Week 2 – Results

Cost: 95

Remaining Funds: 85.

: With Miss General leaving you and the guys to your own devices, you are free to take charge and get RX Group combat forces into fighting shape. Problem is that there isn't much of a combat force in the first place but you won't let that deter you from building up RX Group's fighting strength one way or another. (Choose 1)

[X] Group Combat Training
: You've quickly learnt that besides the bosses, the other minions are also terrible at fighting. You barely get a pass thanks to your powers. You feel that you must rectify this problem immediately. You're sure that you can get a martial arts manual or something similar somewhere. Cost: 20. Chance of Success: 50%. Reward: You and your fellow Lackeys are better in a fight.

Roll: 18

You stand alone in a part of the junkyard that you spent all of yesterday sprucing up to act as an improvised training ground of you and the other Lackeys. You even made makeshift training equipment using duct tape and scrap metal. You were all set and ready for a group training session to get everyone into tip-top shape for villainy.

So where the fuck is everyone else?!

After standing around for half an hour with no sign of the others, you receive a text from Lackey A.

To your great annoyance, Miss Black General had commandeered the others for a surprise mission, something about shooting a promotional video for RX Group. The fact that it's Miss Black General leading this mission already tells you that it's gonna be a disaster.

God damn it.

Reward: Basic Training Area Built. Miss Black General's RX Group Promotional Video is terrible.

: Miss Secretary is in charge of the Group's finances though she's unable to keep the Boss who has access to them from spending what he can get away with. You know nothing about her background save that she knows Boss from before the formation of RX group. That and she either make or have enough money from somewhere to give everyone a weekly allowance outside RX Group funds. (Choose 1)

[X] A Statuette of Gold is still Gold
: Boriel, the Angel Knight from the Eyes of Heaven, has gifted your group with a golden statuette of himself. Who knows how valuable such a thing is? Surely he won't take offence if you went to a pawnshop and see what you can get for it, right? Cost: 0. Chance of Success: 50. Reward: One-Time 1000 Mission Fund Increase.

Roll: 34

"Oh God damn it, another one?" That was not the response you were expecting when you entered the pawnshop with the golden statuette in hand. The shop owner lets out a sigh and motions you to come over to the counter. "Let me guess, you got that from that angel fella, right?"

You nod. That's correct.

"Well, I'm sorry to say that in terms of collectability, these things are common as dirt. Well, not quite but you get the idea. Boriel pretty much hands these things out to everyone he meets so they're pretty much worthless in rarity."

But it's still made of gold right?

"Yeah, not quite. Here, let me explain."

The pawnshop owner proceeded to explain how the statuette was in fact made out of celestial gold. According to the guy, celestial gold was the celestial realm's equivalent of iron, in terms of usage. However, in order to work it properly, you needed a blacksmith that was pure of heart, a furnace that burns with the faith of the masses, and a set of blessed tools to even try and work the metal. Those requirements made it very hard to work it on Earth. Now, normally celestial gold had a market with the faithful and religious but Boriel been giving out his statues by the hundred for the past few years now.

Which meant that its value to a collector was worthless.

"Fortunately for you, I know a guy who can actually work this metal and he's always in need of the stuff. I give you this much money if you sell it to me, you won't get a better deal anywhere else, I guarantee that."

In the end, you had to settle for much less than what you had been expecting.

Damn, narcissistic angel.

Reward: One-time 250 Mission Fund increase.

: Thanks to the information network that Miss Secretary set up, you now have knowledge of several different villain groups that are operating in the same area as RX Group - all of them with either more men or resources than RX Group. That means that RX Group will need to be careful not to step on the wrong toes here and that means playing nice. (Choose 1)

[X] Organised Criminals
: Criminals can be found in any city in the world, you just need to know where to look. The Bellino Syndicate is one of the biggest crime families in the world and a small branch exists in Ryuei City. While the Ryuei branch mostly deals in money laundering and small-time stuff, they're still part of the Bellino Syndicate, so it would be wise to make contact with them. Cost: 20. Chance of Success: 70%. Reward: Information on the Bellino Syndicate.

Roll: 9

Critical Failure Roll: 78

You, with the assistance of Miss Secretary, made arrangements to meet with the Manager of the Ryuei City Branch of the Bellino Syndicate. Since RX Group was meeting with the leader of another group, naturally the Boss and Miss Secretary were going to the meeting. You stayed behind since you were just an Elite Lackey and with both the Boss and Miss Secretary, they weren't lacking in firepower.

When the time for the meeting approached, the Boss and Miss Secretary headed off and you bid them good luck. If the Boss successfully managed to wrangle a contract of cooperation with the Syndicate, it was a massive step forward of RX Group and another step further away from your destined death.

Your hopes and dreams were dashed when an emergency live news report interrupted your favourite cooking show. Your heart dropped when the newscaster informed the viewers that the Heroes have launched an operation against the Ryuei Branch of the Belloni Syndicate at around the same time as the meeting was supposed to take place.

The entire group was tense, even the ever idiotically enthusiastic Miss General was quiet upon hearing the news.

The Boss and Miss Secretary didn't come back later that night.

They did, however, show up the next day at the base as if nothing had ever happened. It seems that the Boss and Miss Secretary both managed to fight their way out and even took out several heroes blocking their escape route. The reason why they hadn't returned immediately was that The Boss had eaten something bad at the meeting and needed to go to the hospital for food poisoning.

However, while you and everyone else, it didn't change the fact that the Hero League had dealt a fatal blow to the Ryuei Branch of the Syndicate. Looks like doing villainy will be a bit harder around here while the Hero League clean up the Syndicate that managed to escape the assault.

Belloni Syndicate Ryuei Branch defunct. Hero League wary of whoever defeated 2 A-Class Heroes and three B-Class Heroes.

: The Information Network that you helped set up is already doing wonders. With more information, you have more power over those who don't have information. You're also certain that no-one except you, Miss Secretary and maybe the Boss, knows about these shady dealings.

[X] Widening the Crack in the Prism: Prism Blue is currently in Ryuei City, last seen at the bar heavily drinking. From his drunken ramblings, Prism Blue actually regrets getting into a fight with Red and if things continue on its course, Blue will likely return to the Prism Rangers with Black and Green in tow. As a villain, you can't let that happen. With the right words and actions, you might be able to break this group of Rangers for good. Cost: 30. Chance of Success: 60%. Reward: Prism Rangers disbanded until new replacements are found. Increase Reputation with other villains.

Roll: 14

"- Nova Star, Grand Sword and Guy Magic are expected to make a full recovery. Now onto some lighter news, it seems that Prism Rangers are back together again. Earlier today, Prism Blue met with Prism Red and apologised for his actions that had led to the short-lived split-up of the Prism Rangers. In return, Prism Red also apologised for his past behaviour and promises to step back and properly give credit to his teammates. With this, the bond between the Prism Rangers now seems stronger than –", you turn off the television in disgust.

You had spent all of yesterday in disguise, manipulating a drunken Prism Blue in his civilian identity in order to further widen the schism between him and Red. When you'd left, Blue had been screaming at the top of his lungs how much he hated Red and that he never wanted anything to do with him ever again. What the fuck happened between then and now?!

"This is great! My pep talk worked!" You turned to see that Miss Black General was also in the room, having entered at some point while you were distracted. Wait, what did she say? "Oh? Ah! I see that you're impressed by my ability to cheer up others. It didn't even take that long to get Prism Blue to change his mind about leaving the Prism Rangers. I just had to remind him what being part of the Prism Ranger meant to him and how important he was to the people that he protected."

WHY!? Why would she help the Prism Ranger get back together!?

"Isn't it obvious? The Prism Rangers are one of the first Sentai teams to appear on the hero scene. There's no way a loyal Hero fan such as I could stand by and watch them split up like that!"

But she's an evil executive! Them breaking apart is what we should want!


You give up, hug your knees and cry about having your efforts invalidated by none other than your direct superior.

Thanks to interference from Miss Black General, the Prism Rangers are back together and their bonds are stronger than ever.

: Miss Scientist is just as new to RX Group as much as you but she's already fitting in as though she's been a member for years. As the second most competent person after Miss Secretary, you have high hopes for her. Though you have heard from the other Lackeys that her experiments are...interesting, to say the least. (Choose 1)

[X] Improved Bodysuits: Your current outfits are nothing more than just cosplay. While durable enough of everyday wear and tear, the last fight with Braveman proves that they won't last long in a superpowered conflict. Fortunately, Miss Scientist has been doing her own research and just needs someone to complete what she's begun according to her notes. Cost: 10. Chance of Success: 50%. Reward: Stronger, more durable bodysuits. Increased defence.

Roll: 16

It was actually a lot harder than you thought it would be, making the prototype version of the new suits. Still, thanks to Miss Scientist's instructions, you think you're just about done here. You just need to finish one last step.

After mixing the required special dye that would serve to ensure that the suit would easily protect against extreme changes in temperature, you slowly lower the prototype suit into the chemical mix.

The moment the suit touches the chemical mixture, everything explodes.

It was a very good thing that you decided to do this outside instead of inside the base.

After the Lackeys dig you out from the junk heap that the explosion threw you into, you went over everything to try and figure out what had gone wrong.

Then Miss Scientist checks the notes that she gave you and remembers that while writing down the instructions on developing the anti-weather dye, she had been struck with inspiration and had jotted down the formula for a new explosive chemical mix in the middle of the page and had later forgotten about it.

Fortunately, the chemicals that were needed for the dye had weakened the explosive or else there wouldn't be a junkyard left.

Unfortunately, the prototype is ruined meaning you'll have to start from scratch.

Damn it.

Improved Bodysuit will be completed next turn.

: You are still fairly new to RX Group so maybe you should put some time into getting to know the other members better. Maybe they can help you figure out this evil gig and if nothing else, you can build up camaraderie with them. Having been around for more than a week now, you've figured out when your bosses are free to have at least a bit of a chat. (Choose 1)

[X] The Dragon
: She's the most feared member within all of RX Group. Miss Secretary has an iron grip on the Group's finances and an explosive grip for the Boss when he gets out of line. She's been by the side of the Boss since forever according to the Lackeys. Just who is Miss Secretary? Cost: 5. Chance of Success: 80%. Increased relationship with Miss Secretary. Chance of Increased Stewardship and Intrigue.

Roll: 98

Miss Secretary calls you for a meeting in her office. You weren't expecting that but nonetheless, you bring with you the pudding that you bought in order to try and get closer to the woman who was the true backbone of RX Group. Without her, the group would have fallen apart a long time ago.

You find Miss Secretary at her desk working on some paperwork with one hand and typing something up on a laptop with the other. On her face is an intense look of concentration as she focuses on two tasks at the same time. It's quite different to her usual expression of apathy that you and the other see all the time or scorn that she directs to the Boss when he messes up.

The look of a woman who gets their job done is a beautiful one.

When she notices that you have arrived, Miss Secretary closes her laptop and neatly pushes her paperwork to the side. With her full attention on you, she greets welcomes you to her office. Compare to the rest of the base, it's neat and tidy with little decoration save for a few potted plants. The furnishings are mostly practical and orderly.

"Lackey D, or would you rather I refer to you by your real name?" Miss Secretary asks you.

You don't know what she means, you tell her. She frowns slightly before nodding.

"Very well then. I'm here to inform you that you shall be my new assistant for the foreseeable future."


"You have demonstrated initiative as well as a desire to improve yourself and your comrades. You care about the wellbeing for your fellow comrades and so you've taken it upon yourself to completing the improved bodysuit to increase our forces durability. Not only that, you have been moving in the shadows in order to weaken our enemies."

You're pleased that someone has noticed your attempt to drive a wedge deeper between the Prism Rangers. Now if only Miss General didn't interfere.

"Though I do apologise for Miss Black General, she has yet to fully grasp that as a member of RX Group, she must crush the heroes that she admires so much. At this point of the plan's progress, her 'reluctance' is tolerable as we are lacking in members and resources. However, once we have obtained more manpower and funds, we will not be so forgiving of our General's 'eccentricities'"

Your eyes widen when you realise that despite how things appear on the surface, Miss Secretary, and the Boss as well you assume, aren't happy with how Miss General is doing things. Now if you were an evil minion looking to rise up the hierarchy, this kind of information would be fantastic for you. Oh wait, you are one! Hurrah!

"In any case, you are technically promoted to my personal assistant and will be helping me with my duties. As my assistant, you will be free to decline any mission that Miss General assigns to you. Refusal is not an option."

You nod your head in acceptance. This is good news, very good news.

"Now that's settled, please pass me a pudding. I would like a snack before I teach you the in and outs of RX Group's information network and bookkeeping."

Reward: Improved Relationship with Miss Secretary. Promoted to Miss Secretary's Assistant. +2 Stewardship. +2 Intrigue.

: You've got some free time to spare after you've done your chores and assigned duties. (Choose 1)

[X] Physical Conditioning: You're weak. You know that without your powers, you're actually weaker than the other minions. You need to get stronger, faster and build up your stamina. A strong body is essential to surviving as a villain, in your opinion at least. Cost: 10. Chance of Success: 90%. Reward: Better Stamina. Progress towards Trait. ???

Roll: 75

Since you don't like leaving things left along for too long, you've been making use of the training area that you made for group training. Lifting weights, running laps around the junkyard, parkour training by climbing junkheaps, balance training by not accidentally causing a junk heap to collapse on you – you make full use of your environment to become stronger.

Enthused by your new promotion, you double your efforts into improving your body. Unlike last week, you can feel the gains. Your body is sore but it is the good kind of sore.

With this, you're one step closer to being able to handle yourself without needing to rely on your powers. Hell, in fact, it feels like you're already back in shape.

Reward: Fit Body Trait gained.
what did I say about needing stewardship for the statue? WHAT DID I SAY DAMMIT! xD

*retreats quickly into the shadows crying tears of blood before sacrificing a virgin to the elder gods still crying via stereotypical volcano*
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At the very least we moved up the corporate ladder. Although we will have to take care of our team's "leader" soon.

Do we really have to? I'd like to stay the comedic mook for a while longer and serving under someone incompetent but flamboyant is a great way to divert attention from us being a chosen one. At least until we actually become decent at fighting.
Yeah, the plan right now should be:
0.- Become the secretary's favorite minion so that we rise from the expendable list
1.-Get stronk
2.-Get other minions/mooks for the band
3.-Have all the minions get stronger, and gain in some way their loyalty, atleast more loyalty than the one they have to the general
4.-Solve the monetary problem that is our boss (that option will be needed to be taken some day)
5.- Fire (kill) the general for us to be the next general
3.- the loyalty part should not be that hard, they already do not like lady general
4.- that is a given, should train up a bit for that thou
5.- is that not how promotions work in this kind of work?
Week 2 - Random Event
Week 2 Random event

Roll: 77

A group meeting was called by none other than Miss Scientist who said she had an important announcement to make. Everyone gathered in her lab where the green-haired scientist was waiting next to a large enclosed pod with tubes and wirings connected to the back with the number "01" beneath an X on the pod's front.

"Everyone in RX Group, thank you for waiting! The Monster Prototype No. 1 has finally been completed!" Miss Scientist happily declared.




"About time!"

You kept your silent since you already knew what was behind the door. Having been assisting her in the background, you know exactly what she decided to make to test the monster creation procedure.

"Now behold!" Miss Scientist pulled out a remote and pushed the button. The pod slowly began to split open and steam whistled out from the opening. "This is my prototype model 1 Monster Cat! X-kun"

With a clang the pod fully opened and a cloud of steam blocked everyone view for a few second. When it dissipated, there, napping on the ground was a small house cat. Miss Scientist was grinning as she gestured toward the cat.

Everyone else besides you was flummoxed.


"…Um…This cat is…the prototype?" The Boss asked hesitantly as he pointed to the cat.

"…Let me explain." Miss Scientist pushed up her glasses and began explaining what was going on. "When a human receives elements from other creatures, they evolve into an existence beyond human understanding. In other words, a Monster! But, of course, this process involves all sorts of risks. So everything will be okay as long as we experiment on a non-human! It's common sense!"

"O-Oh, right! Of course." The boss agreed, taken back by Miss Scientist sudden intensity.

"Fufufu, this X-kun has been granted human intelligence and physical capabilities. He's a supercat!"

No he isn't. But the good scientist hasn't seem to realise that human intellect and strength wasn't that great.

"Human intelligence, and…" The Boss repeated.

"Physical ability?" And Lackey A ended.

It seems the others agreed with you.

"Whoa!?", then to everyone's surprise, the cat suddenly stood up on two legs. "He's already standing on two legs! It's kinda scary when it's so sudden!"

You watch as X-kun took in his surroundings with an unreadable expression on his face. Slowly, Lackey B and A approached the so-called supercat.

"Huh, he's surprising docile, isn't he…" Lackey B observed.

"Hey, over here." Lackey A requested, holding out his hand to the cat.

X-kun stared at the offered hand for a few seconds then without a word spat on Lackey A's hand in contempt before turning around and kicking dust into his face.

"…Eh?" Lackey A and B stared at the cat, betrayed by their expectations.

"While he does have human intelligence, he's still a cat. In other words, all cats generally feel like this when held by humans."

"…I really didn't want to know…" The two lackeys muttered in disappointment.

"It's true that cats don't become attached to humans like dogs do, but…" Miss General added, looking unsure about the situation, a rarity for the usually gungho woman.

"That was a pretty blunt way to express it…" The Boss noted.

You had to agree with them. You then hear a grumbling sound and realise that it came from X-kun's stomach. Must be hungry then. The cat walked up to Lackey C and tapped him on the waist since he was too short to tap the human on the shoulder.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Lackey C asked. And then in a surprisingly deep baritone voice, X-kun spoke.

"I am famished. Prepare a feast for me. What are you, the kings of bugs?" X-kun demanded.

"Er, his intelligence seems kinda of biased…" Lackey A commented uneasily while watching Lackey C get a can of tuna out from somewhere.

"Isn't it within the scope of common sense?" Miss Scientist didn't seem to understand the fundamental problem with X-kun.

"Be quick about it." X-kun urged.

"You're so annoying!" Lackey C complained, even as he went off to prepare X-kun's meal. "Man, that attitude is really cat-like…"

"Hm? Why is he so friendly around Miss Scientist?" Miss Scientist was now holding X-kun in her arms who seemed perfectly fine with being carried despite his earlier objection.

"Hmm? You think so?"

You and the Lackeys watch as X-kun sunk rested his head against Miss Scientist's ample chest. Then you saw a smug smirk appear on the cat's face for a second before it disappeared. Ah, now you get it.

"Can I hold him too?" Miss General asked, warming up to the idea of having a cat around the base. Miss Scientist happily gave the cat over to the female executive who happily held the cat against her chest.

The cat gave an even bigger smirk as he was held between one of Miss General's biggest assets.

You could see that the other Lackeys had caught onto what was going on. It seemed human intelligence had also granted X-kun a human's taste. What a nasty cat.

"Um…can I hold him too?" This time it was Miss Secretary who wanted hold the damn cat.

"Ah. Sure, sure."

However, X-kun took one look at Miss Secretary more slender figure said what should not be said. "Don't want no flatties."

It takes a moment for everyone to process what X-kun said. You, the Boss and the Lackeys all stared in horror. A dark stony look appeared on Miss Secretary's face and without making a sound, Miss Secretary walked over to a box of tools and began rummaging around for something.

"That's right...I almost forgot…" Miss Secretary then proceeded to pull out an oversized pair of pliers, opening and closing it menacingly. "When keeping a cat, you have to castrate it first, right?"

Out of instinctual fear for their manhood, the Boss and the Lackeys covered their crotches while X-kun stared at the pliers with a stern look. Jumping out of Miss General's arms, X-kun got on his knees and prostrated himself while touching the floor with his head.

"I beg your forgiveness."

An ordinary cat could not have performed such a beautiful dogeza such as this.


RX Group has gained X-kun, prototype model 1 monster cat.

Miss Scientist is now working on a new project.
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Week 2 - Rumour Mill
Week 2 Rumour Mill

Syndicate Takedown
: The Ryuei Branch of the Syndicate has been dismantled by the Hero League. However, not every member of the Ryuei Branch has been captured. The few remaining members have gone into hiding in Ryuei City and are expected to join one of several villain groups in Ryuei City. Former Syndicate members range from mere minions to dangerous super-powered enforcers. Be on the lookout for such criminals.

Dangerous Duo Crushes Heroes: During the raid on the Syndicate, a number of heroes from both B and A Class were soundly defeated by a mysterious duo of supervillains – a hooded mask man who demonstrated the use of extremely powerful psychokinesis and a blonde woman capable of causing explosions without any visible means. It is unknown at this time whether these two villains are members of the Syndicate or from anther group. Heroes are to be on the alert for these two villains.

Giant Monsters Increased Assault: During the last week, the number of giant monsters attacking coastal cities has increased significantly. Fortunately, heroes such as Planetare X, Grand Blow, and the Chroma Squad have been successful in repelling these destructive threats. However, this rise in giant monster numbers have scientists concerned and many are wondering if this is just the beginning of a giant monster army assault.

Murderman Overkill Loose: Infamous Herokiller, Murderman Overkill has escaped from Superprison. Despite the notorious Superwarden's claim that his prison is inescapable, Murderman Overkill has dealt an irrevocably lethal blow to Superprison's reputation. Heroes and the EDF are on high alert as many still remember the horrific massacre that Murderman Overkill was responsible in Geo City five years ago, during the aftermath of the Cronian Invasion.

Covenant Reveals Truth: In a press conference, a representative from the Covenant of Helivon revealed that Covenant Agents have been sent out in order to rescue an important member of the Covenant who is believed to have been kidnapped by villainous forces. While the Covenant has made rescuing this member of the Covenant, whose identity has yet to be released to the public, their top priority, the Covenant promises to return to their normal duties after a reshuffling of Covenant agents.


You stare at the news as the newscaster finishes the story on the Covenant.

"Shit." The Covenant was on the move.

Then without warning, your clothes are suddenly shredded apart and you feel something invisible and soft hugging your naked body from behind. At right at that moment, The Boss comes into the room.

"Oh hey, Lackey D. Anything interesting on the....news?......My apologies, Lackey D. I'll leave you alone." The Boss turned around and left the room, leaving you blushing red all over.

"...God damn it."

At least she let your mask alone.
In a press conference, a representative from the Covenant of Helivon revealed that Covenant Agents have been sent out in order to rescue an important member of the Covenant who is believed to have been kidnapped by villainous forces.
Welp, worst case scenario. We're likely need to figure out a double switch plot.

Either A: Escape route's ASAP IC, in the off chance we need to GTFO with a different 'mask/identity' hiding clothing.

And B: Now that SHE is making her appearance more there, better make sure to figure out how to actually commune with her, before she FUBAR's an actual attempt, to make an honest life, not well... Damned to some suicide prophesy we're not cool on being under.

Either 'way', better try and figure out on a logical mean, to avoid using our powers if we can help it, 'least we end up giving clues to the 'Covenant' on where we are.

That, plus escape routes.

ESPECIALLY escape routes.


The Boss: "... But why escape routes?"

Lackey D: "Because in the off chance an attempt to oh, gather the wandering Villian units under your almight banner fails, or worse... Your crush wrecks the place again. It'd be handy to have an escape route, while you plan for your next attack."

The Boss: "Hmm... Actually, that's a good idea."


Lackey B (thankfullly unmasked.): "Uh, D? Why do you always wear your mask, even while taking a shower?"

Lackey D: "You don't want to know. Trust me, you don't."

Yandere Ghost: :3

Lackey B: "... How bad?"

Lackey D: "... Childhood." (Vague 'nod' to Lackeys, under a 'sorta success' on their end IC on learning.)

Lackey B: "... Oh, so that's made you a bonnifide mook. The horror of disfiguration."

Lackey D: "Lap it up while you can, for after your stunt with getting hunted by an Angel, you'd probably want to consider wearing a mask for the rest of your life."

Lackey B: "Wha~"

Lackey D: "... Word of advice, keep under cover. Especially in that suit, for the moment you lose your disguise after what you did to gain the interests of a certain angel something, he will come and bring hell on you."


*Possible SL by Lackey B later...

Lackey B: "... Why are you unnerved by the Covenent arriving?"

Lackey D: "If it were just an increased hero presense alone, that'd be hell..." (If insufficient, cut of from here.)

(If sufficient. Or a bailout by Lackey B 'goon cover')

Lackey D: "... You seem to be good at keeping secrets as of late, B."

Lackey B: "... Yeah, why?"

Yandere Ghost: ?? :<

Lackey D: "... You want to know why I'm secretly panicking at this Covenant?"

Lackey B: "... A bad run in, like my own issues?"

Lackey D: "You can say that."

Lackey B: "Don't worry, fellow sufferer. For I, shall have your back in villianry!" (Though why would he, oh. Isn't he that hero they're after? But how would I say it, without screwing up his cover?)

Lackey D: "..." (notices Lackey B recognise, but not say it.) "... Just, I'd rather not deal with them as far as possible, 'least I'd be forced to 'bail out' in yet another identity scheme."

Lackey B: "... Is this why you absolutely refuse to go out of villian identity? And wait, can you teach me how to be as good as you in hiding?"

Lackey D: "... Don't ask. And before you ask, if you really screw up, you'd have to cut ties and make a new life."

Lackey B: "... Wait, did you have to do that before?"

Lackey D: "... Far to many times. Far to bloody many."

Yandere Ghost: (He's mine bitch, miiiine~)

Lackey D: "... I see a bit of myself in you, B. A little bit."

Yandere Ghost: *Glare*

Lackey B: "Really?"

Lackey D: "Just enough to warn you, keep your mask on at all times. Got it?"
So next turn we should focus on recruitment and ways to increase stealth and/or a way to fake our death.
In order...

A: Recruitment. We're seeing IC, perfect tasty opportunities for our group, to snag some additional Hero Villain Units, along with news that there's a "Murderhobo McEdgy coolname" on the loose. It's almost as if in a sense of 'Good ends up having the advantage, Villians are on the rise'. We'd likely want to capitalise on that to turtle for a longer game if possible.

Which leads to two things...

B: Intrigue. We must be the most Intriguing of Lackeys. Ideally, the most background of Lackeys to not elect attention from the Covenant. (Which, if going by 'job on our Superpowers'... Leaves us with 3 Martial. Something to take a huge notice of/on.)

C: Worst case, we'd likely want to IC build/secure an escape route, AWAY from the Covenant. However, that'd likely lead to a long term 'game' of going to/fro from Villian group to villian group, if we want to stay IC a Villian over being forced into a 'sacrifical hero' role by dint of likely brainwash bad end.

Speaking of C, there's one more gambit we could IC play off... But, it'd be risky, likely lead to 'revelations' that we're a plot character, est. And at worst, put our boss in a collision course of being a target of a tragic fate or worse/possession by our Yandere Ghost. And thats...

Being brutally honest with The Boss, in that we're one of those, uh... "Don't kill me for this, but I'm not wanting to be a Hero" Card. Which if spun in the right direction, could... Put her hero obsession/fantasies on us, Lackey D, due to all the shenanigans/drawbacks of the Covenant. (And likely puts her in pride/mhuhaha over stellar recruitment policies... Too much so?)

However, that possible/despairate gambit, would likely be dependant on too many risks for my liking (on top of a possible angle on trying to pry The Boss away from getting too uppity over trying to stalk/'kidnap' a hero of her own, comedy wise.)

A: Assuming that The Boss doesn't do something stupid, like put us in a damsel in distress, or uh, flag us as her trophy... Which could make us an even bigger target for 'Hero McNinja' service to outright demolish the RX Group, in the name of a hero prophesy, and put said group in a sort of 'spotlight' for corrupting a Hero, into becoming a Villain (especially for our 'prophesied enemy'.)

B: Assuming The Boss doesn't do something stupid, what's stopping Yandere Ghost from possibly going O.O on our despairate 'woobie gambit', followed by going all ಠ_ಠ, followed by either murdering, possessing or highly traumatising/causing a scene in front of The Boss, which leads to an even bigger spotlight for the Covenant to outright mchero kidnap us, for some Yandere ploy.


Now, other than, or unless we get that despairate/'please save me' in private, signed "Haro NoctWannabe", and get The Boss on a Ghostbuster/'Hero Kidnapping' scheme, possibly in comedic clash by Yandere Ghost, and what-have-you...


Seriously, I'd actually say short term, may as well arrange an Ouija Board, to open a means of communication to our 'Yandere Guardian/Stand', and hope to hell that attempted communication as the carrot/stick would get her attention long enough to not cause a scene...

Especially if we are the most 'evil' of Lackeys, to want our boss to improve... But then, possibly think of an even more 'evil' idea, on getting said Yandere Ghost an actual body of her own, by possessing say, maybe 'The Boss'?


Hindsight, if I were a bit more serious, I got roughly three possible routes we might take, 'say'... Assuming we don't end up 'trying' to branch out into mysticism and maybe if pushed, be 'runaway/MIA' as Lackey D... But join in 'bait them away', as "Mystic D.", or what have you. :p

Yandere Stand route (look, you're going to ruin my love life regardless. So please, don't screw up my attempt at living a non-sacrifical life, and I'll at least try to love you, m'kay?... As in, let me be evil, so I can actually date you, over being a 'good shoes' who'd think more on justice, over this excessive vice called love. Now... Let's try this 'sentai pose', so I can at least reasonably 'fake' a different superpower than the one 'that group' knows...)
Yandere Bodyjack route (... Look, I'm being careful on what signals to send. No, I don't want you to kill my boss or cause a riot, again... I just want you to make her mind, body and soul yours, so I can at least... Hey, why are you annoyed about this proposal to fix my love life?

... Look, you hijack her completely, you then get to lead the RX Group, ideally away from 'that group'. So I can then actually, live? Instead of suffer from their forced prophesy bullshit. And you can only imagine the amount of torment you can inflict on all those poor, heroes who want to save me... *Just as planned)

No-YanYan Ghostbuster route (... Dear The Boss, please save me from X/Y/Z, the Covenant, the Heroes, and ESPECIALLY my Phantom stalker. I heard rumours that your group might be able to conjure some exorcism miracle. So, bail my issues, and I'd join you. Love, Haro NoctWannabe.")
Me thinks you are confussing the boss with the general :V
You stare at the news as the newscaster finishes the story on the Covenant.

"Shit." The Covenant was on the move.

Then without warning, your clothes are suddenly shredded apart and you feel something invisible and soft hugging your naked body from behind. At right at that moment, The Boss comes into the room.

"Oh hey, Lackey D. Anything interesting on the....news?......My apologies, Lackey D. I'll leave you alone." The Boss turned around and left the room, leaving you blushing red all over.

"...God damn it."

At least she let your mask alone.
me in a whispering tone: please be hot, like Rangiku, tsunade, yuroichi, angelina jolie, any supermodel ever, please!!!!!!!
Week 3
Week 3

The city is on high alert. Criminal scum are causing havoc. Giant Monsters are terrorising the coast. Heroes are smashing up criminal syndicates. And Miss General is back from another failed attempt to seduce Braveman.

Must be Monday.

With the group growing slightly bigger and Miss Scientist's promise of proper combat capable monsters on the way, things are looking a bit up for RX Group. Despite the problems that plagued you last week, your pro-active attitude has netted you a promotion. Well sort of. You're still a lackey but now you're Miss Secretary's Lackey and that what counts because now you don't have to follow Miss General's orders. You can just say that you've got important work to do for Miss Secretary and you doubt that even Miss General would try and go against the explosive lady.

Your allowance hasn't changed though and Miss Scientist used up her spare cash to make X-kun so no bonus cash this week. But that's okay since you've got access to the cash you got from cashing in that statue from Boriel. Seriously though, that thing should have been worth more. Lousy angels giving everyone statues of himself. 250+50 Mission Fund gained.

Oh, and the Boss has gotten his first paycheck from his part-time job. Part of it has gone into the Base Funds while he's already used the rest to buy some Villain figurines. 35 Mission Fund Gained.

With things still a bit crazy from everything that happened last week, the city is ripe with opportunity for a villain group like RX Group.



Something is gonna go hilariously wrong, you just know it.

420 Mission Fund Available

: Free from the tyranny of Miss Black General's leadership of the general Lackey forces, you are free to do what you want! Okay, not really. Miss Secretary has provided you several missions that if successful with prove beneficial to RX Group. It'll be tough doing it solo while Miss Black General's out trying to feed Braveman some hypnosis drug but you shall persevere! (Choose 1)

[ ] Better Recruitment Video
: The video that Miss Black General shot to try and entice people to join RX Group is terrible. Not only does it focus far too much on Miss Black General, she isn't even clear on what RX's objectives are. Nothing on what the benefits of joining RX Group would be - it's like she expected people to come and join based on her presence. You need to make a better video ASAP. At least the video's views are in the single digits. Cost: 10. Chance of Success: 100%. Reward: New Recruits of varying quality.

[ ] I'm the Boss!: The Boss is still feeling that natural high over taking out several high profile heroes with Miss Secretary's aid. It was surprisingly his first confrontation with actual heroes and he's still pumped to do more. Join him as he personally shows the world the terrible might of RX Group's power and make sure he doesn't do anything incredibly stupid. Show those lame heroes just who the Boss is! Cost: 0. Chance: 70%. Reward: ??? Increased RX Group reputation. Improved Relationship with The Boss.

Stewardship: Assisting Miss Secretary behind the scenes really illuminates you to how much she's actually able to squeeze out of RX Group's budget. With the small windfall of money you got from selling that gold statue, a number of projects that Miss Secretary had put on hold are now available to be undertaken. Time to expand. (Choose 1)

[ ] Bigger Better Base
: With the heroes' awareness of RX Group starting to vaguely rise, it's time to upgrade the RX Group HQ. Bigger barracks/living areas, better lab, traps, a decent meeting room, and not to mention the need to hide the entrance. Money will make the renovations a lot easier and better. Cost: 300. Chances of Success: 90%. Reward: Upgraded RX Group headquarters. Less likelihood of Heroes discovering Base. Feel like a proper supervillain.

[ ] Brand New Wheels
: Although stealing a car would be faster, there's something to be said about owning a vehicle legally and with no baggage at all. With a car, you and the Group will be able to traverse the city with greater ease and in less time. You could even go to a different city to do some dirty dealings with other villains. Plus, you'll be able to carry more groceries back to the base as well! Cost: 250. Chances of Success: 90%. Reward: Obtain an appropriate vehicle for RX Group. New Options unlocked. No longer need to use public transportation!

[ ] A Worthwhile Investment
: It'll be hard to get money like this legally plus you can't rely on Miss Secretary all the time for money. Maybe if you look hard enough, you'll find something to invest your money into like a small business or something like that. In this City, there's bound to be something that can make RX Group money! Let's get that stable income! Cost: 200. Chance of Success: 50%. Reward: Stable Mission Income. Possibly obtain a place to operate as a Front for RX Group.

[ ] Boss Overwatch:
The Boss got a better paying job but that just means more money for him to waste. You might have cash now but it'll be gone one way or another. Miss Secretary has ordered you to put everything you have at stake here and find a way to keep him from needlessly wasting money on his hobbies! Cost: 50. Chance of Success: 80%. Reward: 50 Income.

: Last week was a disaster but there's a silver lining to the whole thing. The Boss and Miss Secretary's exploits have already gotten out in the villain world so now everyone's taking your group a little more seriously. Let's hope the Boss doesn't do anything stupid and piss someone off by accident! (Choose 1)

[ ] Sheltering the Syndicate Scraps
: Not every member of the Syndicate om Ryuei City got captured. Right now, there's a bunch of scattered goon desperate for a safe place to hide out until things blow over. As a fellow villainous organisation, it's only right that you offer these poor souls the safety of your group. And who knows? They might even like it here in RX Group. Cost: 40. Chance of Success. 80%. Reward: Open up Relations with the Syndicate. Gain a Syndicate favour. Chance of Syndicate members joining RX Group.

[ ] Femme Fatales
: The Rogue Roses is an all-female villain group currently operating in Ryuei City. Lead by the ever-elegant Rose Princess, they seek to take over the world to create a world of elegance, whatever that means. While their numbers are only a bit higher than your own group due to their strict membership requirements, they have both resources and connections. These ladies are not to be messed with lightly. Best put on your best suit when RX Group makes contact with them. Cost: 10. Chance of Success: 80%. Reward: Information on the Rogue Roses. Open up relations with the Rogue Roses.

[ ] Life-Gambling Gangsters
: The Mahjong Gang is a large villain group that has control of all major illegal gambling joints as well as the City's Biggest Casino. They are most known for hosting various illegal "games" for their patrons and clients to gamble on, such as illegal cage fights with heroes or challenging heroes to disarm a bomb in time. Those that have angered the Mahjong Gang in the past found themselves in a gamble for their very lives. You don't want RX Group to accidentally tick off these guys so you should risk a visit to make sure of that. Cost: 0. Chance of Success: 50%. Reward: Information on the Mahjong Gang. Open up relations with the Mahjong Gang.

: One of the biggest advantages of RX Group was their relatively unknown presence. Now that things have been stirred up a bit, it might be a good time to invest in better security, better information gathering and over all a way to ensure that no-one get captured in the event of an attack. (Choose 1)

[ ] Better Security Measures:
You remember how easy it was to just walk through the front door, steal a uniform and hang around the base until Miss Secretary found you and formally recruited you into the group. You can't let something like that repeat itself. Setup security doors, keycards, burglar alarms, secret password phrases, that kind of stuff. Cost: 50. Chance of Success: 60%. Reward: Base Security upgraded. Less likelihood of being caught unaware. Less chance of someone sneaking in without being caught.

[ ] Planning An Escape:
In the worst case scenario, The base will be under attack and RX Group will have to abandon the base and escape in order to found a new one. A secret escape tunnel is something that the Boss would say is romantic about being a villain. Plus if your whereabout are leaked to the Covenant, you can always use it yourself and get out of dodge. Cost: 80. Chance of Success:80%. Reward: An escape route is prepared in case the base is attacked. Your escape route is secured just in case the Covenant comes knocking.

[ ] How to Train Your Supercat:
You have a cat with the intelligence of a human and the physical capabilities of a full-sized one as well, wrapped in a neat little furry package of feline arrogance and temper. RX Group can't afford freeloaders and being a cat doesn't excuse X-kun from his duties as an RX Member. With his size and innocent appearance, he might make a good spy. Cost:20. Chance of Success: 50%. Reward: X-kun becomes capable of doing spy work. Increase Relation with X-kun.

: Miss Scientist has been perfecting the Monster Creation process along with some other side projects. Miss General's already out trying to test a hypnosis potion on Braveman. With your help, Miss Scientist might be able to finish one of her bigger projects this week. It is time for some mad science! (Choose 1)

[ ] RX Group's First True Monster
: Apparently, Miss Scientist put an ad in the paper asking for volunteers to undergo the Chimera Process to integrate traits from existing organisms into a human being to grant them awesome powers. Miraculously someone has answered and is already here. Let's see what kind of powers they want and see if there's animal that can give it to them. Cost: 10. Chance of Success: 50%. Reward: Improved Hero (Villain) Unit. Monster Creation Process gets refinements.

[ ] Power Armour Up:
Miss Scientist has been working on a battlesuit that she claims will allow even a lackey to fight the likes of Braveman on even, perhaps greater grounds. Hell, even if it isn't as strong as Braveman, making a lackey more dangerous is always a plus in your evil books! With you helping, Miss Scientist will be able to get this battlesuit done in no time at all! Cost: 40. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: RX Battlesuit ready for combat! Significantly Increase Lackey Trio's Martial.

[ ] Mind Control Drugs
: Miss Scientist gave Miss Black General a prototype for a drug that's meant to make the drinker enter a hypnotic state where they listen and obey anything said to them. Of course, Miss Scientist made more than one batch and she needs more test samples in order to perfect this dangerous drug. Mind Control Drugs are practically a staple scheme for any evil organisation! Cost: 50. Success: 50%. Reward: New Options. Increase Ideology.

: You're rising up the ranks of evil yet you're still kinda unsure about what being evil is really all about. However, you've got some prime example of evil around you and you oughta take notes from them. Of course, some evils might be better left ignored. At the very least, it'll be a good bonding exercise to talk about evil. (Choose 1)

[ ] The Female Executive
: Miss Black General is your direct superior and she looks the part. However, her behaviour, particularly when Braveman is involved says otherwise. Just what is her deal? If she likes Heroes so much why the hell is she a member of an evil organisation!? Cost: 10. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Increased relationship with Miss Black General. Increased Ideology.

[ ] The Grunts:
You've been getting along with the Lackeys. Sure you're not particularly close to them but you can at least recognise each of them on sight now. Still, you want to know what's their story is. And how did B get it on with an angel's daughter? You need to know. Cost: 5. Chance of Success: 100%. Reward: Increased Relations with fellow Lackeys. Increased Ideology

[ ] The Mad Scientist
: Miss Scientist is in charge of developing and creating new toys for the RX Group to play with as well as making Monsters to terrorise the city. However, you know little about the woman behind the swirly glasses. With her expertise, she could have easily found a bigger, more famous group to join. Why is she here with RX Group instead? Cost: 0. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Increased relationship with Miss Scientist. Increased Learning.

[ ] The Boss
: He is the enigmatic leader of RX Group. His true face is hidden behind a white mask. His strength of his power is undeniable. He plans to take over the world to expose its problems to society but what is he really after? What is his exact relationship with Miss Secretary? He is your boss so you should build up your relationship with him. It would surely do you good in the future. Cost: 20. Chance of Success: 70%. Increased relationship with the Boss. Chance of Increased Ideology, Martial and Diplomacy.

: You've got some free time to spare after you've done your chores and assigned duties. (Choose 1)

[ ] Superpower Training
- Location Switch: Your ability to switch the locations of two objects is limited in that the objects need to be of similar mass in order for you to make the switch. But is that really the case? Is it possible to bend those rules? You need to find out. Cost: 0. Chance of Success: 60%. Reward: More flexible use of Location Switch. Increased Martial

[ ] Superpower Training - Domain Control
: You have what is essentially limited telekinesis, in the form of a small mobile bubble containing the field of influence. After much effort in the past, you can shape it into a lance of sorts to rip stone apart. You know however that you can do so much more. You just need to get stronger. Cost: 0. Chance of Success: Chance of Success: 60%. Reward: Stronger Domain Control. Increased Martial.

[ ] Physical Conditioning
: You're weak. You know that without your powers, you're actually weaker than the other minions. You need to get stronger, faster and build up your stamina. A strong body is essential to surviving as a villain, in your opinion at least. Cost: 10. Chance of Success: 90%. Reward: Better Stamina. Progress towards Trait. ???

[ ] Evil Musing
: You don't really get what evil is all about. You know it's about doing bad things but you also know that it is way more than just that. RX Group isn't helping much in working that out so you're on your own there. Cost: 0. Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Better Understanding of Evil. Increased Ideology.

[ ] Knowledge is Power
: Learning is something that never ends and you've been feeling the need to touch up on your knowledge base. Miss Scientist has some old textbooks for you to study from as well as some reference books as well. This should help you learn what to do if the doomsday device is malfunctioning. Cost: 0. Chance of Success: 90% Reward: Increased Learning. Possible Increase of Stewardship.
[X] Plan systematic tenant shock
[x] I'm the Boss!
[x] Boss Overwatch
[x] Sheltering the Syndicate Scraps
[x] Better Security Measures
[x] Power Armour Up
[x] The Boss
[x] Physical Conditioning
For arbitary plan Soddy Bieber Bailout plan

[X] Plan Bossy Bailout
-[X] I'm the Boss!
-[X] Boss Overwatch:
-[X] Sheltering the Syndicate Scraps
-[X] Planning An Escape:
-[X] Power Armour Up:
-[X] The Boss
-[X] Physical Conditioning:

Total funds after this SHOULD =/= 180

Reason being is, mainly in order to try and IC Up our Martial up ASAP to be less 'mook tier', and more 'can stand one punch'. And also in the off chance Covenant or Heroes likely spot our 'base/lair', given our current income/est being well, shite no thanks in part of The Boss.

And besides, short term, I'd say it might be wise to expect at least getting ruined bases, until we can have a reasonable chance of escape. Which speaking of, it'd likely IC be for the best we try and set up ASAP, if only for peace and quiet of having a GTFO Dodge card if/when the Covenant come a knocking.

Especially Covenant, along with possible 'try and up our Intrigue' stat being roughly on par/secondary to Martial, I say...
[X] Plan evilling the right way
[X] Better Recruitment Video
[X] Bigger Better Base
[X] Sheltering the Syndicate Scraps
[X] Better Security Measures
[X] RX Group's First True Monster
[X] The Grunts
[X] Superpower Training - Location Switch

We should capitalize on the oppertunity we have now what with all the free roaming potential recruits.