False Prophets (BattleTech CYOA)

And then Hanse was accidentally PA-track recruit in Fighting Tigers, due to counter-invasion.
Ah, so that's why you said that the First Prince wouldn't invade the Capellan Confederation. Because it was the Prince's Champion making that decision. :V

Still, I feel sorry for the impostor. If I've read this right, the Capellans took a man, surgically altered him to look like Hanse Davion and then destroyed his mind and then rebuilt it in accordance with their design to the point that there's no trace of the old identity left, only their best impression of Hanse Davion. Jesus Christ, this is horrifying. Or at least, it should be.
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Ah, so that's why you said that the First Prince wouldn't invade the Capellan Confederation. Because it was the Prince's Champion making that decision. :V

Still, I feel sorry for the impostor. If I've read this right, the Capellan took a man, surgically altered him to look like Hanse Davion and then destroyed his mind and then rebuilt it in accordance with their design to the point that there's no trace of the old identity left, only their best impression of Hanse Davion. Jesus Christ, this is horrifying. Or at least, it should be.

Especially since the poor bastard has enough self-awareness to recognize that something is wrong with him even if he can't figure out exactly what. In addition to getting Hanse back, I really, really hope they manage to help this guy; help him put his mind back together and if possible remember at least a bit of who he was.

Also, putting down my five internet dollas on Ardan reaching out to him and trying to help the poor fucker, possibly while wondering if this constitutes some kind of betrayal of Hanse.
I personally want to see if the FWL actually breaks down and says Erin kept harping on it. "Our ComStar liaison/ resident physic said so" would be very hard for the FS to swallow. Especially when I think Martin is going to joke about Erin having physic powers, what other explanation is there for her knowing all this weird stuff?
Ah, so that's why you said that the First Prince wouldn't invade the Capellan Confederation. Because it was the Prince's Champion making that decision. :V

Still, I feel sorry for the impostor.
I did try to make the impostor sympathetic, and those implications are brought up in canon, just not expanded upon that much. So...

Also, putting down my five internet dollas on Ardan reaching out to him and trying to help the poor fucker, possibly while wondering if this constitutes some kind of betrayal of Hanse.
I do want to show that, though it does depend somewhat on the story pacing and whether I find a good place to fit that in.

I personally want to see if the FWL actually breaks down and says Erin kept harping on it. "Our ComStar liaison/ resident physic said so" would be very hard for the FS to swallow. Especially when I think Martin is going to joke about Erin having physic powers, what other explanation is there for her knowing all this weird stuff?
Well, from the FWL point of view, anything inexplicable that Erin knows is probably information leaked from ComStar. From secular ComStar's point of view, anything inexplicable that Erin knows is surely a leak from another faction of ComStar, or the FWL...

I did try to make the impostor sympathetic, and those implications are brought up in canon, just not expanded upon that much. So...

I do want to show that, though it does depend somewhat on the story pacing and whether I find a good place to fit that in.

Well, from the FWL point of view, anything inexplicable that Erin knows is probably information leaked from ComStar. From secular ComStar's point of view, anything inexplicable that Erin knows is surely a leak from another faction of ComStar, or the FWL...
And as far as certain other factions in C* are concerned if they bother tracking it that far, she's a Prophet like Blake.
Well, from the FWL point of view, anything inexplicable that Erin knows is probably information leaked from ComStar. From secular ComStar's point of view, anything inexplicable that Erin knows is surely a leak from another faction of ComStar, or the FWL...
The secular ComStar, eh? I suppose we can guess what the religious faction would think...

Waterly, after the Clan invasion: "Just as Primus Sims and Larkin prophesized!"
I apologize in advance, for this is a bit of a tech rant.

Blazer technology is not LosTech. It's taking the rifle and pistol and applying it to 'Mech scale weaponry. It's not USEFUL without Freezers though, because you're ducttaping two Large Laser cores together and the result is double the heat and bulk, almost double the mass, no improvement in range and only a 50% increase in damage.

Here's the question, why can't you use it with Medium or Small Lasers?

A Medium Blazer would be a standard Large Laser damage wise, at less than half the mass & 25% less heat. You'll only have 60% the range of a LL, but I'd consider it way better than a Medium Pulse Laser unless you're shooting infantry.

A Small Blazer wouldn't be good though. Same mass as a standard Medium Laser, twice the bulk, slightly less heat but only a third the range.
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It's not USEFUL without Freezers though, because you're ducttaping two Large Laser cores together and the result is double the heat and bulk, almost double the mass, no improvement in range and only a 50% increase in damage.

Eh, I would argue it is still useful without DHS.

Its got 12 damage at a range of 15, which is a useful niche.
Eh, I would argue it is still useful without DHS.

Its got 12 damage at a range of 15, which is a useful niche.

Yup. The Blazer Mafia over on the official forums (of which I'm a member) have done the math and shown plenty of sample designs. The Blazer ends up slotting in between an AC/10 and AC/20 in utility in an era where Introtech is the rule, like the 3rd Succession War. Compared to an AC/10, you get two points more damage, a head-capper, and minimum 4 heat sinks to help offset the heat generation. You lose damage compared to an AC/20, but you gain range, retain headcapping ability, and get at least 6 hest sinks in trade.

Take a standard Cyclops for an example platform. Swapping the AC/20 for a Blazer leaves you with 5 tons from the difference in weapons mass, plus 4 tons for the original autocannon's ammo. You start with 12 heat sinks. You could pile on 9 more singles, and be able to fire your short range weapons with the Blazer for reasonable overheat, or more likely throw on 5 heat sinks, for 17 total, and give the Cyclops another 4 tons of much-needed armor. Now you cycle between the Blazer and the LRMs at medium range, and the Blazer versus 2 MLs and an SRM-4 up close.

On the Orion, swapping out the AC/10 for the Blazer is a much tighter fit, but putting all your freed mass into heat sinks gives you 15 single heat sinks, a Blazer, LRM-15, twin mediums and an SRM-4. Yes, you overheat by 1+movement firing the Blazer. That still puts you ahead by 1 compared to a Warhammer or Archer, and like the Cyclops example or, hell, a Griffin, you alternate fire between your big energy weapon and your LRMs as needed. If you need to drop both on someone at the same time, yes that puts you up to 6 points plus movement over, but next turn holding off on the Blazer and just using the LRMs puts you back at 0 heat buildup.

So, yeah, as @VhenRa pointed out, it works even with single heat sinks, so long as you use it in keeping with the technologies of the era.
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Well aware that posting here may upset some of you so I'll first apologise.

However, has anyone seen Acyl around? I wasn't able to catch them since their hiatus started in the forum anywhere it seems. So if anyone knows whether the story might be continuing somewhere else or perhaps Acyl has just left us XD well that'd be sad but hopefully they're alright. Soz for the necro.
Well aware that posting here may upset some of you so I'll first apologise.

However, has anyone seen Acyl around? I wasn't able to catch them since their hiatus started in the forum anywhere it seems. So if anyone knows whether the story might be continuing somewhere else or perhaps Acyl has just left us XD well that'd be sad but hopefully they're alright. Soz for the necro.
It looks like Acyl was on SB recently. Hopefully they're just busy.
Acyl is fine, to my knowledge - I've seen him in shared chatrooms a time or two recently - but has said that his brain cycle is just not on Battletech right now. I suspect that his job is also on an uptick, and it's the kind of work that draws on the creative energies as much as any physical ones.
It looks like Acyl was on SB recently. Hopefully they're just busy.
I suspect that his job is also on an uptick, and it's the kind of work that draws on the creative energies as much as any physical ones.
If he's not writing because his job is going well that's a good thing.
I figure I owe everyone the courtesy of at least responding, so: basically, yeah, I'm sorta buried by work. I'm a researcher for an international affairs think tank. Over the past few months I've had to do more writing for work. Including articles and reports, but also things like funding proposals and conference planning.

Aside from volume of stuff, there's also the issue that I'm splitting time between two different portfolios rather than being able to focus. Lack of warm bodies in the office, folks leaving and all that.

It'd be lying to say that I have zero free time. The trouble is, since my job is basically already digging through books, PDFs, frantically googling, and then slinging things together in a word processor - when I do have free time, I'm more inclined to... not write, but play video games, get some exercise, or something.

I've been trying to psyche myself up to do fiction writing again, but thus far it's been aimless stuff (I've been poking at a new story which is 100% unplanned and I'm making shit up line by line) or answers to writing prompts, that sort of thing. Pushing out the Capellan arc for False Prophets would need a somewhat more concerted effort and lead time.

(EDIT: I still plan on continuing the story, but I'm not sure when posting can resume - especially since I've been voluntold for overseas work trips - travelling for work - in September, October, and November. If I have to join the trip in December, I'll probably be sorely tempted to stab someone with a pen.)
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"Buried by work" is a much better reason to not be writing than any I have; best of luck keeping up with things; and if you do end up going with the stabbing part I can serve as an alibi.
Yeah no stress, while I poked the thread, it was more for just the desire to know if Acyl is still alive XD I'm not too focused on screaming for new chapters, you wrote a lot XD I can just reread separate arcs for my own enjoyment for whole months if I take my sweet time
Well, from the FWL point of view, anything inexplicable that Erin knows is probably information leaked from ComStar. From secular ComStar's point of view, anything inexplicable that Erin knows is surely a leak from another faction of ComStar, or the FWL
Don't be absurd. If it had been leaked from the FWL, everyone and his grandmother would have known.