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The war between good and evil is a never-ending one. Without good, there is no evil. Without...
Starting Faction


The Face of Procrastination
The Land of Oz
The war between good and evil is a never-ending one. Without good, there is no evil. Without evil. There is no good. Just as darkness needs light to cast a shadow upon the world, light needs darkness to shine brightly across the world.

And so in the modern age, a new battle between the forces of good and evil begins once again.

And you have been chosen to become the newest piece that the forces of darkness have brought onto the field. Whether it be by force, your own free will or by complete accident, you are now a part of this grand conflict that had lasted since the dawn of history.

Though there are many factions and groups that often come into conflict with each other, regardless of whether they belong to the light or darkness, you have hidden within you a spark of potential that shall lead you to do great and terrible things.

Now break down the laws of reality.

Let loose the power within.

And show the world just who the victor of this new conflict will be.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Choose your faction:

[ ] Ebon Lord of the Black Kingdom

The battle has just begun and the Ebon Emperor, the God-King of the Black Kingdom has made the opening move - You. Though others will soon follow behind you, you are the Ebon Lord and thus you stand above all others that come after you in might and magic. You have only one master and he has commanded you to lead the Black Kingdom to victory!

  • You are the first to be chosen by the Ebon Emperor and so you have been granted power and privileges that will not be easily surpassed by those who follow after you. (You begin with Ebon Powerhouse Boon and 2 free Boons of your choice.)
  • The Light and other rival factions have yet to awaken so you shall have time to set down the foundation for your side. (No rival/enemy actions for five turns)
  • As Ebon Lord, you pay heed to only to the commands of Ebon Emperor and all that comes after you must follow your commands. (Greater freedom in how to develop your group)
  • With the power granted to you by the Ebon Emperor, you are capable of creating new minions to do your bidding. With your mind and power, you can create monsters or loyal soldiers to crush your enemies. (Ability to create custom monsters and minions each turn)
  • You are the first and therefore you must begin with nothing but the boons that the Ebon Emperor has granted you. It is up to you to forge the beginnings of the new Black Kingdom. (No starting infrastructure. Must start from scratch.)
  • Just as there is Darkness, there must be Light. When the Light awakens, a hero that is your equal will emerge. Beware for they shall be your ultimate nemesis. (Opposing Faction will be enhanced)

[ ] Branch Leader of the Nemesis Star Order

The battle between light and darkness have begun to leave the first stages of the conflict. You are the newest of several branch leaders of the nefarious Order of the Nemesis Star. Dedicated

  • You are a Nemesis Branch Leader, one of several in fact. You have control of an established base of operations as well as a significant number of Shadow Troopers and special officers. (You begin with branch headquarters with inbuilt forces.)
  • You have been granted a unique Blessing from the Nemesis Star. With time and effort, it will continue to grow in power and perhaps lead you to do greater things. (Nemesis Star Blessing Boon granted. You also gain 1 free boon of your choice.)
  • You have mad scientists and researchers developing new and powerful tools to grant greater power to your forces. (Free Research Slot every turn)
  • You have a quota with a deadline to fill. Not only that, you have rivals from both outside and within your faction to contend with. Failure to fill this quota will not be forgiven lightly. (Resource Quota must be maintained each turn or face severe penalties)
  • You are a newcomer amongst veterans and thus you get little respect from your supposed comrades. Even your subordinates don't respect you so you have to rely on fear to get them to do what you want. In time this may change however. (Small Penalty to all actions until prestige reaches a certain level)

[ ] Captain of the Antares Group

The battle between good and evil have been raging on for some time now. After a devastating loss, the Antares group have begun mass recruitment and you are but one such recruit. Fortunately your skills and hidden potential have granted you the rank of captain and you command a small squad of Antares troopers. Just hope that you'll survive long enough to do something with your life.

  • You are a captain of the Antares Group, one of many in fact. You command a squadron of a dozen Antares Troopers. Each Trooper is easily replaceable so you essentially can do whatever you want with them. (Squadron will automatically restore itself to full membership every turn for free)
  • You have been given significant body modification as well as the ability to transform into a very powerful "Monster" form. (You have a powerful monster form)
  • Thankfully, the modifications aren't obvious so you can maintain a normal life outside of work. Also good for infiltration as well. (You can maintain a civilian persona with little difficulties and bonus to intrigue missions)
  • The forces of good have been doing battle with the Antares Group for some time now and have gotten very good a defeating your forces. Prepare to get your asses kicked a lot of times. (Initial stronger enemy forces)
  • You are subjected to experimental equipment, modifications and other experiments that will probably result in death and agonising pain. You might come out better for it but mostly it's just gonna suck. (You are the primary test subject for experimental upgrades)
  • Your rank as a Captain, while meaningful to the troopers, barely warrants any attention from your superiors beyond whether you accomplished your mission or not. Unless you do something really impressive like defeat an entire hero group on your own, you're gonna be stuck at where you are for a long time. (No respect from superiors unless drastic measures are taken.)
  • You are given several missions each turn that you must accomplish. These missions will take must of your time, limiting your training and own research projects. (Mandatory missions each turn takes up action slots)

[ ] Lackey D of the secret organisation RX Group

The battle of good versus evil rages on with no end in sight. The faction you are a part of seeks world domination and the only thing standing in its way is...itself. Unfortunately for you, the secret organisation known as the RX group is seriously lacking in manpower, funding...and general competence. The most competent person is Miss Secretary who is constantly blowing up the RX Boss because he keeps wasting money on his hobbies. The sole mad scientist of the group keeps coming up with strange and generally bad ideas for the group. And your direct superior is a deranged stalker fangirl for the local hero and is usually the cause of your group's general failures. It's gonna be hard taking over the world but you've gotta start somewhere, I guess.

  • Your commanding officer, your sole officer, is a hero fangirl despite being a villain. She spends more time stalking and trying to gain the affections of the local hero than she does with any actual villainy. Unfortunately for you and your fellow lackeys, she's also the one you makes the missions. (Mandatory missions that are often meaningless or does nothing to progress the goals of RX)
  • Your boss is an otaku who loves buying the latest figurines at the detriment of your organisation's funds. Despite his incredible powers, he is also generally an idiot. He means well though but he needs to focus more on how RX is gonna take over the world than the release date of the newest limited edition figurine. (Incompetent yet powerful boss who constantly wastes your group's funding.)
  • Your base is pretty much a large shack next to the local junkyard. It's actually more akin to a large clubhouse than a base. It is also your home which you share with Lackey A, B and C. Security is non-existence but that's okay since you don't have anything worth stealing anyway. (You live in a large shack that also doubles as RX's main headquarters with three other lackeys. Everyone else has their own apartment or house.)
  • Your mad scientist, despite their habit to invent whatever is on their mind, is actually a true genius and makes some pretty neat stuff that would easily be the envy of more well-funded groups for a fraction of the cost it would normally take to create something like that. Pity that half the time, it'll be blowing up in your face. (Research Actions have heavily discounted costs. Double or nothing success though.)
  • Miss Secretary, the second in command is actually competent and is able to somehow keep the group funded (Read: pay you and your fellow lackeys) as well as keep the Boss on track most of the time. You think she may actually be the main sponsor of the group and the funds that the Boss wastes away is actually his allowance. (Certain action costs are heavily discounted.)
  • You've been blown up, crushed, eviscerated, lasered, mauled, and generally have faced more physical abuse than most mooks would ever have to suffer. Yet you survive them all and recover by the next week. Comedy violence is a bitch, ain't it? (You will survive anything, ANYTHING.)

AN: Sup everyone. Shibosho here. Been thinking about doing a quest like this for a long time now. And with me being stuck with a writer's block for my other quests as well as inspiration finally bringing this to fruition, let's have fun trying to take over the world, shall we?
Adhoc vote count started by shibosho on May 17, 2017 at 2:03 AM, finished with 18 posts and 13 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by shibosho on May 17, 2017 at 3:27 AM, finished with 22 posts and 17 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by shibosho on May 17, 2017 at 4:20 AM, finished with 25 posts and 20 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by shibosho on May 17, 2017 at 4:22 AM, finished with 25 posts and 20 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by shibosho on May 17, 2017 at 4:48 AM, finished with 25 posts and 20 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by shibosho on May 17, 2017 at 7:50 AM, finished with 32 posts and 27 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by shibosho on May 17, 2017 at 9:10 AM, finished with 36 posts and 31 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by shibosho on May 17, 2017 at 11:36 AM, finished with 41 posts and 36 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by shibosho on May 17, 2017 at 12:29 PM, finished with 41 posts and 36 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by shibosho on May 17, 2017 at 9:04 PM, finished with 60 posts and 48 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by shibosho on May 17, 2017 at 10:07 PM, finished with 60 posts and 48 votes.
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Character Sheet
Character Sheet

Lackey D (Real Name Unknown)
Age: Unknown

Martial: 2 + 1 + 5 + 5 + 5: 18

You're actually incredibly bad at fighting. However, thanks to your superhuman body and your powers, you can be considered a serious threat to heroes.

Stewardship: 8 + 1 + 1 + 2: 12

You're barely average at keeping on the straight and narrow in terms of finances, but you get your work done.

Diplomacy: 10 + 1: 11

You know how to talk you other people without accidentally offending them or falling apart. With a bit of effort, you can make friends.

Intrigue: 11 + 1 + 2: 14

You know keeping a knife at your back is the best way to keep another from plunging into it. You're not foolish in the least about the dangers of those who lurk in the shadows, your enemies will have to work to get at you.

Learning: 15 + 1: 16

You've finished high school with good grades though you haven't really touched upon more advanced stuff. You can at the very least help out in the lab though.

Ideology: 1 + 1 + 3: 5

As someone who was meant to be the Chosen One of some Holy Church type group, you've never really thought about evil until you learnt about the prophecy. You sort of get what being an evil minion is all about so you suppose that's some progress.

: You're quick on the uptake.+1 to all stats

RX Budgeting: Due to the frugal nature of the finances of RX Group, you've learnt to deal with living in poverty.

Superpower - Location Switch: You can switch the location of two objects as long as they're of similar size. +5 Martial

Superpower - Domain Control: You can telekinetically control anything within a bubble that you control. +5 Martial

Comedic Minion Immortality: Will survive absolutely anything short of conceptual destruction and fully recover from all injuries by the next turn with no penalty.

Mundane Poison Immunity: you are immune to non-magical, non-alien, non-psychic poisons

Miss Secretary's Assistant: As the second-in-command's personal assistant, you are to assist her in her work behind the scenes. Be they filling out paperwork and crunching the numbers or planning a devious sabotage of a rival's resources and assets. +2 Intrigue. +2 Stewardship. +3 Ideology.

Superhuman Augmentation (Body): As the result of drinking a super serum developed by a mad scientist, your body has been enhanced to the maximum limits of human potential. +5 Martial
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RX Group Organisational Roster WIP

The Boss

Miss Secretary

Miss Black General

Miss Scientist

Lackey A, B, C, D, E, F, G

Minion 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
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Oh man how can I not? Im heavily tempted for the Ebon Lord but man that Lackey one sounds so much fun.

As long as we can still progress towards World Domination I'd be down for that.
[X] Lackey D of the secret organisation RX Group

This is too much fun not to be picked.
[x] Ebon Lord of the Black Kingdom

Things are just started out, so there are no laws about magic or anything.

Black magic sweatshops in third world nations. Cheap mass produced magic items. Powered vby Evil(tm)
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[x] Ebon Lord of the Black Kingdom

Playing the #2 of a villain, with the power and authority to match, is well worth the drawbacks :cool:

And having a equally powerful nemesis will make things more fun.
[x] Ebon Lord of the Black Kingdom
sounds interesting, wiling too see how we shape our 'evil' empire, or whatever it will be