Faith and Fire-An Adepta Sororitas Roleplay (Homebrew-Waitlist recruiting only)

Well. That Stormbolter just murdered 20 guys. That's...Honestly pretty amazing. Man.

Side note: Please try to keep track of your ammo. It's hard to juggle so many moving parts as is. I think the Stormbolter has already emptied its belt like twice over, and I'm sceptical of Caelia and Eriko not having needed to reload yet...
Right. I forgot about that though I think Eriko has done Full Auto Burst four times, which means her bolt gun is empty.
Okay. Here are my new expenditures.

XP Expenditures:
XP Left: 150 XP
Total XP Spent: 850 XP

Skill Advance
Medicae +10 (400XP)

Enhanced First Aid (450XP)
Jaded (Free)
Medicae Imperialis (Free)
Swift Suture (Free)
Well, since I'm currently snowed under with exams Ilana will take the opportunity to step back and reload.
(OOC: Quickdraw Bolt Pistol, Semi Auto Burst on the Psyker, Half Move to Viatorem; BS 41 + Semi Auto Burst 10 - Half Move 20 = TN 31)
Ana: Half Action mounts the stormbolter, half action begins reloading.

Maria: Half Action readies launcher, half action begins reloading.

Viatorem stationary, use a reaction to trigger smoke if we get anti-armor fire coming in.
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Ana: Full action, Suppressing Fire on basically everything hostile west of the N-S shipping container
Maria: Half action, finish reloading the launcher, half action, back the Viatorem up so the rear armor is angled toward the bunkers on the outer wall.
Ah bugger.

I forgot to say that I want players to actually write out a plan/script ala Abandon Hope, so I can potentially do multiple turns. Apologies guys.
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(OOC: Fate for initiative. Overwatch Semi Auto on the mutants inside the building. BS 40 + Semi Auto 10 + Close Range 10 = 60. Keep on firing but stay in position. Use the chainsword if they get into melee range. Help Caelia if possible/convenient.)
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Sister Pia Rosaria

Born twenty-six years ago as Annette Coltrand-Belleau, fourth child and third daughter of Lord Armand Coltrand-Belleau, the child was admitted to the Schola upon the martyr-death of her father in battle against Archenemy forces. Burning with an inner rage, a need to avenge the indignities visited on her family and the God-Emperor's domain and the strength of will and body to match it (as, indeed, a sign of good breeding) she was swiftly selected for service with the Sisters of Battle, for there her fury might be put to best use in His name.

To say that her instructors had to break her out of her worst habits is not an understatement for through the sacred kiss of the lash was the weakness of fury driven from the young woman's flesh. Until, at last, the woman Annette sacrificed everything she had foolishly thought important for the only thing that truly mattered: Service in the God-Emperor's name.

Taking the new name of Pia Rosaria, she has served a two-year tour of duty on Velorum's walls and redoubts, tempering her once-churning anger on the anvil of war as part of Dominion Squad Anais until its dissolution due to casualties sustained in the retaking of Shatterhand Redoubt.

Vivacious, Pia Rosaria is buoyed by the latent joy of knowing she does the Emperor's work in His name and has a nigh-unshakeable belief that good things happen because the Emperor wills it and bad things happen because the Archenemy interferes with His plans in some way.

Though she has fully renounced her old ties to name and family, her family has not renounced *her*, and she has grudgingly learned to serve as an example to distant cousins on the occasions when the paths of her duties have forced her to interface with them, though she has intentionally sought a posting off Velorum to reduce the incidences of running into relatives, however distant.

Pia Rosaria is a firm believer in the virtues of pain and seeks to drive out weakness through self-flagellation, keeping a tally of all things she believes fell short in in His service.


Vocation: Dominion
Homeworld: Velorum (Fortress World)
Appearance: Bronzed skin, brown eyes, shaved bald, burn-speckled features. Short but wide-shouldered.

Wounds; 11/11
Faith: 3/3
Insanity: 0
Corruption: 0
Fatigue: 0

Skills: Awareness, Athletics, Charm, Dodge +10, Endurance, Lore (Adepta Sororitas, Imperial Creed, Ecclesiarchy, Imperium, War), Linguistics (Low Gothic, High Gothic), Resolve, Stealth, Pilot (Ground)

Talents: Unshakeable Faith, Hatred [Psykers], Deny the Witch, Light Sleeper, Nerves of Steel, Hip Shooting, Hard Target, Cleanse and Purify, Jaded

Gear: Thorian-pattern Sororitas Power Armor, Flamer, Godwyn-De'az Bolt-Pistol, 3 Frag grenades, 3 krak grenades, combat knife, Velorum-Pattern gladius, Repair Cement

Warborn: Suffer no penalties from fatigue for the purposes of Awareness tests, gain +2 to the armour value of any cover you're using and gain +10 to dodge tests to evade weapons with the Blast quality.

Into the Fray: Once per round, if you have been struck by enemy fire you may make a Full Move action or Charge as long as it is toward the enemy. If you are wounded by enemy fire, it may be a run instead.

Ballistic skill: 25+16+5=46
Weapon Skill: 25+15=40
Strength: 25+5=30 (SB 5 in armor)
Toughness: 25+12+3=40
Agility: 25+15=40
Perception: 25+5=30
Intelligence: 25+5=30
Willpower: 25+12+3=40
Fellowship: 25+5=30

300 XP - Cleanse & Purify
300 XP - Jaded
250 XP - BS Advance 1
Total XP: 850/1000

Chargen Point-Buy
BS +16 16/90
WS +15 31/90
STR +5 36/90
TGH +12 48/90
AGI +15 63/90
PER +5 68/90
INT +5 73/90
WP +12 85/90
FEL +5 90/90

Thorian Pattern
The standard by which all other forms of protection in the arsenal of the Sisters of Battle are judged, the Thorian Pattern was commissioned by Thor himself as part of a long series of deals with the Priesthood of Mars to outfit the newly formed Adepta Sororitas sometime during the 36th Millennium. Each is a masterfully crafted suit of warplate manufactured with care by the Tech-Priest artisans, with modifications performed by the Sisterhood's attached enginseer complements to ensure each is a perfect fit for each wearer.
Although far lighter than Astartes power armor, it offers comparable protection to Mark 7 Aquila armor, allowing for even a mortal warrior to stride unharmed through volleys of lasfire and shrug off hits from autocannons. Variants of the Pattern are highly fought over by elite Witch-Hunters and members of the Inquisition. The need to maintain both protective capabilities and speed has, however, come at the cost of having somewhat reduced life support and strength enhancement compared to that of Astartes power armor.

+5 Command
Armor Points: 12
Locations: All
Ablative: +2 AP against SP weapons, primitive weapons and weapons with the Blast Quality (as long as they were not on the spot where the explosion originated)
Deflect: If an attack strikes with no additional Degrees of Success, the attack suffers -3 damage and -3 pen. Last two hits in a burst are always Deflected.
Heat Resistance: +2 AP against heat weapons. Offers full AP against being aflame.
Very Hard: -1 pen to enemy weapons. -1 damage if the weapon fails to fully penetrate.
Impact Absorption: -1 DoS to enemy attacks. Negates tearing on enemy weapons. Negates the first two points of Critical Damage. Does not effect hits scored into weak points.
Enhanced Strength (2): Grants Unnatural Strength (2)
Weak Area (3): An enemy may aim for the weak points with a Called Shot. If they succeed by 3 DoS, AP is lowered by 3.
Blessed: Provides full AP against psychic attacks and force weapons. Grants +10 WP against psychic attacks and manipulation.
Auto-Injectors and Bio Monitor: +10 against Toxin and poison. 6 doses of pain suppressant which allow the user to ignore critical effects lesser than the loss of a limb for 1d10 rounds. Stuns last a maximum of one turn.
Air Sustain: Counts as a rebreather that never needs refilling.
Restrictive: The wearer suffers a -20 penalty to any test involving the use of his fingers for finesse.
Noisy: People within 30 meters will generally hear the armor moving.
Confidence: While worn, grants the Nerves of Steel talent.
Sabbat Pattern Auto-Senses: Gain +10 to Vision and Hearing. Gain Dark Sight trait and immunity to photon flash grenades. Gain Psyniscience (or +10 if they already have it)
Environment Sealed: Immune to most environmental hazards if armor not breached. +30 to Heat and Cold tests while armor is not breached.
Mag Harness: Built in Magnetic Harness
Void: Immune to the effects of vacuum. Gains inbuilt magboots.
Recoil Suppression: Wearer counts as wearing recoil gloves.
Nutrient Recycling: Can sustain wearer's life when no other food is available. After a day that no other source of nutrition is ingested, make a Challenging(+0) Toughness Test every three hours or you suffer one level of Fatigue until nutrition is consumed. The Difficulty of this test increases by one step for every day that passes without food sustenance.
Comm-System: Includes a long range vox-system
Giant Frame: Wearers become Hulking and gain +10 to Intimidate checks.
Weapon: Armored gauntlet loses the penalties of the flimsy, light and unarmed qualities. In addition, it gains the Crushing quality.

Armor Histories:
- Besides His Sons: The history of the Emperor's Daughters and the Emperor's Sons is a tumultuous one marked by honors of great battles fought side by side and black marks of bloody civil wars. This armor has lived through both the glorious battles and the dreadful betrayals, and its wearers have known the Adeptus Astartes both as battle-brothers and the darkest of foes-and has sought to match them at each turn. The wearer gains +10 and +1 DoS to Fellowship checks toward the Adeptus Astartes and +10 and +1 DoS to Weapon Skill tests against them. In addition, she never suffers Fear effects caused by Transhuman Dread. In addition, once per mission, the wearer may gain Unnatural Toughness (2) and Unnatural Strength (2) until the end of a combat encounter. At the end, she suffers 1d5 points of fatigue.
- A Kinship Forged in Battle: The wearer of this armor once stood beside the Adeptus Astartes themselves and earned not only their respect, but their brotherhood and to this day the armor bears the sigils of that ancient kinship. Perhaps it was a Brother of the Ironbreakers and to this day the armor bears the brutish bone charms of their Chapter, or perhaps it instead bears a relic of other Chapters such as the Ultramarines or the Black Templar. Whatever the case, it brings the wearer the respect of the Emperor's Angels of Death...But it also seems to imbue them with some level of their ferocity. You gain +10 to fellowship tests with the Adeptus Astartes and may reroll failed Fellowship tests with your chosen Astartes Chapter. In addition, if the wearer succeeds on a Strength, Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill test by more than 3 degrees, it is as though you strike with the force of the Space Marines themselves. Mundane servants of the Imperium who witness the act are immediately Inspired and the wearer gains +20 to fellowship tests toward them for the next hour.

Love the Emperor for He is the salvation of mankind

Hello, @Shephard. I would like to join the wait list for this game; I submit my character sheet above for your consideration.
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Rosarius: The Soul's Armor

Rosarius: The Soul's Armor
More than a simply a field projector, a Rosarius is an icon of the Imperial Creed. Although a Rosarius' form can vary, it typically takes the form of an amulet holding a square, stylised cross (Or, frequently, an aquila) of adamantium or other durable metal, with a jewel or Ecclesiarchy symbol in the centre. The Rosarius primary purpose is as a badge of office, and one is typically granted to every fully certified member of the clergy charged with the running of a Parish or larger administrative region. This restricts the granting of a Rosarius from many native preachers, primitive shamans, street firebrands, and other individuals that may well spread the Imperial Cult but lack credentials granted by the Sector Curia and likewise restricts it from the vast ranks of curates and clerks that handle the administrative side of the Church.

Known far and wide as the 'Soul's Armor', Rosarii are commonly attributed to mystical powers of protection against both physical weaponry and the powers of the warp. Simply by the nature of their construction, they are durable enough to blunt even a bolt round, and the thoroughness of the blessings that go into their make provide a level of protection against the horrors of the Warp. The higher ranked of the Ministorum, however, enjoy a further advantage for many a Bishop or Cardinal has been saved by what is deemed divine intervention, as sniper rounds or even anti-tank fire are turned aside in a spray of brilliant flash of light by the Conversion fields hidden within the unassuming amulets. The blinding flash has felled many a would be assassin, and is considered by many the Emperor's Judgement upon those that would strike His clergy. It provides similar protection against the works of witches and sorcerers, warding off unnatural magic with its golden light.

Lesser priests rarely get to enjoy such arcane protections, though some may be blessed enough to wear a Rosarius with a lesser force field (perhaps only protecting the head or torso), and others possess the independent wealth or familial heirlooms to wear a force field of some other provenance. In some cases, fully fitted conversion fields may even be granted to low ranking priests in honor of some great triumph or as a temporary basis to protect against some great danger. Regardless, enough legends of the Divine Protection granted by a Rosarius exist that an aura of invincibility surrounds every priest that wears one, regardless of the make of their personal Rosarius. Indeed, some priests may argue that it is not the conversion field that guards those that wear a Rosarius but the God-Emperor himself (Though most would argue the two are one and the same), and there are legend of unpowered Rosarii deflecting blows as readily as a powered one.

Outside the Clergy proper, the granting of a Rosarius is a rare honor afforded by few. The Chaplains of the Adeptus Astartes are universally given one in honor of an ancient tradition, but more well known among the common populace are the commanders of the Adeptus Sororitas. Fittingly for the Ministorum's Shield and Sword, the elite officers of the Sororitas such as its Palatines and Cannonesses are granted the honor of wearing a full Rosarius. Outside these ranks, some elite members of the Ecclesiarchy's Witch Hunters have been granted the honor, as well as certain Inquisitors-though they may well value the artifacts more for their physical protection rather than spiritual value. There are the occasional tale of an Imperial Guard general or Space Marine Captain gaining the right to such prestigious relics, but these are few and far between. Rosarii are often customized when in the hands of these disparate warriors to fit their particular beliefs-Among the warrior priests of the Ironbreakers Chapter, it is said that they inlay the bones of their sacred martyrs into their Rosarii, whilst the officers of the Burning Rose often decorate Rosarii with the thorns of the sacred flowers of Leanna.

It is well known that Rosarii offer those tainted by the Dark Powers no protection, as its holiness rejects their unclean owner. It is even said that to the heretic burns in contact with a Rosarius, such is their holiness.

Among the leadership of the Araxean ArchDiocese, it is said their Rosarii are particularly blessed, for each possesses a single fragment of Selverus' burning sword, and is said to give them some of his own burning fury and piety. It is even whispered, that under the most fearsome of enemy attacks, a Selveran Rosarius will shimmer as though aflame. The flash of these Rosarii is said to be more than blinding, scouring away Daemonkind and even setting the flesh of the wicked alight. Some legends even say one can see the figure of the Saint standing watch over the bearer in that blast of holy light, eternally overseeing the keepers of his holy word...Though there has never been an official recorded account of such, despite thorough investigation by the Ecclesiarchy and Inquisition.

Due to a conversation about the Rosarius a long time ago, I wrote up this lore entry but never quite finished it. Though it's been a long while, I've decided this would be a good time to finally post up this piece, explaining the use of this icon of the Ministorum in F&F. This is largely an attempt to reconcile several contradictory positions on the Rosarius-Some depicting it as a common item of all members of the priesthood, others only as an item of the most elite Ecclesiarchy officers.

This entry has been added to the links in the Info post. Ave Imperator, ave Leanna!
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Good Quality Dataslate (War, Cult of Old Night, and information about Patrol area loaded)-4
6x Choke Gas Launcher Grenades-18
4x Frag hand Grenades-8
Belt Fed Mod (Boltgun)-5
Neural Whip-15
65 Points spent (15 in reserve)

Loadout for Caelia. Keeping our Grenade Launcher (assuming Maria takes one) fed, plus nonlethals and general killy utility.
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Panimune x 2 - 6
Diagnosticator - 10
Excrutiator Kit - 12
Good Quality Sororitas Assault Shotgun (12/22 rounds. Half-Action. Accurate, Agile, Reliable, Scatter, +10 BS on Single shot or Semi-Auto Burst up to 40m.) - 4.5
- Duplus Ammo Mags - 5
- Extended Magazine - 3
- Extra Grip - 5
- Holo Sight - 5
- Flechette Shells - 2
- Stun Shells - 5
Chainsword - 10

Reserve Requisition: 67.5/80 (12.5 in reserve)
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Grenade Launcher - 20
GL Frag clip - Free
5 GL Choke grenades - 15
Shock Baton - 9

Auspex (Good) - 18
Charm - 3
Cilice - 3
3 Magnacles - 10
2 Recaf - 1
4 Rations - 1


Should be a full clip of choke grenades for the launcher with Green's contribution Two full reloads of grenade launcher non-lethals with Green's contribution plus the free frags, as well as some additional non-lethal. Personal items and squad support in the mix as well, but not much leftover. We should be set for launcher ammo, thanks Green!
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Jump Pack - 25
Good-Quality Boltgun (Accurate) - 15
Good-Quality Auxiliary Shotgun (Bolter) - 6
Extra Grip (Boltgun) - 5

3 Mags of Aux Shotgun Stun Shells - 8
Duplus Ammo Mags (Bolter) - 5

Psycrystal - 15

2 recaf - 1

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- two Choke-Gas Grenades (6)
- four Frag Grenades (8)
- Godwyn-De'az Bolt Carbine (15)
- Good Quality Power Maul (27)

56/80, putting the rest into the Reserve
The Mission
The Order of the Burning Rose
The Reformed 6th Mission of the Wreath of Casita
The Wreath of Casita is a holy burial wreath laid upon the Shrine to the Lost established on Leanna's Rest upon the Planes of Cruciatu, where once verdant farmland has become a shrine to the countless butchered by the Nightmare Given Form. It is at this sacred site that several of the Order of the Burning Rose's Missions have been formed, their oaths to their newfound Sisterhood sworn upon an altar to those who perished at the hands of the Archenemy. It is common tradition for the Sisters to leave a burnt offering there, in remembrance to the dead. So it was with the Reformed 6th Mission, carrying on the banner of the prior one after its dissolution a century ago by the order of the Cannoness-Superior.

The 6th Mission of the Wreath of Casita is a newly raised Mission, that is yet drawing in new members, consisting of a mixture of novices and veterans from other commands. All have the discipline, training and faith of a Sororitas. The Mission has only recently undergone a Crusade of Faith on Almium Magna, but has been in service for several months on the hiveworld of Treyin. It is hoped by many that they will live up to the memory of the prior 6th Mission.

Order Battlecry: We bring Leanna's mercy!
Order Colors: Red (Leanna's Blood and fire), White (The color of purity), and black (Ash). Notably all three are colors found in roses, with white and red being common in the holy Leannan roses. Silver is occasionally used, in honor of the Argent Shroud which some histories suggest the Order is descended from.

Members of the Mission

Mission Officers
Palatine Rathitta
A harsh and unrelenting figure, Rathitta's spent much of her career as a majordomo for shrine garrisons across the Sector, or serving as the second in command of larger formations of Sisters. Her record is long and without flaw, maintaining steadfast security at many a shrine, and her battles against heretic uprisings and xenos raiders are noted to be executed with swift and decisive action-a solid, if generally unremarkable career. This Mission is her first solo command, and she has proven herself a reliable and uncompromising commander. There are some rumors among the Mission that some of her 'garrison work' were in fact missions in service to the Holy Inquisition, but few believe the tales.

She is a tall woman, her eyes a light blue and skin bronzed, and her hair a shock of scarlet in the image of the Saint herself.

Legatine Lethicia Gereth dal Emedius
Second in command of the Mission, Lethicia is noted to have had an unusually extensive number of engagements for a Sister of her young age of 31. She is heavily augmented as a result of grievous wounds suffered in combat against Malefactor House forces in the Veraul Reaches, augmentations that have led to occasional absences as her body struggles to adapt to the bionics. Lethicia is well known for a warm disposition, rumored by some to even be that rare breed of optimist. She remains indomitable and unflinching even in the face of the greatest of horrors, so stalwart is her faith.

She walks stiffly where she walks. Her armor is wreathed in honor markings, and a refractor shield bearing the coat of arms of the House of Emedus is sat into her gorget. Her freckled skin has an unhealthy pallor, and her red hair is thin. A brass augmetic juts from her throat, and cables that run from the back of her skull down her spine. She is obviously young.

Battle-Sister Squad Palais

Sister-Superior Palais Kavarea
Your commander, a former Dominion. Although stern and responsible, at times her former role speaks through. She can be deeply passionate, and has a certain fondness for grandstanding and one-liners. Her love for flame is certainly far from diminished. She is known to have come from a grand Void Lord family, having been born aboard the cruiser Legacy of Piety. Half her fair skinned face is mangled by burn scars-something she calls 'the fire's kiss' with a wry smile. Her brown hair is trimmed to little more than fuzz, and her green eyes shine like emeralds.

Battle-Sister Squad Derosa
Sister-Superior Derosa
One of the older members of the Mission, Sister-Superior Derosa is rumored by some to be a former member of the Orders Pronatus. She is a contemplative and cautious woman, who apparently once served as Palais' superior. She is known to lightly-tease Palais. A fair-skinned woman, whose black hair is finely braided. She wears golden contact lenses and is entirely lacking in tattoos, even the fleur-de-lys.

Retributor Greiland
Born from the world of Vreln Ranth, Sister Greiland is known as much for her extensive musculature and talent with heavy weapons as she is her poetic inclinations. She is responsible for establishing a small acting troupe among the Mission, acting out religious plays of the Saints in the rare periods they have free time. Modest. A burly woman with impressive musculature and a gleaming right augmetic eye.

Sister-Eloheim Liandra
A veteran Sister with the rank of Eloheim, entrusted with command responsibilities in the absence of a Sister-Superior. Has little respect for the common Imperial citizen, but much patience. Nearing pre rejuvenate middle age, her tanned and freckled face edged with just a hint of wrinkles. Numerous tattoos adorn every part of her exposed skin, many of them glowing electoos, all of them religious in aspect. Violet hair, in a pixie cut.

Sister Anna Sudlend Rekanov
A Battle-Sister from Squad Derosa. Somewhat excitable, and prone to informal language. Pale skinned, red-haired and freckled.

Sister Arina
A Battle-Sister from Squad Derosa. She possesses a particular understanding of tech-lore and respects the Mission's tech-priest cohort. Tawny-skinned, with her black bowl-cut, receded along the right side to make room for the plating of her augmetic eye.

Sister Katherine
A Battle-Sister. You know little about her.

Battle-Sister Squad Selveria
Sister-Superior Selveria
You don't know much about her.

Battle-Sister Squad Resedes
Sister-Superior Resedes
Very fond of sports. A tall woman with the long legs and athletic frame.

Dominion Squad Ophania
Dominion-Superior Ophania
A former Repentia who is known to have served with the Order of the Silent Vigil. According to rumor, she removed her own tongue as part of her penance, and only had it regrown after redeeming herself in the battle of Sanor's Valley. She is a taciturn individual by nature, rarely speaking more than absolutely necessary, and is well known for her humility. She is known to have once served in the squad of Cannoness Leanna, a Sister many believe may one day become the Order's leader-To the fear of those who find her sharing the name of the Saint most confusing. Her ebony skin covered in a patchwork of scars and brands. Her thin black hair is buzzed away nearly to the scalp and she possesses a penitent's mark on her throat.

Sister Katia Salvus
A Battle-Sister under Ophania's command. A very personable sort, quick to make amends and close friends with Gwynais. She is a tall woman and lean of build, with blonde hair in a short military cut, and pale skin. She has no scars, but her hands are brass bionics etched with the fleur-de-lys.

Dominion Gwynais
A Dominion under Ophania's command. Friendly, but got off on a bad foot with Eriko. Close friends with Katia. Her skin color and hair color are both black, the latter left in a bob-cut. She is broad and tough.

Dominion Junith
Deeply tanned with a pony-tail colored red in honor of Saint Leanna.

Dominion Catiro

Retributor Squad Galena
Retributor-Superior Galena
A very friendly individual, with an easy sense of humour and fondness for physical affection. Stocky.

Retributor Squad Morane
Sister Macharius, "Macha"
A very sardonic Sister, though helpful in her own sarcastic fashion. Hates Eriko. A veteran of fighting xenos and pagans, particularly ivory traders. Heavily muscled and scarred, with a fading tan that suggests many days in the sun. She paints her nails scarlet, unusual for a Sister, and her bowl-cut hair is also red.

Support Staff
Magos-Minoris Maloc Tundrish
Master of the Mission's Armorium, native to the Scarlet Stair. Despite his crude and vulgar nature, his care for the machine-spirits of your wargear is second to none, and he is deeply respectful of the Adepta Sororitas. A member of a minor Aeon Libertas sect known as the Machina Aeternam. His face has been replaced with an augmetic skull mask, and what little else is visible beneath his robes is a nest of metal and cables.

Enginseer Alicia
A modestly young but skilled enginseer with a particular talent for armor-work and maintenance. Hails from the Forgeworld of Sideros. Adores the Adepta Sororitas, and even wished to be one as a child before joining the Machine Cult-presumably before finding out Battle-Sisters had to be orphans. The left side of her face is dominated by an augmetic eye with surrounding skull plating and data cables. Her left leg ends in a steel claw, and cables run down her spine. Her dark skin is without blemish to the point of being almost uncanny.

Sister-Hospitaller Meria Theodosius: A Hospitaller of the Order of Pure Water, assigned to the Mission as a medical officer. Though young, she is experienced. She is highly composed and straightforward in her speech. Black-skinned, silver-eyed and brown-haired, the solemnity of her expression belies her youth.

Deacon Celine Laertes
Charged with the Mission's logistics. She is a long-suffering woman with little patience for fools. She has the appearance of a middle-aged woman who's gone through at least one rejuvenat cycle. Possesses an augmetic monocle over her right eye, and high-quality scribe tines replacing her fingers and hands. Barely noticeable scars surround her mouth, indicating the removal of an integrated respirator bionic. Likely she came from a world with a deadly or polluted atmosphere before going on to another world.

Protodeacon Badr
His bald and skull-like visage gives him a menacing appearance that's belied by his jovial mood, bad jokes, and easy smile. Possesses cheap augmetic hands and crude cranial augmetics. Dark skinned.
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