Double Cross-[Neither Confirm Nor Deny]

Name: Wednesday Whitehall
Player: Moira
Alias: Dr Feelgood
Breed: Crossbreed Solaris/Hanuman
Work: Researcher
Cover: Singer

Origin: Hated Child (Cherry White)
Experience: Love (Winter Kennedy)
Encounter: Master (Yugo Kiritan)
Awakening: Death
Impulse: Destruction

Stats and Skills

Body: 1
--Dodge 2
Sense: 3
--Perception 1
--Ranged 2
--RC 1
Mind: 4
--Knowledge: Chemistry 4
Social: 4
--Info: Academics

Derived Stats
HP: 26
Base Encroachment: 38
Initiative: 19
Move: 24/48
Stock: 10+6

Stocked Items:
UGN Battle Armor (8)
Night Vision Goggles (5)
Specialty Book: Biography of Max Jacobson, Chemistry (2)
First Aid Kit (3)
Antidote (2)
Cellphone (0)
Cellphone (0)
Cellphone (0)
Cellphone (0)


Relationship Name Positive Emotion Negative Emotion
Mother Cherry White Love Hatred
Lover Winter Kennedy Euphoria Shame
Lover Sundance Waterloo Infatuation Anxiety
Simple Powers

Bacteria Environment Manipulation: Manipulate bacterial environments. Adjust to kill off harmful bacteria or have perfect control over distillation and fermentation. The User may also strengthen her immune system by living in a controlled bacterial environment. If the GM feels it is necessary, she may require a <RC> check for this Power.

Air Instrument: Playback any speech or song by utilizing the atmosphere as various instruments and speakers. As long as the User clearly remembers a song or conversation, she can perfectly recreate it.

Normal Powers

Name Level Timing Skill Difficulty Target Range Encroach (Cost) Effect
Warding 1 Auto - Auto Scene View   This Power can be used at any time. All non-Overed characters in this Scene become Extras. All Overeds that are in the Scene will automatically sense that this Power was used. The effects of this Power continue throughout the Scene.
Resurrect 1 Auto - Auto Self Close Refer Declare when Incapacitated or when the Scene ends. Recover from Incapacitation with (LV)D HP. The User increases his Encroachment Rate equal to the amount of HP recovered. This Power cannot be used when the User's Encroachment Rate is 100% or higher. This Power can be used even when afflicted with the Bad Status Pressure.
Concentrate (Solaris) 2 Major Syndrome - - - 2 Any check that uses this Power receives a -LV Critical Value bonus (min. 7).
Healing Water 3 Major RC Auto - View 2 Target recovers {(LV)D+[Mind] HP.
First Strike 3 Constant Body/Sense - Self Close - The User receives a+ [LVx3] [Initiative] bonus. This Power cannot receive the Encroachment Rate level bonus. The character's Base Encroachment Rate increases by 4 when this Power is acquired.
Arrow of Agony 1 Minor - Auto Self Close 4 The User creates and equips a weapon that lasts for the duration of the Scene.
Sonic Attack 1 Major Melee/Ranged Opposed - Weapon 2 Attacks that use this Power receive a +(LV) dice bonus.
Valkyrie's Guidance 1 Major Close RC   Close 2  
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Sorry, got to bail on it today due to needing to get some things done. My post got eaten earlier by my computer :O
Sorry, got to bail on it today due to needing to get some things done. My post got eaten earlier by my computer :O
I don't know if this is on today but I got to do the same thing here. This is going to be the last time I miss it, I promise :(
I didn't feel the need for any rebuilding, so my changes to Yoyomi after the first scenario were limited to buying stuff with XP. (Procure +3, Red River Valet +1, Red Servant +2. The procure got spent on the magnetic field shield that she made good use of as a procured item last time; it's now stocked instead.)

She dropped the brainhacked FH infiltrator as a Lois. She viewed him as a curiosity, wondering what might make a person join the False Hearts, and she got an impression of his sense of duty and philosophy of Overed superiority by digging into his mind. But that impression faded over time, and Yoyomi continues to spend her concern on things with more personal importance: the desire for revenge against Johan C. Caudwell that still burns in her blood, and the secret family history that rejected Yoyomi and embraced her sister. (Lasting loises: Unsettled Score, Sister, Full Cyborg).
Rebuilding due getting BLOWN THE FUCK UP

Also btw, as part of my new melee build, I ditched the <Rapid Fire>. If anyone wants it, they can pick it up. It's 10 stock. (Otherwise I guess the UGN will just take it.)

Jin Niseko (人贋子)

Subject: Jin Niseko, AKA Replicant Thunder

Procedure: Normal Reconstruction after heavy battle damage Full Rebuild and Upgrade

Notes: Seems like a waste to just reconstruct her. Originally the team that produced Jin-3 were working under the assumption that they had to retain a majority of Jin(Satsuki)-derived human tissue to replicate her abilities. But since Jin-3 was declared a failure, we don't have to operate under that assumption. We could make her better in almost every way. I'm putting in a C-37 Augmentation Request. We might just do good work here. <<The Researcher who made the note was censured at the time for Ethics Violations. He has since had his censure lifted for success on this project.>>

Note 2: C-37 request denied. There's no reason to expend unnecessary resources on capabilities which aren't necessary. Jin-3 has worked fine as it currently is.

Update: The viral growth Jin-3 used to temporarily repair itself following the loss of 37 percent of its body mass to explosive warheads has not degraded over time as we originally thought it would. In fact, it has tainted our new implanted tissue. We are currently investigating the material.

Update 2: This is quite fascinating. The Viral growth Jin-3 created has displayed symptoms of other viral tissues as has portrayed strange shadow-like qualities. Any tissue we introduce to the material seems to be mimicked in some way. We might be seeing the start of something completely amazing here. Jin-3 might have just changed its viral structure completely.

Note 3: Research report compiled and submitted. I would like to reiterate my request for an C-37 Augmentation procedure based on this new information.

Note 4: Augmentation procedure approved.

Results: Total replacement made of lost organic tissue with mechanical equivalents. Replacement and upgrading of mechanic parts. Infection seems to have taken quite handily to mechanical equivalents. Subject has seen a large increase in speed and strength, though its sensory capabilities seem to have diminished as a result of loss of surface tissue. Solutions and alternatives are currently be researched. Following excision of portions of neural tissue, Jin-3 seems to have lost large portions of its memory and suffered personality death. This has been deemed an acceptable tradeoff. New viral tissue has proved that under certain stimuli, it can reproduced and copy other abilities. Further testing is recommended. Estimated time until subject is ready for field deployment: 3 days.

Estimated Increase in Combat Capability: Sizable.

Alias: Replicant Lightning
Player: Jemnite
Breed/Syndrome: Crossbreed (Black Dog/Ouroborus)
Work: Renegade Agent A
Cover: UGN Child

Origin: Artificial Life (Sarah Durand)
Experiences: Research Institution (T-Lois: Full Cyborg)
Encounters: Progenitor (Jin Satsuki)
Session 1:
47 EXP
Session 2:
Episode 1:
5 EXP (Making fake IDs: The Birth of LANCASTER LETHAL)
Episode 3: 6 EXP

-10 exp Stock 4 => 9
-15 exp Acquire Multi-Weapons
-10 exp Body 7 => 8
-1 Ride: 4-Wheeled => 1
-1 Ride: 2-Wheeled => 1
-1 Info: Military => 1
-5 First Strike 1 => 2
-5 Weapon Link 2 => 3
Total Expenditures: 48

Current Total: 10 exp
Awakening: Experimentation(ER +16)
Impulse: Battle Lust (ER +16)
Base Encroachment: 52
Episode 3: 8
Current Encroachment: 60

[Body] 8
--<Melee> 3
--<Dodge> 1
--<Ride: 4-Wheeled> 1
--<Ride: 2-Wheeled> 1
[Sense] 3
--<Range> 1
[Mind] 3
--<Will> 1
--<RC> 1 (4)
[Social] 1
--<Info: Military> 1
--<Info: UGN> 1
--<Procure> 9

Derived Stats
HP: 37 (10 damage reduction)
Armor: 10
Base Encroachment: 52
Initiative: 18 (15)
Move/Dash: 20m/40m
Stock: 26

Stocked Items
Smartphone (0)
Ultimate Clothing (16): 10 Armor, +3 <RC>, -3 Initiative
Supersonic Blade (6): 12 Attack Power, 2 Guard, -1 Accuracy
Two-Handed Sword (4): 10 Attack Power, 3 Guard, -3 Accuracy
Motorcycle (Stolen)

Relationship Name Positive Emotion Negative Emotion
Researcher Sarah Durand Respect (Conscious) Distrust
Progenitor Jin Satsuki Admiration Inferiority (Conscious)
T-Lois Full Cyborg    
Simple Powers
Tapping & On-Air: Receive wireless transmissions or broadcast images and sounds. One can also receive and transmit information through wired systems by touching a cable. If the GM feels it is necessary, he may require a <RC> check for this Power.
Electronics Master: Read and write any type of electronic storage medium, such as DVDs or hard drives, without the use of an electronic device. If the GM feels it is necessary, he may require a <RC> check for this Power.
Qinggong: Become so swift that one can run up the side of buildings or across the surface of water. The User will feel no difference between walls and flat ground.

Normal Powers
Syndrome Name Level Timing Skill Difficulty Target Range Encroach (cost) Effect
Renegade Humanity's Neighbor 1 Constant - Auto Self Close Refer
+(LV) to Impulse checks. +5 Base Encroachment rate.
Renegade Origin: Legend 1 Minor - Auto Self Close 2 +(LV x 2) to <Mind> checks for the scene.
Common Resurrect 1 Auto - - Self Close Refer Declare when Incapacitated or when the Scene ends. Recover from Incapacitation with (LV)D HP. The User increases his Encroachment Rate equal to the amount of HP recovered. This Power cannot be used when the User's Encroachment Rate is 100% or higher. This Power can be used even when afflicted with the Bad Status Pressure.
Common Warding 1 Major - Auto Scene (Select) View   This Power can be used at any time. All non-Overed characters in this Scene become Extras. All Overeds that are in the Scene will automatically sense that this Power was used. The effects of this Power continue throughout the Scene.
Common Concentrate: Ouroboros 3 Major Syndrome - - - 2 -(LV) Critical Value bonus (min. 1) on checks using this Power.
Black Dog Lightweight Customization 1(Max) Constant - - Self Close - [Body] and [Sense] checks receive a +i die bonus. This Power cannot receive the Encroachment Rate level bonus. The character's Base Encroachment Rate increases by 2 when this Power is acquired.
Black Dog Weapon Link 3 Major <Melee><Ranged> Opposed - Weapon 2 Checks that use this Power receive a + (LV) dice bonus.
Hanuman (Ouroboros) First Strike 2 Constant - - Self Close - The User receives a+ [LVx3] [Initiative] bonus. This Power cannot receive the Encroachment Rate level bonus. The character's Base Encroachment Rate increases by 4 when this Power is acquired.
Neumann (Ouroboros) Multi-Weapons 1(Max) Major <Melee><Ranged> Opposed - Weapon 3 Add together and apply the Atk. Power of two weapons that share the same Skill. Both weapons must be equipped. Apply the shortest range and smallest area of attack. If a selected weapon cannot target characters that are in the user's Engagement, apply this restriction to the attack.
Chimera (Ouroboros) Power Arm 1(Max) Constant - Auto Self - - With this Power, the User can equip weapons that normally forbids other weapons being equipped, and still equip another weapon at the same time. This Power cannot receive the Encroachment Rate level bonus. The character's Base Encroachment Rate increases by 3 when this Power is acquired.
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