Fallout: Displaced Patriots Quest (Cancelled)

What rank do you want our commander to have? Read part 1 of the Quest setup for more details.

  • Brigadier General/Rear Admiral

    Votes: 3 9.4%
  • Major General/Rear Admiral+ (Compromise)

    Votes: 11 34.4%
  • Lieutenant General/Vice Admiral (Easy route)

    Votes: 18 56.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I love the complaints about criticals doing bad things and being "needlessly cruel" no one complains when a critical success happens, likewise it was expressed that the base would possibly take damage in the transport so it's not out of the blue, and it is totally within the power of those running the quest to do so as they wish provided it's within forum policy. If you don't like it, pm the quest runner instead of public drama, and then find a different quest to pick at.

I look forward to the quest continuing and I accept the terms of the qms game doing so.
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no one complains when a critical success happens

I'm sure you love it. If you read what people said, critical successes tend to be a success with nicer sounder writing or give a small bonus. Critical failures do not give a small penalty. Did anyone say only critical failures should be removed from the quest? No, they said to remove all criticals.

I wasn't going to say this, but since "I love" your attitude, @MajorKO ignored the later posts and Liked your post on this matter? I've played quests for years and this is the first quest where the QM would take away what we voted for during the generation part of the quest on the beginning of the first turn. This is on "Easy difficulty" with a high Luck character.

likewise it was expressed that the base would possibly take damage in the transport so it's not out of the blue

Why didn't you provide a quote? Could it be because it contradicts what you're saying?

Nothing won't be severely damaged or destroyed, but it might take a couple turns to bring them back online.

If you don't like it, pm the quest runner instead of public drama, and then find a different quest to pick at.

The QM doesn't need you to white knight for him. He didn't ask for anyone to PM him their feedback and constructive criticism. The only one starting "public drama" is you with you ignoring every argument made in the thread, because you obviously can't address them, and then snidely dismissing what everyone else said. Everyone stopped discussing the turn results posts ago. "If you have something to criticise don't play the quest". No.

and it is totally within the power of those running the quest to do so as they wish provided it's within forum policy

Yes, and it is totally within the power of a player to provide feedback when the QM asks for it.
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Guys, look, can we stop all of this back and forth arguing. The reason why I was ignoring that earlier posts was because I wanted to stay out of the previous argument, let alone that I didn't even know how to address it. I will say thank you to those who support my decisions, but also keep in mind that I'm welcoming pretty much all feedback, and that those who have had criticism have been cooperative and supportive, generally wanting the quest to reach it's potential, of which I am sorely lacking the experience and skill to reach alone. It's why I've been so willing to change certain things about the quest, not because of pressure from you guys, but because they are things that I overlooked or didn't do well enough. Heck, if you look at the posts following both of the quest setup parts, there are multiple occasions where people have pointed out errors I've made and things I can improve on.

So while it is touching to see some of you be defensive for me, lets please just calm down and save all the cutting comments for those who are simply toxic. Also, don't worry on me being completely dependent on the readers, there are things I'm not budging on, such as nat 1 and 100 crits existing, or allowing damage to most base parts affected to remain, but all the same I'm not going to shut out advice.

On a brighter note, I'm going to be starting on Turn 2 shortly, so that should go well. Might create a separate interlude part for the containment situation, but since it's pretty early in the quest that might not be a good idea. None the less, at the latest the turn should be up by mid Saturday.
Guys, look, can we stop all of this back and forth arguing. The reason why I was ignoring that earlier posts was because I wanted to stay out of the previous argument, let alone that I didn't even know how to address it. I will say thank you to those who support my decisions, but also keep in mind that I'm welcoming pretty much all feedback, and that those who have had criticism have been cooperative and supportive, generally wanting the quest to reach it's potential, of which I am sorely lacking the experience and skill to reach alone. It's why I've been so willing to change certain things about the quest, not because of pressure from you guys, but because they are things that I overlooked or didn't do well enough. Heck, if you look at the posts following both of the quest setup parts, there are multiple occasions where people have pointed out errors I've made and things I can improve on.

So while it is touching to see some of you be defensive for me, lets please just calm down and save all the cutting comments for those who are simply toxic. Also, don't worry on me being completely dependent on the readers, there are things I'm not budging on, such as nat 1 and 100 crits existing, or allowing damage to most base parts affected to remain, but all the same I'm not going to shut out advice.

On a brighter note, I'm going to be starting on Turn 2 shortly, so that should go well. Might create a separate interlude part for the containment situation, but since it's pretty early in the quest that might not be a good idea. None the less, at the latest the turn should be up by mid Saturday.

I'm sorry for being harsh. I shouldn't have reacted that way because I got offended at a post made by someone else.

We still have a high chance of getting criticals even on a natural 1.Ten rolls a turn gives us about a 10% chance to roll a 1. I suggest you write a set of guidelines on what criticals do to make sure there is consistency in them, and if you're willing, give us the chance to buy them off occasionally like with omakes or points we can use from successful arcs. Omakes can make the quest too easy if they become common, so I suggest you stick with points and strongly suggest you write down guidelines.

Consistency is what matters most and it is difficult for a quest like this. It isn't possible to get too specific with guidelines so don't bother. They have to be basic and broad guidelines and common sense should be taken into account. If we send a battalion of powered armor troopers to attack a small tribe armed with sticks and stones, a critical failure shouldn't end in the battalion getting destroyed. Instead it could end with them getting away after outsmarting our soldiers and the battalion taking a hit to morale. A critical failure could create a Situation or create a delay to attempt resolving. A crtical success would have to be something that creates a positive Situation or gives us more than we asked for. If you have worked out what kind of actions we are to take, by CK2 stats or categories like exploration, hunting, combat and salvaging, you can get a little more specific in the guidelines.

Are all of our military vehicles fusion powered? Some of the vehicles we have date to the 20th century, but those would have been upgraded to stay relevant. If all the civilian vehicles we see in Fallout 3 and 4 are fusion powered, it isn't unreasonable for our military vehicles to be too. Fusion powered vehicles would be a higher priority than energy weapons for the military, and they have those. Will our powered armor have an indefinite lifespan of power or are you going with Fallout 4 where they have fusion cores and their lifespan can be measured in minutes? Some of that could have been for the sake of gameplay balance.

Even if the military doesn't have to worry about fusion power, after the food crisis is resolved, a future action should let us grow crops for fuel. Wood gas or biofuel powered engines are simpler to build than small fusion reactors and they would be a valuable trading resource.

You should add "ISOT" as a tag.
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It's good dude, I was just getting tired and anxious with the arguing.

Yeah, consistency is definitely something that will be difficult to keep. I'll do my best, but forgive me if I have any lapses. As for the crits, it will likely just be along the lines that you are suggesting, maybe a little more depending on the situation.

For military vehicles, they will all be fusion powered. After all, if civilian cars are freely being produced with fusion powered engines, then there's no reason that the U.S military hasn't done the same with their own vehicles. The power armor themselves are primarily powered via built in Microfusion packs, and fusion cores were originally just meant to jump start the power armor. Now after a couple of centuries, the microfusion packs have both run dry and have decayed to the point that they can't be used, forcing anyone using these power armors to power it via fusion core, which will typically last 7 days before refueling, about 5 if the power armor has power hungry modifications.
Now after a couple of centuries, the microfusion packs have both run dry and have decayed to the point that they can't be used, forcing anyone using these power armors to power it via fusion core, which will typically last 7 days before refueling, about 5 if the power armor has power hungry modifications.

A compromise between them lasting forever like in older Fallout games and lasting minutes in Fallout 4 because they give the player access to them early in the game.

Have you figured out how our stats affect rolls and what rolls will they affect? @Ptolemy chose to give William high stats in Charisma, Luck and maxed in Intelligence because they're the best stats for a senior officer. As qualities of an officer, charisma is for leadership and persuasion when politics get involved. Intelligence is for military strategy, logistics and possibly engineering or technology. Luck is to help things go our way.
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Have you figured out how our stats affect rolls and what rolls will they affect? @Ptolemy chose to give William high stats in Charisma, Luck and maxed in Intelligence because they're the best stats for a senior officer. As qualities of an officer, charisma is for leadership and persuasion when politics get involved. Intelligence is for military strategy, logistics and possibly engineering or technology. Luck is to help things go our way.

The stats will generally only affect personal rolls/actions. Each stat point will provide a +4 for a roll involving it's general topic. For example, points in perception might help the commander notice that someone is acting odd, or points in charisma helping to defuse a tense situation.
The stats will generally only affect personal rolls/actions. Each stat point will provide a +4 for a roll involving it's general topic. For example, points in perception might help the commander notice that someone is acting odd, or points in charisma helping to defuse a tense situation.

These odds are calibrated around a character around 5 in a SPECIAL stat. What is Very Easy for a character with Intelligence 5 is Easy for a character with Intelligence 1. Heroic is so high a character needs a SPECIAL statof 4 or higher to have any chance at succeeding. Legendary difficulty is so high that a character with Intelligence 10 has a 10% chance of passing.

Difficulty, Number to roll on or over to succeed
Very Easy (95%): 26
Easy (80%): 41
Challenging (65%): 56
Difficult (50%): 71
Hard (35%): 86
Very Hard (20%): 101
Heroic (5%): 116
Legendary (-10%): 131

I suggest you make each SPECIAL stat give +5 to a roll so the math is faster to calculate. It would look like this for a 5 in SPECIAL granting +25 to a roll instead of 20. The odds change at the high end. Heroic is so high a character needs a SPECIAL stat of 5 or higher to have any chance at succeeding. Legendary difficulty is so high that a character with SPECIAL 9 has a 10% chance of passing.

Difficulty, Number to roll on or over to succeed
Very Easy (95%): 31
Easy (80%): 46
Challenging (65%): 61
Difficult (50%): 76
Hard (35%): 91
Very Hard (20%): 106
Heroic (5%): 121
Legendary (-10%): 136

You can take the SPECIAL modifiers from the links below and double the bonuses. T-51b would give +10% odds to passing a Strength action or test instead of +5%. No item would raise the stats past 20% without giving a penalty so it won't break anything. Cap any cumulative bonus or penalty at 50% or 60%. There should be a point where if we have a high enough chance of success, a natural 1 should be an automatic failure instead of a critcal failure. If we were to roll against an Easy action and have a +50% modifier, a natural 1 should end in a failure because on a 2 we would have passed by a large margin.

Fallout: New Vegas stat-raising items
Fallout 3 stat-raising items

In personal actions, military actions or civilian actions you should avoid anything that gives more than 20% or 30% modifier. You can use the same diffculty chart as above, adjusted without SPECIAL.

Difficulty, Number to roll on or over to succeed
Very Easy (95%): 6
Easy (80%): 21
Challenging (65%): 36
Difficult (50%): 51
Hard (35%): 66
Very Hard (20%): 81
Heroic (5%): 96
Legendary (-10%): 111
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It's good dude, I was just getting tired and anxious with the arguing.

Yeah, consistency is definitely something that will be difficult to keep. I'll do my best, but forgive me if I have any lapses. As for the crits, it will likely just be along the lines that you are suggesting, maybe a little more depending on the situation.

This has by far the most issues I've ever seen in a new quest, and it comes down to the mechanics just not being very good. I think fixing the mechanics would improve this quest and let it get over this rough patch.

Nah, status damage keeps the quest interesting. It's a good shakeup fitting the world of fallout.

Don't rationalize a system that clearly isn't working.
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I suggest you make each SPECIAL stat give +5 to a roll so the math is faster to calculate. It would look like this for a 5 in SPECIAL granting +25 to a roll instead of 20. The odds change at the high end. Heroic is so high a character needs a SPECIAL stat of 5 or higher to have any chance at succeeding. Legendary difficulty is so high that a character with SPECIAL 9 has a 10% chance of passing.

Difficulty, Number to roll on or over to succeed
Very Easy (95%): 31
Easy (80%): 46
Challenging (65%): 61
Difficult (50%): 76
Hard (35%): 91
Very Hard (20%): 106
Heroic (5%): 121
Legendary (0%): 136
You can take the SPECIAL modifiers from the links below and double the bonuses. T-51b would give +10% odds to passing a Strength action or test instead of +5%. No item would raise the stats past 20% without giving a penalty so it won't break anything. Cap any cumulative bonus or penalty at 50% or 60%. There should be a point where if we have a high enough chance of success, a natural 1 should be an automatic failure instead of a critcal failure. If we were to roll against an Easy action and have a +50% modifier, a natural 1 should end in a failure because on a 2 we would have passed by a large margin.

Fallout: New Vegas stat-raising items
Fallout 3 stat-raising items

In personal actions, military actions or civilian actions you should avoid anything that gives more than 20% or 30% modifier. You can use the same diffculty chart as above, adjusted without SPECIAL.


This is definitely a lot more then I intended with the character stat rolls. Originally I just meant it to be a simple roll, with the stat numbers offering bonus points. But this is much better then what I had in mind, especially since the general mechanics of the game are pretty botched atm.

This has by far the most issues I've ever seen in a new quest, and it comes down to the mechanics just not being very good. I think fixing the mechanics would improve this quest and let it get over this rough patch.
when will the next update drop?

Case in point. I'm going to be going over quest mechanics (101) once the next update comes out tomorrow, and hopefully have something formalized by the weekend, with it being made on one of the reserved posts I made before part 2 of the setup (thank goodness for foresight). It'll probably need some ironing out and future expansion, but I'll try to make it work.
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Okay, sorry for another post so soon, but I just have to say that you guys are amazing with all the suggestions and advice, especially a few who have gone above and beyond with telling me what I did wrong and what I could do to fix the quest and improve it, as well as asking pointed questions that provided much needed details and edits, such as @Gunman, @VoidZero, @Ptolemy, and a couple select others. Thank you so much for your support the past few weeks. I was, unsurprisingly, a bit worried when I first started the quest, knowing that it was going to be hella bumpy and rough around the edges. I was also just regaining my will to write again, so yeah.

Lame ending, but the message still applies.

Thank you guys.
MajorKO threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Test roll Total: 1
1 1
Failed roll for turn 2, first roll the result for biohazard containment.
MajorKO threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: BioHazard Containment (50 req) Total: 107
21 21 86 86
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Alright, I'm an idiot and just messed up the roll, plus I got to leave for dinner shortly.

Alright, changing post made but will keep the first roll for biohazard. Will fix in half an hour.
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Turn 2 Actual rolls
The actual and hopefully mistake free rolls for the rest of the turn (rolled 21 for Biohazard on previous attempt). Turn 2 will be out soon.

Edit: 40 req. for first roll instead of 60, still a fail.

Edit 2: Due to the roll for high speed radio not meeting requirements, the Chain of Command action cannot be done this round. However, I will leave it as a vote once Turn 2 comes about as to whether or not you want it as a free action, or if you have to choose it again.
MajorKO threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: High speed radio (60 req.) Total: 30
30 30
MajorKO threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Home check (55 req.) Total: 15
15 15
MajorKO threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Check on the Troops (30 req.) Total: 82
82 82
MajorKO threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: I feel unprotected (35 req.) Total: 15
15 15
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You know what.... how about someone else rolls next time OP? I mean... seriously these rolls are bad. Not the worst I've seen, but still bad.
You know what.... how about someone else rolls next time OP? I mean... seriously these rolls are bad. Not the worst I've seen, but still bad.

The rolls are randomly generated. It doesn't matter who rolls.

If MajorKO turns out to have unusually bad luck, I vote he roll only for the enemies. :p

However, I will leave it as a vote once Turn 2 comes about as to whether or not you want it as a free action, or if you have to choose it again.

Free action. Why would we vote on using another action slot on it again? It would be a delayed action, not a free action because we spent an action on it. It is a wasted action if it isn't because we could have used that slot for something else.

You're free to interpret those rolls any way you like. They are as bad as you want the failures to be. None of us will complain if you go soft on us for the first few turns. ;)
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Turn 2
The situation... could be better to say the least.

Things were of course expected to be bad after whatever the hell happened, and it definitely could be worse, Vancouver tops everything after all. But still, this was not what anyone would call ideal.

Taking a couple of deep breaths, you close your eyes for a second to concentrate. Calming all the thoughts raging through your head, you mentally pull up the first of the series of events that had happened today. Your mind going back to the incident at the labs.

BioHazard Containment (Communicate):

After the quick yet informative meeting with the other base commanders, you rush down to the research building, your XO Austin Chambers meeting up with you halfway there.

"Damn eggheads and their damn experiments, just what the hell were they even doing down there anyway?" Austin exclaims, slightly out of breath as you enter the building. Despite him being a fine military man and a veteran from all the way back to the Philippines fiasco in the 40's, the years had been getting on to him recently.

"Beats the hell out of me Austin, and it's my base to boot."

Our exchange is interrupted when Secondary Head Researcher Eleanor Robinson bursts out the door ahead of you, looking around frantically before setting her eyes on you and Austin.

"Commander! We got a problem!"

5 minutes later

Glaring at the giant blastdoor in front of you, and the increasing pounding from behind it, you take in what Eleanor just told you. Around the time you and Austin left the command center, audio started to be heard from the speaker on our side of the door. All that could be made out were garbled words and unnaturally deep bellows of pain and insanity. Unfortunately, whatever was on the other side figured out that there were people out here, and started banging on the blast door.

"Well there goes the idea to try to talk to them."

Ignoring Austin for now, you turn your attention to Eleanor. "Robinson, what are our options."

Jumping at the sound of your voice, the previously in deep thought scientist glanced in your direction for a moment before talking, her eyes not leaving the door.

"At the moment, the only thing we can do is decontaminate this wing of the building. Leaving this alone isn't an option I'm afraid, as whatever is on the other side of the door here may likely be able to break down another exit, perhaps one of the windows. Once it comes to that point, there will be nothing to stop whatever is in there from escaping."

"We can go ahead with the full decontamination as suggested earlier. This will of course destroy all of the equipment and notes in there, as well as most of the projects. However, it will also take care of the thing that is banging on the blastdoor, as well as anything else that may be loose. However!" At this, you and Austin, who had just been about to speak, close your mouths, letting Eleanor continue. "There is another option. By this point enough systems have been repaired so that we can select the option to go through with a lighter decontamination. While this will still destroy all the more fragile equipment and the research notes, it will still leave some of the equipment behind, as well as the terminals in the labs which should have a large amount of data left over. Not only that, but it should leave the projects in good condition. It'll also eliminate any biological agents inside, which if what I believe what happened in there is true, then it will greatly reduce the problem. Unfortunately, it will likely leave whatever that's in there alive, if injured. While it might allow anyone in there that survived the chance to make it out, it will still be a risk. Either way, it's your choice general."

Waiting to make sure that she didn't have anything else to say, you decide that this situation, while probably above your paygrade, is one that you will have to finish either way. "Very well, the choice will be made by tonight, assuming of course that the doors will last until then?"

"Yes sir, they will."

"Very well then, also-" at this I narrow my eyes at her "-tell me everything that you may know about what's going on in there. The head researcher answered to someone offbase, and as a result I was given no clue as to what is in there."

"It's not like there's anyone left around to force me to stay quite, so very well sir. From what I know, it all starts with the company known as West-Tek..."

Coming back to the present, you're still pissed that something like THAT was on base the whole time without you knowing it. It took all your restraint and the fact that Eleanor was as displeased as you, if for different reasons, for you to not throttle her.

(Comunicate option no longer available. Situation 'BioHazard Containment' updated)

High speed inte- err, I mean radio/The chain of command:

Work on the communications equipment is taking longer then expected, and as a result won't be finished by tomorrow. This worries you, as not only does this mean that you had no idea as to what was happening in the town until you arrived, but also that you would have to delay contacting command, something that you were increasingly dreading the result of.

('High speed inte- err, I mean radio' is now a fixed/locked action, which will be completed next turn. Depending on the vote, 'The chain of command' will either be a free action or will have the option to be redone).

Home check:

When the troops of the 5th mechanized battalion of the 21st armored brigade arrived at the town of Hamilton, it was to chaos.

People were panicking and/or rioting in the streets, disraught and confused as to what has disrupted their lives. The presence of the troops thankfully scared off most of the people, the footage of power armored troops breaking up food riots and rights protests on the east coast still fresh in their minds. The troops quickly met up with the relieved police chief and learned of the situation.

The town itself is thankfully undamaged from the event, the only damage being loose items falling off of shelves and the like. However, people quickly realized something had gone wrong, and things had deteriorated from there. The riot was luckily the worst of it, but there were still dozens of situations and problems around the town that needed to be solved, something that, with backup from the battalion, could be managed by the police and emergency response personnel available.

(Information on Hamilton Town received, new options possible, -5 morale for town until appropriate response is done).

I feel unprotected:

While things also were behind here, thankfully it was just minor delays. It took longer to gather the necessary manpower and materials, and by the time it became night, the perimeter was only partially repaired. The remaining work will have to wait until the next day.

('I feel unprotected' is now a fixed/locked action, will be completed in two turn).

Check on the troops:

This, you felt, was the only major thing that went your way today.

Between all the frantic commands, the status updates from the towns, and just generally trying to get things under control, you manage to get some time to yourself. Figuring that it would be best to see how the people you command themselves feel, you go on a sort of tour around the base. From the command center, you travel through the various service and storage buildings, stop by the manufactory to check on the engineers there, and inspect the finalized repairs to the aircraft that had been damaged at the arms bay explosion, before finally coming to a stop at the various rows of compact barracks, home to a vast majority of the base staff and personnel stationed here.

For the next 30 minutes, you weave in and out of the various barracks, talking to the soldiers within and just generally getting to know them and what they think.

They're still in shock over what had happened, even if they don't know the full extent of the situation. However, with some well placed words and some small talk, most of the soldiers you meet end up resolved and ready for action, putting the craziness of the situation at the back of their minds for now.

(Base morale penalty from displacement reduced by half (-20 > -10)).

Finishing up your review of the day, you send out the next set of orders via terminal, shutting it off soon after before heading over to the couch in the office space. As much as you would love to return home and see your family, until things settle down, both in the town and in general, you would have to stay on base incase something happened.

You close you eyes to try to fall to sleep, trying to forget the incoherent screams from the lab intercom, the blast sight of the arms bay explosion, the resurfacing memories of the wars against China and Canada, and worst of all, the satellite imagery you saw at the meeting, showing the small island of green that was the region around the base, surrounded by a noticiably unhealthier sea of grassy plains, cracked abandoned roads, and ruined remnants of humanity.

Base actions (6, 4 available):
Remember that if you don't wan't an action to remain locked/fixed, then you have to vote to unlock it, freeing up the action point for another choice.
[X] (LOCKED) High speed inte- err, I mean radio: In-base communications are barely operation at all. To get a stable connection with the region outside the base, this needs to be brought online (1 turn remaining, comms restored, communications equipment back online).

[X] (LOCKED) I feel unprotected: The base's defenses are offline or need repair. It's time to change that (Chance of success: 65%, 2 turns, cost: 50 materials, brings base defenses back online).

[X] (TEMP LOCKED) (Requires 'High speed inte- err, I mean radio' to be in progress or done) The chain of command: No communications with command have been received. Will there be a response once comms have been restored here? Or will it be continued silence... (20% chance of success, 1 turn, roll on response if success is achieved, communications achieved with ???).

[] (Currently unavailable until situation 'Biohazard Containment' is complete) The Source of the Displacement: Just, what happened? Figure out just what the hell caused this to happen (???% chance of success, ??? turns, ???, ???).

[] (1 of 2 Mandatory)(Situation (Part 2) choice 1) Biohazard Containment - Full Decontamination: There is something loose inside the experimental lab, something that is dangerous. The only sure way to destroy it and anything else is for a full decontamination. Unfortunately, any remaining survivors will be killed by this, as well as the destruction of everything but the structure and permenant fixtures (1 turn, destroys all equipment, notes, projects, (potential) survivors, and threats inside the lab).

[] (1 of 2 Mandatory)(Situation (Part 2) choice 2) Biohazard Containment - Light Decontamination: There is something loose inside the experimental lab, something that is dangerous. While decontamination is the only thing that will safely clear the lab, a lighter version can be done instead. This will destroy any biological threats inside the lab, as well as fragile equipment and notes. However, it will allow most other equipment and the projects themselves to survive, as well as any living things, threat or survivor. (20/40/80 chance of success, 1 turn, clears lab of biological contaminants, possibly starts miniturn to retake lab from ??? and ???, notes and fragile equipment lost, Experimental Lab open for repair and restoration).

[] Restoration of POWER: While the nuclear reactor is online, it's always good to have a backup. That is what these generators are for, but unfortunately, they are currently offline... let's fix that (60% chance, 1 turn, generators back online and producing power).

[] I can see my house from here: The satellite as it is will provide a pretty basic view of the surrounding area. However with this, you can gain a more accurate read on the situation. Of course, nothing can beat boots on the ground, but this is the next best thing (70% chance of success, 1 turn, gain information on condition of town, Displaced Zone, and area outside of it).

[] Where is my means of production: Due to the condition of the base, many parts are going to be needed for repairs and necessary additions. However, without the manufactory, those parts may soon run out (60% chance of success, 2 turns, cost: 50 materials, brings manufactory back online).

[] Reorganize the arsenal: A good mess is one that was never there, send someone to see to that (1 turn, brings armory back to full condition).

[] Repairing damage: Some aircraft have been damaged by the explosion at the arms bay. The solution? Repair them (60% chance of success, 1-2 turns depending on aircraft, cost: 100 materials, brings aircraft back online).

[] Where is my air cover: Our own AA defenses are going haywire, making it a risk to send up aircraft. This must be stopped (60% chance of success, 1 turn, turns off affected AA turrets, allows aircraft to freely take off/land).

[] Patch the holes: The arms bay was thankfully barely damaged by the explosion. Perhaps it is time to repair the arms bay, because while the bay is still operational, those holes in the wall pose a big risk (70% chance of success, 1 turn, cost: 50 materials, repairs arms bay).

[] Preemptive measures: While it didn't go up in a horrifying explosion, it still poses as a juicy target. As a result, measures need to be taken to prevent that from happening. One of those is to spread out the ordinance into multiple on-site bunker caches. Thankfully, there are at least half a dozen of those around the runway (55% chance of success, 1 turn, reduces risk of explosion and targeting of arms bay).

[] Basic awning: The aircraft at the moment are all sitting out in the open, a prime opportunity for anyone major weather or gunfire to damage them. There are amazing things a simple covering can do to fix that though (80% chance of success, 2 turns, cost: 120 materials, provides covering against environmental and gunfire damage).

[] Funeral: We've already lost some people, and no doubt more may follow. So it is time to bury the dead, and prepare for the rest (2 turns, buries soldiers, ends morale penalty for arms bay explosion).

[] (Repeatable) Send a patrol (ground): A patrol should be sent out to search the region, see if anything requires our attention (80% chance of success, 1 turn, sends a patrol out to secure the region).

- [Write-in] Choose what company(s) to send out and how many.

[] (Repeatable) Send a patrol (air): Eyes in the sky could be valuable, even if it may exchange area over detail. It may help in other ways too though (85% chance of success, 1 turn, sends an air patrol out to secure the region).

-[Write-in] Choose what units to send out.

[] What our are projects (R&D): In light of what has happened, perhaps it is time to examine just what we have going on in the labs. Unfortunately, besides some vague statements, all of the notes and information on what the Experimental Lab was researching is unknown, due to recent events. However, we can at least figure out what R&D was doing (5 rolls, 1 turn, gives us 5 rolls to determine just what R&D was doing and it's effectiveness).

Town actions (2 available)
[] Wild town: Due to the chaos of the event, the town's people are in turmoil. It would be best if the unit(s) at the town assist the local police in easing tensions and dealing with rising problems (75% chance of success, 1 turn, opens up other town options, reduces town morale penalty for displacement by half (-20 > -10).

[] (Can only be taken before or during 'Wild Town') A safer route: The power armor troops are a force to be quite fearful of, something that you don't want if you wish to calm down your own people. Perhaps another battalion would be better suited (1 turn, +10 to Wild Town roll).

-[Write-in] Choose what battalion, or a part of one (company(s)) to replace the mechanized battalion

[] Defensive perimeter: With the way things are, we can't risk an attack on the town. Defensive measures would help fend off an assault... from an outside force at least (60% chance of success, 1 turn, cost: 20 materials, adds +5 to combat roll if attacked from outside force, -5 to combat roll if attacked from inside force, bonuses/penalties negated if no militia/military unit is stationed in town).

[] Checkpoints: Security in the town is one of the most major concerns right now. A couple checkpoints would fix that quite nicely (50% chance of success, 1 turn, cost: 20 materials, adds +5 combat roll to any attack (Outside or Inside force), bonuses/penalties negated if no militia/military unit is stationed in town).

Other votes:

Chain of Command: Should it be a free action or should you have to use it up as an another base action point (If latter, will be unlocked on Turn 3).

[] Free action

[] Redo Base action

Rolls: Should the OP do the roll or a trusted volunteer do it (wait until after vote conclusion before volunteering).

[] OP

[] Trusted Volunteer

AN: While I'm 90% sure that I know what options you'll choose for the final 2 votes at the bottom, I just wanted to make sure. So anyways, this took a while to actually get started on, and the rolls themselves got a bit fucked and unluckly, but we survived. I'll try not to be so long on the next turn (which means the normal post date on Friday/Saturday), but no promises considering that I'll be going over the mechanics and modifiers for the quest for a while.

I'm off to sleep now, goodnight.
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