Double Cross-[Neither Confirm Nor Deny]

Already said that weekends are usually bad for me, but weekdays are usually good.
Mm. Tricky. That's about a whiles into my bedtime for me. I could make three hours earlier and let the game keep me up, but I dunno if that works for anyone else.
Depending on how long a session runs I can be there. If it's more than a few hours then I'd have to do some juggling.
Name: Albert Banks

By all accounts, Albert Banks should have had a normal life and should have never gotten involved into this whole mess, but the circumstances life has a way to derail fate. Born the eldest son of a reasonable well off, if still normal and unremarkable couple, Albert grew up with his little sister Jess. The two of them did not get along, in fact it could even be argued that they hated each other considering how much they fought, so really a normal relationship between siblings.

However, things changed when one day as the two of them had gone out to do shopping they were caught in a "terrorist attack". Where some kind of terrorists fought against what looked like government agents in broad daylight, without much consideration for the civilians caught in the crossfire. Later in life, Albert would recount seeing one of the man turning into horrible monster who then turned to attack them. Finding his wits at last and terrified beyond belief, the petrified young man ran as far as his legs would allow him to. It took minutes of running for him to realize that his sister was not at his side.

Later that day, they recovered her body amongst the pile of victims. His parents never forgave him for abandoning his sister, and neither would he. Though they were never abusive towards their surviving child, the atmosphere around the household would become increasingly stifling and hostile. This prompted him to move out of his house as soon as he was able to, from there he eventually obtained a job as an ER personnel.

During an outing Albert was caught up in yet another terrorist attack where monsters and unreal powers wrecked havock. This time he was not so lucky, and he was greviously injured and lost conscious. He later woke up strapped to a table, and not in an hospital, though there were certainly doctors hovering over him. He, along with many others, was subjected to weeks and months of experimentation for what he later learns was an attempt to induce Syndromes in subjects.

By the time the UGN taskforce struck, he was the only test subject left alive and the only successful one, he had become a monster. The UGN has since helped him put himself back together psychologically and restore his old life. He in return has thrown his lot with the organisation fully, for the sake of uncovering answers about the past, repaying his debt and just taking control of his fate.

It helps that his boss reminds him just a little of his Sister, and annoys him just as much, and well he's not a religious man, well second chances should not be wasted. Still there are days where he can't help but suspicious of how convenient his rescue was and how shady the UGN can sometimes be.

Alias: The Fisher
Player: Deadly Snark
Breed/Syndrome: Cross Breed Balor/Chimera
Work: UGN Agent A
Cover: Disaster/Emergency Response Unit

Origin: Estranged Relatives
Experiences: Eternal Farwell (Sister)
Encounters: Endearment (Therese Blum)
Awakening: Experimentation (16)
Impulse: Self-Mutilation (16)

Stats and Skills
Body 5
--Melee (3)
--Dodge: (1)
Sense 4
--Perception (2)
Mind 2
-- RC (1)
-- Medicine/First Aid (2)
Social 2
--Procure (1)
--Info: UGN (1)

Derived Stats
HP: 32
Base Encroachment: 32
Initiative: 10
Move/Dash: 15m/30m
Stock: 6

Stocked Items
Memento (A broken necklace)
Data Collection Team
First Aid Kit

Relationship Name Positive Emotion Negative Emotion
Boss Therese Blum Protection
Organisation UGN
Best Friend Daniel Sutherland
Simple Powers

Pocket Dimension (LV1): Warp Space to create a dimension in an unusual area. With this Power, an entire floor can be created between the floorboards or two existing floors, or a gym-sized recreation room can be created within a drawer. If someone attempts to find a character that is hiding in this dimension, he must perform a <Perception> Opposed Check with that character.

Beast's Intuition (LV1): Use sharp animal senses to detect minor changes in temperature, geomagnetism or ocean currents. This information can be used to predict the weather and future natural disasters. If the GM feels it's necessary, he may require a <Perception> check for this Power.

Normal Powers
Name Level Timing Skill Difficulty Target Range
Warding 1 - - Auto Scene View   This Power can be used at any time. All non-Overed characters in this Scene become Extras. All Overeds that are in the Scene will automatically sense that this Power was used. The effects of this Power continue throughout the Scene.
Resurrect 1 - - Auto Self Close Refer Declare when Incapacitated or when the Scene ends. Recover from Incapacitation with (LV)D HP. The User increases his Encroachment Rate equal to the amount of HP recovered. This Power cannot be used when the User's Encroachment Rate is 100% or higher. This Power can be used even when afflicted with the Bad Status Pressure.


2 Major Syndrome - - - 2 Any check that uses this Power receives a -LV Critical Value bonus (min. 7).
Space Compression 2 Setup - Auto Single View 2 The Target may perform a Move. How and Where he moves is up to him. This Power can only be used on Characters that agree to be targetted. This Power may be used (LV) times per Scenario.
Fist of Darkness 1 Major Melee Opposed Single Weapon 3 Perform a Melee Attack with Fists. Attacks that use this Power receive a + (LV) attack Power Bonus and ignores the target's [Armor] stat during damage calculation.
Complete Theriantropy 2 Minor - Auto Self Close 6 For the duration of the current Scene, the User receives a + [LV + 2] dice bonus towards all [Body] checks. As long as this is in effect, no Items other then Fists can be used or equipped.
Still Garden 1 Setup - Auto Single View 2 For the Duration of the Round, the Target Receives a - [LV x 3] [Initiative] penalty.
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So, no game happened last week because not enough people showed up. But I think I'll try running this again this weekend sometime for that.

If you can make it, please try to get your charsheets and some backstory down by then (or earlier, earlier is good) so I know what to prepare for.
If we're running this on weekends, I have to bow out, because I'm only free on weekends once every three weeks.
Yoyomi Chihara
An agent that prefers to let her blood do all the work, whenever possible. She transferred from Tokyo branch due to personality conflicts with the local UGN cell.

Episode 1: 5 exp (in which Yoyomi met the rest of the misfit squad, and they started investigating museum thefts in Prague.)
Episode 2: 7 exp (in which the team pre-empted the next theft, and Yoyomi was hit by a car. The car lost.)
Episode 3: 8+1 exp from "(+1 XP worth of good idea)". (in which the team raided the mansion's vault and did not asphyxiate.)
Episode 4: 8 exp (in which the team raided an army base and killed a bunch of people, but failed to catch the mastermind)
Episode 5: 10+3 exp [10 regular, 3 backtrack] (in which the team fought a hovertank and did not die. Much. Several non-Yoyomi people had to resurrect a time or two though, because they are not made of blood and steel like Yoyomi.)
Almost-a-session consolation prize: 3 exp
Episode 6: 5 exp (in which the team planned a fast and furious scheme, and boarded a plane to America.)
Episode 7: nothin'? (in which the team stole some bikes)
Episode 8: 3 exp (in which the team chatted with some bad dudes)

-2 exp Life Representative simple power (Bram Stoker)
-2 exp Bizarre Fingertips simple power (Exile)
-5 exp The Voiceless lv 2 (max) (Bram Stoker)
-5 exp Fool's Equipment lv 4 (max) (Bram Stoker)
-5 exp Red River Valet lv 3 (Bram Stoker)
-2 exp Mutant's Walk simple power (Exile)
-6 exp Procure +3 (to 7)
-5 exp Red River Valet lv 4 (max) (Bram Stoker)
-10 exp Red Servant lv 3 (Bram Stoker)
-5 exp skill Ride: Two Wheels +5 (to 5)
-3 exp skill Ride: Four Wheels +3 (to 3)

Current net:
3 exp.

Base: 55
+8 Planning an American Trip scene encroachment
+1 Motorcycle herding scene encroachment
+3 Meeting the gangers scene encroachment

Current: 67 (+1 dice bonus, +0 level to powers from Encroachment Rate. Reference table on core book pg. 274)

The second daughter of the influential Chihara family, Yoyomi was never privy to their secrets, which were reserved for her older sister, the heiress. Instead of going into politics, she struck out on her own working for the UGN, originally in a low-effort position in laboratory procurement.

Two years ago, something went very, very wrong. According to the official account, it was a simple autoclave explosion, naught but highly pressurized steam escaping confinement. Further details are classified above Yoyomi's ability to access. Whatever the intelligence apparatus of the UGN knows, it isn't sharing.

Officially, it was an accident. Officially, Yoyomi was among the survivors. She knows in her blood and in her bones that neither of those things is true. She died back then, and it was by design—fragments of memory tell her that the design was Johan C. Caudwell's. Yoyomi intends to pay him back, blood for blood, death for death.

Alias: Sullen Lynx
Player: Emy

Breed/syndromes: Tri-Breed Exile/Black Dog/Bram Stoker
Work: UGN Agent B
Cover: Bodyguard

Origin: Powerful Bloodline
Experience: Personal Secrets
Encounter: Unsettled Score (Johan C. Caudwell, pg 338)
Awakening: Death (ER +18)
Impulse: Delusions (ER +14)

Stats and Skills
Body 3
Ride: Four Wheels 5
Ride: Two Wheels 3
Sense 7
Ranged 3
Perception 1
Mind 1
Renegade Control 1
Social 1
Procure 7
Info: UGN 1

Derived Stats
Max HP: 27 (15 Armor. Damage reduction 10 from Full Cyborg.)
Base encroachment: 55
Stock Points: 22
Initiative: 14
Move/Dash: 19m/38m

Stocked items
[3] Sub-Machine Gun, ranged, Acc -1, Atk Power 8, Guard -, Range: 20m, Procure/Stock: 15/10. Can't target characters in the same engagement.
[6] Magnetic Field Shield, melee, Acc -2, Atk Power 2, Guard 8. Can only be used for the scene after being equipped and activated with a minor action.
[11] Costume Armor, armor, Dodge -, Initiative -1, Armor 15.

[1] Armor-Piercing Bullet, consumable. Minor action ability: For the duration of your turn (Main Process), attacks with [Type: Ranged] weapons reduce your Target's [Armor] stat by -5. Cannot be lowered past 0.

Relationship Name Positive Emotion Negative Emotion
Sister Shizuko Chihara Kindness Alienation (conscious)
Unsettled Score Johan C. Caudwell Affinity Shame (conscious)
T-Lois #34, Full Cyborg (+5 ER) Euphoria (conscious) Repugnance
Red Servant summary
HP: 25
Initiative: 18
Move/Dash: 23m/46m
Stats: All 7
Skills: Ranged +2.
Servant's Plated Mail: Armor, Dodge -5, Initiative -3, Armor 10.
Servant's Bow: Ranged, Acc -1, Atk Power 7, Guard -, Range: View.
Servant's Shield: Melee, Acc -2, Atk Power 2, Guard 8, Range: Close.

Simple Powers
(Bram Stoker) The Emperor's New Clothes (lv 1)
Surround one's self with Servants that will act as admirers. This entourage is utterly loyal and will constantly praise and worship the User without question. This Power will create [LVx10] Servants at once. These Servants are Extras and thus cannot join a battle. These Servants do not count toward Red Servant's limit.

(Bram Stoker) Life Representative (lv 1)
Create a special Servant that will carry out all of one's daily tasks, such as school, work, housework, government applications, bills and so forth. This Servant will look just like the User, but it will be treated as an Extra. Thus, it cannot join a battle. This Servant does not count towards Red Servant's limit.

(Exile) Mimicry Mask (lv 1)
Change one's face and appearance to suit the current situation. If someone attempts to see past the disguise, that character and the user must perform a Perception Opposed check. The user may return to her original appearance by using an Auto Action, but she will have to use this Power again in order to revert back to her disguise.

(Exile) Bizarre Fingertips (lv 1, skill/difficulty: -/auto, target: single, timing: major, range: close, encroach cost: 3)
Infiltrate a person's nervous system and read their memory. This Power cannot be used on targets that consciously resist. The User will be able to pull any desired information from the target's mind. If the GM feels it is necessary, they may require a <RC> check for this Power.

(Exile) Mutant's Walk (lv 1)
Morph one's body so that it can walk on any surface. The User will be able to walk on perfectly vertical walls and ceilings. If the GM feels it is necessary, he may require a [Body] check for this Power.

Normal Powers
Encroach (cost)
Bram Stoker
The Undead's Doll
Combine with Red Servant. Select a person. The servant becomes a perfect copy of that person, having their appearance, voice, and behavioral traits. Opposed Perception to see past the disguise.
Bram Stoker
Red Servant
Create a Servant, which appears in the user's Engagement. Servant's base stats are all 3, and it has Lv*5+10 Max HP. Only one servant can be created per scene. User gets -3 dice penalty to all actions while servant active. Servant lasts for the duration of the scene. Full rules pg307.
Bram Stoker
The Voiceless
Number of creatable Servants per scene is increased by LV. Power cannot receive Encroachment Rate level bonus.
Bram Stoker
Red River Valet
User's servants get +LV points to all base stats. Power cannot receive Encroachment Rate level bonus.
Bram Stoker
Fool's Equipment
During Pre-Game, select LV number of Servant only items (p249). Servants will have the selected items stocked when created and may equip or use them. Power cannot receive Encroachment Rate level bonus.
Declare when Incapacitated or when the Scene ends. Recover from Incapacitation with (LV)D HP. The User increases his Encroachment Rate equal to the amount of HP recovered. This Power cannot be used when the User's Encroachment Rate is 100% or higher. This Power can be used even when afflicted with the Bad Status Pressure.
This Power can be used at any time. All non-Overed characters in this Scene become Extras. All Overeds that are in the Scene will automatically sense that this Power was used. The effects of this Power continue throughout the Scene.
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Yamada Hanako (山田花子)

A young woman just out of high school. Hanako came to the UGN's attention for precisely her actions just after graduating - suddenly vastly exceeding her previous abilities, Hanako graduated from college after barely a year and a half at the age of twenty, only for a UGN investigation to reveal that she had been cheating on her reports and exams through abuse of her Tyrant's Eye. Her somewhat unscrupulous investigator took this opportunity to ... "encourage" her to join the UGN as an agent.

... That's the official story. But there are... discrepancies. For a normal, easily intimidated college student, Yamada's history is remarkably hard to trace. For starters, her name is so incredibly common that any search immediately turns up thousands of false positives - being the Japanese equivalent of "John Smith" - or, perhaps, "Jane Doe." Her parents seem barely existent, visible only in the form of occasional cash deposits to her bank account from banks all over the world (and making a hash of jurisdiction politics); she lived alone in an apartment at the edge of Okinawa. But most tellingly of all is the fact that for all her ... distinctive features, her face cannot be found in the national registry. She has allegedly valid photo id - but there are no records of its issuance.

And then, of course, there is the way that her gravitational linac seems to generate static sparks when conjured...

In personality, Hanako is a cheerful, but relatively soft-spoken young lady. While generally respectful of others' opinions, she seems oddly inconsiderate of their limits, occasionally simply assuming that, say, her comrades can read Sanskrit without basis. In that regard she is perhaps the inverse of an arrogant genius.

Alias: Empty Brilliance
Player: linkhyrule5
Breed/Syndrome: Crossbreed (Neumann, Balor)
Work: Researcher
Cover: UGN Agent

Origin: Understanding Parents
Experiences: Eternal Farewell
Encounters: Comrade (No lasting connection)

Awakening: Yearning (ER +17)
Impulse: Destruction (ER +16)

[Body] 1
--<Dodge> 1
--<Drive: Two Wheeled> 4
[Sense] 3
--<Perception> 1
--<Ranged> 1
[Mind] 6
--<Renegade Control> 1
--<Knowledge: Renegade> 3
--<Knowledge: Computers and Networks> 3
[Social] 2
--<Procure> 2
--<Info: Academics> 1
--<Info: Spy Games> 2

Derived Stats
HP: 5/28
Encroachment: 33+3
Initiative: 12
Move/Dash: 17m/34m
Stock: 8+6

XP: -1

Stocked Items
Laptop (2)
Large Handgun (3)
UGN Battle Armor (4)

Official's Favor (1)
Informant (1)
UGN Leadership (1)
Mass Media (1)

Smartphone (0)

Memento (Silver NASA Space Pen) (1)

Relationship Name Positive Emotion Negative Emotion
Father Yamada Kuroshiro Respect (Conscious) Pity
Dead S.O. Weiss Blanc Dying Wishes/ Earnestness (Conscious) Alienation
T-Lois No. 45: Genius Aspiration Remorse (Conscious)
Simple Powers
Dimension Gate: Warp space and create a gate that leads to a place that the user knows. This gate may take the form of a door that can be permanently set and used by other characters. This Power cannot be used during battle, urgent situations or any kind of situation where the user would be stressed. The GM may forbid the use of this Power if he wishes.

The Emperor's Time: Slow down the flow of time in the surrounding area, so that one could read, play or research at a leisurely pace and without any distractions. This Power
cannot be used during battle, rushed tasks or any kind of situation where the user would be stressed.

Profiling: Examine an objector commodity and gain normally looked over information, which can then be used to figure out a target's personality. Just like Sherlock Holmes, the user can use minor information to derive the truth. If the GM feels it is necessary, he may require a <Knowledge:_> check of the proper type for this Power.

Pocket Dimension: Warp space to create a dimension in an unusual area. With this Power, an entire floor can be created between the floorboards or two existing floors, or a gym-sized recreation room can be created within a drawer. If someone attempts to find a character that is hiding in this dimension, he must perform a <Perception> Opposed check with that character.

Code Deciphering: This Power represents the user's superb linguistic sense and his ability to decipher any code or unknown language. Any hidden code and information will not escape the user. If the GM feels it is necessary, he may require a <lnfo:_> check of the proper type for this Power.

Normal Powers
Name Level Max Level Timing Skill Difficulty Target Range
Restrict Effect
Warding 1 1 - - Auto Scene View   - This Power can be used at any time. All non-Overed characters in this Scene become Extras. All Overeds that are in the Scene will automatically sense that this Power was used. The effects of this Power continue throughout the Scene.
Resurrect 1 3 - - Auto Self Close Refer - Declare when Incapacitated or when the Scene ends. Recover from Incapacitation with (LV)D HP. The User increases his Encroachment Rate equal to the amount of HP recovered. This Power cannot be used when the User's Encroachment Rate is 100% or higher. This Power can be used even when afflicted with the Bad Status Pressure.
Concentrate (Balor) 2 3 Major Syndrome - - - 2 - Any check that uses this Power receives a -LV Critical Value bonus (min. 7).
Repulsion Arrow 2 5 Major - Auto Self Close 2 - The User creates and equips a weapon that lasts for the duration of the Scene. Its data is listed under Weapons.
Quick Blade 1 3 Major <Melee> <Ranged> Opposed - Weapon 3 - Checks that use this Power receive a + [LV + 1] dice bonus.
Tyrant's Law 1 5 Major Syndrome Opposed - - 2 - Attacks that uses this Power receive a + [LV X 2] Atk. Power bonus.
Inspiration 2 3 Major - Auto Self Close 2 - The GM can be directly questioned about certain mysteries that exist within the Scenario. The GM may refuse to answer. If the GM refuses, the number of uses do not deplete. This Power can be used (LV) times per Scenario. This Power cannot be combined with other Powers.
Genius 1 3 Auto - Auto Self Close 1d10 Trait Lois Declare right after you perform a check. That check's score receives a bonus equal to your [Mind], This Power may be used (LV) times per Scenario.
Mental Command 1 1 Major <Ranged> Opposed - Weapon 2 - Upon acquiring this Power, select either [Melee] or [Ranged]. The selection determines this Power's Skill. Any check that uses this Power will be rolled with [Mind].
Multi-Weapons 1 1 Major <Melee><Ranged> Opposed - Weapon 2 - Add together and apply the Atk. Power of two weapons that share the same Skill. Both weapons must be equipped. Apply the shortest range and smallest area of attack. If a selected weapon cannot target characters that are in the user's Engagement, apply this restriction to the attack.
Name Level Max Level Timing Skill Difficulty Target Range
Restrict Powers Description
only my nailguns 2/1/1 3/3/5 Major <Ranged> ([Mind]) Opposed - Refer 11 - Concentrate (Balor) + Quick Blade + Tyrant's Law + Mental Command + Multi-Weapons
Conjures a gravitational linac along the path of multiple bullets, aimed through brute-force simulation of environmental factors.

Hits at +(LV2 + 1) dice @ -(LV1) CV, for + (LV3 X 2) damage. Uses [Mind] instead of [Sense].
Name Type Skill Acc Atk Guard Range
Repulsion Arrow Ranged <Ranged> -1 +4 - View
Large Handgun Ranged <Ranged> -2 +5 - 20m
Anti-Materiel Rifle (Procure) Ranged <Ranged> 0 +20 - 300m
Name Dodge Init Armor
UGN Battle Armor - - 8
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So, mm, it hasn't been working too great the last few times but it really won't work this week - can we move up the start time by about three hours, by any chance? 2pm EST is still later than I'd like for various reasons but I can make it work; I won't be able to make a 5pm EST slot at all.
I'm going to try to make it this time but won't be available to make it until after 2 pacific, sorry :(
I'm planning on gaming , though moving earlier is possible for me other weeks.
Are we gaming today? If so in how many hours? We just hit DST, so it'd be good to reconfirm for anyone who might not have it.