
...Remind me why I'm doing this?

It is the year 2005, and in the ten years since it burnt down, Fuyuki has recovered. Only the memorial park tells of the devastation wrought at the end of the Fourth Holy Grail War.
Yet in these ten years, the darkness in the Grail has slowly been building up power. And so, the Holy Grail War began anew...
Too bad it's all about to go to hell, right?

Right. To those unaware, the premise of this RP is simple. Take the start of the Fifth Fuyuki Grail War, shove the minds of the players into every major and several minor characters around when Rin summons Archer, plus Saber who'll have to be summoned somehow.

Player selection operates on a combination of first-come-first-served and quality. Whike the first to request a character typically gets priority, it is possible to request an already-chosen character if you can convince me sufficiently to shift the previous player. Alternatively, you can sort it out between yourselves.

Rules are generally "Don't cheat; don't be a dick". The GM and CoGMs are there to resolve disputes when people can't work it out themselves.
Additionally for Servants, if you get Command Sealed, you will amost always have to obey.

This post may be added to in future. Now, I'm off to sleep or update other stuff.
Do we have to post character sheets and stuff, or is it literally a case of posting 'I want to be Saber!'?

Because if it is, then I want to be Saber.
Do we have to post character sheets and stuff, or is it literally a case of posting 'I want to be Saber!'?

Because if it is, then I want to be Saber.
Currently, the latter.
If you want me to shift skmeone from a slot, it's then you have to do more typing to convince me.