Combine the last two games you played

Plant's Vs. Zombies and X-COM Enemy Unknown.

The Zombie Apocalypse happens during the War. The Zombies were developed as a way to combat the Alien threat by EXALT.

The Plant's were developed of course, by a civilian who was trying to prepare for the Alien apocalypse and give everyone a defense. Dave. Who then turns Crazy.

The UberEthereal attempts to control Dr. Zomboss.

Dr. Zomboss's wish for BRAINZ! makes him invulnerable, and they have a battle of wills.

Zomboss figures out Alien technology, and starts to have the zombies build it to start eating the aliens BRAINZ! as well.

EXALT and X-COM are now fighting both a zombie apocalypse, and an Alien invasion.

Crazy Dave is brought in on X-COM and with the help of Dr. Vahlen start's to make genetically enhanced plants and armor for the plants to both go on missions and act as defense turrets. The frozen peas alone would be a boon, then you have explosive cherries. You can carry tons on these, just throw and BOOM. No planter needed, and a few dozen weigh as much as a grenade.

Crazy Dave mass produces these plants, while Dr. Vahlen use's modified plants to start mass producing resources Small metal planters are air dropped by the Sky ranger before each mission to secure areas.

Everyone can carry a planter, while seeds are mandatory.
This War Of Mine and Fate Of The World.

...this just got dark.

As the world struggles with global climate change, millions of people are displaced by rising seas and changing weather patterns, and regional wars race across the globe, a small group of civilians have to survive poverty, extreme weather conditions, plagues, and man's inhumanity to man in an effort to stay alive long enough to possibly be evacuated.
Nobody ever expects the Giant Space Hamsters, amiright?
Or everything else in DND that would fuck up a space invasion. Epic level wizards say hi to your silly spaceships. Honestly, the settings would not blend well. At all. Unless you want a crackfic about Giant Space Hamsters beating up aliens, but eh.
Endless Legend and Telltale's Game of Thrones

Well the most obvious being a 4x GoT/ASoIF game or a TT story game set in the EL universe, both of which would be awesome to play but I would love to see a bit more of a merge between the two worlds.

I'm sure some would say the North should be a kingdom of Vaulters and I'd agree. They share some common traits with the Northerners, including strong, ancient traditions and a bit of resistance to the harsh winters of their world. Unsurprising that some consider them dwarfs in all but species.

But here's the interesting thing, the Vaulters are a matriarchal society which would make things before Robert's Rebellion rather different as that would mean that Lyanna Stark would have been the first heir to Winterfell, not Brandon. She would have gotten to live the life she desired and it would be very unlikely that the arranged marriage between her and Robert would have happened as that would marry the two future lords of two Major Houses, preventing one from inheriting their position. And course that raises the question about Rhaegar and the events that started the whole war.

To say nothing of things at the start of the whole story.

Hmm... I'll have to file that away for later.

Okay, the First Men are Vaulters, having risen from their ancient underground cities in Westeros, warring and later making piece with the Children of the Forest, various Clans becoming their own kingdoms across the continent until the Andal Invasion which was only a partial success, with some kingdoms falling to them, others merging with them through marriage and alliances. For instance the Andal, Lann the Clever, through guile and treachery usurps the Vaulters of House Casterly and takes over the Westerlands. Only the North remains purely Vaulter in the end though.

The Valyrian Freehold was built on dragons, dust and a few bits of Endless technology and it fell because of it. However from the ashes of Valyria rose not just House Targaryen but the Cult of the Eternal End, which during the Century of Blood came to dominate Slaver's Bay and has been slowly expanding across Essos ever since.

I could see a merging of the Free Cities and Roving Lords faction who are basically a nation of Middle Easter-esque merchants. Same with the Priests of the Lord of Light and EL's Argent Mages, who are a group of mages that hone their craft through flagellation and ritual scarring. Maybe the Children of the Forest with the Wild Walkers.

The Necrophages, the Broken Lords and the Drakken... I'm not sure about them yet. Though the Drakken are connected to dragons so I probably would also connect them to Valyria.

Dust exists in this world and is over course one of the most valuable resources in the world. Since both worlds have the whole Summer/Winter thing going on that says as does the Long Night and the Others/White Walkers.
Europa Universalis 4 - Bastion Rising: Colonial Edition.

You are The Kid, leader of the last living refugees of Celondia, fleeing a world fallen to pieces behind you. Do you have what it takes to explore the unknown, locate new land, discover new peoples and civilizations... And fabricate Casus Belli and conquer them ruthlessly for the Celondian Dream.
Heavily modded Minecraft meets Space Engineers.

So... Space Engineers with a more flexible build system and planets? Or Minecraft with better space travel and multiblock vehicles?

Dark Souls meets Alien Isolation: You Are Well And Truly Fucked Edition.
GiantDad Cannot Save You Now Edition.
Light The Fucking Bonfires Or The Alien Will Eat You Edition.

Praise The Company. You always know a working hollow. Try hiding and then tears.
Someone Explain to me how to Combine Love Plus + with Shin Megami Tensei please?

Shin Megami Tensei: Date a Demon.
Want to have that hot succubus on your team Harem? Or maybe that hot Archangel? Hell even the cat is fine!
Now with the option to take your demons to a nice date on Hell, talk with them and even simulate skinship!
Don't forget to log-on every few days or they will get mad at you! And you will not like it.
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Hmm... Blue Planet (Freespace 2 MOD) and The Babylon Project (FS2-based standalone)?

Centauri ship jumps into Sol and finds pre-war United Earth Federation.

...Which, i think, would make good fic.
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Someone Explain to me how to Combine Love Plus + with Shin Megami Tensei please?

Shin Megami Tensei: Date a Demon.
Want to have that hot succubus on your team Harem? Or maybe that hot Archangel? Hell even the cat is fine!
Now with the option to take your demons to a nice date on Hell, talk with them and even simulate skinship!
Don't forget to log-on every few days or they will get mad at you! And you will not like it.
This is actually pretty easy, in most of the SMT games (minus personas 3 & 4) you can initiate conversations with demons, including wooing them, flirting them and in persona 2 you can even do stuff like play a rockband or deathglare them into submission.

also literally every other game in the SMT series other than these 2 and I think digital devil saga, would work for this.

Edit: here's a video

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Wargame: Red Dragon and Skyrim.

The Eurocorps brigade desperately fights against the Dragonborn and her scaly minions. Leopard 2 tanks are holding the line with naval support from stealth frigates, while absolutely OP modded spells tend to disintegrate reservists as well as the Foreign Legion. The Fallschirmjäger '90 disappeared quite some time ago, with a last panicked transmission about a "vampire"...
Skyrim and Crusader Kings 2.


An open world game with the gameplay of Skyrim and the sheer scale of Crusader Kings 2, with all the politics, events and dynamics of borders, being able to lead actual armies and take over, massive battles with wizards on both sides... what's not to like? :)
Red Alert 3: Uprising and Pokemon ORAS.

i have no idea how this gonna work. :p
The communist pokemon commune strikes out against the capitalist trainer regime of the west... But wait! From the darkness of the far east comes the empire of the Rising Clones led by emperor Mewtwo to attack the overstretched forces of their distracted enemies!
The communist pokemon commune strikes out against the capitalist trainer regime of the west... But wait! From the darkness of the far east comes the empire of the Rising Clones led by emperor Mewtwo to attack the overstretched forces of their distracted enemies!

Oh shit!, that mean Allies got Kyogre while the Soviet got Groudon! The Rising Sun either get Rayquaza or Mewtwo!
Endless Legend and Europa Universalis 4


That'd actually be a pretty bitchin' awesome fantasy Grand Strategy game. Would play, 121/10.