The one where this shit passes for acceptable.
Lichte said:
Class: Berserker
True Name: [Pointlessly Hidden]
Alignment: Shiny Good

Strength: C
Endurance: C
Agility: D
Mana: B
Luck: A

Class Skills

Mad Enhancement: E
Though not, strictly speaking, mad, Berserker's mentality has been distorted.

Personal Skills

Charisma: X (A+)
Though normally so adored by the masses that it could be considered a curse, Berserker's twisted state of mind has purged any sense of admiration from those who look upon him.

Collector: EX
Under the influence of Berserker's Mental Disorder, what was once a knack for drawing valuable objects to himself has been twisted into a curse that compels him to seek new worthy possessions.

Eye for Art: A
As one driven to find all that has worth, Berserker is capable of identifying and appraising all that falls under his gaze with only a moment of consideration.

Golden Rule: A
The very idea of money problems is an unknown concept.

Mental Disorder: A
Rather than the outright loss of capacity for reason typical of the Class, Berserker's sense of priorities has been twisted to focus almost exclusively on acquiring things of worth.

Noble Phantasms

[Pointlessly Hidden 1]

[Pointlessly Hidden 2]
Hello? Is nobody gonna continue this?


[size= 10]NOBU!!![/size]
Not like I wouldn't, but we be waiting for others yet.
Probably best to do the actual timeskip to morning since only a few of us have active characters at this point. Would've been nice to do the debrief with Lichte IC but that doesn't seem feasible right now.
Probably best to do the actual timeskip to morning since only a few of us have active characters at this point. Would've been nice to do the debrief with Lichte IC but that doesn't seem feasible right now.
Problem with that is Saber (NSMS) Kirei (me) and Lancer (Azecreth) are all mid-action, waiting on one another/Mort. And I for one probably want a few posts to actually arrive and make food first.