That's a LOT of leverage.
Anyway, I think we should probably get the Kusari citizens through the moneybag. They did have something of a demand crisis for their food products in canon IIRC. But with citadel space opening up I see much potential for sales there.
It's a possibility, yeah. Could incidentally also help our Rheinland; one of their bigger issues was with farmers being ticked off about Synth Foods, IIRC, so renewed interest into their product could very well help them out greatly.
Which is admittedly one of those things about the setting that seem to be there just to make it a bit worse, since from what I remember, while they do produce luxury foods, their synth paste is said to taste pretty bad, and usually people don't buy bad-tasting food unless they absolutely have no other choice whatsoever.

So, between new interest in more traditional foodstuffs, and potentially more palatable alternatives in terms of cheap foods coming in from the Terminus Systems/Citadel Space (since food's never been mentioned as being scarce in any way), it's possible Synth Foods might take a bunch of economic hits in the future.

The Migrant Fleet might be interested in ultra-cheap foods, though. Depending on whether or not they can consume the synth paste.
Saying we can't meddle in Sirius affairs is... kind of a gross over-exaggeration, in my opinion.
We lost some means of intervening in Sirius affairs, true; we can't just tell our security forces to go and smash up those pirates at XYZ anymore, or act as middlemen between groups like the Corsairs, IMG, Blood Dragons, and Zoners.

But on the other hand, we now have the incredibly big stick of being able to decide who gets what planet/system to colonize or develop, and so on. That's a LOT of leverage.
We're the ones that answer to them, not the other way around. If we try to use things against them, they're just going to get angrier at us and eventually withdraw support and do things on their own.
We're the ones that answer to them, not the other way around. If we try to use things against them, they're just going to get angrier at us and eventually withdraw support and do things on their own.
Not how politics work. We answer to them, but we're still the ones making most of the decision in regards to development, colonization, etc, which means that they have just as much of a vested interest in keeping us happy as we have a vested interest in keeping them happy. Because us being extremely unhappy with them means they'll consistently get the worst pick of any new colonization or development prospects discovered. Then, when they then finally do leave, they'll have to spend humongous amounts of time and resources trying to play catch-up by doing their own surveys, establishing their own infrastructure, making their own negotiations with alien polities from a weaker position, setting up their own colonization organization, their own security measures for the colonizes, and so on, and so forth. All the while their colonial empire in the Terminus consists of a bunch of near-worthless rocks, with all of the actually valuable real estate already taken by the other polities, and who can continue their colonization and development efforts at full blast in the meantime. Hence why it is in their interest to keep us happy, so it's more likely that we'll assign them the juiciest prospects for colonization or exploitation, give them priority when it comes to development, and so on, and so forth.

They have their sticks and carrots, and we have our sticks and carrots. We have to be careful to employ both, but so do they; that's how politics are made.
I really shouldn't have to explain something so basic and obvious.
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Which is admittedly one of those things about the setting that seem to be there just to make it a bit worse, since from what I remember, while they do produce luxury foods, their synth paste is said to taste pretty bad, and usually people don't buy bad-tasting food unless they absolutely have no other choice whatsoever.
Actually I think that was initially, but they'd made some breakthroughs before canon so it actually tasted better than conventional food. As a result everyone started buying synth food and the markets for traditional food basically collapsed. Imagine what would happen if frozen pizza actually tasted better than the stuff you get at the Italian restaurant?
I really shouldn't have to explain something so basic and obvious.
Yeah, well, when you live off in your own fantasy land instead of the game the rest of us are playing, you will have to explain everything. Maybe try not ignoring or trying to directly refute the GM. What part of we lose the game at low reputation do you continue to not understand? They may spend more money later, but game over for us if we let it get that far with multiple factions.
Which is admittedly one of those things about the setting that seem to be there just to make it a bit worse, since from what I remember, while they do produce luxury foods, their synth paste is said to taste pretty bad, and usually people don't buy bad-tasting food unless they absolutely have no other choice whatsoever.

IIRC, that was businesses on Leeds giving their workers livestock-grade Synth-Paste, because the pollution destroyed their sense of taste.
IIRC, that was businesses on Leeds giving their workers livestock-grade Synth-Paste, because the pollution destroyed their sense of taste.
Ah yes, it's these small bits that make you appreciate the freelancer world and cheer for the Nomads.
Yeah, well, when you live off in your own fantasy land instead of the game the rest of us are playing, you will have to explain everything. Maybe try not ignoring or trying to directly refute the GM. What part of we lose the game at low reputation do you continue to not understand? They may spend more money later, but game over for us if we let it get that far with multiple factions.
I think you guys are seriously talking past each other.
IIRC, that was businesses on Leeds giving their workers livestock-grade Synth-Paste, because the pollution destroyed their sense of taste.
I was pretty sure that it just tasted bad in general, but looking through wiki pages and whatnot I can't find anything to support that, so maybe my recollection was wrong.

I think you guys are seriously talking past each other.
I get what Spectrum's trying to say (broadly), I just don't agree with it. We're part of a political organization; engaging in horse trading is pretty much to be expected.
Don't think I'm gonna waste any more of my time trying to debate the matter with him, though.
Synth food is actually quite tasty and healthy food that is also relatively cheap which is why it is so popular.

And in regards to the whole power in relation to the Houses I wouldn't be to overconfident. Please remember that you were just created and that now might not be the best time the limit of your theoretical powers...
Sorry, my current biggest pet peeve is people who appear to argue with the GM after what happened/almost happened over in Glory or Death.
That is understandable and I am thankful but as long as you guys keep a halfway civil tone and don't disrupt the Thread too much you can write/discuss nearly everything. I like discussing things like worldbuilding and plot development and actually welcome (hopefully constructive) critic - hell I think I tend to be one of the more critical players myself so I better be able to endure some of my own medicine ;). To me those are integral parts of the creative/writing process.

Also it is important to me that new players feel comfortable joining the quest without having to read the whole thread and I have personally no problem answering their questions.

Last but not least this is a pretty obscure Crossover and one heavily dependent on my own personal interpretation of the original material so questions can serve an important function in clarifing that and to show me what I need to explain better/ make clearer or what to work into the story.

Though that doesn't mean I will necessarily listen/do what you guys want - I mostly do this because I enjoy writing about this world and exploring it and if I don't like something chanches are you will simply never get such an option.

TlDR: Feel free to ask questions, no matter how stupid, and criticise me.

I will post the next update as soon as I get home from work - ca. 1 1/2 hour.
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Turn 16: Troublesome Pirates
Turn 16: Troublesome Pirates
Date: 07/818 AS

Re: Diplomatic Talks: Mass Effect Drive System

… in conclusion I thus think the likelihood of finalizing a comprehensive trade and cooperation agreement with the Larissan Republic in the coming weeks is almost 100% with even the Kusari delegation seeming to be cautiously optimistic. I have included the current, prelimanry version of the agreement as well as my thoughts on it to this message.

Speaking of Kusari, they seem to have finally given up their resistance to the proposed trade deal for the blueprints of a functioning and scalable Mass Effect Drive system in exchange for similar information about our more common direct energy weapon and shielding systems. In both cases we are of course talking about highly outdated information and not state of the art technology which should hopefully be enough to convince the more cautious members and delegates to agree to such a deal.

As you are aware even the most optimistic projection from Project Daedalus [Codename for your Mass Effect research effort on Voss Ka] puts the date for an usable, independently developed Mass Effect Drive system at least ten years in the future and it is my opinion that with the numerous challenges the Terminus region presents us with this is an amount of time we can ill afford. Barring any other directive from you I will therefore continue my work to bring this deal to a quick and satisfactory end.

As you asked for in your last message I also approached ambassador Ambelain to discuss the recent development in regards to ….

You have 7 (6+1) Action Points that you can spend any way you wish at generally 1 point per action. You can also add 1 Focus Point (giving a + 20 Bonus) to a chosen action, representing UTA focusing on that action.

Sirius Sector:
With the restructuring of the DSX into UTA your activities in Sirius have been notably reduced to little more than guard duty. However with your position and ability to act dependent on the political support of the Houses it is still important to maintain strong ties to the rest of Sirius.

[] Gateway to Heaven:
As you were returning to Solitude you made a stop on New Berlin to take care of some personal business you were also approached by the Rheinland government who asked for your assistance in convincing the other Houses, mainly Liberty, to help finance a jumpgate from Saarland to Omicron Theta. Such a connection would likely reduce travel time from many parts of Sirius and likely be a significant boost to Rheinlands economy once the operations in the Terminus region really get started but as it stands the Rheinland government simply doesn't have the resources to finance this additional jumpgate on its own. They hope that you use your influence as the director of UTA to convince the other Houses of the strategic utility and need for such a project. It seems like a good way of strengthening your relations with Rheinlands government but it might complicate the situation with the Corsairs if you don't act manage to convince them (and the Houses) to come to a more benign relation.

Chance of success: 75%, Result: Construction of jumpgate between Saarland (new Rheinland system east of New Berlin) and Omicron Theta (Will take 3 ½ years till fully complete (7 turns).
GM: You will only need to spend the action now, it requires no continued support

[] Hunt for Element Zero - Sirius Version:
While there is currently no need for large amounts of eezo it is all but certain to become a key resource once you unlock the secret behind the Mass Effect technology. From you gather from your Larissan contacts it is one of the most important (trade) goods in the greater galaxy and locating this strange element if one of the goals behind the creation of the UTA, even if only auction or otherwise transfer the claim to a proper megacompany.
Result: Look for eezo deposits in the Kappan Gate subsector

[] Omicron Kappa Jumpholes:
A closer survey of the Omicron Kappa system unveiled the existence of two additional viable jumpholes. Satellites and rudimentary defensive system have been placed on each and probes have been send through each for a preliminary report. With Omicron Kappa attracting ever more attention it might be time to investigate those two systems, called Omicron Iota and Phi.
Result: Explore Omicron Iota and Phi (how complete this exploration is will depend partly on a dice roll)

The Corsair Question:
You have made phenomenal progress in regards to your initiative to turn the Corsairs into a legitimate faction and have not only secured the support of most major Houses but also both the public and a number of highly influential megacompanies. Of course all that is useless if you can't convince the Corsair leadership to abandon their current confrontational course.

(To be successful (as in unlock the relevant action) in this you will at least need the support of Bretonia (who historically are the one most opposed to such an idea) and the Corsairs (leadership) - additional "supporters" are optional but will ensure for a smoother process and may result in a stronger position for the Corsairs.)
Attention: Actions costs are halved (which means you can pick 2 actions for the cost of one point)(or 4 for the price of two)
(Your focus point will however still be limited to a single action)
(Current boni= +5 to all actions (+ 10 Corsair actions negated by increased difficulty due to Crisis), + 5 to Corsair Crisis action, )

[] Kusari:
While Kusari has had little to no contact with the Corsairs they have signaled their opposition, for in the eyes of the Samura Shogunate legitimising a criminal faction has far too many negative implications to their own politics. Still the government has shown to be pragmatic in the past and you have some contatcs in the region from your early days as Freelancer and Order operative that make you think that you might still be able to convince them of the merits of your idea if you tried hard enough.
Chance of success: 60%, Result Kusari supports your Corsair initiative

[] Corsair Crisis: Diplomacy
The traditionalist Dons might have convinced large number of their colleagues to agree with their position by conducting a massive fear campaign (as well as widespread imitation and bribes) but you doubt that this represents a true change of heart for many of them. Your local ambassador as well as a large portion of your diplomatic team at home is confident that with the right arguments and enough time they can assemble enough support for your initiative, especially since the majority of the population seems to supportive, without resorting to any drastic measures or costly measures.
Chance of success: 50% Result: A majority of the Dons supports you but the traditionalists are likely to remain a powerful faction

[] Corsair Crisis: Bribery
While the UTA no longer has the large "slush funds" that the DSX possessed it should be possible to divert enough resources and cash towards Crete to enable you to bribe a number of the influential Dons as well as to strengthen the public support of your position. Granted some people on the oversight committee, especially from Bretonia might be somewhat unhappy with this approach.
Chance of success: 80% Result: Gather additional support (+10 for Diplomacy option) and weaken traditionalists, -5 Bretonia

[] Corsair Crisis: Confidential Information
One of the key reason why the Corsairs feel confident in refusing you is the perceived impossibility of assaulting their position due to its remote location and difficult terrain. And to be fair as it stands the House militaries would indeed have a difficult time attacking the Corsairs effectively with most predictions suggesting prohibitive casualties and material costs that make such an attack highly unlikely. However the Mass Effect Drive promises to change this and if it functions as it seems Crete, which is still the powerbase for most Dons, would be far more vulnerable than the Corsairs think though of course that information is currently tightly controlled and the Corsairs (as well as the rest of Sirius) remain blissfully ignorant of this. If you were to leak some of that information to the Corsairs you are pretty confident that quite a lot of them would drastically reevaluate their position though of course the Houses would be somewhat unhappy if this ever came to light.
Chance of Success: 75% Result: No matter if success or failure: gather additional support (+10) and significantly weaken traditionalist faction, if failure: - 5 political support from all factions

[] Corsair Crisis: Hated Foe
Admiral Tomoe has suggested an interesting, if somewhat risky, idea. She wants to utilize the hatred of the Corsairs for their Outcast cousins and tempt them with an offer of (mostly covert) armed support against them. What makes her idea so innovative and risky is that, besides the traditional weapon deliveries, her plan calls for an Kusari Naval Force action the north eastern regions of the Sigma systems, supported by the other Houses. You are aware that Kusari ( as well as the Gas Miner Guild and others) has long since harbored such plans but judged them to dangerous and expensive to do alone but this could change if you would convince the other Houses of the need to support such a "policing" action. Tomoe indicates that her friends back on New Tokyo would look favorable on such a thing but you are unsure if you want to provoke the Outcasts in such a manner when your major supply lines still run through territory bordering theirs.
Result: Gather additional support (+5 to Diplomacy action), + 10 Kusari support but also danger of an extended military conflict on the northern border of the Omicron Kappa subsector that may divert resources and attention away from you and the UTA (+ hate of the Outcasts and related groups).
GM Note: This is not intended to be an UTA military action and ideally your ships/people would stay out of it

[] Corsair Crisis: Friends in Need
Some of those hardest hit by the traditionalist actions have been those who have supported you the longest and it sits ill with you to simply abandon them to their fate. By utilizing your many contacts you should be able to give them and their operations the necessary breathing room and opportunities to regain some of their former power and influence.
Chance of success: 85% Result: Additional support for diplomacy action (+5), Reputation increase with Corsairs

[] Corsair Crisis: Black Ops
Many of those who opposed you are heavily involved in the various raiding operations that have made the Corsairs so feared and famed in Sirius. Alexandra has suggested that you make use of that knowledge as well as your expansive network of contacts and informants in the Corsair organization to organize a number of strikes against said raiders, for example by providing the Bounty Hunter Guild with the location of some its leaders. If successful this would weaken the raiders and thus the Dons connected to them while also strengthening your argument that the Corsairs can no longer continue as before. However if discovered this could destroy some of the goodwill you have amassed with the Corsairs and would of course weaken the organization as a whole.
Chance of success: 75% Result: Additional support for diplomacy action (+5), traditionalist Dons severely weakened

[] The Omicron Conference:

To finish their campaign about the discoveries in the Terminus region and Omicron systems the Houses have planned a large conference with several thousand expected attendees. It is mostly intended as a discussion forum as well as way to publicly present the agreements and decisions made in the last few months. While you and the UTA are of course part of the conference it might be a good idea to really focus on the event and really capitalize on this opportunity to gather some additional support and make useful contacts with the political elite of Sirius.
Result: Chance for additional political support from the Houses
Note: This is a limited action and will only be available this turn

[] Mining Rights Auction:

When you transformed the DSX into the UTA you transferred the majority of your mining operation in Sirius as well as a significant amount of claims to Daumann but considering the resource richness of the system there are still many unclaimed mineral deposits waiting to be claimed. If you want to encourage additional companies to settle down in the area it might be a good idea to hold an a public auction and "sell" claims to the various companies in Sirius.
Chance of success: 75% Result: Increased economy strength, chance of additional House support

[] Tradelanes:

Another option to bring the "colonization" of the Kappan Sector forward would be to convince (and pay) DSE to start building Tradelanes, a more primitive version of the jumpgates that allow for significantly quicker travel inside a solar system, between the major installations of the region, which in this case would be the various Freeports, the jumpholes, and your own installations. It would simplify travel to a significant degree which should encourage new companies to come to the area as well help with your own operations. That said convincing the committee to support such an expensive action will likely cost you some support and the Outcast are unlikely to be very happy with the Houses muscling into their neighbourhood.
Result: Increase infrastructure, economy and military -5 Rheinland, Bretonia, Kusari

Terminus Sector:

The new frontier, full anomalies to discover, resources to exploit and new aliens to meet.

[] Hostile Environment:
The good news is that you have found eezo, that bad one is that it is located in a place nearly impossible to access via normal methods. Both Talia and Davis have some ideas of how to still get to the stuff extensive and expensive testing will likely be required.
(This will automatically finish some time in the future if not chosen)
Result: Possibility of mining on Nirn 2 is explored

[] Rapid Prototyping:
Barring any truly unfortunate developments you should soon get access to the complete blueprints and production manuals for a Mass Effect Drive system. Of course even with that it will likely take quite a while to mesh the drive with your existing systems and get to a useable model which is why it might be a good idea to set aside the necessary resources and manpower to accelerate the process as quickly as possible.
Result: Quicker and more expansive prototyping of the Mass Effect Drive system and thus a higher chance for early adoption

[] Explore Terminus Central V2:
You have completed a rough survey of the systems but to truly discover all their secrets more exploration is needed.
Result: Continue to explore Alpha 8,9,10

[] Expansion – First Stage:
With the news about the Terminus region public and some rudimentary logistical and security installations in place you could theoretically start admitting selected companies through the Hypergate and into Terminus Central. It would be a great way to garner some influence with the Sirius governments but it would also increase the number of potential targets for any attacker.
Result: Start admitting Megacompanies into Terminus Central

[] Native Sources:
Another thing that that you expect to happen this turn is the start of some real and regular trade between Sirius and Larissa which has caused Alexandria, your chief of intelligence, to put forward several initiatives, ranging from expanded signal services to the exploring the possibility of local sources and contacts, to expand your operations there. Others on the board, and especially the foreign diplomats from Houses, are however more cautious and point out the possible political fallout if something goes (drastically) wrong as well as the fact that is likely easier to conduct such operations after interactions between Sirius and Larissa have become a bit more common.
Chance of success: 55% Result: Establish intel network on Larissa

UTA information can now be found in a googledoc for hopefully easier access and use.

"Civilian" Information

Military Information

Diplomatic Information

GM: I am quite tired so I hope the update is okay but at least it is on schedule ^^. Remember voting is by plan.
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[X] Gateway to Heaven
[X] Hunt for Element Zero - Sirius Version
[X] Corsair Crisis: Friends in Need
[X] The Omicron Conference - +Focus
[X] Tradelanes
[X] Explore Terminus Central V2
[X] Expansion – First Stage