Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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Well, that happened. I have to process that later.

Not… really. Part of the Wolf's entire mythos is that it cannot die until literally everything else dies first. It is the agony of existence that will only end when there is nothing else left to suffer. If it could die, it already would have done so because there is nothing it desires more.

The Wolf is a living wound and is really, really hard to deal with to say the least.

Although that does make me think. Wounds can be healed or turned into scars. The Wolf is on another level entirely but I wonder if the theoretical framework is there to try something. Clearly not something we can do now or even at all, but it makes me think.
So do we get no lore scraps since this wasn't a full 'full' regrettable action? Or is the reward from the wolf that our quest end conditions have been altered for the better?
So do we get no lore scraps since this wasn't a full 'full' regrettable action? Or is the reward from the wolf that our quest end conditions have been altered for the better?
I guess not. :-(

Which means we're got to find an Edge scrap somewhere next turn. I guess it's time to pull out my "scry for an Edge artifact" suggestion again? Studying a Level 3+ one would be sufficient to get us that scrap, plus it would give Jade a source of Edge for summoning Mares-in-the-Light.

Actually, yeah! If we get at least an Edge 3+ artifact, and get Jade to Lantern 4, she'd have pretty good chances at summoning a MitL if we give her two reagents (or an existing MitL), when combined w/ that Knock 2 artifact we just picked up!
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Which means we're got to find an Edge scrap somewhere next turn

Actions are pretty tight given we need to get Master's sacrament. Doing knock before edge gives us another turn but if we lose access to the Master's lessons we might need to consider other sources of edge scraps.

Options include; trying to get Comet to teach us, finding an Edge 3 or higher artifact and studying it, finding an Edge 3 or higher book and studying it or wolf sacrament (probably conditional on all other options failing).
Interesting. And a touch less traumatic than I was thinking it would be. We will have to wait and see how this changes things.

Ah what I wouldn't give for the Baldomares presence. For all that she would likely be really fucking spooked. Again.

I will also say we'll dine. @BirdBodhisattva. If anything the lack of overt and menacing evil makes me even more concerned.
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That is a surprisingly decent resurrection job, especially considering that the closest thing to that the player can do in Cultist Simulator is make a Risen with a slight ember of the person's soul in it. It's a shame it had to be through the Wolf, though.

By the way, I wonder if this counts as the Soft Sweeps socialization action or not.
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Just roll for it. Every other quest gets by without the certainty that actions succeed beforehand.

Sometimes I feel the thread is just a tiny bit spoiled.
Just roll for it. Every other quest gets by without the certainty that actions succeed beforehand.

Sometimes I feel the thread is just a tiny bit spoiled.
To be fair, this is a horror-world quest without plot armor. I think @Zerrer over on SB made a similarly "realism-focused" Worm quest recently (one of a series) which ended around turn 5-10 or so from a completely random choice with no prior indication that it was different from anything else (not that that's a bad thing, but it's just the way of things in realism-focused quests).

Given that kind of precedent, and the desperate situations we're constantly thrown into (just barely escaping death because of the aforementioned certainties), we have very good reason not to risk the collapse of Velvet's chances for survival on the basis of a random dice roll, especially when there's something we can do about it if we're careful enough.
Sure, now the quest won't end anymore if that happens, but I think most of us have still grown attached to being Velvet instead of a Wolf.
What and turn it from the Wolf Divided into the Wolf United?
I mean, if it works… :V

Honestly, I wouldn't know. The Wolf is also the living embodiment of the wound dealt to the Sun-in-Splendor, and while Harmony strikes me as the type to heal something fully if it can, that sort of healing has, as was pointed out, already passed by, and doesn't really mesh with the CS side of things.

If I had to guess, it would probably end with the Wolf being turned into a scar rather than an open wound, or something along those lines. Not really sure how that would manifest though.
What and turn it from the Wolf Divided into the Wolf United?
I mean, if it works… :V

Honestly, I wouldn't know. The Wolf is also the living embodiment of the wound dealt to the Sun-in-Splendor, and while Harmony strikes me as the type to heal something fully if it can, that sort of healing has, as was pointed out, already passed by, and doesn't really mesh with the CS side of things.

If I had to guess, it would probably end with the Wolf being turned into a scar rather than an open wound, or something along those lines. Not really sure how that would manifest though.
However it goes, I would expect the option for a roll to convince Wolfy to accept the healing/reforging with a DC that's technically achievable.
I mean, if it works… :V

Honestly, I wouldn't know. The Wolf is also the living embodiment of the wound dealt to the Sun-in-Splendor, and while Harmony strikes me as the type to heal something fully if it can, that sort of healing has, as was pointed out, already passed by, and doesn't really mesh with the CS side of things.

If I had to guess, it would probably end with the Wolf being turned into a scar rather than an open wound, or something along those lines. Not really sure how that would manifest though.
The Wolf as The Memory of Wrongs or The Memory of Wounds, or such. Would probably mesh its previous nature best with what Harmony would push it towards. Not strictly malevolent, but not kind either.
Turn 15 - Expedition Planning

This piece of literature is meant for mature audiences, and its content includes or may include themes that involve the following subjects:
-Abusive relationships
-Mental health issues
-Other, potentially disturbing issues

The author does not intend to (and should not be interpreted as intending to) break the site's Terms of Service or site rules at any point.
None of the above subjects are condoned, glorified or encouraged by the author, and their presence in this story is purely for narrative purposes.
If you do not wish to be exposed to any of the subjects cited above, you should STOP READING IMMEDIATELY.

- - -
- - -
- - -

[X] Plan Vespertine
-[X] You will do the bare minimum to get the farm running. For the benefit of your workers and your city, if nothing else.
-[X] (Servants) Find a way to reduce suspicion of at-home rituals (don't tell them that, of course)
-[X] (Hintchasers) Obtain a dead body from the cemetery
-[X] (Rarity) Focus on her work
-[X] (Jade) Scout Crepuscular Jailbreak with RotT
--[X] Sacrifice Lantern 1 reagent
--[X] At the Velvet estate
-[X] (Velvet Axe) Lead an expedition (Beneath the Royal Castle)
--[X] Conditional: Drop and reassign to physically scouting Crepuscular Jailbreak if RotT fails
-[X] (Risen) Fleeting opportunity: Steal the original manuscripts from the Bright Library

-[X] Selene (Winter)
-[X] (AotL) Grail: Comet Feet to be used somewhere else
-[X] (Knock) Explore the Ruined Church
-[X] (Forge) Grail 3
-[X] (Winter) Raise a Flourishing Risen
-[X] Perform the Calling of Influence (Grail)
--[X] Sacrifice Grail 3 reagent
--[X] At the cult's gathering place
-[X] Fleeting opportunity: Comet Feet
--[X] With Fluttershy from the start
-[X] Fleeting opportunity: Soft Sweeps
-[X] Fleeting opportunity: Family Lore lessons
-[X] Fleeting opportunity: Dissociate 'Velvet Covers' from cult
--[X] Conditional: Drop and reassign to Crepuscular Jailbreak if both RotT and scouting fail

-[X] Lead an expedition (Crepuscular Jailbreak)
[X] Provide the "Loremaster" with "proof" of his station. (Heart)

It is night. The shadows stretch long, your daughters are asleep, and the entirety of your estate is covered in peaceful silence. Not a single pony is going about any sort of business, and nopony seems to have any thought in their mind apart from whatever dreams they might be having.

Nopony, except for you.

You are Lady Velvet Covers, and you are currently in your study room.

You check for what must have been the hundredth time the map that is laid upon the central table, ensuring that the plans you have made regarding transportation all make sense. You also triple-check your calendar, to make sure that Captain Shining Armor is indeed at least one week away from arriving at Ponyville. Or at least that his estimated date of arrival is still several days away, since you don't have any official confirmation of when exactly he is arriving.

Your eyes go over the physical possessions that you set aside, the clothes and curios and choice small items that you think or hope will be useful. Enough things for you not to feel unprepared, while also not being so much that it would burden you down.

And finally, make a mental list of the ponies that will accompany you.

You think you are ready.

You can only hope you are.

However, there is... one last thing you have to decide.

It is something that has been in your mind for a while. Something that you haven't really talked about with anypony. But only because, in truth, you didn't really want to talk about it yourself.

Jade thought about it, you are sure. But you think Jade knows you too well, and that she didn't bring it up for the same reason.

Rarity... well, you are not proud to admit it, but Rarity probably didn't bring it up due to your own fault. Any thoughts that something you are planning might be wrong just... don't occur to her anymore.

And the Daughter-of-Axes, well... She is not from this world, from starters. She is also from an era when certain things were far more common, as well as gruesome.

Plus, you don't think she even realizes you might take some exception with... this particular subject. After all, you already employed it during her summoning, and you are not exactly close and personal to the snakemare. As far as she is concerned, you are as gruesome and determined as the adepts of her misbegotten age.

The subject you are thinking about is, of course, that of violence. Specifically, the degree of violence you are willing to accept, because some level of violence is almost certain.

Because Jade Whistle told you there will be guards. There will be guards, and they are either members of the cult, or under their employment.

Which means you have a... decision to make.

Letting the guards live will mean, at best, that they will realize their prisoner has disappeared almost immediately. Which will mean that an alarm will be raised perhaps even before you escape the city, and you would very much rather have as much distance from Manehattan as possible, when Twilight's disappearance is finally noticed.

Letting the guards live will also, at worse, mean that you are exposed. Because only a single guard needs to survive, and describe you to somepony in the Cult, for your involvement to be discovered with both finality and certainty.

But not letting the guards live... well, that means... murder.

Even if you don't do it yourself, you will be planning, ordering and approving of murder. Of murdering ponies.

And for all that your hoofs are already stained with blood, that was the blood of monsters. Monsters who hurt Soft Sweeps, and so many others besides. Monsters who captured and maimed Twilight Sparkle, and did so many other atrocities.

However, right now, you are planning to...


You will have a decision before sunrise.

- - -

Expedition: Crepuscule Jailbreak

Difficulty: Small/Medium

Expected dangers: Jade Whistle scryed the place where they are holding Twilight Sparkle. She is in an old and battered warehouse, near the fringe section of the city... or at least it is old and battered when looking from the outside. But within its walls, the place is guarded, either by hired muscle or cult members, and you will need to force your way through them. Additionally, despite its beaten exterior, the inside of the warehouse has been reinforced with the Cult's Forge-secrets. You will need a way to open them, or to destroy them. Finally, there is the escape itself. You have no idea how helpful Twilight Sparkle will be, but as you escape the town, not drawing attention, or being able to divert attention away, will certainly be useful.

Expected amount of actions required: 1 (5 days)

Base cost: 6 bits (6 bits per pony per day. 30 bits must be available per pony sent)

Current available funds: 160 bits

[X] Expedition Leader: Lady Velvet Covers (may not be changed)

[] Accompanying team: WRITE IN

[] Artifacts and Curios taken: WRITE IN

[X] Regarding the inevitable
-[] You are willing to kill the ponies guarding Twilight Sparkle
-[] You will not authorize any ponies to die, no matter what (might incur combat maluses, and other problems besides)

-Rarity (GRAIL 1, FORGE 0)
-Jade Whistle (LANTERN 3, HEART 1)
-The Daughter-of-Axes
-Generic cultists (unavailable, for obvious reasons)

Good Friends:
-Inner Circle members (unavailable, for obvious reasons)
-Artifacts taken risk being lost, stolen or destroyed.

"The skin of a furred animal worked into a large blanket, or perhaps a thick carpet. The salespony insists that whoever sleeps under it (or over it) will wake up feeling refreshed."
Appraised cost: 200 bits
Special properties: +30 on tests to recuperate health or cure lasting debuffs. Applies on contact.

"A large hardcover book, or perhaps a grimoire, that displays the content of a different book every time its pages are turned. Some of the things written on it, you are pretty sure, are not true, or never happened."
Appraised cost: 200 bits
Special properties: Gives a variable bonus (from +5 to +15) for any rolls that involve "research" or "study", of any subject.

The Cult has been provided with a level 2 Heart Manifest. The Bright Library has been updated accordingly.

Because this was posted late in the night, kindly observe twelve hours of moratorium. Vote in plans.
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The Wolf as The Memory of Wrongs or The Memory of Wounds, or such. Would probably mesh its previous nature best with what Harmony would push it towards. Not strictly malevolent, but not kind either.

Honestly, a lot of the exact path would probably depend on who, exactly, provided the Element component. Someone mentioned Fluttershy being the one to tame it, and this feels like her answer.
[ ] Expedition Leader: Lady Velvet Covers (may not be changed)
-[] Accompanying team: Daughter of Axes.
-[] Artifacts and Curios taken: None

[] Regarding the inevitable
-[] You are willing to kill the ponies guarding Twilight Sparkle

We can't risk delays on getting back to Ponyville, we need to back before Shining Armor or the entire plan to sell finding Twilight becomes much harder. And more importantly we cannot risk the Cult learning that Velvet has turned traitor, they will make sure to place information in the Ponyville branch to that effect, making the entire decision to turn traitor worthless.
[X] Regarding the inevitable
-[] You are willing to kill the ponies guarding Twilight Sparkle
-[] You will not authorize any ponies to die, no matter what (might incur combat maluses, and other problems besides)
...hoo boy. Let the knife fighting begin, I guess. On one hand, getting discovered right now would be... pretty bad, especially if we bring Rarity with us, considering we haven't completely finished dissociating ourselves yet, plus the issues that leaving the guards alive would cause even in the best case scenario. On the other hand... murder. Yeah.

[X] Expedition Leader: Lady Velvet Covers (may not be changed)

[] Accompanying team: WRITE IN

[] Artifacts and Curios taken: WRITE IN
-Rarity (GRAIL 1, FORGE 0)
-Jade Whistle (LANTERN 3, HEART 1)
-The Daughter-of-Axes
-Generic cultists (unavailable, for obvious reasons)
Last I checked, thread consensus was the Daughter-of-Axes (for obvious reasons) and Rarity (for help with Twilight). I don't really think we have much reason to bring Jade along; none of the hurdles involve Lantern or Heart, and Jade as a person isn't necessarily going to be helpful in dealing with Twilight.

Likewise, I don't think there's much reason to bring along either of our artifacts. Even if Twilight is injured (and really, she likely will be), having the Heartifact with us on the expedition isn't going to help much with that.
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Yeah… y'all have fun with this vote. I will respectfully recuse myself because I'm not certain I can be entirely civil about this.
[ ] Plan Army of Two:
- [ ] Accompanying team: The Daughter of Axes
- [ ] Artifacts and Curios taken: None
- [ ] You are willing to kill the ponies guarding Twilight Sparkle

The reasoning for this is simple: out of our available companions, Rarity is too weak to be useful and is too vulnerable to be put into the line of fire. Jade is also vulnerable and none of her Lores align with the requirements of the Expedition. Both of them would hurt more than help. That leaves only one option: The Daughter of Axes. To put it simply, she is a perfect fit for this Expedition. Not only is she accustomed to the violence that will inevitably break out, but she is an adept at Knock, which will be required to get past the Cult's Forge-secrets.

Unfortunately, none of the artifacts we have are directly applicable to the Expedition. The skin would be useful for healing any wounds we sustain in the long-term, but it can't do so in the middle of a battle.

Finally, I think we'll just have to accept that violence likely is inevitable, lest we get caught and risk a premature Trigger event. Before we get all squeamish, let's remind ourselves that our targets are cultists who pose an immediate threat to the safety of Equestria and perhaps the world as a whole.
...hoo boy. Let the knife fighting begin, I guess. On one hand, getting discovered right now would be... pretty bad, especially if we bring Rarity with us, considering we haven't completely finished dissociating ourselves yet, plus the issues that leaving the guards alive would cause even in the best case scenario. On the other hand... murder. Yeah.

Last I checked, thread consensus was the Daughter-of-Axes (for obvious reasons) and Rarity (for help with Twilight). I don't really think we have much reason to bring Jade along; none of the hurdles involve Lantern or Heart, and Jade as a person isn't necessarily going to be helpful in dealing with Twilight.

Likewise, I don't think there's much reason to bring along either of our artifacts. Even if Twilight is injured (and really, she likely will be), having the Heartifact with us on the expedition isn't going to help much with that.

I think Rarity isn't nearly adept enough at the Lores to be helpful, and she's quite "squishy" overall, which is a problem as this Expedition will almost certainly result in violent encounters.
I think Rarity isn't nearly adept enough at the Lores to be helpful, and she's quite "squishy" overall, which is a problem as this Expedition will almost certainly result in violent encounters.
We wouldn't be bringing Rarity along for her Lore, we'd be bringing her along because she's Twilight's friend which could help tip the scales in Twilight's head toward "cooperative".