Faith and Fire-An Adepta Sororitas Roleplay (Homebrew-Waitlist recruiting only)

It was asked a few days ago, but for comparison purposes, here's some bog standard Imperial Guardsmen.

Imperial Guardsman
"Hold the line, dammit!"

WS: 35 BS: 35 S: 35 T: 35 Ag: 35 Int: 28 Per: 31 WP: 35 Fel: 25
Wounds: 10
Skills: Athletics, Awareness, Dodge, Lore (Imperium, Imperial Guard, War), Linguistics (Low Gothic), Survival, Stealth
Talents: Barrage, Nerves of Steel, Rapid Reload, Takedown
Traits: Disciplined (In a formation, are more resistant to morale loss)
Equipment: M36 Lasgun, 3 frag grenades, combat knife, flak armor, medi-kit, micro-bead, respirator, Uplifting Primer

Typically formed out of the elite of Planetary Defence Forces, Imperial Guardsmen are well disciplined and skilled combatants and frequently battle hardened well before they join the ranks of the Astra Militarum, where they are equipped to a level well above that of many command militaries. By many standards, they are highly skilled and well equipped combatants. But for all too many of these soldiers, victories over rebels and pirates and petty aliens comes to a swift and brutal end when the true face of the galaxy reveals itself. Though the Sisters of the Burning Rose do not have a special relationship with the Imperial Guard, legends of the Order mean that they are often met with awe by the common lasmen.

Imperial Guard Conscript

"Sir, sir, what do we do!?!"
WS: 30 BS: 30 S: 30 T: 35 Ag: 30 Int: 20 Per: 30 WP: 25 Fel: 20
Skills: Athletics, Lore (Imperium, Imperial Guard), Linguistics (Low Gothic)
Talents: Nerves of Steel
Equipment: M36 Lasgun, 1 frag grenade, combat knife, flak armor, respirator, Uplifting Primer

Imperial Guard conscripts are only recruited under the most rare and desperate of situations. Their origins of myriad-hive gangers, enforcers, PDF reservists, provost units, normal civilians...Given a lasgun, too short training that only covers the basic, and body armor they are thrown against the foe to buy time for more elite forces to be brought to bear-or, occasionally, to drown the foe under sheer amount of bodies and lasfire. The focus of their training is simply to be able to standfast-even then, it is a duty that often requires Commmissars at their job to keep them honest. To the Sisters of the Burning Rose, to see such last-ditch forces deployed is an agonizing sign of their failures in defending the Imperium.

As you can see, 20s and 30s are typical for trained soldiers. 35 is about average for a 'well trained' soldier in shooting and stabbing skills. Others vary more widely. It's rare to see an SB and TB less than 3, even on civilians, for instance. Skills and talents also make a significant difference.
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Name: Rargura Quemadura

'Love the Emperor for He is the salvation of mankind'
"The Joy of Him on Terra is my Joy. Of the mutant, not but death will please Him, and so it shall be"

Appearance: Her hair is the ripe red of burnished flame. Naturally so, it is a point of pride. Her dark skin is in stark contrast to the other children of Krone, entombed in the dark depths of the underhive. Though not beautiful, her raw sincerity and energy empower her modest appearance. Her Joyous alto voice often rings out from the depths of the choir, a tad off key but always mourned when absent.

Background: Her early life is a mystery. Records claim she is the daughter of Lady General Alamusta, but this seems unlikely considering that not a single pict-cast of Lady Alamusta ever shows her being pregnant. Still, at the Lady General's untimely death, these records were found . Some speculate the involvement of a surrogate mother, or perhaps a birthing servitor. Regardless, a search was initiated to find the schola progenium's latest recruit.

Investigations of Lady Alamusta's various housings led only to dead ends. Servants had never seen Rargura, and guards had never heard of her. A breakthrough did not come until nearly 5 months into the search. A priest from the underhive had come to the local branch of the schola, to petition one of his flock be granted entrance. This in itself was not unusual. The priest, Ramarku, regularly brought particularly talented orphaned scum to the schola, regardless of providence. In this instance however, he claimed a young girl had been assisting with the yearly underhive purge for four years.

"Four years of what?" they asked. Four years of climbing through muck and filth. Four years of infiltrating the lairs of mutant trash. Four years of fighting and death and righteous laughter. This young girl, Rargura, had been used as a scout. Find the latest part of the hive the mutants were tainting. Report their location. Facilitate the slaughter. Most "scouts" died early in their careers, ripped apart by fang mouthed horrors who wished their secrets remained safe from the watchful eyes of the true humans. A swift mind and swifter limbs allowed her to remain a scout for years where nearly all others died in the first 72 hours.

One day and fourteen minutes later, a genecode reading proved Rargura was the young girl from the records of Lady General Alamusta.

Though the schola was harsh to its newest recruit, it could only be described as a place of wonder for Rargura. The fists of the drill abbots were harsh, but a light breeze compared to the maulings she had witnessed mutants commit. The soylens viridiens never had to be forced upon her, bewildering the other cadets with her effortless prayers of thanks for the consistent food. Instructors scratched their heads as she turned punishments into opportunities. Every day, praise and worship of the emperor, grateful words spewing out for the gifts she had been given.

While most looked on in askance, a Sororitas Instructor saw her latest convert.

Armor background "Sabbat Pattern : 078-999. Tagline: Beloved Witness

The armor "beloved witness" is marked by a checkered history. Thrice on its hips, it proudly displays Marks of Chapter, icons demonstrating its previous owners history as honored allies of the imperium's angels of death. But etched into each forearm are white wings, each feather painstakingly carved in microscale with the name of a slain marine. It remembers. The force required to crush power armored joints, the patterns of motion of those who are more than human. This latest Owner. This swift, embodiment of relentless motion. It is pleased.

Vocation: Dominion

Homeworld: HIveworld Krone


Faith Points:3

Weapon Skill:+25+17=42

Ballistic Skill:+25+15=40








((exchanged 4 on toughness for 10)

(rerolled 7 on agility, rerolling, got 18)

(switched 13 and 7 on perception and strength)

900 xp spent, 100 remaining

Skills:, Dodge +10, Awareness, Athletics, Dodge, Endurance, Lore (Adepta Sororitas, Imperial Creed, Ecclesiarchy, Imperium, War), Linguistics (Low Gothic, High Gothic), Resolve, Stealth, Pilot (Ground),Investigate (dominion class),

, Talents:, Hard target (dominion class), Hip Shooting (Dominion Class),Unshakeable Faith, Hatred (Mutants), Deny the Witch,Step aside (600 xp)

Traits:Teeming Masses in Metal Mountains: Into the Fray (300xp, dominion), In the Thick of It:



Armor:Sabbat Pattern : Thine arm be the scourge of the impure, Besides his sons

Weapons:Godwyn-De'az Bolt-Pistol, 3 Frag grenades, 3 krak grenades, combat knife, Velorum-Pattern gladius

Misc: repair cement
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I'll be making my final selections for who gets in on Wednesday. If you have an incomplete sheet, I recommend you finish it up. Also, I want to clarify that 'Hatred: Heretical Cults' explicitly means cultists. Malefactor Lords, or professional Traitor Guard regiments would not count.

On a related note, I've begun poking at possible fronts. Araxes has a lot of possibilities and I'm interested to hear what players want to play. Something with a heavier focus on combat? More politics and intrigue based? Favored opposition? I'm going to mix stuff up no matter what, but I'd like to hear what people are interested in focusing on.

Also, some potential fronts.

The Dragon's Teeth
Right on the edge of the Damned Sector. If the armies within weren't so busy tearing each other's throats out, you'd be seeing entire Chaos Marine companies and Titan Legios marching against the fortress worlds of this sub-sector. As it is, even those forces that can turn their attention from each other long enough to invade the region frequently end up stabbing each other in the back. Nonetheless, there have been many significant assaults, and there have been many a Warlord hoping that the resources of Araxes or its conquest can be the push needed to align an army behind them.

Chaos is frequent here, in all manner of varieties, but Orks and rebels and pirates make good use of the chaos and anomalies created by the Damned Sector to hide and build strength. Chaos cults fester like a disease, and time often flows oddly in this region. Few Malefactor Lords make their home here, but those that do frequently bury agents deep, aiming to one day subvert the Dragon's Teeth to their own cause. They seem to have little desire to aid the forces from the Damned Sector, though. In the all too frequent lulls in the fighting, rivalries between noble houses flare up constantly, and politicking is constant. Expect to be dragged into one dispute or another between noble houses as mediators. Operations in service to the Inquisition are almost an inevitability-The Ordos Hereticus even maintains a fortress on the capital of Velorum. The Ironbreakers Space Marines are known to deploy to this region with some frequency.

Is connected to the Matarkin Marches, located in the Damned Sector itself. Universally considered an unpleasant place to be, if quite the chance for glory. Most of the population is made up of supposedly loyal Matarkins-a motley collection of minor mutants temporarily sanctioned due to the necessity of a bulwark between the Damned Sector and the Dragon's Teeth. Being stationed here is one of the most uncomfortable and trying duties any among the Sororitas can be asked to perform. The Gharghessi, a species that fears and-even worships-humanity and the God-Emperor also are near this area, a race of foul aliens that has spawned no small amount of religious debate.

The Calacean Way
It was not long ago that this key trade-route between Araxes and Verantis was ravaged by an incursion of a Space Hulk, and with it an army of the enemies of mankind. Ravaged by heretics and aliens alike, is it only the richness of its trade that has allowed it to recover in the decade since. But war burns on as Imperials seek to reclaim numerous lost worlds and stamp on endless rebellions and drive the raiders infesting the region back to the reefs around it. Politics are heavy as rival Ecclesiarchy factions compete for power with one another and other rival groups, as the Ecclesiarchy seeks to claim dominance over the region. Rogue Traders, mercenaries and privateers are a constant here, as are the queer beliefs of the people of Sector Verantis. Your cousins in the Sisters of the Order of the Silver Light can be found here.

Stein's Oasis
A verdant sub-sector, the Oasis faces the threat of the alien frequently as the Orks and Eldar infest this region like a plague, but the legions of Chaos are far from unknown. These are frequently pirates aligned with the Malefactor Houses, the most notable of which is House Jardin, notable for its close ties with the Charnel Fleet and its fielding of a rare force of power armored troops known as the Raven Warriors. The Imperium at current leaves the Eldar worlds claimed by them as 'Maiden Worlds' alone, but this has not prevented perfidious raiders and pirates from harassing Imperial shipping and worlds, while Orks grow strong in the deathworlds of the region and emerge ready for the fiercest of fighting. Overall however, the Sector is quiet-raids and cult uprisings are the main source of battle, and the Sororitas stationed here frequently spend much of their time hunting down elusive cults or being embroiled in church politics.

Notably, the non-Imperial human state known as the 'Solus Commonwealth' is not far from here. It is not unknown for Sororitas to assist in guarding missionaries on journeys to those benighted lands, or on occasion, defending visiting diplomats from the overzealous. Guard yourself well from any corruption the misguided fools may seek to instill in you.

Selverus' Stairway
Home to the great battle against the unholy Ivory Lords, this sub-sector is home to the relics of ancient wars and forbidden technology. The Mechanicus' greatest stronghold is here, among the suspicious and rebellious Aeon Mechanicus sub-faction, who often quarrel with the holy Ministorum over the local shrines devoted to Selverus' victories. Due to its importance to the Mechanicus and its closeness to major stationing sites, h ere is among one of the few places you are likely to see Titans deployed, and witness the full wrath of the Adeptus Mechanicus at display. Due to close ties with the Mechanicus, the Astartes of the Ironbreakers are known to frequent the region-perhaps it would be better if they kept better friends...

Ancient horrors lurk in the dark here, and mad cults to forgotten gods and the nightmare machines of the Ivory Lords are all but inevitability. The former slaves and vassals of the Ivory Lords lurk in the shadows, aliens and traitors and witches. Most notable is the the Cecerine Union also known as the Magistratum-an entire nation ruled by sorcerers and witches who thrive off slavery. Expect to face things best left forgotten, psykers, and warmachines aplenty. And guard yourself well against the treacherous Mechanicus.

The Crown
The Heart of the Sector and the center of its trade. Not much for massive wars-though there are still pirate raids and civil war. But the real fight in the shadows. Every faction plays its games here, each of its darkest and bloodiest secrets are here to find. Alien and Chaos Cults writhe in the darkness, hungering for the day that the lords above just give them the chance-or sit with a disarming smile amidst the high courts themselves.

Politics and cult hunting focused.

The Edge of Oblivion
This sector has become a cesspit since the days that the Lord in Oblivion Clad was halted at the Fortress world of Keleron. A warp storm cuts the region almost in twain, and infests much of the region with an unnatural darkness. Strange cults and monsters stalk in these unholy shadows, praying to become the next Lord of Oblivion, rebuild his armies, and seize the so-called 'Crown of Thorns' for themselves. The worlds here are largely shambles, many all but abandoned, and those that persist are soaked in corruption, decadence and misery. Here the Sisters of the Burning Rose must bring light and faith-but it no easy task. Those rulers that exist are all too frequently self-centered and corrupt, and its defenders half-broken. Cults and pirates infest the region, as do the Greenskin, their spoor dragged across countless worlds by mercenaries sworn to the Oblivion Lord. Other aliens, dedicated to his cause, likewise march against mankind such as Chaos tainted members of the bio-engineered killing machines of the Sepharum.

A quieter experience, in a decaying region of the sector.

Vera Fortis
This sub-sector has been brutalized by the Archenemy and other forces besides. The Disciples of Xethos march here in full, supported by their private armies,while rival warbands and malefactor houses raid and pillage and claim territory even as they feud with one another. Imperial losses have been brutal, and even the Ironbreakers deployed here struggle to turn the tide. Cults are found almost everywhere, and even as the Imperium flounders, alien ships and pirates loot and pillage. This is a war of liberation-and a war of desperate survival.

The Disciples of Xethos are here, in all their terrible glory. And there is little they enjoy than testing their faith against that of the Adepta Sororitas. There are even rumors of Chaos God-Machines-though nothing confirmed.

Politics have taken a backseat in this region of blood and slaughter, but are still extant. Guard generals and Cardinals alike struggle against one each other, seeking the most glory and prestige upon the victory of the campaign, and desperate governors compete with one another and sabotage each other to receive the Imperium's aid.

The Arkor Reef
This fringe region located at the edge between Verantis and Araxes is little known by wider Araxes, but the Order of the Burning Rose is sworn to defend it with as much ardor as they could Velorum itself. Petty alien nations and warlords lurk here, Orks and Eldars and others beside, as well as the worshippers of Chaos. These frontier worlds have little to their own protection, and the Order is forced to rely on mercenaries and Rogue Traders at many times. So isolated from the rest of the Sector, civil war brews almost constantly, and it would be all too easy for the enemies of mankind to overthrow everything that man has sought to build here. The Order of the Burning Rose is all that stands between this region and the horrors in the stars...And the horrors deep below, for countless strange artifacts and ruins can be found sprinkled among these worlds, drawing treasure hunters and doomsday prophets alike.

Among other foes, a small warband of Slaaneshi Chaos Marines known as the Exemplars of Excellence raid the region...

The Veraul Reaches
This conflict zone sits at the edge of Stein's Oasis and is embroiled in a four way war between the Imperium of Mankind, an Ork WAAGGH, the Chaos army known as the 'Order of Final Liberation', and the coalition of non-Imperials and miscellaneous aliens known as the Red Sun Coalition. The war here has been waging for decades on end in endless attrition battles over a small cluster of worlds. Millions upon millions have watered these worlds with their blood, and few outside the region are even aware of the conflict.

But the Order of the Burning Rose remembers. It was in defense of the colonists in this frontier region and the shrines located there that they originally called for Imperial intervention-which by the greed of Imperial officers turned into a series of invasions and now, a grinding stalemate. The Sororitas would like nothing more than to bring the stalemate to an end. The fighting here is heavy, but mostly devoid of much in the way of heavier forces. The Order of Final Liberation, believing itself to be 'freeing' the Imperial people has made significant strides in converting the local citizenry, and ardent cult activity has proven almost impossible to stamp out.
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I'm a bit biased towards combat since that's what Jeanne's geared for, but I'm down for a lot of politicking as well.
The Dragon's Teeth
Right on the edge of the Damned Sector. If the armies within weren't so busy tearing each other's throats out, you'd be seeing entire Chaos Marine companies and Titan Legios marching against the fortress worlds of this sub-sector. As it is, even those forces that can turn their attention from each other long enough to invade the region frequently end up stabbing each other in the back. Nonetheless, there have been many significant assaults, and there have been many a Warlord hoping that the resources of Araxes or its conquest can be the push needed to align an army behind them.

Chaos is frequent here, in all manner of varieties, but Orks and rebels and pirates make good use of the chaos and anomalies created by the Damned Sector to hide and build strength. Chaos cults fester like a disease, and time often flows oddly in this region. Few Malefactor Lords make their home here, but those that do frequently bury agents deep, aiming to one day subvert the Dragon's Teeth to their own cause. They seem to have little desire to aid the forces from the Damned Sector, though. In the all too frequent lulls in the fighting, rivalries between noble houses flare up constantly, and politicking is constant. Expect to be dragged into one dispute or another between noble houses as mediators. Operations in service to the Inquisition are almost an inevitability-The Ordos Hereticus even maintains a fortress on the capital of Velorum. The Ironbreakers Space Marines are known to deploy to this region with some frequency.

Is connected to the Matarkin Marches, located in the Damned Sector itself. Universally considered an unpleasant place to be, if quite the chance for glory. Most of the population is made up of supposedly loyal Matarkins-a motley collection of minor mutants temporarily sanctioned due to the necessity of a bulwark between the Damned Sector and the Dragon's Teeth. Being stationed here is one of the most uncomfortable and trying duties any among the Sororitas can be asked to perform. The Gharghessi, a species that fears and-even worships-humanity and the God-Emperor also are near this area, a race of foul aliens that has spawned no small amount of religious debate.
Vera Fortis
This sub-sector has been brutalized by the Archenemy and other forces besides. The Disciples of Xethos march here in full, supported by their private armies,while rival warbands and malefactor houses raid and pillage and claim territory even as they feud with one another. Imperial losses have been brutal, and even the Ironbreakers deployed here struggle to turn the tide. Cults are found almost everywhere, and even as the Imperium flounders, alien ships and pirates loot and pillage. This is a war of liberation-and a war of desperate survival.

The Disciples of Xethos are here, in all their terrible glory. And there is little they enjoy than testing their faith against that of the Adepta Sororitas. There are even rumors of Chaos God-Machines-though nothing confirmed.

Politics have taken a backseat in this region of blood and slaughter, but are still extant. Guard generals and Cardinals alike struggle against one each other, seeking the most glory and prestige upon the victory of the campaign, and desperate governors compete with one another and sabotage each other to receive the Imperium's aid.
The Arkor Reef
This fringe region located at the edge between Verantis and Araxes is little known by wider Araxes, but the Order of the Burning Rose is sworn to defend it with as much ardor as they could Velorum itself. Petty alien nations and warlords lurk here, Orks and Eldars and others beside, as well as the worshippers of Chaos. These frontier worlds have little to their own protection, and the Order is forced to rely on mercenaries and Rogue Traders at many times. So isolated from the rest of the Sector, civil war brews almost constantly, and it would be all too easy for the enemies of mankind to overthrow everything that man has sought to build here. The Order of the Burning Rose is all that stands between this region and the horrors in the stars...And the horrors deep below, for countless strange artifacts and ruins can be found sprinkled among these worlds, drawing treasure hunters and doomsday prophets alike.
The Calacean Way
It was not long ago that this key trade-route between Araxes and Verantis was ravaged by an incursion of a Space Hulk, and with it an army of the enemies of mankind. Ravaged by heretics and aliens alike, is it only the richness of its trade that has allowed it to recover in the decade since. But war burns on as Imperials seek to reclaim numerous lost worlds and stamp on endless rebellions and drive the raiders infesting the region back to the reefs around it. Politics are heavy as rival Ecclesiarchy factions compete for power with one another and other rival groups, as the Ecclesiarchy seeks to claim dominance over the region. Rogue Traders, mercenaries and privateers are a constant here, as are the queer beliefs of the people of Sector Verantis. Your cousins in the Sisters of the Order of the Silver Light can be found here.

These three places are the ones I'm most keen on doing because I really want to utilize our power armor and elite soldiers to its fullest capacity. However, I'd still like to interact in missions that don't have war as a backdrop.

So in terms of interest:
1. The Dragon's Teeth
2. Vera Fortis
3. The Arkor Reef
4. The Calacean Way

Actually, considering several factors (Amount of War, Prevalence of Heretics, Politics, Dark Secrets, Potential for Introspection, Highlighting PC Interactions, Uniqueness, and Coolness Factor), I've got a new list.
1. The Dragon's Teeth
2. Selverus' Stairway or The Arkor Reef
3. The Edge of Oblivion
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These three places are the ones I'm most keen on doing because I really want to utilize our power armor and elite soldiers to its fullest capacity. However, I'd still like to interact in missions that don't have war as a backdrop.

So in terms of interest:
1. The Dragon's Teeth
2. Vera Fortis
3. The Calacean Way
Can I hear your reasoning for specific areas(and why one over another)? I'm particularly curious why the Calacean Way.
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Can I hear your reasoning for specific areas(and why one over another)? I'm particularly curious why the Calacean Way.
Actually added The Arkor Reef. So it looks something like...
So in terms of interest:
1. The Dragon's Teeth
2. Vera Fortis
3. The Arkor Reef
4. The Calacean Way

As to why, I did say I wanted heavy fighting, so The Dragon's Teeth and Verantis makes sense. As to why The Dragon's Teeth is above Vera Fortis, it's because the former isn't a hellish warhole all the time. It's flavor of war seems more muted and balanced, with ebbs and flows to the fighting like some weird water dam. The Dragon's Teeth seems like it offers the largest variety but that may just be because of the size of the blurb.

Still, Vera Fortis has war and lots of it, and that's my biggest criteria.

The Arkor Reef would be third because while it offers much fighting, it seems isolated being composed mostly of frontier worlds. The dark, forgotten artifacts hidden beneath is a good hook though.

Lastly, the Calacean Way because its politics focus heavily on Ecclessiarchy, which is our organization. So we might see some friction based on our Sisters' views. And there's still a lot of fighting, though it's made to seem like only holdouts of Chaos or the alien but desperate last stands are always fun to fight and break.
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1. Edge of Oblivion - Ilana has issues to sort out with the Oblivion Cults, issues to sort out in a way I think will be narratively interesting. Bonus points for the fact that @Mina's homeworld is located there as well.
2. Calacean Way - Honestly some bias at work here for me, Savine's Hope is Ilana's home, and moreover she's specced as a social character (well as social as an angry bolter nun in power armor can be...). Would be nice to interact with home.
3. Selvarus' Stairway -
4. Vera Fortis - Feed me heretiiiiiiics in big showy displays of spectacle!
1: Stein's Oasis: The Solus Commonwealth would be super fun to interact with, as would House Jardin, and there's several worlds there i'd like to see.
2: Edge of Oblivion: A "Quieter existence" trying to help a decaying region and fighting against pirates and cultists sounds fun in a unique and different way, and there's thematic resonance with several characters in the party (I know Caelia would be...unamused by being sent there). I really like the idea of bringing hope and light to a land desperately needing it Plus, i've written several worlds there I rather like and would like to see in a game.
3: Dragon's Teeth: Politicking and heavy fighting, and Caelia is from there
As to why, I did say I wanted heavy fighting, so The Dragon's Teeth and Verantis makes sense. As to why The Dragon's Teeth is above Vera Fortis, it's because the former isn't a hellish warhole all the time. It's flavor of war seems more muted and balanced, with ebbs and flows to the fighting like some weird water dam. The Dragon's Teeth seems like it offers the largest variety but that may just be because of the size of the blurb.

Still, Vera Fortis has war and lots of it, and that's my biggest criteria.

The Arkor Reef would be third because while it offers much fighting, it seems isolated being composed mostly of frontier worlds. The dark, forgotten artifacts hidden beneath is a good hook though.

Lastly, the Calacean Way because its politics focus heavily on Ecclessiarchy, which is our organization. So we might see some friction based on our Sisters' views. And there's still a lot of fighting, though it's made to seem like only holdouts of Chaos or the alien so nothing heavy there.
Vera Fortis isn't Verantis. The Dragon's Teeth does have more lulls than Vera Fortis-the fighting is fast paced and heavy in Vera Fortis right now.

And yeah, Arkor Reef is isolated. It still has local politics aplenty though (including a brewing civil war between rival IG factions)-it was actually going to be the original setting for this game(and the never ran quest it was based on), but I decided to broaden my options.

The Calacean Way still has an active liberation fleet running over it. The fighting can be pretty severe, if not to the same scale as Vera Fortis or the Dragon's Teeth.
I'll be making my final selections for who gets in on Wednesday. If you have an incomplete sheet, I recommend you finish it up. Also, I want to clarify that 'Hatred: Heretical Cults' explicitly means cultists. Malefactor Lords, or professional Traitor Guard regiments would not count.

-perks up- Hrm? Not yet started, even? I might have time to find where I zipped my 40k RP books and bash together something but I was curious as to whether you already had a close knit group that you favour, especially as I vaguely recall other Sororitas units which I associate with you. I certainly would not care to impose, in that case, as a newcomer.
My eyes hurt at the moment so I couldn't read the sub-sectors properly and such, though if I were to choose I'd like a mix of both combat and deception. Anakrasia could serve well as ears both in battle and in shadowed halls, where negotiations fail blackmail will take its place.
-perks up- Hrm? Not yet started, even? I might have time to find where I zipped my 40k RP books and bash together something but I was curious as to whether you already had a close knit group that you favour, especially as I vaguely recall other Sororitas units which I associate with you. I certainly would not care to impose, in that case, as a newcomer.
Don't read the 40K RPG books. You won't need them and they'll frankly mislead you.

I do have a close knit group, but I wouldn't be recruiting if I didn't want new players. Recruiting new blood if something my group deems important. I'd also be surprised about being associated with other Sororitas units-I've not run an RP with them before.
The Edge of Oblivion

1. I like the proximity to orks and the non-Imperial humans sound interesting. A balance of politics and cult hunting is a-okay.
2. The backstory elements are all there, and it'd be fun to get to see the home front. Again, a quieter experience with cult fights and politicking is a bit more interesting alongside the various ways the sisters interact with the area.
3. Fight option. The region where Maria's papa vanished, full of good ole orks and Chaos to smite and get oneself covered with glory.
Don't read the 40K RPG books. You won't need them and they'll frankly mislead you.

I do have a close knit group, but I wouldn't be recruiting if I didn't want new players. Recruiting new blood if something my group deems important. I'd also be surprised about being associated with other Sororitas units-I've not run an RP with them before.

What? A WH40K product leading people astray? Lies and slander! -g-

I meant that more as in products set in the milieu, Rogue Trader, Dark Heresy... and including my set of Advanced Dark Heresy v2.1 files I had tucked away.

-nods- I appreciate the clarification. I just try to never assume as there is a difference between accepting those not in your core group and accepting those with whom you have never interacted or played. I have a Mechanicus influenced Chirurgeon coming along and I hope to have her complete and with a tolerable backstory tonight or in the morning. -smile-
I meant that more as in products set in the milieu, Rogue Trader, Dark Heresy... and including my set of Advanced Dark Heresy v2.1 files I had tucked away.
This game isn't set anywhere near DH's or RT's setting, and mechanically are very different I'll warn. As an example, in DH if you shot someone in the head with a bolt pistol, they would survive and probably shrug it off. Here, if you shoot someone in the face with a bolt pistol (And they aren't wearing a carapace helmet or power armor), their head explodes. A veteran of our prior games was actually having trouble because they kept assuming things were the same.

That said, taking a look at ADH is probably not a bad idea. We're altering a lot from it, but it should be helpful.
-nods- I appreciate the clarification. I just try to never assume as there is a difference between accepting those not in your core group and accepting those with whom you have never interacted or played.
Well, only way to meet new people is to meet them. Hard to do that if you don't welcome them into games! :p
+Love the Emperor for he is the salvation of mankind+

Kaia Maghmuryod
Vocation: Principality
Homeworld: Hyrskaloch Minor (Primitive Origin)
Wounds: 11
Faith Points: 3

Weapon Skill
(+20): 45
Ballistic Skill: 25
Strength (+3) (+12): 40
Toughness (+15): 40
Agility (+3) (+17): 45
Intelligence: (+5) 30
Perception: (+ 5): 30
Willpower: (+16): 41
Fellowship: 25

Hatred: Mutants

Unshakable Faith

Deny The Witch


Iron Jaw

None Shall Pass

Unarmed Warrior

Unarmed Master




Endurance +10

Lore: Adeptus Sororitas, Imperial Creed, Ecclesiarchy, Imperium, War

Linguistics: Low Gothic, High Gothic

Pilot: Ground





Resistance: Fear
Primitive Upbringing

Godwyn-De'az Boltgun
Godwyn-De'az Bolt Pistol
Velorum Pattern Gladius
Combat Knife
Combat Shield
3 x Krak Grenades
3 x Frag Grenades
Repair Cement

1,000 starting exp
-300 Unarmed Warrior
-450 Unarmed Master
-200 Investigate
50 exp in reserve

Hyrskaloch Minor is a nothing world of no importance, even by the standards of the Arkor Reef. It is a planet of chest deep seas and "islands" of clumped sargasso weed, inhabited by perpetually feuding primitive clans...and it was the world of the Tats-day-vao.

Warriors, bards, and clerics...the Tats-day-vao were all of these and more, sworn defenders of their settlements and septs, their lives devoted to memorizing and performing the songs of their clans, mastering their unique style of unarmed combat, and keeping the faith of the God Emperor and the Nine.

And they perished in a single day and night of battle, fighting sunrise to sunrise against the Traitor Space Marines of the Exemplars of Excellence, when a splinter detachment of the Fallen Angels of Death sought to make their world a plaything for the traitors depraved lust.

It was a slaughter. Ordinary men and women, some with primitive weapons, more armed with only their faith in the Emperor and their own skills, against Traitor Space Marines.

It was a victory. Victory purchased at an obscene price, hundreds of natives falling for the life of a single traitor, a martial tradition that had endured for centuries sacrificed in mere hours, but a victory nonetheless, with the Fallen Ones already retreating to their Dreadclaws as an Imperial pirate hunting fleet finally arrived in system.

The Tats-day-vao ended that day, the dozen or ancients and raw novices who remained taken in by the Ecclessiarchy in the aftermath, the local Cardinal believing there might be value in studying the creed and fighting style that allowed primitives to stand up to the fury of a Chaos Marine Warband.

Kaia is one of those few survivors, shuffled into the Schola Progenium as a curiosity, allowed considerable leeway in practicing her people's variant of the Imperial Creed and their fighting style...neither of which endeared her to her fellow students. Her time in the Schola was not a pleasant one, although the sneers, rumors, and contempt became considerably quieter whenever the tutors held unarmed combat drills and training.

Having left finally Progenium behind, Sister Maghmuryod remains something of an outcast among her fellows, determined to honor the legacy of her first mentors and trainers, holding to the codes of the vanished warrior caste of her homeworld despite her altered circumstances.

While she may be less than fond of her fellow sisters, Kaia is fanatically devoted to Order of the Burning Rose itself (even by Soriritas standards) seeing the institution as the Tats-day-vao writ large. The warrior-bards might guard the lives and souls of a village, the Order guards those of a planet or a star system.

Outside of her armor, Kaia goes out of her way to stand out among her fellows. Where most of her sisters grow their hair long and dye it red, she keeps hers shorn to the scalp. Kaia also favors sleeveless robes and tunics, the better to show off the devotional brands to the Emperor's Nine Sons etched into the coppery skin of her arms and shoulders.

In addition, she makes no effort to whatsoever to tone down any of the more "colorful" aspects of her homeworld's faith (wherein the Primarchs are invoked as intermediaries to the God Emperor), making votive offerings to whichever of the Nine are relevant to the current situation and decorating her arms and armor with charms and fetishes to draw their interest and attention. If this happens to draw the ire of her more orthodox squadmates, Kaia regards that as their problem, not hers.

Sabbat Pattern
"Blood of the Enemy"
"A Kinship Forged In Battle"

When she was presented with her holy relic armor, Kaia wept. Not because it meant she had succeeded. Had passed the Order's exacting tests while remaining true to her people's ways, had persevered in spite of those who spat on her for heresy and sneered at her background and hurled bladed remarks about the Cardinal's pet.

No, she wept because the armor granted to her by the arcane inner workings of the Order's Mechanicum allies was decorated with the cruciform sigil of Lord Dorn.

Lord Dorn, the protector of wanderers and wayfarers, whose mighty fists of stone safeguard lost children and guide the souls of the innocent and righteous dead to their home at the Emperor's side, shattering the blades and claws of the daemons who seek to seize them as they ascend.

She took it as a sign, that as she wanders far, oh so far from all that she once knew, his stony hand still rests on her shoulder. And one day, he will guide her home.

Wade Garrett threw 1 5-faced dice. Reason: Wounds Total: 2
2 2
Wade Garrett threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: Armor & History Total: 17
1 1 8 8 1 1 7 7
Last edited:
This game isn't set anywhere near DH's or RT's setting, and mechanically are very different I'll warn. As an example, in DH if you shot someone in the head with a bolt pistol, they would survive and probably shrug it off. Here, if you shoot someone in the face with a bolt pistol (And they aren't wearing a carapace helmet or power armor), their head explodes. A veteran of our prior games was actually having trouble because they kept assuming things were the same.

That said, taking a look at ADH is probably not a bad idea. We're altering a lot from it, but it should be helpful.

Well, only way to meet new people is to meet them. Hard to do that if you don't welcome them into games! :p

Awww, that is so nice. In that vein, I am going to go cry now. -whimper- I was editing my character sheet post in another tab... and it crashed.

AFTER I had gotten a decent format and wrote a few snippets, linked all the documents and channels from the OP.

AFTER I had made and put in all the rolls. Thank the Emperor that those are recoverable from the Rolz room.

...AFTER I had chased down all the traits and modifiers from all the power armour traits and compiled them into one easily referenced document...

Like I said, Imma go cry now. And take my next version offline. Or maybe post and edit it more often.
Let me try that one more time... -sigh-

Love the Emperor for He is the salvation of mankind... or at least the salvation of my writer's block? Well, mostly. I have backstory written to about 5 years ago, the turning point that sets her in the Order of the Burning Rose is only a month away. There is more noted of the fragmented images that source my inspiration but, I shall warn you, they might be confusing. -g-

Name: Eimi Samaras
All members of the Order of the Burning Rose are cross-trained but, inevitably, some have more of a talent for some of the arts of war than others. Although yours is not a specialized squad, you have some specialists among your ranks and some of you may simply have picked up a talent along the way rather than possess dedicated training.

"Ours is to honour the martyr, tend the fallen, defend the innocent, and walk always in the light."
–The Hospitaller's Book of Hours

While all Battle-Sisters are treated in the ways of simple first aid, true mastery is another issue entirely. While they often march to war in the company of the Hospitaller, such assistance is not always available. You are one of the Battle-Sisters trained in the art of healing. Perhaps you picked it up somewhere in the field or switched from Hospitaller to Battle-Sister training in the Schola. Many are former members of that non-militant Order transferred to the Order of the Burning Rose. Whatever the case, you know how to staunch blood loss, treat head wounds, prevent infection and all the other aspects of war and healing. When a Sister draws close to the Golden Light, you have become skilled at drawing them back to more service in the Emperor's name. And well... you are also an effective torturer, when it comes to it.
One of the Imperium's greatest strengths is its diversity and the Adepta Sororitas are no exception. Though almost every member of the Sisters-Militant go through training in the Schola Progenium and a majority from among the ranks of the nobility, each is nonetheless shaped differently by the culture and environment of their homeworlds and the bloodlines of their parentage. If the traits of a homeworld don't match your character, they are generic examples and I would be happy to discuss a more personalized homeworld.

"Though the Adeptus Mechanicus have sway over these worlds, they do not rule them. Sisters from these planets are unusually familiar with the Machine Spirits of our blessed weaponry and, though they worship the God-Emperor as fervently as any of us, they have an understanding of the Machine Cult that is rarely found among our ranks."

is a barren and mountainous hived deathworld of terrible storms, air that erodes the lungs if breathed too long, constantly shifting land masses, volcanic eruptions and intermittent war between the various hives or constant low intensity combat with Ashlander raider and rebel groups. The world is a proven training ground for elite Guard Regiments, especially experienced with guerrilla, urban and, above all else, hazardous environment warfare and is a ripe recruiting ground for Astartes recruits. It is also a verdant mining world that provides the Mechanicus with a number of rare and valuable materials. Primeris has a sister planet, Kaledos Secundus, an ordinary civilized world with a focus on agriculture and industry that produces decent Imperial Guard regiments and refines a number of metals of its sister world. D4 to recruitment.

She is vaguely Asian in appearance and quite petite, barely meeting the minimum size requirements for her armour. Her eyes are a vivid pale green and seemingly quite memorable. Her ebon hair is usually tousled either from sleep (after her body collapses) or from the helmet of Enduring Paragon, the power armour she wears as often as feasible (and occasionally when it is NOT feasible!).

This image is not of my own make but it was one that rang true for me when I was looking for a character image. This is "Adeptus Sororitas: Data Memory Ref04d611a" by Philipp Kruse, Fanwork Awards 2003/04, 1st place in WH40K. It is used without permission but with neither any intent to claim it as my own nor desire to profit from it.

Eimi's story begins...

she growls, "Amy?"

"Yeeees? That is your name, right?"

"No, baka! It is ay-EE-me, not AY-me. LISTEN or I will replace those ears you obviously do not need with something useful, like a mini-slate!"

HER story begins on Kaledos Primeris in the Araxes Sector. Amaterasu Hive is not one the largest upon the planet but it did hold an important Departmento Munitorum facility and what might have become House Samaras. Her father, Georgios Samaras, leveraged his control of Adeptus oversight on plasma weaponry factories into a wife, a son, a younger (by an hour) daughter, a large estate... and many enemies. He lost the first to childbirth, the second to an Ironbreaker call for aspirants and the final pair to the last.

His wife's family accepted the outsider into their midst both for the sake of the children and for their own long-past status as outsiders. The majority of the noble and wealthy families of the hive were from out-sector at one point, their exotic looks a selling point to enable them to gain influence in their new home. Their industrial expertise did not hurt either, even giving rise to the source of the new (at the time) Hive's name, the melta and plasma factories churning out weapons as fierce as the sun of their inspiration.

As a child, Eimi lived a very fortunate life. Her home hive had been settled in a secure location due to the volatile nature of their industry, far from fault areas, seismic stress zones and volcanic vents that might trouble lesser places. She never needed to stray from the Spires, their estate large enough for even the small-scale athletic events with which her father bonded with his motherless children whenever his schemes and schedule allowed, so the terrible Ash Storms never had a chance to scour and burn the lining of her throat and lungs. With that experience, one might forgive her for never even knowing her home planet was considered a Death World, at times.

She was very competitive with her brother, Daini, who never let her forget that he was indeed older (even if only by a day officially or 83 minutes actually). Even at a young age, her tutors despaired of her unfeminine ways, playing at sport with her brother or hands covered in grease from dismantling a non-functioning cogitator with a Techpriest. Her primary womanly feature was her beauty and hair regimen passed down from her mother, costly unguents maintaining clear, toned skin and a magnificent braid even longer than her own height, at one point.

"Onii-san, stop pulling my hair or I am going to start focusing my kicks on.... critical... areas..."

She eventually lost her competition at a young age to an Astartes call for aspirants. Her feelings might have become enmity, had she had less respect for the massive messengers of the Emperor's will, when she was denied her rightful place at her brother's side for the mere fact of her gender. Instead, it became a drive to prove herself their equal, at the least, or better, if she could manage it! There might be no female Space Marines but augmentation was the only path she saw to become superhuman at some level.

This might have set her on the way to the Adeptus Mechanicus, given that she was quite familiar with her father's allies and work acquaintances, had time and politics not intervened. A powerplay from a rival family left her father dead, her family shamed by rumour and innuendo, her luxurious estate in ashes and replaced with the cold, grey walls of the Schola Progenium.

Her life as Progena was filled with both difference and similarity. There was no longer elegance and beauty to surround her but the same hard work to which she was accustomed was easy to be found. The physical demands did grow but she was determined to sharpen her body as much as her mind. The stronger she was, the more would be there to be enhanced, to be made better... and she would need a lot as she was insistent on becoming as close to her brother as she could.

'Dumb Astartes, Daini is NOT better just because of what is between his legs! No female Astartes, my rear...'

She did miss her braid though, lost within an hour of entering these cold stone halls. She had gotten a few odd looks (from those less accustomed to her mother's beauty, no doubt) but at least it would take a lot less time to care for it. Her ability and intellect soon brought her to the forefront of her classes, especially in medical and technical subjects. With her orderly nature and the unusual patronage choice of Saint Tervinus, she seemed set on a path to the Ecclesiarchy or perhaps the Order of the Silver Light. Indeed, two of the Progena with whom she remains in contact are members of the Order of the Sacred Dust. Instead, her personal goal sent her out upon an Imperial vessel with the Order of the Mercy of the Void.

She spent two years with her Sisters Hospitaller, her drive continuing to shine as she showed her capability with augmentation. It became an assurance that the wounded under her care would know just which Mechanicus design would prevent whatever injury from which they were recovering from ever happening again. A good number of those made sure those injuries did not happen again just in case the medic might go ahead and 'improve' them, anyway.

'BAKA! If they had left me replace the liver last time, this poison would not have mattered at all."

This steady progress was soon brought to an end and not by the achievement of her goal. The hospital vessel to which she was assigned sent medical teams to support the cleanup of a Heretic incursion. This did not end up well for those teams.

* * * * *

When Eimi awoke, her carapace was nowhere to be found. Neither were there her patients or her medical equipment but she DID find a good number of cultists, including one shaking a staff in the air. Like any good Imperial citizen, she did not care for heretics but neither she did give much thought to those who deny the beneficence of their Imperial Father or the Ruinous Beasts they worship, it was the psyker and sorceror that drew what little of her time she would waste on disdain. This changed over the course of the next month in that pit.

For all that the psyker was indeed an abomination, inhuman through some quirk of fate and yet not by their own desire, this sorceror and his minions had CHOSEN to make of themselves monsters. This willing corruption was all the more evil for that reason. The hedonism and decadence displayed there sparked a defiant light within her slight frame. These heretics and their master, Slaanesh, would not warp the beauty of her sisters about her into uglinesss. They would not trade and grant the lives and bodies and minds of these women as tokens of barter. Their selfishness and carnality would not mean more than (and would not be allowed to deny) the choice to join with another. It allowed her faith in the Father of Man to shine from her, giving her the strength to wrap the flayed flesh of her hands and the chains upon her wrist around the throat of that godless heathen.

'The tenets of Choice, Blessed by the Father... choice, consequence, mother, son, strength, womanhood, sexuality, carnality, exaltation, pollution. I will forge my path in Your Love, my Emperor!'

Of course, as great an epiphany as it was for her personally, it likely would have quickly ended in her own death as she had just attacked a sorceror with no weapons and no armour. In fact, she had no more than bindings and disgraceful attire she would never have willingly donned. This was only prevented by the crack of bolt pistol and the chants of faithful Adepta Sororitas attacking from ambush. A member of the Orders Venatori had found this slaving operation and led their former peers and current disciple within the Order of the Burning Rose to end this threat. Being able to rescue the surviving Hospitallers was an added bonus.

The distraction of her attack upon their leader and the resulting disorganization of the cultist reaction quickly ended the battle with overwhelming success. She recoiled from the concerned coddling and turned away the apology of a sister caught watching the scantily clad or naked prisoners with "inappropriate admiration" with a fierce kiss.

"No! This is my body, not yours and DEFINITELY not theirs. I will TELL you if I consider your admiration inappropriate! ...but ...can you do something about my hands? Ow. Ow! OW!"

This occasioned a number of laughs and incredulous expressions from the armoured Sisters about her but no more so than her immediate approach to the squad's leader following her wounds being treated and numbed. She did not even wait until the return to a safe zone, quietly insisting that she needed to know who she had to contact to transfer to the Order of the Burning Rose. Her debt to both her rescuers and tormenters demanded she spare some time from medicae kit and augmentation bay for boltgun and power armour.

She was eventually dissuaded from pursuing the matter... well, dissuaded for the duration of the march back to secure transport and only by dint of direct order. She bulled past concerns for her size (it was barely adequate to fit within the Sororitas power armour), her recovery (it would only be enhanced by way of a bolt in every cultist's head) or her duty (it was as much to her Sisters wounded in battle as to the guardsmen and spacemen of the fleet). A DEBT WAS OWED.... and she would repay it. The transfer was soon accommodated and she soon found her Schola training updated to the standards of an Order Militant. She had only minor difficulty with the physical requirements but the rigid adherence to honour and tradition of some chafed at her. She eventually gravitated into closer association with those most similar to her rescuers: Sisters formerly of the Orders Venatori or tutored by the same in their ways. Their pragmatism and acceptance of reality appealed to her methodical nature.

"This fine lady is Enduring Paragon... you have the look of her last bearer. Here, this is what happened to her."
"How did she come to this? Were her Sisters out of view? Her enemies?"
"No, girl, she had no Sisters left. No enemies either. She died alone but she finished the mission. Can you do the same?"

When she was accepted as an adequately trained battle-sister, she was brought to the Armory to receive the power armour which she would bear, possibly for the remainder of her days. The grizzled woman tossed her a data slate once her focus settled on a particular set. It was not the most elaborate or the strongest, an older example of the lighter Sabbat Pattern. It was marked by a history of those who finished the tasks set down in death by their Sisters, alone and friendless at the end but still successful. Often, the bearers ending up joining them in the finishing.

She imagined all of the scars and wounds hidden behind the fresh red bonding agent coating most of the surface of what she knew to be her armour now. She was strong enough to bear the burden alone if needed, not that she would let her Sisters be taken from her without a fight... she was still a Sister Hospitaller, in part. The vivid colour mesmerized her like a flame and she knew she would not waste the Father's burning Wrath upon any but the most corrupt. A bolt would be enough to show the xenos or the mutant the consequences of their path but, in time, the solar light of plasma would cleanse the heretic. If necessary, the pure flame of the Father would wreak vengeance upon their vile assistance wrenched bodily from the Warp.

...choose to serve the Father of the Imperium
"The Father gives us the choice to be Blessed or to be corrupt. He creates the path and allows us to walk it in our own manner, to Him or away from Him." not deny the right and need of all to choose and accept the consequences of that choice
"You do not have to choose the same as I.... but should your choice endanger those the Father Protects, it is my honour to show you the consequence of that choice." -readies boltgun-
...honoured to be the mother of a Son of the Emperor (Astartes)
"You can be no closer to the Father than to be the mother of a Son of the Emperor."
...every Astartes was once of woman born
"No woman has ever carried the gene-seed of the Astartes. No man has ever carried the boy to accept that burden."
...a strong child needs a strong mother not deny your nature as a woman
...sexuality can be a pure reflection within the shared bodies of the connection of shared minds
"There is nothing shameful in letting your body celebrate the intimacy that your mind already knows."
...sexuality is rendered corrupt by carnality and rote indulgence
"There is nothing MORE shameful than making your body revel for the sake of boredom or in isolation."
...exalt both mind (to make the choice with wisdom) and body (to fulfill the choice with fortitude) not pollute the mind or the body for that makes the choice meaningless
"I will not drug him. However, the consequences of his corrupt ways and our choice to protect the Father's faithful demand that information so he should hope he is strong enough to bear what I shall need to do with my excruciator kit..."

Tervinus the Scribe-Saint
"From the ashes of war I will scribe a new legend. One of a golden realm, known to all the Imperium as Araxes."

One of the less popular of the major saints, Tervinus is the Scribe-Saint, the Administratum Lord who kept the Sector from collapsing after the death of Selverus and the end of the Crusade, and rebuilt its broken worlds and salved its eternal rivalries. It was he who built the system of law that maintains Araxes, and if not for him the Sector would have fallen once more. Worshiped mostly by the Administratum, but also by many lords who worship him as a Saint of governing and rule. Established the position of Auditors, who go around trouble-shooting (sometimes literally) problems with wide branching powers. There is some controversy over him, due to supposedly sidelining the Adeptus Arbites and ensuring that even to this day they would be in a weak position. Most faithful, naturally, deny these claims.

Base Movement: 3 (AB)
Wounds: 10/10
A Faith point can be used at any time, either on the character's own turn or in reaction to the action of another character. Spending a Fate point is a Free Action, and allows a Player Character to do one of the following:

1. Gain a +20 bonus to a Test. This must be chosen before the dice are rolled.
2. Add 1 degree of success to a successful Test. This may be chosen after the dice are rolled.

Spent Faith Points are refreshed immediately upon the beginning of a new mission, or the achieval of a major milestone on a longer mission. Faith points may also be refreshed for minor Acts of Faith such as shielding a civilian against autopistols rather than immediately pursue an objective or going out of a character's way to torch a false idol to an alien god. Rarely, Faith points may be refreshed for particularly good roleplaying, particularly if it comes at risk to the character.

In the face of certain death, sometimes spending a Faith point is not enough. The player may burn Faith points, permanently losing them in exchange for a greater boon that may turn the balance in their favor or, at least, save the Sister from an immediate demise.

Burning a Fate point is a Free Action and allows a Player Character to do one of the following:
1. Add 3 Degrees of Success to a successful Test. This may be chosen after the dice are rolled.
2. Automatically pass any Test that is no harder than Difficult(-10)

A player can burn Faith Points regardless of the number of Faith points their Sister currently has spent. Even a player who has spent all of his Sister's Faith points during that session can burn Faith Points. The Sister begins the next session with one less Fate point per Fate burned.
Insanity: 0
Corruption: 0

38 Weapon Skill (25 +13)
38 Ballistic Skill (25 +13)
35 Strength (25 (+12 >> +10 trade PER) )
35 Toughness (25 (+14 >> +10 trade INT) )
37 Agility (25 +12)
42 Intelligence (25 (+10 >> +14 trade TOU) +3)
40 Perception (25 (+10 >> +12 trade STR) +3)
40 Willpower (25 (+10 >> +15 choice reroll) )
35 Fellowship (25 (+4 >> +10 lowest averaged) )

- Basic -

- Advanced -
Linguistics (Low Gothic, High Gothic)
Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus, Technology)
Lore (Adepta Sororitas, Imperial Creed, War)
Lore (Ecclesiarchy, Imperium)
Medicae +10 (+10 to roll)
Pilot (Ground)

--Technomat +10

- Medicae -
You are trained in the most advanced medical techniques known to man. You gain a +10 bonus on all Medicae Tests. If you are treating a Heavily or Critically Wounded patient, a successful Test twice the normal amount of Wounds. If this character is has failed a Test to resist losing a limb from a Critical Hit and you start an Intensive Medical Care within 3 hours of the injury, then with a successful Difficult (-10) Medicae Test you can also provide the patient with a new Test to resist this loss and this new Test is made with +20 bonus, though it is still further modified by the level of facilities and equipment available. This new Test is made after receiving two days of Intensive Medical Care. This does not help recovering automatically lost limbs.

This Talent allows you to attempt installation of bionics and cybernetic implants.
The Character may make a Routine (+20) Medicae Test while in contact with another wounded character. If he succeeds, so long as he remains with the patient and the patient does not move, take any strenuous actions or suffer further harm, the patient need not roll for Blood Loss and his condition does not otherwise worsen.
Even if a character is untrained in the Medicae skill, they may still assist you. In addition, you suffer no penalties on Medicae tests for additional patients.

- Melee -
You have reason to hate one particular race or organisation and your malice hones your melee attacks. When fighting opponents that qualify as members of that group, you gain a +10 bonus to all Weapon Skill Tests made to attack them. You also gain +20 to any Willpower Test caused by Actions of your hated opponents. When trying to interact with group you hate, you suffer -15 penalty to your Fellowship.

- Mental Fortitude -
The character may use Resolve or their Willpower characteristic when making an Evasion Reaction against ranged or melee attacks against him made with psychic powers. When successfully evading an attack with an area of effect, the character does not move but instead is simply unaffected by the psychic power.
You have seen the worst the galaxy has to throw at you to the point that you are acclimatised to the worst horrors. You never gain Insanity Points from the sight of blood, death or violence, or indeed any mundane horror. Supernatural terrors still affect you as normal, however, as due that which border on the supernatural, such as Titans or technosorcery. Close personal loss may also be cause for gaining insanity.
Your faith that the Emperor will preserve you is so strong that you are unafraid of stepping into danger. You may re-roll any failed Willpower Tests to avoid the effects of Fear. With Resist Fear talent, you gain +20 to your Willpower instead of +10.

An Industrial World character reduces penalties for speaking to a member of the Mechanicus by one step to a maximum of +0. They also gain a +10 bonus to any Technomat test, Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus) and Lore (Technology).

Base Movement: 6 (AB +1)
--AP 12 (includes Being Aflame, Force weapons, Psychic attacks; Location: All)
--AP 14 (against Heat, SP, Blast (as long as they were not on the spot where the explosion originated), Primitive weapons; Location: All)
Wounds: 10/10
A Faith point can be used at any time, either on the character's own turn or in reaction to the action of another character. Spending a Fate point is a Free Action, and allows a Player Character to do one of the following:

1. Gain a +20 bonus to a Test. This must be chosen before the dice are rolled.
2. Add 1 degree of success to a successful Test. This may be chosen after the dice are rolled.

Spent Faith Points are refreshed immediately upon the beginning of a new mission, or the achieval of a major milestone on a longer mission. Faith points may also be refreshed for minor Acts of Faith such as shielding a civilian against autopistols rather than immediately pursue an objective or going out of a character's way to torch a false idol to an alien god. Rarely, Faith points may be refreshed for particularly good roleplaying, particularly if it comes at risk to the character.

In the face of certain death, sometimes spending a Faith point is not enough. The player may burn Faith points, permanently losing them in exchange for a greater boon that may turn the balance in their favor or, at least, save the Sister from an immediate demise.

Burning a Fate point is a Free Action and allows a Player Character to do one of the following:
1. Add 3 Degrees of Success to a successful Test. This may be chosen after the dice are rolled.
2. Automatically pass any Test that is no harder than Difficult(-10)

A player can burn Faith Points regardless of the number of Faith points their Sister currently has spent. Even a player who has spent all of his Sister's Faith points during that session can burn Faith Points. The Sister begins the next session with one less Fate point per Fate burned.

38 Weapon Skill
38 Ballistic Skill
35 Strength (Unnatural 0)
35 Toughness
37 Agility (Unnatural 2, +10 to roll)
42 Intelligence
40 Perception
40 Willpower (+10 against psychic attack-manipulation)
35 Fellowship

- Basic -

- Advanced -
Linguistics (Low Gothic, High Gothic)
Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus, Technology)
Lore (Adepta Sororitas, Imperial Creed, War)
Lore (Ecclesiarchy, Imperium)
Medicae +10 (+10 to roll)
Pilot (Ground)
Psyniscience +0

--Hearing +10, Intimidate +10, Resistance (toxin-poison) +10, Resistance (heat-cold; only when unbreached) +30, Technomat +10, Vision +10
--all rolls needing finger finesse -20, Concealment -10
--Critical Damage -2 (not in Weak Area), Immunity (photon flash grenades, void), Immunity (most environmental hazards; only when unbreached), Stunned (max 1 turn)
--enemy: attack rolls +10, Penetration -1, DoS -1 (not in Weak Area), Tearing negated (not in Weak Area)

- Mental Fortitude -
You are able to remain calm, even when bullets fly past and bombs fall around you not mention seeing dying comrades and raging monsters. You may re-roll a failed Willpower Test to avoid or recover from Pinning or Fear or similar shocking event.

A creature with this Trait sees normally even in areas of total darkness and never takes a penalty for fighting in areas of dim or no lighting.

+10 to resist toxins and poison. Stuns last a maximum of one turn. 6 doses of pain suppressant which allow the user to ignore critical effects lesser than the loss of a limb for 1d10 rounds.

If an attack strikes with no additional Degrees of Success, the attack suffers -3 damage and -3 pen. Last two hits in a burst are always Deflected.

The armor is marked by dozens of the rose sigils favored by the Order of the Burning Rose, each a symbol of a day where its wearer stood up for the principles of the Adepta Sororitas in the face of the most terrible of odds. Now, the armor stands as an icon of defiance, spitting in the eye of the Enemies of Mankind. Upon successfully resisting a Fear Test or Psychic attack, the wearer may add half her DoS to the rolls of those who also had to defend against the ability. Anyone who did not need to defend against the ability or who succeeded by more than 3 DoS becomes Inspired by the wearer's act of defiance.

A previous wearer of this suit was involved in a terrible battle that saw every other member of her squad wiped out. Perhaps she fought her way clear, perhaps she was left for dead, or perhaps it was just dumb luck. Either way, fate played a hand that day, and has continued to smile upon the subsequent occupants of the armour too. The wearer gains an extra Faith Point at the beginning of every mission. It is lost again at the end of the mission if it has not been used.

Can sustain wearer's life when no other food is available. After a day that no other source of nutrition is ingested, make a Challenging(+0) Toughness Test every three hours or you suffer one level of Fatigue until nutrition is consumed. The Difficulty of this test increases by one step for every day that passes without food sustenance.

-1 pen to enemy weapons. -1 damage if the weapon fails to fully penetrate.

An enemy may aim for the weak points with a Called Shot. If they succeed by 3 DoS, AP is lowered by 3.

--AP 12 (includes Being Aflame, Force weapons, Psychic attacks; Location: All)
--AP 14 (against Heat, SP, Blast (as long as they were not on the spot where the explosion originated), Primitive weapons; Location: All)
--Unnatural S 0, Unnatural A 2, A +10 (movement only), A roll +10, WP +10 (psychic attacks and manipulations)
--grants Psyniscience +0
--Hearing +10, Intimidate +10, Resistance (toxin-poison) +10, Resistance (heat-cold; only when unbreached) +30, Vision +10
--grants Nerves of Steel
--grants Auto Injectors and Bio-Monitor, Dark Sight, Deflect, Exemplar of the Rose, Last Survivor, Nutrient Recycling, Very Hard
--Critical Damage -2 (not in Weak Area), Immunity (photon flash grenades, void), Immunity (most environmental hazards; only when unbreached), Stunned (max 1 turn)
--enemy: attack roll +10, Penetration -1, DoS -1 (not in Weak Area), Tearing negated (not in Weak Area)
--all rolls needing finger finesse -20, Concealment -10
--grants Weak Area (3)
--Availability n/a; Weight n/a
--Class: Melee (primitive); Damage 1d5 +1 +SB I; Penetration 0
These weapons are easy to keep on hand and compact enough to carry comfortably for prolonged periods. They are also quite compact in size making them usable in tight spaces. Agile weapons can be Aimed as a Free Action but this only gives +5 to Weapon Skill.
Weapon delivers impacts that bend armour letting pressure into body causing often broken bones and internal bleeding. When checking for Critical Hit Damage, target's Toughness Bonus is halved even when the hit did not reduce Armour Points to zero.
This weapon is very light and agile to use. If it is used to make an attack in melee, it grants its wielder +2 to Agility Bonus when determining Initiative. When used to make a Counter-Attack, the weapon grants +10 to Weapon Skill. Opponents that would Parry an attack against a weapon with the Fast quality take a –10 penalty on their Weapon Skill Tests unless the opponent is Parrying with a weapon that has Fast, Shield or Defensive quality.
These weapons are used when trying to capture or take down someone without killing him. They have a special design that allows using them effectively in a Grapple. These weapons do not cause any Penalties to the user's Strength when grappling.
Crude and basic in design, these kinds of weapons, while still deadly, are less effective against modern armour. All Armour Points are doubled against hits from Primitive weapon unless the armour also has the Primitive quality.
Heavy and difficult to ready after an attack, these kinds of weapons impose a –15% penalty when used to Parry. Unbalanced weapons cannot be used to make Counter-Attacks.
This weapon has a weak structure. Weak quality weapons break when a Parry with them results in a Fumble while the Attack from a non-Flimsy weapon succeeds. They also shatter when an Attack with them results in a Fumble while a Parry via a non-Flimsy weapon. Weak weapons do not gain any bonuses to Penetration or Damage when used to make All-Out Attacks.

Originally designed as protection when handling overheated conduit pipes or plasma coils, many armsmen have adapted them into melee weapons. The padded exteriors are stripped away and extra metal riveting is added, sometimes with spikes or other adornments to increase the force of each blow.
A vox is a simple communication device that can be used to send signals over great distances, up to and including ships in orbit from a planet's surface.
Heavy and bulky, these oversized shoes contain electromagnets that, when activated, allow the user to adhere to metallic surfaces such as exterior hull plating. Walking in them takes some effort but they allow for a much easier time when working outside a ship or in areas where grav plating has failed. Magboots allow him to move about normally in areas of low or no gravity as long as there is a suitable surface to walk on.
The Magnetic Harness finds use on many Calixian worlds where Hive structures and readily abundant metal surfaces are not common occurrences or where an Arbitrator must operate alone. The multiple magnets can either be used as simple surfaces or as magnetic field generators of their own. The first of their type were simple metal plates, strapped to the arms, legs and torso of the Arbitrators of Iocanthos, but the system has long since been refined by Calixian Tech-Adepts.

Each magnetic plate can be activated and deactivated individually, holding a weapon, piece of equipment or even a suspect to the plate. Simple taps on the center of the plate set the device to release when pressure is applied or to hold until the Arbitrator inputs a command sequence. An Arbitrator with a magnetic harness is treated as having the Quick Draw Talent, usable on any object stored on his magnetic harness. He may also stow equipment weapons as a Free Action if they have the Quick Draw Talent.

Magnetic harness can hold up to 3 weapons that weight no more than 6kg each and it has a very large mag-strip on the back which is capable of mounting a single basic weapon of up to 10kg in weight. Good and better Craftsmanship versions can hold up to 4 weapons that weight no more than 6kg each and up to two basic weapons on the back that weight no more than 13kg each.
Consisting of a mask or helmet, re-breathers contain their own air supply and are designed to preserve the user in even the most toxic atmospheres. A character wearing a re-breather is immune to the effects of gases and can even survive underwater.

backstory, acquisition

An uncommon pattern that was supposedly inspired by the civilian power armor Sabbat wore during her Crusade, the armor is notable for its abnormal focus on maneuverability. Sophisticated servo muscles typically used to support stronger blows are used instead to further lighten the armor and augment the user's movement. Although it has some popularity among the Seraphim, many find that the loss of strength hampers the strength of their blows and ability to control heavy weapons too greatly.

In a fit of irony Sabbat herself would likely not appreciate, the assassins of the non-Militant and dishonorable Orders Venatori are known to favor such armor when faced with missions that require heavier armor than typical as the curious servo-muscle design greatly reduce the noise produced by the armor.

The armor is marked by dozens of the rose sigils favored by the Order of the Burning Rose, each a symbol of a day where its wearer stood up for the principles of the Adepta Sororitas in the face of the most terrible of odds. Now, the armor stands as an icon of defiance, spitting in the eye of the Enemies of Mankind. Upon successfully resisting a Fear Test or Psychic attack, the wearer may add half her DoS to the rolls of those who also had to defend against the ability. Anyone who did not need to defend against the ability or who succeeded by more than 3 DoS becomes Inspired by the wearer's act of defiance.

A previous wearer of this suit was involved in a terrible battle that saw every other member of her squad wiped out. Perhaps she fought her way clear, perhaps she was left for dead, or perhaps it was just dumb luck. Either way, fate played a hand that day, and has continued to smile upon the subsequent occupants of the armour too. The wearer gains an extra Faith Point at the beginning of every mission. It is lost again at the end of the mission if it has not been used.

+2 AP against SP weapons, primitive weapons and weapons with the Blast Quality (as long as they were not on the spot where the explosion originated)

Counts as a rebreather that never needs refilling.

+10 against Toxin and poison. Stuns last a maximum of one turn. 6 doses of pain suppressant which allow the user to ignore critical effects lesser than the loss of a limb for 1d10 rounds.

Provides full AP against psychic attacks and force weapons. Grants +10 WP against psychic attacks and manipulation.

Includes a long range vox-system

While worn, grants the Nerves of Steel talent.

If an attack strikes with no additional Degrees of Success, the attack suffers -3 damage and -3 pen. Last two hits in a burst are always Deflected.

Grants Unnatural Agility (2). Gain +10 to Agility tests.

Grants Unnatural Strength (0).

Immune to most environmental hazards if armor not breached. +30 to Heat and Cold tests while armor is not breached.

Wearers become Hulking and gain +10 to Intimidate checks.

+2 AP against heat weapons. Offers full AP against being aflame.

-1 DoS to enemy attacks. Negates tearing on enemy weapons. Negates the first two points of Critical Damage. Does not effect hits scored into weak points.

Built in Magnetic Harness.

Can sustain wearer's life when no other food is available. After a day that no other source of nutrition is ingested, make a Challenging(+0) Toughness Test every three hours or you suffer one level of Fatigue until nutrition is consumed. The Difficulty of this test increases by one step for every day that passes without food sustenance.

The wearer suffers a -20 penalty to any test involving the use of his fingers for finesse.

Gain +10 to Vision and Hearing. Gain Dark Sight trait and immunity to photon flash grenades. Gain Psyniscience (or +10 if they already have it).

-1 pen to enemy weapons. -1 damage if the weapon fails to fully penetrate.

Immune to the effects of vacuum. Gains inbuilt mag-boots.

An enemy may aim for the weak points with a Called Shot. If they succeed by 3 DoS, AP is lowered by 3.

Armored gauntlet loses the Flimsy, Light and Unarmed qualities. In addition, it gains the Crushing quality.

--AV Very Rare; 4kg
--AP 4 (includes Being Aflame; Location: Arms-Body-Legs)
--AP 6 (against Flame, Igniting, Las, Melta weapons; Location: Arms-Body-Legs)
--AP 2 (against Crushing weapons; Location: Arms-Body-Legs)
--Resistance (cold) +10, Resistance (heat) +40
--grants Flexible, Heat Resistance, Protective
--grants Suit

When not clad in their well-known power armour, the Adepta Sororitas will often wear their armoured robes. These are consecrated mesh robes designed for both devotional study and martial training. Traditionally worn by the Orders Non-militant in their support roles and by noviciates as they are being instructed in the ways of the sisterhood, they act as secondary clothes for a Battle Sister while their power armour is being maintained or when they return to their Convent. Eschewing regular clothing, the robes and the power armour are typically all a Battle Sister will wear.

Shield Robes are not limited to Adepta Sororotas, Clerics who find themselves in combat or who bring faith and fire to the enemies will also wear them. Often these robes are stylized and detailed with images from the lives of Saints or with iconography meaningful to a single cult.

Armour is flexible and allows free movement. Flexible armour can be worn under or on top of other pieces of armour without too much hindrance. Flexible armour can be stacked (see Stacking Armour), however flexible armour cannot be worn over non-flexible armour unless it has also Cover quality. The AP of flexible armour is halved (rounding down) against any hits from weapons with Crushing quality.
The armour protects extremely well against damage done by heat. This is achieved often with complex multilayer multi-material structure. If whole suit is heat protected, the wearer may Test Willpower to ignore being aflame and act normally. The AP of this armour is increased by 2 against any hits from weapons with Las, Flame, Melta or Igniting qualities. Heat Resistant armour also offer its AP against damage caused from being aflame. The wearer also gains +30 to all Heat Tests.
Wearing armour lets your body withstand impacts far more effectively. If armour is not penetrated fully the Toughness Bonus on the hit location is not halved when checking for if the hit was a Critical Hit. This does not apply to Damage done to head. Wearing Protective armour also provides +10 to all Cold Tests and Heat Tests if up to one hit location is left uncovered.
The armour consists of several layers stacked armour or is otherwise built to adjust to the wearer's body. Armour with Suit quality cannot be worn over other armour, not even over armour with Flexible quality.

When an armour stack has Suit quality, parts of these armours are formed and linked well enough to allow its user to move unhindered even with such layered coating. Therefore the wearer of armour stack with Suit amour does not suffer any penalties due to stacking armour. Consider Suit armour as a single layer of armour for purposes of checking penalties for stacking armour.

--Availability Very Rare; Weight 6kg
--Class: Basic (bolt) weapon; Range 90m; RoF S/2/-; Damage 1d10+5 X; Penetration 4; Clip 30; Reload Full
(Availability Rare; +0.5kg)

This is a laser sight that grants a +10 bonus to Ballistic Skill Tests when the weapon is fired on single shot or on Semi-Auto Burst at target that is no further than 60m away. The sight emits a dot visible only for a holovisor. This sight does not work in a thick fog or smoke.
(Availability Average; +1kg)

Telescopic sights magnify the target's image, especially useful for long-range shots that need to hit a very specific target location. A weapon with a telescopic sight ignores penalties for long range and for making called shots and reduces the penalty for extreme range to -10 as long as the shooter takes a Full Action to Aim. Also when firing with a Braced weapon at targets within short or normal range a weapon with telescopic sight gains all the benefits from Full Action Aim even when taking only a Half-Action to Aim.
These weapons are easy to keep on hand and compact enough to carry comfortably for prolonged periods. They are also quite compact in size making them usable in tight spaces. Agile weapons can be Aimed as a Free Action but this only gives +10 bonus to Ballistic Skill. Agile weapons can be fired in one hand with only a –10 penalty rather than the normal –20 for basic weapons
Bolt ammunition is capable of penetrating deep and explodes after reaching inner tissues of its target. Shots fired receive an additional +1 Damage for every two Degrees of Success. When the weapon inflicts multiple hits, this bonus is given only by those Degrees of Success that generate hits to the same target and the bonus only applies to first hit that would deal Damage to each target. For example, Semi-Auto Burst from boltgun scores three Degrees of Success indicating two hits. Firer scores both hits on the same target. First hit receives +1 Damage for there was total of two hits to that target and the rest of the hits deal damage normally. Due to their safety mechanism that prevents premature explosion, any hits with Bolt weapons that are scored on targets within Point Blank range always have Damage Type Piercing.
Proven weapons always inflict massive trauma and treat any Damage die roll lower than 3 as if it were 3 even if this is greater than actual maximum that could be achieved with the die.
Such is the weapon's ferocious recoil, it requires SB 4+ to be used without problems. Weaker characters suffer a –10 BS penalty for each point of SB below 4. When Braced, add +2 to SB when checking for SB requirement.
Based on tried and true technology, Reliable weapons seldom fail. If a Reliable weapon Jams, roll 1d10 and only on a roll of 10 has it in fact Jammed, otherwise it just misses as normal.
Ranged weapons use explosive or multi-shot ammunition that is very likely to cause severe damage by shredding the victim's tissues. These weapons deal devastating damage to any unarmoured target and to those whose armour is too weak to protect them. If the victim does not benefit from Protection armour quality, these weapons add +2 to any rolled Critical Effect.

Designed specifically for the Adepta Sororitas and blessed by the Canonesses of the Orders, these venerated weapons are presented to an Adepta Sororitas upon becoming a Battle Sister. The Sisterhood considers the venerated Godwyn-De'az bolt weapons heirlooms; each one carefully maintained by highly specialized servitors and trusted servants. This pattern bolter has great significance to the Adepta Sororitas, not only as a powerful weapon against the enemies of mankind but also as a symbol of the Emperor's judgement and of the sister's personal connection to her faith.
--Availability Rare; Weight 3.3kg
--Class: Pistol (bolt) weapon; Range 30m; RoF S/2/-; Damage 1d10+6 X; Penetration 4; Clip 6; Reload Full
Bolt ammunition is capable of penetrating deep and explodes after reaching inner tissues of its target. Shots fired receive an additional +1 Damage for every two Degrees of Success. When the weapon inflicts multiple hits, this bonus is given only by those Degrees of Success that generate hits to the same target and the bonus only applies to first hit that would deal Damage to each target. For example, Semi-Auto Burst from boltgun scores three Degrees of Success indicating two hits. Firer scores both hits on the same target. First hit receives +1 Damage for there was total of two hits to that target and the rest of the hits deal damage normally. Due to their safety mechanism that prevents premature explosion, any hits with Bolt weapons that are scored on targets within Point Blank range always have Damage Type Piercing.
Proven weapons always inflict massive trauma and treat any Damage die roll lower than 3 as if it were 3 even if this is greater than actual maximum that could be achieved with the die.
Such is the weapon's ferocious recoil, it requires SB 4+ to be used without problems. Weaker characters suffer a –10 BS penalty for each point of SB below 4. Unless the firer has SB 4+, this counts as a Basic weapon and must be used with two hands. When Braced, add +2 to SB when checking for SB requirement.
Ranged weapons use explosive or multi-shot ammunition that is very likely to cause severe damage by shredding the victim's tissues. These weapons deal devastating damage to any unarmoured target and to those whose armour is too weak to protect them. If the victim does not benefit from Protection armour quality, these weapons add +2 to any rolled Critical Effect.

This class of bolt pistol is produced under secret license for the Ordos Calixis by the Fane of Orthlack on Scintilla, and is based on the ancient and venerated Godwyn-De'az patterns used by Adepta Sororitas. Although bolt pistols are both relatively rare and expensive to maintain, their great killing power is extremely valued, and the Sacristan, branded and sealed with the symbol of the Holy Ordos itself, is the chosen sidearm of many Inquisitors and senior Acolytes alike who see it as a mark of rank.
Velorum-Pattern gladius
--Availability n/a; Weight n/a
--Class: Melee (primitive); Damage 1d5 +1 +SB I; Penetration 0
These weapons are easy to keep on hand and compact enough to carry comfortably for prolonged periods. They are also quite compact in size making them usable in tight spaces. Agile weapons can be Aimed as a Free Action but this only gives +5 to Weapon Skill.
Weapon delivers impacts that bend armour letting pressure into body causing often broken bones and internal bleeding. When checking for Critical Hit Damage, target's Toughness Bonus is halved even when the hit did not reduce Armour Points to zero.
This weapon is very light and agile to use. If it is used to make an attack in melee, it grants its wielder +2 to Agility Bonus when determining Initiative. When used to make a Counter-Attack, the weapon grants +10 to Weapon Skill. Opponents that would Parry an attack against a weapon with the Fast quality take a –10 penalty on their Weapon Skill Tests unless the opponent is Parrying with a weapon that has Fast, Shield or Defensive quality.
These weapons are used when trying to capture or take down someone without killing him. They have a special design that allows using them effectively in a Grapple. These weapons do not cause any Penalties to the user's Strength when grappling.
Crude and basic in design, these kinds of weapons, while still deadly, are less effective against modern armour. All Armour Points are doubled against hits from Primitive weapon unless the armour also has the Primitive quality.
Heavy and difficult to ready after an attack, these kinds of weapons impose a –15% penalty when used to Parry. Unbalanced weapons cannot be used to make Counter-Attacks.
This weapon has a weak structure. Weak quality weapons break when a Parry with them results in a Fumble while the Attack from a non-Flimsy weapon succeeds. They also shatter when an Attack with them results in a Fumble while a Parry via a non-Flimsy weapon. Weak weapons do not gain any bonuses to Penetration or Damage when used to make All-Out Attacks.

Originally designed as protection when handling overheated conduit pipes or plasma coils, many armsmen have adapted them into melee weapons. The padded exteriors are stripped away and extra metal riveting is added, sometimes with spikes or other adornments to increase the force of each blow.
--Availability n/a; Weight n/a
--Class: Melee (primitive); Damage 1d5 +3 +SB R; Penetration 0
This weapon is very light and agile to use. If it is used to make an attack in melee, it grants its wielder +2 to Agility Bonus when determining Initiative. When used to make a Counter-Attack, the weapon grants +10 to Weapon Skill. Opponents that would Parry an attack against a weapon with the Fast quality take a –10 penalty on their Weapon Skill Tests unless the opponent is Parrying with a weapon that has Fast, Shield or Defensive quality.
When a Light weapon is used to Parry an incoming blow, its wielder may make a Counter-Attack if he wins the Parry by one or more Degrees. The user of a Light weapon is able to spend his Reaction to attempt a Parry against a Counter-Attack with -10 Penalty even when using Standard Attack or Multiple Attacks Combat Actions. The weapon can also be used to make two Standard or Guarded Attacks or one additional Attack with Multiple Attacks Action. This extra Attack can be combined with any other bonuses, Skills and Talents that give more attacks or with wielding two weapons.
Crude and basic in design, these kinds of weapons, while still deadly, are less effective against modern armour. All Armour Points are doubled against hits from Primitive weapon unless the armour also has the Primitive quality.
This weapon has a weak structure. Weak quality weapons break when a Parry with them results in a Fumble while the Attack from a non-Flimsy weapon succeeds. They also shatter when an Attack with them results in a Fumble while a Parry via a non-Flimsy weapon. Weak weapons do not gain any bonuses to Penetration or Damage when used to make All-Out Attacks.

These oversized bladed weapons are almost to the size of a short sword. Each has a heavy, straight-edged blade designed to cut flesh as well as puncture light armour and can be affixed to most basic weapons as a bayonet.
--Availability Common; Weight 0.5kg
--Class: Thrown; Range SB x3m; RoF S/-/-; Damage 2d10 X; Penetration 0
This grenade creates an explosion when it hits its target. The weapon has a round area of effect with a 4 meter radius. This area is centred on the point of impact resolved after weapon fire. Any character within the area of effect automatically suffers a hit that does Damage equal to the Damage value of the weapon plus (4 minus distance in full meters from the centre of the blast). The Damage is halved if the character is prone. Note that Blast weapons that deal Damage are likely to damage or destroy any clothing worn by those who suffer a hit from the Blast.
Whenever a jam results from throwing a grenade or firing a grenade, something unfortunate has happened. Roll on the table below to find out the results.

(1–5) Dud. The explosive or round fails to explode and, in the case of grenade launchers, the weapon must be reloaded before it can fire.
(6–8)"It might be ok…" Nothing happens. This explosive has Unstable quality and, if it already had this, it also has Unreliable quality.
(9–0) BOOM! The round or explosive detonates immediately. Centre the effect on the character.

These grenades use an explosive charge and special fillers of shrapnel fragments. Imperial frag grenades are roughly the size of a clenched fist and covered with a heavily notched shell, both to increase the shrapnel produced and provide a more secure grip for throwing.
--Availability Rare; Weight 0.5kg
--Class: Thrown; Range SB x3m; RoF S/-/-; Damage 2d10+4 X; Penetration 8
Whenever a jam results from throwing a grenade or firing a grenade, something unfortunate has happened. Roll on the table below to find out the results.

(1–5) Dud. The explosive or round fails to explode and, in the case of grenade launchers, the weapon must be reloaded before it can fire.
(6–8)"It might be ok…" Nothing happens. This explosive has Unstable quality and, if it already had this, it also has Unreliable quality.
(9–0) BOOM! The round or explosive detonates immediately. Centre the effect on the character.
This weapon is able to penetrate even through hard armour as long as they haven't lost too much energy or the weapon is sufficiently well formed or heavy enough to allow it to cut through armour with relative ease. If the target is at up to Extreme Range, then the hit gains +1 to penetration for every Degree of Success.

Krak grenades have powerful concentrated explosives designed to punch holes in armoured targets such as vehicles or bunkers. While stronger than frag grenades, krak detonations do not produce a Blast effect and their more focused explosion makes them impractical for use against people.

The Order Hospitaller equips its Sisters with best battlefield medicine tools found outside the Apothecaries of the Adeptus Astartes. The kit has a variety of sacred oils, unguents, surgical tools, and sterilizers to help those who lay wounded in battle.

The Hospitaller Medicae Tools counts as a medikit with 6 doses of De-Tox, 10 doses of Stimm. In addition, the Sister Hospitaller may amputate a damaged limb (or what remains) and inject a cocktail of drugs that provide numbness, succour and cauterises the wound. This provides a +20 bonus to stop Blood Loss and a +10 bonus to all Tests to amputate limbs. Whether the amputation succeeds or not, there are no additional adverse effects than those already going on.

This is vital bit of equipment for any medic. A typical medikit contains various cataplasm patches, contraseptics and synth-skin. A character that has a medikit at hand when using the Medicae skill gains a +20 bonus to their first-aid tests.

This drug can negate the effects of most dangerous gases and toxins if administered fast enough. A dose of de-tox immediately ends the ongoing effects, both positive and negative, of any drugs, toxins or gases affecting the character (unless the effect states that de-tox is not effective against them).

Using de-tox is both painful and debilitating, causing such unpleasant side effects as vomiting, nose bleeds and a great voiding of the bowels. Upon taking this drug, a character is Stunned for a number of Rounds equal to 1d10 minus his Toughness Bonus. A result of 0 or less means, that the character suffers no ill effects. (Unaddictive.)
Stimm is a powerful drug that works to mask pain and drive fighters on when their bodies would otherwise give up. A dose of stimm lasts 3d10 Rounds. During this time a character ignores any negative effects to their Characteristics from Fatigue, Damage or Critical Damage and cannot be Stunned. In addition to this the character gains +10 bonus to all Strength, Agility and Toughness Tests. If the character is unconscious or stunned when stimm is given, he immediately gains consciousness and shakes of stunned state. When the stimm wears off, the character takes a –20 penalty to Strength, Toughness and Agility Tests for one hour. (Unaddictive.)

The Hospitaller Medicae Tools also has an automated reparatory unit that can be attached as Challenging Medicae Test to any patient that is totally still or otherwise restrained from moving. The patient gains Regeneration trait for a number of turns equal to one plus one for each Degree of Success made when attaching the automated reparatory unit. The reparatory unit is consumed in this process.

Creatures with this Trait heal very quickly. Each Round at the start of its Turn, the creature takes a Toughness Test to remove a point of Damage for each Degree of Success. This Test is made with -10 Penalty if the creature is Heavily Wounded and with -20 Penalty if the creature is Critically Wounded.

When the creature removes any Wounds, it automatically stops all Bleeding and ends any on-going effects of Poisons, Diseases or Drugs. Also it will heal all Critical Damage done to a chosen hit location each time it removes a Wound, however the creature can choose to regrow lost limbs after having recovered Wounds equal to its Toughness Bonus or if it has recovered from all Damage it has suffered.

The creature loses this Trait when slain.
A vox is a simple communication device that can be used to send signals over great distances, up to and including ships in orbit from a planet's surface.
Heavy and bulky, these oversized shoes contain electromagnets that, when activated, allow the user to adhere to metallic surfaces such as exterior hull plating. Walking in them takes some effort but they allow for a much easier time when working outside a ship or in areas where grav plating has failed. Magboots allow him to move about normally in areas of low or no gravity as long as there is a suitable surface to walk on.
The Magnetic Harness finds use on many Calixian worlds where Hive structures and readily abundant metal surfaces are not common occurrences or where an Arbitrator must operate alone. The multiple magnets can either be used as simple surfaces or as magnetic field generators of their own. The first of their type were simple metal plates, strapped to the arms, legs and torso of the Arbitrators of Iocanthos, but the system has long since been refined by Calixian Tech-Adepts.

Each magnetic plate can be activated and deactivated individually, holding a weapon, piece of equipment or even a suspect to the plate. Simple taps on the center of the plate set the device to release when pressure is applied or to hold until the Arbitrator inputs a command sequence. An Arbitrator with a magnetic harness is treated as having the Quick Draw Talent, usable on any object stored on his magnetic harness. He may also stow equipment weapons as a Free Action if they have the Quick Draw Talent.

Magnetic harness can hold up to 3 weapons that weight no more than 6kg each and it has a very large mag-strip on the back which is capable of mounting a single basic weapon of up to 10kg in weight. Good and better Craftsmanship versions can hold up to 4 weapons that weight no more than 6kg each and up to two basic weapons on the back that weight no more than 13kg each.
Consisting of a mask or helmet, re-breathers contain their own air supply and are designed to preserve the user in even the most toxic atmospheres. A character wearing a re-breather is immune to the effects of gases and can even survive underwater.
--repair cement

400 - Medicae +10
600 - Master Chirurgeon

Characteristic: Intelligence +5 (250xp)
Characteristic: Intelligence +10 (500xp)
Characteristic: Intelligence +15 (750xp)
Characteristic: Intelligence +20 (1000xp)
Characteristic: Willpower +5 (250xp)
Characteristic: Willpower +10 (500xp)
Characteristic: Willpower +15 (750xp)
Characteristic: Willpower +20 (1000xp)
Skill: Inquiry +0 (200xp)
Skill: Lore (Imperial Creed) +10 (400xp)
Skill: Lore (Imperial Creed) +20 (600xp)
Skill: Resolve +10 (400xp)
Skill: Resolve +20 (600xp)
Skill: Scrutiny +0 (200xp)
Skill: Stealth +10 (400xp)
Skill: Technomat +0 (200xp)

When making a Scholastic Lore or Forbidden Lore test utilizing sources of recorded information of any sort, such as cogitators, tomes, info-nets, and data-slates, the character can re- roll a failed test once with a –10 penalty. In addition, tests to perform research or find information in these circumstances take half the usual time.
You are adept at identifying the consequences of any action. If you take some time to consider what you are doing, you can deduce the best action for success. You may spend ten minutes contemplating a problem to gain a +10 bonus to your next relevant Intelligence Test.
The character is adept at rationalizing words and text and stripping them of their power over him. If called to make a Test against Fear, Insanity or Corruption as a result of reading or hearing forbidden words or language (such as from reading a corrupted tome), the character may reroll any failed Willpower Tests substituting his Intelligence for Willpower on the reroll.
Through long years of mental conditioning and practice, your mind is like an archive, able to record and recall great amounts of information. You can automatically remember any trivial fact or piece of information that you might feasibly have picked up in the past. When trying to recall more detailed or obscure facts, such as the precise layout of a crime scene or a page you read in an ancient grimoire five years ago, the GM may require you to make an Intelligence Test.
When the character passes a Fear test caused by a Daemon, the Daemon suffers 1 Energy damage ignoring armour and Toughness bonus for each degree of success on the Fear test.
The character is immune to the effects of the Baneful Presence trait possessed by Daemons.
You are able to remain calm, even when bullets fly past and bombs fall around you not mention seeing dying comrades and raging monsters. You may re-roll a failed Willpower Test to avoid or recover from Pinning or Fear or similar shocking event.
Once per round as a Half Action, the character may speak the litanies and invocations to disrupt Daemons. Until the beginning of his next turn, Daemons within a distance equal to twice the character's Willpower bonus in meters suffer a –10 penalty to Willpower tests.
The character has directed his comrades to be prepared for danger, planning out their actions for many contingencies if attacked. Before rolling initiative, all other members of the group may choose to add the character's halved (round up) Intelligence Bonus for all Initiative rolls in addition to their individual Agility Bonuses.

If the character is with his comrades when they are surprised, the GM should make an Intelligence Test for this character. If successful, allow the individuals in the group to be positioned in the most favourable way for handling the situation.
The Throne Agent has the ability to consciously recognise the proddings of his subconscious as it reacts to his preternaturally sharp senses, giving him an edge that mere speed cannot match. He can add his halved (round down) Perception Bonus in to his Agility Bonus when rolling Initiative.
As a Full Action, this character may make a Challenging (+0) Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed) Test to bless a single weapon with the Flame Quality. A weapon so blessed automatically sets Daemons aflame when it strikes them and gains the Sanctified Quality for a number of Rounds equal to this character's Willpower Bonus or until the Clip is depleted (if it has one).
Whether through past exposure, grueling physical training or luck of genetics, you are highly resistant to a particular thing. When you pick this Talent select a group to be resistant to. You gain a +10 bonus when making a test to resist or avoid the object of your resistance.
Everyone within 20 metres that can see the character feels a touch of euphoria just by being near him and suffer lessened effects from things that would upset or distress them. Those affected gain a +10 to Willpower Tests to resist Fear or against Intimidation attempts. This ability affects all those close to the character indiscriminately, though not the character himself. This cannot stack if multiple characters have the talent.
The character scores two extra degrees of success on successful Stealth tests.
If the character fails a stealth check, they may reroll once. The second result must be taken.
As long as the character's armor is not fully penetrated, he adds +1 AP to its protective value.
Bonuses granted to Concealment and Silent Move tests by visual and environmental conditions are doubled and penalties to enemy Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill tests to hit the character due to visual or environmental conditions are doubled as well.
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And yeah, Arkor Reef is isolated. It still has local politics aplenty though (including a brewing civil war between rival IG factions)-it was actually going to be the original setting for this game(and the never ran quest it was based on), but I decided to broaden my options.

This seems pretty cool. It's got politics and if we fight Guardsmen, we can really see the Sisters' reputation of being power-armored badasses come into play.
I was thinking about trying out an unarmed specialist/interrogator for my application, but I noticed the Unarmed Warrior Talent lists "Ambidextrous" as a prerequisite and there doesn't seem to be an Ambidextrous in the Skill/Talent list?