Empire: The Glory of Rome (Roman Empire Quest)

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Plan For the Empire.

[ ] Execute all but five men and send them to Mecca, they need to tell their Caliph one message - 'We shall meet on the ashes of Mecca.'

[ ] End the Exarchate and crown Heraklonas Magister Militum of the Western Empire, he'd govern the west as the successor.

[ ] (Cost 40,000 for Three Turns) The recent Persian War has damaged all of Oriens and Aegyptus, the infrastructure lost has caused a loss in revenue and logistical ability to field large armies, this needs to be remedied. (Significantly Increases Revenue) (IMPERATOR FOCUS) (REDUCE BY ONE TURN EVEN IF WE SPEND THE WHOLE AMOUNT if that is okay)

[ ] The rumours of your late heir's death are running rampant in Constantinople, though Martina is with the situation has deteriorated to an unfathomed level even though your son's victory has silenced much of the empire. More shockingly (Really though, you're sardonic, not shocked) the Scholae Palatinae have been the ones to rise to the defence of the Empress against the Excubitors who're rallying around Valentinius. That those ponced up princess cavalrymen have actually risen to defend you son might indicate it is time they are reinstated and actually get reinforcements from the most zealous of your supporters.

[ ] Send a personal mission to Aksum to rebuild the alliance you once had with them in the time of Justinian as the protector of Christendom. It helps they have a larger navy than the Arabs.

The Arabs look to the Roman Empire as barbarians and pagans, but these Arabs need to feel the superiority of Roman Law,Administration, Military and Faith so we can begin the process of Romanization and we shall start with that which united those disparate tribes, Mecca will just be another city that Rome has razed, their faith another snuffed out by Rome's boot, their peoples another people to enslave.

The soft hands of the Ecclesiastes have no place defending the homeland of the Roman Empire, another must lead in these dark times one more Julius Caesar, Scipio Africanus, to bring barbario back in line or out of the Roman Empire be it alive or dead.

Aegyptus is still the largest source of revenue for the Empire and she is located at the heart of the conflict, many events in Rome's history has revolved around Aegyptus and once again she shall bear witness to the end of Empire. Aegyptus lies between Roma, Arabia and Aksum she holds ports in the Red Sea and the Mediterranean as long as we hold her we may project our force all across Arabia and if needed assist Antiochus and Aksum.

Rome has been plagued by Civil War for majority of its existence, but with the Arab Invasion we cannot afford another at the time, heads will roll and the Empire will not fracture.

The Kingdom of Aksum defends the South of Aegyptus and is a bastion of Christendom, she holds dominion of the Red Sea and has no love for the Arabs, we share a common enemy, God, and interests. The Kingdom of Aksum will pave the way for our Legions to avoid the deserts and invade Mecca through the sea.
are we not splitting rome by making heraklonas magister militum in the west?


[X] Plan: Glass the Sand

switched my vote
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The Roman Civil War 01
[X] Plan: Glass the Sand

-[X] Besiege Petra, the City is fairly small and the Arabs don't have sufficient food to feed both their men and horse for a long time. (12)

-[X] Execute all but five men and send them to Mecca, they need to tell their Caliph one message - 'We shall meet on the ashes of Mecca.'

-[X] End the Exarchate and crown Heraklonas Magister Militum of the Western Empire, he'd govern the west as the successor.

-[X] (Cost 17,500) Invest into Thraciae and Macedonia heavily, increasing urbanisation, civic facilities, manufacturies and universities, completes repair of damaged roads due to Slavic raiding. [Increase revenue, population and administration cost significantly.] [Imperator Focus] Refunded fully.

-[X] (Cost 3,500) The Arabs do not yet realise the importance of the sea, Aegyptus hosts a large Roman army, Portus Ferresansus was an important strategic port and could be renovated to once more play an important role in Sinus Arabicus. (Red Sea), Roman trade vessels would be readied for a surprise invasion of Arabia Felix. 50 War Vessels and adequate vessels of transport shall be arranged to carry a Roman Army into the heart of their savage motherland. (105) [Imperator Focus]

-[X] (Cost 10,000 for three turns) Aegyptus has suffered much but the damage is not as pressing there, it can be repaired and brought up to speed slowly.

-[X] The rumours of your late heir's death are running rampant in Constantinople, though Martina is with the situation has deteriorated to an unfathomed level even though your son's victory has silenced much of the empire. More shockingly (Really though, you're sardonic, not shocked) the Scholae Palatinae have been the ones to rise to the defence of the Empress against the Excubitors who're rallying around Valentinus. That those ponced up princess cavalrymen have actually risen to defend you son might indicate it is time they are reinstated and actually get reinforcements from the most zealous of your supporters. (12)

--[X] Enough is Enough! Order Niketas to march into the capital with one of his Meroii he is to provide a better defence to the Empress with the Scholae Palatinae and arrest the Excubitors for treason (57)

The year following the end of the counteroffensive was supposed to be a year of economic and morale recovery, the army was being stationed all across Oriens.

Heraclius had left 6 Meroii in Oriens under the command of Theodore, whilst another 4 were moved to the Armenian mountains.

With his remaining 4 Heraclius had prepared to march south to Aegyptus where he'd group up with the Southern army and move to Thebae to wait for the preparation of the naval rearmament of Portus Ferresanus, that and have a talk with Cyrus about his want to surrender at the first sight of the enemy.

Just before the Emperor could march South two pieces of perilous news coming from the South, the Arabs had broken out of city of Petra, though they took eleven thousand losses to the equally bad ones taken by the Romans at Petra it was a somewhat fortunate news when the Imperator was informed of the other, far far more disastrous news.

Thraciae, Macedonia and Pontus had raised their flags in rebellion after the Capital itself fell to the usurper Valentinus, the Scholae Palatinae had done their job to the best of their ability.

The Empress was chased out, though the group of 2,000 heavy cavalrymen managed to escort the Empress to Serdica where Niketas at the head of an entire Meros joined her, Niketas stood with 9,000 men in Serdica at the command of the Empress.

All was not bad though, Thrace, Macedonia and Pontus may be lost but almost all of the army had remained loyal to the Imperator and the growing guard on the Danuvius repelled nearly nine separate attacks from a determined Bulgar-Avar force seeking to aid the usurper for some land and riches.

The Usurper had not yet managed to coronate Heraclius -who went by Heraclius- himself, the Ecumenical Patriarch had not rebelled and was safe in Serdica with the Royal Jewels, the Usurpers were raising armies in the provinces that had revolted by stripping down the garrisons of entire towns and cities or going into debt and raising entirely new regiments.

Heraklonas had been appointed the Magister Militum of the Western Empire, already he had begun marching to the port of Brundisium with the intent to cross over, one of his trusted Captains appointed the temporary governor of Italia.

Despite his ideological differences with the Imperator, Patriarch Theodore of Roma had risen in defence of his exiled Patriarch to jointly condemn the Usurper and excommunicate him from the church.

The navy has begun the blockade already, though being based in Ephesus only a small amount of ships can commit due to the small port of Cyzicus and the greater port of Nicomedia being in rebel hands.

What should Niketas go?

[] Hold his position in Serdica and wait for the Caesar to arrive, then move to surround Thessalonica whilst taking back the hinterlands of Macedonia.

[] Don't let the rebels assemble in force, send the cavalry to reclaim Thessalonica whilst advancing and establishing a siege line around the city of Constantinople all the while taking back the hinterland of Thraciae.
-[] Ask the garrisons of Danuvius to take back the towns closest to them.

[] Don't let the rebels assemble in force in Thessalonica otherwise the economic losses could be catastrophic, attack and take back Macedonia. Use the Imperial Navy to sneak into Thessalonica.

[] Attack and prepare siege lines near Constantinople, take back what you can in Thraciae with the aid of Captain Eudes of the Danuvius Limitaniea.

The Imperator only thought about it for a second, two Meroii were sent south as Portus Ferresansus was swiftly refitted and ships in Arabicus Sinus were commissioned. Two Meroii were removed from the Armenian guard to bring his numbers back up as he marched towards Pontus, his target decided…

[] Ancyra, a hub of Roman roads throughout Pontus.
- [] Send 2 Meroii to seize Sinope and completely cut Pontus in two halves.

[] Nicomedia, the centre of the traitors in Pontus still raising what they can.
- [] Send 2 Meroii to attack Ancyra as well, cutting off the most obvious route to Nicomedia.

As the year comes to a close, Imperial forces in Aegyptus finally make the journey to Hedjaz, 2 Meroii and 4,000 Nubians sail out led by the loyalist Prefect Aretion with the authority of the Imperator invested in him, ending the war had become even more important than ever.

Despite the escape of 22,000 men from Petra the Prefect led his men confidently, a legendary general himself his assault was never expected, even more surprisingly the Imperial forces were joined by 30 Aksumite warships and 10,000 of their infantry.

By the time Jeddah was invaded one thing was very clear, the Arabs had not yet grasped the importance of naval warfare. Jeddah had minor foundations for a wall but its port was defenceless as the Roman-Aksum navy sailed in with minor disturbances taking the town with minor difficulties.

Aretion awarded the town to Aksum whilst claiming the Port for Roma, an agreeable pact was formed between the formerly estranged allies as the combined allied army beat a shocked Muslim army outside of Mecca, before advancing into the holy city with little fanfare.

Though the Caliph himself had retreated to Medina and had an army of 50,000 men ready to fight the Imperial armies he had offered one last desperate offer for peace, the Caliphate was offering all of formerly Sassanid Mesopotamia, Arabia Felix (Southwest Arabia + Port of Aden) and former Ghassanid and Lakhmid territory alongside a tribute of 20,000 Solidus worth of gold with an annual tribute of 10,000 Solidus given to the Empire and recognise the Imperator Heraclius as the sole Emperor in the world.

[] In the name of Imperator Flavius Heracles Augustus Emperor of all Romans, Vice Regent of God, I, Prefect Aretion of Oriens accept your surrender in the name of Roma!

[] Refuse, torch Mecca and continue on to attack Medina with further support of 2 more Meroii, bringing your numbers up to 20,000 Roman Infantry, 8,000 Roman Cavalry, 4,000 Numidian Cavalry and 10,000 Aksumite Infantry (with 2,000 more Aksumite Infantry as reinforcements)
(Send 50,000 Solidus worth of loot back to Roma)

The year finally ended, it was filled with a large variety of news both good and bad. In the south the Arabs were on their last legs, an influx of blind men pushed them further than mere deaths would have, in the East the Sassanid remnants led by Yazdegerd III have used the relative peace to focus on the east where Tang China was making raids into Transoxiana, despite the peace the Sassanid economy had crashed with inflation soaring past Roman third Century levels Yazdegerd III would have to move heaven and hell to re-establish the Sassanid remnants as a true empire.

The Usurper Valentinus had begun a civil war in the Roman Empire but he had failed to account for Heraclius' popularity within the ranks of the army and the provinces, only a few provinces managed to revolt successfully whilst the army chose to stay loyal the martially gifted Imperator and Caesar, still, he was in control of the richest of Roman provinces and the only ones relatively undamaged by the long wars in the East and the West, if given time he too could raise an army that would shake the Imperial army opposing him.


Treasury: 28,500 Solidus

Income: 2,000 Solidus

+155,000 Taxes

+040,000 Production

+015,000 Trade

-148,000 Army

-020,000 Navy

-40,000 Imperial Administration

-10,000 Aegyptian Repairs. [Halted, negative not added]

Projects: (Can take as many, Imperator can focus on One to reduce cost by 50%)

[] (Cost 40,000 for Three Turns) The recent Persian War has damaged all of Oriens and Aegyptus, the infrastructure lost has caused a loss in revenue and logistical ability to field large armies, this needs to be remedied. (Significantly Increases Revenue)

[] (Cost 30,000) Invest in Italia to revitalise the lost heartland of the Empire. (Takes two turns, increases revenue, employment and population growth locally)

[] (Cost 10,000) Investing in the loyalist urban centres. (Invests into, Ephesus, Roma, Brundisium, Antiochia, Alexandria etc to decentralise wealth and revenue.)

[ ] (Cost 35,000) Invest into Thraciae and Macedonia heavily, increasing urbanisation, civic facilities, manufacturies and universities, completes repair of damaged roads due to Slavic raiding. [Increase revenue, population and administration cost significantly.]

[] (Cost 7,000 {civil war} Upkeep 14,000) With Asiana and Pontus restored our access to its manpower has been increased. Raise 2 Meroii in Ephesus.

[] (Cost 50,000 Initial, 30000 for two more turns) The majority of the Roman Navy cannot use its dominance to aid the war, but perhaps we can repair and refit the Canal of the Pharaohs to increase the reach of our navy, after all even if it isn't ready nothing wakes Arabs up better at the night than a healthy dose of Greek Fire they didn't expect in the first place!

[] (Cost 25,000) The Aksumites are in alliance with Roma, the temporary fleet in Arabicus Sinus can be made into a trade fleet ready to patrol the seas properly. (Significantly increases trade revenue)

[] (Cost 80,000) Oriens has been savagely attacked, its population has fallen its farmlands and orchards have been destroyed and no more are its naval bases properly operational in any city but Antioch. The people need some hope at the very least they need tax free relief, not that they have anything to tax. (Takes three turns)

[] (Cost 10,000 for three turns) Aegyptus has suffered much but the damage is not as pressing there, it can be repaired and brought up to speed slowly.

[] (Cost 10,000) Recruit 20,000 Foederati Spearmen {Germanic} into the army at Thrace, in return however they demand Moesia II and Scythia (Modern upper Bulgaria) as their own land under the Imperator.

Imperator's personal actions:

[] Heliopolis's miracle alchemist is seeking to enter your retinue and continue his work with Naptha and Greek Fire. (Cost 2,000)

[] Send an envoy to the Sassanids, offer nominal aid in return for official recognition and renouncing of all claims to Mesopotamian basin. [Cost 5,000]

[] The doctrine of Monothelitism has been accepted by all but the Patriarch of Roma, it has been a great project that has nearly succeeded in unifying the Aegyptian church with the greater whole of the Chalcedonian. You can resume the pressure on the Patriarch of Roma, for he is all that stands between the ending of this Constantinople-Alexandria schism, maybe due to the civil war, the Patriarch in Roma can be kinder to your needs.

[] Send a personal mission to India and China to encourage trade at all costs, you need the money. [Opens further Silk Route missions] (Cost 5,000)

Nation: Imperium Romanorum

Year: 644 Anno Domini

Imperator: Flavius Heraclius Augustus (69 Years) [ADM:8/DIP:7/MAR:9]

Heir: Caesar Heraklonas (17 Years) [ADM:7/DIP:4/MAR:10]

Population: 21,024,771

Feel free to join me on Discord, that's where I do the rolls for the quest! Join the Fire and Fiery Discord Server!

Beta'ed by SirLagsalot
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Does 'India' even exist? I was under the impression that it was divided between hundreds of nations.
The Gupta Empire has collapsed, true, but there aren't 'hundreds' of kingdoms, just 16-25 with three major Kingdoms on the Western Coast (Valabhi, Kalachuris and Chalukya in that order from Gujrat Maharastra and India till Kerela) and and one Major one (Kannauj) controlling most of the Indo-Gangetic plain.


I was wrong, I google fued and I can confidently say their are rwo major Empires, the Chalukya Empire ruling nearly all of India south of Gujrat.

The Harshavardana Empire is in the Indo-Gangetic plains plus Gujrat.
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The Gupta Empire has collapsed, true, but there aren't 'hundreds' of kingdoms, just 16-25 with three major Kingdoms on the Western Coast (Valabhi, Kalachuris and Chalukya in that order from Gujrat Maharastra and India till Kerela) and and one Major one (Kannauj) controlling most of the Indo-Gangetic plain.
... That ain't exactly a great deal better. I guess we could try to make a deal with the big one, but in general, the division of a region like that makes arranging any sort of profitable trade deal nigh impossible. Everyone's gonna want to take their bit of the pie and make sure their enemies can't.

Meanwhile, China doesn't 'trade' - it accepts tribute. I'm fairly certain the Tang aren't the super-isolationist ones who ended up forcing the East India Company to become glorified drug deals in order to make a semblance of a profit, but in any case I highly doubt we're going to have much luck coming to a mutually acceptable arrangement.
... That ain't exactly a great deal better. I guess we could try to make a deal with the big one, but in general, the division of a region like that makes arranging any sort of profitable trade deal nigh impossible. Everyone's gonna want to take their bit of the pie and make sure their enemies can't.

Meanwhile, China doesn't 'trade' - it accepts tribute. I'm fairly certain the Tang aren't the super-isolationist ones who ended up forcing the East India Company to become glorified drug deals in order to make a semblance of a profit, but in any case I highly doubt we're going to have much luck coming to a mutually acceptable arrangement.

Look above, new info there are two major Indian Empires.

Tang China is expansionist and atm expanding in central asia against Sassanid Remnants.

Plan on Spacebattles:

[X] Plan schock and awe
-[X] Don't let the rebels assemble in force in Thessalonica otherwise the economic losses could be catastrophic, attack and take back Macedonia. Use the Imperial Navy to sneak into Thessalonica.
-[X] Nicomedia, the centre of the traitors in Pontus still raising what they can.
-- [X] Send 2 Meroii to attack Ancyra as well, cutting off the most obvious route to Nicomedia.
-[X] Refuse, torch Mecca and continue on to attack Medina with further support of 2 more Meroii, bringing your numbers up to 20,000 Roman Infantry, 8,000 Roman Cavalry, 4,000 Numidian Cavalry and 10,000 Aksumite Infantry (with 2,000 more Aksumite Infantry as reinforcements)
(Send 50,000 Solidus worth of loot back to Roma)
Projects: (Can take as many, Imperator can focus on One to reduce cost by 50%)
-[X] (Cost 25,000) The Aksumites are in alliance with Roma, the temporary fleet in Arabicus Sinus can be made into a trade fleet ready to patrol the seas properly. (Significantly increases trade revenue) (Imperator focus on this one)

-[X] (Cost 10,000) Investing in the loyalist urban centres. (Invests into, Ephesus, Roma, Brundisium, Antiochia, Alexandria etc to decentralise wealth and revenue.)
Imperator's personal actions:
-[X] The doctrine of Monothelitism has been accepted by all but the Patriarch of Roma, it has been a great project that has nearly succeeded in unifying the Aegyptian church with the greater whole of the Chalcedonian. You can resume the pressure on the Patriarch of Roma, for he is all that stands between the ending of this Constantinople-Alexandria schism, maybe due to the civil war, the Patriarch in Roma can be kinder to your needs.

Current treasury :28 500
Planned treasury after expanses : 6 000
My plan is to not let the time for the enemy to organize and to strike irst while they are still disorganized, and to demoralize them in the case of the Muslims.
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Does 'India' even exist? I was under the impression that it was divided between hundreds of nations.
... That ain't exactly a great deal better. I guess we could try to make a deal with the big one, but in general, the division of a region like that makes arranging any sort of profitable trade deal nigh impossible. Everyone's gonna want to take their bit of the pie and make sure their enemies can't.

Meanwhile, China doesn't 'trade' - it accepts tribute. I'm fairly certain the Tang aren't the super-isolationist ones who ended up forcing the East India Company to become glorified drug deals in order to make a semblance of a profit, but in any case I highly doubt we're going to have much luck coming to a mutually acceptable arrangement.
Roman coins have been found as far afield as Japan. Certainly, negotiating full trade agreements may not be possible with insular powers like China, but that doesn't mean we can't try to curry good will with influential players and encourage trade.
[X] Plan Ashes and Traitors
-[X] Don't let the rebels assemble in force, send the cavalry to reclaim Thessalonica whilst advancing and establishing a siege line around the city of Constantinople all the while taking back the hinterland of Thraciae.
-[X] Ancyra, a hub of Roman roads throughout Pontus.
--[X] Send 2 Meroii to seize Sinope and completely cut Pontus in two halves.
-[X] Refuse, torch Mecca and continue on to attack Medina with further support of 2 more Meroii, bringing your numbers up to 20,000 Roman Infantry, 8,000 Roman Cavalry, 4,000 Numidian Cavalry and 10,000 Aksumite Infantry (with 2,000 more Aksumite Infantry as reinforcements)
(Send 50,000 Solidus worth of loot back to Roma)
-[X] (Cost 30,000 15,000) Invest in Italia to revitalise the lost heartland of the Empire. (Takes two turns, increases revenue, employment and population growth locally) [Imperator Focus]
-[X] (Cost 10,000) Recruit 20,000 Foederati Spearmen {Germanic} into the army at Thrace, in return however they demand Moesia II and Scythia (Modern upper Bulgaria) as their own land under the Imperator.
-[X] Heliopolis's miracle alchemist is seeking to enter your retinue and continue his work with Naptha and Greek Fire. (Cost 2,000)

So we're in quite the situation: Not only has the army at Petra managed to escape the encirclement, but we've also got troubles at home. Our biggest problem lies in the loss of Constantinopolis, the Second Rome and our Capital. Niketas currently has only 9,000 men, and although Heraklonas is on his way, we need to act. Advancing into the Heartlands with haste will prevent the worst of the damages of war, and we need the income back into our hands. Hiring the Germanic soldiers, more than tripling the number available directly to Niketas, will allow us to more quickly reclaim those areas, even if it will cost us Moesia II and Scythia. However, they will have too much to lose to not fully commit, and as such we can be sure of their morale and loyalty. Ideally, we could use the Danuvian Guard to take some nearby cities, but they are so spread out that doing so would leave out defensive positions with skeleton crews at best, and the Bulgars and Avars would flood in, potentially surprising us during the Siege of Constantinople or raiding our backs without us being able to respond quickly. Even with the Germans not being as well trained or equipped as the forces available to us and our foes, so many soldiers comes with the ability to siege a lot at once, and to properly encircle even Constantinople itself, something we will have to do quickly.

Investing money into Heraklonas' new domains will also help us quite a lot, and will bring back the Old Heartlands of Rome into a strong position of influence. Talking about Italia, the religious issues. The reason why I have not chosen to end the schism now is because we are already suffering from internal issues as it is. Increasing said issues by demanding the reunification of the faith might just cause a rebellion in Italy, something we cannot allow. Better to first end our current issues and then going for a more long term diplomatic pacification and religious reunification.

For Pontus, we shall first cut them off in two. Divide and Conquer with the current Meroii we will have in the area will prevent them from getting numerical superiority, and as we shall start out reconquest of the area, we will be able to muster more and more forces in the region. Some cities and garrisons might also defect back to us, once they realise that they are cut off from the rest of the traitor forces in the area.

As for the Arabs, we did swear to meet the Caliph upon the Ashes of Mecca. The numerical inferiority isn't great, but workable with. Roman Legions have long since learned that their discipline and training makes them worth a lot more than their foes. While we will have a lot of auxiliaries, and will be likely lacking in cavalry compared to our foes, our advance towards Medina forces them to face us for a set piece battle, and we hold the cards there. While making peace would grant us immediate relief and allow to redeploy ourselves North, I'd rather prevent them from being able to put the lessons of defeat into something to fight us with in a few years. Hopefully, we will be able to repartition Arabia into a batch of tribes and groups. Naturally, some will hate us, but others won't and it'll be easier to defeat them piecemeal later on than fight a unified Caliphate.
[X] Plan Ashes and Traitors

I don't like ceding some land but I'd prefer to prioritize ending this civil war quickly even if it costs us more later down the line to integrate these people.
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[X] Plan Ashes and Traitors
-[X] Don't let the rebels assemble in force, send the cavalry to reclaim Thessalonica whilst advancing and establishing a siege line around the city of Constantinople all the while taking back the hinterland of Thraciae.
-[X] Ancyra, a hub of Roman roads throughout Pontus.
--[X] Send 2 Meroii to seize Sinope and completely cut Pontus in two halves.
-[X] Refuse, torch Mecca and continue on to attack Medina with further support of 2 more Meroii, bringing your numbers up to 20,000 Roman Infantry, 8,000 Roman Cavalry, 4,000 Numidian Cavalry and 10,000 Aksumite Infantry (with 2,000 more Aksumite Infantry as reinforcements)
(Send 50,000 Solidus worth of loot back to Roma)
-[X] (Cost 30,000 15,000) Invest in Italia to revitalise the lost heartland of the Empire. (Takes two turns, increases revenue, employment and population growth locally) [Imperator Focus]
-[X] (Cost 10,000) Recruit 20,000 Foederati Spearmen {Germanic} into the army at Thrace, in return however they demand Moesia II and Scythia (Modern upper Bulgaria) as their own land under the Imperator.
-[X] Heliopolis's miracle alchemist is seeking to enter your retinue and continue his work with Naptha and Greek Fire. (Cost 2,000)

So we're in quite the situation: Not only has the army at Petra managed to escape the encirclement, but we've also got troubles at home. Our biggest problem lies in the loss of Constantinopolis, the Second Rome and our Capital. Niketas currently has only 9,000 men, and although Heraklonas is on his way, we need to act. Advancing into the Heartlands with haste will prevent the worst of the damages of war, and we need the income back into our hands. Hiring the Germanic soldiers, more than tripling the number available directly to Niketas, will allow us to more quickly reclaim those areas, even if it will cost us Moesia II and Scythia. However, they will have too much to lose to not fully commit, and as such we can be sure of their morale and loyalty. Ideally, we could use the Danuvian Guard to take some nearby cities, but they are so spread out that doing so would leave out defensive positions with skeleton crews at best, and the Bulgars and Avars would flood in, potentially surprising us during the Siege of Constantinople or raiding our backs without us being able to respond quickly. Even with the Germans not being as well trained or equipped as the forces available to us and our foes, so many soldiers comes with the ability to siege a lot at once, and to properly encircle even Constantinople itself, something we will have to do quickly.

Investing money into Heraklonas' new domains will also help us quite a lot, and will bring back the Old Heartlands of Rome into a strong position of influence. Talking about Italia, the religious issues. The reason why I have not chosen to end the schism now is because we are already suffering from internal issues as it is. Increasing said issues by demanding the reunification of the faith might just cause a rebellion in Italy, something we cannot allow. Better to first end our current issues and then going for a more long term diplomatic pacification and religious reunification.

For Pontus, we shall first cut them off in two. Divide and Conquer with the current Meroii we will have in the area will prevent them from getting numerical superiority, and as we shall start out reconquest of the area, we will be able to muster more and more forces in the region. Some cities and garrisons might also defect back to us, once they realise that they are cut off from the rest of the traitor forces in the area.

As for the Arabs, we did swear to meet the Caliph upon the Ashes of Mecca. The numerical inferiority isn't great, but workable with. Roman Legions have long since learned that their discipline and training makes them worth a lot more than their foes. While we will have a lot of auxiliaries, and will be likely lacking in cavalry compared to our foes, our advance towards Medina forces them to face us for a set piece battle, and we hold the cards there. While making peace would grant us immediate relief and allow to redeploy ourselves North, I'd rather prevent them from being able to put the lessons of defeat into something to fight us with in a few years. Hopefully, we will be able to repartition Arabia into a batch of tribes and groups. Naturally, some will hate us, but others won't and it'll be easier to defeat them piecemeal later on than fight a unified Caliphate.
I think your plan is a good one, although in my opinion it would be better to put off Greek Fire for now and get Monothelitism recognised by the Pope, so that we can reunify the Christian faith.
I think your plan is a good one, although in my opinion it would be better to put off Greek Fire for now and get Monothelitism recognised by the Pope, so that we can reunify the Christian faith.
The thing is that I worry that the fact that we are currently in a Civil War, and I don't want to risk having problems in Italia as well. Better to stabilise one of our heartlands before ending the tensions in the other.
[X] Plan Ashes and Traitors
This plan seems solid, I mean the Silk Road is pretty tempting, but I think having the alchemist first is more important by far. He could be recruited by someone else, natural geography won't shift in a way that will make the Silk road impossible.
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