Dragon-Forged Chains [Dragon!Jumpchain w/ Celestial Forge]

Story is a Longhaul mode, death is not a cause for chain failure. Should Gauntlets block OOC powers?

  • Yes, Powers should be blocked as normal. Still is a steam breathing Dragon though.

    Votes: 9 25.7%
  • No, Out of Context Powers allowed. But with No Choice Points as normal for gauntlets

    Votes: 15 42.9%
  • No, treat gauntlets like fully normal jumps regardless.

    Votes: 11 31.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Dragon-Forged Chains [Dragon!Jumpchain w/ Celestial Forge]
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An Adventuring Dragon finds a magic gem, goes to take it, and gets whisked away upon touching it, from world to world. Jumpchain, Dragons, and Crafting galore!
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The Rules, Basics and FAQ
Okay here goes.

Jumpchain Rules:
1. There is no actual Jumpchain Entity playing with the Jumper, but some manner of crystal.
2. This is a Longhaul Jumpchain, with randomized destinations. Duplicates are allowed, as new timelines. Death is not Chain-ending.
3. There is Bonus 'loot' to be found in each world for the adventurous and interacting Jumper, Ranging from extra Choice Points, to supplements and then there's The V2 Celestial Forge.
4. The Celestial Forge is not going to be gaining power by wordcount. it will be for notable things. Suggestions are welcome.
5. The Warehouse is accessed Via a Portal, that remains open once opened within a jump. It can be relocated at will though. This portal lacks any Fiat backed barriers. this chain drawback provides 100 points
6.The Warehouse is also The jumper's home base. It is functionally limitless in size, but requires excavation.
7. The Jumper does not know about Jump Documents or the rules of things to begin with. He's on his own for that.
8. Lacking a ROB, Some things do not work quite right, in jumps. expect a couple glitches. E.G. The jumper does not start with a human form.
9. There is a Jump 0, containing The Jumper's native powers, which will persist in gauntlets


Morodai Is a Pewter Metallic dragon from a D&D fantasy world. Pewter Dragons are the physically weakest metallic Dragons, but are Clever and Creative with what they do have. His starting age is 32, Planting him in the Juvinile age Category among dragons.

Frequently Asked Questions:
None Yet.
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Chapter 1: Where exactly is… here?
Chapter 1: Where exactly is… here?

POV: Morodai

A pounding headache, and a sense of vertigo, Not a fun thing. A sudden short fall and I'm impacting the dirt, thudding with a grunt of discomfort, even less fun. "ow..." I rumble out, cursing within my mind at whatever fate transpired me... and then another headache as new memories assailed my mind, a searing pain for what was surely minutes, yet only a moment at the same time.

Memories flooding my mind, of living in some small human village, or the outskirts of it, on a farm, and some basic knowledge of how to do it.. that the people are familiar with me... Humans in a world with basically no other notable race... "ohh... by Bahamut's broad backside..." I murmur in draconic. "Ugh... What in the hells did that jewel do to me..." my limbs groan as I stand up on all fours, and shake myself loose of the dirt around me... the area around.. familiar and foreign at the same time. Near the edges of a Valley called 'Stardew', was it?

How did I know this? I look myself over, pondering what has happened... I know the language, similar to Common... the Human language I know, but not at the same time. "Get ahold of yourself, Morodai..." I mutter to myself in Draconic as I shake out my wings. My... home... a farm. Hilly forested terrain, while a bit rough, was rich in many ways.

With a shake of my head, and a look around myself, I feel like my lair is nearby, I had been a few hours flight from it.. before that jewel. Stupid me, going and grabbing the glaringly obviously powerful magic crystal. Where did it even go? A problem for later... More to worry about than some magical gem, but something to find, and soon. Need to make sure about these, new memories I have, and walk over towards the home, noticing the cavern behind it more to my liking, seemingly bearing the marks of claws, and I could smell kobolds?

Following my nose and earfins twitching, I go towards the cavern, suited for my size and room to grow, I hit a wall, but felt an urge to press my claw to it, to which a portal opens eliciting a yelp and me falling backward, with a lack of dignity, before I scramble back on all fours. It's then that I notice, something roughly akin to my lair, but it's not. I smell kobolds and my scent, oddly, a place I know I've not been in... I walk through with caution, to find myself in a decently long entry passage that leads to other chambers, the yarking and yapping of kobolds in low draconic meets me, as I hear several of them scampering upon stone, and they meet me, with recognition.

"It's Morodai!" says the one in the lead, followed by others cheering in delight. This awareness of my name surprises me, the familiarity catches me off guard, but... I knew to expect these kobolds here, knowing there to be more? Of the how, I am unsure, But for now, I will go with it.

"How do you know of me?" I ask calmly, but with firmness in my tone. Well, as much of one as I can manage for my young age. "How do you know of me, and what do you know about this place?"

The first kobold responds, "We exist to serve you, we just... appeared, knowing you by sight and scent, that you would be coming for us!" they seemed overjoyed as the others all agreed, and more kobolds were arriving. "We know this place is yours. Other than that, we just know kobolds gladly serve dragons, and you are our dragon to serve... and how to do some things... it feels like we just hatched, yet haven't." They look around and shrug, chattering amongst themselves quickly and softly, too many for me to sort out.

"Okay... Order of events... Going treasure hunting on a calm day, flying, found some abandoned wagons, then in a clearing, a strong magical aura, I flew towards it, and it was a crystal lying amongst some stones, when I touched it, I experienced pain, and fell onto the ground, ground different, and assaulted by memories of a place, and something about making a portal to home. And now you are here, kobolds I somehow expected to find in a cavern I somehow know, yet have never been within, despite my scent being present..." I rub a claw upon my muzzle, with a groan, steam billowing from my snout in annoyance. "I feel like some god is playing a prank upon me perhaps." I finally conclude after a brief thought.

The kobolds look around. "So, You all, I want your help. It seems we live, peacefully, or at least, I do, with the locals, not sure how that works... I think this world doesn't really have Dragons, oddly. They speak a form of Common." they kobolds nod I pause to breathe in, gathering my thoughts.

"I want us to take stock... Do you know how to make Sundark goggles for yourself?" the kobolds reach into pouches and pulls a set out, each, as far as I can tell. "that's... excellent. I want to gather resources from around here, make our home secure... I have a feeling that the portal I came through is not going to close. The magic here feels stronger than out there. Perhaps it's a pocket plane? That gem did something..." I know I'm making leaps of logic at this point, but What else could I do at this point?

The kobolds look around a bit, then the one that seems to speak mostly for the others says, "what about the humans, do you think they'll be a problem?" I shake my head, remembering there's only a little more than a few dozen, My kobolds outnumbering them by more than twice as many. It's barely a village in my eyes.

"they seem, If my new memories are correct, friendly people. I will have to see what is and is not true, but I do not remember much of a threat from them in these memories. There's an abandoned mine, nearby, roughly east, I think, we'll need to get that working. I will lead expeditions there myself, initially alone. I have no desire to risk my servants without need." This seems to make the gathered kobolds chatter happily amongst each other. Similar to how the kobolds back home did when I told them as such.

Looking around, I spot a collection of various tools, rather simple, but useful... not that I needed them much myself, I felt I could handle most of them with either claw and fang, or magic. Speaking of, I would likely need to work on my own magic spells from here on, luckily I was well versed in magic theory of many kinds, due to my adventuring. Hopefully, this lair had some of the tools at least, of my old one. If not, I'd have to make them from scratch. Annoying but not impossible. Just take it One Step At A Time... why did I feel an emphasis on that phrase in my mind? A quick shake of the head follows that tangent.

"Regardless... I think working the surroundings for farming would be good... I would like volunteers among you, to come out with me, and take stock of the...Farm. Check for minerals and plant and animal life. I want you all to be able to be fed but do be careful, It's still uncertain what is going on. I am to figure this out." I sit down, and turn my focus inward, pondering questions, such as 'where am I?' and 'what is going on?' the where... is a farm on the outskirts of Pelican Town, in Stardew Valley, Near the Gem Sea... the soil here, even in rough hilly terrain is very fertile, and the temperate climate... very good for a variety of crops, based upon the season. A few of the kobolds come to me, hauling sacks of seeds, another carrying a few seeds, and one in a glass bell jar, of all things.

"Okay, those... look interesting... those sacks of seeds... they look to be seasonally marked? Makes sense... those six... that's some odd material... I think it's called plastic? A lightweight flexible clear material? We need to figure out how to make it I think." I murmur, "those... are long growing ones, that are very sweet... The label says Gem Berry sprouts... How odd."

"Let's get some of these tools out, and get some things planted, see where we go from there... explore our territory..." I gesture to the portal with my right wing, before standing and turning around. "those who wish to follow me, please put your goggles on, as you can see, it is daylight." and with that, I head back out into this strange new world, head still throbbing a little.

As we go out, I notice that it's a crisp early day, now that I'm thinking a bit more clearly, sniffing the air fills my senses with the richness of the forest around me, ready to provide a bounty of resources. A variety of trees, that I would need to become familiar with, and their uses, and then there are the hills as well, rich in minerals yet untapped, with a sizable spring in the north. To the east, is the entrance of my territory, my Farm... I need to see about peeking upon the town.. they know of me, but have had little interaction with... augh, my new memories, say I've Always Lived Here... Again with that odd emphasis.

That is twice in not that long of a span of time. Those new memories, say they know of me, have had some interaction, with me, but I keep to myself mostly, and no one would really believe that a dragon lived in the valley. Another shake of my head, and I look around more, spotting a Greenhouse... My greenhouse, in good condition, ready to grow sensitive crops, That single seed.

I'll need to work that one gently, I imagine. I don't want to lose a unique treasure of mine. Might put those Gem Berries in there as well, just to be sure. Are those artificial beehives? They look like... little human houses... like mine... Never been inside one. A human house. Not a Bee House. Well, I suppose not been in either, when I really think about it. I need to stop being a goblin and getting distracted by every stray thought.

Those bits of clothes on sticks, with fake bodies... Humans use them to keep birds from harming the crops. I have eight of them... That should be of good use. I do not want some birds stealing from me, or my kobolds. The place looks rather overgrown, oddly, maybe whatever is doing this didn't get things perfect, and this is an old overgrown farm in a hilly forest. I hope that if that's the case, It'll not come to chomp my tail with other details. Regardless, my kobolds and I will make quick work of clearing this clearing.

I decide to start testing my claws upon the soil and stone here, while some kobolds start to hack away the shrubs and tall grass. Good initiative on them. "Gather everything up, and get some wood, and Someone make storage for us to store things in. Even the grasses, perhaps they have alchemical uses." as I dig my claws, I turn the soil carefully, softening the ground in a way suitable for planting, it feels like. The stones, shatter under some effort, but nothing too tiring. I then turn towards one of the trees, not one of the old-growth ones, and take several clawing swipes at it, to see about cutting it down without using a Human tool, never having done this before... yet memories showing I had. I was going to get used to that, I was certain of it, just would take some time.

Time Passes as my kobolds work diligently alongside me, clearing the land, and doing some preparations for farming. The kobolds happily follow my directions, with ease, patches and rows of ground tilled and watered after seeds are placed in the ground. Having a few dozen kobolds aiding me, was quite the boon, more than I could handle in a day myself, even if the labor was not all too tiring.

After a good swath of land is planted, I request a kobold to have the special plants brought to me, so that they can be planted safely in the greenhouse, while I task others with foraging for useful looking plants from around the place. I wait for a few minutes before two kobolds come out with the requested items, and I go into the Greenhouse, waiting for them, I get to work, setting things up, scratching the soft soil inside the greenhouse, I plant the seeds in two corners, the back is where I felt it best to place them, safest it seemed. "I want to have this greenhouse cared for, watered, and kept free of pests as best as possible." I request.

The kobolds giving an eager nod, as they depart to get the ones with the tools to do so, and I do some more soil turning, before finding... something there and not there, and then I feel a rush of... something, Knowledge in how to push magic into permanent runes on items, a way of enchanting equipment, different than the ways I know from home... feeling like it was from yet somewhere else from this place. It showed mostly weapon-based runes, but... I felt ways of working the mechanisms, in other ways. Another damned headache, but it feels like it's going away quicker, at least.

Shaking my head to finish removing the headache, I give some more thought, it feels odd, to gain knowledge in this way, but useful, despite the headache. I exited the Greenhouse as the kobolds come in, with the watering cans, I was lucky, with more than one set of tools, even if they were low quality, though sturdy. Dull of edge. Perhaps some work would help there. I needed to learn and experiment with things. I huff a bit of steam, as the Sun sinks past mid-day, time continuing onwards. I needed to go out and explore, so, taking to the air with a few bounds and flaps of my wings, I am airborne, circling to above the treeline, aiming eastward towards the village.

I keep relatively low in the air, remembering something in the new memories about some advanced army that was a possible danger to myself if they decided to attack me, though the specifics are shaky at best, I spot ranches, farms, and then the village, Pelican Town, on the coast, the Sea to the south of it, with piers for boats. It didn't take long to fly above the town, scoping it out, finding the mine's entrance, near the lake, there was plenty of water around, and the houses all around, some businesses, and then there was that eyesore, Jojamart, glinting like a jewel, it hid a nasty core, or so my new memories thought. Another circle, spotting the tower to the west of the town, roughly south of my farm. A quick circle back, and I returned home... home away from home, anyway.

As I come into land, the kobolds outside the lair come to me, one of them carrying what looked to be human clothing, an odd long coat, that had high collars on the side, and meant to close... hmm... maybe with a bit of magic, I could have them go into Pelican town, and purchase some things for the farm. "Where did you find that?" I ask, to which the kobold with the hat says, "WE found it in the house. It seems to be good cloth." I hum a little, thinking of what to do.

"hmm... I need to see how others react to myself first, confirm the memories... There's a tower that my memory seems to hint at being a solitary residence... A decent place to check them. If the Village will accept my form, then perhaps we can avoid trickery. Deceptions discovered are deeply despised." I give a nod to the kobolds, who within earshot nod eagerly. "Regardless, I plan for us to grow our wealth and for Us to prosper, myself, and all my kobolds. A dragon without a strong Warren of kobolds is missing in their strength." I did indeed have a high view of the industriousness of kobolds. They are dedicated to whatever task they put themselves to, especially in groups.

"The region is familiar to the memories I have gained, as well, So that seems to be in line, Now to verify other things." and with that, I go to take back off. Wings flapping, I head southwards, mindful of others seeing me, still, even as the joy of flight eases some of my concerns for a time. I would hate to have been born without wings. Just another reason Dragons were better than most races, Not that I would Brag about it, at least to humans, and races like them. That way lies solitude, or worse, Attempted Slaying. Pride is dangerous, And... ah, there it is.

I circle once around the tower to bleed off some speed, and come in for a gentle landing on the western side, before walking up calmly, and knock on the door without pounding on it. The sound of shuffling coming from inside, before the door opens, revealing a human in a purple trimmed black hat, with purple hair, male, by the facial hair. Rasmodius, my memory prompts me.

"Rasmodius, Right? Sorry, memory issue." I say, trying to act casually. He flinched back at seeing me (perhaps my teeth) Before he collects himself. "A-AH... Morodai Yes, That's me... You've not been around for a while? Memory issues? What happened?" he asks, to which I quickly decide to cover with "Rocks fell on my head, and I think things are a little muddled." The man hums a bit, seeming to recognize me. "Ah... And you came to me, I saw you coming, But seeing a dragon face to face is always Startling."

I hum a little, with a slight nod. "Y-Yeah. Got back, and my farm was overgrown, but in good condition otherwise." The wizard nods to me. "Right. Glad to see you otherwise fine." I give a nod to this. "Come in, Morodai, I'm sure you have much you wish to discuss with me, and help sort things out in your head... Tell me, did the rocks break first?" he asks with a friendly joking tone, to which I chuckle a little. "I can't remember," I say back in a likewise amused tone as I walk into his tower. I felt like I really did know him. In a sense, With my new memories, I guess I did, and him, Me.
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Ooh good start, love the setup and how it works. Looking forward to all the experimentation. (And the reaction to the random teleport locations.)
The interesting thing about using dragon is that she can't unchain herself, upgrade herself and 'has' to obey 'lawful' authorities of anywhere she's in.

It's free conflict.

Also it was the use of the words 'dragon-forged chains' in the title.
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The interesting thing about using dragon is that she can't unchain herself, upgrade herself and 'has' to obey 'lawful' authorities of anywhere she's in.

It's free conflict.

Also it was the use of the words 'dragon-forged chains' in the title.
No that implies it's someone UNDER dragon in the structure, like a slave.
Character sheet as of Chapter 1 end
Jumper Name: Morodai

Base Species: True Dragon: Pewter (Steam breath)


True Age: 32

Body type: Medium, Athlete

Stats (0 = average dragon):

Strength: 2/4

Endurance: 2/4

Speed: 2/4

Dexterity: 2/4

Appeal: 2/4

Shape: 2/4

Sense: 2/4

Bank: 500 BCP Limit, 10% Interest, 1 CP: 1 BCP

Current Balance: 50

Body Perks:

  • Metavore: (100): You will retain your physically fit body and Appearance no matter how much or what you eat, so long as you are eating enough to not be malnourished.
    [*]Evercleansed (100): Your body naturally repels filth and Mid. B.O. is erased as well. You will always be as clean as if you just got out of a shower. Good for Travel.
    [*]Flexability T1 (100), Tier 1- Makes you extremely flexible, at the physical limit of your body.
    [*]Winged (innate) Wings Sprout from your body. You choose the type. They fold neatly against your back when not in use, and let you fly, but will be restrained by clothes.

Base Perks:

  • [*]
    • Draconis Fundamentum (Free): All True Dragons have a special gland called the draconis fundamentum located next to their heart. This special organ is responsible for all the most fantastical elements of draconic biology as it converts anything a dragon eats into either magic or energy and charges the dragon's muscles and body with magic. This has multiple effects. It is responsible for the dragon's immunity to a specific element and its ability to utilise it as a breath weapon by flooding the lungs with elemental energy. It floods the dragon's digestive tract and blood with the same elemental energy, helping to break down any matter the dragon ingests (even inorganic and plainly inedible matter), allowing the dragon to extract energy from almost any substance far, far more efficiently than any regular biological creature. A dragon can gorge itself all day, every day, eating half its own body weight and exercising extremely little and the dragon will still not gain any noticeable weight, as the draconis fundamentum is more than capable of storing frankly absurd quantities of energy both magical and biological. Note that despite this, dragon flight is explicitly not supernatural, despite the physical improbability of such a thing. It is also partly responsible for the incredible strength and durability of dragons, what doesn't also come from the other aspects of their fantastic biology. As a final benefit, dragons simply do not overheat through exertion or hot weather – their draconis fundamentum is more than capable of converting excess body heat into energy and so nothing less than fire (which some kinds of dragon are immune to anyway) can cause them to overheat. Dragons do not sweat or shed heat naturally – they simply do not need to.
    • Natural Armour (Free): Dragon scales, teeth and claws are incredibly light and strong; vastly stronger (and sharper!) than any natural material, and most non-magical weapons are simply totally ineffective against dragons. Even a young adult dragon can typically walk through a hail of arrows, each clattering harmlessly off their scales, and an ancient dragon can ignore even the heaviest siege weapons with ease.
    • Dragon Intellect (Free): Even the least of True Dragons is, on average, smarter than a human, and the greatest of their number naturally achieve superhuman intellect over their lifespan. They have an inherent talent with sorcery and gather up other magical abilities that function similar to spells dependent on their type, theorised to come either from the constant flow of magic within them from the draconis fundamentum or their incredible intellects constantly creating new mental puzzles to amuse them in their spare time. Many even learn to adapt clerical spells into their own sorcerous repertoire, for a dragon that can heal itself and commune with the divine is much more dangerous than before. A rare few turn this natural aptitude into study similar to wizards, and they become terrifyingly potent casters on top of an incredibly resilient dragon body. Regardless of how they gain it, dragons do not need the same physical props and instruments other spellcasters do unless they are abnormally rare or expensive. One final note about your natural powers; coasting on nothing but inherent talent without any active attempt to refine it will most likely result in magic that is noticeably weaker than your other abilities. For instance, by the time you might learn to cast a fireball its destructive potential will probably be outstripped by your own breath weapon. Without active effort to empower and practice your magic it will likely be relegated entirely to support magic rather than the main danger of facing you.
    • Sorcery (Free): You have a natural aptitude for casting sorcery. Sorcery, compared to the more studious magic, draws on inherent power within manifested as a selection of known spells that may be called on at any time. These spells generally draw from the personality and termperament of the caster, or else things that would generally help them, for instance black dragons often gain spells relating to spreading the dismal darkness they thrive in. This is redundant if you are a dragon who is a sorcerer, which is most of them. This is free with all dragons except Linnorms, Gem, Incarnum, Planar and all Lung dragons.
    • Wizardry (-100): Wizardry is like sorcery in that it draws on the arcane. From a source of spells that are written down, likely a spellbook, you can prepare your mind ahead of time and memorise spells until you cast them, whereupon you forget them and must memorise them again. Compared to sorcery, this offers a potentially much broader list of spells to draw from, yet lacks the on-the-fly flexibility of sorcery. This is free with Tome Dragons, Flame, Rain and Dread Linnorms.
    • Breath Weapon (Free)(Steam): This is free to any dragon kind noted to have a breath weapon; you receive the one mentioned in your racial description. If you lack one, for 50 DP, you can grant yourself a breath weapon based off the five major elements (fire, cold, electricity, acid and sonic). Additionally, for 100 DP, you can purchase a second elemental kind of breath weapon that you may breathe simultaneously. It is known that some dragons can mix together two breath weapons into an even more dangerous kind, breathing perhaps a gout of flaming acid, frigid chill alive with crackling lightning, or any other elemental combination you wish. For 150 DP, you may choose a recognisably "elemental" but otherwise unusual breath weapon that may be mixed into your breath weapon, such as a torrent of molten lava to bury your foes alive in molten rock, stinking caustic slime that glues itself to the victim, or any similar elemental energy you can imagine. Finally, for 200 DP you may purchase a more esoteric breath weapon that can, as before, be mixed into your regular breath weapon. This category includes clouds of enervating negative energy that drains the life from the living (and heals the undead), bursts of pure force that almost no creature in existence can resist, hellfire so uniquely destructive that immunity to fire offers no protection from its wrath, storms of shimmering razor-edged crystals and the like. You may upgrade your breath weapon in the following ways.
    • Rapid Recovery lv2 (-200[100]): For most dragons, each blast of their breath weapon requires some time for their fundamentum to generate enough magical energy for another blast. This generally takes no longer than half a minute but remains a noticeable handicap – as a gout of breath weapon is vastly better at clearing out groups of foes than most other tactics available to a normal dragon. For this reason, some dragons train themselves up into being able to blast away with their breath weapon as often as possible. For 100 DP, you have cut your recovery time in half, and for 200 DP you have cut it down to six seconds every normal breath.
    • Flight (Free/-50): Most dragons can fly, in fact only a few are completely without some kind of aerial locomotion. You receive this for free ordinarily and may pay 50 DP to gain flight if your species cannot naturally fly. As with most things, dragons defy physics on a regular basis; despite the physical improbability of a creature the size of a mansion taking to the air, dragons do it all the same.
    • Cross Fertility (Free): Dragons are cross-fertile with everything that sexually reproduces. And some, like some oozes, that don't. The offspring always inherent many traits of dragonkind, including a natural aptitude towards sorcery, tough scales and a breath weapon. Over generations, most of the non-human traits are typically bred out though leaving behind a bloodline that produces plentiful sorcerers. Certain dragon types are known to enjoy taking on the form of mortals for hedonistic parties, leaving a trail of potent bastards behind, and occasionally creating entire subraces of species defined by the thickness of dragon blood in their veins. Even when there are no males around, female dragons have been known to reproduce by parthenogenesis, which creates both male and female dragons to repopulate an area after, for instance, a disaster that wipes out most local dragons. They are not known to suffer any genetic disorders that would logically follow such a population bottleneck, either.
    • Inherent Memory lv2 (-50): Even the lowliest wyrmling hatches with a comprehensive knowledge inherited by its parentage. This covers a wide range of topics, from a dragon's place in the world, the nature of its own race, and how to use its natural abilities (a dragon does not need to learn to fly, for instance, emerging from the egg already knowing how to). As this is an inherent part of being a dragon, the free level applies to any dragon forms you pick up, but costs 50 DP to take with you into every new race. With the 50 DP level you are also permitted to pass on a similar advantage to any of your offspring, whether dragon or not, so that from the moment of birth they are as aware of the world and their own powers as a dragon is.
    • Senses (Free): All dragons have superhumanly sharp senses and are able to magnify their view like a bird of prey. They also possess a tapetum lucidum to enhance their low-light vision, though unlike the crude ones found on lesser creatures this does not lessen a dragon's incredibly sharp vision in general. A dragon has, on average, twice as good vision as a human does, can see four times as far as a human in dim lighting, and can even see in black and white without any source of light. They have a nested double pupil slit like a cat's and can consciously rotate their inner pupil up to 90 degrees, This enables them to enjoy vastly superior depth perception and ocular focusing. Their vision is as robust as the rest of their body – they can stare directly into the sun without losing any visual acuity and their eye is well-armoured against damage with a tough, transparent membrane. Their sense of smell is vastly sharper than any human's, closer to that of a tracking dog or wolf, and they possess a forked tongue like a snake that enables them to "sample" the air and easily determine the origin of any scent. They also have a very sharp sense of taste and often have favourite, bizarre foods such as pearls or the flesh of young maidens, though dragons also rarely enjoy sweet flavours. A dragon hears far better than a human at all ranges a human could normally hear. These senses put together enable a dragon to have a curious "blindsense", or the ability to accurately triangulate the position of any physical object even in the rare circumstances they cannot see. The sole sense a dragon has worse than a human's is its sense of touch. Armoured in unnaturally tough scales, it rarely perceives any major tactile stimulation. This is also what enables them to happily sleep away on a bed of hard gold coins or even (non-magical) swords and spears.
    • Dragon Stealth (-100[free]): Many a new dragon hunter assumes that something larger than a house and brightly coloured cannot be stealthy. They are invariably proven wrong. Even a dragon can learn how to silence their steps, hide in undergrowth, and exploit blind spots in vision to take their enemies unaware. Especially so for burrowing or amphibious dragons, who can lurk underwater or underground perfectly aware of their opponent's movements to lunge when the time is right… This gives you the understanding of how to hide in the environment and remain extremely stealthy even despite being the size of a house or larger.
    • Draconic Appraisal (-100): Most dragons are capable of basic appraisal and understanding the value of their treasure. A few dragons are truly exceptional at appraising the value of things, including yourself if you purchase this. You are likely to know the exact value of any single item you lay your eyes on, as well as detecting magic and definitely curses. Comes with the guarantee to always know the exact value of everything you own down to the last measly copper coin
  • Adventurer Perks
    • Classy (-100[Free]): {Artificer/Alchemist} You've picked up a skill or two. Perhaps you've learnt to commune with the gods, perhaps you've focused on refining your natural sorcerer powers, or perhaps you've focused on being extremely sneaky and disarming the many traps an adventurer will find in their career. Though they aren't much worth writing home about now, as you focus on applying yourself you will find these abilities growing ever greater. Further purchases are not free and gives you another broad skill set.
    • Magic Shifting (-200): It is a well-known fact that adventurers can and frequently do rely on a staggering quantity of worn and carried magical items to survive delving into the deepest dungeon. A dragon who seeks to adventure must find ways around this if they are to thrive. You have. Whenever you shapeshift into other forms, you don't lose the benefits of any magical items you were wearing in one form. It simply merges with your body and continues working. However, magical items often do not agree with each other when placed in close proximity, such as wearing multiple rings on one finger, and this perk does not inherently allow you to bypass this. Nor does this apply to things that aren't worn, such as carried swords or staves. As a side benefit, you can always activate magical items even when they're obviously sized for a six foot tall human and not a castlesized dragon, or vice versa.
    • Forge Wyrm (-600): Dragons are often lazy creatures, sleeping away the centuries on great piles of wealth. But there are always exeptions. Some dragons choose instead to turn their minds to craftsmanship, and these can produce some of the greatest magical artifacts known to exist. Indeed, by combining your natural breath weapon, immense intellect, aptitude for magic, and a bit of either permanent investment of your own power or scavenged magic from other magical items, you may turn raw resources into any magical item known to exist, perhaps even artifacts who defy the known laws of magical items. This will, of course, take proportionately greater investments of effort and rare materials, yet to a dragon this is a lesser downside than it is to one of the shorter-lived races. Even so, for the greatest magical items it may be a long quest on its own to gather up the resources to even begin creating it. Of course, you will be able to find analogues to the raw resources in future worlds. You don't even need to work it directly with your own claws, for this comes with magic that can enable you to shape raw goods with exceptional precision and dexterity. Additionally, you are equally capable of leading entire teams in crafting projects at a time, perhaps organising mindless golems or hired help.
  • Devotee Perks
    • Blood Bone (-100): Draconic mythology has a distressing amount of sexual tension between the siblings Bahamut and Tiamat. Similarly, your blood relatives will be uncomfortably interested in getting down to pound town. Certainly being related won't stop them any more.
  • Sage Perks
    • Mystical Innovator (-400): Many whisper that it was the dragons who first created whole schools of magic. Most frightening is the legend that the entire school of necromancy was created by dragons serving dark gods who sought unnatural extensions to their lifespan at any cost. Similarly, you are capable of inventing entire new schools of magic and teaching it to other people. You know the vast amounts of magical theory required to be capable of coming up with schools of magic whole cloth.

Base Items:


  • Jump-Zero D&D Dragons: Adventurer, Juvenile
  1. Stardew Valley: Resident

Jump Perks:

  • Resident Perks
  • I've Always Lived Here (100 CP): You've grown up in Stardew Valley and you know everyone here. Ofcourse that means everyone knows you as well. But it's a comfortable, warm feeling like a homemade sweater on a cold winter day. Now you seem to exude this sense of familiarity, even to people who don't know you yet. This will help you blend in wherever you find yourself instead of sticking out for being different. Just don't push it too far. Being unfamiliar is one thing, being a dragon is quite another.
  • Down Home Charm (200 CP): If there's one thing that's true no matter where you go, it's that people arejust plain more friendly in the country. Most everyone smiles easier, fights less, and seems to enjoy life in a way that city folk can't manage. Of course there are always grumps in any community, but you're not one of those. You've got a friendly face, smile, and manner when you choose to let it out that will allow you to befriend people more easily. It might take a some time and effort on your part to begin with though. Grumpy people being what they are and all.
  • One Step At A Time (400 CP): Changing yourself is never easy, but it can happen.It might feel impossible or that you're stuck in a rut with walls too high to climb. Everyone feels like that once in a while. Still, if you make slow, steady effort you can find that even the highest walls will crumble. If you really want to change yourself, your personality or habits or even just the way you greet people, you will find a way given enough time. The more deeply ingrained habits will be the hardest to change but will eventually yield if you work hard enough. You'll also find this talent extends to helping others change themselves as well, to a lesser degree and only if they desire the change. You could help alcoholics stop drinking entirely given a few months or someone with deep seated psychological depression find a new lease on life inside a year.
  • Miner (200 CP): Sunshine and fresh air might be nice for some people, but not for you. The still, chill air and sunless void found below the earth is where you'd rather spend your time. Spending all your time below ground has paid off in a knowledge of geology specifically geared towards hunting down ore veins. Even better, you know how to work them to ease out more usable material from each of them. This included coal, despite it not being an ore.
  • The Heat of the Forge (100 CP, Requires Miner): Given all the time you've spent around ores it's only natural you got curious about what to do with them all. So you found another use for your hammer and learned how to pound molten metal into useful shapes. Swords along with all common farm implements is where you start, but with your knowledge you'll quickly be able to be more inventive.
  • Mystic Perks
  • The Lost Tongues (100 CP): The languages of the magicals creatures of this world used to be far more widely known than they are now. People used to entreat earth spirits in their own tongue for a bountiful harvest or negotiate with dwarves for their solid steel tools. But now only the mages and the intensely curious know them. You're one of those who can speak to dwarves and earth spirits in their own language. You can also make yourself understood in shadow brute, but most of their kind are through listening to humanity. You will also have a small talent for picking up other mystical languages.

Looted Perks:

  • Runeforging (Azeroth) (400CP)
    Runeforging is the art of imbuing your weapons with runes that grant said weapon additional abilities or strengthening your own abilities. Though the game only lists 4 abilities with this you can fanwank responsibly to add additional runeforge abilities of your own. Purchasing this perk also allows you to imbue a weapon with both an Enchant as well as a Runeforging.

Magic/Magic systems:

  • [*]D&D Common Wizard Cantrips
    [*]D&D Common Wizard 1st​ lvl spells
    [*]Pathfinder Alchemist 1st​ lvl Formulae
    [*]D&D Artificer lvl 0 infusions
    [*]D&D Artificer lvl 1 Infusions


  • Farming Tools (100 CP): Well, at least Grandpa didn't leave you an empty shed. This collection of watering can, hoe, axe, scythe, and hammer aren't very impressive to look at. Still, they're solidly constructed and won't break or chip or go dull no matter how hard you use them. Just because they're not special or powerful doesn't mean they won't be useful.
    [*]Greenhouse (300 CP): This large building of glass and steel always seems to be comfortably warm inside no matter what the weather is like outdoors. A large planting area dominates the floorspace with a cobblestone path set all around it. There is also a watering trough at the back perfect for filling up watering cans. Additionally, a faint air of magic seems to hang about this building, causing any plants grown inside its walls to reach maturity 10% faster. This little slice of perfect gardening conditions is yours to place on your farm, inside your Cosmic Warehouse, or attach to a piece of property you already own.
    [*]Mixed Seed Bundle (50 CP): A large burlap sack full of various seeds, mixed so thoroughly that you would need magic or extreme amounts of patience to sort them. They are leftovers from the company that normally provides the bags of seeds to Stardew Valley, sold at a discount because they can't be sure just what will grow from the mixture. They can be planted at any time but what springs up might not survive the season. A greenhouse would be an ideal place to use these seeds. The sack refills at the beginning of each year.
    [*]Gem Berry Seeds (50 CP): A small, plastic six-pack planter containing six tiny sprouts. These rare plants produce what are easily one of the sweetest fruits found anywhere in this world. A single peach-sized fruit is as sweet as an entire chocolate cake! They're mainly used to make all natural sweeteners or potent liquors. Each one of these sprouts will take six months to grow to their full size, but once grown they will produce a ripe piece of fruit roughly once a week. They're relatively hardy plants, but have a tough time dealing with the cold. Should anything happen to your original six plants, a new planter pack will find its way into your home each spring.
    [*]Spooky Scary Scarecrows (100 CP[Free]): Crows can be a pretty serious problem for farmers in and around Stardew Valley. They eat crops, loiter around, and make entirely too much racket. Thankfully they respect the classic scarecrow, so here's eight of them. Each of these scarecrows are designed a little different (Does that one have a turnip for a head?) but they are all quite effective at their jobs. The eight you have are more than enough to keep crows off a pretty sizable portion of a standard farm with a little strategic placement. Should they become damaged or destroyed, you'll find a new one out in the fields the next morning.
    [*]Bee Houses (200 CP): The fact that bee hives are important to farming comes as a surprise to most people. These busy little pollinators are, in fact, essential to the growth of many fruits and vegetables. This trio of hives are designed to look like cute miniatures of your own home and the bees inside are unusually docile towards you. You could harvest their honey without a suit on with a single worry. These are busy little bees too and will produce enough honey for a harvest every season, except in winter. A little tip: try experimenting by planting different flowers or fruits around them. It can change the taste of their honey quite significantly.
    [*]Ancient Fruit Seed (50 CP): This seed belongs to a plant that has long since been considered extinct. But a few, a precious rare few, still survive to this day. You will be given exactly one of these seeds. Thankfully it needs no partner to bear fruit. It will need an entire year to grow though. Helping it survive the winter will be essential as this plant originally lived when the planet was very much warmer. However, if kept alive and tended it will remain living and produce fruit indefinitely. The flavor of the large blue fruits it yields once a week is a mystery. With careful attention you will be the first in ages to find out what it is. With this purchase you will be given one new seed each decade.
    [*]Wild Seed Bundle (50 CP): These four moderately sized burlap sacks seem to contain various kinds of mixed seeds. Each are marked with the name of one of the four seasons and guaranteed to grow if planted in their right time. A handful of these seeds scattered and carefully tended like any other crop will always sprout into a random assortment of fruits, vegetables, and flowers. Unlike ordinary crops, these sacks contain seeds like Horseradish, Crystal Fruit, and Holly, all of nature's bounty normally found by foraging around Stardew Valley. Each sack contains quite a bit of seed and will completely refill itself on the first day of its season.
    [*]Farm Expansion (200 CP Forest/Hilltop):
    Farm Expansion (200 CP, Purchasable Only Once): You've been gifted a larger plot of land than normal. Your farm is 80 acres in size now and comes with two mules if you want them. If you took the JojaMart Origin, this instead gives you a single, regular-sized farm. Otherwise choose one of the following options:
    + You may have one large farm containing all 80 acres and the qualities of one of the farms.
    + You may have two 40 acre farms, each with the qualities of two different farms. A short walk will be necessary to travel from one to the other.
    + You may have one 80 acre farm with the qualities of two different farms blended together. This may have unusual or unintended side effects, such as the Hilltop Farm's mining prospects appearing underwater if mixed with the River Farm.
  • Forest Farm: This farm can be found situated in the grove of the deep woods, hemmed in on all sides by ancient trees. There are certain laws in place about disturbing them so don't get any ideas about wildly expanding your plot. Four ponds of various sizes take up a sizable portion of the usable farmland. Choosing between livestock and crops is less of an issue here, but doing both will leave little room for anything else. But the forest provides some of its own bounty to make up for these limitations. Wild berries grow in abundance on the many bushes found here during the correct seasons. And there always seems to be stumps to harvest for the hardwood people so crave as perfect building material. There is also a cave set in the northern bluff that is home to a family of docile fruit bats. They travel far and wide and often bring back more than they can hope to eat. The house itself is in excellent shape, though moss seems to have grown up the rear of it, and nature has reclaimed the greenhouse entirely. Still, it is an excellent plot for those who enjoy the tranquility of the forest and foraging for what it has to offer.
  • Hilltop Farm: This rocky and rugged piece of land is set up in the mountains that surround Stardew Valley to the north. As if the landscape didn't make farmland scarce enough a wide creek runs through the entire plot, neatly bisecting it. So while one will almost certainly have to choose between crops and livestock here this plot is not without its perks. The rocks of these hills are rich with deposits of coal, precious metals, gemstones of all varieties, and rare artifacts from ages past. There are even rumors of gold and garnets being found in small quantities in the riverbed. Those who enjoy mining and prospecting will never find themselves bored here. The house itself could use airing out and a good mopping but is solid enough. The greenhouse, however, looks as if the local kids have been throwing rocks at it for two generations and will have to be rebuilt from the ground up. Strangely, the plot is only home to a single cave, but oh how it glitters with possible riches.



  • Kobolds lvl2 (-50) [~100]Kobolds are a small, physically weak, hateful and craven, cold-blooded reptilian race who are distantly (very distantly) related to dragons. They live underground to avoid the hated sun, as they are also pained and disoriented by bright lights and breed extremely rapidly. Kobolds will eagerly gather around any nearby dragon and utterly devote themselves to worshipping the dragon, offering slaves and treasure to their god. Dragons, for their part, typically enjoy having a useful band to watch over their lair. For despite their many shortcomings, kobolds are known for being an industrious race with a natural aptitude for mining, turning raw ores and uncut gems into valuable crafts and creating traps, who can turn a lair into a nightmare to invade. At the free level,you have six kobolds, a very small group, but for 50 DP you have close to a hundred.
Lair/Warehouse: A pocket dimension cavern with an initial entrance chamber. Expansion is limitless but requires carving out the new space by the use. This is where the hoard is kept

  • Stable Portal (0wp): Can create an opening on any surface as an entrance, But remains open till opened elsewhere
    [*]Forcewall blocker (100CP credit): Can not gain the Forcewall Utility, and others can freely come and go, regardless of Jumper Presence
    [*]Shelving(free): Basic metal shelves to keep your goods on. Numberd for sorting.
    [*]electricity (10wp) Wires the Warehouse(lair) with electric outlets and Lightswitches.
    [*]Workshop (10wp) Workspace full of tools and parts. Good for fixing all sorts of things.
    [*]Plumbing (10wp): Installs running Water and Sewer pipes. Bathroom not included.
    [*]Heat/A.C. (10 wp): Installs thermostats and a temerature control system.
    [*]Food Supply x5 (10wp each): Provides a constant food supply. Enough to keep 5 people fed (25)
    [*]Loft (10wp): Allows you to stack structures ontop of eachother.

Entry Chamber

Kobold Warren

Hoard Chamber


Crafting Hall

  • Farming Tools
    [*]sacks of seasonal seeds
    [*]plentiful Stone chunks
    [*]Raw oak, Pine, Maple wood
    [*]Decent volume of Clay
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Interesting. I'll enjoy reading this.

I will say you should look into splitting your paragraphs in half or even thirds. They are really clunky right now.
Also there are a lot of sentences that have extra periods.
Interesting. I'll enjoy reading this.

I will say you should look into splitting your paragraphs in half or even thirds. They are really clunky right now.
Also there are a lot of sentences that have extra periods.
I will look into the breaking the paragraphs into smaller parts. where as the '...' is elipsis, a writing device to show a pause in dialogue

Edit: I have broken some of the larger paragraphs into smaller pieces.
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My only issue I have with this is some of the spelling errors ruins immersion. When u try to type mindful u some how end up typing money in other than that good start not many are doing the celestial forge always good to see more examples of it.
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My only issue I have with this is some of the spelling errors ruins immersion. When I want to type mindful u some how end up typing money in other than that good start not many are doing the celestial forge always good to see more examples of it.
Please point out any spelling errors you feel i have made. I was hunting for them with the aid of spellcheck tools.
I guess fortifying the WH will be a priority then, seeing as any fiat-backed barrier is impossible and the portal cant be closed negating the WHs best defense.

Can mc spend banked cp on CF perks?
I guess fortifying the WH will be a priority then, seeing as any fiat-backed barrier is impossible and the portal cant be closed negating the WHs best defense.

Can mc spend banked cp on CF perks?
I did not plan on that thought, to be honest. maybe, once they know about how purchasing works, and about the Forge, they could direct it, but i'm doing blank check rolls for the forge when it comes up from the Bonus loot. no CP cost.

And as for the defense of the warehouse/Lair, Yeah, and people thought that vulnerability was only worth 100 Choice points as a chain drawback
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4. The Celestial Forge is not going to be gaining power by wordcount. it will be for notable things. Suggestions are welcome.

For game worlds at least achievements for players and/or % towards win conditions.
4. The Celestial Forge is not going to be gaining power by wordcount. it will be for notable things. Suggestions are welcome.

For game worlds at least achievements for players and/or % towards win conditions.
I was going to be basing off of similar to game achievements or win conditions, it was in mind. That is the kind of general suggestion i was anticipating.
Though it was Worm dragon. Slightly disappointed.
So am I... though I rather like fantasy dragons so it's no big loss either way.

Sorry about that. Might still meet her, if end up in Worm.

I look forward to that should it happen. :D

Have to say I quite like the premise so far and as other's have already stated Stardew Valley is an excellent soft start for a prodigious magical reptile. Think I'll be following this one.
So am I... though I rather like fantasy dragons so it's no big loss either way.

I look forward to that should it happen. :D

Have to say I quite like the premise so far and as other's have already stated Stardew Valley is an excellent soft start for a prodigious magical reptile. Think I'll be following this one.
Thank you for your kind words and potential follow! chapter 2 is in the works, but i'm passing out here.
Nice start. I'll be interested to see where you go with this.

I was kind of hoping the jumper/forger would be a White or Blue Dragon though. Since chromatic dragons can't usually shapeshift like metallic variants, the gifts of the Celestial Forge/jumpchain might have more significance to them.

Plus, I have a bit of a fondness for the Blues and Whites, since they're the least outright evil of the chromatic breeds; they're still nasty, but most of that behavior comes from living in harsh environs like deserts and tundra rather than an outright desire for evil.

Still, I'm enjoying the story so far, and I'm happy to see this new twist on the Celestial Forge concept. Having a dragon jumper/forger creates all sorts of fascinating possibilities.

By the way, do you have a link to info on the pewter breed of metallic dragon? I'm curious to learn more about that species, but I'm having trouble looking it up online.
Nice start. I'll be interested to see where you go with this.

I was kind of hoping the jumper/forger would be a White or Blue Dragon though. Since chromatic dragons can't usually shapeshift like metallic variants, the gifts of the Celestial Forge/jumpchain might have more significance to them.

Plus, I have a bit of a fondness for the Blues and Whites, since they're the least outright evil of the chromatic breeds; they're still nasty, but most of that behavior comes from living in harsh environs like deserts and tundra rather than an outright desire for evil.

Still, I'm enjoying the story so far, and I'm happy to see this new twist on the Celestial Forge concept. Having a dragon jumper/forger creates all sorts of fascinating possibilities.

By the way, do you have a link to info on the pewter breed of metallic dragon? I'm curious to learn more about that species, but I'm having trouble looking it up online.
Thank you for your praise. And the reason you can't find anything much is because they are a homebrew breed of metallic dragons. They are physically comparable to white dragons actually and lack innate polymorph abilities.

Their temperaments are basically "dragon nerd" for lack of a better quick summary.
They are the weakest metallic, so they are the most cunning of them. Also the weakness is in reference to the alloy of pewter being largely made up of tin. They are amphibious, water breathing and swim speed, and not very large in size.

I will see about putting together a proper monster manual entry for them.
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Thank you for your praise. And the reason you can't find anything much is because they are a homebrew breed of metallic dragons. They are physically comparable to white dragons actually and lack innate polymorph abilities.

Their temperaments are basically "dragon nerd" for lack of a better quick summary.
They are the weakest metallic, so they are the most cunning of them. Also the weakness is in reference to the alloy of tin being largely made up of tin. They are amphibious, water breathing and swim speed, and not very large in size.

I will see about putting together a proper monster manual entry for them.
Ah, I see, that makes sense. Thanks for clarifying. I look forward to seeing the full monster manual entry you write for the pewter dragon.

What you've said so far about the pewter dragon sounds good to me, particularly its physical weakness and lack of polymorph. Part of my interest in having something like a white dragon get the Celestial Forge was because it gives the dragons abilities otherwise off-limits to its kind, so I'm glad we're getting a similar dynamic here.