I will be Kirei. This should get hilarious trying to run things while keeping the Church from coming in and dealing with everyone. Also might be willing to give hand to a prospective Bazzet player. Also maybe see about having fun with Gilgamesh.
A) Greek already called it. B) Given im lilely to leave a mountain of corpses or a lot of very rich people behind (i havent decided. We're playing this by ear. Both may happen) suffering will be in short supply.
I guess I could be... Kuzuki, I guess?

I mean, I like fighting things, so that means I have to be Kazuki or Rider, and I'd be uncomfortable RPing as a girl, so...

edit: wait, has Archer been dibs'd yet?
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This is just starting and it already looks to be a beautiful clusterfuck.


I'm so proud to work with you people.
Darn, had missed Psi getting Kirei. I guess I'll go with Archer. Would Unlimited Blade Works even still function or do I end up as the lamest Servant ever?
To chime in: Unless you have appropiate skills, you probably get basic competetency in what the chsrachter knows.
However, not being them, some things like "Crap, what weapons do I have?" will have to be worked out by yourselves.