Should I keep using the Skimish Mechanics?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, just roll for Martial instead

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • Let the players decide on a Case-by-Case basis

    Votes: 7 63.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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The Great Generation War. Your father was still a child when it started, the fires were still...
Character Creation pt1


Megaspell Technician
Stable <data corrupted>
The Great Generation War. Your father was still a child when it started, the fires were still raging when you were born and it seemed like there was no end in sight when you finaly gew into adulthood. While Doron was mostly spared from the the ramaging Mercenaries and other unpleasantries that came packaged with armed conflicts these days, the impact of the war was still noticable. And amidst all this, you began to forge your destiny.

Are you

What is your Race
You were a human, just like almost everyone else.
-[]Minotaur tribe
The most common Bestbloods in Doron, your people are the decendants of slaves that worked in the countless mines of the duchy. Well, thechnically you are still slaves, but almost noone remembers your people's status and treats you like better than most other humans.
Your parents immigrated to Doron, probably as refugees. (When wrting in, pleas specify what animal your tribe resembles (QM can and will veto stuff that doesn't fit in the setting!) and how human they look on a scale from 1(Elder Scrolls werewolf) to 10("catgirl"). This has impacts on your physology.).
[]Write-in (QM can and will veto stuff that doesn't fit in the setting!)

OK, so this is a Quest based in the (still incomplete) world I wrote about in this thread. Since the world is mostly just a collection of random ideas, players can make stuff up as they go along as long as the QM (me) doesn't veto it.
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Character Sheet

Name: Coreau from Torntal
Titles: The Fury of Torntal,
Race: Beastblood (Raka tribe)
Age: 21

Diplomacy: 6 +1-1+1 = 7 (poor)
Martial: 13 +1+1+2-1 = 16 (expert)
Stewardship: 7 +1 = 8 (poor)
Intrigue: 9 +1+1+1 = 12 (decent)
Learning: 6 +1 = 7 (poor)
Lore: 5 +1 = 6 (poor)

Personal Combat Skill: 6.0
Health: 5.00/5.50
-Injured Wing: you are currently unable to fly. (Negates the Wings trait, -1 Martial -0.5 Personal Combat)

Equipable items are underlined, equped ones are aditionally bold

Money: 6,000 Oaks
  • Standart light Infantry gear: everything a soldier needs, except for armor. (allows to participate in combat)
  • Etios musket: a high-quality flintlock made by the best gunsmiths on the continent. (+1 on personal combat if used)
  • Garik's Armor: Garik One-Eye's breastplate with adorned with a crude drawing of a svered hear. taken as a trophy after the defence of Torntal. (can absorb up to 1 Health worth of Injury and increases infamy gains, can be used to create a magical atrifact)
  • Eye of the North: A crudely worked fist-sized saphire. (worth a lot of money, can be used to create a magical atrifact or as a status symbol)

Prestige: 10
Infamy: 1

Profession Trait: Seasoned Mercenary (Determines your bacic stats)

Beastblood (Raka): You are a Beastblood and therfore looked down upon by most of the human majority. Your tribe in particular has a reputation for a supposed predisposition for thievery. (Reduced Prestige and increased Infamy gains)
Wings: You are able to fly (Unlocks certain actions)
Perceptive: You have keen senses and a good grasp on your surroundings. (+1 on all stats)
Tactician: You have studied the art of coordinating small units of fighters. (+1 Martial)
Literate: You know how to read and write. (Unlocks new actions)
Night Shadow: You are an expert on covert nighttime operations: (+1 Intrigue, Bonuses to combat at night)
Brave: You laugh in the face of danger (+2 Martial, +1 Personal Combat, Bonuses to morale and certain actions)
Stubborn: You are stubborn like a mule. (-1 Diplomacy, Prevets certain actions)
Mind Warrior: You know a thing or two about psychological warfare. (+1 Diplomacy, +1 Intrigue, Bonuses to certain actions)
Sharpshooter: Even if your weapon isn't the most accurate, you still use it with deadly precision. (+1.5 Personal Combat)
Folk Hero: Killing Garik One-Eye made you quite a few friends amonst those he used to terrorize (Improved relations with common folk)
Keep It Simple Stupid: You learned that by observing what happens if you don't. (intrigue failures are less likely to ruin your day)
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Your Assets
Edelbert Guldappel

Race: Human
Age: 27
Occupation: Paymaster/Logistics Officer

Diplomacy: 17 (expert) (Edelbert's good looks, charm and silver tounge are quite helpfull for his job.)
Martial: 10 (decent) (He was an active member of the Cinnabar Banners but spent most of his time dealing with logistics rather then fighting)
Stewardship: 20 (expert) (Between his upbringing as a member of the Guldappel family, a good education, natural talent and experience he's quite a wiz at buisness and logistics)
Intrigue: 13 (competent) (He understands that any kind of buisness sometimes requires plaing dirty and knows a trick or two)
Learning: 11 (decent) (He studied at the University in Nustad but that doesn't make him a scolar)
Lore: 6 (poor) (Doesn't have any more mystical knowledge that any other avarage joe)

Personal Combat: 2.0
Health: 5.0/5.0

Attractive: He's quite handsome and charming (+1 Diplomacy)
Privileged Family Name: Being a member of the famous Guldappel family has it's perks (+1 Diplomacy, Improved realations in certain circles)
University Education: He studied at the University of Nustad (+1 Diplomacy, +1 Stewardship, +3 Learning)
One-Eyed: Edelbert lost an his right eye in the war. (-1 personal combat)


Race: Human
Age: 40-ish?
Occupation: Alchemist

Diplomacy: 3 (incompetent) (He tends to really creep people out)
Martial: 5 (poor) (He doesn't rally care about military matters)
Stewardship: 9 (decent) (He knows how to properly manage his own finaces and runn a one-man buisness, but not much more)
Intrigue: 18 (expert) (Elwyn won't admit it, but it's obvious that he has a rather shady past)
Learning: 26 (legendary) (He's a studied Alchemist)
Lore: 19 (expert) (As a thaumaturge, he knows a lot about traditional magic and other mysteries despite not actively practicing them)

Personal Combat: 3.5
Health: 5.0/5.0

One-Handed: He's missing his left hand and refuses to talk about it, you suspect if was cut off as punishment for something (-1 Diplomacy, -4 personal combat)
Necromantic Prostetic: His left hand consists of magicaly animated bones. (negates penalties from One-Handed, -2 Diplomacy)
Thaumaturge: Elwyn is a practicioner of magic and follows the Thamatugigcal school of thought (+2 learning, +2 lore, can use magic)
Exile: Elwyn is no longer welcome in his home kingdom (+2 Intrigue, Decreased relations with Alba)
Maniacal: He's somewhat obsessed with his trade (-1 Diplomacy, +1 Learning, increased chance for mad scientist-y shenanigans)
Type: Settlement
Population 291/300
Econ: 12
Saved up Econ: 7
Food: 0/20 (current population consumes 6 per year)
Order: 2
Loyalty: 8
Mood: 8
Military 22/75
Important Local Religions: Suhum worship, Moon Mother Cult, Animism
Education Level: negligable; 2.71 % Literacy, negligable Higer Education
Volcanic soil: The volcanic ash and warmth from the hot springs makes the soil rather fertile (+2 food prodction)
Hot springs: Hot springs keep the valley relatively warm and provide natural warm baths (immunity to the effects of harsh winters, reduced effects of epidemics, tourism provides +1 econ)
Thieves Nest: The village has a problem with thieves (-2 Order, chance of temporary econ loss)
Domestic Spies: You have established a network of sniches and informants within the village (+1 Order, provides defence against espionage and a bonus to certain intrigue actions)
Trade Route: You have estabished a trade connection with Merkton (+1 Econ, regular steel imports)
Tax System: You put a formalized tax system into place (projects that cost 2 or more econ are 1 econ cheaper)
Housing III (100 pop capacity/level)
Farms III (+6 food/year, 3 econ, produces Grain)
Ranch I (+1food/year, 2 econ, produces lifestock, horses and salpeter)
Penal labour Mine and Smelter (3 econ, +1 Order, produces Copper, upgrade Laboratory to produce Alchemist's Silver)
Granery II (20 food storage)
"Somkey Field" Inn (2 econ, +1 mood while booze is available, produces booze from grain)
Guard Station (25 military capacity, can properly hold prisoners)
Stone Walls (immune to attacks without siege weapons)
Barracks (50 military capacity, bonus to troop training, allows recruitment of full-time soldiers)
Lava Trenches (prevent damage from a volcanic erruption, destroyed on use)
Bank (prevents econ loss from crime, allows accumulation of unused econ)
Workshops I (1 econ, 1 production slot)
- Master Gunsmith (produces improved firearms from steel, bronze or red brass)
Laboratory (makes research easier, allows practicing thaumaturgy and production of alchemical preparations, produces different Alchemicals from available raw ressources)
School (slowly improves the settlement's literacy)
Partial Roads (no effect yet)
Suhum Shrine (improves mood of worshipers)
Moon Mother Shrine (improves mood of worshipers)
Grain (a source of food and a raw material)
Lifestock (a source of food and raw materials)
Booze (3 seasons, required for certain buldings to function)
Ammunition (required for a functioning military)
Steel (industrial material)
Sulphur (raw material)
Salpeter (raw material)
Improved Firearms (can be used to arm troops)
Simple Alchemicals (trade good)
Bath Salts (trade good)
Horses (strategic ressource)
Copper (raw material)
  • 10 Raka Scouts (veteran (285/1500 xp); standart light infantry equipment, etios muskets; 12/30 HP)
  • 20 Village Militia (regular (0/1000 xp); standart light infantry equipment, cheap spears; 40/40 HP)
  • 6 Rookvalle Scouts (green (61/500 xp); simple muskets; 2/6HP)
  • Mo'Kash jugs (primitive form of canning; you no longer loose food to spoilage)
  • Sir Wulfhelm Thurske: former comrade, tense
  • Edelbert Guldappel: friend
  • Elwyn: loyal
  • Torntal: gratefull
  • Merkton: neutral
  • Neighbours: indebted to you
  • Other Warlords: you are beneath their notice
  • The Empire: you are beneath their notice
  • The Kingdom of Alba: you are beneath their notice
  • Nomads: neutral
  • Golubaglas Clan: potentialy prefered trading partners
  • Belozub Clan: neutral
  • Beth Mac Cedwyn: hostile
  • Paladin Tristyn Mac Arthwr: ???
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Look! A chance to play as a Jeanne D'Arc or a Shut Hell! How can I possibly resist?

[X] Female
[X] Human

I assume we're free to vote? Otherwise, I can delete this post and repost at a later date.
Some organisational stuff: I have University and other thigs to deal with, but I'll try to update as regualarly as possibe. If I don't say otherwise, expcet the newest update to be uploaded not later then around noon (Berlin Time) on Saturday. Votes are open as soon as the update is posted and until I announce the time of the next one.

I'm using CK2-style quest mechanics with some tweaks.
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BTW, while we are at the first vote, the nation the PC is from still needs a proper name. It's currently refered to as "The Empire", but feel free to post suggestions for a name.

The Empire (placeholder name)
A loose alliance of smaller kingdoms, duchies and couties that all pay lipservice to an elected emperor. Based on the HRE, with a more old Saxon-like culture. (the people living near the border to Alba are a bit more english than saxon)
-[X] Ursa (8), you're mostly human-looking, but you have bear ears, hands and teeth.
It has been a litle over 24 hours and there are still ony 3 votes? Seems like this quest is also gonna die before it even started. Am I really such a bad QM? :(
-[X]Snake(?) Like the faunus from RWBY. You have poisonous fangs, slit pupils, can see infrared and in the dark, and are very flexible. Also better at sensing vibrations and smell than most people.
-[X]Snake(?) Like the faunus from RWBY. You have poisonous fangs, slit pupils, can see infrared and in the dark, and are very flexible. Also better at sensing vibrations and smell than most people.
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It has been a litle over 24 hours and there are still ony 3 votes? Seems like this quest is also gonna die before it even started. Am I really such a bad QM? :(

Don't let anyone tell you that or put you down, just keep going through as the quest gain momentum it will gain more voters. I find this idea intriguing

-[X]Snake(?) Like the faunus from RWBY. You have poisonous fangs, slit pupils, can see infrared and in the dark, and are very flexible. Also better at sensing vibrations and smell than most people.
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So QM are you going with your dark fantasy world theme or have you changed the world a little
Just asking but could you go into more depth as what you as the QM are trying to get out of this quest?
So QM are you going with your dark fantasy world theme or have you changed the world a little

I've made some changes and added some details, but the main concepts are still more or less the same.

Also, I should probably clarify that only "real" animals are allowed as Beastblood tribes. Dragons don't exist in this setting.

Just asking but could you go into more depth as what you as the QM are trying to get out of this quest?

I'm not sure what exactly you mean by this question. Do you want some additional information on what I have envisioned for the quest's bacic plot or my general reasons for trying my hand at QMing? Could you please elaborate?

To summ up what this quest is about: You are a War Veteran that somehow (TBD during character cration) found him/herself in charge of a small fronteer town in the Northern Wilds.

The Northern Wilds
The steppes north-east of the Empire noone bothered to really expolre until now. Populated by nomadic tribes and some settlements of fugitives and refugees.
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How Magic Works
How Magic Works
In adition to the physical realm, there is a metaphysical plane that is usually refered to as the Netherrealm. Everything that physcally exists casts a metaphysical shadow that exists in this plane. Normally, it is not possibe for the physical world and the Netherrealm to influence each other, however some people are either born woth the ability to percieve the Netherrealm or posses a magical artifact that allows them to do the same. Those who have learned how, can than interact with the metaphyscal shadows (usually called essence) of objects in long and complex processes to make alterations to them and by doing so create magical effects that can even potetially circumvent the laws of nature. Unfortuntly, the universe fight back at attempts to mess with the natural order an this mainfests itself in a phenomenon known as taint, caothic and malevolent energy that has harmfull effects on almost everything it comes into contact with. The exact properites of Taint aren't fully understood beyond the knowledge that taint is bad as high enough ammounts can cause a magic user to become sick, cause pretty much anything it comes into contact with to be twisted into a warped abomination. Some try to harness the warped energies, but that newer ends well. Fortunatly raw Taint is rather unstable and condences within days into a much less harmfull but still highly toxic substance known as "Black Salt" that further decays into seemingly nothing.

Among magic users there are two major opposing schools of thought: Thaumaturges and Trditionalists.
Thaumaturges treat magic as a science to be studied and understood, but tend to get a bad name due to the disatrous consequences of the actions of more recless or ruthless researchers.
Traditionalists on the other hand preach adhearence to the practices that are already in place, with varying degrees of flexebility.

  • Magic can't happen on it's own
  • Magic requires a lot of efford and preparation
  • Magic always carries the danger of unpleasant side-effects, usually in the form of taint
  • The more powerful the magic, the more taint you'll have to deal with
  • Taint is magical pseudo-radiation with all that it entails
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-[X] Ursa (8), you're mostly human-looking, but you have bear ears, hands and teeth.

Bears are fun
-[X]Minotaur tribe
The most common Bestbloods in Doron, your people are the decendants of slaves that worked in the countless mines of the duchy. Well, technically you are still slaves, but almost no one remembers your people's status and treats you like better than most other humans.
perliminary Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] Female
No. of votes: 7
Cornix Argentus

[X] Human
No. of votes: 1

No. of votes: 8
Cornix Argentus
Rungni Khazadson

-[X] Ursa (8), you're mostly human-looking, but you have bear ears, hands and teeth.
No. of votes: 2

-[X] Crow (3)
No. of votes: 2
Cornix Argentus

No. of votes: 2
Rungni Khazadson

-[X]Snake(?) Like the faunus from RWBY. You have poisonous fangs, slit pupils, can see infrared and in the dark, and are very flexible. Also better at sensing vibrations and smell than most people.
No. of votes: 2

-[X] Drakkin (9) QM VETO
No. of votes: 1

-[X]Minotaur tribe
No. of votes: 1
Rungni Khazadson

Looks like female had a pretty significant lead, while it's more or less a tie on the Race. Hope there will be some more votes comming in before the next update.
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BTW, a small question to everyone who voted for Bestblood/Crow(3). How do you imagine them too look like? Cause I have no idea.
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