Empire: The Glory of Rome (Roman Empire Quest)

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Conversion or no conversion ensuring that our allies remain capable and willingly to help us is needed. We have too much to think about without taking into consideration a new from as from what I've gathered we're dealing with the Lombards in the northen Italy, another bunch of Barbarians threaten the north of our heartlands, the Arabs are at our heels in the south and if the Sassanids don't try to somehow profit from the situation if the berber tribes turn against us I'll eat my hat.
Sassanids at this period were in hard times and if they were to declare war on someone it would be Arabs as they now control mesopotania, while at the same time Sassanids have weary small border with us.
Sassanids at this period were in hard times and if they were to declare war on someone it would be Arabs as they now control mesopotania, while at the same time Sassanids have weary small border with us.
They are the Roman's longest lived historical rival. I can buy it that they would declare war against the Arabs if the romans show to be powerful enough but if the Romans show too much weakness( like what would happen if they needed to divert troop to ANOTHER front and weakening their own garrisons ) then I'm sure they would just gang up on the romans then deal with the Arabs after they've finished overextending.
They are the Roman's longest lived historical rival. I can buy it that they would declare war against the Arabs if the romans show to be powerful enough but if the Romans show too much weakness( like what would happen if they needed to divert troop to ANOTHER front and weakening their own garrisons ) then I'm sure they would just gang up on the romans then deal with the Arabs after they've finished overextending.

You do remember the Sassanids are your allies atm, their Queen is the Granddaughter of the Imperator.
You do remember the Sassanids are your allies atm, their Queen is the Granddaughter of the Imperator.

And? Alliances can and have been broken in the past and it wouldn't be the first time related royal dynasties fought against one another. I admit however that it would only be possible if the current Sassanid king was a scumbag but I still think it's a possible scenario we should take into consideration.
Sassanids don't try to somehow profit from the situation if the berber tribes turn against us I'll eat my hat.
Sassanids are dead in the water. They sued for peace and were hiding behind the mountains of Persia because they don't have the manpower to fight anything. Their army is currently at about 6,000 men, according to the GM. Plus, the Caliphate is in-between us and them.
Sassanids are dead in the water. They sued for peace and were hiding behind the mountains of Persia because they don't have the manpower to fight anything. Their army is currently at about 6,000 men, according to the GM. Plus, the Caliphate is in-between us and them.

That might have been an overestimation but the Sassanids can't muster an army more than 20,000 men and they certainly can't deploy that because they're in the middle of a horrible chaos politically.
Sassanids are dead in the water. They sued for peace and were hiding behind the mountains of Persia because they don't have the manpower to fight anything. Their army is currently at about 6,000 men, according to the GM. Plus, the Caliphate is in-between us and them.
I've looked at the colored map between the 2 nations and I saw they do share a border and the GM confirmed it himself. Also there is a gray area I saw I'm not sure it's no-man's-land or caliphate that might have influenced my thinking about the how the Sassanids might try to get things going their own way.

edit: Besides political turmoil means the leadership might change and consider humbling the romans a good way of gaining legitimacy.
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I've looked at the colored map between the 2 nations and I saw they do share a border and the GM confirmed it himself. Also there is a gray area I saw I'm not sure it's no-man's-land or caliphate that might have influenced my thinking about the how the Sassanids might try to get things going their own way.

edit: Besides political turmoil means the leadership might change and consider humbling the romans a good way of gaining legitimacy.

That white nation is Iberia a former Sassanid vassal, the Yellow is Lazica, a Roman vassal.
I've looked at the colored map between the 2 nations and I saw they do share a border and the GM confirmed it himself. Also there is a gray area I saw I'm not sure it's no-man's-land or caliphate that might have influenced my thinking about the how the Sassanids might try to get things going their own way.

edit: Besides political turmoil means the leadership might change and consider humbling the romans a good way of gaining legitimacy.
That's a tiny border, and the difficult terrain means that it would be hard to launch an offensive through those hills and mountains, particularly with the difficult of resupply. When you also take into account their internal political chaos, and the deleterious effects of a ruined economy and exhausted reserves of manpower, the likelihood of a Sasanian invasion is so minsecule as to be essentially non-existent.
All we have to do is reestablish defensive lines, destroy that last Arab army and then reclaim our lost territory and we should have this war all wrapped up. It's unfortunate we don't have the infrastructure and funds to pursue an offensive campaign against the Arabians as retaliation though.

The only useful land in the Arabian Peninsula is along the coast.

An offensive wouldnt even need to touch the desert. just go down the coast and take all their cities and most of their farmland. It would cripple any chance the Arabs would have of ever rising again and would also give us great trade possibilities with Eastern Africa, India and even further East.

Can you recognise the Germans illegally occupying former Roman provinces. Yes.

Can you bring over another 10-20k troops from the West. Yes.

But the question is, should you?

The Veragian Guard were some of the best troops the Eastern Roman Empire had access to and they were loyal, with the Verangians fighting to the last man during the Ottoman assault on Constantinople.

They were mostly made up of German, Scandinavian and English mercenaries.
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All we have to do is reestablish defensive lines, destroy that last Arab army and then reclaim our lost territory and we should have this war all wrapped up. It's unfortunate we don't have the infrastructure and funds to pursue an offensive campaign against the Arabians as retaliation though.
If we rebuilt the Canal of the Pharaohs, we could use ships to transport our men to the Hijaz and take Mecca, Medina, and any other towns and cities, and then ship them down to seize the Yemen, which has rich farmlands and also occupies an important position on east/west sea trade. Without those comparatively developed areas, Arabia is essentially desert incapable of supporting a large population.
The Varangian Guard was originally made up of 6000 Danes and Ruthenians under Vladimir I of Ruthenia, who has joined the Byzantine Emperor in fighting off the rebellion of Bardas Phokas, and in subsequent campaigns for a number of years, in exchange for a royal marriage and the Ruthenians' recognizing Constantinople as THE Roman Empire, along with the religious authority of the New Rome (despite today's Orthodox majority in its lands, Old Ruthenia actually flip-flopped between German and Byzantine leanings throughout its existence).
The only useful land in the Arabian Peninsula is along the coast.

An offensive wouldnt even need to touch the desert. just go down the coast and take all their cities and most of their farmland. It would cripple any chance the Arabs would have of ever rising again and would also give us great trade possibilities with Eastern Africa, India and even further East.
That wasn't an option due to our ruined territories and lack of an action to build a canal to get our navy over to that side of the ocean when I made that post.
If we rebuilt the Canal of the Pharaohs, we could use ships to transport our men to the Hijaz and take Mecca, Medina, and any other towns and cities, and then ship them down to seize the Yemen, which has rich farmlands and also occupies an important position on east/west sea trade. Without those comparatively developed areas, Arabia is essentially desert incapable of supporting a large population.
Look up and now that is it is an option I'm definitely down for conquering and converting Arabia.
The Arab Invasion 04
[X] Plan: Reclamation and Protection

-[X] Why stop at merely Giza and Aila? Send 10,000 men and 4,000 horse to relieve the city of Caesarea Maritima, the rest will be led by the Prefect himself to besiege the city of Petra with the Arabs in it, with Aegyptus nearby the army could continue the siege for as long as it takes. (42-65)

-[X] Ask the Governor to cooperate with the Numidians to hold the ground against the Marui and the Marusii, avoid offensive actions till the East can send some Meroii back West. [81]

-[X] Offer the Arabic garrison safe passage to occupied Chalcis should they leave the city, if they disagree then proceed with a standard siege. [53]

-- [X] Alternatively the navy can be used whilst the army carries out a fake (-) assault on the walls, this might end the siege before it gets too bad.

-[X] Send Heraklonas with 3 Meroii to deal with the Italian problem (9-91-81) whilst 3 Meroii would be led in an Illyrian campaign by a promising young general by the name of Niketas Gylcas (ADM:6; DIP:1; MAR:8) [93+55]

-[X] (Cost 10,000) Invest into diplomatically vassalising the Berber tribes once more and coax the coastline back into rightful Roman hands

-[X] [Cost 10,000 for two turns) (Construction done in three turns)The Danuvius is an ideal barrier to avoid raids and the like, we should make a line of regular forts manned by the Limitanei to prevent constant incursions, the basis for this already exists we just need to build upon the foundations of our past. [Imperator Focus]

-[X] The Arab front is leading to a grand counteroffensive like the one you led against the Persians, perhaps it is time you take back the command of the East once more. Especially now that your health has recovered. (100+100+91+28)


Despite the victories in both Oriens and Dardania (Serbia), the Empire itself was not yet out of the danger zone, in Palistina an effort to relieve the siege on Caesarea Maritima was a narrow failure.

The Arabs encamped alongside the city managed to fight of the 14,000 men outside the city and despite all odd actually pushed the men inside the city where a bloody battle begun between two unrelenting sides.

The Romans fought for the following month in a building to building battle in the large city on the Levantine Coast which was deadly to both sides and the city itself was set on fire multiple sides.

By the beginning of the third month of the battle the City's defenders finally won the battle, the Arabs were slaughtered to nary a man whilst the defending forces were heavily decimated.

A small army of 6,000 Infantry and 1,200 Horse managed to survive the battle and continued on to take back the city of Tyros unscathed.

Further South Prefect Aretion led his men to encircle the City of Petra and cut of the supply line that was feeding the large army of 29,000 Arabs within its walls, the Arabs army tried to break the siege thrice but was repulsed soundly by the Roman general,

[ ] Besiege Petra, the City is fairly small and the Arabs don't have sufficient food to feed both their men and horse for a long time.

[ ] The Arabs are happy enough to give you battle, take advantageous positions and fight the Arabs, desperate as they are they shall let you have the terrain.

[ ] Wait for the Imperator and siege the city, if the Arabs sally then withdraw and wait for the Imperator to reach you.

Regardless of the remaining Southern action a large portion of the Arab army supposed to invade Aegyptus had been caught unaware in a siege and though the news of the Western losses were demoralising the string of victories had kept the morale generally high enough.

The North meanwhilst was undeniably a better front for the Romans, Strategos Theodore's offer of surrender was accepted by the 7,000 men inside Antiochia who decided to join the Twenty Nine Thousand Arabs already holding at Colchis.

The stalemate in the North was maintained by the Arabs after the surrender of Antiochia with the gate to Southern Syria being heavily guarded and the other terrain being unwieldy enough that the larger armies of the Empire could not truly attempt an attack unless they were willing to leave the strong fortress of Chalcis in enemy hands.

In Africa the Governor in Carthage cooperated closely with their Numidian allies and succeeded in finally breaking the string of raids that plagues Tingis and it's hinterland, after which the allied forces had actually started a small push to take back the City of Volubilis, a very well fortified city previously lost to independence during the crisis of the Third Century and then lost to Berber occupation in the Sixth Century, though it was in disrepair it remained the largest city west of Carthage.

The East had settled down by the arrival of the Sixth month, in the South majority of the Arab strength lay under siege in Petra where Prefect Aretion maintained a vigilant watch for any stragglers or reinforcements.

Whereas in the North the fortress of Chalcis was steadily being further fortified by frantic Arabs in preparation of a Roman offensive and siege, Heraclius himself had finally arrived in all his glory by first docking into newly reclaimed Antiochia and then marching out to reorganise his troops for a counter-offensive, it would still take months as he moved Meroii back to the front from their defensive positions at strategic forts and cities, unknown to him his delay allowed the Arabs to inflict one last critical blow.

His son, however, was more urgent in his advance.

By the dawn of the third day of the second month Heraklonas had docked into the city of Barium, much to his distress out of all the towns sieged many had fallen.

Nobody knew weather it was treachery or genuine failure but the event had happened all the same. Despite possessing one of the finest fortifications in the world, the city of Rome had fallen to the Lombards alongside all but Ravenna and the land of Spoleto.

The Lombard counterattack had found the Exarchate woefully underprepared and devastated it, the lands around Genua remained in Roman hands so did the coastline alongside Ravenna and Venezia but most of the interior of Italia had generally collapsed with Roman authority barely existing in isolated towns where garrisons were sent by the Exarchate barely maintaining a veil of control.

By the time Heraklonas managed to spur his own counter-attack Ravenna was under siege and Genua was cut off from the Roman province, the Exarch had fallen in fallen in battle on the Pavus and with no senior commanding officer, the garrisons were all fielding small insignificant armies.

Heraklonas advanced on the nearest major settlement of Napoli, the battle between the sieging force and Heraklonas' army was small and numbers handily beat them.

Leaving behind a hastily mustered garrison infantry army of 3,000 men to siege Benevento the Caesar, being hampered by his prisoners handily executed the Lombards rather than carrying them with him to Roma, where the next major battle would decide the fate of the campaign.

The Battle of Roma begun on an auspicious note as the Lombard king Ruthiri was confident with his victory and chose to sally out rather than use the walls of Roma to his advantage, much to his pleasure the Roman centre quickly began falling back and in certain space columns ran with only the first two lines barely holding and buckling.

His centre charged the Roman centre which continued buckling before ten feet into Roman lines they finally stopped buckling and held their ground so suddenly that many a Lombard crashed into the awaiting Roman shields.

It was at time Ruthiri understood the aim of the manoeuvre, by the time he turned back the ten feet now looked and felt like a hundred as he watched the Roman lines close.

He turned to surrender but all it required to understand his fate was to look into the enemies frantic eyes as they begun to chop through his men from all sides, he tried to rally his men one last time, only to give the Roman Infantry a target.

From the walls of Roma, the speechless Lombard garrison watched in horror the slaughter of the Lombard king's forces, none were spared the Caesar slaughtered the Lombards in spades, evening came and the killings finally ended.

The Lombards in Roma surrendered the next day for mercy, and the Caesar marched on towards the Padus with his sights set on Lombard capital of Pavia, it would be burnt to the ground and be a reminder to the Barbaroi it would be a message to all the Barbaroi. Taking Roma was far more fatal a mistake than merely attacking it, after all, even a dog would learn if it saw its fellow burning for biting the master.

True to the Caesar's word the Lombards were dragged alongside the Roman army towards the Padus, each new family a new addition to the trail of the Roman army. It took weeks for the Army to finally arrive at Pavia and they easily defeated the Lombard army they encountered, again slaughtered to the man for resisting.

Each garrison that surrendered to the Caesar was 'gifted' mercy to live, but following the Caesar with nearly no food was little mercy nor was what he did next.

Before Pavia was burnt to the ground, Heraklonas ravaged the city, searching for each Roman citizen still under the Lombard yoke before dragging them out. No Lombard was allowed to exit the city, though some managed to flee, and then, when the Romans were out of the city his Onagers begun firing.

The Burning of Pavia went on for fifteen nights and only on the sixteenth day did the Romans stop adding to the burning city when merely a husk remained and all screams had long faded to either smoke or fire. Or the collapse of buildings.

At times the Lombards forced to observe were quite rebellious but those who dared to inch toward the burning city were stopped.

The Caesar spent the next month tearing away the Lombard population, small as it was, from Italia and by the end of the year the entirety of them were thrown out from Italia by his men, into the neighbouring Frankish kingdoms.

Italia was now completely under Roman control, the Caesar had regained control of even Trent from a submissive Frank who had fled rather than face the Caesar of the Empire.

With the Alpine pathways now secure the Caesar settled in Roma for the winter, leaving one of his Meroii in the North. With his vigilant eyes he debated his next move, Niketas had successfully defended Salona and had managed to retake the cities of Noviodunum, Sisica and Serbinium. Though he failed to truly take back Pannonia the river Savus and the province of Dalmatia was fully reclaimed as he reopened the land routes between the mainland of the Eastern Empire and Italia proper.

In the East Heraclius' counter-offensive begun when he first arrived in Antiochia, rather than fretting about the Arab army in Chalcis he left 4 of his Meroii under Theodore to surround Chalcis as he himself marched south to liberate much of the Roman countryside and coastal cities.

Throughout the early two months, he continually grew horrified as the burning visage of Oriens was seared into his mind, though the Arabs had retreated they had burnt and sacked all they could, even breaking the Roman roads connecting the provincial cities.

An enraged Emperor gathered up the Arabic soldiers after catching many bands still 'enjoying' their raiding and pillaging and took back the men to Chalcis alongside the confused general Khalid who continued to proclaim his innocence in the carnage that was unleashed by the Arabs.

Gathered in front of Chalcis, Khalid and some 10,000~ Arabic prisoners collected throughout the year the Imperator coldly glared at the tout fortress and ordered the execution of 1000 men each day the Arabs refused to pull back from Chalcis.

At first the Arabs believed the Emperor a lier, he had been lenient on his enemies and refused to execute the architect of his greatest defeat in Yarmouk, they were soon horrified as a 1,000 Arabs were marched out of the Roman lines and executed for their crimes, it went on for five more days in the same method.

Each day the Arab commander would refuse surrender and plead for clemency, each day the Romans would slay 1,000 more of the Arabs with humiliating ceremonies.

Until the sixth day when a mutiny in the fort broke out and their commander was forced to regrettably abandon the fort to keep his head, on the promise of release the Arabs emptied the fort and awaited their comrades.

The remaining 4,000~ Arabs and Khalid were released into Arab hands with one catch, out of every hundred men only one retained his sight and Khalid himself was blinded.

When the Arabs cried fowl the Imperator merely said he said he would release them alive, not whole. The Arabs didn't appreciate the sentiment, however their attempt and attacking the smaller Roman army (a large portion of the Roman army was busy putting down fires and leading rebuilding operations throughout the region, and a large force was blocking the retreat to ambush the Arabs should they flee)

They were, unfortunately, the target of their own advantage, attacking into the mountainous terrain near Chalcis proved to be their undoing and with their morale shattered they surrendered on promise of Clemency once half their number were dead to a far lesser number for the Empire.

Now the Imperator had a further 15,000 prisoners alongside his 4,000 or so punished prisoners he had inherited from the Arabs.

[ ] Blind all but one man for each century of men, let the Arabs leave with the message, 'None may dare to lay their lecherous gaze upon the City of Man's desire' engraved into their minds.

[ ] Enslave the Arabs, what the Arabs broke the Arabs shall repair. Force them to remake the roads they damaged. (Takes three turns, roll each turn for sabotage and unskilled labour)

[ ] Execute all but five men and send them to Mecca, they need to tell their Caliph one message - 'We shall meet on the ashes of Mecca.'

[ ] Decimate them before throwing them deep into the desert with nothing but the clothes on their back. No water, no food. Only sand.

The Year ended with the Empire finally regaining their footing as Heraclius finally pushed the Arabs out of Oriens proper, nearly all of the East but the city of Petra itself which was under siege.

In the west Roman rule was restored in all of Italia whilst the reclamation of Dalmatia opened up the land connection once more, with the seat of the Exarchate empty it was an opportunity for the Imperator to finally end it for once and for all.

[ ] End the Exarchate and reorganise Italia into Italia and Sicilia.

[ ] End the Exarchate and crown Heraklonas Magister Militum of the Western Empire, he'd govern the west as the successor.

[ ] Appoint a loyalist cousin as the new Exarch of Ravenna, surely blood would prevail over any material desires.

[ ] Appoint a new loyalist Exarch, it has worked so far and it shall continue to work.


Treasury: 40,000 Solidius

Income: 20,000 Solidius

+178,000 Taxes

+050,000 Production

+020,000 Trade

-148,000 Army

-020,000 Navy

-60,000 Imperial Administration

Projects: (Can take as many, Imperator can focus on One to reduce cost by 50%)

[ ] (Cost 40,000 for Three Turns) The recent Persian War has damaged all of Oriens and Aegyptus, the infrastructure lost has caused a loss in revenue and logistical ability to field large armies, this needs to be remedied. (Significantly Increases Revenue)

[ ] (Cost 30,000) Invest in Italia to revitalise the lost heartland of the Empire. (Takes two turns, increases revenue, employment and population growth locally)

[ ] (Cost 30,000) Investing the four queens. (Invests into Thessalonica, Ephesus, Antiochia and Alexandria to increase production and trade.)

[ ] (Cost 35,000) Invest into Thraciae and Macedonia heavily, increasing urbanisation, civic facilities, manufacturies and universities, completes repair of damaged roads due to Slavic raiding. [Increase revenue, population and administration cost significantly.]

[ ] (Cost 14,000, Upkeep 14,000) With Asiana and Pontus restored our access to its manpower has been increased. Raise 2 Meroii in Ephesus.

[ ] (Cost 7,000) The Arabs do not yet realise the importance of the sea, Aegyptus hosts a large Roman army, Portus Ferresansus was an important strategic port and could be renovated to once more play an important role in Sinus Arabicus. (Red Sea), Roman trade vessels would be readied for a surprise invasion of Arabia Felix. 50 War Vessels and adequate vessels of transport shall be arranged to carry a Roman Army into the heart of their savage motherland.

[ ] (Cost 50,000 Initial, 30000 for two more turns) The majority of the Roman Navy cannot use its dominance to aid the war, but perhaps we can repair and refit the Canal of the Pharaohs to increase the reach of our navy, after all even if it isn't ready nothing wakes Arabs up better at the night than a healthy dose of Greek Fire they didn't expect in the first place!

[ ] (Cost 80,000) Oriens has been savagely attacked, its population has fallen its farmlands and orchards have been destroyed and no more are its naval bases properly operational in any city but Antioch. The people need some hope at the very least they need tax free relief, not that they have anything to tax. (Takes three turns)

[ ] (Cost 10,000 for three turns) Aegyptus has suffered much but the damage is not as pressing there, it can be repaired and brought up to speed slowly.

Imperator's personal actions:

Your mood has improved and with it your health, no more are you plagued with nightmares of the disaster, the recovering Empire has done much to put your heart at ease.

[ ] The Arab front is leading to a grand counter offensive like the one you led against the Persians, perhaps it is time you take back the command of the East once more. Especially now that your health has recovered. Not possible due to damaged infrastructure.

[ ] The rumours of your late heir's death are running rampant in Constantinople, though Martina is with the situation has deteriorated to an unfathomed level even though your son's victory has silenced much of the empire. More shockingly (Really though, you're sardonic, not shocked) the Scholae Palatinae have been the ones to rise to the defence of the Empress against the Excubitors who're rallying around Valentinius. That those ponced up princess cavalrymen have actually risen to defend you son might indicate it is time they are reinstated and actually get reinforcements from the most zealous of your supporters.

--[ ] Heraclius Constans, your namesake and grandson, has recently left the capital order Theodore to get the boy and take him back to the Capital with 2 Meroii and force him to denounce his vile claims. The boy has crossed a line, you best stop him from crossing the Rubicon as well.

Can only pick one of the two sub-actions
--[ ] Enough is Enough! Order Niketas to march into the capital with one of his Meroii he is to provide a better defence to the Empress with the Scholae Palatinae and arrest the Excubitors for treason

[ ] The doctrine of Monothelitism has been accepted by all but the Patriarch of Roma, it has been a great project that has nearly succeeded in unifying the Aegyptian church with the greater whole of the Chalcedonian. You can resume the pressure on the Patriarch of Roma, for he is all that stands between the ending of this Constantinople-Alexandria schism.

[ ] Send a personal mission to Aksum to rebuild the alliance you once had with them in the time of Justinian as the protector of Christendom. It helps they have a larger navy than the Arabs.

Nation: Imperium Romanorum

Year: 643 Anno Domini

Imperator: Flavius Heraclius Augustus (68 Years) [ADM:8/DIP:7/MAR:9]

Heir: Caesar Heraklonas (16 Years) [ADM:7/DIP:3/MAR:10]

Population: 20,506,151


Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers Feel free to join me on Discord, that's where I do the rolls for the quest!

For those not on Discord the Arabs rolled a lot of crits when deciding how much and how badly would they ravage Oriens in a Fabian Strategy way.
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Ok so we can eithe rhow mercy for the Arabs or kill all but 5. Because letting them go would be a bad idea and lettting them wonder the desert with no food or water would kill most but still leave some Alive.
[X] Plan: Glass the Sand
-[X] Besiege Petra, the City is fairly small and the Arabs don't have sufficient food to feed both their men and horse for a long time.
-[X] Execute all but five men and send them to Mecca, they need to tell their Caliph one message - 'We shall meet on the ashes of Mecca.'
-[X] End the Exarchate and crown Heraklonas Magister Militum of the Western Empire, he'd govern the west as the successor.
-[X] (Cost 35,000 17,500) Invest into Thraciae and Macedonia heavily, increasing urbanisation, civic facilities, manufacturies and universities, completes repair of damaged roads due to Slavic raiding. [Increase revenue, population and administration cost significantly.] [Imperator Focus]
-[X] (Cost 7,000) The Arabs do not yet realise the importance of the sea, Aegyptus hosts a large Roman army, Portus Ferresansus was an important strategic port and could be renovated to once more play an important role in Sinus Arabicus. (Red Sea), Roman trade vessels would be readied for a surprise invasion of Arabia Felix. 50 War Vessels and adequate vessels of transport shall be arranged to carry a Roman Army into the heart of their savage motherland.
-[X] (Cost 10,000 for three turns) Aegyptus has suffered much but the damage is not as pressing there, it can be repaired and brought up to speed slowly.
-[X] The rumours of your late heir's death are running rampant in Constantinople, though Martina is with the situation has deteriorated to an unfathomed level even though your son's victory has silenced much of the empire. More shockingly (Really though, you're sardonic, not shocked) the Scholae Palatinae have been the ones to rise to the defence of the Empress against the Excubitors who're rallying around Valentinius. That those ponced up princess cavalrymen have actually risen to defend you son might indicate it is time they are reinstated and actually get reinforcements from the most zealous of your supporters.
--[X] Enough is Enough! Order Niketas to march into the capital with one of his Meroii he is to provide a better defence to the Empress with the Scholae Palatinae and arrest the Excubitors for treason

Wonderful! Absolutely wonderful! The Arabian forces in the North have been soundly defeated, the Italian Peninsula has been secured, and Illyria has been mostly pacified. Oriens has finally been relieved, and although we have many losses, we have finally retaken the Last Queen. Now, all that remains is to retake Petra, and then to push South and East, into Arabia Felix and Mesopotamia respectively. I will be honest, I don't think we want to have Arabia within the Empire, but that does not mean we should let those that dared pillage and burn Oriens not suffer the same fate. It is time to give them fire and death. If all goes well, we shall be poised to attack Mecca and Medina next turn. That means it's time to prepare for this. With the army stuck in Petra, and having already failed twice to break the siege, I am confident that they can hold on until the rest of the Meroii come down. Sadly enough, getting the Canal of the Pharaohs will take too long, but it's definitevely a project we should eventually take to get all that trade flowing through the Mare Nostrum. But in the meantime, Building up a fleet to strike at the back of the Arabian Peninsula while we'd be putting pressure from the North would be good to force them to divide their attention.

As for the domestic situation, while we have kept the Western Borders safe, we have a pit of vipers at the heart. Since they have made the mistake of showing themselves, it is time to crush them. I hope Niketas doesn't get delusions of grandeur while he does so, but the benefits outweight the risks. For Italy, I think giving Heraklonas the rule of the Old Heartlands of the Roman Empire would allow him to develop skills that are not solely military in nature, while also keeping them secure. Additionally, it will give us a military presence ready to deploy if the situation in Maghreb deteriorates. As for the massive spending, it is time to rebuild and invest. We have the revenue to improve Thrace and Macedonia, so I'd ideally like to choose it. However, I am still uncertain if that would be wise if we risk troubles in Constatinople, so I might change it to Italy instead, which would further help Heraklonas and rebuild the Peninsula.
[X] Plan: Glass the Sand
-[X] Besiege Petra, the City is fairly small and the Arabs don't have sufficient food to feed both their men and horse for a long time.
-[X] Execute all but five men and send them to Mecca, they need to tell their Caliph one message - 'We shall meet on the ashes of Mecca.'
-[X] End the Exarchate and crown Heraklonas Magister Militum of the Western Empire, he'd govern the west as the successor.
-[X] (Cost 35,000 17,500) Invest into Thraciae and Macedonia heavily, increasing urbanisation, civic facilities, manufacturies and universities, completes repair of damaged roads due to Slavic raiding. [Increase revenue, population and administration cost significantly.] [Imperator Focus]
-[X] (Cost 7,000) The Arabs do not yet realise the importance of the sea, Aegyptus hosts a large Roman army, Portus Ferresansus was an important strategic port and could be renovated to once more play an important role in Sinus Arabicus. (Red Sea), Roman trade vessels would be readied for a surprise invasion of Arabia Felix. 50 War Vessels and adequate vessels of transport shall be arranged to carry a Roman Army into the heart of their savage motherland.
-[X] (Cost 10,000 for three turns) Aegyptus has suffered much but the damage is not as pressing there, it can be repaired and brought up to speed slowly.
-[X] The rumours of your late heir's death are running rampant in Constantinople, though Martina is with the situation has deteriorated to an unfathomed level even though your son's victory has silenced much of the empire. More shockingly (Really though, you're sardonic, not shocked) the Scholae Palatinae have been the ones to rise to the defence of the Empress against the Excubitors who're rallying around Valentinius. That those ponced up princess cavalrymen have actually risen to defend you son might indicate it is time they are reinstated and actually get reinforcements from the most zealous of your supporters.
--[X] Enough is Enough! Order Niketas to march into the capital with one of his Meroii he is to provide a better defence to the Empress with the Scholae Palatinae and arrest the Excubitors for treason
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