Dragon-Forged Chains [Dragon!Jumpchain w/ Celestial Forge]

Story is a Longhaul mode, death is not a cause for chain failure. Should Gauntlets block OOC powers?

  • Yes, Powers should be blocked as normal. Still is a steam breathing Dragon though.

    Votes: 9 25.7%
  • No, Out of Context Powers allowed. But with No Choice Points as normal for gauntlets

    Votes: 15 42.9%
  • No, treat gauntlets like fully normal jumps regardless.

    Votes: 11 31.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I am definitely enjoying this so far, especially since I had been noodling on the idea of combining the celestial forge with an ongoing chain for a bit and pondering on how to do it as I was not interested in the the x number of words option. So kudos for writing an interesting story so far and for using a a good system for your dragon chain. Nicely done.
I am definitely enjoying this so far, especially since I had been noodling on the idea of combining the celestial forge with an ongoing chain for a bit and pondering on how to do it as I was not interested in the the x number of words option. So kudos for writing an interesting story so far and for using a a good system for your dragon chain. Nicely done.
Thank you for your praise~ and a mix of a 'looting' system and a trickle of ones by chapter count, Is what i use, as you can tell.
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Gonna be honest here... Whenever I start seeing your comma's I start reading in Will Shatner's voice.

Hope MC unlocks that Forcewall at some point.

Hope the Lair/Demi-plane/Dungeon can be moulded and shaped by the MC to improve it. Instead of being like an underground base. Maybe have the Kobolds shape it into an undercity like Moria, or Erebor. Maybe, beyond the undercity, but still in the lair. Have it open up into an entire Pocket World. Skies, Oceans/Seas, Islands, Continents... Could have the entire Plane be in eternal Twilight for the Kobolds.

Sorta-kinda hope MC goes to Azeroth next for the Polymorph ability as well as the jumpdoc option, Jumper Dragonflight. Where MC can have a Dragonflight come with him. Could use his Demi-plane as a base. Could turn his dragonflight into his harem... Or his Harem into his dragonflight.

Would also be interesting to see him wind up in Skyrim. Can see Parthurnax treating him like a grandkid. MC being so young, active, curious, and excitable. Could even see Durnehviir and Parthurnax either joining his dragonflight, or moving to his Demi-plane.

Find myself hoping MC will eventually go to Harry Potter. I just really like Harry Potter for Fantasy/jump/multi-cross fanfics because of ALL that good, juicy utility magic.
Gonna be honest here... Whenever I start seeing your comma's I start reading in Will Shatner's voice.

Hope MC unlocks that Forcewall at some point.

Hope the Lair/Demi-plane/Dungeon can be moulded and shaped by the MC to improve it. Instead of being like an underground base. Maybe have the Kobolds shape it into an undercity like Moria, or Erebor. Maybe, beyond the undercity, but still in the lair. Have it open up into an entire Pocket World. Skies, Oceans/Seas, Islands, Continents... Could have the entire Plane be in eternal Twilight for the Kobolds.

Sorta-kinda hope MC goes to Azeroth next for the Polymorph ability as well as the jumpdoc option, Jumper Dragonflight. Where MC can have a Dragonflight come with him. Could use his Demi-plane as a base. Could turn his dragonflight into his harem... Or his Harem into his dragonflight.

Would also be interesting to see him wind up in Skyrim. Can see Parthurnax treating him like a grandkid. MC being so young, active, curious, and excitable. Could even see Durnehviir and Parthurnax either joining his dragonflight, or moving to his Demi-plane.

Find myself hoping MC will eventually go to Harry Potter. I just really like Harry Potter for Fantasy/jump/multi-cross fanfics because of ALL that good, juicy utility magic.

*facepalms and sighs*

I do have an issue with using commas often. I am trying to show that Morodai's thoughts wander and run together at times, due to how 'busy' his thought processes are.

as for potential jump destinations and whatnot, Azeroth and getting his own flight is in the books if I do land such a jump via random rolling. Harry Potter is also in the destination list, as is Skyrim.

His pocket plane is actually potentially massive, but it has currently, no surface element. As Morodai jumps, his farm, for example, will become the start of his Surface region. it will resist expansion past the borders at first, at the very least. His personal reality plane will be improved steadily. it can become his own Underdark, should he desire and engineer it as such. there is 'some' resources within the plane, as well, but not innately respawning. He'd have to get a warehouse extension for those, to get such things easily.

final thing, about the pocket plane. he will never get a specifically Fiat-backed forcewall for the entrance. he will always have to contend with the possibility that any barrier to entry to his home, can be defeated if left alone with competent aggressors and no effort used to dissuade them. he CAN defend it. he just can't get 'absolute' control of it. This does not mean that any specific setting will possess the capacity TO breach his home. just that the defences are not 'it just works' level bull.
*facepalms and sighs*

I do have an issue with using commas often. I am trying to show that Morodai's thoughts wander and run together at times, due to how 'busy' his thought processes are.

as for potential jump destinations and whatnot, Azeroth and getting his own flight is in the books if I do land such a jump via random rolling. Harry Potter is also in the destination list, as is Skyrim.

His pocket plane is actually potentially massive, but it has currently, no surface element. As Morodai jumps, his farm, for example, will become the start of his Surface region. it will resist expansion past the borders at first, at the very least. His personal reality plane will be improved steadily. it can become his own Underdark, should he desire and engineer it as such. there is 'some' resources within the plane, as well, but not innately respawning. He'd have to get a warehouse extension for those, to get such things easily.

final thing, about the pocket plane. he will never get a specifically Fiat-backed forcewall for the entrance. he will always have to contend with the possibility that any barrier to entry to his home, can be defeated if left alone with competent aggressors and no effort used to dissuade them. he CAN defend it. he just can't get 'absolute' control of it. This does not mean that any specific setting will possess the capacity TO breach his home. just that the defences are not 'it just works' level bull.
If MC cannot get a forcewall, how about eventually getting a different method of access? Treat the Demi-plane kinda like the Pocket Dimension of Asgard. Where, instead of using portals(like the Sorcerers), they use the Bifrost. I mean, people could still get to his demi-plane. But it would at least be slightly more difficult, and a step removed.

If MC every gains a form of Divinity, it would be cool if his "world" also gained its own afterlife system.
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If MC cannot get a forcewall, how about eventually getting a different method of access? Treat the Demi-plane kinda like the Pocket Dimension of Asgard. Where, instead of using portals(like the Sorcerers), they use the Bifrost. I mean, people could still get to his demi-plane. But it would at least be slightly more difficult, and a step removed.

If MC every gains a form of Divinity, it would be cool if his "world" also gained its own afterlife system.
Morodai's easiest form of protecting his lair, is to just change where the portal is, which is just a simple touch to a wall and a thought. he could make it on any vertical area, even non-smooth ones. even the middle of a cliff-face should he so desire.

as for an afterlife-like system, not considered anything like that till now. i might have some ideas, but will require some specific jumps going specific ways. also, a side niote. becoming a god, is typically a 'chain failure' condition, as it tends to anchor you to a setting/world.
Chapter 11: Morning Managed, Noon Navigated, Evening Excavated
Chapter 11: Morning Managed, Noon Navigated, Evening Excavated

The morning sun was nice on my scales as I soar through the sky towards Pelican Town. I do a roll midair because I felt like it, as I head towards the far side of town, the museum as well as Flint's Smithy. I wonder if either of them would have an interest in cast-off scales.

I am sure my kobolds would favor some of my scales for armor. That would be something to think about when I next molted. I circle the town and come in towards the Museum/Library building. My kobolds have been finding all sorts of little artifacts and knick-knacks while tilling my farmland. I land a bit away from the door, and then walk up, to knock on it. as I knock, I can tell that Rahk is looking through the tomes that arrived this morning. I decide to try a summon worker spell, as well, to claim newly excavated territory within my Lair pocket, and it looks like... well, not quite like a goblin or kobold, or rat, but somewhere between all three.

My worker, has kobold horns, a rather rodent-like tail, greenish skin with patches of grey scales, black eyes, and a somewhat stubby snout with not the most pleasant teeth. They had some manner of garb on them, pants, and a vest, both rough looking, wielding a pickaxe tool. They would know the worker spells in the book, which I found the domain spells I could easily reference the tome itself while in my domain. Useful. These were supposed to be the workforce of whomever this magic had been used by. It didn't have much of a mind, they seemed like arcane constructs, vaguely similar to a homunculus creature in function.

I open the door in front as I hear a voice call that it was open, and walk inside to see a man in a blue outfit gawp at my entrance. I smile with teeth hidden and wave. "Good morning!" I say cheerfully, while I also observe that minion going right towards the spots I wanted to be dug out., And where some ground was to be claimed. I mark the entrance of my lair as its boundaries. Only affecting the worker creature.

The man, with the blue outfit, including his hat, blinks through his glasses at me, and then I ask, "This is the Library, and Museum, isn't it?" he nods mechanically. "I'm Morodai. I live northwest of town. I've been away for a few years, and I don't recall meeting you before." he shakes his head, and clears his throat. "I-I'm Gunther. new curator of the museum and library... I hope I'm not hallucinating, but are you a dragon?" his tone shaken, and a little nervous. I nod my head. "Yes, I'm a dragon. and you're a human. hope that won't be an issue?" I say pleasantly, to which he shakes his head. "S-Sorry. I did not expect to see a real dragon. even in fossil records." I walk in further and smirk just slightly. "Dragon's are normally... hidden from the modern world." I off-claw-edly mention. he gives another nod. "so, what's your name?" I ask, and he jumps a little and looks quite embarrassed. "Oh... R-right. I'm Gunther, The local Curator... though there's not a whole lot... to curate." he slumps a little with a sigh. I look over to the side and see a lot of empty display cases and even the bookshelves.

"I came out here, after hearing there was a vacancy to be the head of my own museum, Always was a dream of mine, you know. but, the previous Curator, left with all the artifacts, and a large collection of the library, what wasn't lost, anyway. Soo, I'm working on rebuilding it, slowly. The books more-so, as the townsfolk here, they need a functioning Library. If you come across anything interesting or such, minerals, old stuff from around the place, things like that. I'd be most grateful if you donated any of it."

I smirk and nod. "Sure. How about some donations to help rebuild the library, as well? Monetary wise. I was actually coming to check for some cookbooks myself, but to see a hoard of knowledge so ruined, it offends some of my sensibilities." And I meant it too.

A collection of knowledge in such a state was very obvious in its emptiness. I would make it a specific task to fix. It may not be 'MY' hoard, but it's one I felt the desire to correct.

Gunther stiffened before realizing what I was meaning. "Ah, well, I don't think I would turn down monetary donations either. I would put them to good use of course. This place is my passion and I want to see it be a beacon of knowledge for this lovely little town." He sighs again and looks at the place. I turn around and leave. That hinders that plan. But I think my kobolds be happy to help find these treasures. I'll make donations later when I have local currency rather than my created gold as a preference.

I turn and start to head out. "I'll see what I can dig up." I depart with a chuckle regarding the archeology joke I tried to make, and close the door with my tail-tip. That was the morning plan tossed, somewhat. I'll do what I can for Gunther and the library and museum. I see my new neighbor, Allan, coming this way as well, holding a rather battered-looking book in his hand, and I wave a wing to him. "Allan!" I call out. "You might want to head into the museum/Library here. Gunther's a nice fellow, and he's trying to fix the place there up. Seems the last curator ran off with a lot of things." The newcomer jumped a little at seeing me, almost dropping the book, before waving back with his free hand. "R-right. Thanks. I was actually taking this book I found buried on the path into town." he holds up the blue book. "It's from the library, it looks like." I give a nod to him and then take flight. "I'll see you around, Allan. Good luck with your farm." he seemed rather ready to accept that I was part of the normal here, at least.

As I take off I notice that it had been late morning when I had come into town. the sun was around mid-day now, so I head towards Robin's place, I had some ideas for business with her. though it would take some discussion. I, after all, lack payment on-claw, and the materials are on-site instead. I take my time flying towards the Carpenter's home, a few loop-de-loops even, because I felt like it, and love the thrill of flight.

I land in front of the house of Robin and Demetrius, and head inside, after noting the 'open' sign, and wave to the briefly startled red-headed human, before she calms down. "Morodai, Startled me a bit there. Still not used to seeing your hide around again. not that I saw much of you before. You got my husband in a Tizzy, He's going to be studying you very intently, you know?" I chuckle and nod. "I figured. He is quite the studious type, and I'm something new to study. I get that way myself sometimes. Should have seen me as a hatchling, and my first shiny stone." I chuckle ruefully, before clearing my throat. "Anyway, I'm not here for a social visit. I have some business for you." She perks up at the mention of business.

"Oh? what kind of business? perhaps some work on your cottage on the farm? make it more comfortable to your size? maybe some buildings for livestock on the farm, or silos for hay or grain storage. lots of options." I chuckle at the enthusiasm from her. "Well, first off payment would be on-site, as would be the supplies. You'll have the assistance of labor if you are willing. if not, I can do something to bring the supplies here instead if you'd rather." She blinks a few times, thinking about what I said. "well... I see you don't have pockets, soo that is understandable, and while my husband said you had a wagon, it probably wouldn't hold a whole lot. he forgot to make a size scale of how it fits on you or measurements in his sketches."

I chuckle slightly, at this. "well, I was hoping to get some furniture, beyond just the cabin, and I do want to expand that house, as well, but lots of other things come to mind. I'm going to want to get coops, barns, maybe some fish ponds." I say while looking gently through the catalog she had offered me. "I also don't want to monopolize your time, either. I am sure that others will need your services and not just myself." She gives me a smile and nods. "that's quite polite of you, Morodai. What would you like me to build first, and what kind of furniture are you after?" I tap my chin, and then smile softly. "well, tables, chairs, fit for roughly child-sized individuals. I have a warren of kobolds living on my farm now. short scale-covered dragon-kin, roughly three feet in height. Here... I'll give you an example." I then cast the silent illusion spell of mine, to show a basic kobold body shape. I skipped on the fine details and even shows how they walked, to give the carpenter an idea of how they move, with their digitigrade legs and tails.

She leans over the counter, looking at the silent walking illusion of a kobold with only basic detailing. "You have those working on your farm?" I nod. "They look adorable!" she nearly squeals, at their small size. "I need appliances for them to use, as well as bedding. I'm willing to buy parts and pieces for furniture if you'd rather, to not spend days just making beds for them. Stools, step ladders, I hope to get them wheelbarrows or pushcarts to help with the farm work, if I do not make them myself." She then looks at me, and asks a genuinely important question. "where are they sleeping?" I smirk. "My lair underground. It's a bit spartan at the moment, but it's convenient, and we're working on expanding it for better habitation." She looks down at me, due to the differences in height, and gives a slight hum.

"Well, I can certainly work on some things, and let you and your... Kobolds, I think you said." she pauses a moment, to which I nod. "you and your Kobolds can make some things for yourself. I can get you some mattresses around that size. Is that a fully grown kobold?" I nod again. "Okay then. I can put in an order, but I'll need to get money ahead of time for that. I am sure you can understand. As for them helping out, I suppose I can see if any have skill for it. I normally do the jobs on my own." I give her a nod and then look again at the catalog before making up my mind. "I'll go with a barn first. DO you think we could go right for a larger barn from the start?"

Robin pauses, spending a bit to think before smiling at me with a slow nod. "If you have the resources, and your kobolds are of decent help, I suppose we could go right for the bigger models." I give her a nod and smirk. "Also, I want to see your lair, if you don't mind," she smirks. "I want to make sure things are good, after all. It's good to have a professional take a look at things, regardless." Sly, but I can appreciate it. "I take it you also want to see the cart I made, that your Husband spent a good bit sketching and taking notes on, alongside me?" Robin gives a short laugh and nods, good-naturedly. "Got me there. It looked unusual, but seemed to do its job well."

I smirk. "Hey, Robin, Care to take a shortcut, and you can check the materials I have stockpiled, at the same time." It was somewhat obvious I had some trick up my sleeve to her, and she gives me a look as if I was pulling her tail. "What do you mean, a 'Shortcut'?" she looks me over, "You're not going to try and carry me off into the air, are you? I don't think you're strong enough to carry a kid, let alone me." I roll my eyes at her. "No. While I probably COULD carry you, I don't wish to." I walk over to an open wall and then smirk. "Is Demetrius here? He may find this... Interesting too." I grin toothily, with a barely suppressed giggle.

This causes Robin to give me yet another look, this one seemed to be a little worried. "Demetrius, Morodai's here, and he said there's something he think's you'll want to see." A bit of time before the researcher, Demetrius, comes from the room beyond. "Hello again Morodai, how are you doing today?"

I grin just a little further before I cast a spell, message, to my kobolds, "Prepare for relocation. Temporary." Then to Robin and Demetrius, I say, "I am doing fine, just talking business with Robin here, and I figured you might wish to tag along, Demetrius." I hear softly my kobolds responding with various statements of readiness. I tap my claw to the wall and try and repeat what I did to first open the portal to my lair a few days ago, and I see the opening form near the surface of the wall.

I look back at both of the humans, seeing them stare at the hole in the wall of the building leading not outside but rather into a stone cavern that is my territory. My farm was not disconnected from my Coreheart either. That is good to know. I then walk through the portal a few steps and turn around. "Well, Robin, did you want to see the supplies I have or not?" I chuckle as I see them still staring before Demetrius is the first to break free of their shock. He dashes back into the house proper, to most likely return with note-taking materials.

His rapid departure Startled Robin who nodded numbly before walking around the counter to look along the wall seeing that my portal was not touching the wall, resting roughly a few inches from it. I assume she was checking for things such as structural integrity to her home and place of business. Focusing on her profession to get around the shock of my portal being made.

Demetrius comes running back in with a few notebooks and a few writing implements. "Robin, do you want to get some of your tools, or do you want to start work later?" I ask in regards to the barn project. "Oh... Uhh... I'll start on it tomorrow, I think. But we can mark the plot for it today to start with." She comments. "Alright. That is fine with me. So, are you two coming or what? I can get you two to my farm quicker by you two being in here. Then I will fly over and open it up back home." Demetrius walks across the threshold and Robin follows suit shortly after him, both looking around.

The entry hall was decently carved, a rectangular chamber, with a corridor leading down further into the lair and a side chamber where I put my wagon for safekeeping. I walk over there, to show Robin and Demetrius both the wagon up close. They follow me, while Demetrius looks back at the portal, sketching in haste, before jogging to catch up. He was looking all around, with an excited grin at everything. Robin pipes up, "I am no geologist, but I do work with stone, and this doesn't look like any local stone that I know of." I give her a nod. "That's because it's not normal stone. It's what dragons call Drakestone. this place is also not exactly located anywhere geographically. It's why I was able to make a doorway to it and will take the doorway back to my farm. I'll of course, fly back here, later, to bring you two home."

Robin looks me over, as I talk as does Demetrius. then I walk towards the wagon. "here's my wagon I built the other day. It is enchanted, to do its job better than normal. this is achieved through specific runes engraved into it, in amongst the detailing I made." indicating the basic art I put on the sides, in places. "I chose a six-wheen design, for stability, and structure. I have some plans of using it to carry heavy goods. I won't be moving my lair everywhere I go, after all." I smirk at them both before letting them just look at the wagon all over. Robin was examining the structure I designed, mostly in how the wheels attached to the body it looked like. She gives it some pushes here and there, even seeing how well the wheels moved and rolled. Then there were the checks of the turn radius. "I noticed you're using a plant fiber rope. Was that intentionally chosen or just a result of materials available?"

I nod to Robin. "It was a matter of convenience. The rope also does not bother my scales as far as I am aware." She gives a nod that I think is appreciative. "the work of the rood is very interesting. it looks almost like it is all one piece of wood. I can hardly find even signs of joints or joins. No nails or screws. It is quite sturdy looking, and would surely carry heavy loads, though lacking in suspension. To be expected with such an older design. It is however very well made. the wheels roll smoothly as well. Just make sure any fragile items are well packed, padded, and secured somehow."

I nod to Robin, and comment, "Well, this is my first build of it. I will probably be rebuilding it more than once." I then grab some wood and start to shape it, in front of them both, from a bit of scrap, into some basic shape, using energy and will. The wood flows into a simple block with the draconic runes for the first six numbers. it wasn't very large, but larger than a human hand could close around completely. Robin and Demetrius both stare at me, with jaws agape. "What?" I ask, as if innocently. "I have some tricks to how I crafted things. and yes, The wagon body is all one piece." Robin shakes her head a bit. "well.. that's... something." Demetrius starts writing with a rapid intensity in one of his notebooks, taking what I imagine, is a long note, about my capability for magic. I almost preen and pose, but that would be too much. My pride was notable though, for their impression of my magic.

I then set the block down on the cart. "I can shape wood and stone, quite easily. Metal is more work-intensive, especially from a raw state. It is taxing upon my reserves for extended periods or larger projects, but it is like a muscle in an analogy. Practice is good. Come, I'll show you both the current stockpile room." I head back out of the room, and to the main hall, before heading through the entry potion of my Kobold's section, making sure that my guests were following. The kobolds do take a look at the humans, while the two humans, look at the kobolds. and there's a bunch of them, as we go into the Storehouse. "Here's my main material stockpiles for now." I gesture, indicating to the shelves filled with bins, crates, and such filled with stone, or piles of wood. There are plentiful supplies of varied plant fibers, Plenty of bins of good clay, some harder woods, and such.

"I can shape the stone similar to the wood, as I mentioned, So I can help you with that as well if needed," I say to Robin who looks at me, then the bins or various rock sizes, which my kobolds have sorted by their rough weight categories. Clever little kobolds. "As for the wood, either the kobolds can help you work it down as needed, or I can help shape it." I shrug my wings at this. Demetrius is of course intensely interested in what I'm saying. "And this is more of your magic, correct?" he asks while his wife seems deep in thought. I give a nod to him at this.

"That is correct, But specifically, those two are among natural talents I possess due to which subspecies of Dragon I am. Similar perhaps to how people of certain body types are better suited to specific kinds of physical tasks compared to others, this is taken to a further degree among the different kinds of Dragons. We classify ourselves mostly by our kinds of scales, Mine are Metallic, Pewter specifically, due to their natural coloration reflecting that of Pewter alloys." I had both of their attentions, as I give an impromptu short lesson on the basics of dragons. Sebastian, is, of course, holding a different notebook. Well prepared it seems.

"A dragon's breath abilities are also tied to the subspecies of dragon they are. Mine, being steam. Most metallics have two kinds of breath abilities, usually one that is less harmful such as a sleep-inducing one, and one of a more core element, such as fire, ice, or lightning. Acids are also a fairly common element." they both look at me, with a little worry. I head this off. "You won't have to worry about other dragons showing up, I'm quite certain, Most live quite well to themselves, staying away from humans. I, myself… Am quite an unusual dragon, in this regard. I enjoy the creativity of Human works." they both smile a little at this, as I give praise to their kind. True praise honestly.

I then head out of the storage room and get the attention of one of my kobolds. "I'm going to be back in a bit, but please take care of these two guests of mine. If they wish a tour, they are welcome to it." I then call out to the two. "I'm going to go fly to my farm, I'll be back when I'm there." and then I head out, without feeling a need to wait for their reply, Noas I head for the entrance of my lair.

After I leave Robin's home and business, I take flight, winging towards where my farm is located, in the forested hills. I take a bit of time to enjoy the air currents, again with loops and rolls, punching through a small scudding cloud even, before diving back down, with a jet of steam forward of myself, before I bleed speed off with a few hard banking turns over my farm in it's clearing. The overview gives me a lovely mental image of where I should request the barn to be placed. There's a good area of dense grass near the cavern entrance in a valley between three hills, leaving a decently flat location. Sheltered from any major winds should they prove an issue.

As I land, a couple of kobolds that were still on the surface gave acknowledgment towards me with sounds of joy, as I walk towards the cavern closest to the cabin. I entered and then pulled the portal to my lair to be in front of me, resting just away from the rocky wall. It didn't need a smooth surface, it seemed, but just something to anchor to.

WIth the portal formed I walk into my lair, and back towards where I know Robin and Demetriusare still. I can feel/see/sense them within my territory. I could sense them with my Coreheart's sense of my domain.

They had mostly been looking on the shelves at the various bits of gems ores and other materials my kobolds and I had squires from the farm. Plant materials and raw lumber. Stone and clay were also better organized. The kobolds have been busy and industrious as is their nature. More work on smelting materials has also been done by a few kobolds, testing out that smelter I made. Mostly working with copper and tin to start with, by the looks of it.

I clear my throat as I enter the warehouse cavern getting the attention of the two humans. "We're there. Come and see." I say before turning around heading back out the way I came. I briefly duck my muzzle into the water fountain basin for a drink of water, before heading out. I could feel them following me with both my own senses and that of my domain.

I step out into the shallow cavern and watch them coming out with a grin. "Come on," I say with a smile in my tone. Robin and Demetrius both peer out the portal-way, into the changed location. No longer their home. "I'll take you both back the same way, should you desire it, of course," I say with a more normal friendly tone, as they step out into the late afternoon light.

I watch their somewhat bewildered reactions to the fact that they are now at my farm, instead of where they went into my lair from. I chuckle a little. "Welcome to my farm," I say with a broad gesture using my wings, showing off the work of my kobolds and a bit myself. Mostly that of my eager followers. Robin and Demetrius give a shared surprised look at what all has been done, sections of crops, with signs written in draconic indicating what was thought to be planted there. Most of the sections listing mixed seeds. Then there was the still intact greenhouse.

I gesture towards an area with a wing. "I was thinking over here, there's a good field with dense grasses for animals to graze in, that should be useful," I comment to Robin, who nods. "The ground looks good too," she comments, looking around. "Lots of land cleared here. Your kobolds are quite industrious… I think if they take to teaching well… Your barn might be going up quick." Demetrius seemed quite interested.

I nod. "Alright then. Let's stake out where you need this to go and I can let you work with any kobolds who might want to work with you. You'll likely need to give basic instructions to them, but They are intelligent and eager to learn." I comment while using a claw to mark the rough area, where I can tell the ground is nice and solid. "Also, if you find what looks like a gem in the earth while making the foundations or the like, do not worry about it. It's… something that allows me to keep watch over my farm." I add. They both look interested, and Demetrius speaks first, though Robin seemed to have been about to speak. "Would you show one to us?" he says, holding his notebook, open and ready to sketch and take notes, of course. I doubt I'll see him without one for some time. At least, as long as he is around me and aware of it.

I give a nod to them both after Robin nodded her agreement to her husband's request. "Of course." I then walk to a spot, not far from myself and dig at the ground a bit. "They were also in the lair itself. The yellow Topaz-looking crystals. Tall diamonds in shape." and then I uncover the slightly buried one here, showing it off before I pull at it and scoop the earth from under it. I feel my 'grip' on the area fade in a spot where I pulled, but not vanish completely. It was centered on the crystal itself. Interesting. I hold the dimming gem in my hand for them to look at before it starts to crumble to dust after blackening. "Never tried that before," I explain honestly. "Go ahead and if one is in the way, remove it. They are created via magic itself, so do not think them of much value beyond that of the earth itself. I can replace them easily here." The crystal itself had been from tip to tip about 1 foot in length, and flat underneath.

They both nod to me, for their reasons of course. "Good to know," comments Robin. "Do I need to do anything special to prepare for those gem things?" she asks before I shake my head in response. "The spell that causes them will change the common material it is replacing into the crystal, from my understanding." Then I turn my head to a passing kobold, and speak in Draconic, "Please, go into the lair, and round up some kobolds who wish to work on and learn the local building techniques from the local carpenter, Robin. She might not start construction yet, but helping her will be good for us all." I smile as they run off towards the lair cave.

Turning back to the two humans I say, "Now, is there anything else you would like to ask right now, or perhaps want to ask of me? I just sent for some kobolds to come and assist. They all know the language to speak, of course. They can fetch tools from my workshop, or make them if needed, and can help work on materials should you wish, Robin." she seems to contemplate my question and offer alike. Demetrius gives a sheepish grin. "Don't worry Demetrius, we can have a lengthy discussion at many a time, on many a topic."

Demetrius gives a little bit of a chuckle, before shaking his head. "Not right now, I imagine you have things you want to get to work on as well, while my wife gets started on things. She was commenting on some of the high-quality raw lumber you possess in your storeroom." Robin gives a confirming nod. "I am sure she will make a sturdy barn from those resources. She does very much enjoy building things." again, another nod. "I give him a nod in return. "Yes, I do, though to be honest, It's mostly going to be some exercise. Flying about and enjoying the wind rushing under my wings." I then crouch and raise my wings, getting ready for takeoff, but I pause, giving a smirk to Demetrius, Knowing he would like to see HOW I take off from a stationary position, and likely also running takeoffs. He gives a sheepish grin when he notices me holding the pose for him, as I did see him sketching, and his drawing slows down after he flips a page.

I hold my crouch with raised wings for a moment, while Robin chuckles to herself until a group of kobolds come up to her carrying a crude cart with various tools that have been made by them. Ever the industrious dragonkin that they are, eager to show off their ability to learn new trades.

Once I see Demetrius change pages in his book, using my other sight, to look over his shoulder in a sense, I take off into the air, grinning at the fact I could show off. So I have some pride. It's a common thing among dragons, after all. I will of course need to keep aware of such, in case it leads me to trouble. In this case, it seems to be harmless to let Demetrius sketch me.

I take my time, flying around over the dense forests and hills near the mountains on the north edge of the valley. It feels soo serene, just myself, the wind, and my wings. Thermals and jetstreams abound if weak in the early spring, the coastal winds however bring in that cool fresh air from the south.

I end up spending a good portion of the day, before I sense Demetrius and Robin talking about how to get my attention, having said my name. At this, I start making my way back towards my farm, taking only a few minutes at a calm flight, as I come in for a landing.

I made sure they would see me, letting my wings flap noisily enough to be heard before I and jog the momentum off. I smile in greetings to them. "Hello again. Hope you two had a nice afternoon here." they both respond in the affirmative, much to my personal delight. Robin then comments, "Your kobolds are quite eager to work and dexterous. Having some helping hands who know how to listen even if they are amateurs, is useful. I got the area leveled with their help, and I can come out here on my own tomorrow to continue work. I think our agreement will work, Morodai." I give her a pleased nod. "That's good to hear. Though I imagine you're both eager to get home, it's getting into the early evening."

Demetrius responds first. "Yes. My wife and I will need enough time to prepare for dinner and other home-based activities. I need to do more work on my notes, Soo much to learn!" he was quite excited, and Robin shook her head at him a little before turning to ask me, "So… we just go back into that cave and through that… doorway you made, and you'll go back to our place.. And open it there?" she was making a good educated guess based on what I had explained already to them both.

I nod with a bit more energy, with a grin. "That's right. And I will be heading off to the east from there, and moving the portal there. Going to fly over to that abandoned quarry across the dry river." She gives a nod. "Fair enough. Need to find someone who'll pay to get that fixed... Quite a project, really." she murmured mostly to herself. I walk them over towards the cavern by the cottage. "Perhaps tomorrow, Robin, if you're willing, I can come to pick you up, and some of the cooking appliances? Save some time and trouble?"

She seems to ponder this as we walk, and she shakes her head. "I want to get them to you in bulk, and they will take a while to come in, after all. And I'll make my own way over tomorrow. I know the path to here." I nod in assent to this. "Fair enough." and then, I watch them enter the lair proper, before ie head back out, to take another flight to their home, to deliver them. This is quite useful actually for moving things around. I might use it for delivering produce to Pierre's store. Though I might not go directly to behind the store for delivering, but near the town, perhaps to the west. I want a reason to use that cart I made, after all. Besides, I don't think having all the locals coming into my lair would be desirable.

I make good time in the air towards the Home and business of the couple, and a quick solid landing follows. I then once again pull the portal towards me, to let them out. They had been waiting in the entry hall, for the portal itself to change. I wave a claw in greetings to them, the portal on their garage door. "Here we go, back to your home," I say with a cheerful tone.

They head out, thanking me for the interesting afternoon. That it was a certainly memorable one. As they head back in, I take back off, sending a casting of the spell, message to my kobolds. "I am heading for the Quarry and will be moving the portal there for the evening. I want to see what resources await us there." a chorus of cheers and affirmations echo through the lair and fade into the forest around my farm.

Once I gained some good altitude, I took off to the east, heading for the abandoned quarry across that small canyon, a fissure with a dried river at the bottom. Recently dried it seems, by the lack of growth in the depths and the formation of the ground, still broken dried mud.

I land on the eastern side of the small ravine and find a cliff-face to set my portal against, and finding one that felt right to me, and I was able to set it to open in front of me. "There we go." and kobolds come out, eager to see what I had in mind. "Now.. this spot seems to be much like the farm's areas of rising stones. It will likely have some ores, and I see what looks like a cluster of iron over there. Let's get to clearing this quarry of materials, and gather them up." there was a cheer of excitement, as some kobolds raised mining picks, others would be carrying things back to the lair. I smile and go around, looking, as a wave of kobolds start to spread out, clearing stone and ore alike. A couple exclaiming 'Oooh shiny!' at finding gems as well. One cackles madly at finding a large raw diamond and shows it off to me before rushing it to the lair itself. I told her to put it in my hoard itself.

I survey this going on for a while, not tracking the time as shadows grow longer, and split something glimmering in the light. Another kobold is coming with a glowing rainbow rock, and I hold a claw out to take it. It seems to glimmer with three different shades of similar colors as well, and once I touch it, I feel a rush of knowledge hit me, causing a minor headache, much like what happened in the Greenhouse when I first arrived.

This felt, Familiar, yet alien to me. Knowledge of harvesting from the land, in such a way, using elementally aspected energy to encourage the growth of trees to giant sizes, of taking hide from living animals leaving them no worse for wear… even some meat, just needing a little healing before they were completely fine. And then there was the efficiency of how I was taught to pull resources from things, plants, animals, and land alike. Being taught these things, how to harness the natural Aether, another name for magical energy I am sure, as it felt like it… a society that used magic in even their resource collection.

And I know how I was taught these, in these memories. And with this knowledge, I knew how to teach others! I shake my head, and start to scratch and claw eagerly, after telling the kobold who gave me that prismatic gem, to set it aside, put it in my hoard chamber, to the side, I wanted to study it. My focus, was entirely on using these new memories… while a minor headache fades in my head, this was… rich with potential! I had to know if it worked. Claws breaking rocks open, drawing more ore than the kobolds were from similar stones of size and apparent density. This...Had soo much potential! I would need testing of things, including my farm. If this could be useful for harvesting from the crops, but yet at the same time leaving them in place…

My mind whirls with thoughts of potentials for this, especially for alchemical mixtures with harder to cultivate plants… and using aether, Mana to enhance their growth speed. Who knows how things could pan out for myself and my kobolds. Perhaps they could learn some of this as well.

Extraction Efficiency | Harmless Extraction | Rapid Growth (Final Fantasy XIV) (500CP)
Extraction Efficiency (100CP)

Judging from the state of Eorzea, the Carpenters and other tradesmen here have long since improved the efficiency of their resource collecting processes. From the record books, while the presence of Aether has helped a great deal, the harvesting practices put into place played a large part as to why the natural landscape is still the way it is today. Adopting those same practices, you've improved on the harvesting efficiency for all manners of things, not just restricted to trees -but other plant life as well. So at least the plant doesn't simply die off after one round.
Harmless Extraction (200CP)
With hempen yarn and animal skins in shorter supply since the catastrophe, you and other craftsmen have had to adapt your practices in order to keep the orders met. Practices to minimize the amount of animals killed, to make the most out of that which you have on hand are all crucial nowadays as resources grow scarcer. While the animals still aren't too comfortable with it, with this magic you can weave together a copy of their skin or wool, while only taking a small portion of what they have. It doesn't really feel right, but at least the animal is still alive! It'll take time, but what you've taken will slowly grow back.
Rapid Growth (200CP)
You can't afford to wait years for a forest to regrow! By the time that forest grows to a state where it's ready for harvest, you won't even need the lumber to build your house anymore! No, in order to make it in time for harvest this season, you're going to need to draw on some more potent forces. It might be a little bit dangerous to use Aether in such a fashion, but by imbuing the saplings with concentrated Aether, you've successfully sped up the growth rate of the trees -to a point where you can harvest them again. Well, unfortunately, the trees did grow a bit bigger than normal, but you expect that's just a normal side effect from using concentrated Aether to grow things.

This took waaay too long to get made. Writer's Block and RL getting in the way of writing for any real stretch of time. But, here it is. my largest chapter ever. I'm Sorry it was nearly two months before this was made.
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Chapter 12: Head in The Clouds
Chapter 12: Head in The Clouds

After taking ahold of that rainbow-colored gem, And feeling that rush of knowledge, from another world, Its techniques were strange yet now familiar, much like the memories of this world, but with a different 'tone' to them. A signature of where they come from, it seems. I ponder and hum, looking as my kobolds continue to dig and gather the elementally risen roes stone and gems. Trees also growing thick in this rich location.

I would study it later, in hopes of replicating its effect. For now, I had my own desires to test, and started to claw3 and dig myself with my own claws. I hold the gem in my mouth, gently, having no intent to lose track of it. It had carried that knowledge to me, but the kobold who handled the gem was not seemingly affected by it. So there was something about Myself that led the knowledge to fill my mind.

There was much to do, and I push mana through myself into the ground as I dig, finding more scraps of useable roots, pushing aether, as my memory calls it, into the act. When I do not, there is much less to be found at the same rate of digging, it seems. It doesn't seem to affect the earthen materials but rather living ones. I head over to one of the trees, seeking to test it further. It looks hearty and solid. A maple tree, if I'm right. It has that sweeter scent to it which I confirm from a scratch at the bark.

I try pushing aetheric energy into my claws as well as my intent to gather more lumber from this tree. There's one nearby of a similar size, to which I direct some kobolds to start cutting. After both are fallen, I appraise them both, for usability. It seems that the one I felled with swaps of my claws and intent, channeling aetheric energy was in better shape to be used, straighter denser branches, and so on. Useful. And my memory says this was a taught thing. I would be sharing it with my kobolds in time.

I turn back to the portal to my lair, indicating that I want my kobolds to clear this quarry, for it to replenish in peace. I go back towards my section of the lair, pondering how I would share this new knowledge with my kobolds.

In my ruminations, I lose track of time, as I also stare at that prismatic gemstone I was given. It shimmered through spectrums of color, somewhat mesmerizing to observe. I set it aside, and get to work on planning out some new chambers to the Lair.

My first choice though would be rooms to teach groups. Perhaps based on some open-air theaters I saw in a city once. A central dias to stand for the instructor, with rings of seating. Perhaps a long smooth stone table for each row, two rows probably in a semi-circle would do well.

Second, Combat training would be useful. Those tomes seemed to hold arrays to conjure various training facilities of different designs. Among some of them, including gladiatorial fighting pits, with a focus of being a blood sport. Not of much interest to myself, to be honest, but the other designs held promise.

I wonder how readily my kobolds would take to various arts, martial or magical. I myself have not trained much in martial prowess, I admit to myself, focusing more upon the mental pursuits of alchemy, magic, and artifice. Why risk close-in combat when enemies can be defeated without lifting a claw?

I decide where I want the kobolds to dig for a lecture hall. Across from that, I will place a library for them as well. Another corridor off from the kobold's section, I will have a set of training halls, for practice with weapons, for those who wish it. A hopefully un-needed skill, but the mines themselves, seem to be rather rife with predatory life. A fragment of memory telling me that the deeper in the mine one goes, the more dangerous the foes.

This mental designation of places I want to be dug seems to flow to the minds of my loyal kobold servants through the magic of my Coreheart crystal. I smile inwardly at this and walk back out towards the exit of the lair. I need to get the portal set back on the farm, after all. I give nods to the various kobolds bringing materials in, as I pass by them.

Rahk seems to be doing well, at the drop-off point of resources, Directing kobolds as the Overseer he is. I imagine giving him a slight pat on the head, as I am about to pass by, when he gives a yelp before pressing up into something, after ducking his head… Did I magically give him a headpat? It seemed so. Something to look into later. "Good job, Rahk, you are doing well as Overseer," I tell him, as I pass by. "I'm going to be getting airborne, shortly. I will be heading towards the farm."

Rahk's response was a soft squeal of delight at my praise. "Thank you, oh Great Morodai! I will be sure to alert the others of the portal relocating!" he calls out as I pass through, and unfurl my wings.

With a jump and stroke of my wings, I'm airborne again, heading for the farm as the night descends. I take my time flying to the farm, to bring my home there. It feels right to do so, to me. That farm, is home, to my memories from this place, and is also my territory. It feels better to keep them continuous, for the side of me, in the Coreheart.

And in thinking of my Coreheart, I suppose it is loosely akin to a Lich's phylactery, but without the cost of death and undeath. A vessel that holds part of my essence, my soul. Maybe it would protect me from death as a result. I do not have any desire to find out, of course.

And I fly into a cloudbank accidentally, due to my inner musings. I think I'll stay up here for a little while, actually, and ponder. How did I come to be here… in this world, so much unlike that I know as my true home. With these strange abilities, coming towards me. Again, my mind goes back to that broken glowing crystal. It WAS quite foolish to just touch it with such little caution.

Alas, there is naught to do about it now. I was in some strange world, with separate memories from this land as if they were my own. As if I had grown up in this world, but only fragments, faded pieces. These pieces are proving useful, though. And it's not just created memories, unless everyone in town has them of me. I'm a native, yet not. Confusing, but to my advantage, It seems. I have gained additional knowledge or things, three times now… Once in the Greenhouse, fallow as it was. Another shard of blue. Then, while I slumbered, the coreheart and those tomes… a pox upon whosoever thought it wise to drop them on my head. At least they are sturdy tomes. And now, just recently, interesting knowledge in the gathering and cultivating of natural resources, from touching that prismatic stone… Two in association with blue crystalline fragments that seem to vanish at my touch. One of an unknown source, and the last, seemingly just in some object. Did one of those blue shards infuse into that rainbow gem? Or was there something else at play?

And then there is the question as to HOW the one happened while I slept. A question, I do not anticipate any swift answers to, unfortunately. Though, it remains to be seen, if I can remain awake while my body sleeps, observing through my Coreheart. I think that might be doable. This night will likely be when I figure that out, as I try for it.

Perhaps I should make some goals for what to do in town… Do I want to help out with things? Yes. I like these people. They accept me, as the dragon I am, even if it catches them off guard. Dragons are not a known race, in this world… except me. The Museum/Library needs a new collection. Some trinkets found, would do well probably. Geodes, Gems, Minerals. Things like that might be nice.

The old community Center certainly could use some care and attention. Maybe my kobolds and I can do work there. The townsfolks would likely benefit from such. But how to go about it. First, I need to get inside and take a look at what's inside. There is the question of if the building is even structurally sound, overgrown as it is. Perhaps Lewis would let me take a look at it.

I'll do that tomorrow most likely. Robin and some of my kobolds will be busy making that barn, for the next several days. I look forward to having some livestock to provide some luxuries for me and my kobolds. Wool from sheep, Milk from cows. Cheese would be nose to add to our diets.

I should also, tomorrow, see if the Fisherman, WIlly is in town. I could get a few dozen fishing rods, for the kobolds to try, and see if they like the task. It would be a good source of food as well. Plenty of fish in the waters nearby, and off the beach. I can only imagine how WIlly would react, from the sheer influx of fresh fish! Again, there I go, remembering a local without having met them. I even remember doing something silly, diving down and catching a fish in my jaws, to spit it onto the pier on a wager. If I could catch a fish without a pole before he could with one.

The moon is rising quite a ways into the night sky… Only one moon, instead of two, another strange thing to get used to. I fly down towards the farm out of the cloud, circling to bleed my speed before landing into a gentle lope in front of the main cavern behind the cabin. I should get that renovated, as well. Probably have the portal inside there instead. Never underestimate the usefulness of a door.

I had also spotted the start of the barn nearby. There was good progress I think, already, though I am no architect nor carpenter, I must admit. I create the portal upon reaching the back of the small cavern entrance, having been able to see that my kobolds were all safe and sound within the Lair and not going to be stranded at the Quarry. I walk in, with a nod to Rahk again. "Well done, Rahk." I again praise him, and he grins in happiness at that. "I am going to get some rest, as there is plenty for me to do in the coming day." He gives me a nod, as I head for my hoard, to try sleeping and staying awake at the same time.
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Yay chappie! I like the introspection, and the kobold head pats, SO CUTE! I want him to get beaned in the head while sleeping again.

I was unaware that dnd has two moons. (Does that mean the legend of Spyro series actually took place there)

Anyway it's past bedtime for me, nini!
Yay chappie! I like the introspection, and the kobold head pats, SO CUTE! I want him to get beaned in the head while sleeping again.

I was unaware that dnd has two moons. (Does that mean the legend of Spyro series actually took place there)

Anyway it's past bedtime for me, nini!
Dungeons and dragons has many different worlds. the as of yet un-named world Morodai is from, my own design, has two. I was unaware spyro's setting has two moons, actually. Never got to play them yet.
First jump pacing
Okay, I've been having a tough time getting my muse to really pay much attention to me with Stardew valley, and I'm thinking of doing major time skips/compression to get on with it, as I've been having trouble getting words to page. I'm wanting to know people's opinions on this as well, as I do write to share it while enjoying it myself. I do not plan on this being the normal for most jumps. It's just Stardew valley has very little 'activity' in it for a dragon to chew on, as it were.

Also, considering I do not have morodai gain power based on wordcount itself, There's less of a loss there, and this could actually speed up his acquisitions of them.

side note... I don't know how to replace the old poll that's still at the top.
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if it helps you with your muse then go ahead I had found that the pacing was a bit slow doesnt mean I wasn't enjoying the fic though
Yeah I agree that skips seems to be for the best as outside that supermarket that wants to take over the town, there isn't much for the MC to worry about from what little I remember of the game.
You could also have it as something to come back every now and then from the more violent jump destinations as a vacation.
Stardew Valley is more in the slice of life category and being descriptive there means character interactions and description sof the environment.
And that would be exhausting for me.
So I think you should do what you feel comfortable with, the good thing about timeskips is you don't have to change your mechanics for them.
Hello everyone, Been a while. I've been dealing with the usual impediments most people mention when a story goes on unplanned hiatuses. life, in general, creativity droughts, absent muses, and so on. but I am, getting back into trying to write this story, especially since some people have recently found the story and have been liking it, it made me smile, and want to give them more to read, all of you. I hope to actually have a chapter soon.